In what place are scarlet sails pass. "Scarlet Sails" with a golden tump: who and how earns on the main graduation country

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"Scarlet Sails" is a business card of the city of St. Petersburg. Annually for school graduates is organized by a colorful show when Palace embankment, Trinity Bridge, Palace Bridge, Shore Petropavlovsk Fortress Decorated with thousands of multicolored lamps, torches on Rostral columns light up, the sounds of favorite melodies bloom over the Neva. And there is a fabulous brig with almy sails. Tears roll to the eyes, something in the soul is turned over, and you remember about your children's unfulfilled dreams ... An unforgettable spectacle leaves no one indifferent.

In the year before last, the scene on the Palace Square was a very large glowing bridge, symbolizing the transition from the past to the future, from childhood in adulthood.

Graduates congratulated the famous artists and musicians. The lead show was Ivan Urgant.

On the day of the holiday, go to the embankment and look at Brig with almy sails is almost impossible.

Guests of the city are often asked: "Where it is better to watch" Scarlet Sails ". If you are located in the hotel, you can communicate with the administration about the acquisition of an invitation card for the holiday "Scarlet Sails". You can buy from hand or online, but in this case you need to beware of numerous fakes. With an invitation ticket better to come in advance and choose a place closer.

There is a free option for those who do not like clusters of a huge number of people and does not want to take a seat in a few hours. During the day before the event, a rehearsal is held, and you can see the Gailer's general run 2 times, most often it is carried out at 22-30 and 23-30.

IN On June 23 to June 24, the main Petersburg show of the year will be held - "Scarlet Sails - 2019".
The event is included in the register of world event tourism. The festival even received a reward as the best European EUROPEAN BEST EVENT AWARDS Event. Perhaps this is the main show of Russia. The holiday has already reached a state scale and schoolchildren come to him from all over the country. The only minus is a huge number of people who wish to see ... Next, the 2019 holiday program and informal advice that will come in handy and guests of the city and Petersburgers ...

For the first time, the Holiday "Scarlet Sails" was tamed in Leningrad in 1968 and was celebrated annually ten years before 1979. Then they began to save and from the holiday of the urban scale was decided to refuse. "Scarlet Sails" returned in 2005. The history of the holiday and the story about how the first Assol almost drowned under reference below ...

This year the holiday will not start on Saturday, but on Sunday. June 22 - not time for the holiday. The authorities of the city suggest that only graduates (former schoolchildren) will be released on the streets and embankments) about 80 thousand.

The central part of St. Petersburg will be the platform for the holiday. By invitation it will be possible to get on and. You can see the show from the opposite shore of the Neva C and. But this is lost time and one disappointment is too far and dull. Well will be visible except that Salute, but the boat will be lost in the smoke of fireworks.

The holiday of scarlet sails will traditionally begin at 22:00. The main platforms will also be. One of the symbols of the graduate graduates is traditionally, which can always be viewed as a transition from school life in adulthood, from the past to the future.

The rehearsal of "Scarlet sails" will be held the day before from 22nd to 23 June. The beginning of the first run is scheduled for 22.00 hours. The ship will enter the Neva without sails. All the way should take 23 minutes. On the Palace Square and on the arrow Vasilyevsky Islands The rehearsal of concerts will begin.

The second run will start at 23.00. The ship with partially raised alami sail will pass on its navigation. On the Arrow of the Vasilyevsky Island will rehearse the symphony orchestra - the holiday always passes under the accompaniment of live music.

At 24.00 The third run will begin. The ship will appear in all its glory. And slowly makes the intended path. This run or the next is always accompanied by a full-fledged light and pyrotechnic show. True, there will be no salute, but a couple of volleys, nevertheless, will give. Guaranteed to get more pleasure from viewing. Will you go to scarlet sails and what do you dislike about this holiday, except for the crowd of tourists?)))

Holiday schedule and part of the photo (c) internet

A grand festival dedicated to graduates of educational institutions called "Scarlet Sails" will be held on June 23, 2018. Every year thousands of people are gathering on the river Nevva to see the inadequate spectacle and feel the festive atmosphere.

The graduation evening "Scarlet Sails" in St. Petersburg will take place on the night of June 23-24, 2018. Without changing many years of tradition, the event is carried out during the white nights. This year it is dedicated to the holiday last call. Annual Event "Scarlet Sails" is one of the most vibrant and colorful holidays throughout the Russian Federation.

"Scarlet Sails" is the only one in its incredible spectacles, all over the world he has no analogues. The impressive moment of this event is pyrotechnic and light show. As a scenery of such a wonderful performance, bridges and beautiful palaces Cities, and the main hero of the evening becomes the ship from which is really scarlet sails.

The ship sails on the river under the sounds of classical music, and it is accompanied by fireworks, which symbolizes the hope of fulfilling the desires of all graduates. It is worth saying that this holiday even received a reward for the best event throughout Europe.

Scarlet Sails 2018 Holiday Program: Prom Program

June 23, 2018:

- from 20:00 to 22:00 - the collection of graduates in the Palace Square and the audience on the Arrow of the Vasilyevsky Island;

- 22:00 - theatrical prologue on the Palace Square;

- 22:20 - the beginning of concerts on the Palace Square and on the Arrow of the Vasilyevsky Island.

June 24, 2018:

- from 00:40 to 01:00 - water-pyrotechnic show on the Neva, salute for classical music;

- 00:50 - the passage of the Swedish sailboat "Three Crowns" (Tre Kronor of Stockholm) with almy sails, sending viewers to the same product;

- 01:10 - Continuation of concerts on Palace Square and Arrow of the Vasilyevsky Island;

- 04:00 - end of the show.

Scarlet Sails 2018 Holiday Program: Invited Stars

In the program "Scarlet Sails 2018" in St. Petersburg there are several stars at once. Among them:

- Marie Chimbreri;

- Artem brewers;

- Victoria Dayneko;

- my Michelle;

- Quest Pistols Show;

It was these artists this year that graduates of 2018 chose this year.

Scarlet Sails 2018 Holiday Program: Event Plan

Exactly at 10:00 pm starts the introductory part of the program on the Palace Square. After 20 minutes, the concert begins there, which will last more than 2 hours. For all guests, the events will appear invited stars.

Water-pyrotechnic program will begin after midnight: at 00:40. It will unfold in front of the audience in the water amphitheater in three kilometers.

Against the background of urban buildings, palaces and temples, this spectacle will become even more attractive and large-scale. Never will turn into a bridgehead for a fabulous act, seeing a lot of people in the world.

The show lasts not for a very long time - twenty-one minute. However, during this time, the St. Petersburg sky is illuminated by fifty thousand salts. We can say that the skies will literally bloom with fiery flowers.

To secure the gaze of the program more than two hundred people. At the time when a pyrotechnic show is, an orchestra will play over the waters. Every year, different melodies are selected for "scarlet sails".

At the end of the program will appear the ship "Secret" - a ship with almy sails. It will pass along the coast of the river under musical accompaniment. Salute at this time will still continue. For seven years, the role of a fabulous ship is played by a Swedish sailboat "Three Crowns".

After 1 hour, the concert will continue, and the event itself will end only at 4 am.

Scarlet Sails 2018 Holiday Program: Tickets for Holiday Scarlet Sails in 2018

The entrance to the concert "Scarlet Sails" event in 2018 is carried out by invitation tickets only for graduates and their closest relatives, as well as for school teachers. Tickets are ordered by school management, and their extradition occurs until June 22, 2018.

Everyone can be free on the embankment and the Arrow of the Vasilyevsky Island. The only chance to get on Palace Square Guests and residents of St. Petersburg are to buy online tickets on the day of the holiday.

How to get to the holiday, what is needed?

All students of the 11th grades at school are issued by invitation cards for the event. Without this input ticketNo one can get to the celebration.

To get a ticket, you need to contact the head of the school, which in turn contact the relevant authorities in order to receive invitation tickets.

If the school leadership could not receive invitation cards, then you can contact the Education Committee.

For the period of the event of Scarlet Sails in 2018, traffic will be limited in St. Petersburg

In connection with the holiday of all graduates, the schedule of traffic in the center of the city will be changed in St. Petersburg:

  • until June 26, traffic will be blocked at the extreme right lane on the Kamennaostrovsky Prospect towards the Trinity Bridge;
  • from 11:00 on June 22 to 11:50 June 23, from 23:00 on June 24 to 05:00 On June 25, traffic will be blocked at the extreme right lane on the Troitsky Bridge in the direction from the Trinity Square to Suvorov Square;
  • until June 28, 23:00 - the movement is blocked at the extreme right strip of movement in stock area;
  • from 11:50 June 23 to 18:00 on June 24, the movement on the Trinity Bridge will be blocked;
  • from 5:30 June 23 to 05:00 on June 24, there will be no passage for transport on the Nevsky Ave. from the garden street to the Palace pl., Palace Bridge, Exchange Pl., Gorokhova Street. from a small sea ul. to Admiraltesky Ave., Nab. R. Washing from pharmaceutical trans. to Nevsky Ave., Malaya Sea Street. from Nevsky Ave. to Voznesensky Ave., Big Sea Street. from Voznesensky Ave. to Nevsky Ave., Moshkov Per., Pharmacarian per., Nab. Winter groove, marble lane, ascension. On the plot from M. Sea Street. to the Admiraltesky Ave., Admiralteysk Nab. From the palace to the Senate Pl., as well as in terms of millionshop. from pharmaceutical trans. to Palace Pl. And some other destinations.

Scarlet sail where better to watch

Guests of the city are often asked: "Where it is better to watch" Scarlet Sails ". If you are located in the hotel, you can communicate with the administration about the acquisition of an invitation card for the holiday "Scarlet Sails". You can buy from hand or online, but in this case you need to beware of numerous fakes. With an invitation ticket better to come in advance and choose a place closer.

There is a free option for those who do not like clusters of a huge number of people and does not want to take a seat in a few hours. During the day before the event, a rehearsal is held, and you can see the Gailer's general run 2 times, most often it is carried out at 22-30 and 23-30.

Go to the cafe that are located on the pontoons near the coast, and get a wonderful review of all that is happening!

The concert can, of course, listen, being not far from the Palace Square, but the kind is despondency ...

Passing along the whole washing, the crowds of people gather on a Mars field, to look at the tops moving between buildings for 5 seconds.

How will transportation will work on June 23, 2018 on the night of "Scarlet Sails - 2018"

Those who are going to the center of St. Petersburg on the night of June 23-24, the personal vehicle is better left at home. But the entire night will work the subway, as well as special buses, duplicate subway lines. Buses will begin to run on all routes after bridges will be reduced to the Neva raised at the time of the sailboat.

Passage at the metro station on the night from June 23 to June 24 will be carried out on tokens and all species travel documents. Payment of travel in night buses will be carried out at a time rate of 40 rubles.

IN On June 23 to June 24, the main St. Petersburg Summer Show - "Scarlet Sails - 2018" will be held.
Scarlet sails are our main "branded" city St. Petersburg holiday, a sort of Peter Summer New Year.

For the first time, the holiday of scarlet sails in St. Petersburg was celebrated in 1968 and celebrated it within 10 years until 1979. Then the BFL break and again began to celebrate it in 2005. It is held on the weekend, coming to the very long Day June White Night.

This year the holiday is 50 years old, because of which all viewers should expect such a show that has never been. The authorities of the city suggest that only graduates (former schoolchildren) will be released on the streets and embankments) about 80 thousand.

Holiday Scarlet Sails will begin at 22:00. According to the tradition of the main platforms of the event, the Palace Square and the Arrow of the Vasilyevsky Islands will be. One of the symbols of the graduate graduates is traditionally, which can always be viewed as a transition from school life in adulthood, from the past to the future.

A unusual scene will be constructed next to the main headquarters building. From 20:00 to 22:00 graduates and their guests will be collected on the Palace Square, and the rest of the audience - on the Arrow of the Vasilyevsky Island. This year, access to the palace bridge will be opened. But the places there are better to take in advance - most likely in a few hours.

The start program at 22:00 will give a theatrical prologue on the Palace Square, and already at 22:20 there will begin concerts on both sites. The leading concert for several years is Ivan Urgant. His colleagues B. for different years Yulia Kovalchuk, Yana Churikova, Alexander Gudkov, Alla Mikheeva, Olga Shelest, and in the last two years this honor the showman has a journalist of the fifth television channel Daria Alexandrova. In total, 350 people will perform on the stage for the evening.

Hedliner concert - one of the leaders of the rap movement band Basta. In addition, the Ukrainian singer Alekseev and the Russian Rapper ST (Alexander Stepanov), Alsu and Marie Kimbrery, Artem Bivelov and Victoria Dainekov, My Michel and Quest Pistols Show will perform.

At 00:40 the public is waiting for the fascinating light and pyrotechnic show, the culmination of which will be the appearance of a ship with almy sails on the Neva. Under the outbreaks of fireworks, he sails along the main water artery of the city and reminds the public about how important the whole soul believes in a beautiful dream. At the copper rider it is useless to wait! It will pass by Summer Garden And make a turn at the Hermitage. All shows will be held at the Hermitage. The copper rider stand is useless.

A pyrotechnic show will be held and on Trinity Bridge. The organizers have prepared many surprises and technical structures, which are no analogues in the world.

00:50 The passage of the brigantine "Secret" under the alay sails.

At 01:10, viewers will be able to return to the scene: the concert program will resume and continue until 04:00.

The entrance to the palace square will be carried out by invitation cards that will be issued to graduates and their parents. Part of the tickets were sent to other cities.

Video of the holiday

Informal tips:

1. The weather like a good, but maybe it will rain at night. This year the summer is good, but the water is always cool. In addition to the jacket, take a windbreaker or a cheap rain for 100 rubles. As good as it gets! And taking pictures convenient and hide from rain and wind. Water is always colder! If your girl tells Fi! Take two, still give her my raincoat. Umbrellas do not take, break and other eyes can be bought and beat you to interfere.

2. Wear a tight closed shoes. Not sandals! In the crowd under the legs it is impossible to look, there will definitely meet broken bottles or other legs in heavy drunken boots, at least.

3. With your bottles and any liquid, even in plastic in the zone where you can dance can not be allowed!

4. The subway will work all night, which is convenient. BUT! The passage is only in token. All night will be operated at intervals of 30 minutes. Bus routes 8, 12, 56, 77, 80, 93, 106, 114, 142 and 154, trolleybus 37, which go between metro stations and residential quarters of "sleeping" areas. The rest of the transport will start working no earlier than 4 am.

5. Do not take place on the embankment. Standing for a long time, do not move away (lose place), the crush and really nothing can be seen. It is better to chew on the roof, on the boat or at the scene. On the screen more visible and more beautiful, and salute can be seen from everywhere. The most trump spot IMHO at the scene on the arrow, but even better at home on the sofa browsing the livestock.

6. If you are not alone, take the charged mobile. Lose very easy! One young man in 2011. I was looking for my an elderly mother, which brought to the holiday and lost. I made my way in the crowd and screamed with a wild frightened voice of Mom! MUM! Help! She will not find the way home! He all sympathized with him, but could not help anything. It was even scary for mom. Lossed there is very simple. I hope everyone is good.
Agree in advance where we meet if you are lost. If not local, write a note in your pocket with your mobile and hotel address. Lossed in the crowd easily, and there are always a lot of people.

7. Go to the toilet in advance and do not eat beer before. There are toilets there, but the queues will be wild.

8. If you are on the car, it would not prevent a regular stool to which you can sit down and if you need to get up. But if the bridges from the Petrograd side in the direction of the center cross the car, it will be problematic back to return.

9. Once again - dress warm, take the rain, fully charge your mobile! Check the charging for those with whom you go. If there is, take the "zary".

10. It is best to watch the show with a shoe for a day before, during the general rehearsal))) but the salute to fully watch the holiday itself)))

11. There are websites selling roof tickets. Immediately specify that it will be visible from it, and then you can pay 3000, and the Neva and the boat will not be visible at all, only salute. Can I. local residents Do not let and night can end in the police. As far as I know, you can officially spawn even on the roof of the Hermitage (there is a Ltd. which sells tickets officially) it was worth 5,000 rubles, but before the most holiday could be more expensive.

Often buy tickets for scarlet sails can only be possible via the Internet. It is better to do it in advance. The topmost view from the walking ship. You can buy tickets

See also: