History. Palace of Peter I in the summer garden opened after restoration Summer Palace Peter 1 Description

St. Petersburg is similar to a carved casket from turquoise and gems. Carved-painted walls - bas-reliefs with hundreds and other old fairy tales and semi-thousand stories. Cover - dome churches and high spiers, crowned with flora and crosses. The bottom is the foundations of old buildings that still remember the breath of their creators, high vaults and powerful beams that continue to solemnly hold weight in a few centuries. And it is necessary to open the box, and inside the eclectics of styles and the striking combinations - grace, strength and power, which bloom with new colors with the onset of each century.

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Summer Palace Peter the Great is difficult to call a beautiful palace complex Northern capital - This building looks somewhat modest or even pale against the backdrop of other giants - real poetry in stone, however, it is this palace that is part of the Russian Museum, representing a residence, where most of his time, not engaged in the roads or military campaigns, conducted the Great Monarch . So, it is here that it is worth noting if the desire arises to understand exactly and how this person lived.

The summer palace was initially built as the imperial residence, appearing on the map of St. Petersburg hardly with the foundation of the city. The main concerns on his appearance And the design lay down on the shoulders of an eminent master of their business - Domenico Trezini, by whose project and was subsequently erected by a small two-storey mansion in the rhythm baroque. It is worth noting that, despite the fact that the architect is still formally, the first mansion plan was developed by a monarch personally, and only then these drawings were adjusted and several recycled in a creative manner. The location of the residence also chose Petr Great personally - between Fontanka and Neva.

Some find the design of the summer palace somewhat scanty - his walls are decorated with only twenty-eight bas-reliefs, which, as expected, turned out to be another variation on the perpetuation of victory over the Swedes in brilliant Northern Wars for Russia, and the layout of the rooms is the same for both floors, but this simplicity Buildings with interest pays off by the complexity of the laconicity of the device of the summer garden, which was thinking as imitation of Versailles. It is noteworthy that the imitation came more than complete - and today the summer garden continues to be considered one of the most sophisticated samples of landscape art.


Summer Residence Monarch is pretty interesting place To visit, not only from the position of deepening to the life of the emperor himself, but also from the point of view of observation of those innovations that this energetic person decided to take over their more confident in the technical issues of neighbors. So, an unusual vane, which is a figure of George a victorious, who is familiar with the gesture of Smya, is the work of one mechanic with whom Peter the Great met in Dresden.

The unusualness of this mechanism was that its main component is located just the same under the roof of the mansion and is a complex panel for that time, on which it was possible to track not only the direction, but also the strength of the wind. Another peculiar detail of the summer palace is the presence of sewage, which was the first sample of the structures of this orientation in the entire city.

Today, visiting the summer palace includes not only the opportunity to personally take a look at the monarch's office, his dressing room, personal rooms and workshops, but also visit another pretty remarkable building, which is called human peace. What is the value of these premises? It was here that once there was so barbaric stolen amber room, as well as a number of collections that were replenished by personal initiatives of Peter the Great. So, it was here that the same collection of Ryuysh, Dutch anatoma, who caused genuine interest from the Russian monarch and admire the results of his work. Today, this collection can be found in the course of a visit to Kuntskamera, as it has become one of the first components of the future museum of oddities.

The most interesting sights of St. Petersburg in our article.

Opening hours and ticket costs

A visit to the palace complex usually begins at ten o'clock in the morning and ends 18:00. Cashs are closed by an hour earlier. Pretty atponed the selection of the day off - this is Tuesday. There are differences in the cost of tickets for citizens of Russia and some CIS countries, for foreign citizens. The first in the general case will spend on tickets no more than one hundred rubles, of course, if they are not included in preferential categories, the second will have to pay up to three hundred rubles for the entrance ticket.

- The oldest building of St. Petersburg. Baroque built in style, used the royal family only in the summer. Today the Palace is a branch of the State Russian Museum.


ATwho was a state residence, in 1710, the time for the birth of the summer palace came.

Summer Garden itself appeared a little earlier than St. Petersburg

The territory for the residence arrangement was determined by no accident. Yet in the second half of the XVII century there was a manor with garden the owner was Swede Major Konau. Accordingly, in the middle of the trees, swamps and water, this put on the ground has already been lifted. Another reason for choice departure from the noise of construction work by erection Petropavlovsk Fortress. Peter I, despite his greatness and power, I slept, suffering from neurosis and mental disorder, it was even minimal noise.

In 1710. A small house from the tree, which remained from the mizza of Konau on the Summer Garden site, was dismantled. And immediately bounded the construction of the summer palace.

In 1712, Peter had already entered the palace unfortunately to the end, which he was very loved. Here he spent every subsequent summer until the end of his days.

After the death of Peter, until the 50s of the XIX century the building was a summer house for officials and courtiers. Despite the status of the summer residence, the officials dwell in it and in winter, but only on the 2nd floor.

During the reign of Alexander I In the warm season in the summer palace began to let the public.Since 1934. year in the building the historical household museum has opened.Since 2004. The summer palace entered the staff.


Summer Palace - one of the oldest buildings of St. Petersburg. The building is completed in the style of Petrovsky Baroque. At the palace strict Circuit, High Roof With four slots. Proportions Clear, many windows, under the roof - bas reliefs and stucco frieze - Explicit stylistic baroque expression. Voditary Completed in the form of winged dragons, and for the separation of floors used 29 bas-reliefs. They represent scenes of ancient mythology. Allegorically bas-reliefs narrate the Northern War. Decor four facades are made by frieze.

entrance to the palace decorate Roman goddess wisdom Minervasurrounded by combat trophies and victorious banners. Marine theme Tracks on facades. Here you can consider Tritons, Neremid, sea horse-hippocampes with fish tails in Czech. Also, the figures of the most ancient deities and heroes, dolphins - as the symbols of sea calm, which guard the palace. And the roof of the summer residence is crowned fluger in the form of a figure George Victorious, Defender of the ancient Russian man.

Architects and Creators of the Palace

Author and the designer of the summer palace is an . Chief architect and sculptor, outstanding German Andreas Slut was engaged in facades and interior decoration Palace. Not far from the residence, on the Fontanka Embankment is he also he began to build a grotto. Finished Building a grott after the death of the gate Matnanov and Micketty.

Later, in 1826, the grotto turned into a coffee house thanks to K. I. Rossi


Summer Palace Peter I. suffered in the course Great domestic wars. The fragments of the shells greatly damaged the roof, the plaster was sprinkled in the rooms from the ceilings, the frames and facades were injured. In 1946., almost immediately after the war a quick cosmetic restoration was performed. However, already in 1947, the work of the museum continued.

Complete recovery of the palace was held in 1950-1960. They returned the initial type of residence, replaced the floors and changed the heating system. The walls are again abundant with a cloth, the drawing of the plafoons and the modeling was also restored.

In 2015-2017, a comprehensive restoration was held at the Palace, which was preceded by the painstaking work of historians and art historians. During the work in the summer palace, the atmosphere of the royal dwelling of the early XVIII century was restored.


On each of two floors Palace are in 7 residential chambers. There are no large rooms. On the the first floor of the vehicle Self Peter, on the second - Catherine. And Peter, and Catherine had their own Bedroom, Wardrobe and Cook: on the first floor - the bottom, on the second - the top. Catherine was content with one Reception, and Peter had two and Secretarian. But on the second floor were located Dance, Children's and Famous Green Cabinetwho still retained his primary appearance and he was a home kunstkamera Peter.

In the palace floor of marble, many mirrors and decorations. Stairs and panels on wooden walls, oak. Some rooms were blocked by large velvet beds. Walls decorated beautiful Chinese upholstery.

Both outside and inside the palace filled with allegoric victory symbols in the Northern War. The walls of many paintings on which sea vessels and battle fields are captured, you can see portraits and landscapes.

Before the foundation of St. Petersburg in 1703, the banks of the Neva were not deserted.

The life in the city of Nien, and at the place of branch of the Neva River Fontanka, was a rich estate of the Swedish Major, who served in Nienshanz's fortress.

The manor was called Mazz Konau, and the Russians called her "Kononov Manor".

At this place, after the founding of the city, and the summer residence of Peter was built.

It should not be assumed that the Nevsky shores were populated by the Swedes, which, as a result of the war, king Peter was kicked. Almost near Kononova estate stood a completely Russian village "Usadishi".

Unlike the surrounding marshide, the territory of the manor was landscaped not so much from the point of view of the nonsense amenities, but also quite utilitarian: the field was attenuating, fertilized and had a good garden.

On the basis of this garden (when the need for it disappeared) from 1706 around the palace began to breed the summer garden that became famous for the whole country.

At first, the building of the royal house was wooden, from the river Fontanka to him there was a channel, so for the safety of the estate was surrounded with water from three sides.

Since the main events of the start of construction of St. Petersburg unfolded on the other side of the Neva, a small moisture bay was organized before the summer palace, which was called Havanets.

In1710, on the project of the architect Domenico Trezini, built a stone summer palace.

The facade of the new building. Architect gate was decorated with bas-reliefs with the image of the events of the Northern War.

Peter instructed the same architect to equip the internal interiors of the palace, but the gate died, dedicated to the palace just a year of his life.

Peter's wife and children lived on the second floor, and the relatives of the king were located on the first. The reception room was immediately located, where he accepted his petuncts, and the Cake Center, where the king was self-made self-keenly, and where did they have been released.

It was in the lobby of the summer palace that the first attempt was made on Peter Raskolniki.

And the most favorite room of Peter in the palace was a lathe workshop.

The palace called "Summer", because the royal family moved here in May and lived until October.

The walls were quite subtle, there was no heating. But, the first in St. Petersburg sewage system was arranged in the summer palace.

She was a flow, this was facilitated by the strength of the Fontanka River. And in the house the water was served by pumps.

In 1777, the flood destroyed the channels around the palace, and the sewage system has ceased to act.

After the death of the king and his wife, no one lived in the palace, he was used for the meetings of the secret council and for recreation of the court emperors. And after the construction of a new large summer palace for Empress Elizabeth Petrovna on the shore of the sink (where the Mikhailovsky castle is now), this one was abandoned at all.

It saved the house from alterations and rearrangements and retained the original appearance to the present day.

After the revolution, he was transferred to the Russian museum, in 1934 they assigned the status of an independent historical and domestic museum, but then returned back.

Today, the Summer Palace of Peter First is a branch of the Russian Museum.

In the 60s of the 20th century, a complete restoration of the palace was made, thereby restored many of the initial elements.

Until now, the Summer Palace has retained a cozy home atmosphere, in the exposition of the museum you can see the personal belongings of the king, his wife Catherine, their court and Freinin of the Empress.

Opening hours:

  • Visiting the exposition of the Summer Palace of Peter I Session: 11.00, 12.00, 13.00, 14.00, 15.00 and 16.00, groups up to 15 people.
  • Tickets only at the Palace Cash

Official site

The address:

  • St. Petersburg, Summer Garden, Kutuzov Embankment, House 2

How to get:

The nearest metro station is a seating courtyard.

Coming out of the subway underground transition We fall on the other side of the Nevsky Prospect. This is an intersection with a garden street.

For Sadovaya you need to go, without turning anywhere.

I will pass the Mikhailovsky Palace, go through the wash river, we go along the Swan's grooves (on the other side of which the summer garden is located). The road rests on the palace embankment.

Here you need to turn left, go to the top-wincing bridge and, reaching the middle of the summer garden lattice to enter inside. On the first Alley to turn left.

The alley goes to the fountain embankment, where the Palace of Peter 1 is located.

The city that is rightfully considered cultural capital Russia - St. Petersburg. Having been once again, I want to come back again and again. Each of his corner, every centimeter is saturated with the centuries-old history of the Russian Empire. Streets, squares, gardens, parks, bridges, museums and architectural monuments Create a unique atmosphere in this city. Anyone who arrived in St. Petersburg will be able to feel the unique harmony of excellent settlement. Sights of Peter do not cease to surprise his guests. The main pearl of which is the Palace of Peter I, on which we will stop your attention is extremely popular with tourists.

The history of the first summer palace

After the construction of admiralty began on the left coast of the Neva, residential buildings began to appear behind the house. Peter I also chose a plot for his residence - the territory on the coast of the Neva between the River Mie (T-shirt) and the Unnamed Erik (Fontanka). The first summer palace was a small wooden structure. The plastered and painted structure was not distinguished among other buildings located next door, and little resembled the royal residence.

Symbol of the new policy of Russia

The victory under Poltava in 1709 meant a fracture in the Northern War in favor of the Russian Army. In St. Petersburg began hasty construction of numerous stone buildings. During this period, the swan canal was laid, which joined the washing with the Neva. As a result, there was a small island between rivers. It is on this piece of land Peter I and decided to build a stone palace. By order of the king, a project was created, symbolizing the new political direction of Russia. The architect of the Summer Palace of Trezini offered to arrange the building of the future royal residence in such a way that the same number of windows went both to the West and east. Peter I approved this idea, and on August 18, 1710, the construction of the palace began, which was completed in April 1712.

Summer house

An amazing feature of this structure was that when it was built, the first sewage system was built. The water was supplied to the house with the help of pumps, and the plum was leaving to the fountain. Since the summer palace from three sides was surrounded by water, driving force was the course of the river itself. However, after the flooding that occurred in 1777, a small bay Havanets, located in front of the house, had to fall asleep. This led to the fact that the first sewage system ceased to act.

First floor of the palace

The king moved to the summer palace, which is presented below, with all his family immediately after the end of the construction and lived in it from spring and to late autumn. He held six rooms located on the first floor, including a bedroom with a fireplace. Nearby there was a reception room where various meetings were held and important things were solved. The king's favorite room was a lathe with a machine, where the emperor in free time Mastered a carpenter's craft. He did not regret any strength and was proud to have corn on his hands.

Second floor of the palace

The Summer Palace of Peter I had the second floor, which was led by a massive oak staircase. There were six rooms here, in which the Queen was located with their flashes and children. The interior of the second floor was significantly different from the first, since there was a huge number of mirrors and paintings. Next to the bedroom Catherine I was a beautifully decorated throne hall, in which the queen solved their affairs. The green office was surprised by visitors with its magnificent gold-plated finish, numerous fumbouts from ivory and wood, as well as amazingly beautiful Chinese frescoes. For parties and dances, a special room was assigned.

Summer garden

Near the Palace was broken in 1720, a magnificent garden, which resembled a huge park. Beautiful alleys stretch through the entire territory of the garden. They share an array with beautifully trimmed trees and shrubs. Throughout the territory, sculptures symbolizing Russia were established. In addition, there were many busts from marble in the garden, whose creation was attracted by the best Italian masters. Special attention was paid to the construction of fountains, which served the decoration of the palace territory. Due to the fact that the summer palace from three sides was surrounded by water, special boats were offered for walking.

Historical memo

The king loved the summer palace very much. It was here he spent last days own life. In 1725, in the lobby of the palace on Peter I, there was an attack headed by one of the Raskolnikov, which ended with a fatal outcome. After the death of King Ekaterina I never lived in the residence. For some time, meetings were held here, but in the end the palace was the place of rest of the imperial court.

Everything is beautiful - forever

After three centuries, the Summer Palace in St. Petersburg practically did not undergo changes. The time did not make adjustments to the outer decoration of the palace. Until this day, not only the strict look of the building built in the Baroque style, but also the summer frieze under the roof, consisting of twenty-nine bas-reliefs, which share the floors. Under the high four-tie roof, drains were preserved, built in the form of winged dragons, and it was installed with a vane in the form of George Victorious, showing in addition to the appearance, the main part of the interior decoration was preserved: artistic carving walls, painted ceilings and tiled ovens. Almost the old look has a green cabinet, dining room and those rooms in which the royal frames lived.

Tour of the Summer Palace

Today, this palace is rightfully included in the "The Best Attractions of Peter" section. Thousands of tourists seek to visit him. What can be seen in the palace?

The main decoration of the lobby is a large panel - the bas-relief of Minerva, carved out of wood. You must not pay attention to the door, the platbands are made of black marble. She leads to a room that once was a reception kit. The next room is intended for the twins, it does not represent much interest. Next is the Assembly (second receiving), the main decoration of which is the ceiling "Triumph of Russia". And between the windows, the Admiralty armchair has previously belonged to Peter I. For the second reception, there is a narrow room, once served by the wardrobe king.

Continuing to inspect the summer palace, let's go to the next room - the Emperor's office, where some other personal belongings are preserved. So, interest is the gift of the English king of George I - the ship's ship in the corner is equipped with a oak closet, which is applied beautiful thread. The center is a huge table and a working chair. From the Cabinet leads the door to the royal bedroom. The plafof is attracted here, which shows the god of Sleephors, holding the poppy heads in his hands. Looking at him, it is not difficult to determine the purpose of the room. There is a beautiful fireplace in the bedroom, in which, according to legend, the court royal jester Balakirev was hiding.

On the second floor, the most interesting will be the green office, which retained his entire finish in primeval form, it was already told about it. The corner has a fireplace on which the sculptures of the Amurov are installed. Going to the dance room, you will fall into the world of mirrors. Special attention deserves a large mirror in a walnut frame with unique threads. In the children's room you can see the plaffon, which shows a stork holding a snake in the beak, which symbolized the glorious reign of the heir and the death of enemies. Finally, you need to go to the Throne Hall of Catherine, where its throne is still.

The palace still has a cozy home atmosphere, which attracts numerous tourists. It's not only here to see this attraction of St. Petersburg and meet a story. Many want to understand how the emperor lived and that he was surrounded.

Where is the summer palace and how to get to him

Palace is located at: Summer Garden, House 3. To get to this place, you need to get to the metro station "Seating courtyard". After that, in the garden street to go to the quay of the Swan Groan. It is necessary to go in the direction of reducing the numbering of houses. Near the embankment and is the entrance to the summer garden.

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