Death path in China Huashan Flower Mountain. Mount Huashan and death trails

January 16, 2013, 22:58

Spain. El Camminito Del Rey Balancing on the verge between life and death, seekers of acute sensations from all over the world pass through a narrow, scattering the path in their eyes, which is laid at an altitude of more than a hundred meters above the ground, trying not to think that any careful movement can become fatal for them.
The El Caminito Del Rey was laid in 1905 for the convenience of movement of workers between two hydroelectric power plants.
She is still known as the king's trail. To go through it, it is necessary to have age at least 12 years and good height tolerance. China. Mountain trail Huashan The Mountain Ridge Cigning divides the Chinese Central Province of Shaanxi into two parts. The Huashan Mountain is located here, to the top of which in the 4th century the Hua Shan Yu is the pleasure trail. At the time of the Tan dynasty, this trail was improved, but even today it remains extreme. Despite the safety measures (stone steps were built, the width of the trail was increased and the railing was added), all the same, accidentally accidentally occasion.

But the second trail leading to Mount Haushan is the most dangerous, it is literally the road over the abyss. She is also known called new Trails of the Yueyan or "Death Trail" Here come here and brave people who wish to prove their own fearlessness, and people who dream of getting rid of internal uncertainty. The "death trail" is the boards, pinned to the sheer rock height of hundreds of meters, and chains for which you can stay. Creating these trail is a very complex and dangerous thing. The whole army of "People's People" from the province of Hunan is building at a huge height of hundreds of meters of the mountain trail using only belts of security. Each such trail has only a meter in width and is not even equipped with railing. As the head of the brigade of the builders of trails, Mr. Geng Bean, workers who build a path among cloth rocks, are obliged to be very brave and, at least extremely persistent psychologically. China. Mountain trail to school
In West China, the village of Gulukan is located. Probably, the most fearless children live here, because they have to go to school on a narrow path carved in a narrow rock, which is located at an altitude of 1500 meters. Another road from the village simply does not exist. France. Roche Veyrand.
In France there are about 120 Via Ferrats, which range from the lungs, to very complex routes. (Via Ferrat or "Iron Trail" - a rock, equipped with wooden or metal structures, to facilitate its overcoming). Roche Veyrand is one of the most difficult and dangerous mountain trails of France. The trail is located in the southeastern part of the country, in the Ron-Alps region, in St. Pierre d'Hentremon.
Switzerland. Trail Ebenalp In Switzerland there are prehistoric caves Ebenalp, which are very often visited by tourists. In order for travelers to get to this natural attractions, the Ebenalp trail was built, which begins at the mountain station of the same name. The path on the trail takes only 20 minutes, but the impressions of the passage of this route will remain with tourists for life. Unfortunately, there was only one photo of this trail. Ireland. Rocks Mochher This trail is designed for those cyclists who love to rinse their nerves. The path of Mochher's rocks is considered the most dangerous bike path on our planet. It rises 215 meters above Atlantic Ocean, and the width of the trail places less than one meter.
It is even terrible to just walk this path over the abyss, not to mention a ride on a bike. But if dangerous tourist trails exist, mainly for amateurs of acute sensations and adrenaline-dependent, then movement for no less dangerous road highways is a harsh daily need for residents of those places that will be discussed below. All over the world of such roads countless. Below I will give the three most prominent examples of them.
Some roads are more condescended to a small miscalculation in driving, some less but trek Old Jungas Roadsdo not forgive anything. Every year, the number of deaths among those who are driving to rod along the forty-walled road of Old Jungas, translates for a hundred. Ironically, this route became the place of tourist pilgrimage among those foreigners who wish to add to their list of achievements item "drove through the most dangerous road in the world." One strip of movement, sheer slopes, and the absence of fences, only add dangers. In addition, the fog and rain can spoil visibility and cover the surface of the road of the mud, as well as cause the rocking of the rock above. Guoliang Tunnel in Taihang Mountains (China).
The name of the tunnel is translated from chinese Language As "the road that does not tolerate errors." First, the tunnel was created by rural residents from the remote area of \u200b\u200bTaihang Mountains to get to the outside world. Now this is a 3.1 m wide width, which is quite scary for drivers. The tunnel has 30 windows in order to see what.

Halsema Highway, Philippines
Gorgeous, but in some places a very dangerous road on Luson Island. In addition to the gentle parts of roads, landslides and large stones, a strong fog is possible.

The death path is a kind of attraction for extremal, which is located on Mount Huashan (Huàshān) almost in the very center of China, namely in Shaanxi Province. The famous trail is located on a sheer cliff at a height of several hundred meters and is 3-4 boards, bonded between themselves and laid along the mountain. The route assumes an approximately 30 meter path, where at the end there is a special area with views of the surroundings and the way back.

Pick tourist season On Mount Huashan falls from May to October. Nevertheless, in the winter Mount Huashan is also open to visit, but it is not recommended to conquer her vertices.

Accidents on the death path on Mount Huashan

Only the most courageous can take such a step as passing one of the most dangerous and terrible routes in the world. Death path to such an extent is narrow, that any incorrect step can lead to an accident.

But, fortunately, official statistics do not confirm the tragedies. However, local residents We are sure that somehow people die here.

Features of the trail

The death trail, despite its name and exciting impressions, every year attracts an increasing number of tourists and the Chinese themselves. That is why it is necessary to wait for the turn here, because the trails have the same beginning and the end. At the end of the trails of all the arrogant expects an incredible view from the top of the Huashan Mountain, but the most important thing is that emotions that will remain for life.

It is not recommended to pass the path of death, because on the one hand there is a colossal rock, on the other hand, a deep abyss. But of course, the path will not have without gear. On the most brave, who is solved to pass it, wear a belt with a small cable. As you move towards the peak of the mountain, it is necessary to hold onto the chains that are fixed to the rock along the trail.

History of appearance

The death path did not appear simply and was not done specifically to attract tourists. Initially, a wooden trail through Mount Huashan was built by monks about 700 years ago. At that time, the trail consisted only from the boards, and the chains, the handrails and equipment was made relatively recently.

Mount Huashan in China

Mount Huashan, that translated from Chinese means "Flower Mountain", consists of five major vertices, namely the northern, eastern, southern, western and central. The highest is the southern peak, which has 2154 meters of height.

Mount Huashan is quite recently a place for hermits, but in last year This place has become so popular among tourists that they are doing everything to attract them. But as regards the path of death, it attracts Extreme lovers exclusively to their phenomenal atmosphere. Going along the path from the northern vertex to South the most awesome tourists are solved.

The death path is not the only route to overcome. There are many unusual trails, among which there are both rises on cableway, and hiking, all of which are safe, but require travelers with excellent physical training and care. If desired, you can conquer each of the 5 vertices, on some you can even rent a room in hotels, guest Houses Or just rent a room.

How to get there

To get to the trail of death, you need to do a big way: first get to the mountain, then get to the nearest vertex and then to the trail itself.

You can get to the mountain Huashan in the following way:

  • In the nearest town Xi'an to sit on the subway (Red Line No. 2) and get to the station Xian North Railway Station.
  • Next, you need to go up from the subway upstairs and to the right of the exit to go to the station, where to periodically drive trains to the Huashanbei station, i.e. Huashan North. Travel time on the train will be no more than 40 minutes.
  • Then you need to go to the nearest area bus stopWhere Bus number 1 runs from the very foot of the mountain.
  • Already there you can take a bus that goes to the funicular, after buying a ticket to national Parkwhere the mountain Huashan is located.

At the mountain itself, you can go up in two ways: on the cable car through Eastern gate Park or immediately on the northern peak of the mountain, from which routes to other vertices are laid.

The road to the trail has a long beginning. First you need to go through a long staircase on the northern vertex, which is called "Heavenly Staircase". It seems that it leads to the sky, as it is impossible to see where her steps end. At the end, the stairs are at home and is located a village where even there are hotels. And the road to the death trail continues. Next, you need to go through the south side of the mountain, where the famous death trail is located.

Panorama of the trails of death and its environs:

Video: Death path, Mount Huashan

And again unique China. In the province of Shaanxi, 120 kilometers from the city of Xi'an is one of sacred China - Huashan Mountain Mountain, Huashan - Translated Flower Mountain. The flower mountain has become because it has five vertices located in such a way that their form looks like lotus petals. Climbing to the top is very dangerous, there are practically no roads, in places the steps are joined in the granite rock.

Peaks mountain Massiva Called according to four sides of the light, and the fifth central. Rises on Western and North Peaks, though winding and steepness, but are not associated with a special risk, only requires a good physical form. But the transition from the northern peak to the southern peak, scares tourists to breathtomasses. And the name he carries the corresponding - "death trail".

At a huge height along the sheer cliffs over the abyss, it is very narrow, about 35-40 centimeters width. There are no railings or safety barriers, you can only hold on for the chains, driven into the wall or move, tightly clung and hugging the rock.

Before the "death trail" began to be known to tourists from other countries, there were no chains at all, the locals rose just on the boards. For those who overcome their horror, and is able to do at least a step over the abyss put on yet the safety belt that Carabin is attached to the rope stretched along the trail. There is still a very dangerous area on the route - a steep rise in the narrow edge of the rock - the "rib of the green dragon".

The flurry of emotions is overwhelmed by the brave, who decided to pass the route, from panic fear, up to the loss of consciousness, to an unusual euphoria from the type of fantastic panorama and victory over himself.

On Earth, it remains less and less than the places where the leg of man did not go. In particular, they (these very legs) got to the sheer slopes of Mount Huashan. And since it didn't work around the mountain, it was necessary to lay a real death path on its slope.

Where is the mountain Huashan

Mountain itself is located approximately in the center of China, 120 kilometers eastern city Xian, in the province of Shaanxi. Just 20 kilometers to the northeast you can see the bending of the famous Yellow River Juanhe.

Geographic coordinates 34.477797, 110.084682

Mount Huashan

Briefly should be said directly about Huashan Mount. This is the western mountain of the five Great Mountains of China. In fact, the mountain has several peaks. Initially, it was classified as a mountain with three vertices, but it is considered now that she has five peaks. The highest - southern peak with a height of 2,54.5 meters (according to other data height of 2 160 meters).

At the top of the mountain there is a tea room, which is actually one of many Taoist temples located on the five vertices constituting the mountain Huashan. Given that the first inhabitants of this region were monks and a ascetic lifestyle, their daily meditation was accompanied by a cup of tea.

Thus, gradually the temple became a tea, which thousands of tourists visit annually. But it's not so easy to get to this secluded place. The tea vertex of the mountain is located on its south side, at an altitude of 2155 meters. Having passed along the path of death, you can get to the top.

Trail of death

Many people annually go to the conquest of one of the most dangerous pedestrian routes in the world. No wonder it is called the death path. It consists of steady stairs and boards born to stones. Each step of this road is accompanied by a powerful emission of adrenaline from any person.

The road to the top begins with a large staircase called "Heavenly Staircase". At first glance, she leads to the sky. This is a kind of climbing clouds, as it is unrealistic to see where the steps end, and there are thousands there.

Heavenly staircase

On the way to the top you can see at home and even small villages. However, the road does not end here. This is only the beginning and most affordable part of the journey. As soon as you find yourself on the south side of the mountain, you will find one of the most dangerous routes in the world.

This part of the path is made of thin boards, which are fixed on the mountainside. To preserve the balance, you must hold on the chains, also fixed on the slopes. Sometimes you can use small holes in the rock. There are practically no security tools.

We think that when (and if) you will reach the end of the way, tea on the top of the mountain in aggregate with adrenaline will be incredibly tasty.

Someone overcomes a crazy path only to prove to themselves something or ripping nerves (for himself and relative). But in the world there are the most real road of the death of Jungas. People use it only because another path is simply not.

Myth about the trail of death

Many sources argue that the death path is the only way to the top of the Huashan Mountain. But it is not. In fact, the top can be inserted easier ways. 2 Cable roads lead respectively on two vertices of the mountain. And death path is only another attraction on the expanses of the subway. But the attraction is really dangerous. Visiting the trail of death paid.

Crowds of tourists storm the death path

Recently, various security systems are being introduced, for example, safety cables.
Be that as it may, the death trail unequivocally deserves attention, at least for the species that open with it.

Do not forget to visit the legendary terracotta army of Emperor Qin Shihuandi. It is located about 70 kilometers west of death path, not far from Xi'an

This staircase can be found on the death path

Well, a little more extreme and adrenaline today. Some people are tough opponents of all this, and a decent part of the baldests from the severity of sensations!

If you can live without sharp sensations and just dream of a new portion of adrenaline, the extreme "attraction" on the Chinese mountain Huashan is for you. Here come here and brave people who wish to prove their own fearlessness, and people who dream of getting rid of internal uncertainty. Huashan Mountain. - This is an effective pill from fears and effective vitamin self-affirmation.

Flower Mountain, namely, the word Huashan is translated into Russian, is a sacred Chinese mountain, which united five vertices having a petal form, and located near the city of Xihan in the province of Shaanxi. Many exciting tourist routes are laid here - among them there are both rises on the cable car, and hiking. Inquisitive travelers, if desired, can get to each of the five peaks of Huashan - South, North, Western, East and Central.


It is most convenient to use the funicular and climb from the foot of the northern mountain to the top. Secure road and to western peak. Hiking to the north vertex, originating from the eastern entrance, with all the overwhelming and steepness of ascent, although it requires a fair physical training, but also is also not related to the greatest risk, as it is laid on fairly wide stone stairs.


But there is such tourist routewhich is able to bring the most impressionable tourists to a fainting condition - this is the transition from the northern peak of Huashan to South. Some travelers, making the first step, literally brought away from horror, unable to break off the suspicious fingers and move away. And there is nothing surprising.

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This road, laid along with the vertical rocks, is not in vain called the death path () - to break off with narrow boards to the bottomless abyss would mean faithful death, but the flow of tourists seeking to make risky climbing, does not rare. The travelers stepped on the pits over the abyss and move to the top in an embrace with a rock or holding the chain soldier firmly to the stone wall.


No railing and fences are only you, crazy wind, and hundreds of meters under the legs. Of course, any insurance is present - on all the bolts you wear a belt with a cable and a carabium on it, so that you can cling to the safety rope, stretched along the entire route.


The award-winning brave tourists will not only be a wonderful panorama, which opens from the southern vertex - the highest of all five "petals" of the Huashan flower, but also a whole bouquet of stormy emotions that have experienced travelers. News that climbing on a dangerous trail is not a one-way route, and the road in both ends, sounds for many tourists as a thunder among the clear sky, but the descent is usually given already easier.


Believers who believe in happy signs are leaving the symbols of a negascique feeling on the top of the conquered mountain - shiny locks and red ribbons, from the abundance of which ripples in the eyes. Each of those who have submitted dangerous trail, I joy shares unusual feelings from climbing - first it is a panic fear, and after the delightful euphoria from what he did not surrender, he managed, overcame, won.


120 km east of Xiane rises above the northern plains, the granite peaks of the Huashan array (Huashan). It is one of five sacred Gor. China, in their system it was called Siyue (Xiyue), West Peak. Particularly honored her Taois.

Total Huashan has five vertices: the highest - southern (2154, m), then eastern (2096.2 m), Western (2082.6 m), central (2037.8 m) and North (1614.9 m). The form of the location of these vertices resembles a lotus flower. Perhaps because of this mountain and got their name.

Rock up to Huashan, which is about 14 km, is very dangerous. In some places there are no road, the steps are simply wounded in a sheer cliff. In ancient times, Huashan called "the most obscure mountain in the Middle Kingdom".


The most famous segment of the trail is the edge of the green dragon - with the abuse on both sides of the steps.

From the village of Huashan to the top of the mountain, it takes from six to nine hours, but you can stay at night both in the village itself and in fairly modest hotels on the route.

By the way, the massive chains were bolted to the mountains of the mountain relatively recently - for Western tourists. And before, at Huashan, they rose simply - on the tables. It is good that at least in some sections of this amazing route Chains do not fit to the rock itself, and suspended in the form of a railing from the outside of the path.

















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