Hungarian building. Hungarian Parliament Building (Országház)

At the end of the XIX century, the capital of Hungary, the city of Buda unites with Obuda and Pest into a single city - Budapest. The central axis of the new city was the Danube, many significant architectural buildings of the Hungarian capital were focused on it. Here is one of the largest government buildings in the world - the Hungarian Parliament in Budapest.

Parliament in Budapest. History and brief description

The ideas for the construction of this residence of Parliament in Budapest arose immediately after the unification of cities in 1873. The building was erected in 1885-1904 for the work of the architect IMRE Stendl. Building in neo-neothic style has a length of 265 meters, a width of 118 meters and height along the central dome of 96 meters. On the facade, leaving the river, the influence of neootics and non-herenissance is noticeable. The central main portal of the building goes to the Square of Lyosh Koshut. In its location and architectural style, the building resembles a well-known Westminster Palace.

The internal study and scope of the premises is also affecting. There are more than two hundred halls, 500 rooms, a dozen yards. Among this vast amount of premises, a large domestic hall can be distinguished, which contains receptions and solemn meetings of parliament. The hall has a diameter of 21 meters. The altitude of 27 meters is supported by 16 groups of columns. The capitals of these columns contain sculptures of large figures of Hungary. The hall appears like the center of the building, the rest of the premises are symmetrically from it.

The rooms are decorated with sculptures, frescoes, paintings, made by the best Hungarian creators. There are also tapestries and painting Loza, Rudnai, Munkachi.

Now in the Hungarian Parliament building freely tourists with excursions. The situation and the greatness of the building quickly made parliament with the symbol of Budapest and one of the most famous sights of Hungary.

The Hungarian Parliament is one of the oldest buildings among the legislative institutions in Europe and the second of them in magnitude!

In the sky of Budapest, the spire of the majestic symbol of independence and unity of the Hungarian nation - Hungary Parliament Building.

Seven years after the unification of Buda, Pest and the exercise, in 1880, the State Assembly decided to build a parliament building to emphasize the sovereign right of the Hungarian nation. A contest was announced, who won the architect IMRE Stendl. Thus, in 1885 construction began, and the first meeting of the State Assembly was held in the building already in 1896, during the celebration of the 1000th anniversary of the acquisition of the Motherland (although the construction was finally completed only in 1904).

Thousands of people worked on construction, 40 million bricks and 40 kg of gold were used. Unfortunately, the architect of the building is blind to the completion of construction and could not see his creation.

Parliament of Hungary organically fit into the space between two bridges - Margaret Bridge and a chain bridge. The main facade is addressed to the Danube, it contains 88 sculptures of the Hungarian kings and leaders. Main entrance It goes to the Lyosh Koshta Square. It is called "Lion Gate" - because of the sculptures, adorning it.

Like the building of the British Parliament, the building style is neogenic. The building covers an area of \u200b\u200b18000 square meters. m. Length of the building - 268 m, width - 123 m. Its interior includes 10 courtyards, 13 elevators, 27 gates, 29 stairs and 691 rooms. The height of the building is 96 m, it is one of the highest in the city.

The building is not only value in the architectural sense, but also has a big historical meaning. Here under the dome is the sacred crown, which is more than a thousand years old!

Given the size of the building, some parts are almost always on the restoration, but despite this Parliament is always open to visitors.

At night The building of the Hungarian Parliament Beautifully highlighted

The building of the Hungarian Parliament is located on the Danube embankment, it is a big scale structure, the residence of the Hungarian Parliament, in the architecture of which the elements of the Westminster Palace and the influence of the Paris-Ara of the Paris-Ara are bizarked (the hotel-de-Ville could serve as a prototype.

In 1867, Hungary gained independence and could have a separate parliament. At first, in 1880 the country received royal permission to build the building of the Parliament, and in 1884, after approving the project, construction work has already begun under the leadership of the Arch Republic. The building of the building was to be timed to the Millennium Celebration of the Millennium of the Transition of Hungary through the Carpathians, so a meeting of the parliament who received the name of the State Assembly, first passed in a new building in 1896. But the construction at that time was not completed, the finishing work of the parliament itself and the design of his interior was fully completed only in 1906.

Parliament building - the largest in Hungary: in it 691 premises, 29 stairs and 10 courtyards; The majesty of parliament and its architectural appearance should have emphasized the wealth of the Hungarian kingdom. Thousands of builders worked on the construction of the building, more than 40,000,000 bricks were used in construction, as well as 40 kilograms of gold, which was used in the interior decoration.

The main architectural element is neo-neutic turrets with high spiers and the massive dome rising between them, whose height reaches 96 meters. This figure is not accidental, it is identified from 896 - an important date for Magyar, when they managed to gain the territory of modern Hungary. The parliament building is characterized by a rectangular shape, the length of its sides is 118 and 268 meters, and the total area of \u200b\u200ball rooms, including corridors, is 18 thousand square meters.

In the internal design of the interior, the topic of receiving Hungary independence is dominated, the facades of the parliament building decorate the statues of the princes of Transylvania and the Kings of Hungary, the folk heroes and warriors, famous commander. And on the contrary, it is possible to see the monument to the riding on the horse of Rakoshi Ferenc II, which in the XVIII century was headed by the struggle of the People of Hungary against the government of emperors from the Habsburg dynasty to free themselves from the age-old yoke. On the other hand, the parliament building is another sculptural composition, in the center of which is the statue of another Hungarian hero - Layosh Kosutu - the organizer of the fight for freedom and independence already in the XIX century, during the revolutionary events of 1848, he managed to rule several months.

The building of the Hungarian Parliament is not only one of the monuments of architecture Budapest, it is sufficiently significant and from a historical point of view. His halls, decorated with invaluable paintings and extractive painting, are a kind of art gallery, acquainting visitors with the art of the XIX century.

In the same building, the main relic is kept - the Holy Crown and other royal regalia. According to the legend, this crown belonged to the king of Ishtan, she in 1000 presented Sylvester II, it was her who crowded the first Hungarian king. Historians argue that the Holy Crown was made much later - already in the XII century, so she could not belong to Holy Ischwana, but, despite this, the crown is one of the main symbols of Hungarian independence.

On the building of the Hungarian Parliament, excursions are held for tourists, including in Russian.

What is your associated city of Budapest? With gorgeous bridges, machines, big houses? With statues and castles? Welcome and wide streets? Of course, all this here is also there, but the present symbol of Budapest is the building of the Hungarian Parliament!

How to build a building of the Hungarian Parliament in Budapest

Build the building decided after in 1873 the city of Buda and Pest were united. Announced the competition among architects, in which Imre Stheindl defeated the Hungarian architect. And in 1885, in Budapest on the eastern shore of the Danube began construction. And as usual happens, the construction has been delayed. After all, large financial investments were needed, and the Hungarian government was not always able to allocate money.

9 years have passed and between two chain bridges of the section and margitis has grown a huge building in neo-neo-style and similar to medieval castle. Unfortunately, by the end of the construction of Imre Shthayndl Elemp, and not seeing his creation in the finished form.

The building of the Hungarian Parliament is the largest building not only in Budapest, but also in all Hungary. Appearance Parliament is so unusual, dynamic and peculiar, that, being near him, do not understand: you are in the present or in the medieval past.

The spiers of neoothetic towers and powerful dome give even more royal luxury, thanks to which they involuntarily remember the legends about the King Arthur and majestic Camelot. You imagine yourself as Queen Guinevel - the owner of the land.

Stunning halls of the Hungarian Parliament

Inside the Hungarian Parliament, under a powerful dome, there is a spacious 16-coal main hall, which is decorated with all sorts of sculptures and portraits. outstanding people Hungary, paintings and frescoes, the prices are not.

From two sides of him - two rooms for meetings of the upper and lower chambers of Hungary.

In the domed hall, the most important symbol of Hungary, as the state, is the sacred crown of St. Ishthan, along with a scepter and sword.

And 16 statues of kings and rulers of Hungary "guard" relic.

Inside the Hungarian Parliament only about 700 rooms. Basically, all the halls "collected" on the first second floors.

Interior of the Hungarian Parliament

It took 40 Millons of bricks to build this grandiose structure. And in the finishing works used 40 kilograms of gold!

The building is located:

  • 691 rooms
  • 13 elevators
  • 27 gates
  • 29 stairs
  • The area is 18,000 square meters

"Lion gates" - the main entrance to the building. On the facade there are 88 figures of leaders and kings of Hungary.

From the door itself, the interior is just delightful! The ideologicalness of the Hungarian architects, the possibilities of builders and a combination of "plus" and "minus".

High staircases covered with carpet tracks, "candle lights" and crystal chandeliers, arches framed by gold, statues at every step and much more, which will remind you of a fairytale castle.

It can be assumed that if the place where government problems are solved, such a beautiful and majestic, then the state will flourish from year to year!

Where is the building of the Hungarian Parliament on the map

Look at the Hungarian Parliament building in this video:

The Hungarian Parliament is the most visited attraction of Budapest. Without inspection of this building, let both a runaway, not a single excursion. Externally it amazes not only scale, but also architectural styleSomething resembling the London Westminster Palace.

Parliament photos do not fully reflect the best of magnitude to which itifies from the construction. And this is, by the way, the longest building in all Hungary! And one of the largest government residences throughout Europe!

The most effectively the building looks at night when the backlight turns on. The architectural reliefs and lines with the onset of darkness acquire increased clarity, the incident shadows create bizarre compositions.

The scale of the spectacle will like even to children, so it will be useful to walk to parliament in the evening with them too. Yes, and inside there is something to see! In those days, when there are no parliamentary meetings, organized excursions are held in 8 languages, including Russian.

So that you have no doubt that from within the building of the Hungarian Parliament (Orsagaz) in Budapest is no less interesting than outside, we will give you some amazing facts.

  • During the construction of the building, 40 million bricks and 40 kg of gold were used, and thousands of people took part in the construction.
  • The architect did not see his brainchild, since it died in 1902. What is noteworthy, he did not survive only 5 weeks to the solemn opening of the Parliament in 1902 (and before 1904 external finishing works continued).
  • From the middle of the twentieth century and until the collapse of the USSR, a red star was conquered on the spier of the dome, the same as on the Kremlin towers. She was removed after the turn of Hungary to the West.
  • In the dome hall, the main state symbols of Hungary are kept - Scepter, Sword, Power, the Crown of St. Ishthan (she is Stefan). This spacious hall is decorated with statues of 16 kings and rulers of Hungary.
  • Inside and outside of the Parliament, there are a total of 250 statues.
  • The first meeting of the parliament was held on the occasion of the Millennium of Hungary and earlier than the building was completed - in 1896.

How to get on a tour to the Hungarian Parliament

There is the official website of the Hungarian Parliament, which publishes current information about the tours. Tours in a certain language are strictly normalized in time.

For example, earlier, Russian-speaking excursions were performed at 15.00, then they were transferred to 11.00. Tickets can be purchased online on the same site, after payment they need to simply print and scan at the entrance to Parliament. Or buy at the checkout near the building, but you have to stand up. Please note that the purchase of tickets via the Internet will need to pay a commission of about 250 HUF.

Actual information can be found on the bench located near the fence from memorable obelis. It is dedicated to the events of 1956, when Soviet tanks suppressed an uprising in Budapest. At the appointed time, a guide is suitable for the gathered tourists and takes the group inside.

The duration of the excursion is about 45 minutes, while the employees accompanying the group monitor nobody deviate from the route. So arbitrarily take a walk in the territory of the parliament will not be possible. Sometimes excursions are transferred to another day. This is connected with the meetings that are held here periodically. Although the halls in the parliament are two. Earlier, the government was two-challenged, and now the second hall just gives up.

Hungarian parliament from within

From the street, Parliament looks large, and inside it will truly be compared with! Even adults will affect the scope of interior finishing works, which is, to talk about children.

What is the fact that only 40 kg of gold was used during construction. The elements of gilding are on the walls and ceiling, you can see the paintings of famous Hungarian artists everywhere. The interior is designed in medieval style, includes mosaic panels, stained glass windows.

Stepping along the huge stairs, eliminated by the red tracks, is very difficult not to be distracted and carefully look at your feet, because the whole luxury is spent around and attracts the look.

The height of the largest dome of the parliament is 27 m - just imagine this is equivalent to a 9-storey house! And the diameter reaches 20 m.

In the Central Dome Hall, children will be interested to look at the main symbols of Hungary, solemnly protected by the real honorary guard. Main attraction - Ishthan Crown, assigned to a velvet pillow. And next to it you can see a scepter, power and sword. There are several theories of the origin of this crown that you will learn from the guide.

For example, why and on the crown, and in the Hungarian coat of arms, the cross looked at which rulers did not crowned with its help, because of which she visited the US gold reserves and as he returned to his homeland.

It is believed that one day the crown tried to take a secret from the palace, so they hid in Larz and covered the lid. Hop and in negligence they donated the cross, because of which he still is in such a state. He was decided not to align in the memory of the events that occurred.

All these stories with enthusiasm list to even children, after which the tourists will follow in the halls of the parliamentarians. As mentioned above, there are two of them here. Completely identical.

The interiors are withstanding everything in the same medieval style, but each workplace is equipped with modern gadgets. And on the windowsill there are numbered cells for cigars. And they also have their own history of occurrence.

Summing up, it can be noted that the visit to the Hungarian Parliament will be interesting for the whole family. Both children and adults will appreciate the size of the building, the beauty of finishing works, listen to fascinating stories and think about what the truth about the crown is more like the truth.

Tourists who visited here noted that the total time excursion is not always enough. The beauty of parliamentary interiors is impressive, but some would like the excursion last longer. Although, on the other hand, for a visit with a child, 45 minutes is quite enough.

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