How to get to Baiyun Mountain. Mount Baiyun – a mysterious ball, skyscrapers in the smog and an alley of desires

Mount Baiyun (in Russian “mountain of white clouds”) for Guangzhou is like Titovka for Chita, Tibidabo for Barcelona, ​​Sparrow Hills for Moscow. Most tourists visiting the city try to come here. Locals love this place too.
Why go here
Of course, take a bird's eye view around you. However, when smog hangs over Guangzhou (and this is a common condition for the city), you will see it. More outlines of skyscrapers.
Also take a ride on the cable car and visit the bird zoo open type(birds fly in front of your nose, I was in the same one at the city zoo, so I didn’t go to this one, but everyone likes it), take a walk around the neighborhood. The place is calm, picturesque, conducive to philosophizing and fitness.

How to get there
Very important point. There was no metro built at the main entrance, but there is a metro station at the other gate. Some of the people come from there. Metro station Meihuayuan Station. Exit D. Across the road immediately at the exit. On the right side there will be an alley going up. You should go there. Walk about 1.5 km. to the park entrance. I read reviews from those who went this way. They didn't complain. However, I consider this idiotic if your goal is not to build up your leg muscles, lose weight, etc. If you go this way, in 90% of cases you will not reach the station cable car(and down there there is still beautiful park There is). You just can’t, or there won’t be enough time. Because from this entrance to the observation point there are more than 7 km. on very rough terrain (and from the metro station all 9 km.). But you'll have to take the bus, you can't go back.
Therefore, you arrive at the place by bus 24. Poking around on the map, I discovered that the bus stops next to the main entrance to Yuexiu Park. I arrived there by metro. From the central entrance (with your back to it) you need to go right to the stop. At each stop the numbers of the routes that pass here are indicated. Yuntai Garden (that’s the name of the stop from where the cable car to the mountain is) was the end point 24, which was indicated on English language on the display above the front glass. We enter the bus at the first door, throw 2 yuan into the box near the driver and that’s it. 8 stops and you are there. Because This is the final stop, you don’t have to count the stops. You won’t confuse the final one with anything else; there will be a lot of buses there. There will be a garden across the road. By the way, sit back down here. Next to the garden with a huge sign, a wide staircase leads to the cable car.

You go up the stairs to the ticket office and buy a ticket. Is he worth it? 25 yuan. It only goes one way. You can climb the mountain for free. With legs. If you want to save money, go ahead. But the idea is stupid. Entrance to the park is free.
Road to the cable car.

Funny sculptures.

Closed booths with stained glass. It looks bad.
Views from the cabin. The city was not visible at all, all in smog.

From the cable car you get to this square.

There is Observation deck to the city.

However, the city is almost invisible.

The same poultry house.

Lots of shops, cafes. It's better to stock up on water downstairs. Next to the ticket office there is a shop with cold water at regular prices.
You then head towards Mosilin Peak via the Spring of the 9 Dragons.
There is a small waterfall along the road.

The signs tell you how long to stomp. Note: you need to go towards the western gate. Of course, not 7 km, but to the fork. The road will go left up and right down. Go left up. This will take you to the 9 dragons.

On the way to the dragons.

Source medicinal water Tsliulun (or as it is also called the source of the Nine Dragons). Uh... complete bullshit

From the source we go up (the stairs will be to the right and left of the source itself). We follow the signs to the peak. Entrance to the peak is paid (about 5 yuan, I don’t remember exactly). But is there any point in going there? It’s hard, and if you only see smog, smog, and smog again, it will be sad. Therefore, if the sky is blue, if it rains, go, if you can, don’t.

Way back.
You can go down with your feet. People say it's better this way. The forest is beautiful and all that. I gave 20 yuan for the funicular. After all these mountains, I have no strength for anything. You need to take care of yourself. Besides, you won’t see anything phenomenal there.

Mount Baiyun 白云山 (Baiyun Shan) in English is called White Cloud Mountain, because its name translated from Chinese is “White Cloud Mountain”. These white clouds are frequent guests of the mountain. That's why the name is like that.

The height of the mountain above sea level (its highest peak, Mosilin) ​​is 380 meters. A nice place and beautiful views of Guangzhou and the Pearl River. The healing spring of the Nine Dragons, a lake, interesting Chinese buildings, a temple, an exhibition of sculptures, souvenir shops and eateries.

On the slopes of Baiyun lies the Botanical Garden of Southern China - more than 4,000 species of plants. The bird park is the largest in the country. There are attractions. There is a separate fee for them.

The journey to the mountain begins from Yuntai Park - the most big park China.

How to get there: taxi, buses No. 24, 36 from 6:00–18:00.

Ticket prices: entrance - 5 yuan, cable car 40 yuan and opens from 9 o'clock. Travel time is 20 minutes. On the tram the ticket price is 20 yuan.

At the foot of Baiyun lies the Orchid Garden 兰园 is a special pride of Guangzhou.A sea of ​​these flowers of different types. But you will experience special pleasure in May - June - the peak of flowering. Shady paths, cute bridges, mirrors of ponds, reflecting picturesque willows and a charming point in visiting the park - tea tasting.

Address: 911 Jie Fang Bei Lu, Yue Xiu Qu.

How to get there: metro to Yuexiu Park station.

Orchid garden.

The Orchid Garden is one of the prides of the city.

Picturesque paths, bridges, ponds with willows and the main decoration of the garden - wonderful flowers - orchids. Tea tasting adds extra sophistication to a visit to the garden.

If you find yourself in the western part of the park and you are Muslim (only Muslims can enter), you will see an ancient Muslim cemetery. It is believed that the Prophet's uncle Abu Waqas, the one who brought Islam to China, is buried there.

Located across the road from the main park of Guangzhou - Yuexiu on North Jiefang Beilu Street.

How to get to the Orchid Garden: metro station - Yuexiu Park.

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Today we have a premiere: the first post prepared only by Lena. The fact is that Pasha fell ill with bronchitis in Guangzhou (very soon, by the way, we will publish a post about insurance and Chinese medicine), and one day Lena went to explore the surrounding area alone. The following is a story in the first person singular.

If you decide to visit Baiyun Mountain, don't think that Baiyun Park Subway Station is the place to go. Before I got on the metro, I was in the city center, and the park was about 3.5 km from me, having arrived at Baiyun Park station, I was already 4 km from the point where the cable car departs for the park :) And near the station the metro, it turns out, is located children's park with the same name. Remember my mistake and don’t repeat it: it’s easier to get to the funicular to Baiyun Mountain by taxi or even walk from the center than to take the metro.

Here is the children's park itself, which was confused by its name.

Only after a couple of kilometers I found myself at the foot of the mountain. There was no entrance here, so I decided to still take a taxi the remaining couple of kilometers to the funicular. Otherwise, there won’t be enough strength to roam the mountains.

Entrance to the cable car. The ascent costs 25 yuan, the descent costs 20 yuan. Let's go there on the cable car, walk around everything there and walk back down.

While you are walking to the cable car, it won’t take long to get lost.

There is a small queue at the booths - no one wants to travel with strangers, so everyone waits for their own separate carriage. I didn’t want to wait and, at the call of the “seating person,” I jumped into the booth with the locals.

Let's leave!

For the first time in China, I felt excessive attention to myself. Not at all embarrassed, my fellow travelers started taking selfies with me, and it didn’t matter to them whether I was looking at the camera or not :) Well, they asked for it.

First look at Guangzhou from above. As you can see, the high-altitude center remained aside.

The booths run back and forth.

We pass the temple; we will return to it on the way back from the mountain.

Near the final station of the funicular there is an observation deck. The views are excellent, although there is a haze, you can still see the high-rise buildings, and that’s worth a lot. The panorama is clickable.

The carriage in which everyone takes photographs. Queue for the photo, how to.

The park is decorated for the Chinese New Year.

From a cultural point of view, the park’s attractions are of interest only to the Chinese and, well, sinologists. This is, for example, the source of the nine dragons. It's better to just take a walk :)

I rise higher and higher, along the path there are stones with engraved hieroglyphs.

I wish I could find out what is written on them.

But this is all nonsense, the most interesting thing begins a little further, when you buy a ticket for five yuan. On MAPS.ME the park is poorly marked, so I didn’t immediately understand whether it was worth going or not. In fact, it turned out that after payment the fun begins.

The place is amazing. I climbed the ladder even higher. Just have time to turn your head.

We pass through an arch dear to the Chinese heart.

Excellent observation point! I wish I could sit next to you, but they wouldn’t understand.

On the way back, the place was also occupied: (But I really dreamed of reading a book in the park, but there was simply nowhere to do it - it’s not like sitting on the ground, really. There are clearly not enough park benches for the number of vacationers.

City framed by trees.

For some reason the smog was thicker in the other direction.

Those who respect Chinese cuisine will not go hungry in the park - there is food everywhere. Well, I'll make do with ice cream.

They mostly eat instant noodles, which the kind sellers brew right there.

Behind the guys’ heads is a structure very similar to the mysterious ball not far from Dubna. Did the military drop them here too?

Judge for yourself, twin brothers :)

A little further up, and here we are at the top of the mountain. The views are a sight to behold.

Special design for locks, I wonder if only newlyweds indulge?

Beijing is just a stone's throw away.

Everyone is taking selfies, and I'm not far behind.

A little bit of good - it's time to know the honor.

On the level below there is an “alley of wishes”, where everyone hangs wooden signs bought here in the park. Look how the entrance is decorated.

Someone's business is going well, judging by the number of pendants.

Asking for love


happy old age?

Just the number of the beast, ok. Well done Lin, original.

After the alley there is a gazebo with a view.

Don’t go to the fortune teller: both in the alley and here the newlyweds take pictures :)

Climbing up and down the stairs, you constantly come across something. You can even ring the bell for good luck.

Let us once again enjoy the view of the mysterious ball and reflect on its origin.

In the park toilet stall there is a reminder that it is better to keep your, ahem, ahem, “personal effects” to yourself.

The Chinese love to catch something from the water - if not goldfish, as in, then at least fallen leaves.

On the way back, we once again taxied to the observation deck near the funicular stop.

The city was covered in smog.

Skyscrapers in haze.

The Chinese entertainers can’t just go down and go down, they need to come up with something exciting, for example, a massage path. You can take off your shoes and walk barefoot on the pebbles.

You won’t be surprised by such an attraction for those who have been to the Galician beaches.

The park is very green.

Miracle trees, it’s a pity, without leaves - it’s winter for them.

We went down to the temple, which I showed from the height of the funicular.

It was not possible to get inside, because the temple closes in the evening. But no one forbids walking around the territory.

I didn’t expect to see such beauty almost on the way out.

Turtles live in the pond and nearby.

Two women and a man brought the new ones and released them into the pond.

Also local fauna.

It's time to look at the funicular from the bottom up. Goodbye, Baiyun!

The time was not very late, so I decided to walk 3.5 km to the nearest metro station. On the way we came across another park.

There are dozens of parks and squares in Guangzhou, each better than the other.

The day ended with a smooth sunset.

Closer to the metro I came across the African district. At first I thought that the Afro-Chinese people I met were random, but then the ordinary Chinese disappeared somewhere. The last doubts about whose area this was were dispelled by the ticket sales point.

Almost at home I saw a picture - oysters were being cut right on the road. Luxury!

With this, Lena's solo day came to an end. It was an interesting experience, but it’s better that Pasha doesn’t get sick on trips anymore :)

All travel posts “By train to Thailand”:
1. Moscow-Ulan-Ude:

Mount Baiyun, to be more precise mountain range Baiyun, is located in Guangzhou, one of the largest cities China. Baiyunshan, or simply Baiyun, today is national reserve, park, cultural center and an observation deck with views of the entire city. The name translates as “White Cloud Mountains,” and indeed, fog and high cloudiness can often be found here.

Baiyun Nature Reserve occupies almost 21 square meters. km, and the entire space is replete with green spaces and interesting sights. Tourists will find here a park of exotic birds, gardens, temples, architectural structures and a cable car to easily climb to the highest point of the complex.

Most people come to Mount Baiyun and its foot to admire the nature of China. Here, unlike the stuffy city, there is always fresh air and bright greenery, so a walk through the parks can take the whole day. Locals come here to do gymnastics, jogging and just relax from the hustle and bustle.

Baiyun is located very conveniently: it is part of the city, so it is easy to get to. This can be done at public transport- by bus or metro, a taxi will be a little more expensive, but more comfortable.

Most people travel around the reserve on foot, but if you get tired, you can rent an electric car. There is a cable car to ascend to the highest points of the park and to descend, and cafes, restaurants and souvenir shops are scattered throughout the territory.

Attractions of Baiyun Mountain in Guangzhou

The mountain and surrounding areas are rightfully considered one of the most interesting attractions of Guangzhou. You can walk around the complex every day, and you won’t get bored with it - anyone will tell you about it local. So, what interesting things does the Baiyun Mountain Nature Reserve hide?

Sculpture Park

The park was built by the Guangzhou Municipality in 1996 to mark the anniversary of the founding of the city. Today it houses a wide variety of sculptures dedicated to the history and culture of ancient and modern China. A great place to take photos and get a taste of China.

Yongxi Eco Park

Yongxi is located in the western part of the Baiyun Nature Reserve and is an area with rare and beautiful plants and trees. The entire eco-park is divided into four thematic zones: Tulip Garden, Safflower Garden, Fruit Garden and Waterfall Garden. Each zone has its own landscape with paths, small ponds, fountains and recreation areas, in a word - nature and man have tried to create beauty.

Yuntai Park

It is located in the southern part of the Baiyun complex and is actually a city park - residents of Guangzhou come here to walk and relax. Tourists flock to Yongtai to climb Mohsin Li Peak - the most... high point Baiyun, on which there is a wonderful observation deck. It offers views of Guangzhou and the Pearl River. Entrance to the park costs 10 yuan.

Bird Park and Butterfly Park

The two parks contain the most beautiful views birds and butterflies. They are both considered one of the largest in Asia, so a visit to them is a must. The entrance fee to each park is 10 yuan.

Architectural monuments

On the territory of the Baiyun Nature Reserve there is Buddhist temple Nenzhensi, a Buddha statue called “Suoai Tai” and the ancient Mingzhulou house. History buffs will be extremely interested in getting to know these sights and taking a few photographs as souvenirs.

Baiyun Ropeway

To avoid rising almost 400 meters above sea level, take the cable car. The cost of the ascent is 25 yuan, the cost of the descent is slightly less - 20 yuan. The lower cable car station is located right next to the southern gate, so you won't get lost.

Most often, tourists go upstairs in a cable car cabin and go back on their own: this way you can have time to take a ride, admiring the views, and have a good walk, looking at all the corners of the Baiyun Mountains.

How to get to Baiyun Mountain

You can get to the entrances to the reserve by public transport. It’s easier to get to the southern gate: bus numbers 24, 32, 46, 60, 127, 175, 179, 199, 223, 240, 241, 257, 298, 540, 543, 615, 841 go there to the final stop. It is easy to recognize by the cluster of buses in the parking lot. He also goes here tourist bus No. 3 - he drives through the most picturesque places in Guangzhou. Most of these buses run from metro stations on lines 1 and 2.

Getting to the western gate is more difficult - you need the third metro line (which, by the way, passes through Baiyun Airport) and the Meihuayuan stop. From there you need to walk a few blocks to the west, a little more than a kilometer, and there is no cable car here - so when climbing to the peaks you will have to rely only on your own strength.

You can also take a taxi, which from the center will cost a little more than 100 yuan (this is the approximate price of the trip). Reliable local taxi services: Baiyun Taxi Company (yellow cars), Guangzhou Transportation Group (brown cars), Guangjun Group (blue cars). Please note: taxi drivers can very rarely talk to a passenger in a foreign language; they only have Chinese in their arsenal. Therefore, prepare in advance: show your destination on your phone or map or remember the pronunciation of the object you need.

Baiyun Mountain is located in Guangzhou, China. For many years it has been the main attraction of the city of Guangzhou and the entire Chinese people, where a huge number of tourists from all over our planet come every year. At Baiyun Mountain, you can see the world-famous Mosiling Peak, which lurks high in the sky, surrounded by white fluffy clouds.

In addition, at the foot of Baiyun Mountain you can visit the famous Botanical Garden, which contains all the best exotic species of Chinese plants. In addition, you can see the unique Mingzhulo tower, the Nenzhensi Temple, and also drink healing water at the Qliulun spring.

You can go to the top of Baiyun Mountain walking, and for those who think that they cannot get there on their own, there is a funicular. In the cable car cabin you can get to the very high park in China, although, of course, you can stop along the way and get off at Yuntai Garden.

Yuntai Garden, which is the most lowest point on the mountain, is an area of ​​120,000 square meters. m. The garden is designed in a special style of southern Chinese settlements, which were popular in the southern part of the Qinglin system. Although, in the construction of the garden one can also see elements that indicate Western influence.

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