Chernorechensky canyon Crimea how to get. One-day hike in the Chernorechensky canyon

Chernorechensky canyon is the largest and the longest in the Crimea, its length is about 12 km. The Chernorechensky Canyon takes its beginning from the Baydarskaya Valley and ends in the Inkermanskaya area. The canyon was cut by mountain rivers many millennia ago, in one of the most ancient tectonic faults of the Crimean peninsula.

Geographical coordinates of the Chernorechensky canyon on the map of Crimea GPS N 44.527635, E 33.726134

Chernorechensky canyon today is completely open to tourists and there is no entrance fee. The width of the canyon ranges from 40 to 310 meters. The Chernaya River flows along the bottom of the canyon, along the right and left banks there are many trails and tourist routes. Most of the trails end in blockages, cliffs or beautiful views to cascades of waterfalls. In spring, especially at the beginning of spring, when thousands of streams flow from the mountains, the bottom of the canyon turns into a full-flowing river, which rages, rushes to Mountain peaks and rakes up a lot of stones and branches from trees.

Walks along the Chernorechensky Canyon without an experienced guide, they can be unsafe, but the views and noise of the waters are simply mesmerizing, and the power of the mountain stream takes you to the Caucasus or to the Amazon River at the time of its full flow. After the melting of ice and snow, the most favorable period for visiting the canyon comes. A lot of waterfalls, a lush flowering of a wide variety of flowers and plants, a feeling as if the Chernorechensky Canyon turns into the lungs of the Crimea, filling the peninsula with fresh and clean mountain air, this is partly true.

One of the largest plots in the Crimea, where untouched juniper groves have been preserved, is located right here. They spread almost along the entire canyon, alternating with oaks, Crimean pine and yew. A lot of fern representatives of the Crimean flora stretch across the floor. The best tourist routes start from the Baydarskaya valley, near the villages of Shirokoye and Ozernoye, the nearest large village - Orlinoe, are located at a distance of 6 km.

Map of the route along the Chernorechensky Canyon

The most common routes along the Chernorechensky canyon, passes between the villages: Rodnoe and Ozernoe and Chernorechye and Ozernoe. In the village of Rodnoye there is a sign for the beginning of the trail, in the village of Chernorechye, the sign is written by hand. All paths are marked with a marker, secondary paths will depart from the main path, but after a while, secondary roads return to the main one. The entire walk through the canyon takes about 3-4 hours on average, but there are also upper trails that you should have at least minimal climbing training. These trails are on average up to 5-8 hours long.

The most picturesque views and panoramas of the Chernorechensky canyon open approximately in the middle of the canyon, where he makes a sharp turn. Many viewing platforms, bare rocks, endless forests, a stunning bend of the river make this place almost fabulous and seem a little unreal, as if from some kind of picture, or torn from the pen of a young naturalist who idealizes what he saw. Approximately in the same places, in the middle of the canyon, there is one of the most beautiful caves of Crimea, Shaitan-Kooba, in which, in the last century, an ancient man’s site, several burials and many tools of labor and life of a primitive man were discovered.

How to get to the Chernorechensky canyon

Get to the Chernorechensky canyon the easiest way is from the Baidarskaya valley, as a sign you can put the village of Orlinoe. The easiest way to get to Orlinoe is along the Yalta - Sevastopol highway, from the highway the exit to Orlinoe is marked with a large sign. About 5 km from Orlinoe village. to the village of Ozernoe. Chernorechensky canyon is one of the most picturesque corners and is one of its main attractions. Before visiting the canyon, check out in order to make the route as accurately as possible and not miss the amazing places of the Crimean peninsula. Also, in the Baydarskaya Valley there is another canyon - exactly on the opposite side of the valley. Whatever attraction you decide to visit in the Baydar Valley, you are definitely guaranteed a good mood and a sea of ​​adrenaline.

Chernorechensky Canyon on the map of Crimea

ABOUT Grand Canyon of Crimea (BKK) many people know - this is one of the main "business cards" of the peninsula - as, for example, bird home or Alupka Palace. If you are not a tourist, but you really want to see the BKK, buy an excursion that includes visiting it - you won’t go through the entire canyon, although its length is only 3 km, but up to Baths of youth bring. I will tell you about another Crimean canyon, in my opinion, no less impressive - Chernorechensky. Its length is 16 km. There are no official excursions there and cannot be - this is a water protection zone. A river flows along the bottom of the canyon Black supplying water to Sevastopol. From the side of the Baydarskaya Valley there is a water supervision post that prohibits entry into the canyon ( as far as I know, they only control the first two kilometers) , and there are also foresters who do not allow overnight stays, since the entire adjacent territory is a landscape reserve. But, nevertheless, there are people in the canyon, tents too. Taking into account the length of the route and the complexity of the terrain, it is generally accepted that it makes sense to enter the Chernorechensky Canyon only with a backpack and a mandatory overnight stay. We passed it in one day with departure from Sevastopol and return there. Running over rough terrain for such a distance and catching a bus at the same time is not an easy task, but quite real.

About the Black River and the canyon

Chernaya is the second most full-flowing Crimean river after Belbek (1.94 m3/s versus 2.75 m3/s). Its length is 41 km. It starts in the Baydar Valley: a small river Uzundzha, refreshed by streams and springs, crosses the valley and leaves it with a new name - Chorgun (Black). A dam was built near the exit. Now the Uzundzha and all its other tributaries flow into the formed reservoir, and one river Chernaya, the former Chorgun, flows out. Almost immediately, with its current, the Chernaya rests against the Kizil-Kaya mountain and then makes its way through the rock mass, in which it has carved a deep gorge over many centuries.

It is more fair to call 16 km of the canyon a gorge, but 12 km of them is a real canyon: the flow of water rushes about in a winding gorge formed on both sides by rocks several tens of meters high. Beyond the village of Chernorechye, the river enters the Inkerman Valley and flows to Inkerman, where it flows into the Sevastopol Bay of the Black Sea.

How to pass the canyon

If you pass through the canyon, then there are two ways:

1) along the river: from the Baydarskaya valley (from the road between the villages of Shirokoye and Peredovoye) to the village of Chernorechye (16 km);

2) against the flow of the river: from the village of Chernorechye towards Shirokoye and Peredovoe (the same 16 km, but vice versa).

Additional options for entering the canyon(in the middle course):

3) from the village of Rodnoe - 5 km to the canyon;

4) from Morozovka (Alsu) - 2 km to the canyon;

Since we were going to walk the canyon completely, we chose between the first and second option. Arguments:

- the last scheduled bus to Sevastopol from Chernorechensky departs an hour and a half later than from Shiroky;

- it seems to be more natural to go along the river.

Although the bulk of the people prefer to move upstream, entering from Chernorechye, Rodnoy and Morozovka. In the last two cases, the lower part of the route is lost, but everything interesting is still ahead. Why do they walk this way? They are afraid of the water control upstairs, which releases, but does not let in.

There are trails along the top of the canyon, they are interesting to walk if the goal is admiring panoramic views. In order to see the power of the river and the grandeur of the canyon, one must walk along the bottom. There will be such a problem - "clamps". These are rocks that are close and vertical (and often convex) approaching the water. They must be bypassed on horseback or try to ford the river and "seek happiness" on the opposite side. The trail on horseback bypassing the "pressers" often rises very high, there is a danger of going away from the canyon. For us, such wandering was unacceptable, the prospect of getting stuck in a canyon or in a forest for an overnight stay without a tent did not suit us. We did not plan endless fords across the river either - spring was just beginning. It is possible if you stick to main lower trail : it goes along the left side of the river, then, approximately in the middle, it passes to the right - the main thing is not to miss this transition. In general, the trails are visible on both sides of the river, and they are actively used.

Sevastopol. 5 km

From here there are buses to the surrounding villages. We need to go to the Baydar Valley, to the village of Shirokoye. In the Baydar Valley, the villages are, as it were, ringed by a road, we need a bus “5 km - Peredovoye”. From the entrance to this so-called ring on the left (i.e. clockwise), the first will be the village of Shirokoye, but the bus can first turn right along the ring to the village of Orlinoe (the largest locality in the valley), then return back and head for Shirokoye. I won't be surprised if there is a flight that will go to Peredovoe via Orlinoe, and not via Shirokoye (ie counterclockwise). Although that side is the direction "5 km - Rodnikovoe". In general, you need to specify at the box office for 5 km which bus will take you to the right place.


In principle, in the village you do not need to get off the bus. You can ask the driver, and he will stop outside the village on the bridge over the Chernaya River. This is the beginning of the route, if there is no water protection post on patrol. Everyone says that in the morning, before the working day has begun, you can slip through. We decided to check this version - in the morning around eight we succeeded.

To avoid a spoiled mood for sure, you need to get off the bus in the right place - in Shiroky. Then, behind the village, we move in the direction of small hills: the one that is closer is Smnalykh. We leave it along the left, then soon we take it to the right and go down the paths into the canyon - ideally we get to the Kizil-kaya rock, i.e. to the top of the canyon. By time - 40-50 minutes. From the bridge to this place along the river - 15 minutes.

Kizil-Kaya - Yatlauz stream - Small and Large Gates (first loop)

In this section, the river still flows calmly, although quickly. The color of the water is surprising - turquoise-emerald, which has nothing to do with the name of the river. The trail, comfortable and wide, winds along the river bank. The same is on the opposite side. A lot of good places for tents. Purely. If the people spend the night, they understand that they are in the reserve, moreover, in its water protection zone. Then the rocks appear, the canyon is gaining strength - its walls, narrowing, gradually rise up. Here is the first "clamp" - you have to go around it, climbing up the rocks, then go down again down to the water.

The river either rumbles in riffles and falls in numerous waterfalls, or forms sleeves with pretty islands and quiet backwaters. In summer it is good to swim here - the water in the river is warm. There is also trout, but it is impossible to catch it. They drink water from the river. There is a spring at the beginning of the canyon before the rock climbs.

The river in the canyon makes two loops, turning almost 180 degrees. In this area is found first loop- the trail either rises up or descends, there are no clearly dangerous sections, the views are mesmerizing. If there is a tent, you should not rush further - the "heart" of the canyon is here, up to the Gate. This is the name of the place in which two rocky strata almost merge with each other, and water rushes into the gap between them.

Foaming, the streams squeeze between the grandiose walls. The way up goes along a narrow cornice, but what beauties open up to the eye, the head is spinning not so much from the height, but from the smell of herbs and spicy juniper aroma. Having climbed up, it is worth lying down and hanging your head from a cliff: rampage water element admires! Then the path goes down to the water along the rustling scree of the slope. Here it is important not to get carried away by the contemplation of beauties and not deviate to the left instead of looking for a channel. Therefore, one must stay close to the river and prefer right turns at dubious forks. The trail will soon lead to the water.

Attention! At this point, you can interrupt the route - go on horseback and forward in the direction of the village of Morozovka.

Crossing from the left bank to the right. Right side. Second loop

It is important not to miss this place - then the left side becomes completely impassable for a while. A simple structure made of logs and branches serves as a bridge. The current is fast but not deep. Then for about half an hour the path on the right bank goes along the river and looks harmless. We organized a halt in this place, admired the landscape of a very steep opposite coast, watched the rare tourists traversing its slopes at an angle of 45 degrees and higher - did they find themselves there by force or are they not looking for easy ways on purpose?

We don’t have to relax too much - there is a difficult section of the road ahead - an extreme detour second loop. “Clamps” in some places have to walk carefully along the rocks with the risk of falling down into the water, then the section begins, which is overcome along the impromptu half-foot bridges laid over the shore, the role of which is played by tree trunks laid one after another, including along sheer walls over deep water. Springing under the weight of the body, they are, oddly enough, durable.

Road to Chernorechye

At 16-00 we left the main part of the canyon, having spent eight hours, not in a hurry, to pass. At the exit there is a second small spring. Next, we will have a pleasant walk along a wide path to Chernorechye. There are more rock climbs, but less often and nonsense compared to what has been overcome. Pay attention to the remains of the German bridge and partisan glade against. From here to the right - to Rodnoye, to the left across the river - to Morozovka. We go straight. The Black River is getting wider and calmer. The bluish-green water seems cloudy; if you scoop up water with your hand, it is pure and transparent.

After 1.5 -2 hours we arrive in Chernorechye - a tower of the XIV century has been preserved here, we can see it. There is bus stop from which the bus leaves for Balaklava. If you are not lucky with him, then you need another hour to cross the village and wait on the highway for a regular bus from Ternovka to Sevastopol or catch a ride. Transport will deliver to the same place where we left, for 5 km. The journey is over. You feel pleasant fatigue from the fact that the route has been completed and envy of those lucky ones who stayed in the canyon for the night - you cannot enjoy that beauty on the go.


1. Go to the canyon, don't be afraid. Don't want to cope with 16 km, don't want to jump on logs / perches above the water and climb rocks on the second loop, get away from observation deck above Gates to the side Morozovki (Alsu). Don't go down to the crossing. From there - to the Yalta highway and by any bus to Sevostopol. Get enough of the picturesque views, swim in the river, extreme second loop and avoid the tiresome exit through Chernorechye.

2. Should I enter from Native? It's no closer than from Chernorechye. This assumes a complete passage of the canyon up. If you do not plan an overnight stay, then only a well-trained physically man can manage to run and jump on the last bus. public transport, as you remember, in the Baydarskaya Valley, work stops earlier than along Chernorechye).

3. And if you enter from Morozovka? I will say the same thing as under item 2, in this case the only plus is that it is closer to the canyon from Morozovka than from Rodnoye. In our case, it is better to go to Morozovka (that is, without backpacks and a tent) - it’s not far from the Yalta-Sevastopol highway, buses run there until late.

There are many hiking trails along the rocks of the Crimean mountains. And no wonder - those vacationers who are able to endure significant physical exertion and do without the "benefits of civilization" for some time are in a hurry to get acquainted with the unique natural corners of the peninsula. Of considerable interest are the canyons of the Crimean rivers. The most famous of them is, but the longest is the Chernorechensky Canyon. The route laid along its bottom and banks allows you to enjoy unusual species and at the same time "test the strength" of himself.

Where is Chernorechensky located in Crimea?

Of the large ones, it is closest to the sights. The gorge runs along the valley of the Black River from the village. Wide (nearby there is another memo -) to the village. Chernorechye. Its length is more than 12 km.

Canyon on the map of Crimea

History of occurrence: labors of water

In Crimea, the Chernorechensky canyon arose due to the erosion of soft limestone by water. For the peninsula, this is a fairly full-flowing river, which is why the results of its “work” turned out to be so significant. During the rainy season, tourists are advised to refrain from visiting the monument, as a sharp rise in water levels can be dangerous.

Chernorechensky canyon is the longest in the region. Since 1947 it has been a natural monument local importance. In 1974, its territory and adjacent rocks were declared a state reserve, so you can only move along established routes, preferably accompanied by an experienced instructor.

Local legends: green or black?

Many tourists are surprised by the name of the river - Chernaya. It is very clean, and the water in it may seem completely transparent, blue, green, but not black at all. What is the secret of the appearance of such a name?

Local residents offer two options for the origin of the name. The first says that during the time of the Crimean Khanate the river was called Chorgun. The meaning of this word remains unknown. After that, the Russian settlers changed the name, which was unusual for them, into a Russian one similar in sound - Chernaya.

Fans of the second option offer the curious to look at the river early in the morning from the rocks. The sun does not hit the canyon everywhere and not immediately. In constant shade, the water really looks black from a height.

Routes for visiting Chernorechensky

A simple description will not give an opportunity to appreciate all the charm natural monument- you have to see him. However, people who are in poor health or afraid of heights may not be able to do such a walk.
Some reserve of agility and endurance is required to overcome this route. The Chernorechensky canyon requires its guests to climb the rocks and ford the river or along very conditional footbridges.

The journey can be made both from Shirokoye and from Chernorechye. There is also an abbreviated version, starting near the village of Morozovka. But in all cases, experienced travelers and instructors calculate the speed of no more than 1 km per hour, since the trail is rather difficult.

The road runs along both natural and man-made paths. Part of it was built by the ancient Romans. The map calls another segment of the path "Manstein's road." This Nazi commander tried to carry out roundabout maneuvers here during the siege of Sevastopol during the Great Patriotic War. The Nazis also built a bridge over the Chernaya, but it was blown up by the Crimean partisans - today you can only see its remnants. A monument to the partisans also stands here.

What else is interesting about the canyon?

At the entrance to the canyon near the village of Chernorechye, a fragment of the castle of a Turkish nobleman, who lived here in the 16th-17th centuries, has been preserved. It is an unusual 12-sided one, the entrance to which was located on the third floor. At s. The wide beginning of the valley is marked by the rock Kizil-Kaya (Red)
she really is that color

The complete passage of the Chernorechensky canyon usually takes 2-3 days. Tourists have the opportunity to make halts and stay for the night in places marked for this purpose - this is both more convenient and safer for nature. Fatigue is well relieved by bathing in. Although the water is cool, there are many recessed coves along the riverbed that are convenient for swimming - they are called “royal baths” here. Shooting masters do on the way beautiful photos, displaying the beauty of nature, and those who know how to work with their hands, replenish the collection of local attractions with wooden "totems".

A visit requires very comfortable, non-slip shoes. It is also necessary to have warm clothes, because at the bottom of the gorge the shadow lasts for a long time and through winds blow, which makes it cool even in summer.

How to get to Chernorechenskoe?

Chernorechensky canyon is not a place where you can get there by car. The easiest way to get to it is from Sevastopol either to Shirokoye or to Chernorechye, where the corresponding minibuses go. You can also use the routes leading to the Baydarskaya Valley. But in all cases, before entering the gorge, you still have to go some distance on foot.

By car from Sevastopol, you can get to Chernorechye in this way:

Note to the tourist

  • Address: Chernorechye village, Balaklavsky district, Crimea, Russia.
  • Coordinates: 44°32′11″N (44.5364), 33°41′11″E (33.686496).

For those who are ready to work their own legs and back for the sake of learning new things, the Chernorechensky Canyon of Crimea will become an unforgettable experience. These places are loved by cheerful, strong and a little adventurous, willingly sharing their secrets with them! In conclusion, we offer a short video about this attraction. Enjoy watching!

The route has been completed.

This route is for lovers of water and stone. The Black River is the most full-flowing river of Crimea. The sheer cliffs that frame this river fascinate and enchant at first sight. A huge flow of the purest spring water of the river creates bizarre backwaters and lakes. Sometimes our trails will pass on the border of water and rocks. More than once we will cross the river, crossing it into a ford, sometimes we will climb up or go down a loose path. But it's worth it, the Chernorechensky canyon needs to go down close to the water to see all the delights of this place. After slowly passing the entire canyon, swimming in almost every lake created by the river, relaxing in comfortable clearings, we will leave the canyon and take a bus to Sevastopol, where we will say goodbye to you. If you have time before the train, you can see the beautiful hero city of Sevastopol.

Hiking route:

1 day:

We meet you at and all together we go to the village of Chernorechye. From the first steps, a magnificent landscape of the Crimean Mountains opens before us, the Chernaya River leads us further and further into the depths of the canyon, revealing its beauties of steep rocks and green glades. On one of these glades we break camping. The mountain river in the place of our parking makes a turn, it was in this place that a convenient backwater was formed for swimming and diving into the water. A bungee rope is tied to a tree leaning towards the water, swinging on it you can fly to the middle of the backwater and flop down into the water from a height. This procedure causes a storm of emotions and admiration, squeals and childish joy from the flight and surging emotions. We all collect firewood for the fire together, it will take a lot of it to cook dinner and sit by the fire, developing interesting topics of conversation, look at the bewitching spectacle of burning firewood, acquaintance , "", conversations around the campfire.

2 day:

As usual, we will start this day with exercises, breakfast, collect the camp and go to picturesque places Chernorechensky canyon.
in Crimea it unique miracle nature!!!
For more than 12 km, starting from the Kizil Kaya rock, on the border of the Baydarskaya valley, the Chernaya River flows in a winding gorge, squeezed on both sides by rocks several tens of meters high. In some places, this narrow and deep gorge is impassable: the channel of the Chernaya River is replete with rifts and cascades of rapids, piles of stone blocks. On the slopes you can see huge ledges resembling fortress bastions, columns, pyramids, dotted with oak and juniper. And between the slopes, at a distance of 50 to 300 meters, the stream of the Black River roars. The Chernorechensky canyon is much larger than the famous " grand canyon Crimea”, and in beauty is not inferior to any of the famous canyons of Ukraine.

On this day we will pass most of the canyon, stop at a place that has a huge cleansing effect! A beautiful powerful waterfall and a comfortable backwater for swimming will not leave anyone indifferent. Here we conduct energy practices and lectures on bioenergetics and psychology!

3 day:

In the morning, exercise, breakfast, we collect the camp and go through the rest of the canyon. Today our journey will not be long, in 1.5 hours a new stop. Today is a day of rest. The Chernorechensky canyon is an amazing place in terms of energy and beauty. You can perpetuate these beauties in the photo, walk around, climb the rocks without limiting yourself in time. Take a ride in a turbulent stream of water on boats and just soak up the sun.

We do not get tired of being surprised by the variety of Crimean landscapes, landscapes and historical sites. It would seem that all available routes have been trampled down, almost all the "visiting cards" of the peninsula have been seen, but, preparing for the next season, we again and again discover unknown to us historical facts and related places, discovering new trails and new experiences. Many who are interested in the nature of Crimea have heard of one of its attractions - Great Crimean Canyon. But it turns out that this canyon is not the only one on the peninsula. And not even the longest! We were convinced of this in 2015, walking with backpacks through the canyon Chernorechensky.

The GPS track of this route can be viewed and downloaded.

Geographically, the canyon begins at the border Baidarskaya valley, by the rock Kizil-Kaya(Red Rock), and ends at the village Chernorechye. You can follow the route, judging by the tour reports on the Internet, in both directions. We chose the starting point of the village Chernorechye.

How to get to the Chernorechensky canyon?

From Sevastopol run, but not often, suburban buses to villages wide And Chernorechye. We are from Feodosia- to reduce the time for moving - they rushed by minibus.

The walking part of the route started in the village Chernorechye around noon September 17th. After walking literally 200-300 m along the main street in an easterly direction, we stumble upon a curious historical building - the so-called Chorgun tower. It turns out that in the old days (until 1945) the place was called Chorgun and history has not preserved the semantic meaning of this word. The surviving tower is just the remains of the palace complex of the Turkish nobleman who lived here, built according to different opinions in the XIV-XVII centuries. The design of the tower is interesting: twelve-sided outside, round inside, with two-meter walls. The diameter of the tower is about 14 m. The tower has three levels: on the first one there was a cistern with drinking water, the second and third floors were residential. The entrance to the tower was located - attention! - on the third floor.

Directly behind the tower, passing the well, we deviate to the left and climb up the hill beyond the edge of the village by an inconspicuous street. Ignoring the prohibition signs (the canyon is a water protection zone), we exit through the open gates of wire fences onto a wide trodden path. Another slice of the historical "pie" - on the map this path is marked as " Manstein road". During the siege of Sevastopol in the Great Patriotic war for the transfer of motorized infantry units, on the orders of the Nazi general, this road was built from the village native to the village Chernorechye.

After an hour of hiking, we started descending into the gorge and heard the sound of a mountain river. The first impressions of the water flow are surprise and bewilderment. Surprise from such a full-flowing river seen for the first time in the Crimea. Confusion - from the name. The river can be called emerald, turquoise, green, but not black! The explanation is quite simple - getting rid of the incomprehensible name " Chorgun", the local population used the consonant Russian word" Black».

The terrain in the lower reaches of the canyon resembles a park area - a wide path, numerous parking lots, fires and seductive backwaters, which you cannot pass without swimming. Numerous improvised footbridges make it easy to choose a coast with a more convenient road.

By seventeen o'clock they reached the crossroads, which leads out of the road from the village Morozovka. On the left bank, they found a suitable place for spending the night, planning to walk lightly along the gorge located on the opposite bank the next morning.

Slowly set up camp, prepared dinner ... And the day gradually waned to evening, reflected by pink rocks in the emerald river water.

While swimming we were attacked by fry, fearlessly poking at our bodies as soon as we stopped or slowed down. It is a pity that twilight did not allow us to capture this curious performance on video! We talked about this and many other things at the evening table.

The morning sun crept into our tents. Breakfast, water procedures- and a planned transition without backpacks into the gorge towards the village native.

Cheerful in the morning, greedy for new discoveries, we quickly climbed the right slope of the gorge.

Behind us, behind the canyon, from behind the oak and hornbeam crowns, the houses of the town looked out.Morozovka.

Two hours later, we returned to the camp, packed our backpacks and continued moving up the bed of the Chernaya River.

The river either rustles with numerous rapids, or whispers with wide spills of water ...

The cliffs of the shores compress the water flow more and more densely. To follow along the water, you have to climb onto stone ledges.

The next frontier of the campaign is the ford. Once again we cross the river, now from the left to the right bank, near the destroyed bridge. This is also the legacy of Manstein. It is after this bridge that the road leaves the canyon to the village native.

Less than a kilometer of a relatively flat area - and again you have to climb into the rocks.

Apparently, the majority tourist groups You don't go through the canyon in one day. Otherwise, when will we be engaged in the creation of such totems?

Surprisingly, a whole network of quite decent bridges has been built far enough from the transport routes to cross the numerous branches of the river. Black.

The left bank hides us in the shade of the bushes, and the right one, like the curved body of a dragon, clad in a cracked shell, indicates the direction of the path.

At the next descent to the water, we discover a wonderful lake. Without much deliberation, we determined this place for a lunch break. Two minutes in cool water gets everyone back on track, while a hot lunch recuperates for the rest of the day's march.

The shadows began to lengthen, hurrying us to the end point of the second day of the hike. The gorge is getting narrower, the climbs are getting steeper. Increasingly, we have to insure our tired companions on the mountain slopes. Increasingly rare are horizontal platforms suitable for parking.

Closer to 19 o'clock, having passed the next bend of the canyon, we found ourselves on a rocky terrace with traces of previous overnight stays. On the opposite bank rose an unusually shaped rock lit by the setting sun. By mistake, we mistook it for Red, marking the upper limit of the canyon, and decided not to look for other options for the camp.

Anticipating the approaching southern night, we quickly pitched the tents, prepared firewood (this turned out to be a problem on rocky ledges), stocked up on water from the river, to which we had to descend a hundred meters along the path, and began to cook ... Dinner was already held by the light of a fire and lanterns. Long gatherings did not work because of the cold draft penetrating the gorge.

The morning was not particularly comfortable. The shade from the rocks and the unrelenting cool wind forced us to pack in hooded jackets. Hot porridge and tea somewhat brightened up the situation. Packing backpacks and folding tents, we looked impatiently at how slowly the sun crept, trying to overcome the rocks and warm us with its rays.

Before embarking on the path, we once again carefully studied the surroundings of the camp. The river in this section was very reminiscent of an artificial canal, cut through the rocks by representatives of ancient civilizations… Fascinating!

Just one turn - and we are already squinting from the sun, taking off our jackets and trousers.

The water flow becomes more and more restive and louder, forming numerous waterfalls.

The right bank still hangs over us with bizarre rocks.

Kizil-kaya. This rock cannot be confused with any other. She's really red! We did not miss the opportunity to swim in the river and take a break.

Further along the route, the mountain slopes came to naught, mighty waterfall streams turned into streams with swampy banks, garbage heaps from picnics appeared ... scorching sun to the village wide about six kilometers.

From wide can be reached shuttle bus before Sevastopol, but we waited for the same minibus that dropped us at the beginning of the route.

Result: about 25 km in three days - and "the next chapter of the Crimean almanac has been read." A fascinating and endless almanac!

We present a video report on a trip along the Chernorechensky canyon:

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