Manarola, Italy: Attractions, Description, History and Reviews. Piece of sunny Italy: Manarola Manarola Italy How to get

- One of the most exciting and bold towns, the oldest one (five lands). With a breakwater approaching the sea at an altitude of 70 m, with typical turret houses in the Genoese style forming a multicolored hive, with narrow streets with a marine salt by them. Founded in the 12th century, most likely takes its name from the mill wheel.

In Manarola, it has long been producing wine and olive oil with plantations on the hills. This area is famous for white dry wine chakquetra, and in the town there is even a museum dedicated to the guilt. The most picturesque way to get to Manarola is to pass the path on the exciting spirit landscapes (the road of love). Inhaling the aromas of Mediterranean vegetation, enjoying the sun and listening to the monotonous sea noise. So you will fall in Riomaggore, it applies to his commune.

Geographically town is located on Eastern coast and as part of the five lands since 1997 enters the list world Heritage UNESCO and since 1999 - in the composition of the same name national Park. The coast here is characterized by the hills on which grapes and olives grow, as well as few trails passing right above the sea.

Wine Manarola, Shakketra - One of the most beloved in Liguria is synonymous with five lands, as it is made only here. You can see typical houses-towers with terraces on the roofs called Cassola: it is here every year in September after collecting grapes are famous for "relax" in the shade. The result becomes a weathered golden wine wine, which can be advised even gourmet.

The history of the city does not differ much from the history of other cities of five lands under pressure two marine republics - Genoa and Pisa. However, history and nature worked on fame: today we are truly a truly idealistic landscape. Some researchers believe that the name of the city is derived from the name of one of the local pagan deities, others - that from the mill wheel.

History Manarola.

As for the history of the region, there is one interesting fact: in Volastra (VOLASTRA), an ancient settlement of Etruscov, is one of the temples of the five lands. it Temple Madonna della Salute (Santuario Della Madonna Della Salute), a small Romanesque Church of the 12th century, stone, with one rectangular oil.

The temple refers to the parish church of St. Lorenzo In (Innocent IV Square) 1338, the similarity of these two churches amazes, but the last building is distinguished by the presence of a large round window in the form of a rose on the facade. Another interesting architectural monument in - castle on Baluardo Street (Castello Di Via Del Baluardo), built to protect against Saracinov.

Like the other coastal cities of the region, Manarol is distinguished by the harmonious neighborhood of man and nature. Do not be surprised if you suddenly notice a parked boat on the street is a rather frequent phenomenon, a kind of tradition.

Among the most popular tourist routes Road of loveConnecting Manarola and Riomaggore, which is part of a large blue path (Sentiero Azzurro) leading to Monterosso. On this way, you are in full. Enjoy unique views of the local nature, the beauty of agave, palm trees, mastic wood, pines.

Also known to the organization of the largest Christmas Vertep in the world. Christmas in five lands is a unique spectacle: the whole December and beginning of January, the city turns into a gigantic pests from a variety of lights. The author of the idea, as well as the designer of Vertap - Mario Andreoli. For a long time, this city dweller places arrival characters and thousands of lanterns on the slopes of the hill. In addition to Christmas, the city is worth visiting for Easter or in August - for the sake of the traditional holiday of St. Lorenzo's intercession.

Manarola is a small fishing town in Liguria, which is in the north of Italy. The city is located on a rock, hanging over the wild coastline of the Ligurian Sea. This is one of five cities that are members of the Italian Riviera, known as Chinckwe Terre. These cities are interconnected by a pedestrian walkway: Monterosso Al Mare, Vernatza, Cornevy, Manarola and Riomanaggiore

Manarola is the most old and one of the smallest cities of the famous tops of Terre. In the center of the town is the San Lorenzo Church, built in 1338. In the western part there is a small harbor, and in the east area where local residents often gather, to discuss any important questions. As in many other places in this part of Italy, vineyards are growing everywhere, of which they make magnificent wine

In a tiny harbor, Manarola has a boat parking. The excellent picture form picturesque multicolored houses built right on the slopes of the rocks over the gorge. Something resembles the colorful unusual buildings of the famous architect FredenSraich Hundertwasser. Despite the fact that there is no beach here - it is a good place For scuba diving and research of caves and rock clefts. For descent to water built a special staircase

The main fishery here traditionally is fishing and winemaking. In the time of the Roman Empire, the wine is valued for its excellent taste. Recently, Manarola and other cities of Riviera have also become very popular with tourists, especially in the summer months. The main attraction here is considered the aforementioned trail connecting all five cities. It is sometimes called trop love

In Europe, a lot of small, cozy, and very beautiful towns. For example,

Manarola is small locality In Northern Italy, Spice Province. He calls him a village, sea Area, the city, only about 850 people live in it. There are several versions why the village is so called. On one thing - the settlement is named after God Mani, the patron saint of a home coat, on the other - the name gave a huge mill wheel.

Manarola is one of the five villages of the Italian Riviera, united by the common name "five lands" or Chinsky Terre. In addition to Manarola, there are Rubnatz, Kornilla, Monterosso and Riomaggiore.


The settlement is located at an altitude of 70 meters above sea level on a high rocky rock, towering over the Ligurian Sea. Looking at him, the feeling that houses and buildings are hanging right above the sea. A distinctive feature of the Chinqui-Terre village is their colorful color. Tourists are offered to observe with observation deck Over the sunset, when the house painted in the pink becomes aluminum or orange, and the sea is golden. No house repeats in the color of another, at least something, but will be different. All streets go uphill, they are very narrow, winding. Only in the 20th century at home became multi-colored. Before that, they were all the same gray.
From the beginning of the same century, the development of tourism in the area of \u200b\u200bChinsky Terre began: Hotels, restaurants, bars began to operate, began to open transport connection Between the villages.

Due to its inaccessibility, the town of the Pyndavestrals has retained their medieval look.

Manarola - Italy - Attractions

The most interesting I. remarkable places Manarols are tourist trails of various levels of complexity, tiny bays, numerous vineyards and of course the Church of San Lorenzo.

Tourist trails

All settlements of the Park "Five Lands" are connected by trails used by local residents, and numerous tourists.

Azure trail with a length of 12 km unites all five villages of the five-litel. It is the most visited by tourists and the simplest to overcome. The road often has to close on the repair after the strong autumn rains that blurred it. The trail made paid to collect money for her reconstruction. The cost of the passage is 5-7 euros.

The trail or the road of love connects Manarol with Riomaggiore and is the most short. Its length is only 900 meters. According to legend, in this path there were lovers: the girl from Riomaggore and the young manarol. At that time, the villages were entrusted with each other and a meeting of young people were secret. But once the misfortune happened, and they broke down with a high rock. When the bodies found, residents of the villages were ashamed to their hostility and reconciled. And on the trail installed a touching monument in love. Part of the trail is closed until 2018, only half is open.

Another plot connects Manarol with railway station in Cornil. The trail is very close to the sea. It starts at 6 meters from the sea, then 55 meter lift and descent. Its length is 2 km.

Manarola and Riomaggiore connects Bekcar Street. It is one and a half kilometer road, rapidly gaining height. To go through it will have to rise by 250 m above sea level and overcome 600 steps.

The path from Manarola to Volastra takes half an hour of time, but it is a constant rise. We will have to overcome 1200 steps and climb 667 meters. It is believed that it was the inhabitants of the tiny village of Volrastra once founded Manarol.

Many trails intersect with each other, in some sections, they are connected to each other and diverge.
Between five towns constantly sweep the train. Time on the way for no more than 3 minutes. The distance of the travel day is 10 euros.

Other popular sights

On the way to Vollar, the temple of the virgin health belonging to the X century is located. Initially, it was built in the Romanesque style, but in different historical times there was a restructuring, and now his style is attributed to the Gothic. Outside, the temple does not differ something noticeable and seems small, but inside due to the cylindrical dome it is visually visually. The temple decorates the image of Madonna, belonging to the XIV century and very honored by local residents.

On Christmas holidays in Manarola, they set the world's largest swamp in the world (Italian despise), reconstructing night events when Jesus was born. In 2007, the design consisted of 300 figures made in a variety of magnitude, and covered 15 thousand light bulbs and got into the Guinness Book of Records. Every year the crep updates and solemnly open on December 8. The pests remain open to visit until the end of January. During this period in the city there is practically no free room at the hotel. Tourists to see this sight, book them for months ahead.

The Church of St. Lawrence (San Lorenzo) was built in 1338. Every year on August 10, Manarolians arrange a holiday in honor of the patron of the city of Lorenzo. The three-end church is very modest outwardly, has one entrance. It is decorated with a relief depicting the martyrdom of St. Lawrence.

Next to Manarola is a village of Groppo, famous for its winery, where tourists are proposed to taste the best wines of the region. The whole area around the city is busy with vineyards. After all, the main occupation local residents - This is viticulture and fishing. Local and tourists are very loved by the wine "Chinki Terre" and "Shaketer". The latter is even devoted to the museum where you can learn about the manufacture of liqueur wine, try it and buy it.

Punta Bonfilo - Terrace, located in the very high point Manarola. It opens a beautiful view of the whole city. Through the terrace passes one of the many tourist trails.

Restaurants, Hotels, Recreation Zones Manarola

There is no hotels familiar to the tourist. You can stay in guest houses, most of which offers only a couple of rooms. The price category is different.

Manarola is famous for its restaurants and skills of local chefs to prepare a branded pasta with seafood. Tourists have the most popular Tractoria Dal Billy restaurant and Tractoria La Scogliera.

Tourist life is concentrated around one main street Manarola.

There are no specially swelling beaches, the shore is mostly rocky. Those who want to swim jump into the water directly from the stones. Manarola attracts caves and diving lovers. Places for underwater swimming are covered with cliffs from winds and strong sea waves.

Manarola Bay is very picturesque and is the only place where the boat can be lowered. For sea walking In the bay you can rent a boat. The service is available from 12 days to 19:30.

How to get

From the south of the country, for example, from Rome to Manarola can only be reached with a transfer in La Spice. In the north nearest big City - Genoa. From here to Manarola 2 hours by train. The cost of the ticket depends on the type of train and varies in the range from 8 to 13 euros.

Between all the port cities of Cinque Terre regularly run boats.

Between the villages adjacent railway connection. The town runs by local buses operating on eco-friendly fuel.

In all cities of the park, entry on cars is prohibited. Do not meet them and on the streets, but almost every house "parked" the boat. The road to Manarola is very narrow and winding with problem areas, so few people travel to this village. Since the path to the center is closed, the entrance provides car parking for 80 seats. The cost of an hour is 2.5 euros.

Tells dare_Speranza.:

Hey! My name is Nadezhda.
In my journal I write about my life, hobbies, adventures and, of course, about your projects.
There are many projects, but there are three main and loved ones: it is an accelerated study of English, non-standard development of children, as well as unusual photo shoots.

Manarola (Manarola) spreading on the rocks of the terrain called Five Lands (CINQUE TERRE). Car entry here is prohibited (it is under UNESCO's defense), therefore hiking - This is the best way to explore the village.

And since local streets are quite cool, these trips are accompanied by a wellness gymnastics for the muscles of the legs :)

The village is located on the rocks and resembles a multicolored multi-tiered cake.

With many houses have their own gardens. And in the surrounding villages, the rocks grow grapes, from which there are white table wine and local pride - the sweet wine "shokener", from grapes, raised on a bush under the hot sun.

On the streets you can see even "grandfather" of wine apparatus :)

There are no fashionable restaurants in Manararol, but here are cozy bars, cafes and restaurants with delicious Italian cuisine and fresh seafood here for every taste. Everything around is home and with a soul.

And lemons, by the way, also local - grow onto their bushes and do not touch anyone. And they are not good, that our domestic lemons are growing differently - in plastic trays on supermarket counters :)

Italian flavor of the village adds a local habit of driving underwear straight on the streets.

The louvers in the summer almost always in business - everything is closed, so as not to skip the heat into the house. Very, by the way, an effective way of salvation from overly high degrees. And you say - air conditioning! ;)

And here is the sea itself. Water here is the purest. The terrain of Chinkua Terre is considered to be in Italy one of the most environmentally friendly. And not in vain.

There are no sandy beaches here, only rocks. It is possible to go down to the water either with flat stones, or by the yard, or (which is more humane;)) with specially built ladies. Walking on the rocks, by the way, maybe not as soft, like on the sand, but there is something that makes you feel merging with nature ...

And this is the famous view of Manarol from below, from the cliffs. It was even perpetuated in the Italian selection of wallpapers for the desktop for Windows 7 :) and yet, despite the increasing popularity of this village among tourists of all countries, here you can fully feel a slow life and breathe the famous aroma of Italian sweet nonesthelnia.

Periodically, ships and boats swim towards Manarola. Sitting on the boat, you can go on a trip to the four neighboring villages (all together they form the very five lands, which they gave the name of the area).

And this is an antique bell tower, which is visible from almost any point of Manarola.

Both the bell tower, and the Gothic Church, were built as much as in 1338. And, I must say, quite well preserved to our years.

And what, it is quite calm, you can live 673 years old, if you live in the mountains on the seashore :) and with this sunshine ...

And how was your vacation? Where did you and what is interesting for myself discovered? Or, on the contrary, where are you going to go? Share! :)

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