Bloody finger adygea route. Devil's finger and five more of the most mysterious places in Adygea

This route was explored as part of June 27, 2015. It originates in the village of Dakhovskaya, near the old bridge over the Dakh River. The trail leads upward and further along the rock. On the way to the rock, there are several caves: and the Pass-Through Grotto Ring. After examining the Devil's Finger rock, tourists have a lot of options for the return exit. So let's go.

Option 1. Damn finger: back and forth

8 km * 4 hours

First act

We reach the village of Dakhovskaya by private car or public transport. Buses and trains from Krasnodar run only to the neighboring village of Kamennomostsky, so you will have to get from here either on foot or by local buses. Public transport timetable. You can leave your car right at the beginning of the route, for this you need to cross over to the other side, there is a large asphalt area.

Second action

The trail starts to the right of the old bridge. It is well marked with red and white signs.

The path from the very start leads upward, from here a long ascent begins, which leads to a clean stream, the water here flows straight from the rock, you can safely drink it even in rainy weather. We continue to climb. On the way, tourists pass through a small glade called Krutaya, which overlooks the mountains.

After some time, the trail begins to “jump” over the scree. We observe a large iron stone.

Finally, we come up from the rocky ridge of the ridge and turn right.

Third action

Literally right after the start of the movement along the cliff, we will meet a fork. The sign will persuade you to go upstairs, along a natural staircase that will lead to the Tethys rope park. Don't give in and go right.

On the path that leads along the cliff, we will come across a large stone of Fortune, which hangs over the path, forming a small arch-shaped passage.

The next attraction on the trail is.

And behind her. From here you can already see the Devil's finger, now it is right above our heads.

The trail begins to climb again and, bending around, leads to its top - to the Devil's Finger rock. Here you can have a break, drink tea. The climb took from 2 to 3 hours, depending on the pace of walking.

Fourth act

Descent down. It takes much less time, only about an hour.

Option 2. Dakhovskaya - Devil's finger - rope park "Tethys" - the cave of Desires - the cave Dakhovskaya - the village of Dakhovskaya

10 km * 6 hours

First act

It is described in detail in Option 1 of this article.

Second action

From the Devil's Finger rock, we begin to move up the path. We pass through a small flat place where you can set up a tent,

Further, the trail turns into a road for four-wheel drive vehicles. We turn left and follow this road. There will be many branches here, focusing on the leftmost roads. We reach the Tethys rope park. In bad weather, this road is muddy, as it was washed away by the rains.

Third action

A well-marked trail starts from the rope park to cable car... Be guided by the signs. On the way, you will meet an observation deck, which offers excellent views of the village of Dakhovskaya and the Una-Koz ridge.

The path leads from here it is already very close to navigate the signs and you will reach the goal in a few minutes.

Fourth act

From here you can go down the cable car (just give the controller 100 rubles in hand) or go along an alternative abandoned path past the Dakhovskaya cave. This path will not be easy, but you will remember it for a long time, and on the way you will see Dakhovskaya cave, a small waterfall. Head back down the same trail that led you to the cable car until the marked trail goes down. The marking will remain until the Dakhovskaya cave itself,

Great place to go on a weekend hike. It is located not far from civilization - near the village of Dakhovskaya, Maikop district. The Devil's Finger Rock is one of the spurs mountain range Una-Koz. Previously, it was possible to climb the ridge only on foot, but several years ago, the first cable car in Adygea was built here, so now the route to the Devil's Finger rock can be mastered by almost any tourist, even a child and an elderly person.

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Rock Devil's finger in Adygea 44.239911 , 40.235538 Great place to go on a weekend hike. The Devil's Finger rock is one of the spurs of the Una-Koz mountain range.

How to get there? On foot

The route starts at the old bridge of the village of Dakhovskaya. If you are driving from the side of Maikop to Guzeripl, then you will not pass this bridge, it is thrown over the Dakh River. Leaving the car near the old bridge, you need to go to the other side of it, and enter the forest to the right of the bridge. Here you will see a marked path that leads up. She will lead to the rock Devil's finger.

In spring, at the time of flowering, wild garlic is visible along the path, and the aroma of garlic is heard in the air. Tourists who are lucky enough to visit here in the summer can enjoy the fruits of wild pears and apples, dogwood, hazelnuts.

You can return back along the same path, or you can go down the ridge to the village of Kamennomostsky, which will take less time. One way trip will take approximately three hours.

Mount Devil's Finger in the Altai Territory is located on the territory of the Kamensky District in the valley of the Iset River. The name of the mountain comes from its unusual shape - from a distance it resembles an eerie knotted finger.

Like most other mountains in Altai, there are many legends and myths about Mount Devil's Finger. The most famous is the legend of the villain Cherto who entered the earth, who was defeated by the Moon. According to the stories local residents, many years ago the Altai lands were seized by the Devil's yoke, the producer of which was Devil. The Altaians were under the rule of invaders and worked for them day and night. There was no strength to resist the tyrant, therefore, being in complete despair, they decided to turn to the forces of nature for help. At first, the inhabitants decided to turn to the Sun, but it was so high that it simply did not hear the prayers of the people. After that, the Altaians turned to the Moon for help, and she heard them. Luna gathered all her power and directed it against the Devil. After a strong blow to the top of the head, the tyrant simply went underground. However, even then, the evil Devil made attempts to get out. But as soon as he stuck his finger out of the ground, the one illuminated by the moonlight immediately turned into stone.

The mountain has become one of the favorite places of tourists who, having visited Lake Aya, do not deny themselves the desire to climb mountain peak.

It will not be difficult to get to the mountain, although the path from the old suspension bridge from the side of the rural settlement of Katun to the very top will be about 6 km.

Mount Devil's Finger rises 250 m above the Katunya river. Altai lake And I. Many romantics visit the mountain in order to enjoy the beautiful spectacle of sunrise and sunset in this breathtaking place, as well as, if desired, “recharge” with pure cosmic energy.

When I found out that the length of the Una-Koz ridge is more than a hundred kilometers, I did not believe it! After all, as it seemed to us, we covered a large and interesting part of it in a few hours, and this is clearly not a hundred kilometers. But after carefully examining the maps, I have become firmly established in this information. It really does not end with the radial route that we passed, but goes further towards the Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia. But to get acquainted with its main beauties, you do not need to go through the entire length of the ridge, it is enough to overpower 7-8 km. The height of the Una-Koz ridge is on average 800 to 1000 meters above sea level. Near the village Kamennomostsky ridge is limited, as well as the gorge of the same name and the Belaya river. And it is from Kamennomostsky that we keep our way. Our route turned out to be radial, that is, from where we start it there and return, but on a slightly different road.

He took about 6 o'clock, and its length was 7.5 kilometers... Following this route, you can visit various grottoes, the Devil's Finger rock, the Dakhovskaya, Pylnaya, Meandrovaya caves, as well as take a ride on the cable car.

The Una-Koz ridge is a karst limestone and therefore is rich in caves and grottoes. Its name from ancient Greek means "go and be afraid", which is associated with the fact that robbers were hiding in caves, who attacked trade caravans heading to the sea. And through Khadzhokh (Rufabgo waterfalls, Adygea), as we remember, one of the threads of the Silk Road ran. And also in some caves the sites of primitive people were found.

How to get to the Una-Koz ridge

This popular daytime route can now be accessed from at least two directions. From the side of the village of Dakhovskaya, from the old Dakhovsky bridge across the river Dah goes path to the ridge. She leads the Iron to the rock. From the Utyug rock you can turn left and walk to the Dakhovskaya cave. And if you turn right, you can see the Pylnaya, Meandrovaya caves, and several more grottoes, climb the rocky section of the ridge and inspect the Devil's Finger rock, and then walk towards the cable car and find the grotto and the parking lot of the ancient man. The latter, by the way, we could not find, turned too early. And the second option: get to the cable car, which is located opposite the turn to Lago-Naki, climb it and walk along the ridge to the Devil's Finger rock, go down the ridge and visit all the sights described above.

The second option seemed more logical to us. Firstly, it is always interesting to ride the cable car, and most importantly, if you reach the Devil's Finger rock and you do not feel the strength to descend from the ridge and go all the way on foot, then you can return to the cable car again and descend with comfort and beautiful view, because you paid for the descent already on the ascent. And secondly, even if you do not want to go down the cable car, then on foot your path will run mostly downhill, you will spend less effort, and in the end you will come to the same cable car, if you left your car there.

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Hiking route along the Una-Koz ridge

From the parking lot we go to the cable car and pass by the chapel installed in memory of the repressed Cossacks.

The cable car was built in 2015 and its length is 1265 m. The climb is about 450 m. Still, riding the cable car is like a small holiday every time, some kind of forgotten feeling from childhood, how to ride a big carousel!

This time this holiday cost 500 rubles per person for the ascent and descent. Not the cheapest holiday, but oh well. Already when climbing the cable car, a wonderful view of the Skala tract opens, as well as the Lago-Naki plateau, in our case everything is still in the snow.

And I also liked that the cable car goes below the level of the tree crowns, and there is a feeling that you are moving in a tunnel made of trees. In summer it will probably be a green tunnel.

We arrive.

Immediately upon arrival, we are greeted by a track post. It seems that everything is clear, but how we galloped past the parking lot of an ancient man, I don’t know!

We begin our journey along the path that leads to the first observation deck, and, as I understand it, if we go down to the intermediate terrace, then to the ancient man's cave-parking.

With observation deck a panorama opens: the village of Dakhovskaya in the valley, a little to the right in the distance a spotted piece with snow, then a snow-covered, white peaks of Mount Oshten and a rocky, also covered with snow, Kamennoye More ridge. Well, what's next, to the left, it's hard for me to say. Precisely there is the Black Shikhan Mountain in the middle ground, and then many ridges and mountains of the Main Caucasian Range.

Below is the beginning of the cable car and the bridge across Belaya and the road to Lago-Naki and the Skala tract is visible.

View towards Kamennomostsky, and in the distance the village itself.

We continue our way to the side Fucking finger, the trail is marked, so it's hard to get lost.

While sitting at home and looking at the maps, I noted for myself the Dakhovskaya cave and for some reason did not realize at all that it would be under the rocky section of the ridge. And when he began to approach her more or less closely according to the coordinates, he was finally convinced of this. It must be down there somewhere.

You need to go to it from the Iron cliff to the left, if you look at Una-Koz. Well, we, realizing this fact and at the same time being on top of the ridge, continued our way to the Devil's finger. Or maybe we'll find something interesting along the way.

Rope park Tetis

We reach the Tetis rope park. If you are in a hurry to get to the Devil's Finger, then follow the signs, but we decided to look into the park and see what they offer. And they offer many trails: trolls / zip line, via ferrata, rope trails, everything takes time and money, of course. Honestly, I wanted to fly over the trees next to the rocks along the troll track, but the time was limited, and we went on. At some other time.

From the territory of the park, we saw the Iron stone for the first time.

And also an almost complete panorama from the ridge opens.

On the left you can already see the Bolshoi and Maly Tkhach mountains, which are included in Nature Park"Big Thach". I hope to visit it someday.

The village of Dakhovskaya is almost close-up and there are beautiful clouds.

Well, about the Iron stone a little later, when we come closer to it. We continue the path to the Devil's finger.

Rock fucking finger

We got it. The rock is shown among the trees. Yes, the height is decent! And you need to climb it with caution! And the views from it are gorgeous, like the Devil's Finger rock itself, against the background of the mountains it is irresistible. Although the finger, I would say, is clearly not in the singular, but rather damn fingers. Or a damn goat!

View from the cliff Devil's finger.

A little to the left of the Devil's Finger cliff there is a descent from the top of the ridge under a rocky area, where a trail runs to the Utyug stone and an exit to the village of Dakhovskaya.

Meander cave

Moving away not far from the descent, we meet the first cave. The entrance to the cave is on a hill, so you can skip it.

The cave is not very deep, but still with its own winged guardians. It seemed to me that this is just the Meander cave, so be it! After all, it is definitely not dusty! And the ceiling sparkles.

Next I find some kind of fault, and it seems that it has a through passage, but I did not want to climb there, there is no intrigue. We go further, I want to find the next cave.

Dusty cave

But it looks like she is!
The entrance to it is quite big, as it might seem initially.

It is definitely impossible to confuse it with another one, since there is really a lot of dust there. To get into it and not get dirty, in my opinion, just won't work!

The cave has a high ceiling. And you look at some of the stones above with caution.

The cave ends with a narrowing.

We leave.

Sometimes the path comes close to the rock, this makes it possible to appreciate even more how great the Una-Koz ridge is.

Fortune Stone

And here is the Stone of Fortune. It is not known for certain why it is named that way. Someone thinks because after passing under it, fortune awaits you. And I got the idea, based on the size and its slope, that fortune lies in the fact that it will remain in place while I pass under it, and I, in turn, will remain intact.

Stone Iron

We approach the iron stone.

He did not seem small even from afar, and even more so close! Height is about 20 meters, length is about 50 meters. The stone broke away from the rock during the German shelling of the ridge from the village of Dakhovskaya in 1942. There were Russian partisans on the ridge, in fact, this was the reason for the shelling, apparently the Germans could not get them in any other way. Now the stone is also notable for its parallel lines, the appearance of which some associate with the landings of aliens. We also pondered how they could appear. The water obviously does not flow down in such straight lines, it goes the way it is easier for it. Otherwise, there would be no proverb that water will always find a way. But the fact that this is an alternation of more and less durable geological layers, only on the scale of the ridge, and maybe even larger, is possible. And the grooves appeared in less durable rock layers under the influence of erosion.

Further, our path runs along the slope through the forest to the Dakhovsky bridge.

And this delicate purple flower turned out to be very unusual. This Zubyanka five-leafed belongs to the popular Cruciferous family. There is a popular name - Wild Lilac. This plant is on the verge of extinction, so it is listed in the Red Book. It disappears due to trampling of the soil by cattle and due to trampling and gathering in bouquets by traveling people, as it grows on loose soils and propagates only by seeds. Interesting feature: a new plant can give fruit only 5 years after birth, if during these five years no one tramples it and picks it. But it turns out to be a rhizome, and it can also multiply, if not trampled.

We reached the Dakhovsky bridge already at dusk and there was almost no strength left to go around it and photograph it normally. For orientation, perhaps a silhouette through the thickets.

Further along the road Kamennomostsky-Guzeripl we reached the cable car, which by that time had already finished its work for today. And our car was waiting for us in the parking lot.
We liked the walk along the Una-Koz ridge for its contrasts. Grottoes and caves - vast mountains and numerous panoramic sites. A forest with flowers and herbs - open glades.
The varied views were pleasing to the eye and sparked interest in order to move on on an uncharted path.

Video: Adygea in the spring

Granite Gorge, Una-Koz, Mishoko River Gorge, Khadzhokh Gorge and Yavorova Polyana

If you go from the village "Kamennomostskiy" to the village "Dakhovskaya" to the side, then on the left side, you will see large rocks - this will be the ridge "Una-Koz". At its top there is a nice place- rock "Devil's finger". From where fabulous panoramic views of the Azish-Tau ridge and panoramas of the Caucasus Mountains open.

The height of the rocks

The height of the Devil's finger outlier above sea level is about 1000 meters. This is one of popular places Adygea mountains "Lago-Naki", which you can visit in different ways. Horseback riding, jeeping or hiking. At the top of the ridge, besides the Devil's Finger, you will see many other beautiful rock formations and grottoes. Walks to this place are fascinating and give a lot of pleasant impressions, we recommend!

Devil's finger Adygea 3D

It looks like "Devil's finger" from afar
Opening views, if you stand on the very toe-rock

Video - rocks of the Devil's finger Lago-Naki

The rocks of the Devil's finger outlier are doubly beautiful, especially in summer! Views, panoramas, smells - everything smells fragrant and appears indescribable colors. Just sitting on the top of the cliff and looking into the distance is already a pleasure, apart from the path in which you will see a number of bright and beautiful observation points. It doesn't matter if you go there on foot, by jeep, horses, ATVs - all routes are interesting in their own way.

Excursions to Devil's Finger

The Rocks of the Devil's Finger on the "Una-Koz" ridge, you can visit with us in several ways - a one-day hike from Krasnodar and a jeeping trip. All excursions are exciting. The places on the ridge are photogenic. In summer or on any clear day, the panoramas are clearly visible. Do nice pictures, spend the day at a bird's eye view. We invite you!

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