Gleb Nosovsky Tsar's Rome between the rivers Oka and Volga. Why in the era of the Romanovs the name "Novgorod", taken from Yaroslavl, was transferred precisely to the northwest to the shores of Lake Ilmen

This is a story about the legendary country of the Rus - Arsania (Arsa, Artab), known from Arabic sources, now it is a region of the middle Oka in the Ryazan region. The name of this center of Russia comes from the self-name of the Mordovian tribes - Erzya (Arsa from the Iranian aršan (hero, man). The name of the Russian city of Ryazan (Erzyan) also comes from it. It is quite possible that the famous, mentioned by Arab historians, could be the capital of this particular Since it is very likely that the legendary Arsa was originally located on Borkovsky Island, which is near the present Ryazan.This island (or peninsula) is located in the interfluve of the Oka and Trubezha rivers near the northern border of modern Ryazan.

Borkovsky Island near Ryazan on the map of S. Herberstein (1549).

View from the Island to the domes of the Assumption Cathedral in the Ryazan Kremlin.

Borkovsky Island is known for its numerous hoards of Arab silver coins, more of them here than in any other ancient Russian city. The famous explorer of Old Ryazan, Mongait, believed that there were 7 of these treasures, now their number has been reduced to 5. Even despite this circumstance, the island village of Borki, in the north of Ryazan, remains the absolute leader in Kufic silver treasures. For example, in the famous Ladoga, the main northern city of the Rus, there are 4 of them, on the Sarsky settlement - the oldest Scandinavian center near Rostov, there are only 2 treasures. In total, 56 treasures of Arab dirhams are known on the Middle and Lower Oka, for comparison, only 25 treasures were found in the region of Novgorod and Ladoga. Those. in the region of Arsania the most concentrated a large number of Arab coins than anywhere else in Rus'. This is evidence that Arsa is the main shopping mall(trade) of the Rus on the Great Volga trade route. It was here, near the future Ryazan, that two major river routes crossed - the Volga and the Don. Along the Volga it was possible to get into the Caspian Sea, along the Don River - into the Azov and Black.

Map of treasures of Arab dirhams on the Volga trade route from the book by I.E. Dubov "The Great Volga Way". The location of the legendary country of Arsania (45-89) literally catches the eye with an abundance of black dots.

On the map of Muscovy, compiled by S. Herberstein in 1549, this intersection of river routes is depicted literally. The rivers Oka and Don (Tanais) flow into a huge lake in the center of Muscovy. in the middle of it huge lake a certain Island is depicted, which Herberstein calls Strub (Strvb).

S. Herberstein describes the island near Ryazan as "once a great reign, the sovereign of which was not subject to anyone", while he does not mention anything about the Ryazan principality.

Sigismund Herberstein
Notes about Muscovy

The Ryazan region is located between the Oka and the Tanais river, it has a wooden city not far from the banks of the Oka. There was also a fortress, which was called Yaroslav (Iaroslaw); now there are only traces left of it. Not far from the city, the Oka River forms an island called Strub, once a great reign, the sovereign of which was not subject to anyone

It is well known that not a single city of the Ryazan principality was located on an island in the middle of the Oka. Herberstein mentions Pereyaslavl Ryazansky (present-day Ryazan), he calls it the fortress Yaroslav (Iaroslaw) and confuses it with Old Ryazan, allegedly only traces remained of it. Apparently, Herberstein learned about these cities from stories. They told him and the great island nation, which in his mind was superimposed on the information about the Ryazan principality and even managed to block it. The island state became more significant than the future Russian principality. What the word Strub means is unknown, perhaps it is a modified "log" in the meaning of a fortress, perhaps it is a distorted word "island".

Ibn Ruste, "The Book of Expensive Values"
As for the Rus (ar-rusiyya), they are on an island surrounded by a lake. The island on which they live, a three-day journey long, is covered with forests and swamps, unhealthy and damp to the point that as soon as a person sets foot on the ground, the latter trembles due to the abundance of moisture in it. They have a king called hakan-rus.

The interfluve of the Oka and the Trubezh River is the land of numerous lakes and swamps. During the spring floods, it was almost completely flooded, only the tops of huge sand dunes remained above the water. When the water subsides, the approximate diameter of Borkovsky Island can reach up to 2 km. This is somewhat less, but they could be wrong, because none of the Arabs has ever been to the Island of the Rus.

Borkovsky Island was formed by the sediments of the Oka River. In his antiquity sand dunes huge sizes were even called mountains. The largest dune bore the name "Sakor-gora", at the end of the 19th century a settlement and a large burial ground of the Finno-Ugric Ryazan-Oka archaeological culture were found on it. This warlike culture lasted until the 7th century, it is believed that later it was transformed into the Meshchera culture and underwent strong Slavicization. At the end of the 19th century, one of the first explorers of Borkovsky Island, A.I. Cherepnin, wrote down a local legend about the owners of Sakor Mountain.

A.I. Tcherepnin, Local antiquity. Borkovo burial ground "(TRUAC, 1894, Vol. 9, Issue 1, S. 1-26)
“A long time ago, it seems, even before the Tatars, there was a town with iron gates on Sakor-gora; alien giants lived in the city; they led a dissolute life - they offended the surrounding peasants, robbed their property, took away their wives and daughters by force; there was nothing to do with them. Many years passed, the giants did not leave their sinful life. It was hard for the people. Long-suffering and many-merciful is the Lord, for a long time He allowed the ugliness of the giants; but even God's mercy comes to an end. God was angry with the wicked, sent fierce enemies against them, who exterminated the giants to the last baby and ruined their filthy town. It was then that a miracle happened, the iron gates went into the ground by themselves - it was easy for the enemies to break into the town.

Remains of a sand dune on Borkovsky Island.

Cherepnin's information is largely consistent with S. Herberstein's text and references by Arab authors. At the site of the current village of Borki, there was once a center of powerful rulers. The Arabs called him Arsa (Arta, Artania). They wrote that none of the strangers from here did not return alive. Why is unknown.

"Rus. There are three groups [jeans]. One group of them is closest to the Bulgar, and their king sits in a city called Kuyaba, and it [the city] is larger than the Bulgar. And the most distant group of them, called as-Slaviya, and [the third] group of them, called al-Arsania, and their king sits in Ars. And people come to Cuiaba to trade. As for Arsa, it is not known that any of the strangers reached it, since there they [the inhabitants] kill every stranger who comes into their lands. Only they themselves go down the water and trade, but they do not tell anyone anything about their affairs and their goods and do not allow anyone to accompany them and enter their country. And black sable and tin [lead?] are taken out of Arsa.”

The Arabs undoubtedly called the city of Kuyaba Kyiv, Slaviya, most likely Novgorod, the land of the Slovenes of Ilmen. The Arabs often confused the Balkan Bulgaria and the Volga, therefore, in the story of Istakhri, the name Bulgar refers to the First Bulgarian Kingdom (which is in the Balkans). It is indeed closer to Kyiv than to the other two centers of Rus'. Many generations of explorers tried to place the city of Arsu literally anywhere - from the Baltic to Perm. But most linguists saw Arsania in the region of present-day Ryazan because of the coincidence of the name of the city, the name of the local Erzi and the people of Arisu, mentioned by the Khazar king Joseph.

Response letter of the Khazar king Joseph
By (this) river (Itil, Volga) there are numerous peoples in villages and cities, some in open areas, and others in fortified (walled) cities. Here are their names: Bur-t-s, Bul-g-r, S-var, Arisu, Ts-r-mis, V-n-n-tit, S-v-r, S-l-viyun. Each people is not amenable to (accurate) investigation and there is no number of them. They all serve me and pay tribute.

The people of Arisu, according to the Khazar king, lived near the Volga (Itil), next to the Suvars (S-var - a tribe of the Volga Bulgars) and the Mari-Cheremis (Ts-r-mis). This is an approximate settlement of the Mordovian tribes.
In the 9th century, the territory of the Middle Oka was captured by the Vyatichi. As is known from The Tale of Bygone Years, the Vyatichi were also under the control of the Khazars and paid tribute to them, Tsar Joseph apparently mentions them under the name V-n-n-tit (Ventichi, Vyatichi).
It can be assumed that the Rus on Borkovsky Island were also dependent on the Khazar Khaganate. The legend about the receipt by the Rus of their land from the Khazars is given by Arab authors.

Mojmal at-tawarikh
"They also say that Rus and Khazar were from the same mother and father. Then Rus grew up and, since he did not have a place that he would like, wrote a letter to Khazar and asked him for a part of his country to settle there. Rus was looking for and found a place for himself, an island neither large nor small, with swampy soil and rotten air, and there he settled.

The coast of Borkovsky Island and the Oka River in the area of ​​the Lukovsky Forest.

On the map of al-Idrisi, the city of Artan is located in the lands of the Mordovians west of the Volga (Itil). Next to it on the map is a certain river Saginu (or Sakir), whose name resembles the name "Sakor-mountains" from the legend of Borkovsky Island. It is quite possible that this is no coincidence, near Idrisi the Sakir River is a kind of tributary of the Volga, which flows into the Sea of ​​Azov, i.e. this is a combination of the Oka and Don rivers at the same time.

Below, a reconstruction of the map of al-Idrisi with Latin designations of toponyms. A piece of the Black Sea is at the top. The city of Artan is depicted on the top of a mountain. Idrisi wrote about him:
The city of Arsa is beautiful and (located) on a fortified mountain between Glory and Cuiaba.

Reconstruction of the Idrisi map from B. A. Rybakov's book "Russian lands on the map of Idrisi". The reconstruction is close to modern cartography.

Arab authors specifically singled out the Oka - they called it the Rus (Rusov) river and, apparently, combined it with the Volga. Since it was along the Oka that the famous Volga trade route from the Varangians to the Arabs (or Khazars) went. The Rus ethnic community itself was undoubtedly formed on this trade route.

"Hudud al-alam" about the river Rus
“Another river is the Rus, which flows from the depths of the country of the Slavs and flows eastward until it reaches the borders of the Rus. Further, it passes the borders of Urtab, Slab and Kuyafa, which are the cities of the Rus, and the limits of Kifdzhak. There it changes direction and flows south to the borders of the Pechenegs and flows into Attila.

The Rus River is so important for the compiler of Hudud al-Alam that he places all three Russian centers on its banks - Urtab (Ryazan), Slab (Novgorod) and Kuyafa (Kiev). Undoubtedly, this is a mistake, but it emphasizes the importance of the Oka and the Volga trade route for Russian history.

"Khudud al-alam" About the three centers of the Rus.
Kuya.a - the city of the Rus, the closest to the Muslims, a pleasant place and the residence of the king. Various furs and valuable swords are taken out of it. Sla.a - pleasant city, and from it, when peace reigns, trade is conducted with the country of Bulgars. Artab is a city where every stranger is killed and from where very valuable sword blades and swords are taken out, which can be bent twice, but as soon as the hand is withdrawn, they return to their former shape.

The unknown author of Hudud al-Alam emphasizes that valuable, apparently damask, sword blades are taken out of Arsa. Most likely they were produced in Europe and transported along the Volga route, but it can be assumed that some samples were forged on the spot, because the Ryazan-Oka Finns had a fairly developed culture of metalworking.

Since the 15th century, the Monastery of the Epiphany has been known on Borkovsky Island. The current Church of the Epiphany in Borki was erected in 1673. Now around the Church of the Epiphany there is a cemetery in the village of Borki.

At present, almost all sand dunes on Borkovsky Island have ceased to exist. From here, during the entire Soviet period, sand was exported to construction sites in the city of Ryazan. Because of this barbarity, a significant part sand mountains turned into quarries filled with water. Of course, the entire cultural layer of Sakor Mountain was completely destroyed. The remains of this dune are now built up with the houses of the village of Borki.

Lake Svyatoe on Borkovsky Island.

To the east of Sakor-mountain there used to be the so-called Pearl Field and the Pearl Hillock, as well as the French Hillocks. These names appeared due to active treasure hunting in this area. locals found placers of jewelry right on the surface of the Pearl Field. The mounds became "French" due to the fact that they constantly found burials of unknown soldiers with edged weapons, local peasants believed that these were the graves of soldiers of the Napoleonic army of 1812.

Systematic archaeological studies of Borkovo Island were carried out only at the end of the 19th century, these were excavations by V.A. Gorodtsov, A.I. Cherepnin. Most of the Kufic silver hoards from Borok were also found in the 19th century. In Soviet times, the dunes were explored only sporadically, especially since by the 1970s they had already been almost completely destroyed.

A.L. Mongait wrote about settlements on Borkovsky Island in Soviet times.

“Many Chud settlements that arose in the early Iron Age continued to exist in the 6th-10th centuries. n. e. Such, for example, are two settlements discovered by V. A. Gorodtsov in Borki in 1890. One of them was located at the southern tip of Sokor-mountain and was characterized by pits and the remains of destroyed adobe ovens, near which fragments of coarse earthenware, burnt stones lay in abundance , iron ore and slag, clay spinners and weights. Another settlement was discovered on the so-called "French hillocks", not far from the place where a treasure with Kufic coins of the 10th century was found. The area of ​​the village is covered with a layer of coal, which indicates its destruction by fire. A mass of ceramics of rough molding, with thick walls, according to V. A. Gorodtsov, was found here, modern to the Borkovo burial ground and basically dating both settlements”
A.L. Mongait. "Ryazan land".

It is very difficult to draw conclusions about the ethnic component of the population of Borkovsky Island, primarily because of its poor knowledge. After all, researchers of the late 19th century did not yet possess all the skills of modern archeology. In Soviet times, Borki was little explored, and by the end of the 20th century, the cultural layers of the Island had already ceased to exist.

It is possible that in the 9th century the Borkovo settlement had a mixed Finno-Slavic population under the control of Scandinavian Rus. Since the Vyatichi were under the control of the Khazaria, one can assume the presence of some kind of Khazar contingent. The presence of the Khazars on the Middle Oka may be evidenced by the presence of a settlement


In the book Foundations of History, ch.6, it was shown that Royal Rome allegedly 753-509 BC, that is, the First Roman Empire in our terminology, is a phantom reflection of the Second Roman Empire, allegedly from the 1st century BC. until the 3rd century AD She is also the Third Roman Empire, allegedly 300-552 AD. It is also the Great = "Mongolian" Empire of the epoch of the XIII-XVI centuries AD. For details, see also our book "The Baptism of Rus'", Appendix 2. It turns out that the famous "ancient" historian Titus Livius, the author of the fundamental work "History from the Foundation of the City", was in fact a chronicler of the Great = "Mongolian" Empire XIII-XVI centuries. He most likely lived in Western Europe. Further, we will see that in many places in his book Titus Livius proclaims the point of view, which today is called Jewish. Although, at the same time, he is probably a Christian. But not in the modern sense of the word, but in the sense of the era of the XV-XVII centuries.


Relying on the dates obtained by us earlier by statistical and astronomical methods, we immediately extract an important CONSEQUENCE. Since the chroniclers placed Emperor Constantine I the Great at the beginning of the Second Roman Empire, there SHOULD BE A CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN THE CHRONICAL BIOGRAPHY OF ROMULUS - THE FIRST RULER OF ROYAL ROME - AND THE CHRONICAL BIOGRAPHY OF CONSTANTINE THE GREAT. THAT IS - Tsar-Khan DMITRY IVANOVICH DONSKOY, as shown in our book "The Baptism of Rus'". Our conclusion is justified. This will be discussed in this chapter.


Relying on the dates obtained by us earlier by statistical and astronomical methods, we get one more important CONCLUSION. Since the chroniclers placed the era of Christ at the beginning of the Second Roman Empire, there SHOULD BE A CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN THE CHRONICAL BIOGRAPHY OF ROMULUS - THE FIRST RULER OF ROYAL ROME - AND THE CHRONICLE BIOGRAPHY OF JESUS ​​CHRIST. THAT IS THE EMPEROR ANDRONIKUS, as shown in our book "The King of the Slavs". This conclusion is also justified. We will present this material in this chapter.

The first Roman king described by Titus Livy is Romulus. It is believed that HE FOUNDED ROME. As we showed in the book "The Beginning of Horde Rus'", the Latin authors called the foundation of Rome, most likely, the unification of Rus'-Horde in the XIII century AD. Rus' was united by the Trojan king Aeneas, who is also Rurik of the Russian chronicles, who arrived in Rus' after the fall of Troy at the beginning of the 13th century AD. "Ancient" sources say that Aeneas and his companions arrived in great country ETRURIUS, p.32. That is, most likely, to TARTARIA (Tartaria = TRTR --> TRR = Etruria). It is believed that Etruria is the name of the Etruscan country. That is, according to our results, the RUSSIAN countries, see "Empire", ch.15. The Royal Rome that arose here was, therefore, surrounded by Et-Russian, that is, Russian, lands. Titus Livy quotes the words of the leader of the Albans, addressed to the Roman king Tullus: "To you, Tullus, I would like to remind you of this. HOW GREAT THE POWER OF THE ETRUSIANS SURROUNDING AND OUR POSSESSIONS, AND ESPECIALLY YOURS, you, as their closest neighbor, know even better than we: THEIR POWER IS GREAT ON LAND, THEY ARE MORE STRONGER ON THE SEA", v.1, p.30.

According to our results, the city of Yaroslavl in Vladimir-Suzdal Rus became the metropolis of united Rus'. He is Veliky Novgorod of Russian chronicles. Soon, under Romulus and Remus, the descendants of Aeneas-Rurik, Rus'-Horde is further strengthened and passes into a new quality. The Great = "Mongolian" Empire arises. Therefore, on the pages of the "ancient" chronicles, the unification of Rus'-Horde and the imminent emergence of the Great Empire could be glued together, identified and called the "foundation of Rome." Thus, "ANTIQUE" ROYAL ROMULUS, FOUNDED BY ROMULUS, UNDERSTANDING BOTH AS A CITY AND AS A KINGDOM, IS THE GREAT = "MONGOLIAN" EMPIRE.

In addition, as shown in the books "Foundations of History" and "Methods", King Romulus is also partly a reflection of the Roman emperor Constantine I the Great, allegedly from the 4th century AD, fig. 1.11. That is, according to our results, important information about the Horde Tsar-Khan Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy, who lived in the XIV century, is woven into the chronicle "biography" of Romulus. The triple correspondence between the king Romulus, the emperor Constantine the Great and the biblical king Jeroboam I is described in the book "Methods", ch.2:7. In particular, the struggle of Constantine with Licinius (Maxentius) was reflected in the pages of the work of Titus Livius as a struggle between Romulus and Remus. Remus was killed by Romulus. In the Bible, all this is described as the struggle of the biblical kings Jeroboam and Rehoboam.

According to the "ancient classics", Rome was founded by Romulus allegedly around 753 BC. The partial identification of Romulus with Emperor Constantine the Great, which we discovered, means that we are talking about the founding of New Rome by Constantine allegedly around 300-330 AD. The chronological shift here is approximately 1053-1083 years, since 753 + 300 = 1053, and 753 + 330 = 1083. This is the so-called Roman shift, discovered and studied in detail by A.T. Fomenko in the books "Foundations of History" and "Methods" . Recall that, according to the Scaligerian history, Emperor Constantine the Great decided to found a new capital of the Empire and moved the capital from Old Rome to New Rome, on the Bosphorus. Thus, in one legend, two stories probably merged. Namely, about the foundation of Old Rome and the foundation of New Rome. Hence the confusion between Romulus, the founder of the Old, Royal Rome, and Constantine the Great, the founder of the New Rome on the Bosphorus. The two images partially stuck together on the pages of later chronicles. See the chronological shift diagram in Fig. 1.12.

Figure 1.13 shows an ancient bronze image of Constantine I. Figure 1.14 shows a precious shrine for the right hand (hand) of Constantine the Great, kept in the treasury of the Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. The jewel belonged to Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent in the 16th century and was transferred from Czar-Grad to Moscow by Patriarch Jeremiah II of Constantinople (1572-1579). He personally arrived in Moscow and presented the shrine to the Russian Tsar-Khan Fyodor Ivanovich, p.304. Today, there are no relics of Constantine in this ark.

Let us repeat once again that the foundation of Tsarskoye = Old Rome is, apparently, the unification of Rus'-Horde by Tsar Aeneas-John in the 13th century into a single powerful state. Aeneas arrived in Rus' from the Bosphorus Czar-Grad = Troy = Jerusalem, burned in the Trojan War, at the very beginning of the 13th century AD. Rus'-Horde of the XIII-XVI centuries was later described by "ancient" authors as Ancient Rome. The Roman metropolis was located in the Mesopotamia of the Oka and Volga.

The transfer of the capital of the Roman Empire to New Rome by Constantine the Great is probably an event at the end of the 14th century AD. Emperor Constantine I, aka the Russian-Horde Tsar-Khan Dmitry Donskoy, after the victory in the Battle of Kulikovo, arrived in Tsar-Grad and declared it the second capital of the Empire. This capital became the second after the first, namely, after the main metropolis in Vladimir-Suzdal Rus, which existed at least since the 13th century. Having made apostolic Christianity the religion of the entire vast "Mongolian" Empire, Konstantin = Dmitry Donskoy decided, apparently, to place the spiritual and religious center of the Empire in the old Tsar-Grad = Evangelical Jerusalem, where Christ was crucified in 1185, fig. 1.12. military and administrative center Empire Constantine the Great kept in Rus'-Horde. That is, in the biblical Assyria-Syria.

From what has been said, it follows that some chroniclers and cartographers could confuse OLD ROME and NEW ROME. As was stated in detail in the book "Foundations of History", ch.6, the confusion between them was reflected in several options for transferring the capital of the Roman Empire. In some versions, it was transferred from Old Rome to New Rome. And in others, on the contrary, from New Rome to Old.


It is natural to expect that if "ancient" Rome was really founded on Rus' and for a long time, in the XIV-XVI centuries, was located in the area between the Oka and Volga, then, despite the "Scaligerian purge", at least some old maps should survive, where on territory of Rus', traces of the name ROME have been preserved. Now we will present such cards. Let's turn to old maps, which were presented at the exhibition "Russia and Sweden in the 17th century", held in Moscow, in the State Historical Museum in 2001 . See also information about the exhibition in the May 2001 issue of the magazine "Moscow today & tomorrow", pp.16-23. We thank A.I. Shatalkin, an employee of the Moscow State University, who drew our attention to these maps and noted that they contain the name "Rome New" on the territory of Russia.

The author of the map shown in Fig. 1.15 is "Nicholas Piskator the Elder (Dutch. N. Vischer, N. Visscher, often N. Fischer), 1618 - c. 1679, representative of the Piscator dynasty, Dutch cartographers late XVI - early 18th century A map made in the workshop of a famous scientist and cartographer captures the geopolitical situation in Eastern Europe", pp.69-70. Figures 1.16 and 1.17 show two of its fragments. Figure 1.18 shows an enlarged fragment of a part of Central Russia.

In Figure 1.18 we see two Russian cities with the same name: "New Rome" (Roma nova). The first one is located very close to Moscow, see Fig. 1.19. The second one is on the left bank of the Volga, not far from the right bank of Yaroslavl, Fig. 1.20. Later, the Volga city "New Rome" began to be called ROMANOV, fig. 1.21. It became the left-bank part of the city of Romanovo-Borisoglebsk.

The next map of Russia was made by Frederick de Wit in 1670. We present its fragment in Fig. 1.22, where, again, near Moscow, as well as on the left bank of the Volga, near the right bank of Yaroslavl (Ierislow), two "New Romes" (Roma Nova) are marked, see Fig. 1.23 and fig. 1.24.

By the way, in Fig.1.18 and Fig.1.20, just below the Volga New Rome, also on the left bank, a city with an interesting name "Saint Jacob" (Iacobi Suetoy) is indicated. The same city of St. James is also indicated on the map of Frederic de Wit, Fig. 1.24, but a little further from the Volga. Today, there is no longer a city with that name on the Volga.

Note that the area around Vladimir is named WOLODI MERA. It is possible that such a record, in the form of two words, reflected the memories that once the capital of the Great = "Mongolian" Empire was located here. Therefore, in ancient times the city was called "I own the World" (WOLODI MERA), that is, VLADIMIR.

We have already expressed the idea that the usurpers Romanovs, who came to power in Rus' after the Great Troubles, could derive their surname from the phrase Roma nova, that is, "New Rome". Thus, they probably emphasized that the OLD ROME, that is, the Rome of Rus'-Horde of the XIV-XVI centuries, was now replaced by the "New Rome", the Rome of the rebellious reformers. Or the new rulers took the surname of the Romanovs, considering themselves the "winners" of the Horde New Rome of the 16th century. Recall that in the 16th century Moscow became the capital of Rus'-Horde, which could well be called NEW ROME, in contrast to OLD ROME = Yaroslavl on the Volga. According to our results, Yaroslavl = Veliky Novgorod was the first capital of the Empire. See the details in the book "Biblical Rus'".

It is worth noting that a lot of cities are marked on the map of Frederick de Wit along the Northern Dvina, Fig. 1.25. There are even more of them than indicated near Moscow and to the south. Moreover, on the map of Piscator the Elder, a large number of cities are also indicated on Novaya Zemlya, Fig. 1.26. So in that era these lands were densely populated.

But back to the history of "ancient" Rome.


4.1. Testimonies of Livy and Plutarch.

Let us add new evidence to the correspondence between Romulus and Constantine the Great already found in the books "Foundations of History" and "Methods". As we have already said, the annalistic "biography" of Romulus is two-layered. One layer corresponds to Constantine I, that is, Dmitry Donskoy. The second layer - to the emperor Andronicus-Christ. Now we will focus on the first layer.

Titus Livy and Plutarch talk about the confrontation between Romulus and Remus as follows.

Titus Livius:<<Но в эти замыслы (создания царства - Авт.) вмешалось наследственное зло, жажда царской власти... Братья (Ромул и Рем - Авт.) были близнецы... и вот, чтобы БОГИ... ПТИЧЬИМ ЗНАМЕНИЕМ указали, кому наречь своим именем город, кому править новым государством, Ромул местом наблюдения избрал Палатин, а Рем - Авентин. Рему, как передают, первому ЯВИЛОСЬ ЗНАМЕНИЕ - шесть коршунов, - и о знамении уже возвестили, когда РОМУЛУ ПРЕДСТАВИЛОСЬ двойное против этого число птиц. Каждого из братьев толпа приверженцев провозгласила царем... Началась перебранка, и ВЗАИМНОЕ ОЗЛОБЛЕНИЕ ПРИВЕЛО К КРОВОПРОЛИТИЮ; В СУМЯТИЦЕ РЕМ ПОЛУЧИЛ СМЕРТЕЛЬНЫЙ УДАР. Более распространен, впрочем, другой рассказ - будто Рем в насмешку над братом ПЕРЕСКОЧИЛ ЧЕРЕЗ НОВЫЕ СТЕНЫ и Ромул в гневе убил его, воскликнув при этом: "Так да погибнет всякий, кто перескочит через мои стены">>, v.1, p.14-15.

Plutarch is more detailed.<<Когда братья решили построить город, между ними тут же вышла ссора из-за выбора места. Ромул заложил "КВАДРАТНЫЙ", иначе "ЧЕТЫРЕХУГОЛЬНЫЙ" Рим, и хотел избрать это место для постройки города, Рем же наметил для этого укрепленный пункт на Авентине, названный в его честь Ремонием, нынешний Рингарий. Они условились решить свой спор гаданием по полету птиц и сели отдельно. Говорят, Рем увидел шесть коршунов, Ромул - двенадцать, по другим же, Рем увидел их действительно, Ромул солгал: КОГДА ПРИШЕЛ РЕМ, ТОГДА ТОЛЬКО ПОКАЗАЛИСЬ ДВЕНАДЦАТЬ КОРШУНОВ РОМУЛА>> , p.40. Further, Plutarch, for some reason, embarks on a long discussion about the kite bird, about its habits, etc. About half the page, Plutarch "sings an ode" to the kite, praising this bird in every possible way.

Then Plutarch returns to the quarrel between Romulus and Remus. "Having learned about the deception, Remus became angry and when Romulus KOPAL ROV, with which he wanted to surround the wall of the future city, began to laugh at his work, then interfere with it. Finally, HE JUMPED OVER THE DITCH AND WAS KILLED ON THE SITE, some say - by Romulus himself , others - by one of the comrades, Celer", p.41.


"Ancient classics" say that the quarrel between Romulus and Remus occurred during the laying of the city of Rome in Latinia, Etruria. It is believed that we are talking about the foundation of Old Rome allegedly around 753 BC. But, as was shown in the books "Foundations of History" and "Methods", a significant contribution to this legend was made by the transfer of the capital of the Empire by Constantine the Great from Old Rome to New Rome on the Bosphorus allegedly around 330 AD.

According to our results, Fig. 1.12, the foundation of Old Rome is the creation in the XIII century AD. Aeneas-John and his descendants, Romulus and Remus, united Rus'-Horde with the metropolis in Vladimir-Suzdal Rus'. This was the actual beginning of the Great = "Mongolian" Empire. And the transfer of the capital of the Empire by Constantine the Great to the Bosporus is the transformation of Tsar-Grad into the religious Christian capital of the "Mongolian" Empire under Dmitry Donskoy = Constantine the Great, in late XIV century. Interestingly, "in the oldest versions Aeneas is the father of Romulus or Remus", p.24.


When laying Rome, the heavenly sign to Romulus and Remus plays an important role. Namely, THE APPEARANCE OF KITES IN THE SKY - six for Remus and twelve birds for Romulus. Most likely, here we are talking about the VISION OF THE CROSS IN THE SKY to Constantine the Great before the start of his battle with Maxentius = Licinius. See details in our book "The Baptism of Rus'". Recall that before the battle between Constantine and Maxentius, allegedly in 312 (it is also the battle with Licinius, allegedly in 323), a cross "appeared" in the sky, announcing victory to Emperor Constantine. This event is considered very famous. It was repeatedly discussed by medieval authors, both secular and religious. In fact, it was probably about the first use of firearms by Constantine the Great = Dmitry Donskoy. See our book "The Baptism of Rus'".

As we can see, the heavenly sign to Constantine the Great was also reflected in the history of Imperial Rome as a heavenly sign to Romulus and Remus. In both cases, this event is associated with the foundation, or transfer, of the capital of Rome.

By the way, Plutarch reports that Romulus laid the FOUR-ANGULAR or SQUARE Rome. This event is directly connected with the heavenly sign of Romulus: as soon as he founded the FOUR-COOLED Rome, he immediately saw the divine SIGN. It turns out that it was somehow connected with the shape of a square or with something quadrangular. Probably, in this form, Plutarch refracted the vision of the Christian CROSS to Constantine the Great. After all, an ordinary Christian cross is sometimes called FOUR-ANGULAR, FOUR-ENDED, because it has four ends. Some modifications of the cross are called six-pointed, for example, the star of David, fig. 1.27, fig. 1.28, eight-pointed, etc.

As we now understand, the essence of the conflict between Romulus (Constantine the Great = Dmitry Donskoy) and Remus (Maxentius = Khan Mamai) was a dispute between apostolic, popular Christianity and tribal, royal Christianity. Plutarch allegorically presents it this way. Like, Romulus and Remus lay two cities, two rival capitals. And the question is solved - "whose is better"?

The question is, why do Plutarch and Titus Livius talk about kites that appeared in the sky to Romulus and Remus? Let us propose a hypothesis, which in itself does not prove anything, but perhaps clarifies the essence of the matter. In Latin, "kite" is written as MILVUS. And the famous battle between Constantine and Maxentius took place at Ponte Milvio. Moreover, one of the main episodes of the battle unfolded on the MILVIO bridge (on the MILVIA bridge) across the Tiber River, p.93. The famous Vatican fresco by Giulio Romano is called: "The Victory of Constantine over Maxentius at Ponte Milvio". The huge fresco was created according to the plan of Raphael allegedly in the 16th century, p.269. The Milvio Bridge played a prominent role in the battle. They write like this: "Christianity won in the battle at the MILVIA bridge. This victory marked the beginning of a new era in the history of mankind", p.94. Thus, in the history of the battle between Constantine and Maxentius, the term MILVIO is present, as the name of the bridge over the Tiber, on which the decisive military episode took place; see below for details.

And now let's pay attention to the fact that the Latin words MILVUS = kite and MILVIO = name of the bridge practically coincide. It seems that the later chroniclers, or editors, Titus Livius and Plutarch, peering at the old primary sources lying in front of them (later "accidentally lost"), did not understand, confused the names. And instead of the MILVIO bridge, MILVUS, that is, kites, "appeared" under their pen. This is where the wild imagination kicked in. And Plutarch began to explain with inspiration to his readers - who are kites; why they appeared to Romulus; why these birds are remarkable; why they were given such importance; what "they eat; whether they eat carrion; how often they can be seen. And so on and so forth, p. and Rema. But not already understanding the essence of the matter and mentioning the "kites", he decided to linger on this episode and additionally speculate "on the theme of birds" in order to emphasize the importance of the plot. What "must be said here specifically about" kites = MILVIO "Plutarch, probably didn't imagine it very well. Therefore, he acted in a simple way: he wrote out all the information about kites from the encyclopedia about animals and birds. Having filled half the sheet with a vague story, and "done his duty," he moved on with relief.

We encounter an interesting phenomenon again and again. Old records were sometimes misunderstood by later chroniclers and, as a result, slightly distorted. After that, they were overgrown with a bouquet of invented fantastic details. Today, relying on the new chronology, in many cases it is possible to clear the authentic information from the later obscure "explanations". Although, as you can see, it is not easy.


According to Titus Livy and Plutarch, immediately after the heavenly sign, a military skirmish occurs in which REM DIES. One version of events claims that he was killed by Romulus.

Similarly, after the vision of the heavenly cross to the emperor Constantine, his battle with Maxentius begins allegedly in 312, in which Constantine wins. MAXENTIUS IS KILLED IN BATTLE. His duplicate was also killed - Licinius, who acted as an opponent of Constantine the Great in another phantom reflection of the same battle, allegedly in 323. Licinius was allegedly executed in 325. See our book "The Baptism of Rus'".

Thus, in all the listed versions, the backbone of events is extremely similar.


According to Plutarch, Remus jumped over a certain DITCH AND FOR THIS (!?) WAS KILLED ON THE SITE, p.41. That is, it must be assumed right in the ditch or directly next to it. Moreover, the moat surrounded the city of Rome, founded by Romulus. It must be assumed that the moat was soon going to be filled with water. Maybe it's already filled with water. This was usually done with all the defensive ditches that surrounded the walls of fortified medieval cities.

So, the following picture emerges. Rem jumps over the moat. A moat surrounds the walls of the capital. The moat is designed to be filled with water. Maybe already flooded. Rem is killed right next to the moat or in the moat itself.

Since, as we understand, here Plutarch tells about some important episode of the battle between Emperor Constantine and Maxentius, it is natural to ask the question: what kind of “jump” of Remus-Maxentius across the ditch is he really talking about here? The answer comes as soon as the question is asked. We mean the CENTRAL EPISODE of the battle between Constantine the Great and Maxentius.

Some "ancient" sources report that Maxentius DRONKED IN THE RIVER. This information is presented in the book as follows. At the very end of the battle, the "bridge (the Milvian bridge over the Tiber River - Auth.) collapsed under the excessive weight of the Praetorians in metal armor. Together with them, MAXENTIUS WAS IN THE WATER ... Two hours later ... on the other side of the river he (Konstantin - Auth.) noticed a warrior trying to get ashore. Golden armor betrayed in him the very first person in the enemy army (that is, Maxentius - Auth.) ... He (Constantine the Great - Auth.) spurred his horse and rushed to the shore. The course of the river was quite strong, the stream more than once overwhelmed both the rider and the horse with its head. But finally, the hooves touched the bottom, and Konstantin got out not far from the place where the body of Maxentius in the golden shell ALREADY BEGINNING TO DROWN. The enemy was dead ", p.93.

So we understand what Plutarch actually said here. Romulus = Constantine attacked Maxentius = Remus after the Milvio bridge over the Tiber River collapsed. Maxentius-Rem died "in the moat", that is, in the river. This is Rem's "jump" over the moat, which brought him death.

Figure 1.29 shows one of the paintings depicting the battle at the Milvian bridge in Italian Rome. Warriors fall from the bridge into the river. A similar image is on the high relief of the Arch of Constantine in Rome. See also Russian Facial Arch, fig. 1.29a. Today we are offered to consider that the annalistic Milvian Bridge is located in Italian Rome and even show it to numerous tourists, fig. 1.30 and fig. 1.31. This is mistake. In fact, the battle of Emperor Constantine = Dmitry Donskoy with his opponent Maxentius = Khan Mamai took place in completely different places. In Rus', on the territory of the future Moscow, where the fierce Battle of Kulikovo unfolded, see the book "New Chronology of Rus'". And the bridge in Italian Rome was called "Milvian" much later. Already after here - on paper! - moved the events that took place very far from modern Italy. Namely, in LATIN = HUMAN country. That is, in RUTENIA = ARMY country = Rus'-Horde.

Fig.1.29. Battle of the Milvio Bridge over the Tiber River. Pieter Lastman (1583-1633). Taken from the Internet. See also the high relief of the Triumphal Arch of Constantine in, p.88.

Fig.1.29a. Battle of the Milvio Bridge (Fulvius or Milvian Bridge). Russian Facial Arch. Taken from, World History, book 6, p.177, sheet LH-83.

Fig.1.30. The bridge in modern Rome, which was called Milvian after the battle of Konstantin = Dmitry Donskoy with Maxentius = Khan Mamai was mistakenly transferred here, to Italy (on paper), on the Kulikovo field in Moscow. Taken from the Internet. See also, p.95.

Fig.1.31. Another photo of the Milvian Bridge in modern Italian Rome. Taken from, insert between pp. 112-113.

CONCLUSION. Part of the "ancient" legends about Romulus and Remus, which tells about their quarrel and the murder of Remus, is one of the options for describing the battle between Constantine the Great and Maxentius that has come down to our time. That is, the Battle of Kulikovo in 1380 on the territory of the future Moscow, on the banks of the Yauza River.


It turns out that the chronicle "biography" of Romulus presents both facts from the life of Emperor Andronicus-Christ of the XII century - a contemporary of Aeneas-John, and from the life of Emperor Dmitry Donskoy of the XIV century, that is, Constantine I the Great.

In the books "Foundations of History" and "Methods" it was shown that in the "biography" of Romulus, gospel stories are clearly visible, there are vivid parallels with Christ. From Fig.1.11 it can be seen that when identifying the Royal Rome, described by Titus Livius, with the Third Roman Empire, the end of the annalistic "biography" of Romulus is partially combined with Basil the Great. He is the biblical king Asa. But, as revealed in the book "Methods", both Basil the Great and the biblical Asa are phantom reflections of Jesus Christ. That is why there is a noticeable "Christian trace" in the legends about Romulus.

A closer analysis shows that the correspondence between Romulus and Christ is much deeper than what was discovered at the first stage of our research in the books "Foundations of History" and "Methods". The full picture became much clearer after in the book "King of the Slavs", on the basis of the independent dating of the gospel events calculated by us in 2003, we presented a striking correspondence between Christ and the emperor Andronicus Komnenos of the XII century. We also recall that Christ, during his long stay in Rus', was reflected in the pages of Russian chronicles as Grand Duke Andrei Bogolyubsky (XII century), and also as the Apostle Andrew the First-Called (supposedly I century). Returning after this again to the chronicle "biography" of Romulus, we noticed new correspondences with Andronicus-Christ, which had previously eluded our attention.

So, we repeat that in the Scaligerian history, Christ is placed at the beginning of the Second Roman Empire, in the supposedly 1st century AD. And since the beginning of the Royal Rome - allegedly around 753 BC. - coincides with the beginning of the Second Roman Empire - allegedly around the 1st century AD, then we should expect that at the very beginning of Royal Rome there should be a story about Christ. Since it is from him, from the events of the end of the XII century AD, that the prehistory of the Great Empire of the XIII-XVI centuries begins, the phantom reflections of which are all three of the "ancient" Roman empires listed above: the First = Royal Rome, the Second and Third Roman Empires, Fig. .1.32, fig.1.33, fig.1.34. Our conclusion is fully justified and now we turn to a detailed analysis.

Let us explain that in the figures given here, in the very top line, called "Rus II", all the rulers of the Great = "Mongolian" Empire are sequentially listed. The period of time covered by the Empire is divided into 41 segments, each of which indicates the king-khans who ruled at that time. The second line "Rus I" is a phantom reflection of the Great Empire during a downward shift of 300-400 years. The next three lines depict, respectively, the Third Roman Empire (Rome III), the Second Roman Empire (Rome II) and the Royal Rome (Rome I). Since, when overlapping, the chroniclers sometimes got confused in the descriptions of the kings who ruled in approximately the same era, in some places the correspondence is blurred.

This scheme is presented in more detail in our book "The Baptism of Rus'", where other phantom reflections of the "Mongolian" Empire are added.

A. T. Fomenko and G. V. Nosovsky


(New information about the Virgin Mary and Andronicus-Christ, the Slavic War of the Novgorodians, Dmitry Donskoy and Mamai, Alexander Nevsky and the Battle of the Ice on the pages of the ancient "History of Rome" by Titus Livius and the Old Testament)


All the results presented in this book have been obtained recently, are new and are published for the first time. This work follows our books "The Beginning of the Horde Rus'" and "The Baptism of Rus'".

The authors discovered new and exceptionally important information about the Virgin Mary and Emperor Andronicus-Christ (Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky), the Slave War of the Novgorodians, Prince Dmitry Donskoy and Khan Mamai, Prince Alexander Nevsky and the Battle of the Ice on the pages of the ancient "History of Rome" by Titus Livius, the works of Plutarch and the Old Testament.

In this book, we continue to draw new and often unexpected consequences from the statistical and astronomical datings of past events that we have obtained earlier. That is, from the new chronology we created. Mathematical and astronomical proofs of the actual new chronology are presented by us in previous books, primarily in the books "Foundations of History", "Methods", "Stars". We will not repeat them here.

What do we mean by reporting new information that we have discovered and significantly expand our knowledge of many famous people and events ancient world? We are not talking about the discovery by us of any fundamentally new, previously unknown manuscripts or inscriptions. Extracted, say, from some dusty, forgotten archives or as a result of excavations. We mainly work with well-known ancient texts. Although sometimes we did manage to find by ourselves or with the help of colleagues exceptionally rare and unique historical materials, which turned out to be very valuable for the new chronology. But still, we focus on well-known "ancient" works, the Bible, numerous medieval chronicles and manuscripts. Our discovery - which, by the way, was rather unexpected for us - is that these generally known texts contain, it turns out, a lot of unknown, firmly forgotten, "buried" by the editors of the 16th-18th centuries. And this deeply buried information needs to be “digged up”. Sometimes with great difficulty. When brought to light, they turn out to be fragments of a once rich and detailed picture of the past, forgotten fragments of the biographies of famous heroes. Cleaning the debris from dirt and later deposits, we illuminate with bright light many half-forgotten or completely forgotten facts of the past. The authors do not deal with issues of faith and theology and do not discuss any of the church dogmas. The book deals exclusively with questions of a historical and chronological nature.

The legend of Romulus and Remus has been known to everyone since childhood. History textbooks, fascinating novels and chic Hollywood films tell about the great "ancient" Rome. The flight of King Aeneas from the burning Troy and his arrival in the homeland of his ancestors - in the rich Crowded country (Latinia). A stern she-wolf feeds her milk to the abandoned royal children - Romulus and Remus. Created by the great Etruscans, a bronze statue of a proud grinning wolf in the Vatican Museum. The babies grow up and Romulus founds Rome. The mighty Roman Empire rises. The iron legions of Rome conquer the world. The prediction of the gods is coming true that Rome will rule the entire universe. Bloody gladiator fights in the arena of the huge Colosseum. Annunciation. The Virgin Mary hugs two babies - Christ and John the Baptist. The death of John the Baptist and the crucifixion of Christ. Solar eclipse and earthquake at the time of Jesus' death. Holy Resurrection of Christ. Assumption of the Mother of God and the death of the legendary beauty, the Roman woman Lucretia. Ferocious tigers and lions are set against the first Christians, who are dying a martyr's death in front of roaring with delight pagan Romans, dressed in beautiful togas with a blood-red border. Cruel emperor Nero in a flower wreath sings a song on the podium of a huge amphitheater. The great Roman historian Titus Livy speaks admiringly of Imperial Rome in his famous History from the Foundation of the City. The great Greek historian Plutarch writes biographies of prominent Romans and Greeks...

A. T. Fomenko and G. V. Nosovsky


(New information about the Virgin Mary and Andronicus-Christ, the Slavic War of the Novgorodians, Dmitry Donskoy and Mamai, Alexander Nevsky and the Battle of the Ice on the pages of the ancient "History of Rome" by Titus Livius and the Old Testament)


All the results presented in this book have been obtained recently, are new and are published for the first time. This work follows our books "The Beginning of the Horde Rus'" and "The Baptism of Rus'".

The authors discovered new and exceptionally important information about the Virgin Mary and Emperor Andronicus-Christ (Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky), the Slave War of the Novgorodians, Prince Dmitry Donskoy and Khan Mamai, Prince Alexander Nevsky and the Battle of the Ice on the pages of the ancient "History of Rome" by Titus Livius, the works of Plutarch and the Old Testament.

In this book, we continue to draw new and often unexpected consequences from the statistical and astronomical datings of past events that we have obtained earlier. That is, from the new chronology we created. Mathematical and astronomical proofs of the actual new chronology are presented by us in previous books, primarily in the books "Foundations of History", "Methods", "Stars". We will not repeat them here.

What do we mean by reporting new information that we have discovered and greatly expand our knowledge of many famous people and events of the ancient world? We are not talking about the discovery by us of any fundamentally new, previously unknown manuscripts or inscriptions. Extracted, say, from some dusty, forgotten archives or as a result of excavations. We mainly work with well-known ancient texts. Although sometimes we did manage to find by ourselves or with the help of colleagues exceptionally rare and unique historical materials, which turned out to be very valuable for the new chronology. But still, we focus on well-known "ancient" works, the Bible, numerous medieval chronicles and manuscripts. Our discovery - which, by the way, was rather unexpected for us - is that these generally known texts contain, it turns out, a lot of unknown, firmly forgotten, "buried" by the editors of the 16th-18th centuries. And this deeply buried information needs to be “digged up”. Sometimes with great difficulty. When brought to light, they turn out to be fragments of a once rich and detailed picture of the past, forgotten fragments of the biographies of famous heroes. Cleaning the debris from dirt and later deposits, we illuminate with bright light many half-forgotten or completely forgotten facts of the past. The authors do not deal with issues of faith and theology and do not discuss any of the church dogmas. The book deals exclusively with questions of a historical and chronological nature.

The legend of Romulus and Remus has been known to everyone since childhood. History textbooks, fascinating novels and chic Hollywood films tell about the great "ancient" Rome. The flight of King Aeneas from the burning Troy and his arrival in the homeland of his ancestors - in the rich Crowded country (Latinia). A stern she-wolf feeds her milk to the abandoned royal children - Romulus and Remus. Created by the great Etruscans, a bronze statue of a proud grinning wolf in the Vatican Museum. The babies grow up and Romulus founds Rome. The mighty Roman Empire rises. The iron legions of Rome conquer the world. The prediction of the gods is coming true that Rome will rule the entire universe. Bloody gladiator fights in the arena of the huge Colosseum. Annunciation. The Virgin Mary hugs two babies - Christ and John the Baptist. The death of John the Baptist and the crucifixion of Christ. Solar eclipse and earthquake at the time of Jesus' death. Holy Resurrection of Christ. Assumption of the Mother of God and the death of the legendary beauty, the Roman woman Lucretia. Ferocious tigers and lions are set against the first Christians, who are dying a martyr's death in front of roaring with delight pagan Romans, dressed in beautiful togas with a blood-red border. Cruel emperor Nero in a flower wreath sings a song on the podium of a huge amphitheater. The great Roman historian Titus Livy speaks admiringly of Imperial Rome in his famous History from the Foundation of the City. The great Greek historian Plutarch writes biographies of prominent Romans and Greeks...

It is believed that an educated person should know a lot of the history of ancient Rome. And this is certainly correct. Roman history is indeed the backbone of ancient history. Many modern states are rightly proud of the fact that their roots go back to "ancient" Rome, that many European and Asian cities were first founded by Roman legions in the era of the spread of the Empire in all directions.

In this book, we show that the "ancient" Imperial Rome is a state that arose in the Mesopotamia of the Oka and the Volga, that is, in Vladimir-Suzdal Rus', in the XIII - early XIV centuries. Another name for the Royal Rome is the Great = "Mongolian" Empire, which, according to the new chronology, existed in the XIV-XVI centuries AD. e. The point of view accepted today that "ancient" Rome conquered the entire civilized world of that time, IS RESPONSIBLE TO REALITY. However, with one amendment - this happened not long before our era, as Scaligerian history assures us, but in the era of the XIV-XVI centuries. It was at this time that the Great = "Mongolian" Empire - that is, Rus'-Horde, according to our reconstruction - covered almost the entire world.

We found that on the pages of the famous works of "ancient" Roman authors, for example, Titus Livius, MUCH AND RESPECTIVE SPEAK ABOUT THE VIRGIN MARY, THE MOTHER OF CHRIST. Recall that, according to our research (see the book "The King of the Slavs"), Christ is described in the Byzantine chronicles as Emperor Andronicus of the XII century AD. e., and in Russian - as the great Russian prince Andrei Bogolyubsky (partially). Thus, if we talk about secular history, then we are talking about the mother of the Byzantine emperor Andronicus the Elder. WE ARE FOR THE FIRST TIME PRESENTING THE OLD SECULAR SOURCES TELLING ABOUT THE MOTHER OF GOD BY THE MOUTH OF CONTEMPORARIES. In particular, the assertion of the Scaligerian version is refuted, that Mary the Mother of God was described by her contemporaries allegedly only in religious sources and was practically not reflected in the pages of the “ancient” secular literature of that era. The information we have discovered throws a new bright light on the life of Mary the Mother of God.

We show that the emperor Andronicus-Christ was also reflected in the pages of the famous "ancient" authors - Titus Livius and Plutarch. Recall that the Scaligerian version insists that Christ was described by his contemporaries only in church sources and is practically not described on the pages of "ancient" secular literature. In other words, the Scaligerian historians claim that none of the secular chroniclers-contemporaries of Christ considered it necessary to leave information about him in his chronicle. Or, at least, such information has not reached us, with rare and, moreover, dubious exceptions. In the books "Tsar of the Slavs" and "The Beginning of the Horde Rus'" we showed that this is far from being the case. It turned out that Andronicus-Christ was well known to many secular authors - his contemporaries. Whose works are cited, for example, by a later Byzantine historian Nicetas Choniates. Further, it turned out that the life of Christ was described not only by Byzantine secular writers, but also by Russian chroniclers. They knew Christ as the great Russian prince Andrei Bogolyubsky. And also - as the Apostle Andrew the First-Called. Further, we showed that many plots of the chronicle "biography" of Andronicus-Christ were included in the "antique" stories about the famous Roman emperor Julius Caesar.

In this book, we significantly expand the list of “ancient” secular texts and authors who speak a lot and in detail about Andronicus-Christ, as well as about Tsar-Khan Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy, under whom apostolic Christianity was adopted in the Empire. First of all, this refers to the famous books "History from the Foundation of the City" by Titus Livy and "Comparative Lives" by Plutarch. It turned out that Christ is known to us today under two of his secular names. Namely, as the famous Romulus, the first king of the "ancient" Imperial Rome. And also as Servius Tullius, the sixth, penultimate king of Imperial Rome.

In the books “Cossacks-arias: from Rus' to India” and “The Baptism of Rus'”, we showed that the famous Battle of Kulikovo in 1380 was also reflected in many “ancient” primary sources, which today are classified as “deep antiquity”. In particular, in the Bible, "ancient" Indian epic, "ancient" mythology, Roman history. In this book, we present new vivid reflections of the Battle of Kulikovo and its main participants - Dmitry Donskoy and Khan Mamai, which we discovered in the "History" of Titus Livius and the Bible. This makes it possible to illuminate more vividly the great religious battle for the establishment of apostolic Christianity in the Great = "Mongolian" Empire. Now the description of the Battle of Kulikovo is becoming much more saturated, since we are adding new sources to the previously known sources about it, which were erroneously attributed to completely different eras and events of the "remote past". Now that historical events and their descriptions have begun to “take their places” correctly, much of history has become clearer.

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