The symbol of Alan-Gua - "Matrix" of Mongolian philosophy. Alan -Hoa on the historical homeland of the mystery and riddles of the country Arich-Usuong

Secrets and riddles of the country Arich-Usuong

One of the decisive stages of the formation of Mongolian peoples was associated with the birthplace of the Great Mother of Mongols Alan-Gua, writes the author of Evgeny Khamaganov.

Necessary remark: The question of why the Tunkinskaya Valley should become a place where Alan-Gua's monument will be erected, has recently become more and more conjuncting tint. Many rushed to blame, root, indicate, condemn ...

What, they say, the attitude of Alan-Gua and Hori Buryats have to tuna, Hondors to Hori Buryats, and so on.

I would not like to engage in the construction of sacred bastions and other pillars, and look at the area in which everything began ...

So, according to § 8 "Fair Tale", Alan-Gua was born from Chorillartai (Choride) Margean and Bargudzhin-Goa, the daughter of Bargudai Margean in the terrain of Arich Usuong (Arig Us).

The edge of water

Since there was breakdown in this Hori-Tumatt land because of the hunting land, the choride migrated toward Burkhan Haldun at the Oneon River, where Dobun Marygan was married to her, Chino's descendant.

Many used to converge towards the fact that Arig mustache is the traditional place of nomads of the current Hori-Buryat in the village of Selenga, almost a place where Ulan-Ude is now. This mistake has long been debunked by historians.

Historian Nikolay Abaev believes that the terrain "Arich-Usun" so exists on geographic map. Modern Tuva in a slightly different dialect version of "Arg Uzuu".

The Us River is located in the Upper Yenisei area, and here it was located, according to some data, the reserve rate of Khan Arig Buga.

But the second word "musty" from the word "mustache" - "water" clearly pursues us to the thought of the reservoir, and so that he is worthy of mention.

Because Baikal is already named, only the area of \u200b\u200bthe Khobysgulyu remains. About why Arig Us was here, it is evidenced by the fact that there was a country where the descendants of Hori Tumatov inhabited. Tsaatna live here - the southernmost peoples, which owns deer. Most likely - they are descendants of the Tungusian substrate Goa-Maral, Wife Burte Naino.

The word "Arich" speaks of the North Territory - "Arai", which, in principle, this area was for the Mongols of the XIII century, the time of writing "CCM".

Not far from the village of Huramsha Ivolginsky District of Buryatia There is a construction of obviously artificial origin, which is local called "O Olong-Ehhe" - the place of worship of Mother Genghis-Hana, which was erected by his order. Nearby is also Oho, dedicated to Peg's Wolf - Burte Shono.

So, we have two guidelines for which you can define the approximate boundaries of Arich Usuong. South - Prichubsugul, East - Oriole. Where is the West?

Edge of the Great Prohibition

Okinsky Valley in a number of sources is listed as a terrain where the Hori tribe left from the Early Middle Ages. Allegedly, even there are traces of the road, according to which they saved. Other sources say that the warriors of Juchi paved this road when "forest peoples" were conquered.

Anyway, this terrain can be called the Western Landmark of the country Arig Us. In her time, Genghis-Hanom, and the most hard part of their chorig is superimposed. Not only is that under the fear of death, it was not allowed to cut the forest and hunt - in general to live.

The center of this triangle Hubsugul-I Volga-Oka was the Tunkinsky Valley, an alleged place of the birth of Alan-Goa, Mother of all Mongols. Therefore, Great Han and installed a reserve in memory of his great ancestors for future generations.

So imagined the sculptor-Mongol in the XX century the image of Alan-Goa.
The monument is on the banks of the Arig River, which is in somone Chanmann-Undour
In Hubsguly Aimak. Local residents Uryanhaians consider it with his countrywoman,
Since the "CCM" states that Alan-Goa was born in Arich-US

This is indicated by the fact that they lived in these places in post-ChingiShanovsky time only extremely few tribes of the Soyotov and Tsaatnov, close in the language and obviously blood-studying. In turn, close to Uryanhaians. Namely, they, tribesmen subede-baggage, Chingis-Han ordered the territory of their chorig.

The fact that no one lived here is that Honagrators, being a branch of the ancient chori-tumats, appeared in areas of the climb and the tunki already in the XVI-XVII centuries, and anywhere did not meet anywhere until the Irkut River area. So, nearby Hondoram Terthe and rosholes lived in the Viangarya area.

Andolga also began to settle with the arrivals of echyritis and the buckets at about this time.

It turns out that the rich and abundant sources of the Tunkinsky Valley for several centuries (!) Empty (!!!). But, going here, Hondorors knew where to go. They return to the land of their great ancestors preserved for them at the order of Genghis Han.

Last Khan Arich Usuna

The great khans were buried here, "the researcher of the Galdang Lenkhobyev, who studied O Olun, wrote about ARIG. The fact that the Mother of Genghis-Hana is buried is here, he did not say, pointing only to the place of her worship.

But, according to his data, Arig Buga, the youngest son Toluja and Sorhochtani, resting here.

The fact that he was so called - "Buga, (i.e. Iister), from the terrain Arig," clearly not by chance. Perhaps his parents were on the trip in this area, since the younger son of Genghis-Hana Trui owned the native ulus of the Mongolian Empire, which he entered Arig Us.

While his older brothers Munke and Kubilai fought with China, Arig Buga collected traditionalists around him, who believed that there was nothing to do the Mongols in China. Say, defeated and pretty. And it is best to deprive all, rather than falling under their intention.

When Great Munha Han died, Arig Buga presented his rights to the Golden throne. Khubilai has already frankly became the Chinese emperor, threw Karakorum, that for the time being, Arig Buga sat down in the old capital until time.

In 1260, two Kurultaya was held at once in different places, proclaimed the great Haanians of both brothers.

After several battles, the charter is to look for allies among other grandchildren of Genghis Hana, Arig Bug surrendered. According to the chronicles, he suddenly fell ill and died in 1266, thereby, allegedly, having freed Hubila from resolving the fate of the younger brother. But, perhaps, Arig Buga was simply exiled to Arig Us, where he was subsequently buried.

Perhaps somewhere he is resting here and his father Toluy-Schchigin. Or maybe the great Genghis Han himself?

July 22, the first stone of Alan-Gua Monument, Mongols, Mongols, was held in the vicinity of the village of Galebi Tunkinsky district.

Alan-Gua is the historical personality of the 10th century, which is considered the ancestor of the Mongolian rulers from the birth of Borghigin and Barulas, a symbol of unity and peace between the Mongols.

The first written mentions of Alan-Gua are contained in the "Fair Tale of Mongols" ("The Secret History of Mongols"), where it says that she was a daughter of one of the leaders of Hori Tumatov, the tribe that inhabited the northern regions around Lake Houbsugul as well Tunka and priangar. In the time described, among the chori tumats, civilians occurred and some of them were invented to the East, mountain array Burkhan-Haldong (modern Khan Handy). In the text of the chronicle, the following is described about this (translation into Russian S.A. Kozina):

"... Watching from the height of Burkhan-Haldun, Duva-Sorry saw that down the flow of the Tennelick sicks some group of people.

§ 6. And he says: "It is good for the pussy of the covered wagon among these sickening people!" And he sent his younger brother of Dobun-Mergan to find out, intending to reckon with her Dobun-Mergan, if it turns out that she is unmarried.

§ 7. Dobun-Mergan visited those people, and in fact it turned out to be Milk, named Alan-Goa, a beautiful very noble kind and no one else.

§ 8. And about the tribal group, it turned out: Barguzhzhin-Goa, the daughter of Bargudai-mergana, the ruled Kol-Barguzhin-Dogum, was married to Chorillartai-Mergan, Noyon Hori-Tumatsky. The named Alan-Goa and was a daughter who was born at Horilartai-Mergan from Barguzhzhin-Goa in the Hori-Tumatt land, in the terrain of Arich-Ussuu.

§ 9. For the reason that in their homeland, mutual breakdowns and quarrels and quarrels due to the use of huts, Chorillartai-Mergan decided to stand out in a separate rod-shake, called Chorillar. He having heard about the famous Burkhan-Haldun hormone and beautiful lands, he now was fashionable, it turns out to be nomads to Shinchi-Bayan-Uryanhai, on which the deities were delivered, Burkhan-Haldun. Here Dobun-Mergan and asked the hands of Alan-Goa, the daughter of the Hori-Tumatsky Horilartai-Mergan, born in Arich Ossune, and so Dobun-Mergan married ... ".

During the lifetime of her husband Alan-Gua gave birth to two sons, a blunt and buffa, after the death of Dobun - still three, Buga Hadagi, Bukhatu-Salji and Bodoncar. In the "secret legend", the role of its sons in the subsequent ethnogenesis of the Mongols is described: "§ 42. Belgunayta became the twin priest of the tribe of the Belgunot. Bugunaytay became the ancestor of the Bugunot tribe. Buga Khatagi became the hedge of the Khatagi tribe. Bukhuta-Salczhi became the tribe of the tribe and a tribe. Bodoncar became the generation of Borzhigin generation. "

During the period of cultivation of the sons of Alan-Gua, in order to avoid quarrels between them, he gave them an instruction on the need for unity between the natives on the example of a ligament of arrows. Handing sons on one tree, she ordered to break every one that they did. Further, the mother collects a bunch of antiques and gives sons, but they cannot break the rustled trees. After that, the example of Alan-Gua tells them: "You all five were born from a single wrath of mine and are like five twigs. If you come and act each yourself only for yourself, you can easily be broken by all sorts, like that of five twigs. If you agree and unanimous, as those related to the bug of twigs, how can you become someone easily prey? " This case has gained wide fame among its descendants and was actively used in the life of Genghis Khan. So, his mother, Oalong, reminded of discord among the sons of Alan-Gua, calling for their own children to unity in the face of numerous enemies.

In the next century, the image of Alan-Gua in the consciousness of the Mongols rose to an epic scale. Already at the beginning of the 14th century, Rashid-ad-Dina, a pedigree set of Mongolian tribes, united by Nirun name, were erected by Rashid-Ad-Dina, united by Nirun: "Those tribes that belong to the genus Alan-Goa and her sons are divided into three parts in the next division:

First - Those that occur from the genus Alan-Goa to the sixth of its generation, which was Kabul-Khan. Of all these people from [the number] of sons, nephews and their kind [Ward], independently call Nirun. Similarly, Niruna is called Kabul-Khan brothers and their genus.

Second - those whom, although they are niruna, but called qiy. They are the essence of the knee [Typhse], which leads his own genus from the sixth generation of Alan-Goa, from the genus Kabul-Khan.

Third - those whom, although they originate from the Nirun-Kayyan tribe and the net genus Alan-Goa and were born from the direct descendant in the sixth [knee], Kabul-Khan, called Kiyat-Burzhigin. Their origin is: they were arranged from the grandson of Kabul-Khan, Essugay-Bahadura, Father Chingiz Khan. "

Among the descendants, Alan "the innermost legend of the Mongols" mentions the founders of the genus Barulas, known in the story of the fact that the origin of the Branch of Barlas, to which the Central Asian ruler Timur (Tamerlan) belonged to it.

During the heyday of the Mongol Empire, the center of Khubilan in the Ordos was established the center of Culgging Genghis Khan, called Eight White Yurt. There were also the ancestors of the founder of the Mongolian Empire, including Alan-Gua. In the period of the 15-17 centuries of Alan-Gua in the ritual texts of Mongols, ESHI Hatun "Korean-Queen" or Sutu-Khatun "Holding the Majesty of the Queen".

Special rites were devoted to Alan-Gua's spirit. So, in the 1470s, the Governor of Mongolia Hansha Manduhai in the 1470s gave an order to the ministers of eight White Yurt to fulfill Jangen Iraga (Manan Yaruu, a special cult chacture) and bring the spirit of Alan-Gua to the victim. The government itself turned to the spirit of Alan-Gua with an appeal, prayer, and asked for a blessing to marry with the descendant of Genghis Khan.

At the Mongolian peoples, the image of Alan-Gua is one of the fundamental in ethnic self-awareness, but it was formed over the centuries. In the 10th century, a significant lady from Hori-Tumatov served as a symbol of peaceful and allied coexistence of the two branches of the Mongolian world - the largest of the so-called "forest peoples" of the tribe of Hori Tumatov and Onon-Cerulent steppe nomads. The fact that the political power over this new community has passed to the descendants of Bodoncar, who was not Dobun, was the reason for the sacralization of the image of Alan-Gua. In turn, the elevation of her image gave descendants the opportunity to apply for noble origin.

In the era of the Mongolian Empire, the growth of the genus Genghishana and childbirth of his brothers and uncle (Otchigin), between which sometimes there was rivalry and misunderstanding, the increase and resettlement of the descendants of sons and grandchildren of Genghis Khan, led to the need for propaganda among them all unifying starts. The symbol of the unity of noble childbirth of the Mongolian world gradually became Alan-Gua.

Portal ARD leads to the appeal of Buryat policy to its countrymen:

in the photo: Alami Cheren, Chairman of the Tunkinsky District Council of Deputies

"Currently, our republic, like the whole country, is experiencing not the most good times. The intense international situation and the economic decline in Russia determine political instability in Buryatia. We feel all this, as they say, on themselves. At the same time, in the Republic of the whole and the Buryat people, in particular, the sustainable trend towards the revival of the national culture, the identity of the people and the determination of the role and place of the Buryat nation in Russia.

In this difficult period for the country, such a cohesion of the people around its traditions is one of the most important factors for the sustainability of society. The revival of traditions bonds the centuries-old friendship of the Russian and Buryat peoples and, with the correctness properly, shows the further path of development. As we know, any crisis is the beginning of a new round of development.

In this regard, I perform with the initiative of the construction of the monument of the legendary Pramatera of all the great Mongolian khans by the Khori-Tumat queen Alan-Goa in the Tunkinsky district of Buryatia. I believe that this can further strengthen Russian-Mongolian relations, give a significant impetus to the development of Buryat-Mongolian culture. At the same time, a monument of Alan-Goa will contribute to the development of pilgrim and ethnographic tourism in Buryatia.

The image of Alan-Goa, possessing the deep philosophical meaning of reconciliation and chastity, will help strengthen friendship between nations and countries, "- it is written in the appeal of the chairman of the Tunkinsky district council of deputies to Alamji Symenov.


The medieval history of the ancestors is full of turbulent events that influenced the history of neighboring regions and peoples. The tribes of the Buryat mountains, taiga and steppes participated in military-political activity in Central Asia and Southern Siberia, were involved in trade and economic and cultural exchange.

By the X century Hori-Tumata - one of the largest peoples of the time - occupied an extensive territory between Hubsugul and Baikal, on the rivers of the Angara, Lena and their tributaries. The southern branch of the Hori Tumatov in the harsh mountain region settled in the Tunkinsky valley, the mountain ocean and on the banks of Hubsugul. "The innermost legend of the Mongols" reports that in the terrain "Arig Ussuong in the Hori-Tumatt land was born Alan-Goa." She was a daughter of Horillarth Mearman, one of the Hori-Tumathesky leaders who decided to move to ONON with a group of his supporters. This decision was epoch. The ancestors of Buryat joined the eastern Mongols and a new generality was formed - Mongols-Niruna.

Mongolian tribes, famous for the annals, Bordzhigina, Tayjiuty, Barulasi, were the origin of Alan-Goa. The famous Persian chronicler Rashid-Ad-Dean, who recorded the history of the Mongolian rulers, wrote about her descendants: "those tribes that belong to the genus Alan-Goa and her sons are divided into three parts in the next division. The first - those that come from The genus Alan-Goa to the sixth of her generation, which was Kabul-Khan. All these people from among the sons, nephews and their kind of Ward, independently call Nirun. Similarly, Niruna is called Kabul-Khan brothers and their born. The second - those whom Although they are Niruna, but called Kiyi. They are the essence of the knee, which leads their own genus from the sixth generation of Alan-Goa, from the kind of Kabul-Khan. Third - those whom, although they come from Nirun-Kayyay's tribe and clean genus Alan-Goa And they were born from the direct descendant in the sixth knee, Kabul-Khan, called Kiyai Burzhigin. " Genghis Khang, from Barulasov, Tamerlan took place from Kiyt-Bordzhiginov.

The image of Alan-Goa remained in the memory of the Mongols as the image of the government, which showed his children, future chas, the fortress of unity on a simple example - the bonds of arrows, which is difficult to break. In the nine White Yurts in Ordos, in the center of Cults of Cenghis Khan, the Mongol rulers made rites in honor of Alan-Goa, calling her Suta-Khatan ("possessing the greatness of the queen") or ESCH-Khatan ("queen root"). The historical role of Alan-Goa is that the desire for unity and respect for the ancestors in Mongols.

Alan-Goa came from the people of Hori Tumatov, the descendants of which today are modern chori, hongeors and shoes. The descendants of Alan-Goa in Buryatia are also the tribes from the genus Genghis Khan. Her personality unites representatives of childbirth living in different ends of Buryatia. Alan-Goa was born on the ground of the Khori-Tumat branch, which inhabited a thousand years ago mountain areasTherefore, perpetuating her memory should be primarily near her small homeland. Mountains of the tuna are worthy place For the construction of a monument to the beautiful Hatan, the daughter of the Buryat people and the ancestor of the Mongols.

Meditative reconstruction of history

"You, a girl, a quiet heart and eyes, you knew that on that evening
in the sand that a sleepy child who kept your dark nipple that mogue
About which earth will not forget the Earth? "
* In Horde *. Bunin.

"In Tatar rags, the last slaughtered Scythian
Breaks - they will get used to the mortal sovereigns. "

"Will we be returned to the Crimea to the vineyards in the dark fire"

"Selected places from correspondence with Brodsky"
Yakov Epkin.

The year passed, I left the greener herbs again lowered.
The tribe of our Men-Gu nicked south of Baikal.
At night, smoke Srebryin penetrated the smoke to us in the yurt,
As if the ghost ... But the young men slipped into the morning.

On a high horse, the guest was not at all similar to us.
I got a yellow dog, five years with us in the camp he lived.
I am three brothers, three sons - from the blue skies of Alan-Goa. (Mom)
The new Rod Bordzhiginov is shaking - Sineokih Mongols!

They gave birth in squatting mother, having steppe laws.
The white bone of Mongols was added to the black bone.
Chehane Kipchak Polovtsy - Danniki them, those comons,
Saving from the owners, Kiev put the mills.

Virgo Slavic Princes gave them to wives.
Mazanica are pushed, everything is as smaller.
And the burner from the women of men is distracted by fraternity.
And the Slavs north run, throwing Kiev Slavic.

Here Mongols appeared, interrupting Polovtsy dances ...

The story is conducted on behalf of the girl, Alan-Goa's daughter, from her husband.

* Alan-Goa - the ancestral of Borjdigins - Sinokih Mongol-Magi (from where Chingishan) widow, gave birth to an unknown " yellow PSA"- White young man three sons. The children of the husband kicked the senior Bodoncar from the tribe. These were called" people of long will ". I founded the genus Giving Genghis Khan.
In ethnogenesis, the blood of the Iranians - Chechi (Scythians) and the menu tribe from the River Oneon, a mixture of a trulus

** Russian-Polovtsy world at Sakova in 1101. Polovtsi-Kapchaki Turk-speaking.
*** 1240 - Mongols took Kiev.

Russian Prince Andrey Bogolyubsky, the grandson of Monomakh and the son of Yuri Dolgoruky and Polovtsy Princess, her father Agea Oskowovich, China or Chitan got at home, together with the Polovtsy returned Kiev in 1169, repulcing it, to avenue Kiev for the poisoning of the father Yuri Dolgorukov, the legitimate heir to the throne.
Andrei Bogolyubsky suffered the capital of Russia together with the Patriarch throne to the north, Vladimir.

Gumilyov: "Zhao Hong reports that in the 12th century, the Mongols (Turks) have not yet had a 60-year cycle,
And they counted "one year, when the grass is green." From the 11th century their ethnogenesis begins, with Son Alan Goa - Bodoncar. In the "Secret History", the first accurate date is the year of chicken -1201, while China's Turks used the cyclic calendar already in the 8th century. This speaks about the full break of the tradition, that is, about the beginning of a new ethnogenesis, hinting that these were the Turkites (from where Alan-Goa) a mix of white tribe with yellow, and not true Mongoloids, the true Mongols were Tatars. Kazan Tatars adopted respect for such a name, in fact it is Bulgars (Turks)
****** Two-headed eagles are depicted on the coins of the Golden Horde

See also: