Tour to Japan at the time of flowering Sakura. Tour to Japan on Sakura with rest on the thermal resort tour of Japan on Sakura flowering

    I went to the cruise on Sakura

    Sakura is so popular in Japan, which could be a symbol of the country of the rising sun. Hundreds and thousands of cherry trees of different varieties are planted in gardens and parks of the main cities of the country. And every self-respecting village considers his duty to have his own Alley Sakura. When it comes time, Sakura blooms everywhere in Japan, moving from the south to the north, starting his blossom at the end of January on tropical Okinawa and ending at the Surgon Hokkaido at the end of May. Gently pink petals spin in gardens and parks, along the banks of rivers, around buddhist temples And samurai castles, paint the slopes of Mount Fuji and other Japanese volcanoes in their unique colors of spring.

    The most common variety of Japanese Sakura - Somay-Yosino, a special grade that flowers blooms much earlier than the leaves. In the midst of flowering on the bare branches appear borders of flowers. And if you go to such a grove of Sakur, the feeling that you get into the gentle-pink cloud is created. Apparently, this is exactly what the Japanese sought, from the middle of the XIX century, planting Sakura across the country.

    So came Khana, the time of admirement Sakura. It's time for a walk and a picnic under the most beautiful tree. And your Japanese boss will not mind to join the corporate leaving, of course with Sake, Sushi, Sashimi and other Japanese cuisine. Each Japanese knows where the most beautiful views of nearby, in their area, city, as well as in the prefecture and in the whole country.

    Sakura is ghostly and mimoletny. The Japanese say that Sakura reminds people about the briefness of everything around. It is possible so with its great love for nature and everything beautiful, it is very rare to meet Sakura in the Personal Garden of the Japanese House. Much more often there you can see pine, as a symbol of strength and longevity.

    Few know that in Japan Sakura is considered a male flower, the sign of courage and courage, a symbol of a samurai. After all, the petals of the Japanese cherries fall, without fading when they are still full of life. So the metaphor was born about the Japanese warrior-Samurai, ready to die in the heyday. And so why some of the best places for Khana (Sakura contemplation) are gardens and parks around samurai castles, such as Matsue Castle or Hiroshak Castle, where the first trees of Sakura planted 300 years ago and where the famous festival Sakura, Port Aomori is held every year) .

    Due to the huge public interest, the National Meteorological Agency of Japan, during the flowering of Sakura, in addition to the usual forecasts, talks about the beginning of the heyday and stages of the flowering of Japanese cherries in various regions of the country.

    Usually, bloom begins at the end of January and early February in Okinawa, moving over with the spring to the north of Japan. At the beginning of April, there is a full flourishing on the Islands of Kyushu and Sikoku, at the end of March, Sakura blooms in Tokyo, in the first decade of April - in Kyoto and Osaka, Sakinato and Matsue - in mid-April. By the beginning of May, Sakura flowering wave "Runes" to the island of Hokkaido, the city of Hakodate and Sapporo.

    Over the movement of Sakura north the whole country is watching. On TV After the weather forecast, they will definitely say where Sakura is already blooming in full swing, and where it will bloom from day to day.

    We will also follow Sakura along with you and our tourists who are sent to cruises in Japan this spring.

    Here we will constantly update the information after the Japanese meteorological agency.

    The prediction forecast will be updated over time. We draw your attention that Sakura bloom can begin both before and later than the designated period. Exact time will depend on weather conditions: the average daily temperature, winds, humidity and other conditions.

    Kyushu, Sikoku, Tyugoku


    Kanto and Tuba

    Tokhoku and Hokkaido

    Cruises on Sakura Blossom 2020

    Our cruises S. Princess Cruises Covers all Japan from the south to the north. Traveling in cruises you can watch the flowering of Sakura in the main cities and the most remote and hard-to-reach corners of Japan, where it is not so easy to get into terrestrial tours.

These days you can take a walk on Tokyo yourself, without a rush or take additional excursions for a fee for your taste: museums, shopping, restaurants, pedestrian streets - We will tell you what can come to your liking!

Crossroads of Sibuya, shopping fashionable quarter and stores Gindza, and maybe the area with skyscrapers Shinjuku: in the evening, and in the afternoon this area will give you a good idea of \u200b\u200bthe real life of Tokyatz in all its paints: from houses for dates and bars in the Kabukite neighborhood, designed for three visitor and luxury department stores. In the quarter Kharazyuk, you can more than once be surprised by the creativity and courage of young guys and girls from Japan.

You can make an excursion for a full day in Kamakura and Yokohama, to the city of Samurai Nikko and ride on a pirate ship overlooking Fuji. To go full day to the Hakone resort with hot springs and views of Mount Fuji.

For lovers of nature: Numerous Tokyo Parks with blooming sakura. For gastronomy lovers - a gastronomic walk from different regions.

And in the evening, you can look into the alley of memories or one of the idle - a sort of tavern, where alcoholic beverages are served in combination with delicious snacks at a democratic price. Idzakaya is popular not only at the Japanese themselves, but also with tourists.


Arrival in Tokyo to Narita or Handed Airport. Meeting with the Japanese driver at the airport and transfer to the hotel on Shuttle Bass with other tourists (without a guide). Independent settlement in the hotel selected category. Please note that in most Japanese hotels, the settlement occurs after 15: 00/16: 00. If you wish, you can order an early settlement for a fee, but it must be done in advance at the stage of booking the tour.

An optional tour (for tourists arriving in Tokyo no later than 13:00) - evening excursion in Tokyo with a Russian-speaking guide (approximate time excursion from 17:00 to 20:00). Excursion cost - $ 165 / person.

In the evening, when lights are lit, the city is transformed. At the end of March - early April, you can admire a rare spectacle: the blooming alleys of Sakura in the light of the evening illumination. You will visit the famous Gindza shopping district for the whole world, cross the Tokyo bay in the picturesque rainbow bridge, visit artificial island Odaiba, offering stunning views of Tokyo and the Bay, and see a recognized symbol of the city - the Tokyo Tower. You are also awaiting a visit to the Sibuya district, where the famous monument is located to the faithful Khatiko ps and the busiest crossroads in the world - at the time of the peak, about 3,000 people are simultaneously.

Day 2.

Tokyo, Kamakura

Breakfast in the hotel. Excursion to Kamakuru with Russian-speaking guide.

The ancient city of Kamakura, located on the ocean, is the first capital of the military rulers of Japan Sögunov, the city of ancient temples, sanctuary, magnificent gardens, picturesque hills and coasts.

You will visit Sintoist sanctuary of Tsurugaoka Hatimanu - The main synthoshic sanctuary of the city, built in 1063 and dedicated to the Sumurai class detector, which for a long time was the center of not only the spiritual, but also the political life of the region. The delicious Alley of Sakura decorates the road to the temple, and tender fragile flowers make up an amazing contrast to the solid architecture of the temple complex. Dinner.

Next you expect to visit buddhist temple Khasedera, whose main relics is the 9-meter Wooden Statue of Bodhisatatva Channon, created in the 8th century. The temple is also famous for its picturesque gardens and discovering from here a wonderful panorama of the city and the coast.

And, of course, it is impossible to go around the main symbol of Kamakura - 11-meter bronze Statue of the Great Buddha at the Church of Kotokin. The majestic statue, cast by the masters of the past, in 1252, sends right under open skyAs if from the century in the century patiently watching the life passing by her foot.

Return to the hotel in Tokyo.

Day 3.

Tokyo, Osaka

Breakfast in the hotel. Tokyo sightseeing tour with a Russian-speaking guide.

Excursion will begin with a walk by park Shinjuku Göen. It was founded in 1906 and originally belonged to the imperial family, now it is one of the most famous Tokyo parks and one of the most popular seats For loving Sakura. More than a thousand Sakura trees are growing in Sakura 65 trees, and some of them bloom in early February, while others please visit visitors at the end of April.

Then you visit the viewing platform the highest television tower in the world - Skytree (634 meters), from where, from a height of 350 meters, you can admire the breathtaking panoramas of Tokyo.

Moving B. assacus area - One of the few places where the spirit of Old Tokyo is preserved - you will visit the oldest Buddhist temple on the territory of Tokyo Senseodi and walk along the shopping street Nakakse, where the largest souvenir benches are located in Tokyo.

At the end of the excursion you will visit area at the Imperial Palace - Here since 1869 is the official residence of Japan's emperors, the oldest ruling dynasty in the world.

Transfer on the railway station. Moving to Osaka high-speed train Sinkansen. Meeting with the coordinator at the Station of Sin-Osaka near the car. Accommodation at the hotel selected category.

Day 4.

Osaka, Kyoto

Breakfast in the hotel. Excursion for Kyoto with Russian-speaking guide.

Kyoto, more than a thousand years, who was the imperial capital of Japan, to this day is considered the main center of the traditional culture of the country. The bombing of the Second World War did not touch the Kyoto, so it was here that the richest cultural and historical heritage remained, many objects of which are included in the UNESCO list.

Inspection of one of the main attractions of Kyoto - world famous Golden Pavilion (Kinkakuji) - a temple, lined with gold, resting over the waters of a mirror lake.

Next, moving and visiting the famous philosophical garden 15 stones at the Zen-Buddhist Temple Ryandiin which the stones are located in such a way that from wherever you watched the garden, some of the stones invariably slip away from the gaze. Dinner.

Visit Temple of pure water (Kiyimiz), who received his name in honor of the waterfall within the temple itself. The temple is located on the hill, and the wonderful Panorama of Kyoto opens from its observation site.

Walk around the quarters of Geishe Gion. Return to the hotel in Osaka.

Day 5.

Osaka, about. Izukusima (Miyazima), Hiroshima, Okayama, Kaike

Breakfast in the hotel. Excursion to Hiroshima and Miayazim with a Russian-speaking guide on public transport.

One of the most famous landscapes of Japan is the bright red gate of the Shinto Sanctuary, standing right in the sea. Holy Island Miyazima - This is the place where you can see the famous landscape with your own eyes. The gates themselves belong to the ancient shinto Sanctuary Izukusima ( World Heritage UNESCO). The green mountains of the island, the surrounding sea and the temple, created over 1,400 years ago, merge in amazing harmony, so inherent in traditional Japanese architecture. Deer (sacred animals in Japanese beliefs) are free on the streets (sacred animals in Japanese) - they are absolutely not afraid of people and, even on the contrary, show active interest to guests.

Dinner. Excursion will end visiting Memorial Park of the World in Hiroshima.

Moving by train station to Ionago with a transfer to Okayama (without a guide). Meeting on the platform near the car with a coordinator and transfer to the hotel selected category, located in the Kaika resort area. Accommodation in a traditional hotel with a natural mineral source, on the shore Japanese Sea. Free time, rest on sources.

Day 6.


Breakfast in the hotel. Free time on hot springs. We recommend ordering excursions for an additional fee.

Optional Tour - Excursion to the Samurai City of Matsue and Color and Bird Park (incl. Lunch).

Castle Matsue, around whom the samurai city grew up at one time, was built in 1611. This is one of the twelve castles in the territory of Japan, which have come down to this day in its original form. The main castle tower, made of wood, survived, in contrast to many castles of Japan, which were destroyed by fires, earthquakes or during the mass destruction of castles in the 19th century. You can go inside the castle, get acquainted with the collection of samurai armor and weapons and admire the view of the city from his main Tower. Dinner.

You also visit the Color Park and Vogel Birds. The park, located on the green hills of the lake, will drown in colors all year round. It is also famous for his rich bird collection: more than 90 species of birds from a variety of planets from tropical rhino birds to penguins. You will be able to feed Tukanov, learn a lot about night birds and see the show with the participation of feathered artists.

Day 7.

Kaike, Okayama, Kurasiki, Tokyo

Breakfast. Extract from the hotel, transfer to the station with the coordinator. An independent move by train to Okayama station, meeting with a guide on the platform.

Excursion to Okayama and Kurasiki with a Russian-speaking guide.

Excursion will begin with a given famous "Castle Voron" In Okayam, which received such a name due to the black color of the outer walls, resembling a crow. Then you visit garden Warca-Enwhich is considered one of the three Great Gardens of Japan. Dinner.

Moving to the city of Kurasiki, a walk through the old block on the bank of the canal, along which there are many vintage warehouses. Walking Trees, growing along the canal, give the quarter a special painting. Then you will be waiting for a visit to the family house of the Okhasy family, which was built in 1796. Traditional house with rooms with tatami, elegant sliding partitions and hanging scrolls built in style typical of rich krasacik traders.

Moving to Tokyo with a high-speed train Sinkansen. Meeting with the coordinator at Tokyo Station at Vagon. Accommodation at the hotel selected category.

Day 8.

Tokyo, Russia

Breakfast. Independent extract from the hotel. Meeting with the Japanese driver in the hotel lobby. Transfer to Narita / Handed Airport on Shuttle Basa with other tourists (without a guide). Departure to Russia.

Tokyo - Kamakura - Khakon

March 29 - April 4 (departure March 28)

The price is 1 person (in a double room with one bed) with a group of 6 people.

Supplement for placement in a single room with one bed - 150 USD.Supplement for accommodation in a double room with two beds - 90 USD

Included in the price

  • visa application
  • airport transfers and back
  • comfortable hotel in the city center
  • night on hot springs
  • 4 excursions * with guide
  • 6 breakfasts, 1 dinner
  • entry tickets in temples
  • rental transport ** (except excursion for the 4th day)

* The order of excursions can be changed
** In a group of less than 6 people, excursions will be organized by public transport.

Paid separately

  • medical
  • personal expenses

Flight tickets

Meeting at Narita International Airport. The Japanese driver will hold a sign with your name.

Tokyo excursion

  • We will look at the city from a bird's eye view, rising to the 45th floor where then go for a walk in the Youth Fashion District.
  • Visit the Shinto Temple, where traditional Japanese weddings often play.
  • Our journey will be incomplete without a walk in the area . It is here that you can fully feel the atmosphere of ancient Japan. We walk to the temple , buy souvenirs on shopping street , as well as take predictions of fate.
  • The end of the excursion in the area where you can walk and make purchases.

Return to the hotel approximately after 17:00 .

2 day: Loving Sakura in Tokyo

After breakfast, go to a meeting with a guide in the hotel lobby ( 10:00 ).

Loving Sakura in Tokyo

  • We will go to admire Sakura to the garden, which is one of the oldest and perhaps one of the best Japanese Tokyo Gardens. It was built at the beginning of the EDO era in 1629. Like many other Japanese gardens of that time, Koicawa Koracaen Garden is designed to reproduce in miniature beautiful species China and Japan, using stones, ponds, trees and artificially created relief. The garden landscape is so diverse that walking through the park, you can visit sacred Mount , Kyoto temple, as well as the famous West Lake in China.
  • We will go to the Imperial Palace, to walk through the Imperial Park, admire the blooming Sakura.
  • Lunch - local cuisine.
  • We will visit (there is a towel and a bathrobe on the spot) and we will relax in the traditional Japanese open ONSEN - rotenburoWater into which is served from the source at a depth of 1,700 meters. There is also massage, jacuzzi, salt sauna, steam and air (dry) sauna, low-temperature sauna, aromotherapy, color therapy and much more. Unlike other spa salons, where there is a division into the men's and women's zones, SPA Laqua also provides a common lounge area for couples and family.

After breakfast, a meeting with a guide in the hotel lobby. Start of excursion B. 09:00 (8-9 hours). Travel time: 1 hour drive from Tokyo.

Camakur tour:

  • Temple - famous Sintoist The temple located on the caravel hill surrounded by Sakura trees and Azalea's thickets.
  • The statue that has survived from the XIII century, as well as the temple where the wooden gilded statue of the goddess Cannon and a beautiful Japanese-style garden.

Tour of Yokohama:

  • After moving to Iokohama and lunch * You will head to the port of the future Minato Mirai to see the legendary sailboat.
  • You will raise the skyscraper sightseeing site and admire the fascinating view of the city, and then stroll along the embankment, enjoying the fresh sea air in the park

* Entrance tickets are included in the tour price.

Upon returning to Tokyo (19:00) accommodation at the hotel.

After breakfast at the hotel, a meeting with a guide in 09:00. Transfer to Tokyo station. Moving to Sinkansne toKhakon e.

Excursion to Khakone

  • valley of geysers where we get on the cable
  • visiting the sanctuary
  • lake Asi S. magnificent view on mountain
  • cruise on the Lake on Pirate
  • samurai

In the evening you are waiting for a deserved rest after such a rich day:

  • settlement in Ryank.
  • traditional Japanese dinner
  • a visit to thermal sources at the hotel

Relax and how to relax in hot open-air baths! Water from hot mineral springs not only perfectly relieves tension and fatigue, but also has a healing effect on the entire body.

You will spend this night in Khakon.

✔ Holidays on hot springs in the mountains
✔ Mount Fuji.
✔ Cable car
✔ cruise on the lake

Useful information All materials Hide Materials

April 6, 2016, 10:20 Inseneti: a place where you can try spring snacks, admiring Sakura

Pink fog envelops cities and villages - the cherry fever begins in Japan. Resistance is useless: you need to enjoy these gentle petals. When else do it, how is it not on a lunch break or during a delicious dinner? Here are some places where you can enjoy not only Khana, but also taste delicious spring snacks.

It looks like a crossbow, perhaps porting a general view of the park, but it looks smoothly as well as many centuries ago. True, cafe repaired less than ten years ago, and today Sukiyaki (beef meat with vegetables) and Classical Caesey Kitchen dishes are served.

During the flowering of Sakur, the "Inseneti" also serves seasonal dishes in a special multi-level packaging "Banto".

The most delicious dinner is served in Hasidaya. Big plus is its location. From the second floor windows, a beautiful view of the flowering sakura opens.

And the kitchen of the restaurant is replete with chicken dishes, tapewants, Yakitor and Wings of Tabasaki are served here. Interestingly, when there is cold on the street, there are hot rechers in pots.

Arriving in the Kitidzödyji area, you can go to Kin-Bohn Sarah - a place that boasts an ideal location, right at the entrance to the inocassing park. With a magnificent open-air terrace, a luxury panorama appears. And you can taste tasty dishes of inventive modern Japanese cuisine.

On Thursday, Sakura bloomed completely in Tokyo. Japan's meteorological agency reported that against the background of warm weather, this year it happened for three days earlier than usual. True, the record of 2015 does not break. According to the agency, about 80% of the kidneys on Sakurai Somay-ESAbut in the temple, Yakussuni was already blown. On Thursday, the pink blossom also enveloped the city of Fukui, Gifu and Nagoya in the central part of Japan, Wakica and Tottori in the West, and Saga in the south-west of Japan.

In all cities, Japanese cherries this year dismissed ahead of time. In Tokyo, the temperature was fixed + 20.2 ° C (which corresponds to the average long-term values \u200b\u200bat the end of April), and in the hypho and wakkimamam, the thermometer's columns were shown even above - 22 ° C heat - the temperature, the usual for May in this region.

According to the materials of the Internet publications.

March 25, 2016, 17:47 Tokyo hotels "Color" in pink color before the start of Sakura flowering

Throughout Japan, the trees of Sakura begin to bloom. On the same days there is a preparation for Khan - the traditional Japanese custom of love with spring flowers. Custom originated in the period of Hayean (794-1185). Despite the fact that the word khana means "admiring with flowers", in fact, it is understood by the contemplation of Sakura petals. This is a period of rest and fun families and friends under the shadow of the charming Sakura.

Steak House Katsura Restaurant

In addition to the gardens and viewing sites, with the indescribable beauty of the landscapes of blooming Sakura, in Japan, you can find other excellent places in which many are rejoiced by the arrival of spring. Many institutions organize a number of events. For example, restaurants offer their visitors to enjoy the unusual taste of seasonal dishes.

For most of the chefs of Japanese restaurants, spring is the period that inspires them and fills creative energy. Mountain vegetables are extremely popular, as well as sea bass. The unique menu with these ingredients is available at this time of year.

Hotel The Prince Sakura Tower Tokyo, as well as nearby hotel Grand. Prince Hotel Shin-Takanawa, located near the Sinagawa station, for example, spend an annual festival. It begins on March 19 and ends on April 10th. The Japanese garden on site is becoming open to visitors. Everyone can enjoy the beauty of the Bola 230 flowering trees 19 types of Sakura, which blooms until the end of April.

The hotel's restaurant The Prince Sakura Tower Tokyo has a special balcony. Here you can not only taste fish fried on coal, but also admire the symbol of Japan. In this case, the guests feel very comfortable thanks to the heated floor. The total cost of the menu is 35 thousand yen. The dishes include lobsters, beef from Kobe, cooked on the grill, shrimp and crabs. But in the hotel restaurant Ristorante Caffe Ciliegio you can admire Sakura through a lot of panoramic windows. This institution offers the guests an Italian menu for a total amount of 7 thousand yen.

In Gotengyam, the surroundings of Tokyo, which is famous for the Gardens Cherry, is located the Tokyo Marriott Hotel. He began spring with the Spring delight shares, which is held at the hotel restaurant and bar. There is a special thematic menu dedicated to Sakura. The event will continue until April 15. Recently also became available for visitors to the open terrace of Sakura Terrace Box. Here the menu is represented by thematic lunch boxes, wrapped in a special Fabric Fabric. Obento includes 16 small dishes: from snacks to desserts, incl. soup. The total cost of the menu is 3900 yen. You can order such a lunch box from noon to 16 hours. The restaurant also offers "Day Tea Party Sakura": Amazing buns, which include sakura softened fruits. Tea set costs 3600 yen per person. You can enjoy from 13:00 to 16:30.

Gardens hotels Hotel. Chinzanso Tokyo is another institution that has not gained his attention a period of flowering Sakura. In his garden, located in Rayna Madziro, guests can enjoy 120 blooming Sakura trees, as well as a variety of spring dishes presented in the hotel restaurant menu. You can do it until April 10.

The Japanese restaurant Miyuki offers a spring menu "Hamanu Gozen", worth 5,500 yen and kaiseki, worth 16,500 yen. But the Italian restaurant IL Teatro can please visitors to the paste with veal fillet and with truffles worth 5,500 yen and 16500 yen, respectively. Also thematic dishes are available in the menu. swedish table Hotels Hotel Chinzanso. The cost for an adult is 4200 yen, and for students and schoolchildren - 2600 yen.

According to the materials of the Internet publications.

Soon, Japan will turn into a solid garden. Khana, the season of loving Sakura flowers, will become a reason for folk festivals and a series of national festivals. Picnics on the lap of nature under pink inflorescences, a magic cloud shelting trees, - the ancient tradition of the Japanese.

What to drink, what is - define customs. Along with the classic sweetness, Sakura Moti, as well as other themed snacks of the spring season, the Japanese are happy to bring the custom of centuries, notch of modernity and extravagant piquancy. The century introduces its own adjustments. Fantastic marketing moves discovered large corporations. The usual food products, but already with Sakura's symbols - do business on blossom symbol of Japan - now, fashion trend.

World Holdings released a line of popular products with "Amendment to the Wind". The period of the high tourist season, which is built on the two-week blossom of Sakura, provides good sales and prosperous financial future of the project. As a result, as in the parks throughout Japan, on the shelves of supermarkets the rose of pink shades flourishes everything - from beer to coffee, from chocolate to chips, and even the All-MacDonalds surrendered under the onslaught of Khana-Mania. Top 10 amazing and unusual products that I want to taste only for the packaging design, in our ranking.

  • 2 . Now that you are a happy owner of a mug of a la branch of Sakura, then why not fill it with a cola from Sakura from Kimura? The extract of the present leaves of Sakura gives this hip beverage the taste of real spring. Interestingly, this is not the first "alchemical" brand experiments. Previously, they have already invented soda with the taste of Curry, Tomatoes and Vasabi. Customers remained not only alive, but also satisfied with the novelty. So, definitely, the firm knows what it does.
  • 4 . If the miracle drinks sake or chu-hi are too strong for your sophisticated taste, then Sakura's motifs in SanktGalle beer are just what you need. Moreover, the manufacturer, in the invention of this drink, was likely to scream inspiration from the original gastronomic traditions of Japan. Sakura Moti's delicacy is a spring treat, which is prepared from rice cake and beans wrapped in Sakura's leaves. It is noteworthy that it is boiled by this type of beer in a brewery based in Canagaba Prefecture. Here very carefully refer not only to the production process, but also supplied with raw materials. For beer production, exclusively cherries from Takato (Nagano Prefecture) are used. The interesting taste of Sakura Moth, along with low hop, makes SanktGalle beer, a spring light and refined drink.
  • 6 . It is known that Nestle has already been "tried" on Japanese buyers bars with pumpkin flavors and, of course, cherries. But this year, the company decided to go further in his bold ideas. Kit Kati with pistachio and raspberry taste began to supply in a box in a spring style. The company owners claim: this is the perfect taste of "khana-pleasure".

  • 7 . Lindt submitted a win-win version to Customer Court. Makaruna from Sakura is apotheosis for those who are outside of Sakura sweets. Parehomas are filled with puree from the Cherry Ganasha. The taste of this Khana is available from April 12 at the Lindt Chocolate Cafe. For those who will not be enough, can get a culinary ecstasy, tasted the ice smoothie from the cherry juice and white chocolate, decorated with a white chocolate chip and a pattern of a cherry syrup.
  • 9 . How without Ed Bulla? The consortium could hardly stay away from Sakura Trend. Be sure this energy drink of pink color is designed to keep you in consciousness (you want or not) until the morning at all parties Khana.

Baskin Robbins.
  • 10 . After a 24-year-old clutch, the company strives literally "blow up" taste receptors sweet tooths. The brand was able to create something ... Salted ice cream with sakura taste. Sounds weird? Once again at the previous 9 points - are you surprised anything else? Real leaves of Sakura and sea salt, combined with a sweet creamy taste of ice cream - to invent this, clearly needed a quarter century. You can try this delicacy until the end of May.

Paving pink Red Bull, biting a sakura hamburger with cherry oil or macaroon, you will undoubtedly remember this spring in Japan for a long time. In addition, manufacturers have provided a delicate side of life. Sakura print paper is probably designed to make your journey to the bathroom as unforgettable as the most height of all parties, about Sakura flowering, combined. Eat, pray, love ... Sakura - a good motto for khana, isn't it?

According to the materials of the Internet publications.

March 19, 2016, 10:10 "Blooming Cherry Front" begins his trip to the archipelago, following the north of Japan

On Saturday, Sakura began to bloom in Japan, the Japanese meteorological agency reported. The trees of the Soma-Yosino variety trees always bloom, they can already be observed in various regions of the country. Sakura bloomed four days earlier than usual, on Saturday, in Fukuoka. Seven days earlier in Naked. The agency explains this unusually warm weather conditions. The rank of flowering is expected from March 26 to March 29.

« I feel the breath of spring"," Said Yasutak Nanri from the city of Fukushima, who just passed by the flowering tree. " I look forward to when the trees are dissolved throughout Japan, and the holiday of admirement by Sakura will begin».

The duties of the Japanese meteorological agency include monitoring the front of Sakur's flowering throughout the country. Relevant reports and forecasts, the Agency releases throughout the season, informing how blooming is gradually moving from the south to the north of Japan. In exact forecasts of the meteorological agency, not only Japanese-lovers of khana, but also tourists who come from around the world for the holiday of Sakura's love is interested.

Japan's weather association calls people who plan to arrive in Khana, organize their trip this year before usual. Sakura will be in full bloom from the end of March, as well as in the first week of April in the western part of the Kanto region.

According to the materials of the Internet publications.

The transition from winter by summer just begins, and this means that the time of magic is coming - the flowering season. When winter weakens the grip, gentle petals begin to pierce their way from the kidneys on the bizarre branches. In February, this plum, and at the end of March - Sakura. This is the earliest sign that, soon, warmly will gradually envelop the entire Japanese archipelago. This process, like its surrealistic "pink-colored" results, foreshadows something incredibly good for the Japanese, however, it is difficult to describe the description. Even strict civil servants become kinder when Sakura flource.

Sakura flows in Tokyo at the end of March

The weather still fills the winter coolness, but the hearts and minds of the Japanese population have already begun to disappear. I can only describe it as " spring vacation Souls. " While the word "Khana" simply means "loving flowers" in Japanese, the spring holiday of joy symbolizes the favorite time of the year - the spring. So, prepare a raincoat and dishes for a picnic, we will choose a place that best complies with your family preferences. Below are several places in Tokyo, which must be noted on the map of your walk in spring.

Park Yögi. This is one of my most favorite places for Khana. Although this place may not be best suited for children. Of course, there are beautiful trees and a unique festive atmosphere, but you will also find broken bottles, aggressive raven and hordes of drunk students from the local college. Nevertheless, despite all this, there is something in this park - it is possible that it is the energy of the local nature that makes it return to coming here every season. People here really make everything they think: hold costume parties, banquets and sing in karaoke. All around are friendly and friendly to children. But, being flexible, may not notice that they burn a cigarette a few inches on behalf of your baby, so it should be careful. The best place For a family holiday is located in the center of the park - right behind the fountains. There are not so many blooming trees, but, but a lot of space where children can frolic and run, not afraid to face other walking passersby.

Arisugava Park. Located a few minutes from the Hiro station. This park is not so many Sakur, but a lot of picturesque places. Near the library there is a good playground for kids. The supermarket "National Adezaba" is right across the road - everything you may need for a picnic can be bought there. Because Arisugava Park is hilly, then for older children it will be interesting to play hide and seek. There are many stone steps in the territory. Those who walk with carriages can use the sidewalk, which goes throughout the perimeter of the park.

Weno Park

Weno Park. This is a 800-pound "Gorilla", which holds the championship among all Tokyo Parks on Khan. But all I can advise - stay away from this place. I was there with children several times over the past decade, and I always wanted to leave immediately. If there is a place favorable for the child, I would like to know them. But, all I have come to see are dozens of hopeless drunken bodies lying right under the blooming trees. Those who have claustrophobia - beware.

Aoyama cemetery. Here you will find some of the brightest and photogenic seasons, but keep in mind - this is a cemetery, so you should give tribute to respect and observe etiquette. it beautiful place For a walk with babies, but this is not a place where children should play. The best option is a walk.

River Nakamaguro

River Nakamaguro. The landscape here is especially wizard after sunset. This is an ideal place for a walk, however, not only in the afternoon. Flowering trees grow mainly on the main line, where children are not enough for maneuvers. But, all coastal restaurants and kiosks are along the sidewalk, and this is a great place for walking, snacks and loving on trees. Especially after twilight, because Sakura is highlighted with artificial illumination.

National Park Shinjuku Göen. My main choice for families in the season of Khana (and not only) - Shinjuku Göen. The garden is rich in beautiful trees and picturesque places for relax. Behind the well-being and cleanliness in the park is well monitored: there is no pigeon litter and broken glass. Lawns are neatly tonsured and not wrapped out. If it's cold outside, you can go on a tour of the newly renovated greenhouse to warm up. In all respects, Shinjuku Göen wins. Including, it is worth considering the fact that the season Khana lasts here even longer, because here "YaSakura" grow, which usually blooms about two weeks after the other varieties of cherries have already trembled. There are, however, several features: the park closes at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and the use of alcohol on the territory is prohibited. Bags are often checked at the gate, though, I witnessed how caracakers still closed their eyes on a bottle of wine or sake.

According to the materials of the Internet publications.

March 10, 2016, 13:43 At the festival of Sakura flowering one of the main characters will be Norwegian

Twenty-Semilenaya Norwegian became the first western woman who was chosen for the lead role at the Sakura flowering festival in the city of Tsubame (Niigata Prefecture). During the festival, all participants dressed in the costumes of the EDO era (1603-1868).

Annta Hansen, living now in Tokyo, was chosen by the festival organizers for the execution of the role of one of the three ohran or curtains, which will defilitate on the streets of the city on April 17. For the first time in 74, the existence of the festival for this key role was chosen by the woman of Nevapon Nationality, the representatives of the Tsubame City Tourism Council were reported.

Hansen, who arrived in Japan in 2010, holds the hotel room reservation manager in one large company. According to official statements of local officials, Norwegian was chosen on the basis of a thorough selection consisting of two rounds.

« To be elected to the role of Ouran - a high honor for me. This festival is associated with the original Japanese traditions, because during his holding a special role is paid to national clothing and the symbol of Japan - Sakura"," Annta Hansen said.

In addition to the Norwegian, two Japanese women will take part in the festival. All three will be dressed in costumes curtains. About 70 participants in the role of servants will also take part in the festival. After the official part, an extensive photo session from the participants is supposed.

The main heroines of the holiday will be shovel in sandals on a 15-centimeter platform. They will have to demonstrate a unique style of walking Oyran, which they used when entertaining guests in the distant times of Edo era.

It is worth paying attention to that when making a final decision regarding the main heroines of the holiday, among other things, their physical training was taken into account. The fact is that the total weight of the girl's outfits is about 30 kilograms.

Annta Hansen also told that she was very worried, because in previous festivals there were unpleasant confusion, when the girls elected to the role of the Kurtisanok could not complete their participation in the festival due to the unbearable two-hour physical exertion. In addition to the outfit on girls there will be a special wig of the times of Edo, which was taken to wear in that era.

According to the materials of the Internet publications.

Photo 1.

Photo 2.

Photo 3.

Photo 4.

Photo 5.

Photo 6.

Photo 7.

Photo 8.

Photo 9.

Photo 10.

For the first time in the market there will appear Pepsi with the taste of Sakura

The Japanese manufacturer of drinks Suntory announced the first in its history the release of carbonated water with a unique taste of Sakura and Pepsi, the first batch of which should exit in the spring of this year.

When it comes to non-alcoholic drinks in Japan, the local consumer is spoiled by a wide range of them: from white winter pepsy to the Hallown Pepsi. On the account of the Japanese national manufacturer of Pepsi, Suntory, a lot of original products, for example, a drink with a combined taste of lemon and mint, or even with a taste of salt watermelon, but pepsy with the taste of Sakura has never been produced.

Something slightly similar was produced by other manufacturers, for example, strawberry milk with the taste of cola, which appeared in the spring of 2014 during the flowering period of Sakura.

In the middle of winter, the Bottle of Beer Asahi began to try on spring motifs associated with the upcoming flowering of Sakur. Recently, the Japanese brewery released a new lease of beer called Asahi Super Dry. On the sale of an alcoholic drink will go in the spring of this year. You can buy it in a limited period: only in spring.

Beer itself, like a drink, absolutely will not change - it will be all the same ASAHI Super Dry beer. To change only the design of its packaging. The bottle will be decorated in the bright pink color of Sakura during the period of their most active flowering. Such a bottle, beyond doubt, will be an excellent decoration of the holiday of the contemplation of the Japanese cherry.

For the second year in a row, ASAHI meets the spring with its special line of drinks. Last year, spring beer was happily met by the Japanese, especially beautiful half. Consumers bought about 620 thousand bottles of alcoholic beverage, which doubled exceeded the expected results. This year it is planned to release several times more seasonal products.

The beer line will be represented by bottles with a capacity of 633 and 500 milliliters and bits with a capacity of 135, 250, 350 and 500 milliliters, as well as a special two-liter aluminum mini-barrel.

Regardless of the volume, the entire container has a bright and festive design. It is worth noting that the ASAHI Super Dry beer has already been on sale in banks with a capacity of 350 and 500 milliliters, the rest of the products will be available and will be released in free sale from March 8. Note that the beer in the banks of 633 and 500 milliliters was almost entirely sold on February 2, it should be reached on sale on March 29.

The Spring Beer Line Asahi Super Dry will be on sale until the end of April. Therefore, if you are going to Japan during this period, do not miss the excellent opportunity to acquire an exclusive offer from ASAHi brewery.

« If only we could fall as a cherry color in the spring - such a clean and shining!»

Second world War Transformed the color of Sakura. Twenty-two-year-old pilot-kamikaze, which was a hayk before dying in battle in February 1945, did not even foresee, as soon as Hiroshima and Nagasaki will give a new "color" to such familiar cherry blossom - flourishing, transformed into the human ideal of beauty, achievable Thanks to beautiful death. It is necessary to be them to enjoy fully, and become part of him as suicide bumps.

« Dear Parents"," Wrote another, "" please congratulate me. I gave me a great opportunity to die. This is my last day. The fate of our Motherland now depends on the decisive sea battle in the south, where I fall as a color with shining sakura».

Sakura's color symbolized the disappearance, the beauty, beauty of the disappearance and the ideal of the warrior of Japan. He always glorified self-sacrifice. That is why the Sakura flower has merged into the threshold of the 20th century that the concepts that men dying for their sacred homeland became actually cherry blossom, because they acquire unearthly, superior beauty, "so clean and shining!" They become.

Other countries also brought up warriors and patriots filled with a seinery of a separate life as trivial things compared to the homeland service. But no one was supposed to be so terrible, terrible beauty as the color of Sakura.

A more practical example as another culture is considering the same topic - a brief passage from the letter that the young French revolutionary wrestler wrote his father in 1792. " Our freedom can only be guaranteed if there is a mattress from corpses on the bed... I agree to become one of them" (Citizted by the historian Simon Sham in the book "Citizens: Chronicle of the French Revolution"). The Japanese would rightfully admire his strength of the Spirit, but it is a pity that he was not a poet.

It was, according to Ivan Morris, " one of the strangest and most acute weapons in the history of war"-" One-sided glider, which comes close to the goal even at high altitude, and then sharply dives down at a great speed that blowing up the warhead on the enemy ship ... The seizion's craft itself could fail the court of the enemy navy, which now ( 1944-1945) The islands of Slow breathable Japan besieged. In addition, the use of such weapons would demoralize foreigners who were psychologically not ready for such methods of war. "

This weapon got a name oka, in honor of the additional reading "Sakura flower". The Americans gave him another name - a bomb of the tank or in other words "Bomb Idiot."

About 5 thousand Japanese military "fell like a Sakura flower." Damage that they could apply the ships of the United States and their allies were insignificant. However, as was conceived, it had a very strong psychological impact, but the result was unexpected. Hoping for the demoralization of the enemy, the Japanese did not even think that the Americans decided to use extraordinary methods for the war with such an extraordinary country. And it was discharged on 6 and 9 August 1945 bombs on the city of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

August 16, Japan surrendered. On the same day, Vice Admiral Takidziro Onii, who was the initiator of the terrorist attack of the Oka, made a ritual harakiri right in his own residence in Tokyo. He was also a poet. " Today in the flower, tomorrow in the scattered wind. - Such is our life of heyday. Can we think that his aroma lasts forever?»

According to the materials of the Internet publications.

The celebration of the Chinese New Year is still in full swing, but it is already known that a record number of foreign tourists came to Japan to celebrate this holiday in Japan. After this event, hotels and restaurants in the country will only be a month to prepare for the next huge wave Tourists who will arrive in March and April to meet the spring and see the bloom of Sakura.

The prediction of the exact date of the start of the Khangan was always considered a matter of priority for the Japanese tourist industry. The popularity of the country is growing rapidly, more and more tourists from different countries Want to visit an island state.

According to the forecasts of Japanese specialists, this year, Sakura will first bloom in the southwestern part of the city of Fukuoka and Kumamoto. This will happen about March 25. For them, on March 26, Sakura will bloom in Tokyo and Nagoya. The ancient capital of Kyoto will see Sakura flowering on March 29, while residents and tourists of the northern city of Sapporo on Hokkaido island will be able to enjoy Sakura blossom only from May 2. As a rule, the flower is completely blocked for about a week.

The forecast is carried out on the basis of constant temperature studies, taking into account the data of the last few months. Usually low temperatures at the end of the autumn and early winter and high temperatures in early spring lead to early blooming. As for 2016, this year the deadlines correspond to the average annual.

China's airlines intend to take measures to fully provide the possibility of increased passenger air transport In March and April. It is during this period that there is a rapid increase in the number of Chinese tourists coming to Japan.

According to the staff of the Tokyo Representative Office of China Southern Airlines, they were taken to increase the number of places for the transportation of tourists. Sakura flowering. In March - April 2015, Japan visited 3 million 200 thousand tourists. Among them are about 800 thousand guests from China.

The Japanese Hydrometeorological Center will update its forecast regarding Sakura flowering every day, starting from February 24. If we talk about last year, the forecast for the beginning of the flowering of Sakura was with an error of three days.

According to the materials of the Internet publications.

May 5, 2015, 11:57 Sakura, which was planted by the Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe, bloomed in Moscow

The cherry tree, which Prime Minister Shinzo Abe landed in Moscow two years ago, bloomed. As a sign of hope for the development of friendly relations between Japan and Russia, Abe, being on an official visit in April 2013, planted a tree in the Japanese garden, which is headed by the Russian Academy of Sciences. The seedlove was taken from the Vishni tree placed in the garden in 1986 by his late father, the former Foreign Minister Sintaro Abe, who contributed to the development of the relations of Japan with the former Soviet Union.

Group tour to Japan. March. Sakura!

March 22-28 2020 (7 days / 6 nights)

Tokyo - Nara - Kyoto - Canadzava - Tokyo

Pink "Snowfall"

When billions of petals fall out from cherry trees, it may seem that the earth is covered with pink snow. Suddenly, the petals come off from the branches and fly in the graceful dance to the ground. A strong gust of wind picks up "snowflakes", spreading them everywhere. The Japanese call this phenomenon of Sakura Fubuki, or pink "snowfall". The earth will rip out a gentle pink carpet. The fallen petals of Sakura - a rare beauty spectacle - give peace and calm.

"Khana", admiring the blooming Sakura, is the most favorite tradition of the Japanese. But, despite the fact that literally "khana" is translated as "loving with flowers", it is no less firmly associated with a good snack and drinking on a picnic with family or with friends under blooming trees.

Now in Japan there are more than 300 types of Sakura, although not more than 10 species are natural. Sakura flowers were also a favorite plot of many famous artists. They appear in countless paintings, poems, and later in photographs and films, not to mention the fact that Sakura is the most popular ornament of female kimono.

But not only the Japanese asses the beauty of Sakura flowering. Anyone who will visit Japan at that time will come to delight when it sees blooming trees trembling in the wind ("HanAducation"), as well as sakura flowering at the light of the moon or paper lamps ("Eugeakura"). This impression will continue in memory for many years.

21 March. Moscow - Tokyo.

Departure from Moscow in Tokyo by a regular flight of Aeroflot or Jal.

March 22. Tokyo.

Accommodation at Narita Airport.
Meeting with a Russian speaking guide.
Transfer to Tokyo.
14:00 Arrival in Tokyo.

18:00 Arrival in the hotel, accommodation.

March 23. Tokyo.

Breakfast in the hotel.

9:00 Tokyo's excursion.
District of Sinjuku Skyscrapers, "Alley of Memories" Omoidhe Ekoto.
The sanctuary of Maidji Jingu.
Youth district Harajuku.
Asakusa district, Temple Senseodji, Souvenir street Nakamse.
Akihabar Electronics Quarter.
The fashionable area of \u200b\u200bGinza is the "showcase of the city".
Square of the Imperial Palace.

During the excursion - lunch.

18:00 Return to the hotel.

March 24. Nara.

Breakfast in the hotel.
8:00 Extract from the hotel.
8:30 Transfer to Kyoto on the Sinkansen speed train.
11:00 Arrival in Kyoto.
Transfer into the vy.

12:30 Excursion to Nare.
Todaji Temple with the statue of the Big Buddha.
Sanctuary Kasuga Beat.
Park manual deer.

During the excursion - lunch.

17:00 Transfer to Kyoto.
18:30 Arrival in the hotel, accommodation.

Hotel: "Hotel Intergate Kyoto Shijo Shinmachi", 4 *.

March 25. Kyoto.

Breakfast in the hotel.
9:00 Extract from the hotel.

Excursion to Kyoto.
Temple of Kinkakuji ("Golden Pavilion").
Temple Röandji with a garden of stones.
Temple of "Clean Water" Kiyimizudera.
Temple Thousand Buddha Sanzusiangendo.

During the excursion - lunch.

17:10 Transfer to Canadzava at the near train.
19:15 Arrival in Canadzava.
Transfer to the hotel.
20:00 Arrival in the hotel, accommodation.

Hotel: Kanazawa Tokyu Hotel, 4 *.

26 March. Canadzawa.

Breakfast in the hotel.
9:00 Extract from the hotel.

Excursion to Canadzava.

Japanese garden Kanoku-en.
Castle Canadzawa.
The area of \u200b\u200bthe ancient samurai houses.
Medieval tea street Higashi tea.

During the excursion lunch.

16:00 Transfer to Tokyo on the Sinkansen speed train.
18:30 Arrival in Tokyo.
Arrival in the hotel, accommodation.

Hotel: "Moxy Tokyo Kinshicho", 3 * or "Courtyard Tokyo Station", 4 + *.

March 27. Tokyo.

Breakfast in the hotel.

Free day. Additional tours will be offered for those who wish.

March 28. Tokyo - Moscow.

Breakfast in the hotel.
Meeting with a Russian-speaking guide in the hotel lobby.
Extract from the hotel.
Transfer to Narita Airport.
Departure to Moscow Regular flight of Aeroflot or Jal.

The cost of the program on the 1st person as part of the group

Payment in rubles on the company's course at the time of payment.
In brackets indicated the price calculated at the rate of Central Bank + 2% on March 5, 2020

Included in cost:

  • accommodation in hotels;
  • excursions with a Russian-speaking guide;
  • entrance tickets for the program;
  • food: breakfast in hotels and dinners during excursions;
  • transport service software, railway tickets to Sinkansen speed trains;
  • visa application.


  • airfare Moscow-Tokyo-Moscow;
  • medical insurance.

See also: