Partisan Polyana Guseripl Height above sea level. Sights of Guzeripl: Interesting Places of the village

The village of Guzeripl, that in Adygea, located on the border of the Caucasian Reserve - this is the last locality In the Valley of the River White. Remote and small, he will surprise a relatively developed infrastructure, while surrounded pristine nature and picturesque mountains. Here the air smells of freedom from domestic problems.

Where is the village of Guzeripl on the map

It is located in the southern part of the Maykopsky district of the Republic of Adygea, the town nearest to him - the village of Hamushki. Before Maykop, from here 85 km, to Krasnodar - 220 km.

One of the panoramas in the vicinity

Best accommodation in Guseriple - Hotels and recreation

And although in Guzeriple a little more than 100 local residents, here is a worthy choice of mini-hotels and the turbases of various levels and class.

Hotel "Eden" Located close to the center, and the path to the river will take just a couple of minutes. It attracts attention to the exterior with decorative elements of stone and tree. It is impossible to leave without a description and finishing of interior. They resemble hunting houses, caves, etc. it is clear that the soul and a lot of labor are inserted into the design.

"Abago" Won love thanks to the equipped area and carved arbors. From the rooms is visible high building, imitating mill. The interior of the rooms prevail calm noble tones, among the furniture a lot of products from wood, rattan or imitation of it. Design style immersed in a cozy atmosphere, having good rest. Here is a rich infrastructure and everything is for carefree leave.

"Wellness Manor" Reminds fabulous Tereme. Thanks to carved fences terraces. From the plurality of chambers offers an impressive view of the slopes. In the decoration of residential and public premises, wood material prevails, which creates a special energy and gives guest house charm.

IN "Chalet Voyage" Beautiful respectable apartments containing both the necessary furniture and pleasant household trivia are waiting for you. Public zones will delight with beautiful decoration with forged railing, fireplace and wooden finish. Here we are glad to the holidays year-round.

"Manor in the mountains" On Forest Street, there is a chalet with two bedrooms. A secluded place where you can relax with family or a small company. Here guests will find everything for a comfortable home. There is an equipped kitchen, and the fireplace creates a special relaxing atmosphere.

Turbaza "Wolkov House" Improves in greenery. Its perimeter fascinates, at your service comfortable living space, houses on a tree, arbors. And a mountain river will be burly nearby.

Sights of Guzeripl - what to see

The Museum of Nature of the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve has been operating since 1956, and in 1982 he was postponed to modern building. Guests can see hereby the exhibits telling about the flora and the fauna of local edges. Among them are rare and disappearing varieties of plants, stuffed animals. One hall is designed to tell visitors the history of the education of the biosphere reserve and about people studying this area at different times. The walls are posted historical photos and important documents. Tourists walking here on foot, an ecological trail is annoyed, decorated with wooden animal sculptures. Here is located bratsk grave The soldiers who died during the Second World War. The reserve is located the most ancient exhibit - Dolmen.

Without the attention of visitors there is no Dolmen Guzeripl - ancient constructure From stone, sheedy by secrets and legends. It is believed that it has a special energy and has supernatural power. When visiting Dolmen, those who wish do not miss the opportunity to make a desire. Even today, the accurate period of construction is not set, but scientists agree that this is the I-II centuries. BC. Among the destination options, the most believable is the one that refers to their tips for wise men and elders.

Of course, white is the central attractions of the area, it stretches along the entire Guseripl. His origin takes at the top. She has picturesque shores: rounded and sharp multicolored stones, rocks covered with moss, shrubs and trees.

Many interesting many are called the gorge. Tourist trail begins to it in the village. IN good weather Single pleasure to walk through the forest. Autumn here are often the mushrooms. The canyon itself looks spectacular and is an excellent background for memorable photos. Rocks are crowned with stormy juicy vegetation. The river bottom is uneven here, with many thresholds. Because of this, water flows become rapid and noisy.

Adrenaline lovers and real crisps go to Guzeripl in the spring to take part in the international competition in the Interral Belaya rafting. Armed with canoes and dams, athletes with different countries Conquer the river. They start the way from the bridge and finish at the merger of white with Kishi.

Another interesting thing, but a completely unexpected event is carried out in parallel - this is the Festival of the author's songs "Primroton". As a rule, during this period, the village is filled with visitors, a friendly festive atmosphere reigns here. There are minus - a popular event entails price increases, and rooms in hotels for this period better boast in advance.

Adherents of active leisure and extreme species Sports will not have to miss the village. Equestrian walks, rafting, hiking routes along the reserved area and viewing platforms allow you to make rest incredible. One thing is only worth, well, the surrounding plateau of the lagnubs deserves a separate conversation. And here there are thermal sources here, however, they are not so much, as in other cities of Adygea - the reviews confirm this.

Where to eat delicious

Cafe " White river»It is arranged from the same hotel complex. In the hall with a pleasant interior in pastel colors 60 seats and chairs. In the Caucasian and European dish menu. Among additional services Highlights karaoke.

The hotel "Abago" has a beautiful cafe. Only three guestrooms, each is individually decorated. Raisin establishment - terrace with a wonderful review of the mountainous surroundings. Visitors are offered Russian and Caucasian Kushan.

Another cafe resorts will find in the Eden mini-hotel. His interior is attractive, imitating a chamber cave. There are only 40 seating, among other things on the open terrace. The home kitchen and the existence of the Caucasus will not leave anyone indifferent.

How to get there (get there) to Guzeripl?

City transport goes to Guzeripl or from Maykop (at the bus station near the central market), or from. From Krasnodar direct buses are not provided.

By car to get to the village of Maykop, it is possible in this way:

Rest in Guzeriple will pay for the energy of the untouched nature of Adygea, without refusing to themselves in the benefits of civilization. The combination of beauty of the mountains and a decent infrastructure is the key to a first-class vacation. In conclusion, we offer a video excursion to the beautiful guzeripl, pleasant viewing!

One of beautiful seats The south of Russia is, undoubtedly, Adygea, her mountainous part.
I confess, I never removed housing there, there was no need for this. From Krasnodar to the mountain fairy tale Adygea 150-200 km. We leave at 6 am and go back at 21 pm. We can dine in one of the numerous cafes, and more often just take sandwiches, fruits and hot tea with raspberries.
Today I will talk about the sights of Adygea, or rather one February day in Adygea, which we started the trip to Guzeripl. We walked there along the reserve, went to the mountains to the partisan clearing, admired the granite canyon and got the brightest emotions from the type of Lago-Naki plateau from the rock of the iron.
So, I invite you to witness our trip weekend, and I will try to transfer clean mountain air through photos and the beauty of this area.
From Krasnodar, we left before dawn, the navigator showed 210 km. By 8 in the morning, drove up to the village of Kamennikovostsky (Hajokh), leaving Belorechensk and Maykop behind. Ahead of 46 km to Guzeripl beautiful road With natural attractions.

Granite canyon

Track A-159 in two stripes, winding, with mountain landscapes. It takes place along the edge of the granite gorge, in which the river is carrying the mountains from the mountains.

Driving by, I want to stop at every turn to look at the beauty of the bends of the river, with a noise rolling through the thresholds, rumble through the rods.

Unforgettable charm of the river in her "frame". Gorge from granite monolith, which, depending on weather and season, acquires different shades ... Pink, peach, beige, gray, black. And the river - from dirty brown to emerald and even white.
The canyon has a big depth and places very much narrows. In these places, the river is twisted in the waterways and with a huge power rolls the flow of the gorge.

On the banks of the bright carpet bloom cyclamen and proleski. Birds are told by trills, rejoicing the approaching spring. Spring with chilling mountain water.


Unnoticed, without turning anywhere, we reached the end of the road. Path blocked river. In this place is the "workshop of rafting". Professionals water tourism, Masters of alloys on the river, the best rafting in Adygea - the reviews of the Internet are filled with such epithets. In early May, the White River hosts international rafting competitions. It is interesting to observe how through rapid thresholds, participants are shipped on rafts and kayaks. Here at this time there is a festival of bards "Primorvet". But such beauty opened us a river on the descent.

Not without emergency. It was not eradicated in me a children's habit - to climb on some pebbles just like this ... Well, the soul sings, and I want a spanner and height. This time I was not lucky! Look at a large shiny stone near me. It shines not from water, it is covered with ice.
Where my vigilance was played and I don't know attentive, but in a matter of seconds I remove the hood from my head and climb the stone. Slipped, fell back. My husband did not even have to shout, as I found myself in the river. Scratched his hand, the ribs hit, the down journey, the hair instantly became icicles. On my happiness, I took a jacket and pants with me. For some time he wandered and dried in the car, healed and again was ready for adventure.

Guzeripl was based as a village of lumberjacks. He is in a dead end. Population - just over 100 people. Mountain air, river, picturesque nature attract tourists here. This is the last populated point in front of the Caucasian biosphere reserve.

Interesting tourist routes for Adygea for lovers of mountains with backpacks and tents also begin from here. Javorova Polyana, Armenian pass, shelter Fisht, Circassian pass, Mount Oshten, many natural objects for hiking hiking For long distances.
We were interested in Cordon Caucasian Reserve. Bought tickets at the box office, there are for sale to the reserve for long-range traps.

We pass through the bridge to the reserve.

I love such a slightly echoed nature.

Information stands.

Guzeripl Dolmen-Giant is a height of more than two meters.

A small museum of nature, where you can see the impressive size of the scarecrow of the Caucasian bison, as well as boars, wolves, herbarium, photos.

We met and alive pigs.

Large hopes for the "Guzeripl" reserve should not be imposed, there are no special entertainment. There is amazing nature, the purest mountain air with the smell of fresh resins of needles. Natural open-air museum.

Partizanskaya Polyana

Leaving from Guzeripl, on the first turn left, according to the only asphalt road, we turned towards the mountains.
The road is good, the exceptions make up a couple of places where there was a slight gathering.

View from the road to the Range Stone Sea.

Snow on the sidelines lies with huge cleaned snowdrifts.

Admiring the surroundings, after 18 km we drove up to the partisan Polyana. The name is directly related to the red partisans of times Civil War. In the local places they had headquarters.
Currently, this is a transshipment point on a tourist route to Mount Fisht, Oshten, Stone Sea, Javorov Polyana.

The recreation center "Partizanskaya Polyana" did not attract us for anything. In the house where tourists stop, they met a bored guard. They found out that in the summer, in the picturesque lake, the people are going to a picnic and fishing, and in the winter they come to ride snowmobiles, sleigh, skiing.
I did not allocate some interesting equipped slides for such winter fun. Looking around the surroundings, heard a joyful loud largy. Black fluffy cat ran toward uninvited guests.
It cost him a little worth paying attention, and he accompanied us on the rights of the forest host throughout the territory of the Partisan Polyana and a frozen lake. When they gathered in the opposite way, they treated the cat with cookies, he glanced with a bewilderment and pan, they say, not for meal I came to you, but for communication. And when you left, a meowowku fell out for the car. Here is such short-term love at first sight.

Oxygen-saturated air acts magically. My emotions are spoken by eloquently. :)

Here it is mountain Lake Partisan Polyana at an altitude of 1600 meters above sea level, at the foot of the Range Stone Sea. In the summer of glade in colors, and the mountains reflect in the lake

The Range of the Stone Sea is unusual for its species and chaotic crossed limestone unearthly relief. It is about twenty-five kilometer arc from the east alpine Lago-Naki Plateau.
If you get another six to the west kilometers, you can see Javorov Polyana, there the road ends, it's worth the barrier and the reserve begins with hiking routes. There is a construction of a large ski complex.

Excellent mood in nature with sunny weather. Pleated in snowballs, blinded a snowman. Cat, by the way, also in our games took an active part.

On this day, we still had to see the Lago-Naki plateau from the rock of the rock and we decided to go on.
Descended by overtaking forestry and traditional cows defiling by roadbrains.

White river

Leaving on the track "Guzeripl - Maykop", descended to the White River.

Here is an incorrigible ... just a few hours ago, climbing the stone, already dived into the river, and still pulls on the height!

Very beautiful coastline. Here you want to stay longer. The uniqueness of these places emphasize pine trees, ate, ram, beech, juniper, hazelnut, barbaris, and most importantly, that among all this magnificence you are one, the season of mass departure of tourists has not yet begun.

Picturesque place in Adygea for nature lovers. And in spring favorite place Rapters, since the river has many interesting thresholds and focate.

It would seem offseason. Winter is still on the calendar, and only the first flowers resemble the first breath of spring. Maldly, everyone is waiting for greens. But even in the gray colors of the sleeping forest, the river fascinates the raging stream and carved shores.

I have no regret that there is no pedestrian walkway. From the car window to look at this beauty a crime, and walk on the highway is unsafe.

The most beautiful sights of the White River (Adygea):

  1. Khajochskaya Tesnin (Kamennonestovsky village).
  2. Granite canyon (south of the village of Dakhovskaya, not reaching the village of Hamushki).
  3. Merge place with the river Kishi (near the Andreevskaya beam between Hamushki and Guzeripl)
  4. Ammonite valley (between the villages of Abadzekh and Khajokh under the automobile bridge over the White River, there the river washed the large stone balls of the fancy shape with petrified ammonites).

Plateau Lago-Naki

For the final chord of the weekend in nature, a visit to the rocks of the iron with fascinating views of the Lago-Naki Plateau was left.
The road passes partly by Adygea and through the territory of the Krasnodar Territory.
The first stop was made on the observation platform overlooking the village of Dakhovskaya, near a small market with souvenirs. We were interested in view of a bird's eye view.

But on the road, near the turn on the cave Aisch, there was a brisk trade.

On the Asian pass only I manage to turn your head - Beauty everywhere. Road primer.

Near hotel complex "Asish-Tau" noticed a gentle slopes, equipped with riding on cooks, sledding and skiing, with open points Rental.

Happy New Year!

Today they returned from a trip to Winter Guzeripl. I already wrote about this place in the post from. But earlier all our trips were held here in the summer-autumn time. And now it was encountered in winter. And, as they say, a hot spot report:

They approached the gozeripl in light disappointment. The snow promised was present, but as it was very poor. The sun shone on the spring, slightly impressed. Road in excellent condition. But there are such surprises:

Even pose scary if such pebbles will die by car. And also oppresses the rocky "painting"!

3. The White River was calm, in-free and relatively transparent:


5. Although in some places on our way (in the fusion of Kishi and Belaya) as alwaysgudella and boiled in full:

6. Rafting alloy on White N e stops I. in winter. Only the ammunition of springs and the start time of the alloy from the workshop of rafting in Guzeriple - at 11:00 and 14:00:

7. In Guzeriple, excellent weather. Only slightly windy:


For those interested in the trip to this wonderful place. Despite high prices in new Year's vacation (doubled), all hotels are clogged to failure. Let those who arrive at good luck does not encourage the absence of auto-lifting in front of hotels. We ourselves were surprised by this fact, but in the evening the picture was completely different. Starts are all are busy. People returned from various seats: Lago Naki, Dakhovskaya, Khormyki, P. Pobeda, Parisan Polyana, etc.
Additional services (baths, walks on various types of transport, etc.) for the period new Year holidays also rose by two times
By the way, we, as permanent guests of the hotel "Belaya River", the administration was made a gift - a campaign at the hotel's spa regular prices. For what they respect.

After a successful placement headed for a walk on the guzzlehip and to the reserve. They did it in the previous arrivals here repeatedly. But we are happy to go again.
9. Snow on roadside roads:

10. The reserve met a sludge out of the snow in the mud. But the attitude was good and attention did not pay attention to such nuances:

11. Artificial dam on the River Molchep in place :)

12. Wonderful gazebo on the shores of White, where it is very nice to relax!

13. Such a highly artistic scarecrow severity of the garden of the reserve Museum:

Well, these are two exhibits from the Museum itself. By the way, these stuffed bear and a bear were made in 1936 and so far are in excellent condition. It is even visible to photographs:


16. In the evening, on the joy of all guests of our and other hotels, snow went.

17. And by the morning, Guseripl and the surroundings were transformed into a more suitable for this time of the year and a pleasing gas.




21. From the very early morning, the hum of Motors of ATVs, all-terrestrial buggies.

Having passed on the guzzlehip, headed for the partisan clearing.
The road has not yet cleaned. The autotourists who drove us in front of us broke the rut. On it, we moved to the clearing, located at an altitude of 1600 m above sea level. The road rises all the time. From the Guseripl, we need to rise above 900 m.

22. In the morning it was pretty overcast and the mountains looked irresistible.


A couple of times had to help get stuck to motorists.
By the way, the geography of Guest Guseriple is very extensive. The main part of the guests is Krasnodar region. A lot of Rostovitsa, Stavropol, Muscovites, Peters, Voronezh, Volgogradsev ... You can list for a very long time.

24. Pushed not this Rosovchanin, but another wizard. He, on the joy, that he got lost far enough. And his passengers (in the left corner of the snapshot) will catch up for a long time on foot, which is not very easy in the snow :)

Reaching to the partisan clearing, we fell literally to the snow buran. Very strong wind, blizzard. The temperature compared to the guzieriple dropped to -5. And with wind - it's all -15! Boheli do not work. Parking are lined with snow. You can turn around only with the principle of Tetris. Man 10 tried to ride sleds. My companion flatly refused to leave the car. Probably, we just got here not at the time.

25. The word turned and filed back.

26. As if to apologize for the spoiled Shan Family, the sun periodically peeking out due to clouds and the whole charm of winter landscapes was opened in front of us:


At an urgent request, my companion Santa Claus brought her a gift - a digital soap. And now the pictures from Elena roll like from the horns of abundance. It's nice that I had a co-author of pictures. Yes, and your humble servant has become more common to appear in the photographs that there is good:




32. What ate here and fir! Beauty!

33. Bridge over the river GOOTIAL:


Having received his dose of adrenaline from difficult in terms of road and weather conditions of the trip to the partisan clearing, widowed on the winter beauty of the mountain forest, having received a lot of pleasant impressions we returned to the hotel.

And in the evening we were waiting for the promised spa area of \u200b\u200bthe hotel "White River".
Abstrivable from a pleasant gesture from the hotel's side in the form of a non-use in relation to us festive cheating, we must pay tribute to the quality of the services provided. And the services are the most sought-after - the bath (sauna or chams of choice) and the pool. Everything is done on the highest class, automated, excellent locker rooms with all the necessary accessories, shower, spacious steam rooms, a fairly large swimming pool with a set of devices for hydromassage, beautiful backlight, good music, if desired - bar. In short, everything contributes to a good rest and a good mood. Photos did not do, it was not up to them :))

The next morning was snowy. Sleeping snow just piled. The weather did not accompany the planned walk. After a short fee, we broke up with Guseriple and headed towards the house. On the way, they decided to call in the male monastery - Holy Mikhailov desert in the village of Victory. There were repeatedly here, but I wanted to visit again.

35. The snow did not stop the whole road to the monastery for a second, and during our location there:

36. Holy Trinity Temple, Foresting Monastery:

37. It is gratifying that a lot of parents come to this holy place with own children:

38. Caloritis donkey (in this situation, rather than isaq) and its owner in the parking lot near the monastery in anticipation of customers:

39. In the Holy Trinity Temple of the Monastery, despite the bad weather, it was very crowded:



42. Assumption Temple of the Monastery:

43. Visitors were allowed to rise to the bonus platform of the Holy Trinity Temple, from where it is certainly a wonderful view of the surrounding area. But not today. Snow hid all the nearby beauty:

On this Nashe winter journey In Guseripl ended. We stayed very satisfied. I was convinced that you can relax here at any time of the year. Now we plan to return here in April-May 2015 with the hope of seeing rafting competitions. As we were told, the spectacle is awesome.

Thank you for your time and good luck!

Each tourist, going on a journey, is preparing for himself a list of sights of Guzeripl, which certainly need to look. Some are planning independent ways to familiarize yourself with the city, others choose special pedestrian or bus tourist programs. Usually they cover the main attractions of the Guseripl and acquaint tourists with the historical and cultural property of the city.

Art admirers first of all are looking for sculptural attractions on the map of Guzeripl. On the main squares of the city you can often see traditional monuments, against the background of which guests are posing. But in popular park ensembles You can visit the exhibitions of modern sculptures and installations. They can be made of the most unexpected materials and have unimaginable forms that you have to think about.

In the list of main attractions of the Guseripl, religious structures play a special role. They form the architectural appearance of the Russian city, most of them store important in their walls historical secrets. In Guzeriple and outside, you can go to the famous monastic complexes, admire the beauty of the iconic Orthodox churches or look into cozy and small chapels, which are so popular among the inhabitants of the city.

During the trip around the neighborhood, you can also view unusual religious attractions. It may be national religious structures, ancient religious buildings or generally mystical ritual places. Within the gozeripl, you can see such: the Trinity-Georgievsky Women's Monastery, the Cross Male Desert in the Nizhny Solokh-Aule, Mikhailo-Afonov Monastery, St. Mikhailovsky Monastery.

In the journey it is pleasant to make hiking promenade in the guzzlehip. You can purchase a guzeriple map in advance with attractions and routes or go in any direction. Then it will even be more exciting. Allow yourself to get lost on antique alleys or spend time in the parks. And if tired, you can eat or drink coffee in any cozy cafeteria. By the way, in Guseriple there are several famous seatswhich wishes every guest of the city.

If you want to get the most complete picture of the city and its history, welcome to the museum institutions of Guzeripl. They contain extensive expositions by government, art, subjects of folk-applied arts and crafts, from archaeological excavations. Traditionally, similar attractions are concentrated in the center.

However, thematic museums located in the open space can often be visited outside the city. They offer visitors to watch entertaining show-rus, talking about national traditions and folk art. It can also be installing ancient cities or protective bastions. Such sights of Guzeripl will be interested in children.

For family tourists, the question is constantly arising: where to go with children. The most popular option is to go to one of the aquacompleks of the Guseripl. Most often, when buying a daily family subscription, bonuses are offered.

If you are traveling in the winter or spring time, we recommend to consider for active leisure skiing complexes of the Guseripl. Here are the mass of entertainment for small and adults: a variety of tracks for riding on alpine skiing, snowboarding, riding on the cheesecakes, fascinating onpads for the pros. Often, such resorts are located at a not very long distance from the city, for example: Mountain Carousel, Gazprom-Laura (Ski Resort), Red Polyana (Ski Resort), Alpica Service, Ski resort Dombai. In this regard, it is more convenient to get on personal vehicle Or take a car rental.

An excellent option for a family weekend is a catching out of nature. Such attractions are close to Guzieriple. These can be reservoirs, caves, famous reservations. You only need to choose a place: Mzymta, Dakhovskaya cave, Khajokhskaya Tesnin, Polyana Firsov, Rock Bell Tower, Vorontsovskaya Cave, Mount Large Chura, Mount Fisht, Rufabgo, Fisht-Oshtenovsky Pass. At these corners of nature you can get both by your own underground and city transport. Specify the program in advance bus busesstarting with urban bus stations in the right direction. In such a trip, you will get a lot of bright emotions from being in nature, we will put the condition of the soul and body.

If you visit the city with a business goal, then you have little time on full excursions. In such circumstances, it will be nice to choose a compressed guide to the sights of the gozeriple with the photo and description.

Its at any time can be sought after arrival in the city on the railway station or at the airport. There made up the list of the most popular seatsWhere to go to Guzeriple, with names and photos of attractions. It is not true, it makes it easier to look in Guzeriple, in case you have little time.

However, if the guidebook represents the most visited places of the Guseripl, then the network you can find a list of "unknown", but no less interesting sights with reviews of tourists who visited them. Abandoned gallery, mysterious craters, unusual railway tracks, bridges - such attractions attract fans of the adventure.

Planning a trip to Guzeripl, it is worth getting information not only about the attractions, but also about other important urban facilities. For the convenience of movement around the city, it is worth imagine routes of movement. public transport, Location of railway and bus stations or ports, metro stations. At the same time, these large gezeripl transport hubs can also attract the attention of travelers. Often it is that they form the first impression of the village who arrived.

A small mountain village is located in the south of the Republic of Adygea in the foothills of the Caucasian Range, in the Caucasus Reserve. Guzeripl is known for its pristine nature and famous dolmen.

The village of Guzeripl, located in the remote corner of Adygea, is a historical and natural value. Guseripl himself is based in the early 20th century as the Cordon of the Caucasian Reserve. A little later, he entered the Khamyshinsky rural district as a logging village.

Adygean pronunciation of the village is "Gozapil", which means "observant" in translation. Essentially it is, since the village is the most remote local settlement at the foot of the Caucasus Mountains, and is located like the guard along the way in the beautiful and densely populated Valley of the White River. The village was built at a height of six hundred and seventy meters above sea level, among high mountain peaks covered with fir forests. Healing Mountain Air, Crystal Clean Water River White, Delightful caucasian Nature made the former logging village with a welcome holiday destination and tourist center. Guseripl is surrounded by high mountain ridges From all sides, it creates a special microclimate in this valley.

For a Caucasian biosphere reserve located in the village of the Bridge, the Cordon is located here, through which you can get into its territory. In the reserve, you can visit the museum dedicated to the nature of the Caucasus and the history of the recovery of the Caucasian bison population, to go on a tour of the River Mollhel, to inspect Dolmen and a monument on the fraternal grave of the Soldiers-defenders of the Guseriple on the lands of Adygea. The attractions of the Guseripl right are the old railway, which is the starting point of the most famous tourist route. Every year, International Rafting Competitions will start - Interraloleni Belaya.

The population of the village is very small, according to the official census it is about 100 people. This locality comes to life with the arrival of tourists who are very numerous here. Currently, Guzeripl is a rapidly developing tourist center. The village has all the prerequisites to become an excellent tourist center of the Caucasus in the near future. The construction of tourist complexes is constantly being maintained in the gaserple. There are various hotels in the village, comfortable for every taste. Lovers of "wild rest" can always break the camp in any place like. The territory in front of the village is particularly popular with tourists, where tent camps are constantly standing in the summer. A good asphalt road from Maykop is laid in the village.

The village of Guzeripl borders with the Caucasian biosphere reserve, to get into which can be accessed through the bridge in the center of the village. His main attraction is the Museum of Nature of the Caucasus Reserve. Having passed on the road from the bridge across the river to the museum, you can admire the fascinating artificial waterfall of the River of the River of the Molchep. The zone adjacent to the museum is a protected. Not far from the building is located Dolmen, in Adygea analogue it is impossible to find in size and safe.

During Patriotic War In 1942, fierce battles were walking on this territory, as evidenced by the mass grave of warriors who defended the Caucasus, - the shooters of the 479 mining regiment. The museum itself was founded about 60 years ago and takes several halls. They are told about the history of the nature reserve, vegetable and animal world. The museum exhibits volumetric exhibits - stuffed animals. They are collected in biological groups presented in a natural habitat. High-quality photos, panoramas, original exposures help visitors to meet amazing nature of this edge. The museum welcomes its visitors without interruptions and weekends.

The path to the museum lies through the post of the biosphere reserve, located on the left bank of the White. Entrance to the Nature Museum is paid. From the bridge across the river to the museum you need to go around three hundred meters on the road.

On the right and left banks of the White River, on the territory of the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve and the Poland of Tourist Slears, there are balances of the village of Guzeripl. This monument of archeology 1-2 millennia BC is one of the largest composite, well-preserved dolmen southern Russia. In Adygea, it is impossible to find analogue in size and preservation. It is huge, massive and mysterious.

Having affected by the engineering solution, the complexity, sophisticated at first glance, coarse architecture, Megalith and today are a riddle. Many scientists believe, and this is the main version that Dolmen is the funeral megalithic facilities of the times of early and medium bronze. Another theory is popular for which the elderly people went to die. There, in full darkness and silence, they prayed and waited for death. Another group of scientists believes that Dolmen, together with the pyramids, is part of the general planetary structure. The points where they stand are chosen thoughtfully. Dolmen - unique conductors connecting land with an information cosmic matrix that ensures the development of all forms of life on Earth.

The attractions of the Guzeripl right are the old railway. In the pre-war time in the settlement itself there were two camps with convicts: the general and strict regime - it was repressed by the Don Cossacks, which time were engaged in harvesting and sending forests. A narrow railway, a length of 3 kilometers, was located behind the village cemetery. On the wagon with horses and on the reels, the forest was drunk. After that, the wood was fused on the White Mountain River. The war began, the zones were closed. The Cordon of the Cordon of the Caucasian Reserve "Suvorovsky" is located in residential buildings.

After the end of the war, the trail of the famous tourist route of all-union value began from the end of the old railway. She ran to the partisan valley, on the shelter "Fisht" and had access to the coast of the Black Sea. Now it is the most famous and popular a tourist route. You can get to the partisan clearing and on the vehicle and on foot.

Lifting up, you can admire amazing nature, enjoy clean mountain air. The combination of picturesque nature with stormy rivers, historical past, tourist modernity makes the village attractive to visit not only tourists-professionals, but also lovers of family holidays. And old railway He is the starting point of the most famous route.

In order to inspect the White River Valley there are several panoramic points, which are a special landmark of the village Guzeripl.

A small sightseeing site is located in the center of the village, on a black cliff. The rock breaks up to the south of black coal slates and has a fairly wide flat platform with high slender pines. From here there is a view to the eastern part of the village. The above of this place is large viewpoint. From the peak of the rocky ridge opens great view on the southern and central part of the village. To this point from a small platform to the rocks, in shape resembling a rooster crest, a safe trail leads.

The third overview site is located on the southern slope of the Mount Cossack. There is a wide trail and goes on rock formations. From rock shelves overlooking the mountains of Abago, Atamagi and the village of Guzeripl. From this place can be admired not only by the beauty of the village, but also the magnificence of the mountains, to raise the purest air, to charge the space energy. On the territory of the reserve, on the slope of Mount Filimonov there is another species point, from which the beauty of nature is untouched by a person. Compared to other visual sites, it is rarely visited by tourists.

See also: