Lattices of the summer and Mikhailovsky gardens entered the history of Russia. Honored fences

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Walking along the Griboedov Canal in the Savior-on-blood area, it is impossible not to pay attention to the magnificent arrass in Modern style, separating the Mikhailovsky garden from the embankment. It is truly unique, but the most interesting thing is that the creator remained unknown. Many attribute her thoughts of Architect Alfred Palanda, who created sav-on-blood, especially since the event of events coincide - this is the end of the 19th-early 20th centuries. It was at this place that in 1881 an attempt was made to King Alexander II, in honor of what the cathedral was erected, and a memorial plaque was installed on the fence of the Mikhailovsky Garden.

What to see

The lattice is on the parapet, lined with red granite slabs. It consists of 36 columns, covered with colored bricks in the form of a spiral. From below, they are decorated with white stone, which gives them an exquisite appearance. Several pillars and gates are decorated with spike flowers and birds. Most Maolika was lost and not yet recreated.

Forged lattice details are made at the Karl Vicler plant. Companies of the company decorate many famous places St. Petersburg, for example, the famous House of Zinger (now "House of Books").

The basis of the fence is forged lattices with intricate vegetable ornament - blooming flowers, branches - they can truly be called cast-iron lace created by the master of the highest level. Over the gates are installed interesting lights - this is an exact copy of those that were here 100 years ago, but with amendment to modern realities - the anti-vandal grid "I hope". However, it looks quite organically. When recovery began at the beginning of the new millennium, there were documents in the Russian Museum, according to which it was clear that the Tsarskie Venzel Alexander II hung at the gate. New gates and lattice exactly repeat the drawing of the old.

Practical information

Address: St. Petersburg, Nab. Canal Griboyedov. Coordinates: 59.939924, 30.329740.

How to get there: from Nevsky Pr-Ta to turn to the embankment of the Canal Griboedov towards the temple of Spas-on-blood.

100 Great Sights of St. Petersburg Myasnikov Senior Alexander Leonidovich

Mikhailovsky Garden

Mikhailovsky Garden

On his avenues there is a feeling of something real, genuine. And it is not by chance. This is the only city gardens that retained the style of the genuine Imperial Garden. And, probably, therefore, it is in it annually a wonderful holiday "Imperial Gardens of Russia".

Petersburg gardens and parks appeared immediately after the founding of the city. One of the first was a summer garden.

The territory of the modern Mikhailovsky Garden to the foundation of St. Petersburg was part of Swedish hunting grounds. And then became part of the summer garden. That first, or large, summer garden stretched from Neva to the current Nevsky Prospect.

In 1712, Peter I gave part of the land under the device of the residence of his wife, Empress Catherine. At the place where Pavilion Rossi is now, a small wooden palace, called Golden Horograms, was built.

Fence of Mikhailovsky Garden

At the palace, a garden was broken, which extended between the rivers of the crooked (the current Channel of Griboedov) and the Erik (Fontanka) almost to the large pempultiles (Nevsky Prospect). The garden at the Golden Christie was named Tsaritsyn, or her majesty garden. At the same time, the third summer garden was fixed behind the garden. For this garden from the Moscow, Pskov and Novgorod provinces brought Solovyov and other rare birds. Fruit trees and berry bushes are embossed here.

The south of the palace was dug five rectangular ponds. They bred all kinds of fish. Eastern "choir" there were cellars with wines and other edible supplies.

In 1718, Peter I invited the famous Hannover gardener Gaspar Fokhta. He worked in the first and second, and the third summer gardens. In addition, he served the pharmaceutical garden.

June 24, 1741 in the second Summer garden, in place where Mikhailovsky Castle is now, began to build Summer Palace. In 1745, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna settled in the palace. Here, by the way, the future emperor Paul I Petrovich was born.

With Elizabeth, Petrovna, the territory of the modern Mikhailovsky garden was redefined. The garden received a regular layout. The trees triggered in the form of geometric shapes, put the sculptures on the alleys, pulled the curly ponds, settled flower beds, flower beds and pavilions. On the shore of the sink built an imperial bath. In the center of the garden there were swings, carousels, roller coaster.

In 1768, the Golden choirs of Catherine I on the command of Catherine II disassembled.

In 1817, large-scale work began on the creation of the ensemble of the Mikhailovskaya Square and the construction of the Mikhailovsky Palace. The architect Karl Ivanovich Rossi entered the redevelopment of all its surrounding territory. Including the former Third Summer Garden. Promotional architects, artists, gardeners were engaged in the improvement of the garden in 1822-1825. When maintaining elements of regular planning, the garden was given a landscaped character. The northern facade of the palace has an English meadow. And rectangular ponds fell asleep. At the site of the Golden Chorok Karl Ivanovich Rossi, the Pavilion Pier was designed. Now it is Pavilion Rossi.

A converted and redeveloped garden on the palace built by 1825 received a new name - Mikhailovsky.

By 1830, a garden fence was extended along the Mikhailovsky Garden. The garden was burned from the street with an artistic fence.

The hostess of the garden, like the palace, became the wife of the Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich Grand Princess Elena Pavlovna. Grand permanent Chet arranged horse walks here, celebrated memorable dates and holidays. Mikhailovsky Garden among the citizens received an unofficial name - the garden of Elena Pavlovna.

One of the most memorable events in the history of the garden happened on a warm summer day of 1839. In the Mikhailovsky Palace, a ball was arranged in honor of the marriage of the Great Princess Maria Nikolaevna (daughter Nicholas I) and the Duke of Lehichtenbergsky. And the Mikhailovsky garden has become truly in the paradise garden. Newspapers wrote: "All the flowers from Pavlovskaya and Oranienbaum Orangers were brought to the ball to the ball and 5 barks, which led a special steamer .... Everything in the garden and in the palace bloomed and bolly, and such an abundance of rare and multicolor plants did not happen to see ... A fantastic illumination was shone from the garden with a wonderful view of Mars and Neva ... "

On March 1, 1881, on the embankment of the Catherine Canal, opposite the Mikhailovsky Garden, the participants of the terrorist organization "People's Volia" are mortally injured by Emperor Alexander II. On the same day, the sovereign died. In memory of this event here in 1883-1907, the Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ was built, better known as Savior-on-blood.

The artistic fence of Modern style for the architect Alfred Alexandrovich Parland appeared between Mikhailovsky Garden and the Cathedral. The semicircular fence was executed in 1903-1907 at the enterprise K. Wincler. She, along with the fence, the summer garden is considered one of the most beautiful in St. Petersburg. After the fence took His place, the city, who watched the order on the streets, was imputed to the duty to look after the celebrating the public did not damage the forged lace. And garden caretakers were to pour lubricating oil into the openwork shutter sleeve with the Imperial Monogram, who opened on the square from the Central Alley of the Mikhailovsky Garden.

After the transfer of the Mikhailovsky Palace for the needs of the Museum of Emperor Alexander III (Russian Museum) in 1898, the garden became publicly available. True, at the entrance to the gate, they hung a sign: "Dogs and soldiers are prohibited."

In 1900, the territory of the Mikhailovsky Garden declined due to the construction of the building of the Ethnographic Museum.

After the revolution, the Mikhailovsky Garden came to launch.

In 1924, the garden decided to restore. They cleared the pond, repaired the fence from the garden street, planted new trees.

In 1929, a wooden sculptural composition of the authorship of A.P. was installed before Pavilion Rossi Solovyov. The sculptor called her "Freedom Tree", the sculpture was a peasant, freed from the shackles. In 1939, a playground was built in the Mikhailovsk garden, set the stage and the toilet. From the west to the east, the new track was laid through the garden.

During the war and the blockade of Leningrad, the territory of the Mikhailovsky Garden became the case of the shelter of many monuments. They were buried on the lawns and alley. Among them, for example, - an equestrian monument to Alexander III. Many trees have fallen here, many trees were damaged, funnels formed in the garden. But the monuments were not affected.

Restoration work in Mikhailovsky Garden was held in 1949. In 1959, the bust of the sculptor F.I. was installed in the meadow Schubin.

In 1999, the Mikhailovsky Garden was transferred to the Main Russian Museum. The next garden reconstruction was carried out in 2002-2004. He again attached the features that Challenge Karl Ivanovich Rossi. Strong old and sick trees, planted new ones.

Removed the "Freedom Tree" and Bust Shubin, returned previously laid tracks.

Pavilion Rossi, on the shore of the sink, installed the bust of the architect, as well as the busts of artists K. Bryullov and A. Ivanov.

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Naberezhnye fences. Park fences. The gate of the palaces. In St. Petersburg, these concepts acquire special importance. Great Master of Architecture created in St. Petersburg fences, lattices, fences and gates of amazing beauty.

The fence of the Mikhailovsky Garden in a semicircle outlines the passage near the church of the Savior-on-blood, separating it from the garden of the garden, and stretches from the Beno'a building on the Embankment of the Canal Griboyedov to the washing river. Figure pillars lined with yellow decorative bricks, and metal links of wrought iron grid with large floral ornaments characteristic of early modern. Vitious drawing is very successful with elegant external species standing near the cathedral.

The fence was constructed in 1904-1907. According to the project of the artist E.K. Kverfeldt. For other sources, the fence was created in drawing an AA architect. Parlanda - author of the temple building.

Mikhailovsky Garden is one of the most famous and comfortable park areas of St. Petersburg.
From the south side, the Mikhailovsky Garden is limited by the Mikhailovsky Palace, Ethnographic Museum and Beno'a Corps.
On the east side, the park rests on the Garden Street (across the road - Mikhailovsky Castle), from the northern side of the Moika River and Marso, from the west side of the temple of the Savior Blood.

Before St. Petersburg was founded, the territory where the Mikhailovsky Garden is located, belonged to the Swedish landowner.
After the victory, Peter decided to build an estate for his wife on this place.
The palace called the Golden Choir. A garden, unofficially called Tsaritsyn, or the garden of Her Majesty, was broken around.
He stretched almost to the most "big prospectors", between the rivers of the Erik (now - Fontanka) and a deaf river or krivushi (Ekaterininsky, and now - Griboyedov canal).

At one time, Mikhailovsky garden wore the name "Third Summer Garden."
So it came out after the real summer garden was broken into two parts, and is named, respectively, the first and second summer.
The "third" was called upon to deliver the Empress maximum pleasure. To begin with, six hundred Solovyov, caught and brought to St. Petersburg from the forests of the provinces settled.

Wine cellar was placed in the east. In five, specially dug ponds, grow fish. And, of course, - berries and fruits.
It turned out quite big, as if they said today, the "royal household site."
Especially for the care of the garden, from Hannover was discharged Gardener Gaspar Fokhta. In his jurisdiction, the pharmacy, the first and second summer gardens were also located.

In 1741, the summer palace began to build here (he stood in the place where Mikhailovsky castle was placed now).
When the Empress settled in the summer, the garden received a regular layout. Trees and bushes have been tonsured, marble sculptures, old and newly created ponds have attached a curly shape on the alleys.
There were flower beds on the shores, settled flower beds, put the pavilions. In the center installed entertainment attractions, and even built a separate bath.

In 1796, the new Emperor Paul first demolished the old Tsaritsyn chambers and built a Mikhailovsky castle on this place, and from the south side the king occurred to the Palace for his son.
But the conspiracy interrupted these plans for 20 years. Only in 1817, on the project of Karl Rossi, the construction of the Mikhailovsky Palace, conceived Paul, began.
When he was completed, the former third summer garden, by the name of the palace, became also called the Mikhailovsky Garden.

The wife of the Grand Prince Mikhail Pavlovich became a new mistress of the Palace and the Garden, - Elena Pavlovna.
Following fashion, the garden made landscape. Near the palace, ponds were ponds for fish and arranged the English lawn. At the scene of the gardens, the tracks were laid for horse rows, which were fond of great princes.

On the first day of the spring of 1881, the garden received dubious glory. Not far, on the Ekaterini channel embankment, Alexander the second was mortally wounded.
At the site of the events built a chapel, and then the temple called "Savior-on-blood".
The cathedral was separated from the park, so the Mikhailovsky Garden grille appeared, which became one of the most beautiful in the city.

For public visits, the garden was discovered in 1898. True, by that time, its territory decreased somewhat, since the part was departed under the building of the Ethnographic Museum.

There was a sign on the gate, prohibiting the entrance to soldiers, as well as walking dogs.

After the revolution, the garden was completely abandoned.
Remember him in 1924. Then the ponds cleaned, put new trees, repaired the fence.

In 1939, a sports field, stage, set several sculptures in the Mikhailovsky Garden.

Gate of Mikhailovsky Garden

During the blockade, there were many sculptures on the territory of the Mikhailovsky Garden, one of them was the equestrian statue of Alexander the Third.

In 1999, the territory was transferred to the Russian Museum to the Russian, and at the beginning of the 21st century it was reconstructed again, giving the 18th century planning traits. The tracks stipulated by the Karl Rossi project were rebounded.

Today the garden is gorgeous, and suitable for walking. True, almost nothing has been preserved from ancient buildings.

There is only the Pavilion of Russia, the former wall for small boats of the imperial family.

Which becomes an object for photo shoots and selfie.

Mikhailovsky Garden has two entrances:

  • From the Sadovaya Street, opposite Mikhailovsky Castle
  • From the Griboyedov Canal, here the landmark serves as a temple of the rescue.

It is best to start a walk through the Mikhailovsky garden by the temple of the Savior of the Blood on the Blood, having passed from the Nevsky Prospect on the Embankment of the Griboedov Canal. Here is the entrance with a beautiful fence with a unique grille.

Mode of operation of the Mikhailovsky Garden - Summer 2019

  • from May 1 to September 30 - from 10:00 to 22:00
  • from October 1 to April 1 - from 10:00 to 20:00
  • from April 2 to April 30 - closed on drying

Ticket price in Mikhailovsky Garden - Summer 2019

The entrance is free.

Grid Mikhailovsky Garden

An forged lattice of the Mikhailovsky Garden looks tender and easy, although made of heavy metal. Flowers and patterned curls as if contrast with massive columns and the base of the red brick. The gateway to the Mikhailovsky Garden is decorated with tiles with images of colors and colorful birds.

Interestingly, the author of this wonderful creation is definitely not known, but it is believed that the fence was carried out on the plan of architect Alfred Parland, who also created the blood. The construction of the temple took place at the endXIX.- earlyXX century in place, where in 1881 the emperor Alexander was killedII.. The fence was also installed at this time. It has a sign that resembles a tragic event.

Openwork drawing of the lattice can only be admired from the side of the temple of the adhesion on the blood. If you enter the Mikhailovsky garden from the Mikhailovsky castle, then notice that the fence is much easier.


Mikhailovsky Garden is a monument to landscape architecture created by the great master Carl Rossi in 1825. In the planning of the garden, two styles are combined: regular (French) - on the perimeter of the garden and landscape (English) - in its central part. There are many lungs and trees, a pond of the wrong shape. At the same time, we will meet and elements of French style - sculptures, smooth lawns and flower beds with flowers. The area of \u200b\u200bthe garden zone is 9.4 hectares.

Mikhailovsky Garden is the only place in St. Petersburg, where the style of the Imperial Garden has been preserved. Not in vain on his avenues, the International Floral Festival "Imperial Gardens of Russia" takes place annually.

Typically, the holiday passes in the period of white nights. At this time, hundreds of compositions and art facilities from plants of all sorts of flowers decorate the expanses of the Mikhailovsky garden, which becomes a seating area, entertainment and creativity. Exhibitions and various cultural events are held here.

At the same time, on ordinary days, the Mikhailovsky Garden is one of the most cozy and calm green zones of St. Petersburg, the place of silence and peace. The benches are installed on its territory, there is a playground. Perhaps the most beautiful place Here is a pond in English style (irregular shape) and cast-iron bridge Rossi. As a rule, there are many cases, and ducks are slowly slowly flooded.

Thanks to the white color and openwork grid pattern, the bridge looks gentle and easy. it favorite place For photo shoots and, of course, it is especially popular during wedding ceremonies.

Pavilion Rossi in Mikhailovsky Garden

According to Karl Ivanovich Rossi (or Carlo di Giovanni) in the eastern part of the park on the shore of the sink, a granite pier and a pavilion were built, which is two square buildings connected by through column. From the pavilion to the water led the granite terrace marina, fenced with an openwork cast-iron grille.

After a watery walk, the grandnya ships moored to the pier. Members of the royal family and their guests went to the pavilion. Here they rested, drank tea and played cards. During walks, the building served as a place of shelter from the rain or heat.

Currently, a cafe is arranged in one of the premises, which can visit that anyone.

Initially, the pavilion had a gray color, and now the structure is yellow. The Pavilion has established a bust of the Creator of the Pavilion, the architect Karl Rossi. Also near the building you will see busts of artists by Karl Bryullov and Alexander Ivanova.

From the history

With the base of St. Petersburg, the urban territory began to be equipped. Here, the summer gardens stretched from the Neva to the current Nevsky Prospect. On the site of the current Mikhailovsky Garden was the third summer garden.

  • In 1712 in the third summer garden, where Pavilion Rossi is now located, Peter I built for his wife Catherine I Palace - Golden choirs. The garden around the palace was called Tsaritsyn, he planted with fruit trees and shrubs, brought here rare birds, and in the dilated ponds
  • When Elizabeth Petrovna (Peter's first and Catherine's daughter), the garden receives a regular layout. Its central part has become a place of entertainment, they installed swings and carousels here, hill ridiccias. Trees and bushes began to cut down the form of geometric shapes, broke the flower beds, the sculptures appeared on the alleys, built pavilions and a bath on the shore of washing
  • In 1819, Karl Rossi begins large-scale work on the creation of the ensemble of the Mikhailovsky Palace. The landscaping of the Mikhailovsky Garden took place in 1822-1825. Along with regular layout, there is a landscape style landscape. So, the English meadow was arranged at the Northern Facade of the Palace, lawns and ponds of arbitrary shape appeared. On the site of the Golden Choir, on the embankment of the washing was built a traditional Pavilion for the Landscape Park with a granite pier, known as Pavilion Rossi.

Mikhailovsky Garden became the gift of Emperor Alexander I younger brother Prince Mikhail Pavlovich. The hostess of the whole ensemble was His spouse Elena Pavlovna. In honor of the prince of the palace and the garden were named by Mikhailovskiy. But informally, the garden was often called the Garden of Elena Pavlovna.

Here, the grand permanent homes noted memorable events and holidays, made horseback riding. In 1898, after the heirs of Prince Mikhail sold the palace in the treasury, the Russian Museum was located in the building.

Mikhailovsky Garden became accessible to the general public after the victory of the October Revolution. In those days, at the gate hung an announcement "Dogs and soldiers is prohibited".

In Soviet times, it was an ordinary park with stage-pop, pavilions and platforms for children.

During the Great Patriotic War Mikhailovsky Garden saved many works of art, sculptures and monuments were buried here, among them and the equestrian monument to Alexander III (now at the entrance to the marble palace). All works of art survived, while many trees were destroyed by bombs explosions. Currently, thanks to the efforts of restorers, in general, the Mikhailovsky garden also looks like almost 200 years ago.

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