Stop Aerotel 308 bus. Schedule of suburban buses Balakhna

Ways, how to leave Moscow to Domodedovo Airport, several: train-aeroexpress, taxi / transfer, urban transport. But the last choice most often reject, overpay, some are not at all informed about it. Domodedovo Bus will take to the destination for the price of 5-10 times cheaper. And urban transport is the same with the train-aeroexpress for the comfort of the road.

Usually people are trying to get to the airport from Domodedovo Metro Station. They are connected buses and minibuses with the same path and number 308, which without transfers will overcome the distance of 25 km.

A number 308 go: express bus, social transport with benefits, route taxi. There are buses from Domodedovo to Domodedovo Airport on schedule after half an hour (from 6:00 am to midnight). Even night buses move, so it is not necessary to call taxis and transfers to bring them to the airport building. At night from midnight until 6:00 am, the arrival interval to stop 40 minutes.


Bus schedule №308 Moscow-Domodedovo:

The cost of the ticket is 150 rubles per adult. Children up to 7 years fare is free.

There is a luggage compartment. If it is required to overcome the luggage distance not exceeding 25 km, the load fee will be 60. If the route is less than 50 km, then 90. If the distance to Domodedovo Airport by bus is 25 km, then it means that the cargo pay 60 rubles . Total travel bus to Domodedovo Airport is 210 rubles per person.

Save on the trip to Domodedovo Airport by bus can be sent when paying:

  • The "Arrow" card, intended for a trip to the suburbs. It is better to take it if you often go from the Moscow region to Moscow and back.
  • Visa PayWave.
  • Mastercard PayPass.

Payment by these methods reduces the price of a trip from Domodedovo to Moscow by bus by 15 rubles, that is, the passage now costs 135. With a luggage, the passage is 195.


Social transport is intended for people with benefits, so traveling to them below. It is 92 rubles without granting cards. When paying the "Arrow" card, MasterCard Paypass or Visa Paywave to get there to transport 73 rubles 60 kopecks. For children under 7 years old, you do not need to pay for the trip.

SERVICE Luggage is paid, but prices are also reduced due to benefits. If the trip is not 25 km longer, then there will be 34 rubles for luggage. Up to 50 km - 68, and then 5 0km - 102. In general, for a trip from the metro to the airport, you will have to pay at full cost 126, when paying for a card or contactless - 107 rubles 60 kopecks.

By schedule, social transport walks every half hour.


Minibuses from Domodedovo Airport During the day 6:00 - 00:00 go from the metro station Domodedovskaya every 15-30 minutes. Departures after a set of people. At night from 0:00 to 6:00 minibuses, Domodedovo Airport depart in 40 minutes. Payment is made similarly to the express transport: without maps and cashless payroll costs 150, and with a map or PayPass / paywave - 135.

For luggage at a distance less than 25 km payment of 60 rubles, and for 50 km - 90.

Stop near the metro

How to find a stop:

  1. If you are going on the metro from the center, then sit on the last car. It stops just near the desired exit.
  2. On the "Exit to the City" table, 2 directions will be written: on Kashirskoye Highway and Voronezh Street. Turn on the highway left.
  3. Turn the turnstiles, then there will be a table with 2 directions: on Kashirskoye highway or walnut boulevard and bus in Domodedovo. The last option is denoted by the output number 6.
  4. Go to the end of the tunnel before exit # 6.
  5. The output number 6 brings to the Kashira road, which is moving express and urban transport, social buses and route taxis. Here you can sit on the minibus. After a few meters there will be a stop.


From Paveletsky Station (Art. M. Paveletskaya) (Schedule)

Time on the way is 40-50 minutes.


Route Express Domodedovo № 308

From the metro station "Domodedovskaya".
Last wagon from the center. In the underground transition to the right, to the end of the tunnel, then lifting up the right stairs.

Tickets are purchased from the driver. Children under 7 years old are free.
Additional luggage charge fees are not taken.

Track Schedule: from 06:00 to 24:00, every 15 minutes, after 22:00 with an enlarged interval.
Standard time on the way is 35 minutes, but it can be very dependent on the road situation.

Route taxi

Route taxi number 308

From the metro station "Domodedovskaya".
Last wagon from the center. In the underground transition to the right to the end of the tunnel. If you climb the stairs and look back, you can immediately see the bus stop.

Tickets are purchased from the driver.
Luggage procurement - free if you do not have to take an additional passenger seat.

Track Schedule: from 06:00 to 24:00, as it fills, each 5-15 minutes, after 22:00 every 20-30 minutes, at night from 00:00 to 06:00 on schedule.
Time on the way - 25-30 minutes, but may increase with a complex road situation.

Official carriers: Avtolan, Alfa-Mobile, Mostransavto.

By car

Domodedovo Airport is equipped with several free and paid parking. Free interval is provided on the paid parking - 15 minutes after entering.

The fare can be clarified on the official website: AeroExpress.Ru

Business Class:
1 trip in the car increased comfort With guaranteed planting Moz.
Valid in accordance with the date, time and direction specified in direction document
Standard class:
1 trip.
Valid in accordance with the date specified in the travel document
There and back again
2 trips (1 trip to the airport, 1 trip to the station).
Valid in all three directions from / to Moscow airports for 30 days from the date indicated on the ticket.
Plus metro
1 trip to Aeroexpress and 1 trip to the subway or bus / trolleybus / tram.
2 Aeroexpress and 1 travel tickets, giving the right to travel on the metro / tram / trolleybus / bus. (Between trips on aeroexpress, there is a blocking 10 minutes after each use of the aeroexpress turnstile).
Valid for 5 days, including purchase day
2 trips at Aeroexpress and 2 travel ticketsgiving the right to travel on the subway / tram / trolleybus / bus. (Between trips on aeroexpress, there is a blocking 10 minutes after each use of the aeroexpress turnstile).
Valid for 5 days, including purchase day
1-2 adults (from 18 years old) + to three children before performing 14 years.
Valid in accordance with the date specified in the passing document is issued in the presence of children upon presentation of documents certifying their age.
1 trip to the standard class car.
The ticket is valid for travel 3 people. From a / n Vnukovo or a / n Domodedovo, on the date specified in the passing document.
It is drawn up only on the day of the trip from mobile cashiers in the arrival hall of Vnukovo and Domodedovo airports.
Full ticket blocking 30 minutes after the first pass through the aeroexpress turnstile.
Children's (from 5 to execution of 7 years)
1 trip.
Valid in accordance with the date specified in the passing document is drawn up in the presence of children upon presentation of documents certifying their age.
It is drawn up only at the point of departure on the day of the trip.
Subscription 10.
10 trips (blocking 10 minutes after each use of the aeroexpress turnstile).
Acts within 30 days, including the day of purchase
Subscription 20.

Travel subscription 3030 (blocking 10 minutes after each use of the aeroexpress turnstile).
Acts within 60 days, including the day of purchase
Subscription 50.
50 trips (blocking 10 minutes after each use of Aeroexpress turnstile).
Acts within 90 days from the date of registration
Morning 20.
20 trips (blocking 10 minutes after each use of aeroexpress turnstile).

From Domodedovo - on Paveletsky railway station from 06:00 to 07:30
From Paveletsky Station - in Domodedovo from 06:00 to 07:30

Evening 20.
20 trips (blocking 10 minutes after each use of aeroexpress turnstile).
Specifies within 60 days from the date of registration.
Valid for departure flights:
From Paveletsky Station - in Domodedovo from 18:00 to 00:30
From Domodedovo - on Paveletsky railway station from 19:00 to 00:00

Schedule of aeroexpress in Domodedovo

from Moscow (from Pavelets Station) to Domodedovo Airport from the airport Domodedov, Moscow (on Paveletsky Station)
Departure↓ Arrival Departure↓ Arrival
6:00 6:46 6:00 6:43
6:30 7:16 6:30 7:15
7:00 7:47 7:00 7:46
7:30 8:16 7:30 8:14
8:00 8:47 8:00 8:44
8:30 9:16 8:30 9:14
9:00 9:47 9:00 9:43
9:30 10:16 9:30 10:16
10:00 10:46 10:00 10:43
10:30 11:16 10:30 11:13
11:00 11:46 11:00 11:43
11:30 12:16 11:30 12:13
12:00 12:43 12:00 12:47
13:00 13:46 13:00 13:43
13:30 14:17 13:30 14:15
14:00 14:46 14:00 14:43
14:30 15:16 14:30 15:16
15:00 15:46 15:00 15:43
15:30 16:16 15:30 16:14
16:00 16:46 16:00 16:43
16:30 17:16 16:30 17:15
17:00 17:46 17:00 17:45
17:30 18:16 17:30 18:15
18:00 18:46 18:00 18:46
18:30 19:17 18:30 19:15
19:00 19:47 19:00 19:46
19:30 20:16 19:30 20:16
20:00 20:47 20:00 20:45
20:30 21:16 20:30 21:16
21:00 21:46 21:00 21:43
21:30 22:16 21:30 22:16
22:00 22:46 22:00 22:47
22:30 23:16 22:30 23:13
23:00 23:46 23:00 23:43
23:30 0:16 23:30 0:13
0:00 0:43 0:00 0:43
0:30 1:13

Electric train

At Domodedovo Airport railway From Paveletsky railway station you can get not only at Aeroexpress, but also on the usual electrobe. From the airport, the electric train leaves from the railway terminal located near the right wing of the airport.

Movement on the route "Moscow-Paveletskaya" - Domodedovo Airport and Domodedovo Airport - "Moscow-Paveletskaya" with all stops.
Travel time: 1 hour 10 minutes

Online scoreboard electric trains Moscow-Paveletskaya "- Domodedovo Airport


№ 308

Domodedovo Airport - Metro Domodedovskaya (Kashirskoye Highway)

Modern buses Scania, Man, Mercedes run without stopping from Metro Domodedovo station to the airport and in the opposite direction.

Travel time
30-35 minutes

For children under 7 years old, fare is free
Additional luggage charge fee is not charged.

Stopping items:

  • Parking public transport 100 meters from the airport. Location opposite the entrance group number 2: Scheme of public transport.

from 6.00 to 24.00

Every 15 minutes

Just along the route: №308 a / p Domodedovo - m. Domodedovskaya cruise social buses.

Route: №308 "Social" A / P Domodedovo - m. Domodedovskaya

Departure from m. Domodedovskaya
6:15 6:45 7:15 7:45 8:15
8:45 9:15 9:45 10:15 10:45
11:15 11:45 12:15 13:15 14:15
15:15 16:15 16:45 17:15 17:45
18:15 18:45 19:15 20:15 21:30
Departure from a / p "Domodedovo"
7:15 7:45 8:15 8:45 9:15
9:45 10:15 10:45 11:15 12:15
13:15 14:15 15:15 15:45 16:15
16:45 17:15 17:45 18:15 18:45
19:15 19:45 20:15 20:45 21:15

№ 26 (Domodedovo)

Red Path - Domodedovo Airport

№ 30

Domodedovo station - Domodedovo Airport

Route taxi

№308 a / p Domodedovo - m. Domodedovskaya

Travel time
30-35 minutes
Payment of the trip is made by the driver when landing. Additional luggage charge fees are not charged if it does not require free passenger to place it in the cabin.

from 6.00 to 24.00
Every 15 minutes

At night from 00.00 to 06.00 departure every 40 minutes.

Stopping points

  • Public transport parking 100 meters from the airport. Location opposite the input group number 2.
  • m.Domodedovskaya: Exit from the last car along the train from the center, in the underground transition - turn right, then on the right staircase to enter the city.

Taxi in Domodedovo

Very simple I. convenient option order

By car

High-speed motorway A-105 connects Domodedovo Airport with Moscow. When moving in the Moscow Ring Road, you must use the number 25.
The distance from Moscow Ring Road to the airport is 22 km away.

Moscow Domodedovo Airport to Customer Service - Wide Parking Network

Parking in Domodedovo

Bus number 308 in Domodedovo (Domodenovo) runs through Kashirskoye highway. Points - Metro Domodedovo metro station or bus stop in the airport. Thanks to this route, it is convenient to get to Domodedovo Airport from different points of Moscow and from other airports. Time is on the way to 30 minutes, if you manage to connect traffic jams.

Buses number 308 to Domodedovo Airport

Bus 308 to Domodedovo is three types. They are distinguished by price for a ticket, a timetable timetable and time on the way. Go on a single route.

Bus Express

High-speed option (express): the cost of the ticket - 150 rubles, it goes regularly on a schedule, stops at three major stops or on demand. The interval between the departures is 7 - 20 minutes, in the evening the interval increases. The passage for children up to 7 years is free, the baggage is not paid separately. The route has convenient comfortable transport with a large cargo compartment to conveniently place your luggage. Move time from 6.00 to midnight. On the road will leave 25 - 30 minutes.

Route taxi

Routed taxi run every 15 minutes, away as filling. Fare price - 120 rubles. The advantage - they go around the clock, at night (from midnight to 6 am) the minibus drives off the interval of 40 minutes. Stops on demand. Time on the way - 20 minutes, Gazelles are fast. For baggage will have to pay separately. It should be borne in mind that the places there are much smaller there, therefore in advance, whether you will fit into the minibus with your suitcases, given that other travelers in Moscow may have the same suitcases.

Social bus

Social option: The cost of the trip will cost 79 rubles. There are social benefits for individual sectors of society. Moves along the route, stopping at each stop. Interval of movement - 30 minutes, bus schedule №308 - Strict. Walks from 6 am to 21.00 or 21.30. Time in the way increases, as it often stops. The fare of children is free, it is not necessary for the luggage.

From the airport:

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
20 15 15 15 20 20 20 20 20 20 15 15 15 15 15 20 20 30
40 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 40 30 30 30 30 30 40 40
45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45

From m. Domodedovskaya:

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
20 15 15 15 20 20 20 20 20 20 15 15 15 15 15 20 20 30
40 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 40 30 30 30 30 30 40 40
45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45

Bus stop at Metro Domodedovskaya

Find the location of the bus stop number 308 is not difficult. Arriving from anywhere in Moscow by train at the desired station, leave the last car in the course of the movement. Find underground pass And go to the right. Nothing without turning, get to the last exit. Climb the surface of the earth along the left staircase. When you raise, turn it out and follow the intersection, then turn left. If you can't figure it out, ask the way to the place where the transportation to Domodedovo Airport is away from Palestary.

Bus stop at the airport

Stopping public transport is located 100 meters from the airport, opposite the outlet number 2. The second entrance group is intended for international flights. Those who flew internal flight, Must do a small way from its terminal to the entrance number 2. The route and bus stops, social or speed, or gazelles are one. Transport arrives and departs from the same stop. If it is difficult to figure out, contact your airport staff and ask where the bus number 308 is stopped in Domodedovo, you will definitely prompt.

Official carriers on the route No. 308 Mostransavto and Avtolaine LLC. Trips are performed on comfortable Mercedes, Man and Scania buses. The advantage of land public transport is a low cost, the price of the bus tickets is within 80 to 120 rubles, you can save money. The bus from Moscow to the Domodedovo Airport (minibus) is a real salvation for those who go at night (this is the only transport, except for a taxi, which runs around the clock), but how to get to the metro station Domodedovo at night - a separate question, because the metro does not work.

See also: