One piece Big Kush Movies. Van Piss watch online all series! 9 (× _ ×) 6

Vapapis can be icy by one phrase and you know her perfectly.
I will become king of pirates!

To tell about Van Piss - I certainly do not need anyone, it is an anime about the pirates everyone knows everything. And even those who did not see him and do not know what kind of beast it is - still at least once heard about him at school, institute, and everywhere. Wang Pissa has long been the legend and classic anime and manga, not only as the longest TOLLL, but also as an indicator of high quality in the genre of Seine. And it seems that the story will never end - after all, the author does not even want to stop! And with him and Van Piss.

Shachiburi Meanwhile, it is voiced for many years, during the 750+ series, and its voice acting is considered the legendary and best. As they say, hearing once, listen now. And only on our website Van Pissa voice acting Shachiburi is officially and comes out without delay, because it is his native site.

Treasures of pirates called "Van Pissa", everything is also manitis and causes 30-year-old units to look for the adventures of the everlasting Luffy, because each arch of this anime is unique and never else, will never meet such eccentric characters anywhere and unusual places. Variability is simply shrinking.

You will also be on the island of technology, and in the real island of the ghost, you will see the epic battles with supersilles, visit the sky, under water ... oh, list everything - sin on the soul of spoilers, so forward to view, because it looks all on one Breath - even Fillers. Forward with pirate songs, we are all the pirates kings!

Monks D. Luffy, never separated from so he liked a straw hat, which he presented to his great pirate, from all sides unusual guy. First of all, he at one time used to eat 1 of the great devilish fruits, perhaps somehow connected with Van Piss, who endowed anyone who will eat (even deer) with unusual possibilities, and now it can easily and ease to stretch part of his own body. Rubber (what he repeatedly reminds about in his attacks.

In 2nd, he dreams about what sooner or late (spent time spent it does not care - the main thing is to be fun in the process) to become a real king of all pirates, finding Van Pisce - treasure, for many years, stupid and hidden On what island, the famous goal D. Roger - the previous king of pirates, right before execution.

A large number of pirates are already in unsuccessful searching for Van Ines on the Grand Line - an extraordinary rapid water course, which is gicked up the entire pirate world and faster than a large number of islands for which it is not so easy to move.

The dream of Luffy is. Important power for her impersonation as well. What is missing? Obviously, the teams of reliable "Napava" - loyal friends who will be ready to go on their own captain at least on the Grand Line, at least on the fell, at least to the trait on the kulichiki (and we are not figuratively).

The set in the team is open to get Van Pis, and to be a real non-Luffy can anyone: to the death of a terrible hunter on the pirates of Zoro, and adoring cash Fraudship cats us, and hopeless Lyudi Usopp, and a cook-womanizer Sanji, and. ..

And we will not spoil, very, a lot who! The main thing is that each of the "Sollar Hat Team" has its own unimaginable dream and willingness at any time to give life because of loved ones, because these friends are such.

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Anime Van Pis - The story of the world, where the coast of the same continent is fighting the waves of the endless oceans, where people coexist with fishing and mermaids, and only dubbeds, furrowing water expanses live in real life. It is not surprising that the pirates flourish in this world and the all-seeing (but not omnisciplinary) is hurting its truth. Monks D. Luffy - a parenchy, who since childhood wants to become the king of pirates. He always admired a pirate team, which at times rested in his village, and no worse than the rest knew the legend about Van Pissa - the treasure that left behind Gold Roger, the previous king of pirates. Everyone knows that the founding Van Piss will become a new king of Pirates, and Luffy is confident that he will achieve this goal. In the end, in addition to the purposefulness and the incredible force of the will, he also has the strength of the devilish fruit - a special fetus, which deprives him who reached it, the ability to swim, but in return, it gives supernatural abilities. For example, Luffy can stretch and increase parts of his body as if they are made of rubber, and uses this ability to be very creative. When it marks eighteen, Luffy alone is started in search of adventures, a complete determination as soon as possible to dial a team. Board the sea alone with a hand, and the soul does not lie to this - can the king of pirates without a team? And Luffy dreams of a team not just faithful comrades and friends, but real kindred souls - "Napava", which will be closer to each other and will always be ready to fight with unknown hazards. "Nakva" is absolutely confidence and complete mutual support, which "ills" anyone who begins Watch Wang Pis And dreams of the same friends.

Thanks to the power of character, nozzles, charisma and - not least - the ability to distribute Tumaki, Luffy very soon becomes the head of the team, which he dreamed of all his life. His first associate is the former hunter on the pirates of Zoro, a master of combat style of three swords, which was unfairly captured by the Sea Watch. Then, we are joined by the teem with a passion for navigation and cartography - and Usopp, a liar and a coward with a big heart, which in a responsible moment is able to show courage and amazing accuracy. Fourthly, they are on a new ship called "Going Merry" go to the floating restaurant Barati. By defending it from Pirates Barati, they get into their team a new Napava - Coca named Sanji, who not only cooks perfectly, but also perfectly holds his legs. Shortly after that, they defeat the Pirates of Arlong - Fisheries, which have long been terrorizing their native village by us. Triya, called the "straw hats" pirates in honor of the head of the head, who went to Luffy from the captain, who had long saved his life, the team was sent to search for real adventures. Each of them has their own goal - Zoro dreams to be the world's strongest swordsman, we crave to create a map of all over the world, ISPEP wants to become the same brave and courageous as his father, Sanji is looking for all Blue - the sea, where the fish is found from all the oceans of the Earth. Throughout the series, they purposefully go to dreams, becoming stronger and reaching new heights.

Deciding that it is much easier to achieve its goals and more pleasant side by side with the faithful "Napava", they keep the way to the Grand Line - water expanses, where the most desperate thugs are acquired and where the traces of the legendary treasure were gained. In his long swimming, after a time, after a time, they win victories over the villains and are becoming more dangerous, according to other pirates and the marine watch, whose captains dream of stubbing them behind the bars. After each adventure, the size of the award for their head is growing, but grows and the "straw hats" team. By defeating Tirana Vapol, they acquire the doctor of the Chopper doctor, and Okolodov, the sinister organization "Baron Worsk" - literally "conquer" her former member, archaeologist Niko Robin, who has not already been able to free themselves from the former team. It is located in the ranks of the pirates of Luffy and for Cyborg Franki, and for a lively skeleton of Bruk, who also do not mind contribute to the common cause.

After conquering Grand Line, new discoveries and shocks, Luffy and his faithful "Napava" are becoming stronger, both together and separately, during forced separation. Having gathered again, they go to New world - The opposite side of the Grand Laina, where the strongest rules are - to carry out their dreams. However, the enemies each time becomes more powerful. The world government, seven Great Corsarov, four emperors of the seas, representatives of the powerful celestial dragons - all of them have long divided the sphere of influence and do not want to put up with the generation of "supernova", among whom Luffy with friends entered.

On our site you can Watch Van Piss in online. This story is a fascinating journey, in which the heroes are waiting for meetings with new friends and new battles for the right thing. Searches for the legendary treasures have not yet come to an end. As for pirate life, she really is much more fascinating on a peaceful life on land, especially if during wicked it and it is the opportunity to penetrate the secrets of such a changeable and charming world!

To date, the most popular manga in Japan is One Piece Eyithiro OD. And Anime One Piece ranks first large quantity Series among all the titles that came out or continuing from the beginning of the 21st century.

To telegraph


This anime scares many of them not the most advanced rice, and it is not surprising, after all, Wang Ine began to go out in 1999, but, as you know, the rice is not important. Therefore, those who still choose Anime on Rica - Take Just and Throw this bad habit.

Of course, the riversification of Van Piss is also being improved over time, but should not immediately hope for some fundamental changes.

Superconduble everywhere, where without them?

There are no magic or chakras or spiritual power in the world. The only way to find any special forces is to eat a devilish fruit.

The devilish fruits are mysterious fruits, the origin of which is unknown, but eating such, a person will get some power, depending on the type of fruit. However, for it will have to pay the price - lose the ability to swim. Sea water instantly takes away all the strength of the "Fruit" and he goes to the bottom of the Topor. For a pirate, it is not possible to swim very big risk, but if you are strong, then no one will throw you into the water.

Also, there is such force as "will". All living things have this force, but most do not know about its existence, and some cannot awaken it in any way. But he betrayed it, it is possible to become very strong and without a devilish fruit. The stronger the person himself, the stronger his will.

About the world and prerequisites for the main plot

The whole land in the world of Van Pishes is almost completely covered with water, so the navigation is especially developed there. And where many ships are a lot of pirates there. Big land, referred to as the Red Line, and the Great Ocean Current of Grand Line, which crosses the Red Line directly perpendicularly, divide the world for 4 seas: East Blue, West Blue, Saus Blue and North Blue. In these seas, most weak pirates are industrial. The most strong and brave, who want fame and wealth, are sent to the Grand Line, where the nature is severe and the opponents are much stronger. Even to get to the Grand Line is quite difficult and not everyone can get there alive. Grand Line is divided by the mainland into two parts, and those who visited the second half of the Grand Line, called the new world, consider the first half just paradise, because the new world is incredible dangerous placeWhere every second you can threaten death absolutely from everywhere. Over 22 years before the start of the events of Manga and Anime, the only person appeared, who was able to conquer Grand Line completely - goal D. Roger, whom everyone nicknamed the king of pirates.

On the other hand, the world order is standing at the World Government - the strongest political structure, which includes many different countries. The main power of the government is the sea dosage, which is designed to combat crime, and, most importantly, is to combat pirates.

After the goal of D. Roger became the king of pirates, the government was frightened by the rampant piracy and decided to stop this matter on the root - to catch and execute Roger! And they did it. But before the execution, he was asked where he was his treasures, what he told the phrase, which changed the whole world:

My treasures? Look for them if you can, I left them there!

And instead of all once and forever they understood that even the strongest expects punishment from the hands of the seabed, thousands of people rushed to look for the treasures of the pirates king. Thus, the Great Era of Pirates began.

About the plot and such different members of our Ocean Conquerors

The events of the main plot, as mentioned above, begin 22 years after Roder's execution. The main hero of Monkey D. Luffy, a 17-year-old guy, a beginner pirate who went in swimming to become the king of pirates. In his adventures, he finds new flats - friends who join his pirates of straw hats, or just Pirates Mugivar.

Everyone who joined his team pursues their personal goal, but he also becomes a member of their friendly team. And when one is required to help, others will always help. Together, they are worried about a bunch of problems, joys and bitterness of losses on their way to the cherished goal.

Monks D. Luffy - the main hero of Anime and Manga. Silen not by year, silly and careless. However, in battle always shows a seamless and is able to come up with a way of victory over a strong enemy. He loves meat, a lot of meat. He loves everything unusual and always trying to drag it on the ship. I am ready to go against the whole world if you will be offended by the Spike. Because of his naivety and nonsense, many do not believe that he is the captain of the ship. The first of the combat trio of the Mugivar team. He was inspired by his pirate, who gave him his straw hat - Shanks. Ate fruit Goma Gomo and became a rubber man. Deceive Mr. Fantastic, just even stronger.

Roronoa Zoro - 19 years old, a swordsman with his own three-stage style. Joined Luffy as a fee for their salvation from the paws. Dreams to become the strongest swamp in the world. The second from the combat trio of the Mugivar team. Considering his seriousness and strength, many consider it captain. A lover of drinking, suffering from topographic cretinism - absolutely not able to navigate the terrain.

We are 18 years old, thief and talented navigator. One of the smartest characters in the world Wang Pis. Luffy immediately wanted to take it into the team because no matter how nor Zoro did not understand anything in the naval business. Dreams draw a map of all over the world. Adores money and jewelry. After Luffy helped her solve the problem on her native island changed its negative attitude towards pirates. In addition to the role of the navigator and the navigator, in fact, is the treasurer in the team. Initially, it does not take part in the battles due to the lack of combat skills, but over time ISPEP makes special weapons for it and it becomes more dangerous.

Sanji - 19 years old, excellent Kok. He has a children's dream to find the legendary sea of \u200b\u200ball blue, in which all kinds of fish are from all four seas. The womanizer runs over all the pretty girls, including us and Robin and always prepares them some kind of delicious. The third of the combat trio of the Mugivar team. In battle always uses only legs, because it is very important for Coca, which he prepares. This wisdom, like skills in cooking, he learned from his mentor the chef of the Zeft. It is noteworthy that initially Oda planned to call him naruto, but changed his mind to the manga with the same name.

Usopp - 17 years, liar and coward. It is always lying that he is very strong and is the king of snipers and he has 8,000 followers so that no one touches him. In fact, very cowardly and always trying to avoid danger. His father, Yakopp, also a pirate and a very taller shooter. Usopp inherited this talent from his father, only in battle he uses a slingshot and is able to affect the goals from a very long distance. It is capable of shooting from other types of weapons. The weakest member of the team. Joined Luffy to overcome your cowardice and become strong.

Tony Tony Chopper is the reindeer, eating the fruit of Chito Chito and become a man-like deer. Because of your unusual external view It was expelled from his herd. People were afraid of him because they considered a monster. He was sheltered by Dr.-Charlatan, and later he became a submitted real very skillful doctor. Also became a doctor and joined Luffy to see the world and gain more experience in healing.

Niko Robin - 28 years old, pirate and archaeologist in the team Mugivar. Since childhood, the reward was announced for her as a dangerous criminal and she was hiding all the time and entered into different criminal organizations, which then mysteriously ceased to exist. He herself entered the Mugivar team, no one invited her, she also explained that since Luffy saved her from death to which she was ready, then let him be responsible for her life. After conducting childhood surrounded by archaeologists and historians, he knows an ancient language, which is probably no one else understands. It dreams of finding Rio Pohlif - the stone block on which the true history of the world is written, but to read it first to read all other incident in the world. Always calm and almost does not show emotions. Loves to joke that they will all die when the team threatens the danger, which is even more scared of Usoppa.

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