Tour "exclusive Normandy - Brittany" by air to Brussels. Tours to Normandy Holidays in Normandy by the sea

Good afternoon We thank the DEVISU company for the excellent organization of the “Armenia in all its glory” tour from July 6 to July 12, 2019! Many thanks to our guide Lia, who opened up for us the history, culture and traditions of ancient and modern Armenia at the highest professional level! Her love for Armenia, talent, delicacy, subtlety, and intelligence won our hearts! The trip was amazing and unforgettable! We wish the company further success and prosperity!


Tatiana and Andrey Nechaev, Moscow

Ekaterina, good afternoon! Thank you, I had a great trip, the room was what I wanted (with a view of the park and a bathroom). I was very pleased. Thank you.

The only thing is that the transfer, in addition to me, met other women who were brought to Karlovy Vary and I had to travel instead of 2 hours from Prague to Marianske Lazne for 3 hours. This, of course, was not convenient; they brought me there in the evening. Of course, it would be more convenient to fly to Karlovy Vary.

Larisa, Perm

Hello, Ekaterina. Our trip was a success.

The hotel is good. Repair, furniture, plumbing, bed linen - in excellent condition, no comments. Very clean and comfortable.

Breakfast was the same every day, but with a good assortment - so you could diversify your menu simply by choosing different dishes.

There is a kettle, tea, coffee, sugar, cream in the room. We used it. Tea was added daily. Linen and towels were changed twice a week.

The hotel is located in a quiet area, there is no noisy crowd. There are several direct tram routes to the center (both to the railway station and to shopping centers, and to the main attractions).

The drive is less than half an hour. 2 stops near the hotel: one right under the windows, the other a 5-minute walk at a walking pace.

Lyubov Leonidovna, Moscow

Ekaterina, hello! I apologize for not dropping you a couple of lines earlier: I was sorting out my affairs, sorting out my suitcase - or vice versa.

We really enjoyed our holiday in Armenia, organized with your help, everything went smoothly, without a single hiccup. Thank you very much for organizing the tour!

Special thanks and low bow to the host - "Armenia Travel". The drivers are beyond praise, the guide Liya Bakhshinyan is a true professional and a very sincere, sincere person. Over the course of a week of close communication, we became almost family.

Normandy has a mild maritime climate, summers are humid and not hot, winters are warm but receive most of the precipitation. In summer, the water warms up to +24 degrees, so you can give preference to a holiday in Normandy by the sea, or rather on the Atlantic Ocean.

What to see in Normandy

The Norman lands have a rich history, and therefore those who like to touch it are drawn here. In the square of the capital - the city of Rouen - Joan of Arc was executed, and you can see this place with your own eyes. There are majestic Gothic cathedrals and churches that have been preserved since the Middle Ages.

In the town of Deauville, you can relax your body and soul in one of the thalassotherapy centers. In the summer, a variety of festivals are held here: American cinema, jazz, a convertible parade, and a vintage car rally.

Trouville has the most best beaches and seafood restaurants, as well as a unique art museum. Normandy and painting are inextricably linked: the artist Claude Monet lived and worked in Giverny, a small village. His estates still welcome all admirers of beauty.

And of course, what tour to Normandy would be complete without visiting its famous calling card, the “eighth wonder of the world” and UNESCO heritage – the Abbey of Mont Saint-Michel. It looks incredible: in the middle of an ideal plain, a lonely mountain rises, on which stands an entire city with a monastery in the center.

What to try in Normandy

It is in Normandy that the best Camembert and Livarot cheeses are made, try them to be sure. Don’t forget about delicious apple cider and Calvados; these drinks are praised for a reason. And be sure to attend a wine tasting in the museum, because France without wine is not France.

The most important thing you cannot leave Normandy without is the landscapes of Etretat. The famous chalk cliffs, some of the most beautiful in the world, have stood there for many centuries. It’s better to rent accommodation on the coast to extend your admiration of the beauty for several days. A tour to Normandy from Moscow is worth choosing for aesthetes, art lovers and those who yearn for true romance and want to relax away from the bustle and noise of the city. Normandy is simply created for such an easy holiday.

Tours to Normandy take you on a journey to the French province in the north-west of the country, which is just two hours from Paris. This area is famous for its farms, apple plantations and dairy products, most notably Camembert, Pont l'Evêque and Livarot cheeses. Local resorts have always been very popular, especially among the bohemian elite, artists and poets, as well as girls who want to preserve their youth forever.

The province received its name in the 9th century from the Norman bases established on the rocky shores. It was from Normandy that William the Conqueror set out to conquer English lands, and for a long time this area passed from the French to the English and back. Here, in Rouen, on the Old Market Square in 1431, Joan of Arc was burned, but thanks to her exploits, already in 1450 Normandy became a French province.

Thanks to a tour to Normandy you can relax on seashore amidst picturesque nature, idyllic countryside and luxury resorts.

Resorts of Normandy

Purchasing tours to Normandy guarantees you a vacation best resorts this French province, among which are such pearl cities as:

  • Deauville is home to gorgeous sandy beaches and the endless sea, high-quality thalassotherapy centers, restaurants with fresh seafood, luxury hotels and celebrity villas, as well as hippodromes where the most prestigious horse races and equestrian competitions are held;
  • Trouville is an ancient fishing village founded in Viking times. The resort has its own casino, a thalassotherapy center, excellent conditions for windsurfing, horse riding, golf, as well as many restaurants, cafes and bars, a lively fish market with fresh sea creatures;
  • Honfleur is a picturesque port town with ancient architecture that once inspired many impressionist artists, and numerous antique shops with stunning art collections;
  • Mont Saint-Michel - built in the 11th to 16th centuries on a protrusion from the sea granite rock the abbey, which is rightfully considered the eighth wonder of the world. The structure is protected on all sides by the sea, and only a 2-kilometer-long dam serves as a bridge between the island and the mainland;
  • The pebble beaches of the “Blooming Coast” and the chalk beaches of the “Alabaster Coast” are extremely popular among tourists from all over the world.

1 day Brussels - Rouen - Honfleur:Detailed information on recommended flights from Russian cities and transfers is presented in the section "Transport - Featured flights". Flights arriving in Brussels before 11:30 am are recommended.For those flying from Moscowdeparture on the morning Aeroflot flight at 08:15 SU-2168. Arrival in Brussels at 10:50.Meeting with the guide at the airport. Moving to Rouen(~ 350 km) - the capital of the Duke of Normandy. , the city of a hundred bells, famous for its Gothic cathedrals. Here you will have the opportunity to visit the Rouen Cathedral of the 13th - 16th centuries, famous all over the world for Monet’s paintings, the Vieux Marché square - the place of execution of Joan of Arc and the Church of Joan of Arc, the Palace of Justice of the 16th century, and see the ancient medieval clock on the pedestrian street Gros Horloge. Free time. Moving to Honfleur(~ 90 km) Hotel accommodation.

Day 2 Honfleur - Fécamp - Etretat: Brief inspection of Honfleur with its famous port. Honfleur- the main defensive port of Normandy in the 15th century, which turned into a charming resort town ok with picturesque bay, so beloved by artists of the 19th century. Free time. Possibility of tasting cheeses and Calvados for an extra charge on site.

In the afternoon, excursion to resort towns on the English Channel Fécamp And Etretat(~ 110 km) for a surcharge of € 50. The trip includes a visit "Alabaster Coast"" - the snow-white coast, which got its name because of the chalk mountains and white waters characteristic of this area of ​​​​Normandy. Return to Honfleur.

Day 3 Honfleur - Deauville - Bayeux - Caen: Departure to the resort town Deauville(~ 15 km.) Tour of Deauville. Deauville - a prestigious sea resort that was built in 1859 for the Parisian nobility by Duke Charles de Morny.Deauville is famous not only for its wide sandy beaches with a two-kilometer wooden Promenade des Planches and colorful umbrellas on the beach, but also a yacht port, numerous hotels and restaurants and a racecourse, which was also built by the Comte de Morny to host horse racing all year round. Free time for lunch.

Afternoon excursion to small towns Bayeux and Caen(~ 110 km.). The main attraction of Bayeux is Cathedral, the construction of which began in the 11th century and was completed only in 1497. Caen is the former capital of William the Conqueror, founded by him around 1060 and famous today for its medieval fortress in the city center, which was included in the list historical monuments France. Accommodation at a hotel in the town of Caen.

Day 4 Caen - Mont Saint Michel - Cancale - Saint Malo: Transfer to the bay (~ 125 km). After arriving at Mont Saint-Michel, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, your guide will lead you through the narrow streets of the medieval town to the top of the cliff, telling you the stories and legends of the place. At the top of the island you can admire panoramic views of Atlantic Ocean and the bay, after which visit the Benedictine Abbey. Entry tickets to the abbey, as well as the audio guide, are paid on the spot. The first people settled here in 709. Mont Saint-Michel consists of a medieval tree and the majestic Abbey-fortress of St. Michael the Archangel. Construction of the Benedictine Abbey began in the 700s and continued until the 1200s. The entire island is classified as a UNESCO site world heritage. It has remained virtually unchanged since the Middle Ages, when it was a destination for pilgrims from all over the world. Mont Saint-Michel remains the most visited place in France. Possibility of tasting Calvados.

Transfer to (~ 50 km) – a small port with views of the Bay of Saint-Michel, famous for its oyster markets, where you can not only visually enjoy the picturesque market, but also taste the freshest oysters. Tasting oysters right at one of the market stalls on the seashore, where fishermen's wives sell oysters: a choice from the largest N00 to the smallest N5. You can opt for the most popular size N3. Prices start from 3 euros per dozen! Speaking of The total area of ​​Cancale oyster plantations is 400 hectares! Free time for lunch at one of the local restaurants - tasting is not a hindrance in this case.

Moving to Saint Malo(~ 18 km) - resort on the Atlantic coast of Brittany. Hotel accommodation in Saint Malo.

Day 5 Saint-Malo - Dinard - Dinan - Perros-Guirec - Roscoff - Saint-Paul de Lyon - Brest: City tour of the Terrible city of corsairs, the birthplace of the discoverer of Canada Jacques Cartier and the poet Chateaubriand, a sightseeing walking tour with a tour of the Old City, surrounded by moats and high walls, with narrow cobbled streets and buildings of the 18th century, and the Castle of the 14th-15th centuries.

Excursion trip to Brittany with visits to small towns. Total duration (~ 300 km). Departure to a fashionable Brittany resort Dinar(~15 km) and a brief inspection of it. Transfer to Dinan (~20 km). Dinan- a guided walk through one of the most beautiful medieval cities in Brittany, where the stone-and-timber houses and cobbled streets of the Old Town are preserved, surrounded by fortifications from the 13th century. Moving to the village Plumanak.There are many souvenir shops, cafes and restaurants, but people come here mainly to admire the stunning beauty of the nearby rocks while walking along the “customs officer’s path”, from where great view on Perros-Guirec and an incredibly beautiful coastline- Coast of Pink Granite. P visiting the town Perros-Guirec, then transfer to the port city Roscoff, connecting France with England by ferry. The tour of Brittany will end with a visit to the neighboring town. Saint-Paul-de-Lyon. Typical Breton town Saint-Paul-de-Lyon, famous for the 12th century cathedral, which is dedicated to St. Paul Aurelian, one of the “fathers of the Motherland” who brought in the 6th century. Christianity in Brittany. A trip along the "Road of Parish Temples" - an encounter with Brittany, inaccessible to standard excursion routes(Saint-Tégonnec, Guimillo, Lampo-Guimillo). Inspection of the so-called “calvary” – architectural ensembles(characteristic only of Brittany), consisting of a temple with a cemetery, a crucifix and an ossuary, surrounded by a stone wall.

Transfer to Brest. Accommodation at a hotel in Brest.

Day 6 Brest - Corzon Peninsula - Cape Point du Raz - Quimper: Excursion around Brest. Departure to the peninsula Corzon(~60 km), visit to the cape Point du Raz(~75 km) and cities Camper(~55 km). Cape Point du Raz– the westernmost point of France – a narrow strip of rocks, surrounded by a raging sea, an object classified 3* in the Michelin guide, as one of the main assets of France “Grande site national”. Total duration (~195 km). Accommodation in Quimper.

Day 7 Quimper - Carnac - Quiberon - Vannes - Rennes: Tour of Quimper. Camper is the most ancient city Brittany whose history dates back to the 5th-6th centuries - Gothic churches, picturesque houses give it a unique colorful appearance: inspection of the Saint-Corentin Cathedral of the 13th century, one of the oldest and most famous cathedrals in Brittany, associated with the name of one of the 7 “fathers of the Motherland” , Kereon Street and Maslyanaya Square. Free time. Moving to Karnak(~ 110 km.). Karnak- one of the largest archaeological centers in the world, numbering about 3,000 ancient stones (menhirs) installed in parallel rows. Moving to the Peninsula Quiberon(~20 km) offering magnificent views of the Atlantic Ocean and the island Belle-Ile. Moving to Vannes(~45 km) – medieval city in the Gulf of Morbihan, military base Brittany 9th century Hiking through winding streets with half-timbered houses, an ancient market and the remains of the city wall. Moving to the capital of Brittany city Rennes(~ 115 km.). Tour of Rennes - one of the most picturesque cities in France with numerous parks and museums, in the center of which there are about 90 historical monuments. Here, 18th-century mansions coexist with medieval churches and half-timbered houses. Hotel accommodation. Free time.

Day 8 Rennes - Vitre - Fougères - Paris: The tour program includes a trip along the "Golden Arc" of the fortified cities of Brittany. Moving to Wine glass(~50 km), famous for its perfectly preserved fortress of the 11th-15th centuries. – the main bastion of the Breton defense line; Inspection of the defensive fortifications of Fougères. Moving to a cozy town Vitre(~28 km) - a city where memories of knightly legends come to life. Walking tour of Vitra with a tour of the picturesque castle of the 15th-16th centuries. and streets with painted houses.

You will find it no less interesting visiting a city located on the road to Paris (~233 km) with a tour of one of the richest French Gothic cathedrals of the 11th-12th centuries, the original “Bible in stone and stained glass compositions.” Transfer to Paris (~95 km) Accommodation at a hotel in Paris.

Day 9 Paris: Sightseeing tour of Paris. Free time for additional excursions.

Day 10 Paris: Free time for additional excursions.

Day 11 Paris - Brussels: In the morning departure to Reims(~150 km). Reims is the twelfth largest city in France, the place of coronation of French kings. Here is the famous Reims Cathedral, built on the site where King Clovis was baptized. This is where most of the kings of France were crowned for more than a thousand years. Reims included in national list French cities of art and history, here arefour UNESCO World Heritage Sites. In your free time, a tasting of the champagne for which the region is famous will be offered for an additional fee. Champagne . Free time in Reims.

Option A*: Transfer to Brussels Airport (~240 km). Departure 23:40 on an evening Aeroflot flight. Arrival at 03:55 am in Moscow.

Option B*: For those who plan to fly the next day on morning, afternoon or evening flights of Aeroflot, Brussels airlines, etc. An additional night at a hotel in Brussels + transfer to the airport for your flight is offered for an additional fee.

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I hereby, being the Customer of tourist services included in the tourism product, and the authorized representative of the persons (tourists) specified in the Application, give consent to the Agent and his authorized representatives to process my data and the data of persons (tourists) contained in the Application: last name, name, patronymic, date and place of birth, gender, citizenship, series, passport number, other passport data indicated in the passport; residence and registration address; home and mobile phone; E-mail address; as well as any other data relating to my identity and the identity of the persons specified in the Application, to the extent necessary for the implementation and provision of tourism services, including those included in the tourism product generated by the Tour Operator, for any action (operation) or set of actions ( operations) performed with my personal data and the data of the persons specified in the Application, including (without limitation) collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data, as well as carrying out any other actions provided for by current legislation Russian Federation, using automation tools, including in information and telecommunication networks, or without the use of such tools, if the processing of personal data without the use of such tools corresponds to the nature of the actions (operations) performed with personal data using automation tools, that is, it allows for in accordance with a given algorithm, searching for personal data recorded on a tangible medium and contained in file cabinets or other systematized collections of personal data, and/or access to such personal data, as well as transfer (including cross-border) of this personal data to the Tour Operator and third parties - partners of the Agent and Tour Operator.

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This Consent is an annex to this Application.

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