Air traffic control. Automated air traffic control systems ATC automated air traffic control systems


The advantageous geographical location of Russia allows flights from the countries of America to the countries of Asia through its airspace along the shortest routes. The intensity of air traffic increases by 7-15% annually. An increase in the number of transit air transportation, as well as an increasing global interest in the development of shelf resources northern seas requires the development of air transport routes.

Air traffic services in the oceanic space have their own characteristics, therefore, special requirements are imposed on the equipment of oceanic ATC centers.

Today, more than 15 oceanic air traffic control centers have been created in the world. 4 centers serve the Oceanic VP in the states adjacent to Russia: Norway, Iceland, the USA and Canada. These centers are equipped with state-of-the-art ATC automated systems.

In accordance with international practice adopted by ICAO, the airspace in all states should be "seamless" for users. The airlines expect the service on the Cross-Polar and Trans-East routes to be provided at the same level throughout.

New Cross-Polar and Trans-Eastern routes:

Russia's contribution to ensuring the required level of ATC is to create two oceanic ATC centers: Arctic (Murmansk) and Pacific (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky) equipped with advanced satellite communication and traffic surveillance systems aircraft, as well as modern ATC systems that have dispatcher workstations with oceanic ATC functions.

The new oceanic ATC centers are being built on proven oceanic ATC technologies in the US, Iceland, New Zealand and Portugal.

To create centers, a mutual transfer of innovative technologies between JSC "Concern" MANS ", JSC Air Defense Concern Almaz-Antey, FSUE "State ATM Corporation", and a Canadian company "Adacel".

The Russian side provides technologies for determining vortex separation intervals in oceanic airspace and operational meteorological support for flights at high latitudes. The Canadian side provides technologies for automated control of aircraft traffic in oceanic airspace (ATC Aurora, installed in Anchorage (Alaska) and five other large oceanic centers).

In addition, together with the corporation Iridium the necessary technical solutions have been worked out for the use of AMSS satellite communications for interaction with aircraft in the polar region with an area of ​​​​5 thousand km², where at the moment there are practically no possibilities for monitoring aircraft and reliable communication.

The vortex safety technologies are unique and Russia has a priority in their creation. The introduction of new technologies for planning, controlling and coordinating flights with the cooperating foreign oceanic centers of Norway, Iceland, the USA, Canada and Japan will increase the attractiveness of the Russian Air Navigation System for foreign airlines. The expected increase in the intensity of air traffic is up to 50-60 thousand flights by 2020 and a twofold (compared to 2012) increase in state revenues from air navigation services.

Functionality of new technologies:
  • Determination of safe vortex separation intervals
  • ADS-K global system based on Iridium satellite communications
  • Automatic conflict detection
  • Integration of ADS and communication channel "dispatcher-pilot"
  • Operational meteorological support of flights
  • Creation and maintenance of high-precision 4-dimensional flight path
Operational meteorological safety technology

Prompt provision of survey specialized maps of meteorological conditions at the workplaces of air traffic controllers with the identification of meteorological phenomena dangerous for aviation in the area of ​​responsibility of the air traffic control center and adjacent regions.

The technology is based on the results of automated processing of a complex of information from atmospheric sounding by geostationary meteorological satellites and synchronous data from a hydrometeorological model of a regional forecast.

Technology features:

  • Possibility of simultaneous review of meteorological conditions in the entire area of ​​responsibility of the ATC center and the adjacent territory;
  • Presence on the maps of the directions of the transfer of meteorological phenomena;
  • Periodicity of review of current weather conditions - 15 minutes;
  • Delay in receipt of cards - no more than 15 minutes;
  • Ability to assess the dynamics of meteorological phenomena;
  • Spatial detailing of maps - 0.1° of geographical latitude and longitude (6 - 11 km).
New technologies for aviation safety and air traffic control for oceanic and remote areas
  • Provide surveillance in non-radar space (ADS), through the use of a satellite communication channel and other sources;
  • Improve communications through the use of controller-pilot digital data link (CPDLC);
  • Provide full integration of radar data and other surveillance tools (ADS-C, ADS-B, MLAT);
  • Allows accurate prediction and optimization of the 4-dimensional (4-D) flight path profile of each aircraft;
  • Provide automatic coordination between adjacent ATS centers (AIDC and OLDI) and allow the development of air traffic control clearances;
  • Provide flight safety functions of various types (MTCD, APW, STCA. MSAW);
  • Allow you to fly on preferred routes (UPR) and change the route while in flight;
  • Allow to reduce the distance between aircraft, providing more efficient use of airspace;
  • Reduce the load on the dispatcher by automating manual processes and a comprehensive human-machine interface.
Benefits from the introduction of ATC AS based on new technologies:
  • Increasing the intensity of air traffic to 50-60 thousand flights by 2020;
  • Double (compared to 2012) increase in state revenues from air navigation services;
  • Improving flight safety by controlling air traffic flows along the network of Cross-Polar routes in a single ATC center in Murmansk, and Trans-Eastern routes - in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky;
  • Increasing the attractiveness of the Russian Air Navigation System for foreign airlines through the introduction of new planning technologies and coordination of flights with cooperating foreign oceanic centers in Norway, Iceland, the USA, Canada and Japan.

The level of development and technical equipment of the ATC system in Russia lags far behind the level of development of similar systems in other countries Western Europe and USA.

On the territory of the CIS, there are currently three district automated ATC systems "Terkas" (area-airfield system), "Track" and "Strela" in the Moscow, Simferopol and Rostov ATC regions, respectively, as well as ten airfield and air hub automated control systems, two ATC AAS "Terkas" (at the Kiev air hub and Minvodsk airport) and eight AAS ATC "Start"

The ACS "Terkas" complex was developed in the late 70s jointly with a number of foreign companies, the main of which was the Swedish company STANSAAB. The main attention in the development of the system was given to the automation of direct control tasks and, to a much lesser extent, the automation of air traffic planning.

ASUVD "Terkas" has a centralized duplicated computer complex, dispatcher consoles equipped with two display means, coordinate-sign and tabular-sign indicators, advanced radar and radio communication support subsystems. The system provides air traffic control in an area of ​​more than 600,000 sq. km. In accordance with the Federal Development Program of the EU ATC of Russia, it is planned to replace the Terkas ATC system in the Moscow ATC zone with a system that meets modern requirements. In 1985, in the Simferopol regional center of the ATC, the first domestic AS ATC "Trassa" was created and put into operation, designed to equip areas with low and medium air traffic intensity. The level of automation of direct ATC tasks in this system corresponds to the level of automation of similar tasks in the "Terkas" system, however, the tasks of planning the IVP are solved mainly manually.

However, the main advantages of this system are its relatively low cost and high operational reliability. Regional AS ATC "Strela", which in 1981 was equipped with the Rostov United ATC area, is the first full-scale domestic ACS, which is designed to provide an automated solution to both ATC tasks and IVP planning tasks.

The Strela system has a lumped-type computing complex, consisting of four ES-1060 computers and one EC-1061 computer. At the same time, the computers of the computing complex are designed for processing radar information (two in hot standby) and two for processing planned information (one in hot standby).

This system provides an automated solution to the problems of planning the IRP in the amount corresponding to the first level of automation of the IRP processes, that is, it implements mainly information tasks for collecting, sorting, summarizing, systematizing and distributing planned information. Of the computational and logical tasks, the main one is the task of automatic detection of potential conflict situations according to planned information.

Pilot operation of the ATC RAS ​​showed insufficient reliability of the complex during machine-to-machine exchange between the computing links of the system. In addition, the low level of reliability of the element base and the obsolete human-machine interface have imposed significant restrictions on the possibility of increasing the level of process automation in this system. An analysis of existing systems and the main directions of their development shows that at present the most promising direction is the creation of modular systems. The technical basis of modern air traffic control systems should be computer systems of a distributed structure, highly reliable microcomputers and PVEM, united in local area networks.

The ATC automation program in France was named Cautza. A feature of the automated ATC system implemented under the Cautza program is that plans for all flights carried out over the territory of France, two days before their start, arrive at one planning center, where integrated processing of planned information is carried out and it is distributed via data transmission channels to five route air traffic control centers located in Brest, Bordeaux, Paris, Marseille, Reims, as well as to the air defense authorities.

One of the main drawbacks of the Cautza system is the difficulty of increasing its productivity and instrumental capacity due to the use of a centralized computer complex. The EUROCAT-2000 system has a fully distributed computing structure: it is built on the basis of specialized micro-computers and PCs, united by local software and hardware. computer network(LAN) Ethernet (NFS-TCHR).

Air traffic control in the airspace of the UK and the adjacent oceanic zone is carried out by three air traffic control centers.

London Automated Air Traffic Control Center (LATCC) and its support ATC center in Manchester.

Scottish and Oceanic Automated Air Traffic Control Center (ScOATCC) at Prestwick.

Air traffic control centers interact with the air traffic control authorities of Norway, Denmark, Ireland, Holland, Belgium, France, as well as Iceland, the USA, Canada when providing flights.

Organizationally, the ATC center is bilateral and includes the civil sector, which controls civil aircraft, and the military sector, which provides military aviation flight control. A distinctive feature of the automation complex for the military sector is the presence of a specialized computing module for processing military aviation flight plans. This module, which is a three-machine computing complex based on the Marconi Miriad mini-computer, performs parallel processing (to ensure the required level of reliability) of military aviation flight plans, and also implements the tasks of exchanging fragments of a consolidated daily flight plan with interacting ATC systems, military aviation command posts and air defense forces. With the help of a specialized module, military sector air traffic controllers solve the tasks of monitoring the regime of airspace use, identifying violators of the TTI regime and identifying unidentified aircraft.

The complex for processing the main array of planned information (FDPS) is a distributed computing system built on the basis of a mini-computer, model 9020D, operating in real time. The system provides for the exchange of planned information with the FDPS of the aerodrome ATC systems in Chatwick and, with the Scottish ACS, as well as the Maastricht ATC center of the Eurocontrol system and the automated ATC center in Paris. To replace the existing ACS, GEC-Marconi is developing a new automated ATC system S-361, designed to equip ATC centers in England in the 90s and designed to work in conditions of a constant increase in air traffic. The main purpose of the S-361 system is to increase the level of flight safety, the throughput of the ATC system and reduce the load on controllers.

Increasing the system capacity should be achieved not by increasing the number of control sectors, but by introducing automatic means of warning controllers about possible conflict situations in the air, implementing a "flexible" human-machine interface based on WINDOWS technology, and introducing a decision support system on stage of direct ATC.

One of the main advantages of the new system is the modularity of construction, due to which it is possible to equip it with both small airports and highways in terms of performance and level of automation of systems in relation to specific ATC areas.

The U.S. ATC system occupies a leading role among foreign countries in matters of ATC automation. This is due to the high technical potential and the requirement for continuous development and improvement of the ATC system to meet the needs of airspace users. The United States is characterized by the highest growth rates of air traffic intensity and density.

The main ATC bodies in the United States are: the national air traffic flow control center, which coordinates the use of airspace and ATC equipment, forecasts the air situation in various areas, and identifies possible situations of overloading the air traffic service.

En-route ATC centers that carry out IWP planning and air traffic control in off-aerodrome airspace.

Air hub (aerodrome) command and control towers that carry out air traffic control in the areas of air hubs.

Flight support stations designed to provide advisory services to VFR and IFR flights in areas of low intensity.

Air traffic control over the territory of the United States is carried out by 20 automated route and more than 400 air traffic control centers. The US ATC system has gone through several stages in its development. The first generation of automated ATC systems were the NAS Stoge system for route centers and the ARTS-1,2,3 and AN / TPX-42 system for airfield ATC centers (the last military purpose)

By the end of the 1970s, all en-route ATC centers were equipped with automated systems, ARTS-3 systems - more than 60 ATC airfield centers and AN / TPX-42 systems - about 280 airfields of the US Air Force and Navy and 39 airfields civil aviation.

Currently, in accordance with the Federal plan for the modernization of the ATC system, a phased replacement of ATC facilities and systems is being carried out. Westinghouse is a leader in the development of next-generation automated systems. The AS ATC AMS-2000 developed by her is the embodiment of the latest achievements of science in the field of radar, communications, and computer technology. The typical AMS-2000 module is a complete automated system consisting of a subsystem for processing radar information, and the modularity of the software and computer complex makes it possible to quickly configure the system for any ATC area.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Air traffic control (ATC),Air traffic management (ATM)- a system of organizational and technical measures that ensures the order and safety of aircraft flights in the airspace and the exchange of information between air traffic controllers and aircraft crews using radio communications, air navigation and computers.

Basic information

(ATM) Air Traffic Management -- (ATM) Air Traffic Management

(ATC) Air Traffic Control -- (ATC) Air Traffic Control

(ATS) Air Traffic Service -- (ATS) Air Traffic Service

Air traffic control is the responsibility of the state. In Russia, the functions of ATC are assigned to the bodies of the Unified Air Traffic Control System (EU ATC).

V last years frequently used term Air traffic management and abbreviations ATS, ATM, EU ATM. English sources use the term Air Traffic Control (ATC) or Air Traffic Management (ATM).

EU ATC includes a wide network of control points: regional centers (RC) of ATC on air routes, airport control towers (KDP), local control towers (TIR), etc.

When following aircraft on airlines, separation is applied.

Air traffic control system- an automated service provided by ground services for air traffic control (see air traffic controller).

The task of the system is to guide aircraft through its area of ​​responsibility in such a way as to exclude their dangerous approach both horizontally and vertically. The secondary task is to regulate the flow of aircraft and communicate the necessary information to crews, including weather reports and navigation parameters.

In many countries, ATC regulate aircraft of all classes - private, civil and military. Depending on each specific flight and type of vessel, the ATC may issue various instructions that are mandatory for the crew of this vessel, or simply provide the necessary flight information (including advisory nature). In any case, the crew is responsible for the safety of their flight and may deviate from the instructions received in emergency situations.

Air traffic control complex- a set of services, structures and technical means on the territory of the airfield, designed to directly ensure the take-off, landing and taxiing of aircraft (airplanes, helicopters and gliders).

1. Air traffic management service (ATM). Workplaces of personnel (air traffic controllers) equipped with one or another equipment (from binoculars and radio stations to automated workstations based on high-speed computing systems) are located in the building of the command and control tower (CDP), which is usually located near the apron at the point from good overview of the entire airfield, runways, taxiways and parking areas, and at a number of airfields - additionally in the buildings of launch control towers (ATC) located near the touchdown zones (at a distance from the end of the runway to its middle 250-300 m and at a distance 120-160 m from the runway axis).

2. Electro-radio technical flight support service - radio systems that allow aircraft crews to communicate with the ground, determine their location in a particular coordinate system and maintain specified maneuvering trajectories in the area of ​​a given aerodrome, as well as approach for landing, landing, take-off and exit from airport area. Usually includes:

  • radio stations of various capacities and ranges;
  • radar stations;
  • ground components of navigation systems;
  • landing approach radio equipment.

3. Service of electrical lighting support for flights: lighting equipment for the runway and taxiways.

4. Meteorological service. Equipment for monitoring the actual weather at the aerodrome with the subsequent transmission of these data (via ATIS, VOLMET and other radio channels) to aircraft crews taking off or landing at the aerodrome, and to air traffic controllers. At small aerodromes, meteorological equipment (sensors for measuring wind parameters, horizontal visibility, cloudiness, air temperature and humidity, atmospheric pressure, etc.) are located on the meteorological site near the KDP, and at large aerodromes - at several points on the airfield (near the ends of the runway , near the middle of the runway, etc.).

5. Navigation service.

6. Aeronautical Information Service.

An important component of the information support of the air traffic control complex is the Aviation Fixed Telecommunication Network (AFTN).

see also

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An excerpt characterizing Air Traffic Control

- Ah! Oh! different voices said.
— Capital! [Excellent!] - Prince Ippolit said in English and began to beat his knee with his palm.
The Viscount just shrugged. Pierre solemnly looked over his glasses at the audience.
“The reason I say this,” he went on desperately, “is that the Bourbons fled from the revolution, leaving the people to anarchy; and only Napoleon knew how to understand the revolution, to defeat it, and therefore, for the common good, he could not stop before the life of one person.
Would you like to go to that table? Anna Pavlovna said.
But Pierre, without answering, continued his speech.
“No,” he said, becoming more and more animated, “Napoleon is great because he rose above the revolution, suppressed its abuses, retained all that was good—the equality of citizens, and freedom of speech and the press—and only because of that did he acquire power.
“Yes, if he, having taken power, without using it for murder, would have given it to the rightful king,” said the viscount, “then I would call him a great man.”
“He couldn't have done it. The people gave him power only so that he would deliver him from the Bourbons, and because the people saw him as a great man. The revolution was a great thing,” continued Monsieur Pierre, showing with this desperate and defiant introductory sentence his great youth and desire to express more and more fully.
- Revolution and regicide is a great thing? ... After that ... don’t you want to go to that table? repeated Anna Pavlovna.
- Contrat social, [Social contract,] - the viscount said with a meek smile.
“I'm not talking about regicide. I'm talking about ideas.
“Yes, the ideas of robbery, murder and regicide,” the ironic voice interrupted again.
- These were extremes, of course, but not in them all the meaning, but the meaning in human rights, in emancipation from prejudices, in the equality of citizens; and all these ideas Napoleon retained in all their force.
“Liberty and equality,” the viscount said contemptuously, as if he had finally decided to seriously prove to this young man the stupidity of his speeches, “all big words that have long been compromised. Who doesn't love freedom and equality? Even our Savior preached freedom and equality. Did people become happier after the revolution? Against. We wanted freedom, but Bonaparte destroyed it.
Prince Andrei looked with a smile first at Pierre, then at the viscount, then at the hostess. At the first minute of Pierre's antics, Anna Pavlovna was horrified, despite her habit of being in the world; but when she saw that, despite the blasphemous speeches uttered by Pierre, the viscount did not lose his temper, and when she was convinced that it was no longer possible to hush up these speeches, she gathered her strength and, joining the viscount, attacked the speaker.
- Mais, mon cher m r Pierre, [But, my dear Pierre,] - said Anna Pavlovna, - how do you explain the great man who could execute the duke, finally, just a man, without trial and without guilt?
“I would like to ask,” said the viscount, “how the monsieur explains the 18th brumaire.” Isn't this cheating? C "est un escamotage, qui ne ressemble nullement a la maniere d" agir d "un grand homme. [This is cheating, not at all like the manner of a great man.]
“And the prisoners in Africa he killed?” said the little princess. - It's horrible! And she shrugged.
- C "est un roturier, vous aurez beau dire, [This is a rogue, no matter what you say,] - said Prince Hippolyte.
Monsieur Pierre did not know to whom to answer, looked around at everyone and smiled. His smile was not the same as other people's, merging with an unsmile. On the contrary, when a smile came, his serious and even somewhat gloomy face suddenly disappeared and another appeared - childish, kind, even stupid, and as if asking for forgiveness.
It became clear to the viscount, who saw him for the first time, that this Jacobin was not at all as terrible as his words. Everyone fell silent.
- How do you want him to answer all of a sudden? - said Prince Andrew. - Moreover, in the actions of a statesman, it is necessary to distinguish between the actions of a private person, a commander or an emperor. It seems to me.
“Yes, yes, of course,” Pierre picked up, delighted at the help that was coming to him.
“It’s impossible not to confess,” continued Prince Andrei, “Napoleon as a man is great on the Arkol bridge, in the hospital in Jaffa, where he gives a hand to the plague, but ... but there are other actions that are difficult to justify.
Prince Andrei, apparently wanting to soften the awkwardness of Pierre's speech, got up, getting ready to go and giving a sign to his wife.

Suddenly, Prince Hippolyte got up and, stopping everyone with signs of his hands and asking them to sit down, spoke:
- Ah! aujourd "hui on m" a raconte une anecdote moscovite, charmante: il faut que je vous en regale. Vous m "excusez, vicomte, il faut que je raconte en russe. Autrement on ne sentira pas le sel de l" histoire. [Today I was told a charming Moscow anecdote; you need to cheer them on. Excuse me, viscount, I'll tell you in Russian, otherwise the whole point of the joke will be lost.]
And Prince Hippolyte began to speak Russian with such a pronunciation as the French, who have spent a year in Russia, speak. Everyone paused: so animatedly, Prince Hippolyte urgently demanded attention to his history.
- In Moscou there is one lady, une dame. And she is very stingy. She had to have two valets de pied [footman] per carriage. And very large. It was her taste. And she had an une femme de chambre [maid] still tall. She said…
Here Prince Hippolyte fell into thought, apparently having difficulty thinking.
- She said ... yes, she said: "girl (a la femme de chambre), put on a livree [livery] and go with me, behind the carriage, faire des visites." [make visits.]
Here Prince Ippolit snorted and laughed much before his listeners, which made an unfavorable impression for the narrator. However, many, including the elderly lady and Anna Pavlovna, smiled.
- She went. Suddenly there was a strong wind. The girl lost her hat, and her long hair was combed ...
Here he could no longer hold on and began to laugh abruptly, and through this laughter he said:
And the whole world knows...
That's where the joke ends. Although it was not clear why he was telling it and why it had to be told without fail in Russian, Anna Pavlovna and others appreciated the secular courtesy of Prince Hippolyte, who so pleasantly ended Monsieur Pierre's unpleasant and ungracious trick. The conversation after the anecdote crumbled into small, insignificant talk about the future and the past ball, the performance, about when and where someone will see each other.

Thanking Anna Pavlovna for her charmante soiree, [a charming evening] the guests began to disperse.

Basic information

Air traffic control is the responsibility of the state. In Russia, the functions of ATC are assigned to the bodies of the Unified Air Traffic Control System (EU ATC).

In recent years, the term is often used Air traffic management and abbreviations ATS, ATM, EU ATM. English sources use the term Air Traffic Control (ATC) or Air Traffic Management (ATM).

EU ATC includes a wide network of control points: regional centers (RC) of ATC on air routes, airport control towers (KDP), local control towers (TIR), etc.

When following aircraft on airlines, separation is applied.

Air traffic control system- an automated service provided by ground services for air traffic control (see air traffic controller).

The task of the system is to guide aircraft through its area of ​​responsibility in such a way as to exclude their dangerous approach both horizontally and vertically. The secondary task is to regulate the flow of aircraft and communicate the necessary information to crews, including weather reports and navigation parameters.

In many countries, ATC regulate aircraft of all classes - private, civil and military. Depending on each specific flight and type of vessel, the ATC may issue various instructions that are mandatory for the crew of this vessel, or simply provide the necessary flight information (including advisory nature). In any case, the crew is responsible for the safety of their flight and may deviate from the instructions received in emergency situations.

Air traffic control complex- a set of services, structures and technical means on the territory of the airfield, designed to directly ensure the take-off, landing and taxiing of aircraft (airplanes, helicopters and gliders).

1. Air traffic management service (ATM). Workplaces of personnel (air traffic controllers) equipped with one or another equipment (from binoculars and radio stations to automated workstations based on high-speed computing systems) are located in the building of the command and control tower (CDP), which is usually located near the apron at the point from a good overview of the entire airfield, runways, taxiways and parking areas, and at a number of airfields - additionally in the buildings of the launch control towers (SDP) located near the ends of the runway.

2. Electro-radio technical flight support service - radio systems that allow aircraft crews to communicate with the ground, determine their location in a particular coordinate system and maintain specified maneuvering trajectories in the area of ​​a given aerodrome, as well as approach for landing, landing, take-off and exit from airport area. Usually includes:

  • radio stations of various capacities and ranges;
  • radar stations;
  • ground components of navigation systems;
  • landing approach radio equipment.

3. Service of electrical lighting support for flights: lighting equipment for the runway and taxiways.

4. Meteorological service. Equipment for monitoring the actual weather at the aerodrome with the subsequent transmission of these data (via ATIS, VOLMET and other radio channels) to aircraft crews taking off or landing at the aerodrome, and to air traffic controllers. At small aerodromes, meteorological equipment (sensors for measuring wind parameters, horizontal visibility, cloudiness, air temperature and humidity, atmospheric pressure, etc.) are located on the meteorological site near the KDP, and at large aerodromes - at several points on the airfield (near the ends of the runway , near the middle of the runway, etc.).

5. Navigation service.

6. Aeronautical Information Service.

An important component of the information support of the air traffic control complex is the Aviation Fixed Telecommunication Network (AFTN).

see also


  • Moscow Center for Automated Air Traffic Control
  • State Corporation for Air Traffic Management in the Russian Federation
  • Federal aviation rules for flights in the airspace of the Russian Federation
  • Air traffic control tower of Domodedovo International Airport

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "Air traffic control" is in other dictionaries:

    - (ATC) in our country the organization, planning, coordination of the movement of aircraft performing flights or moving along the airfield in connection with the performance of take-off and landing operations. The ultimate goal of ATC is to ensure safety, regularity and... Encyclopedia of technology

    air traffic control Encyclopedia "Aviation"

    air traffic control- (ATC) in our country - the organization, planning, coordination of the movement of aircraft flying or moving along the airfield in connection with the performance of take-off and landing operations. The ultimate goal of ATC is to ensure safety, ... ... Encyclopedia "Aviation"

    - (ATC) a set of measures to control and manage the movement of aircraft in air space in order to ensure the safety and regularity of flights. ATC in r not airfields and on air. routes is carried out by a network of ground control points based on ... Big encyclopedic polytechnic dictionary

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Automated air traffic control systems

Designed for safety, efficiency and

regularity of aviation flights of various

departments in the aerodrome area, on air routes

and in off-route airspace by automating routine planning,

collection, processing and display of radar, aeronautical and meteorological information.

RLC - radar complex

PRL - primary radar

SSR - secondary radar









TSUVD - ATC center

PP - flight plans

Aerodrome-regional automated ATC system "Alpha"

ARAS ATC "Alpha" is intended for ATC centers with high and medium intensity of air traffic.

ARAS ATC "Alpha" is built on the basis of mass-produced unified products that are basic for the main subsystems of ARAS. ARAS ATC "Alpha" is certified by the IAC and recommended by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation for equipping civil aviation enterprises. Currently, it is operated in more than 180 ATC centers in Russia and abroad.

Features of technical solutions of ARAS ATC "Alpha":

The use of unified products for building a system, which provides the ability to create a configuration of any complexity in the shortest possible time, its subsequent extension and modification;

Maximum use of universal hardware and computer technology of wide application from the world's leading manufacturers;

Multiplatform Windows/Linux/WSWS software;

100% duplication and redundancy of all subsystems and their segments;

Automated technical management and control;

Implementation of interfacing with all Russian complexes and systems for providing flight and air traffic control and maintenance, which are in operation;

Ability to interface with imported and advanced systems using standard protocols and interfaces (ASTERIX, ARINC, OLDI, QSIG, MFC-R2, etc.);

Protection against unauthorized access according to class 1B and according to the 2nd level of control of undeclared capabilities.

The main functions of ARAS ATC "Alpha":

- processing of radar and coordinate information;

- processing of planned information;

- dispatching communication;

- reception, transmission and exchange of information and data;

- display of the air situation;

- documentation of information;

- education and training;

Air traffic control automation complex (KSA ATC) "Alfa-3"

KSA ATC "Alpha-3" provides reception, processing, display and integration of information about the air situation, planned, meteorological and aeronautical information on displays high resolution jobs for ATM specialists. The complex automated the processes of analyzing the air situation, ATC procedures and console operations.

Information sources can be all types of radar stations and radio direction finders, weather stations and complexes, satellite navigation and air traffic control systems (AZN-V, AZN-K), terrestrial telegraph channels and digital lines.

Server (duplicate)

Air traffic controller workstation with radar station (duplicate)

Air traffic controller workstation, RP without RLC

AWP for diagnostics and control

LAN equipment

Spare parts kit


The Alfa-3 complex has a modular architecture that provides for 100% redundancy. KSA ATC "Alpha-3" provides:

- multi-window graphical user interface that complies with modern Eurocontrol recommendations

- on-screen display of analog and digital trajectory information, as well as flight data

- target tracking through the primary and secondary channels

- construction of smoothed trajectories of aircraft movement with the combination of data from several sources of information

- automatic entry into aircraft escort upon receipt of flight information

- interfacing with an air traffic planning system

- aircraft position prediction

- detection and signaling of conflict situations and violations of the minimum safe height

- display of color cartographic information, display of signs of distress and emergencies

- the ability of the dispatcher to quickly change the type of information on the monitor

- automated coordination between ATC sectors

- automated coordination between systems of adjacent ATC centers

- emergency and functional light and sound alarm

- documentation and archiving of information with the possibility of online search and viewing, as well as its issuance to external digital documentation systems

- protection of information from unauthorized access

- additional service functions (notebook, specialized calculator, signaling of timed events, display of reference information, etc.).

Main technical characteristics:

1. Radar sources:

ORL-T: 1RL-139, 1L-118, Skala, Utes-T, Root-AS, Krona, MVRL-SVK, Raduga ORL-A: DRL-7SM, Irtysh , "Screen-85", "Ural", "Lira-A"

RTS: RSBN-4N, RSP-6M2, RSP-10MN, "PULSAR-N", "Sonar"

ORL-T: "Lira-T"

ORL-A: "Ekran-1AS", "Lira-A10"

2. ARP sources: ARP-75, ARP-95, ARP "Platan"

3. Sources of meteorological information: KRAMS, "MeteoServer", AMIS RF

4. Interfaces for interaction with RTO tools:С-2, Asterix, PRIOR

5. Number of tracked targets: up to 300

6. Quantity of tracked targets in auto tracking mode: up to 100 7. Means of displaying information: color LCD

monitors with a diagonal of 19", with a resolution of at least 1280x1024

Complex of means for transmitting radar, direction finding, voice and control information (KSPI) "Ladoga"

KSPI "Ladoga" is designed to collect, process and transmit data from radar stations, radio direction finders and transceiver centers via communication channels (lines) to ATC centers,

a also for data exchange between ATC centers.

V Depending on the communication channels (lines) used, the complex has three versions:

For physical lines

For radio channel (wireless communication lines)

For trunk communication channels

V The complex includes from 1 to 8 stations for data transmission from information sources and from 1 to 8 stations for receiving data with subsequent transmission to consumers.

The complex "Ladoga" provides the transfer of digitized data from the following sources of information:

Primary and secondary route radars

Primary and secondary channels of airfield radars

Landing radars

RSP complexes

Automatic radio direction finders

Meteorological information complexes

Planning Information System

Information sources of ANS PD and TS networks

Sources of voice information command radio communication and telephone communication

Sources of diagnostic and management information

The complex provides integration of spaced systems and means of automation of ATC and air traffic control, as well as the organization of data exchange between ATC centers of united areas and enlarged centers.

Main technical characteristics

1. Data transfer modes: point-to-point (simplex), point-to-point (duplex), star (1 transmitter, multiple receivers)

2. Capacity by types of information, channels:

analogue radar information: up to 2 digital radar information: up to 16 DF information (ARC channels): up to 16 voice information: up to 32 control information (TC/TC): up to 16

3. Supported pairing interfaces:

analog radar information: 1RL-138, 1L-118, Ekran-85 (and its modifications), TRLK-11, Irtysh, DRL-7SM, Ural digital radar information: APOI Vuoksa, PRIOR , VIP-118, "Cold Sky", KORS, LADOGA radio direction finding information: ARP-75, ARP-95, "Platan" voice information channels: 2-4-wire channels PM

data channels: RS-232, RS-422, RS-485, V.35, G.703, G.703.1, Frame-Relay

ANS PD and TS networks: MTK-2, X.25

4. Provides transmission of information over a distance: for a radio channel - 25 km, for physical lines - 8 km, for trunk channels - without limitation

5. Switching between communication channels: automatic, multiplexed, manual

Information server (IS) "Ladoga-IS"

IS "Ladoga-IS" is designed to collect, process, combine and transmit information coming from radar stations, radio direction finders and transceiver centers via communication channels (lines) to ATC centers, as well as for data exchange between ATC centers.

The IS is a key element of the ATM data exchange network (ATN). The information server "Ladoga-IS" is a modification of the complex of means for processing radar, direction-finding, voice and control information "Ladoga".

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