When will open the road Tavrid. Taurida highway project and accurate scheme on the map of Crimea

The latest information about the largest transport project of Crimea - construction, presented the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Crimea and the "Automobile Road Service of the Republic of Crimea". Many data confirm already given. So, what pleased the Ministry of all those who follow the news of the design and construction of the Crimean autobahn.

The exact length of the road will be 253.5 km., Excluding approaches to the Kerch bridge and the territory of Sevastopol. As we, Tavrid will be held in the territory of 6 municipalities: Leninsky district, Feodosi district, Kirovsky district, G.O. Sudak, Belogorsky District, G.O. Simferopol, Simferopolsky district, G.O. Bakhchisarai, Bakhchisarai district.

Reported on six stages of road construction

Stage 1. km 0 - km 76 (The beginning of the plot in a new direction in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village. Primorsky)

Stage 2. km 76. (the beginning of the plot in the new direction in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village. Primorsky) - km 126. (Exit to A.D. Belogorsk - Lgovskaya in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of LR Wrig)

3 stage. km 126. (Exit to A.D. Belogorsk - LR Wrig district in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of LR Wrig) - km 161. (Exit to A.D. Simferopol - Feodosia in the area of \u200b\u200bBelogorsk)

4 stage. km 161. (Exit to A.D. Simferopol - Feodosia in the area of \u200b\u200bBelogorsk) - km 190.

5 stage. km 190.km 224. (Exit to A.D. Simferopol - Bakhchisarai - Sevastopol in the area of \u200b\u200bLevades)

6 stage. km 224. (Exit to A.D. Simferopol - Bakhchisarai - Sevastopol in the area of \u200b\u200bLevades) - km 253+500 (Bakhchisarai district border).

All parameters, data and numbers are reduced to a common table that we present to your attention.

It turned out very useful that the ministry provided quite accurate cartographic material. We have already published the first projects, largely the above cards repeat the information published. The spatial localization of the passage of Tavrid's track is always very clear and allows you to adequately present the future main road of Crimea. We present the most accurate current scheme of Tavrid's track according to the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan, click on the images to view the full permission.

Distribution of traffic intensity on the Tavrid highway on the stages (clickable)

All these cards are sufficiently schematically due to its scale, but even such schemes will allow full presentation and features of the future project. We will return to the information provided by the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Crimea and will analyze various structures along the path of Tavrid's track.

The Crimea laid a memorable stone, symbolizing the beginning of the construction of the Tavrida highway. Work on construction and reconstruction will begin in the summer of 2017 at the same time practically throughout the route, Gazeta.Ru reported in the press service of Rosavtodor.

As the Minister of Transport of Russia stated, the construction time of the track will be associated with the rates of the construction of the transport transition through the Kerch Strait and next year the first stage of construction of this road to Simferopol will be commissioned. In December 2018, it is planned to complete the construction of two strips and open the working movement.

The completion of the entire construction complex is scheduled for December 2020.

According to Maxim Sokolov, the construction of the Tavrida highway will not be out of 140 billion rubles at 2016 prices.

Recall that in 2016, the head of the Crimea Sergey Aksenov said that the cost of the four-band vehicles of Tavrid through the entire peninsula will be about 85 billion rubles. In subsequent statements of Aksenov, the cost of the route increased by 43 billion rubles - up to 128 billion. And in the summer of 2016, the Deputy Prime Minister of Crimea declared about 139 billion required for Tavrida. Later, these figures confirmed the head of the Crimea.

Most of the amount required, about 100 billion rubles, will allocate. Previously, estimating the amount allocated by Crimea, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev called it more than significant.

"We found the necessary financing for the construction of the road in full, said Medvedev. - The amount of more than 100 billion rubles is as follows, which requires the very attentive relationship. The maximum price of the road and certain adjustment parameters are not subject to ".

Stressing the significance of the amount allocated, Medvedev demanded that the leadership of the Crimea personally control the course of construction of roads on the peninsula and their quality, and in case of serious problems, immediately report to.

"We must simply control what is happening," Medvedev said, herself regularly behind the wheel during business trips. "There is nothing complicated in order to get behind the wheel yourself, ride on a new road in a few months, to see what state it is. If it remained in good condition, it means that the contractor must receive all 100% of the fact that under the contract, what has the right.

And if she came out somewhere or, on the contrary, failed, it means that you need to beat the hands, force to redo. If this is quite something Khamskoye, then in law enforcement agencies to send everything. "

In order to prevent the "theft, which, unfortunately, also happens," Medvedev demanded to inform him how efficiently and the funds allocated are spent timely.

The Tavrida route will connect Kerch, where the bridge will be built through the Kerch Strait, with Simferopol and Sevastopol.

It will be the four-band road of the first technical category with a length of 237.5 km at the estimated speed of movement up to 120 km / h. Its bandwidth should reach 43 thousand cars per day.

The route will be held on the territory of Crimea from the east to West along the Kerch - Feodosia - Belogorsk - Simferopol - Bakhchisaray - Sevastopol and will be the basis of the Peninsula car network. Partially the Tavrid route will coincide with the already existing expensive, but the considerable site will pave out of the highway Simferopol - Feodosia.

So, from Kerch, the road will be held near the village of Batal, meadow, then go to Vladislavovka, the builders will put the road in the Kirov and Belogorsk areas. The new road will provide Simferopol transportation with Western regions and territory Krasnodar Region and allow you to unload a street network settlements From the movement of heavy and transit transport.

Throughout the route, it is planned to build 17 transport junctions and 90 artificial structures - bridges and overpass. Currently, in the framework of the preparation of the territory, warehouse and technological platforms are equipped with construction paths, driveways are laid. The territory is being examined for explosive objects, the upper soil and vegetable layer is removed.

In Crimea, work on the construction of the Tavrid federal highway is underway. The readiness of four sections of the future road from 10% to 36%

The general contractor organized work around the clock, without days off. The construction is conducted in accordance with the schedules, today there are no risks of disruptions for the implementation of objects to implement objects, - said chairman of the State Committee for Road Economy RK Sergey Karpov.

Work on the Tavrid highway is divided into six stages. Sections of the 1st, 4th and 6th stages are the reconstruction of the existing Tavrid highway. Sections of the 2nd, 3rd and 5th stages are bypassing the cities of Feodosia, Old Crimea, Belogorsk and Simferopol. It provides for new construction.

In parallel, the current road until December 2018 will be completed the construction of two new bands from Kerch to Simferopol. After moving the movement on the built half, on the site of the same road until December 2020, two more bands will be built and the facility will be completely surrepended, "the departments of the department said.

The first stage of the track is ready by 36%, the second - by 27%, the third is 35%, the fourth is 10%.

What work performed

The first stage of the Tavrida highway begins by intersection with a car approach to Crimean bridge Prior to the start of the site in a new direction in the village of Seasheskiy. This site is the longest and amounts to 70.78 km, - specified in the State Committee. - Works are underway on the device for embankment of the main progress, reorganization of engineering communications, a device for metal-adjacent water pipe tubes, a device of a layer of geotextile and a rubberized base of road clothing.

Also workers are engaged in installing bridges and overpasses of the tunnel type. Soapalled 24 km of the highway.

The length of the second stage is 50 km, the road ends in the village of Slak Slah. 13.5 km was asphalted on this site. Earthworks are underway, work on the reorganization of engineering communications, construction of bridges and overpasses.

The third stage of the track is 35.60 km from the exit to the Belogorsk road to the road in the village of LR Wrovskoye before the release of Simferopol - Feodosia roads in the Belogorsk area. Workers are engaged in the device of storm sewage, earthlife and rubble base, as well as on the previous two stages, the laying of engineering communications, construction of bridges and overpasses. Asphalted 10 km.

The length of the fourth stage is 27.50 km from the exit to the highway Simferopol - Feodosia in the area of \u200b\u200bBelogorsk to the village of meadow. Here are the same types of work as in the third stage.

For the construction of the route, more than 700 units of equipment and about 2,000 people are involved.

The length of the route - 237.5 kilometers

Motion speed - 120 kilometers per hour

Number of strips - 4

Motion strip width - 3.5 meters

The smallest width of the separation strip of movement - 2.75 meters

Width of the curb - 3.5 meters

Number of transport junctions - 17

The number of bridges and overpasses - 90

Number of ground pedestrian crossings - 30

The road is located in the Republic of Crimea and passes through the territory of the following municipalities:
Leninsky district
Feodosia district
Kirovsky district
G.O. Zander
Belogorsky district
G.O. Simferopol.
Simferopol district
G.O. Bakhchisarai.
Bakhchisarai district

Total length highway - 253.5 km

Scheme on the map

The main stages of the construction of the federal highway Tavrida:

  1. stage. Building the site of the track from 0 km to 76km (the beginning of the plot in a new direction in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village. Primorsky)
  2. stage. KM 76 (the beginning of the site in a new direction in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village. Primorsky) - km 126 (exit to A.D. Belogorsk - Lgovskaya in the area
    from. LR Wrig)
  3. stage. KM 126 (exit to A.D. Belogorsk - LR Wrig district in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of LR Wrig) - km 161 (exit to A.D. Simferopol - Feodosia in the area
  4. stage. Km 161 (exit to A.D. Simferopol - Feodosia in the city of Belogorsk) -KM 190
  5. stage. Km 190- km 224 (access to A.D. Simferopol - Bakhchisarai - Sevastopol in the area of \u200b\u200bLevades)
  6. stage. Km 224 (access to A.D. Simferopol - Bakhchisarai - Sevastopol in the area of \u200b\u200bLevades) - km 253 + 500 (Bakhchisaray district border)

Distribution of traffic intensity in stages

General Taurida Track Scheme Together with Junction

Artificial facilities in the body of Tavrid's track

Artificial structures over the Tavrid's track

Overhead Pedestrian Transitions Taurida Track

Main parameters of Tavrid's track

Major Flare Cames Cognie will be held by Tavrid's highway: "Kerch - Feodosia - Belogorsk - Simferopol - Bakhchisarai - Sevastopol."

In Crimea, work continues on the construction of the main highway of the peninsula. The first stage of the first stage of the Tavrida highway In the two-band performance almost prepared for the launch of the movement. Now at the 65-kilometer plot, work is underway to install barrier fences, arrangement of the road, installation of road signs.

The project provides that on the first launch complex of the Tavrida route, which is launched in December of this year, 46 stops will be posted public transport. There will also be equipped with 23 terrestrial pedestrian crossings. In addition, the track will be provided with the necessary number of mobile cameras to fix violations of traffic rules. These will be mobile controls. Stationary cameras will be installed after passing the object into operation in 2020.

As the representative of the general contractor clarified, at the first stage it remains to be used to zafalitate small areas on the adjuncing to artificial structures and a plot with a length of about 800 meters at around the village of Gornostaevka. This is due to the outputs of power lines. Now there are planned shutdowns. To complete the laying of asphalt concrete at the first stage is planned in the 20th of December.

On the plot from the zero picket of the first stage to the transport junction in the village of Bagerovo, the renovation of the second stage of the track is performed: the old asphalt concrete coating is disassembled, the arrangement of the earth canvas, laying a new asphalt. According to the representative of the general contractor, the main works on the construction of the Bager's junction are fulfilled in full: On a total area of \u200b\u200b16,000 m², a device of an asphalt concrete coating is performed, with the exception of the upper layer. The arrangement of the overpass, installation of the lighting masts. There were work on landscaping of slopes, a device of barrier fence and drawing markup. Movement of transport on junction on this moment It is already carried out from Bagerovo towards Ivanovka.

Builders of Tavrid's tracks lead work on laying asphalt concrete at all seven phases of the highway. According to the press service of the general contractor JSC "Vad", as part of the second stage of construction of Tavrida, was laid about 70 km in two-proper design.

The overall readiness of the route today is 41%. The readiness of the first stage is 82%. On 1-4 stages from Kerch to Simferopol, more than 160 km of asphalt concrete was laid in two-band. As part of the first line of construction on 1, 2 and 3 stages of the route, barrier fence and lighting posts are established.

"To perform work within the second stage in areas 1, 3 and 4 of the stages, a worker is performed by old road Kerch - Simferopol on two-band plots "Taurida". The total length of the part of the track, on which the temporary switching of the movement is made, is about 40 km", - noted in JSC" Vad ".

Recently, the Governor of Sevastopol Dmitry Ovsyannikov during a working trip inspected the progress of the implementation of VAD JSC works on construction and reconstruction roach Roach - Feodosia - Belogorsk - Simferopol - Bakhchisaray - Sevastopol, km 253 + 500 - km269 + 300, Sevastopol (Tavrid's track, 7 stage).

Construction of the Sevastopol site of Tavrid's highway began on December 14, 2017. In accordance with the project, the 13.25 km highway plot will include one junction at different levels, two overpass and bridge transition.

Currently, the object has completed work on examination and cleaning the territory from explosive objects, archaeological surveys were carried out. In full, the reorganization of communication networks was carried out, work on the construction of an earthen canvas and strengthen the slopes, the device of water-bosses and layers of road clothing, reorganization of the high pressure main gas pipeline. The overall readiness of the object is 27%. In accordance with the contract for the construction and reconstruction of the Sevastopol section, the road will be completed simultaneously with the works on other sites of the Taurida route - in 2020.

Recall that the track "Tavrid" with a length of 250.75 km from Kerch to Sevastopol will include 18 transport junctions and 123 artificial structures. Work on the construction of the track is conducted by a high rate around the clock. Over 1,000 units of equipment and more than 3,000 people are involved in construction.

See also: