Old Rhodes attractions. Rhodes: interesting facts about the medieval city

Although interesting places scattered throughout Rhodes, I give the palm among its attractions without a shadow of a doubt to the old part of the capital of the island. If the city as a whole has become for me a kind of quintessence of everything that is collected on this amazing island, then its old part clearly claims the role of a precious stone in a golden ring, whose name is Rhodes.

Old city, whose photo can most often be found on the covers of guidebooks around the island, is picturesque and in many ways unique place, which has preserved the appearance and spirit of a real medieval port, where peoples, cultures and religions intersect. Since the city of Rhodes was founded back in 408 BC, today different epochs intersect behind its walls - from antiquity to the 20th century.

And despite the fact that the old part of Rhodes is a real city-museum, ordinary people still live in it: looking at their modest houses with unlocked doors and not fully drawn curtains, you think that they feel quite comfortable in the epicenter cultural life cities.

For those who came to Rhodes as a guest, visiting the Old Town is an opportunity to touch history and make many personal discoveries, because even with a detailed guide map, you can explore its streets, if not endlessly, then for a very long time.

How to get to the Old City

To get to the Old Town, first of all, you should purchase a ticket to the city of Rhodes, the cost of which, depending on where you are staying, ranges from 1.1 to 9 euros. The highest cost for tickets to the capital is from Cape Prasonisi, since you will have to travel across the entire island. Buses from major settlements depart to Rhodes about once an hour, and tickets can be bought both at special kiosks at the bus stop, and simply from the driver - there is no difference in cost, but you can immediately buy a return ticket at kiosks. To get to the Old Town, the easiest way is to go to the final stop, which is located in the area and is adjacent to the city walls.

If you have already stopped in the capital, then you can easily get to the Old City on your own two feet. In order not to go astray, take a map of the capital of the island from the hotel, and if this is not possible, just follow the signs "Old Town" - "Old Town". Entrance to the territory of the Old City is free.

Before you set off to explore Old Rhodes, I recommend you stop by the kiosk located on the north wall tourist information and absolutely free to take another map here - a detailed plan on which each object of the Old City is highlighted in a certain color, depending on which era it belongs to. And even if you prefer to set the age of this or that building yourself, such a map will definitely help you not to get lost in the web of narrow streets, sometimes quite winding.

There is another way to get acquainted with the old part of Rhodes - expensive and exotic. Today, tourists have the opportunity to take an hour-long flight in a small plane over the island, and its route is designed in such a way that, closer to completion, make a turn just above the Old Town. To do this, you will have to go to Diagoras Airport. However, such a pleasure will cost 500 euros and is unlikely to replace a full visit to the historical part of Rhodes.

A bit of history

Before talking about the main monuments of the Old City, I consider it necessary to conduct a small historical educational program.

The city of Rhodes, as mentioned above, was founded by the ancient Greeks in 408 BC. At the same time, the city was originally of particular importance, becoming the capital of the island and uniting the once independent policies, Kamiros and Ialyssos.

Since the ancient Greeks had mostly stone temples, it is their remains that today remind us of the ancient past of the city of Rhodes. Unfortunately, there are no traces of the famous Colossus of Rhodes - one of the seven wonders of the world - in the city, so about him appearance we can only guess.

After that, the island was successively dominated by the Romans and the Byzantines who replaced them. In those days, the capital of the island was surrounded by powerful walls, some of which have survived to this day. During the Byzantine period, the island was repeatedly attacked until the Genoese finally captured it in 1248, and the weak Byzantium was forced to accept the loss of Rhodes.

One of the highlights of the island's history came in 1306, when the Genoese sold it to the Knights of the Order of Saint John, also known as the Hospitallers. For more than two centuries of stay on the island, the Johnites turned it into a real fortress, the core of which was the city of Rhodes. It was at this time that the city was surrounded by new powerful walls that made the capital of the island almost impregnable.

Of course, the Turkish Sultan did not like the fact that the base of Christian warrior monks - and the Hospitallers, like the Templars, had the status of a spiritual brotherhood at that time - was located in close proximity to its borders. In many respects, this is why at the end of the 15th - beginning of the 16th centuries, the Ottoman Empire, which was at the peak of its power, threw all its forces into knocking out the knights from the island. It was possible only on the second attempt, after a six-month siege, and even then as a result of betrayal. Prior to this, the garrison of the fortress, consisting of 7 thousand men at arms, successfully repelled the attacks of the 100 thousand Turkish army.

The knights, after being expelled from the island, soon settled in Malta, and the time of Turkish rule began in Rhodes. Numerous mosques of the Old City belong to this period, some of which are still in operation. In addition, the Turks converted into mosques and Christian temples- such examples can also be found on Rhodes.

The biggest loss to the Old City during the Ottoman period was the destruction of the Palace of the Grand Masters, caused by the explosion of a gunpowder store in 1856.

For a long 390 years, the island was ruled by the Turks, until in 1912 the weakening Ottoman Empire was driven out of Rhodes by the Italians. It is the latter that today's Rhodes owes much to the fact that the seemingly lost monuments of previous eras literally rose from the ashes. In particular, in the 1930s, at the insistence of Benito Mussolini, the Palace of the Grand Masters was restored.

Only in 1948 the island became part of Greece again.

Walls of old Rhodes

The first thing that begins acquaintance with the old part of Rhodes is the impressive city walls. Moreover, if from the sea the city is protected by one row of walls, then on the land border there are three rows at once. Today, tourists can walk along the walls themselves, and along the bottom of the moat between them. And even now, walking along the moat, you can find narrow dark passages in the walls, through which it is easy to get into the city. Who knows, perhaps it was through them that scouts and saboteurs made sorties when the Rhodes fortress was under siege.

Despite the fact that there are nine entrances to the Old City, the Amboise Gate and the Sea Gate deserve special attention, first of all. The former are notable for having a zahab or stone bag right behind them. There are similar elements in many fortresses and they were used as a trap: at the very height of the siege, the outer gates suddenly opened, allowing part of the besiegers to get inside, where the inner gates stood in their way, at this time the outer entrance was closed again, and the soldiers who were trapped methodically shot with bows.

The Sea Gate is perhaps the most beautiful of the entrances to Old Rhodes. Massive towers are made in the same manner as the Neapolitan fortress Castle Nuovo, as well as the city gate Torres De Cuart in Spanish Valencia. Above the entrance are depicted the Virgin and Child, the Apostle Peter, as well as the patron saint of the Order of the Hospitallers, St. John.

Monuments of antiquity

The oldest objects on the territory of the old part of Rhodes date back to the ancient Greek period of the history of the island. Unfortunately, now they are in a deplorable state: even relatively well, if I may say so, the surviving temple of Aphrodite is only a foundation and construction details laid out here and there.

Near the gates of St. Catherine, traces of ancient fortifications have been preserved, and not far from the tower of St., you can see the remains of a Roman shipyard.

Monuments of the Byzantine period

Unfortunately, they have survived a little better than the ancient Greek monuments, because, during the reign of Byzantium, which was weakening every year, Rhodes was repeatedly attacked and ruined. First of all, these are small Orthodox churches, many of which are only ruins. Those that have survived to this day owe this, oddly enough, to the Turks, who converted Christian churches into mosques. In this sense, the church of St. Spyridon is remarkable, in which the Ottoman minaret has been preserved.

In addition, the remains of walls and several towers have survived to this day, located in the northeastern part of the Old City, almost directly behind the walls of the knightly period. An interesting fact: the Byzantine fortifications look more crude and simple than the fortifications of the period of domination of the Hospitallers, evoking associations with fantasy films.

Monuments of the knightly period

In addition to the already mentioned city walls, which you are unlikely to miss out on, most of the knightly monuments are concentrated along Hippoton Street, also known as the Street of the Knights.

At its western tip is the former headquarters of the order - the Palace of the Grand Masters. The knights approached the construction of the building with full responsibility, since the palace is a real mini-fortress, inside which you can continue to defend if the enemy breaks through the walls of the city. Today, the palace houses a museum, the exhibits of which relate both to the ancient past of the city and the island, and to the times of the Hospitallers.

At the eastern end of the street is the building of the 14th-century hospital that belonged to the Order. The fact is that, in addition to participating in hostilities, the Knights of St. John built hospitals for pilgrims to the Holy Land and actively disseminated the achievements of Arab medicine among yesterday's barbarians who inhabited Europe.

Today, the hospital building houses the Rhodes Archaeological Museum. The most significant exhibits are the statue of Aphrodite and the head of the island's patron god Helios. Price entrance ticket for adults is 6 euros.

Monuments of the Ottoman period

Together with traces of the domination of the knights, it is the architecture of the Ottomans that largely determines the appearance of the Old City. The minarets of mosques rise from behind the walls, the main and most beautiful of which is the mosque of Suleiman. Named after Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, under whom the Turks occupied Rhodes with great difficulty in 1522, it was built on the site of the Church of the Apostles destroyed by the Ottomans.

Tourists owe the opportunity to look at it from top to bottom to the nearby clock tower, also built during the reign of the Ottoman Empire. Login to observation deck costs 5 euros, and this price includes admission to a small museum, as well as a free drink in a bar located next to the tower.

Among other Turkish monuments, it is worth highlighting the impressive Mustafa Mosque, which, due to the lack of a minaret, can easily be confused with a civil building; the building of Turkish baths located next to it on Arionos Square; as well as the functioning mosque of Ibrahim Pasha.

However, the Ottoman heritage of old Rhodes is not limited to this - just if you set out to give a detailed description of each of the monuments, you will have to write a separate book.

Where to eat and relax

There are also restaurants in the Old Town. I don't think it's a good idea to have a full meal there. The thing is that a meal in the Old Town will cost 20-30 percent more than in any institution located a couple of blocks from the historical part of Rhodes, that is, the average bill for two with alcohol will be 40-50 euros. At the same time, the serving size is at best the same. Let's add slower service here, because there are always a lot of people who want to eat here, and the absence of traditional restaurant compliments like tzatziki sauce, local moonshine or just chopped watermelon, and we can conclude that you should not satisfy your hunger in Old Rhodes unless absolutely necessary.

But if you want to drink a cocktail or smoke a hookah in the fresh air overlooking the Ottoman mosque or ancient ruins, then in Rhodes this can be done, perhaps, only in the Old Town. The cost of a cocktail in such bars is from 4-5 euros, a hookah - from 5-6 euros.

Where to buy souvenirs in the Old Town

After everything I saw, heard, touched and tasted, I, like many who visited the old part of Rhodes, had a desire to take something away as a keepsake. For this purpose, I went to Socrates Street, which runs parallel to Hippoton.

It is on it, as well as on the adjacent streets, that the bulk of the souvenir shops of the Old Town are located.

As for the souvenirs themselves, in addition to banal magnets, pens and key rings, the cost of which starts from 1 euro, you can bring home something more useful in a practical sense.

For example, it can be natural sponges, which are mined on the island of Symi, which, together with Rhodes, is part of the Dodecanese archipelago. The cost of a sponge starts from 10 euros.

In addition, it is impossible not to mention T-shirts, since the imagination of their creators went a little further than banal inscriptions in the spirit of "I love Greece". In particular, it should be noted very high quality and creative prints on the theme of the Crusader Knights, as well as inspired by the famous movie "300" in 2006.

Bargaining, by the way, in the shops of the Old Town is possible and necessary. Of course, this is not a 100% guarantee of receiving a discount, but very often the seller is ready to give up 5 to 20 percent of the original price.

If we try to sum up our walk through the Old City, then for me personally it is a unique example of how different, sometimes hostile cultures, religions and eras coexist peacefully in one place. Here, fussy guides and curious tourists peacefully coexist with leisurely local residents, many of whom were born and raised within the walls of Old Rhodes. And although in different parts of Europe and the world preserved ancient cities, we can rightly say that Rhodes is one of a kind.

The island of roses - Rhodes, like all of Greece, has experienced a lot over the centuries.
The geographical position of Rhodes made it a tasty morsel for all Mediterranean countries. The island was at the crossroads of sea trade routes between Asia and Egypt.
Rhodes was conquered, it became free, then the conquerors came again.

The main attractions of the island are located in its capital - the city of Rhodes.
This city is not only a concentration of unique architectural monuments, but also a wonderful resort, with excellent hotels, beaches, numerous shops, salons, restaurants, taverns and nightclubs.

Rest here is suitable for those who do not like monotony, silence and a measured holiday atmosphere. Life in the city is in full swing — a trip to the capital can become a real holiday, colorful and informative.


The climate of Rhodes is ideal for relaxation. The most comfortable months for traveling are April-May and October-November. During these months, the daily temperature is 20-24 degrees, and the water is still cold for mass bathing - 18-20 degrees.

The hottest months are from June to September. The air warms up to 28-30 degrees, and the water is 22 degrees in June, 24-25 degrees in July-September.

But Rhodes got its name - "Island of the Sun" not by chance - there are 300 sunny days a year.

Rain falls mainly in the winter months: December, January and February.


Almost one and a half thousand years BC, this beautiful fertile land, near the coast of Asia Minor, was owned by the Achaeans. Around 1100 BC, they were supplanted by the Dorians, who created the Union of Six Cities.

From 164 BC Rhodes becomes an ally of the Roman Empire for a long time.
In 1309, after a long and stubborn resistance of the Rhodians, the knights of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, the so-called Ionites, took possession of the island for more than 200 years. These were people from all the Catholic countries of Europe who wanted to liberate Jerusalem from the infidels.

They helped the pilgrims and dreamed of the Christianization of the entire East. Interestingly, dreaming about it, they oppressed Orthodox Church on Rhodes.
It is to the ionites that Rhodes owes its medieval architectural appearance.

In 1522, after a months-long siege, the well-defended city was taken by the Turks.

Knights - Ionites fled to Malta and since then are called the Knights of Malta. The Order of Malta still exists today.

The Turks settled in Rhodes for almost four centuries. Important trading position of the island, high level the lives of the inhabitants led to the fact that the Turkish oppression on Rhodes was not very strong.

Skillful artisans and successful traders, the Rhodians had many privileges compared to others. Greek colonies captured by the Turks.

In 1912, the Turks were replaced by the Italians, who had a noticeable influence on the architecture of the island. They built such notable buildings as the Palace of Government, National Theater and the Courthouse.
The Italians carried out many archaeological excavations, restored numerous ancient monuments.

Mussolini built a dacha on the island, which he had never been to. Today it is completely abandoned and is not shown to tourists.

Only in 1948, after the German occupation, did Rhodes rejoin.

How to get there

It operates on the island of Rhodes.
Charter flights to holiday season fly from many cities of Russia, in particular from Moscow. The flight takes 3 hours 10 minutes.

Planes fly from Athens, Thessaloniki and from many islands of Greece all year round. takes only 50 minutes. In addition, there is a ferry from Athens to Rhodes.

An economy class ticket from Transaero to Rhodes there and back will cost 22,700 rubles. Cheaper tickets can be found when buying in advance or from low-cost companies.
The cost of a flight from Athens to Rhodes when buying a ticket in advance on the company's website is 24 euros. The closer the departure date, the more expensive the ticket.

The cost of a ticket purchased a few days before departure will be from 65 to 100 euros. The ticket price does not include the cost of baggage transportation. The cost of transporting luggage up to 23 kilograms is also paid online and costs 15 euros.

If you pay for baggage at check-in, it will cost more. The planes of the Greek airlines that fly from Athens to Rhodes are quite old, the service is primitive. During the flight, you can only count on drinks of a very meager assortment. But the flight is so short that all the inconvenience can be experienced.

Rhodes is separated from Athens by about 500 kilometers. The ferry covers this distance from 10 to 16 hours. During the voyage, he visits many islands, and this trip can be considered an excursion. Of course, if traveling by sea is a pleasure, and seasickness does not torment. The sea is an unpredictable element.

The cost of a ferry ticket depends on the type of cabin chosen, and ranges from 20 to 170 euros. Discounts are provided for children from 4 to 10 years old (50 percent), in economy class cabins, children under 4 years old travel free of charge. Rhodes Airport is located 16 kilometers from the capital of the island.

There are several ways to get to the city of Rhodes:

  • use taxi services. The trip to the city center will take about 20 minutes, and will cost, depending on the class of the car, about 2000 rubles;
  • the most economical transport is the bus, which runs every 15-30 minutes during the day. Travel time by bus is approximately 300 minutes. Ticket price 2.20 euros;
  • if your vacation plans include traveling around the island, it’s worth it, it’s advisable to book a car rental in advance, it’s more reliable and cheaper.

There is a special website that contains the coordinates of all companies providing car rental services. Website address: http://www.rhodes-airport.org. The cost of renting a car per day depends on its brand of the month, and starts from 16.50 euros per day in May.

A driver's license is required for rental. English transcription. The age of the driver must be at least 21 years old and not more than 70 years old. The cost of a liter of A95 gasoline is 1.7 euros.

Some hotels provide airport transfer services. The availability of such a service can be found when booking a hotel room.

Where to stay

In the city of Rhodes, as well as throughout the island, there are a lot of hotels of different star categories. Many of them are located in the Old City or very close to it. After spending half a day on the beach, the second half of the day can be spent on leisurely walks around the Old Town, shopping, markets.

Rodos Park Suites & Spa 5*

This luxurious five-star hotel is set in beautiful gardens.

The rooms open great view to the Knight's Castle in the Old Town or the garden.

The hotel provides tourists with a full range of services typical for a high-star hotel:

  • open pool;
  • Spa;
  • bio - sauna;
  • Gym;
  • fitness center;
  • massage;
  • Turkish bath;
  • hot tubs;
  • restaurant with Mediterranean cuisine;
  • parking;
  • car rental.

The Galaxy Roof's bar offers great cocktails and is popular with tourists and locals alike.

Accommodation prices start from 12886 rubles per night for a double room.
But the hotel's impeccable service, Russian-speaking staff, beautiful interiors, spacious, comfortable rooms, live music in the evening, a magnificent sandy beach not far from the hotel are worth the money.
The hotel has 59 rooms in total.

Address: City of Rhodes, 12, Riga Fereou Street.

Mediterranean 4*

The absolute advantage of this four-star hotel is its location on one of the most famous sandy beaches of Rhodes.

Nearby is the Old Town and the Aquarium.
The hotel is large, has 241 rooms, but each of the rooms has an original interior, modern furniture. Despite the proximity of the sea, the hotel has an outdoor pool with umbrellas and sun loungers.

At your service:

  • tennis courts;
  • Beach volleyball;
  • water sports on the beach.

Tourists celebrate the excellent cuisine of the restaurant, which has a Russian menu, a buffet with a variety of snacks, cocktails at the pool bar.

Prices for one night stay in a double room start from 8845 rubles.

From the roof there is a beautiful view of the sea, the port and the medieval city.

Address:: 35, Kos (Cos) Str, Rhodes 85100, Greece.

Rhodos Beach 3*

Rhodos Beach Hotel is a great option for a three-star budget holiday.

The Aegean Sea can be seen from the windows of half of the rooms, the windows of the other half of the rooms overlook the garden.

The hotel is located on the first line, on Kanari beach. A 10-minute walk from the city center and the Old Town. The port of Rhodes is 1 kilometer away.

The beach of the hotel is sandy - pebbly, with a gentle entrance to the sea.

The hotel has 2 outdoor pools, one of which is for children. For sports lovers there are tennis courts, volleyball and basketball courts.

The minimum price for a double room per night is 6022 rubles. In terms of value for money, this hotel is one of the best. It is no coincidence that most of the tourists vacationing here are foreigners.

Address: 19, Akti Kanari Street 85100 RODOS, DODEKANISSOS, GREECE.

Moschos 2*

Moschos Hotel has only 31 rooms and is located in a small three-storey building. The 2-star hotel is located in the city center and is aimed at real travelers who spend only the night in the room, and travel the rest of the time.

This hotel is the perfect place for budget travellers, who want to see the amazing monuments of Rhodes town, visit the fashion shops, stroll along the port (only 500 meters).

A night in a double room costs from 2828 rubles.

At the service of tourists free parking and Wi-Fi in public areas of the hotel. Elli Beach is only 200 meters away.

An additional bonus is the provision of free accommodation for 1 night, subject to a stay at the hotel for 10 days.

Breakfast is included in the room rate.

The hotel is ideal not only for a budget holiday, but also for short stays of 2-3 days. The disadvantages include small rooms and not very good view from windows.

Address: 5 Ethelonton Dodekanission Street, Rhodes, Greece.

Africa 2*

The two-star hotel is located on the first line, 100 meters from the pebble beach of the coast Aegean Sea. On the beach, tourists can enjoy water activities.

The Old Town is 5 minutes walk.

The hotel is surrounded by various shops, restaurants, bars and taverns. Literally a few steps away: the port, the aquarium, the casino.

The staff is friendly and welcoming. The service provided is worth the price.

A night costs from 1351 rubles, but the hotel does not provide meals. This does not create inconvenience: there are many taverns and cafes very close by.

Address: Alexiou Diakou 63, Rhodes 85100, Greece.

Sights of the capital

The city of Rhodes is one of most beautiful cities not only the islands, but also Greece. Inspection historical monuments different eras may take more than one day.

The Palace of the Grand Masters or the Castello Palace was both a temple of Helios and a Byzantine fortress.

During the time of the knights, the Palace was the center from which the masters of the Order ruled the Eastern part mediterranean sea.
The Turks used the Palace as a fortress. 158 rooms are decorated with precious carpets, antique furniture, magnificent vases and marble mosaics.

The street of the Knights in the Old Town leads to the Palace.

The palace is open: Monday 12.30-07.00, Tuesday-Sunday 08.30-19.30.
Ticket price: adult 6 euros, children 4 euros, common to all museums of the Old Town 10 euros.
Telephone: + 30 22410 23359.

Near the Palace there is a bastion, tickets for which can be bought at the box office of the Palace.

It is interesting to climb the clock tower in the Old Town.

The view of the Old City from above is magnificent. A ticket to the tower costs 5 euros. The ticket comes with a voucher that entitles you to a free drink at the tower bar.

Archaeological Museum located next to the Palace, on the Museum Square.

During the time of the Knights of St. John, it was a hospital where patients came from all over Europe. It is surprising that already in the 15th century, every patient, regardless of financial condition, had a separate bed and medical care in the hospital.

A two-story building with two-level arcades, inside of which there is a cozy courtyard, has survived to this day. The Archaeological Museum, located here, is a unique collection of art objects ranging from the Mycenaean era to later eras of Greek civilization.

The most famous exhibit is the statue of Aphrodite. Mosaic floors, terracotta figurines, tombstones from the time of the knights and much more can be seen in this magnificent museum.

The museum is open daily: from 8.00 to 19.40, on Monday from 13.30 to 19.40.
A ticket to the museum costs 3 euros.
Telephone: +30 22410 75674.

The Acropolis of Rhodes is one of the most interesting places in the city.

In ancient times, the acropolis united sanctuaries, temples, underground storages in the most fortified part of the city. Most famous building acropolis - the temple of Pythian Apollo, which was built in the 2nd century BC.

The territory of the huge Pythian stadium, which used to host competitions in honor of the Pythian Apollo, is now used as a theater. There is an indoor ancient Odeon theater on the acropolis, in which famous orators performed.

Acropolis works: from November 1 to March 1 from 8.30 to 15.00. The entrance is free.
Telephone: +30 22410 25500.

For many centuries, the Fortress of Rhodes protected the city from numerous enemies. The fortress was built in the 15th century by the knights of the Order.
After two long blockades in the 15th century, which did not lead to the capture of the fortress, it was considered impregnable. Today the fortress is a unique monument of medieval architecture, included in the list of UNESCO monuments.
You can visit the monument daily, free of charge.

To the north of the Old City is the port of Mandraki, founded back in 408 BC.

The entrance to the port is guarded by deer and fallow deer statues. There is an assumption that earlier in the port there was the Colossus of Rhodes, one of the seven wonders of the world, depicting the pagan deity Helios.

The height of the Colossus was over 30 meters. In the ancient port, as before, ferries, ships, yachts and boats coming to the island moor.

On the embankment there are such architectural monuments as the Provincial Palace, the Evangelist Church, the Church of the Virgin.

In the port, tourists are offered many different walks on the sea.
The most interesting of them is a trip on a boat with a transparent bottom, which costs 5 euros. In addition to the bottom of the sea, you can see the Old Town embankment from the sea.

Where and what to eat

The taverns of the city of Rhodes are famous for delicious Greek cuisine, large portions and excellent local wine. Of course, on the tourist "paths" prices are higher than a little away from them.

Approximate cost of meals:

  • on average, breakfast for two costs 15 - 20 euros;
  • dinner 40 euros with drinks;
  • lunch in a tavern costs 30-35 euros for two (lunch consists of: salad - 6 - 8 euros or soup 6 - 10 euros, main course - 8 - 15 euros, juice - 4 - 5 euros, a glass of wine - 4 - 5 euros ).

If the main dish is seafood, then its cost is 40 euros.
In the Old Town, in a small restaurant or cafe, you can find food at other prices.

For example, for a huge portion of cold cuts of sausages, kebabs, wings, potatoes and vegetables, you can pay 10 euros. And for 60 euros for two, get a portion of lamb, a glass of beer and local wine.
Taverns and restaurants often offer a compliment from the chef as a token of gratitude for the visit.

Prices in supermarkets and shops:

  • A 1.5 liter bottle of water costs 0.7 - 0.9 euros;
  • 1 liter of juice - 1.2 euros;
  • homemade wine costs from 5 euros for 0.5 liters;
  • beer in cans 0.45 euros;
  • kefir 300 ml - 2.5 euros;
  • chips 2 euros;
  • sliced ​​pineapple 500 grams - 3 euros.


Nightlife in the capital of the island is diverse. There are many pubs, restaurants, nightclubs. In the summer, in the theater open sky, concerts of Greek music and dance are very popular.

Dance lovers can choose from several nightclubs with dance floors.

In the club Angel pure Club, which is located in the Old Town, you can hear disco music, Latino and Greek hits.

Fans of rock music and metal should visit the Valhalla Rock Bar Rodes club in the Old Town.

The huge dance floor of the Paradiso nightclub beach club designed for 4 thousand people. Sounds in the club dance music, electro, techno and house.
Around is a whole entertainment complex with an excellent bar and seating area.
Nearby, in a separate building, there is a casino with slot machines and roulette. The magnificent restaurant at the casino offers delicious Greek and European cuisine and a varied wine list.
Club and casino address: Nikiforou Litra str., comlex Rodia Mare, Kallithea Beach, Rhodes Island.

In the center of the city of Rhodes is the most exotic club - Butik Club. The design of the club is the details of a pirate ship, palm trees, waterfalls, parrots and, of course, music.
The menu includes original cocktails and dishes with seafood delicacies. The club is open daily.

  • HAVANA, located at Miltiadou Str. 9, Rhodes; Tel: +30 6944314724;
  • TAJ MAHAL, located at: Iliadon 2, Ialysos, Rhodes; Tel: +30 22410 29220;
  • Colorado Club; Orfanidou Str. 57 and Akti Miaouli, Rhodes, Tel: +30 22410 75120; Website: www.colorado.gr


There are so many shops in the old and new parts of the city that you cannot pass by while walking around Rhodes.

offers jewelry made of silver and gold: earrings, pendants, chains, bracelets for tourists with any income level. The store has a fine selection of opal items, as well as Byzantine icons.
The entrance to the shop is located next to the arch at the entrance to the medieval part of Rhodes from the sea. Jewelry bought in this store is a wonderful memory of a sunny island!

Jewelry store Alexandra Gold- one of the most expensive and luxurious jewelry stores in Rhodes. Exquisite jewelry made of gold and platinum with precious and semi-precious stones made by jewelers from Rhodes and jewelers from European countries.

Store Afrodite attracts buyers with its original design, as well as an excellent collection of women's clothing, designed for any age. In the shop a good choice products made of genuine leather: bags, vests, wallets. The store carries Von Dutch, Bosco and INDIES brands.

Shop Diakosavas offers collections of expensive clothes of such popular brands as Timberland, Nautica, Polo by Ralph Lauren, La Martina, Trussardi Jeans, The Bostonians. The store offers a large selection of original shoes and accessories. Despite the fact that the store opened only in 2010, it is very popular with both city residents and tourists.

Royal Carpet Shop trades in handmade carpets from different materials. The original feature of the carpets is the use of silver and cotton in the production of carpets.
The store also offers vases, icons, lamps and other interior items.

Shop Avanti Furs offers a huge selection of top quality fur products.

Sportswear and merchandise can be purchased at Columbia Sportswear.

For souvenirs and gifts, head to Jannis Shopping Center.

Clothing made from natural fabrics, dresses, tops, trousers, sundresses, t-shirts with the theme of Rhodes in bright colors can be bought in many stores in Rhodes. These relatively inexpensive purchases will remind you of a pleasant and unforgettable vacation.

In the numerous markets of the capital, you can try and buy spices, honey. Unlike shops, you can bargain well here.

Shopping in the city of Rhodes will appeal to everyone. But the prices here are the highest on the island. To save money, you can go shopping in shopping centers in the vicinity of the city, where they often offer trips directly to hotels for free.

emergency services

Going on vacation abroad, no one thinks about any emergency situations. But practice shows that they sometimes happen. Then it will be very useful to know the emergency numbers.

Emergency phone numbers in Rhodes:

  • Police: 100;
  • Fire Department: 199;
  • Ambulance: 166;
  • Information service for duty pharmacies: 107;
  • Emergency Hospital Information Service: 106;
  • Tourist police: 171.

The most common emergencies are related to health. Every tourist traveling to Greece must have 30,000 euros.
An insurance policy is issued by many insurance companies, some of which have their own representative offices at the Greek embassy and consulates.

Without a medical policy, a visa is not issued. Together with the insurance policy, a memo is issued with telephone numbers that you need to contact if you need medical assistance.

Dispatchers on these phones speak Russian. A common mistake of tourists is to contact the hotel doctors who provide their services for a fee. Only doctors called through the dispatchers indicated in the memos to insurance policy will provide medical services free of charge within the sum insured.

Old Town in Rhodes (City of Rhodes, Greece) - description, history, location, reviews, photo and video.

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Old, medieval Rhodes is cultural object world importance. It is like a museum in the fresh air: every street, square or building is associated with some story about ancient times. It is one of the best preserved medieval walled cities in Europe.

The walls and gates of Rhodes are a topic for a separate story. And if you are looking for a starting point for exploring the Old City, then you can start from Symi Square in front of the Freedom Gate, where the ruins of the ancient temple of Aphrodite are located (a very popular, albeit very poorly preserved landmark). From Symi Square you can very quickly get to the famous Street of the Knights (Ipoton), which is located in the so-called Upper Old Town. It is the most popular among tourists of all the ancient streets. Its length is 600 m, and it was here that the hospitallers lived and worked in the past. The landscape of the street is very characteristic: it is straight, and the buildings on the sides are tall and often with almost solid walls, which creates a rather austere impression. The street was carefully restored by the Italians in 1913-1916.

If you stay in that part of the Old City, which is closer to the sea, and move south, you can walk to Hippocrates Square. In its center stands an ornamental fountain, which, together with the majestic staircase in the southwestern part, is the only reminder of the Castellania, which the Hospitallers built here in the 14th century. The area is very popular among tourists and locals, as there are numerous bars, cafes and eateries with outdoor terraces around the perimeter. In addition, there are many historical buildings here: for example, the Castellania library in the Epavlis mansion. Also from the square begins Socrates Street, the most popular shopping street of the island.

You can directly access Hippocrates Square by passing to the Old Town through the Sea Gate from the side of the Trade Harbor.

Next to Hippocrates Square is the Jewish Martyrs Square. It has a second unofficial name - Seahorse Square - because of the corresponding fountain. A memorial to the victims of the Holocaust was erected on the square in memory of more than 1,600 Jews of Rhodes who were deported to Auschwitz (only 151 of them survived).

Old town in Rhodes

If you walk from the Jewish Martyrs' Square to the east, following the curve of the harbor, you can reach the Church of Our Lady of Burgh. It stands on the easternmost border of the Old City, in the Jewish quarter. The Gothic church was built in the 14th century and is not well preserved, but it is the oldest of the buildings of the Hospitaller era, not counting the city fortifications.

The old town of Rhodes is not just a tourist attraction: it is quite residential and has a population of approximately 6,000 people.

Also in the Old Town are the Municipal Baths (they are also Turkish baths). The Byzantine building, built in the 17th century, stands on Arionos Square. This is one of the few places in Greece where you can take a steam bath in the hammam. Visiting the baths is not expensive at all, and many tourists go here, but you need to consider that the baths are open only half the days of the week.

Practical Information

If we consider the city of Rhodes as a peninsula, then the Old Town occupies its eastern part: this is everything that is behind the medieval walls, and almost up to three city harbors.

One of the best Greek resorts, offering to combine a luxurious holiday in the background natural beauties with a tour of ancient sights that witnessed significant events in ancient history.

The capital of the same name was founded in 408 BC. e. Now about 70 thousand people live in it, but if we add tourists who come here during the year, then the number of people increases by 2-3 times, depending on the season.

The city is divided into 3 parts:

  • Residential. This is something like a sleeping area, but with a Greek flavor. The local people live there.
  • New. It is geared towards tourists. The quarters are built up with hotels, shops, restaurants, bars and other infrastructure necessary for a comfortable stay of guests from different countries.
  • Old. This is the most interesting, romantic and beautiful part of Rhodes, which allows you to move in time and feel the spirit of bygone days. Every tourist must visit here.

The Old City - Legacy of the Knights

The old part of Rhodes, founded by the Knights of St. John in the 14th century, is protected by the state and is listed world heritage UNESCO. Ancient warriors not only brilliantly repelled enemy attacks, but were also outstanding architects and builders. They expanded the boundaries of the ancient settlement, surrounded it with high, strong walls, equipped a moat and erected bastions. It turned out impregnable fortress, which to this day is considered the best example of fortifications.

A real gem is hidden inside the fortress walls - knight's houses with an original exterior, palaces, mosques, Byzantine churches, gardens, narrow cobbled streets and squares. The entrance to the old part of the city is opened by 11 gates, the main ones are located at the port.

Districts of the Old City

The old city is divided into 2 parts: collacio(once the knights lived there) and Burgo(considered the center of social, political and cultural life).


The landmarks of this part of the settlement are the Gates of Liberty and the Gates of d'Amboise, organically continuing the 4-kilometer wall. If you pass through these ancient giants, you will open the way to the intangible riches of Rhodes.

It is located in the former hospital of St. John, dating from 1440-14481. The Gothic building contains many artifacts, the most famous are tombstones from the necropolis of Kamiros (5th century BC), a marble statue of Aphrodite of Rhodes (1st century BC) , the stone head of the sun god Helios (2nd century BC), discovered in the ruins of a temple on Monte Smith hill, coins, household items and ceramics from Mycenaean tombs.

Opening hours from every day from 08.00 to 18:30, except holidays. Entrance: adults - 6 €, children (under 18) - free of charge.

Byzantine Museum

It is a Byzantine church built in the 11th century. Once it was the main temple of the Johnites, which was then rebuilt into the Enderum Mosque (Red Mosque) during the Turkish rule. Today it is a museum where you can admire an impressive collection of icons and frescoes from all over Greece.

The museum is open daily from 08.00 to 15.00, excluding holidays. Entrance: adults - 6 €, children (under 18) - free of charge.

In the Middle Ages, this street was of great importance: it connected the Great Port with the Temple of Helios. Residences were built on it for prominent representatives of the Order of St. John. The most interesting in terms of architecture are the houses of the knights from Italy, Provence, Aragon, Castile, Germany and Auvergne.

The massive building, located on a hill, extends over the old part of the metropolis. When it was the temple of Helios, then the Byzantine fort, which in the 14th century turned into the Palace of 19 Grand Masters. The structure was destroyed by an accidental explosion in 1856 and was rebuilt in the mid-1930s.

Opening hours daily from 08.00 to 18.00, except holidays. Entrance: adults - 6 €, children (under 18) - free of charge.

This ancient antique building, located not far from the fortress walls, was relatively recently named after the outstanding Greek actress Melina Mercouri. Festivals, exhibitions, master classes, performances and performances are regularly held on the open-air site.

This is not only the visiting card of the island, but also the highest part of the Old Town. Steep narrow steps lead to the top of the Clock Tower, from the observation deck you can enjoy a panoramic view of the surrounding beauty.

Entrance - 5 €. Opening hours 08.00 to 18:00.

Burgo (Chora)

The quarter is located in the south and occupies the largest part of the Old Town. People of different nationalities and religions lived here. The architecture is a mixture of Ottoman, Levantine, Medieval and Classical styles.

At the intersection of Hippocratus Square and Evriaki Street from the 1st century AD. Until the Second World War, the Jewish quarter was located. Almost the entire community, numbering 4 thousand people, was sent by the Nazis to Auschwitz. Only 42 Jews managed to escape the tragic fate. In memory of those who died in the concentration camp, Evreon-Martiron Square was built, in the center of which there is a fountain. A round bowl, decorated with blue tiles depicting marine life, is crowned with figures of 3 seahorses. Near the fountain there are street cafes and souvenir shops. Other sights include the medieval building of the Admiralty and the functioning synagogue on Dosiadou Street.

This church, built in the 14th century, was the largest and most visited in Rhodes. Like most of the other buildings on the island, the temple was also built as a bastion so that the population could take refuge in the event of an attack by enemies. Only fragments of the building have survived to this day. The church is not active, but cultural events are often held on its territory.

Socrates street

This is the main shopping street of the Old City, where souvenir shops and cafes are located, offering to relax in the shade of spreading trees, enjoying cool drinks and Greek cuisine.

Socrates Street passes into Hippocrates Square, which is considered the center of Burgo. Behind the scenes, residents call it “burnt” in memory of the devastating fire of 1924. In the center of the square is the Sintrivan fountain. Aged in the Byzantine and Ottoman styles, it is a stone round pool. In the center is a miniature turret decorated with blue ceramics, the top of the structure is decorated with an owl. From the turret depart metal springs from which water flows.

Next to the fountain is the Chadravan Mosque, the Castellann Palace and many democratic cafes.

Everything about the island of Rhodes: hotels, entertainment at sea, holidays on the beaches and excursions. Author's photos and videos, reviews of tourists. Location of Rhodes on the map.

Rhodes is the island of knights and a real gem of the Mediterranean, warmed in the rays of the god Helios himself. The Aegean Sea for a long time hid this piece of paradise from all people and gods. But, as they say ancient legend, one day the waves parted, and the island that appeared struck even Zeus with its beauty. Rhodes got its name from the beloved of the god Helios - the nymph Rhodes. In honor of their powerful and beloved patron Helios, the inhabitants of the island many years ago erected a majestic statue of the Colossus of Rhodes, more than 30 meters high! Unfortunately, due to a strong earthquake, the statue was destroyed and has not survived to this day, but the god Helios still envelops the island with his gentle and warm rays.

beauty paradise island, according to legend, is similar to the unique beauty of Helios's beloved. The transparent sea washes the island and gives travelers fresh sea coolness, picturesque bays- real paradise, hidden from prying eyes. Luxurious and outlandish herbs, sprawling lush trees - the island of Rhodes is incredibly rich in amazing creations of nature. The island is of great value to the whole world: priceless archaeological finds, huge cultural heritage and incredible ancient artifacts scattered throughout the island - what could be more interesting and exciting?

Port of Rhodes- useful background information.

The island has an amazingly rich history, which is reflected in many unique and ancient monuments. Ancient legends and historical events have left their mark in every corner of the island. Modernity is surprisingly harmoniously combined with ancient traditions and customs. The capital of the island - the fabulous city of Rhodes has two opposite sides.

The first is a delightful medieval city, which is surrounded around the perimeter by high and ancient fortress walls. "Island of the Knights" - so called Rhodes in ancient times. Some streets have preserved their medieval appearance so precisely and unchanged, as if one part of the city lives in another time. The Palace of the Grand Masters of the Order of St. John, located at the very end of the ancient street of the Knights of St. John, is a real gateway to past centuries. Outside - majestic towers and ancient gates, and inside - magnificent halls with expensive furniture and interior items from different eras.

Second side sunny island- modern and popular resorts, where nightlife is in full swing, and fun flows like a river, and city holidays and celebrations rumble on wide streets every two weeks. Hundreds of chic or modest hotels welcome travelers all year round. Noisy discos and clubs, bars and casinos, countless shops and unique buildings - the atmosphere of modern Rhodes envelops and takes you into the world of immense fun and celebration.

Climate on the island of Rhodes: the melody of the sun

On the island of Rhodes, the climate is typically Mediterranean: freshness and coolness on hot days are brought by sea northern winds. The sun in these parts warms the inhabitants most of the year. Winter in Rhodes is warm, the air temperature almost never drops below zero. Snow is a fairly rare phenomenon, which in most cases is replaced by rain. Hot sun, sea ​​breeze, warm water and kilometers of sandy beaches - the perfect combination for relaxation!

Landmarks of Rhodes. What to see?

The ancient city of Rhodes is the incredible capital of the island, a real gateway to the past. Everyone who sets foot on the land of the island should definitely visit this unique place: the ancient winding streets, the quarter and the street of the knights, on which the Palace of the Grand Masters majestically rises. An excellent view opens from the fortress walls, especially in the evening. Night illumination of outlandish lanterns gives the city an atmosphere of mystery and mystery. In the city, you can try delicious homemade ice cream and grilled corn.

In the city itself, you can relax in Rodini Park. Wooden bridges, picturesque paths, outlandish birds - this is a great place for walking. Mount Monte Smith rises above Rhodes, which offers incredible views of the west coast. On the mountain you can find the remains of the Temple of Apollo, a stadium and a theater made of white marble.

Interested in what to see in Rhodes? Be sure to visit the city of Lindos! Ancient Lindos is a real gem in the treasury of the ancient sights of the island. The ruins of the ancient world form here a single whole with modern buildings, and sandy beaches– with places of priceless archaeological finds. A walk around Lindos should begin with the church of Panagia, which clearly feels the spirit of post-Byzantine antiquity. Even more interesting in Lindos is the acropolis with the temple of Athena, and not far from it, a real knight's castle with an outlandish Hellenic port.

The island of Rhodes is incredibly rich in all sorts of sights and ancient curiosities. The attention of travelers is attracted by all kinds of castles, one of which is Monolithos Castle. Stunning landscapes, coniferous plants, luxurious valleys and clean mountain air - the surroundings of the castle are no less picturesque than the medieval fortress itself.

Another magical place where everyone will believe in a miracle is the Butterfly Valley. You can find the Valley of Petaloudes to the southeast of the settlement of Theogolos. Emerald greenery, small lakes, fast streams and amazing waterfalls... The wonderful reserve attracted not only people, but also rare species of butterflies that soar up when a person approaches.

The Rhodes fortress is an ancient building known all over the world. The fortress was built in the Middle Ages, and for two hundred years it protected the locals from invaders. In the 16th century, Italian masters strengthened the building even more, erected new towers, made the fortress walls even thicker, and the moats deeper.

Near the small village of Syana, which is located on west coast, amazing old buildings are spread out. The main attraction of the village of Syana is the monastery of St. Panteleimon, the most ancient Orthodox shrine. Every year, hundreds and thousands of pilgrims visit the monastery to look at a tiny particle of the relics of Panteleimon, the great martyr and healer. The interior of the monastery is as impressive as its majestic exterior, and in the village of Siana you can taste local wine and dine on seaside cuisine. The holy places of Rhodes are famous all over the world.

Another village hidden in coniferous forests and olive groves is Asklipio. According to ancient legends, the settlement is named after the ancient Greek god of medicine. Artifacts dating back to the 17th century BC have been found on this land. In this settlement is the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin - the oldest church in Rhodes. Not far from the temple, the Folklore Museum is of interest, and the ruins medieval castle in Asklipio are interesting for their archaeological finds.

A stunning and bewitching monument of ancient culture - the ruins of ancient Kamiros. This is the third city that, together with Lindos and Ialyssos, formed the powerful state of Rhodes many centuries ago. Not far from the city of Rhodes is a small settlement of Archangelos. The village is surrounded by citrus plantations, olive groves and countless vineyards. Archangelos is famous for the ruins of the castle of the same name. Not far from Archangelos, you can find a house with an ancient bell, according to legend, luck will follow whoever rings it.

Rhodes resorts. Holidays in Rhodes

Holidays in Greece on the island of Rhodes are so multifaceted and exciting that there is absolutely something for everyone here. Resorts in Rhodes are countless, and each of them is amazingly beautiful. lovers aquatic species sports (windsurfing and kitesurfing) are welcomed by the resort of Ialyssos. The beach cover is sandy with an admixture of pebbles, which is not always suitable for families with small children. Choosing Ialyssos is recommended if you plan to travel around Rhodes in a rented car and not depend on transport schedules.

The next resort area is the city of Rhodes, where a rich nightlife takes you into an endless dance of lights and loud music. During the day you can walk along the narrow streets, visit the shops, small shops and sit in a cozy restaurant. If you are a fan of crowded places, noisy fun, active nightlife or go on holiday unaccompanied, Rhodes is just for you!

What should be the ideal beach holiday? Transparent water and clean sandy beaches, picturesque views and modern five-star hotels - all this is the resort of Kallithea, located near Rhodes. This is an ideal option for lovers of a calm, quiet holiday. If endless skies, waters and beautiful beaches are more important to you than urban bustle, welcome to Kallithea Resort!

The sandy beaches of Rhodes and the warm sea remain in the hearts of everyone who comes here one day. For a holiday in Rhodes with young children, the resort of Faliraki is perfect. Golden fine sand, deserted coasts, peace and quiet - what could be better? For nightlife or entertainment, you can always go to the nearest city, and Faliraki is more popular among the elderly or families with kids.

The beaches of the island of Rhodes, as well as beach resorts, you can choose infinitely. But another great place for families with children or an unforgettable honeymoon is the resort of Lindos. With the arrival of tourists, Lindos comes to life, but entertainment is mainly represented only by a variety of bars. But there are many cozy and romantic restaurants where you can spend an unforgettable evening together, and then stroll through the cozy and quiet streets of the ancient city.

A little south of Lindos are two tiny villages - Chiotari and Gennadi. Here you can stay in a hotel or rent a cozy private villa. This is an ideal place for those who are really tired of civilization, the modern noisy world and the gray everyday life of the metropolis. Deserted beaches, vast expanses and, most importantly, silence - these are the main components of a wonderful holiday in Chiotari or Gennadi.

How to get there

By plane Rhodes Airport is located at a distance of 16 km from the city of the same name, on the west coast of the island. He's bound charter flights with many countries. Domestic flights - Athens, Thessaloniki, Lesbos, Kos, Sandorini, Crete, Paros, Mykonos. Airport: (+30)22410 889-11 By ferry You can get to Rhodes both by ferry and Ferry boats (the so-called "rockets") from Athens and Thessaloniki.

Port Authority: (+30)22410 276-95, 286-66, 236-93

Photos of Rhodes (68)

Despite the fact that interesting places are scattered throughout Rhodes, I give the palm among its attractions without a shadow of a doubt to the old part of the capital of the island. If the city as a whole has become for me a kind of quintessence of everything that is collected on this amazing island, then its old part definitely claims the role of a precious stone in a golden ring, whose name is Rhodes.

And despite the fact that the old part of Rhodes is a real city-museum, ordinary people still live in it: looking at their modest houses with unlocked doors and not fully drawn curtains, you think that they feel quite comfortable in the epicenter cultural life of the city.

To get to the Old Town, first of all, you should purchase a ticket to the city of Rhodes, the cost of which, depending on where you are staying, ranges from 1.1 to 9 euros. The highest cost for tickets to the capital is from Cape Prasonisi, since you will have to travel across the entire island. Buses from large settlements leave for Rhodes about once an hour, and tickets can be bought both at special kiosks at the bus stop, and simply from the driver - there is no difference in cost, but you can immediately buy a return ticket at kiosks. To get to the Old City, the easiest way is to go to the final stop, which is located in the Mandraki port area and is closely adjacent to the city walls.

If you have already stopped in the capital, then you can easily get to the Old City on your own two feet. In order not to go astray, take a map of the capital of the island from the hotel, and if this is not possible, just follow the signs "Old Town" - "Old Town". Entrance to the territory of the Old City is free.

A bit of history

The city of Rhodes, as mentioned above, was founded by the ancient Greeks in 408 BC. At the same time, the city was originally of particular importance, becoming the capital of the island and uniting the once independent policies of Lindos, Kamiros and Ialyssos.

After that, the island was successively dominated by the Romans and the Byzantines who replaced them. In those days, the capital of the island was surrounded by powerful walls, some of which have survived to this day. During the Byzantine period, the island was repeatedly attacked until the Genoese finally captured it in 1248, and the weak Byzantium was forced to accept the loss of Rhodes.

Of course, the Turkish Sultan did not like the fact that the base of Christian warrior monks - and the Hospitallers, like the Templars, had the status of a spiritual brotherhood at that time - was located in close proximity to its borders. In many respects, this is why at the end of the 15th - beginning of the 16th centuries, the Ottoman Empire, which was at the peak of its power, threw all its forces into knocking out the knights from the island. It was possible only on the second attempt, after a six-month siege, and even then as a result of betrayal. Prior to this, the garrison of the fortress, consisting of 7 thousand men at arms, successfully repelled the attacks of the 100 thousand Turkish army.

The biggest loss to the Old City during the Ottoman period was the destruction of the Palace of the Grand Masters, caused by the explosion of a gunpowder store in 1856.

Only in 1948 the island became part of Greece again.

Despite the fact that there are nine entrances to the Old City, the Amboise Gate and the Sea Gate deserve special attention, first of all. The former are notable for having a zahab or stone bag right behind them. There are similar elements in many fortresses and they were used as a trap: at the very height of the siege, the outer gates suddenly opened, allowing part of the besiegers to get inside, where the inner gates stood in their way, at this time the outer entrance was closed again, and the soldiers who were trapped methodically shot with bows.

The Sea Gate is perhaps the most beautiful of the entrances to Old Rhodes. Massive towers are made in the same manner as the Neapolitan fortress Castle Nuovo, as well as the city gate Torres De Cuart in Spanish Valencia. Above the entrance are depicted the Virgin and Child, the Apostle Peter, as well as the patron saint of the Order of the Hospitallers, St. John.

Monuments of antiquity

Monuments of the Byzantine period

Monuments of the knightly period

At the eastern end of the street is the building of the 14th-century hospital that belonged to the Order. The fact is that, in addition to participating in hostilities, the Knights of St. John built hospitals for pilgrims to the Holy Land and actively disseminated the achievements of Arab medicine among yesterday's barbarians who inhabited Europe.

Together with traces of the domination of the knights, it is the architecture of the Ottomans that largely determines the appearance of the Old City. The minarets of mosques rise from behind the walls, the main and most beautiful of which is the mosque of Suleiman. Named after Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, under whom the Turks occupied Rhodes with great difficulty in 1522, it was built on the site of the Church of the Apostles destroyed by the Ottomans.

Tourists owe the opportunity to look at it from top to bottom to the nearby clock tower, also built during the reign of the Ottoman Empire. Entrance to the observation deck costs 5 euros, and this price includes admission to a small museum, as well as a free drink in a bar located next to the tower.

However, the Ottoman heritage of old Rhodes is not limited to this - just if you set out to give a detailed description of each of the monuments, you will have to write a separate book.

But if you want to drink a cocktail or smoke a hookah in the fresh air with a view of the Ottoman mosque or ancient ruins, then in Rhodes this can be done, perhaps, only in the Old Town. The cost of a cocktail in such bars is from 4-5 euros, a hookah - from 5-6 euros.

Where to buy souvenirs in the Old Town

As for the souvenirs themselves, in addition to banal magnets, pens and key rings, the cost of which starts from 1 euro, you can bring home something more useful in a practical sense.

Bargaining, by the way, in the shops of the Old Town is possible and necessary. Of course, this is not a 100% guarantee of receiving a discount, but very often the seller is ready to give up 5 to 20 percent of the original price.

If we try to sum up our walk through the Old City, then for me personally it is a unique example of how different, sometimes hostile cultures, religions and eras coexist peacefully in one place. Here, fussy guides and curious tourists coexist peacefully with leisurely locals, many of whom were born and raised within the walls of Old Rhodes. And although ancient cities have been preserved in different parts of Europe and the world, one can rightly say that Rhodes is one of a kind.

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