Oooh these cameers !!! Sorry if such a fishery disappears !!! Porcelain factory in Vorbilki.

The village of Urban type of Verbilk is famous for its porcelain factory. Judging by the site and reviews on the Internet in Verbilki make qualitative porcelain.

But no matter how not. Standing in the village of Zahuda, GEMMA brand store. In which three bored aunts are sitting, in the store of anyone. Porcelain is so-so, the eye is nothing to stop. In the end, they bought 6 glass glasses ... Belarusian production.

I ask the saleswomen, is there any museum at the factory? That answers the affirmative. I ask again whether it is possible to get there somehow. The saleswoman says that it is possible, but everyone has left. I am surprised at three in the afternoon, and everyone has already gone. The saleswoman responds that even if they did not leave, it is possible to get only in the group.

In 2013, I brought off with representatives of the Porcelain factory in Verbilki and I was answered that there is no museum in Verbilki, but the production excursions and master classes are held, but only on working days.

And yet, who is looking for will always find. We managed to find a place where you can not only see, but also acquire products from Vorbilok. The whole showcase is devoted to the souvenir shop in the estate.

Here you can buy a tea pair.

Or even a set for tea drinking. Such a color is well suited for the cottage, unless of course, not sorry to lay out more than 3000 rubles for the service.

If we talk about the recreation, then the village itself does not represent any of themselves, much more interesting and picturesque, located in the neighborhood, the village of Zaprudna (Taldom district). There, many rural houses are arranged small ponds. Charmingly.

Verbilk - urban-type settlement (since 1928) in Taldomsky district of the Moscow region Russian Federation. Administrative center of the municipality "Urban settlement of Verbilki".

Located on the Dubna River, 90 km north of Moscow. Railway station "Verbilki" Savorylovsky Destination of Moscow railway.

The village is located with world fame, the Porcelain Verbilok plant, founded in 1766 by the English merchant Gardner.

Population - 7019 people. (2015).


In one of the XVI century documents (presumably from the Dmitrov archive), there was a mention of the village of Verbilsev, which belonged to the Dmitrov Golubean Rtishchev. But this document is currently not found.

The earliest documentary mention of Verbillek refers to 1627, in the Dmitrovsky wrist book: "In that village and in the wastelands, arable land is written. Thick lands 50 Cexi in the field, and in Tile, because of the Hayen 435 shop, the forest of pasty 63 decishes." In 1685, the "genuine wristing book of local and recovery lands in the panel of the village" testifies to the presence of a rugen on Dubna at the mouth of the jacot, which was a wastewhere of Verbilovo.

The fact that for 150-200 years before 1765, the population has not changed and was within 15-22 people. In the estate, there was a gentlemen house and three huts with peasants. There were few peasants arable land.

In 1678, at Queen Alexei Mikhailovich, his approximate boyar Prince Peter Semenovich Urusov was among the four wisdom and the wasteland of Verbilovo.

At one time, the villagers owned the boyar seed Nikitich Urusov (mind 1694). He was married to the daughter of Field Marshal Boris Petrovich Sheremetyeva and owned Selo 10 years. Prince of Urusov took place from the new Moscow nobility. His pedigree was not from Russian princes, descendants of Rüric, but almost from the ancient Egyptian pharaohs.

Urusovow owned a ruler until February 16, 1766, when it was bought by Gardner at Prince N. V. Urusov. Verbolovo is named "Verbolovo" in this checkpike. In another document, the purchase report to the Manufactory-Collegium of March 15, 1766, Gardner calls Selo Verble.

In 1900, a line of the Moscow-Yaroslavsk-Arkhangelsk Railway was 2 km from the village and the Verbilok Station arose. Now the PRESENTAL AREA is part of the Verbilok.


For 2012, one day and one evening educational institutions in which about 580 students are engaged.

Verbilki employs one stationary institution of social services for the elderly and disabled people, the number of elderly citizens on the list for 2008 is 36 people, and one branch of social services at home, with the number of elderly faces - 166 people.

In the territory of the village there is a children's library with a fund 7938 copies, an adult library with a fund of 20610 copies, a children's art school. Libraries do not have their own premises, are located in the primary school building.

House of Culture

The history of the Verbilkovsky House of Culture begins with the unification of the Verbilkovskaya youth to the organization in the fall of 1918. Young people, and they were recorded in Komsomol more than 400 people, very actively showed themselves in all areas of the village of the village, but they did not have the premises where they could gather. The management of the plant went to meet, and in 1921 they were allocated to Polbarak, which were built as for arriving workers in Dmitrov passage. Komsomol members called his house the club. The first circle was formed there - the oven orchestra. However, the premises soon burned down.

The plant's management understood that the village need a club. The factory meeting was decided to build a modern cultural institution. Money was allocated in Moscow, but the money received was not enough. Then the factory meeting was decided during the year earnings in one day a month to deduct the club building and build it with their own forces. The club was built on the playground near the park, where the Gardner (the first owners of the plant) was departing for horses. It turned out a spacious bright cozy building. It was exactly the same as modern. The front end portion where Kinobudka and a balcony were 50 seats, were bricks. The brick was and the back, there was placed scene, grimy, costume, boiler room. Located between them, the high visual hall for 450 seats was made of wood. Wooden were and an extension in the form of covered terraces from East and Western sides. There were rooms for work on interest. The opening of the club took place on November 7, 1924. He was called at the time "Nard".

In 1951, the club was reconstructed and received modern name Verbilkovsky House of Culture. It is designed for 432 seats, 26 employees work.

Famous residents and natives

  • Forinin, Nikolai Vladimirovich - Soviet military pilot, a member of the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • Baturin, Yury Mikhailovich - Cosmonaut pilot of the Russian Federation, Hero of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
  • Falls, Ivan Gavrilovich - participant in the Great Patriotic War, Guard Sergeant. Closed the machine gun with his body.
  • Furyaev, Gennady Ivanovich - Builder, Hero of Socialist Labor.
  • Hears, Peter Vladimirovich - Russian, Soviet writer.
  • Urusov, Peter Semenovich - Prince, Russian State and Military Affairs, So Rock, Kravchy, Boyar and Voivod. Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Tsar.
  • Glebov-Vadbolsky, Vladimir Vladimirovich - Soviet and Russian sculptor monumentalist, teacher, professor. Popular artist of the Russian Federation.
  • Gardner, Franz Yakovlevich - English merchant.
  • Gorlov, Dmitry Vladimirovich - Russian Soviet schedule, sculptor, master of decorative and applied plastics, one of the founders of domestic animalist. Honored artist RSFSR.

Church of Alexander Nevsky in Verbilki

Until 1911, the Orthodox church in Verbilki was not. There was a small old-supplied wooden chapel house, built at the beginning of the 20th century with M. S. Kuznetsov. Broken in the middle of the twentieth century. The Orthodox residents of Verbilok were the parishioners of the Ascension Church in the village of New. In 1911, at the request of workers on folk donations, the Orthodox Church in Verbilki began to build. The construction was allowed by Anna Matveyevna Sokolov, because the whole earth in the village was her property. The church was wooden, white-blue, light. The five-metered chopped altar went to the postal street with which there was a gate for the entrance. Main entrance He was from the opposite side, from Parity, which went to the Birch Alley. The courtyard of the church was fenced with a white fence. Construction completed in 1916.

In 1931, the church was closed. The icons folded on the shore of the jacket and burned. In the church, it was decided to arrange a kindergarten. They removed the crosses, the dome was disassembled, made a solid extension from the side of the pellets. In the winter of 1958, the kindergarten moved to a new building, and this accommodated sanatorium-pretended children. But first was made a small repair. The altar was disassembled and on this side built closed bedroom veranda. Appearance The buildings have changed completely. Overhaul, started in the late 1980s, has changed even more by the external and inner type of building. They blocked the roof, its spherical disappeared, made a brick extension.

In November 1996, the Orthodox parish was once again opened to the blessing of Metropolitan of Krubilki and Kolomna, who was once again opened, which was transferred to the building of the former church on April 1, 1997. Forces of the parishioners and the administration of the village was repaired, and the first service took place for the Easter holiday in again open church. IN this moment Worships are held regularly.

Verbilki (Russia) - description, history, location. The exact address, phone, website. Tourist reviews, photos and videos.

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Verbilki - a small village in the Taldom district of the Moscow region. Despite the modest territory, the village is famous for the whole of Russia. And all because here for more than 200 years produced the famous verbilkovsky porcelain.

The village of Verbilk is a large and modern holiday home, where you can buy a couple of days at any time of the year.

Curious fact: porcelain factory In the 18th century, not local landowners were founded, but an English merchant Franz Gardner. Modern enterprise still carries his name.

Porcelain Verbilok

Verbilkovsky masters produce the most different dishes, sculptures, gifts and interior items from the porcelain. Tourists in Verbilki are always met with a welcome and spend exciting excursions for them on the factory workshops.

There are several stores in the village where they sell dishes and souvenir products from porcelain. So, with empty hands, no one else was leaving.

By the way, you can not be limited to the excursion in the factory. The village of Verbilk is a large and modern holiday home, where you can buy a couple of days at any time of the year.

How to get

On the Savelovsky railway station, take the Moscow-Dubna, Moscow - Savyulovo or Moscow - Taldom and to get to the Verbilka station. Next, transfer to the bus or bus number 3, which takes to the village itself.

From the same Savelovsky station can be reached by bus: the bus number 310 Moscow - Taldom goes to the arrival.

Address: Taldomsky District, Moscow Oblast

Pension "Verbilki" Located on the territory of the Taldom district of the Moscow region. Located on the Volga Lowland, which is crossed by the Dubna and Khoto rivers. The first mention of Taldom is found in the chronicles of 1677-1680, as a transshipment point on the Kashinsky tract. The proximity of the Volga Pier contributed to the development of the village, in which speed and leather crafts were especially obtained. At the end of the 19th century becomes the center of shoe production. In 1929, the Taldom district was formed. The history of the district is rich in attractions: the village of Spas-corner is the birthplace of Satirik N. Saltykov-Shchedrin. Beautiful nature attracted and inspired new works of such writers as Svarent, Yesenin. In the village of Verbilk, in 1766, the Englishman Francis Gardner was founded by a porcelain factory, and in 1860 a peasant Fedor Timofeyev is a glass plant in the village of Zelefia. Near the village of Belsky settled beavers and formed reserved zone. In 1979, the reserve "Crane Rodina" was formed near the village of Dubrovka. In these places, gray cranes in central Russia live, such rare plants and animals can also be found, as large crocks, a sub-up, white Lazorovka, several types of swamp butterflies and other phlora representatives. Here there is a unique in its beauty and composition of the Museum of the Crane. It is also interesting for visiting holy places. Modern monuments of architecture and architecture: Alexander Nevsky Church (Verbilki), Epiphany Church (Glebovo), Voznesenskaya Church (Novo-Nikolskoye), Resurrection Church (Staraya Khotych), Georgievskaya Church (Oberevo), Mikhailo Arkhangelsk Church (Tald City), Preobrazhenskaya Church (Spas-corner), Transfiguration Church (Sukhtna), Smolensk Church (Dubna), Sergiev Church (Buntness), Church of the Pravas of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Dubna), Taldomsky Historical and Literary Museum, House Museum S.A. Klychkov.

Verbilky - urban-type settlement (since 1928) in the Taldom district of the Moscow region of the Russian Federation. Administrative center of the municipality "Urban settlement of Verbilki". Located on the Dubna River, 90 km north of Moscow. Railway station "Verbilki" Savorylovsky direction of the Moscow Railway. In the village there is a world famous factory "Porcelain Verbilok", founded in 1766 by the English merchant Gardner. Population - 7007 people. (2016).

In one of the XVI century documents (presumably from the Dmitrov archive), there was a mention of the village of Verbilsev, which belonged to the Dmitrov Golubean Rtishchev. But this document is currently not found. The earliest documentary mention of Verbillek refers to 1627, in the Dmitrovsky wrist book: "In that village and in the wastelands, arable land is written. Thick lands 50 Cexi in the field, and in Tile, because of the Hayen 435 shop, the forest of pasty 63 decishes." In 1685, the "genuine wristing book of local and recovery lands in the panel of the village" testifies to the presence of a rugen on Dubna at the mouth of the jacot, which was a wastewhere of Verbilovo. The fact that for 150-200 years before 1765, the population has not changed and was within 15-22 people. In the estate, there was a gentlemen house and three huts with peasants. There were few peasants arable land. In 1678, at Queen Alexei Mikhailovich, his approximate boyar Prince Peter Semenovich Urusov was among the four wisdom and the wasteland of Verbilovo. At one time, the villagers owned the boyar seed Nikitich Urusov (mind 1694). He was married to the daughter of Field Marshal Boris Petrovich Sheremetyeva and owned Selo 10 years. Prince of Urusov took place from the new Moscow nobility. His pedigree was not from Russian princes, descendants of Rüric, but almost from the ancient Egyptian pharaohs. Urusovow owned a ruler until February 16, 1766, when it was bought by Gardner at Prince N. V. Urusov. Verbolovo is named "Verbolovo" in this checkpike. In another document, the purchase report to the Manufactory-Collegium of March 15, 1766, Gardner calls Selo Verble. In 1900, a line of the Moscow-Yaroslavsk-Arkhangelsk Railway was 2 km from the village and the Verbilok Station arose. Now the PRESENTAL AREA is part of the Verbilok.


For 2012, one day and one evening educational institutions in which about 580 students are engaged. Verbilki employs one stationary institution of social services for the elderly and disabled people, the number of elderly citizens on the list for 2008 is 36 people, and one branch of social services at home, with the number of elderly faces - 166 people. In the territory of the village there is a children's library with a fund 7938 copies, an adult library with a fund of 20610 copies, a children's art school. Libraries do not have their own premises, are located in the primary school building.

See also: