The largest Boeing 787 capacity. Technical characteristics of the airliner

Air travel has been used by travelers for quite some time and everyone is free to choose their own company and airliner. Wanting to fly with comfort and pleasure, people often choose Boeing 787 900 aircraft. This is an advanced airliner designed for the most enjoyable travel.

Passenger jet aircraft with two engines. In an effort to gain an advantage over competitors, representatives of the Boeing company devoted large resources to the development and arrangement of the aircraft, which should become comfortable place for a person for several hours of flight.

Boeing 787-900 Dreamliner

Knowing the placement of seats in the cabin, each passenger, when purchasing an air ticket, will be able to choose the ideal option in accordance with his preferences. This article is to learn about the interior layout of the Boeing 787 9 dreamliner.

Cabin capacity

If this is an airplane with seats in only one class, then it is designed for 250-300 seats for passengers. But as a rule, the cabin is divided into three classes, the sum of travelers in which is equal to 234 passengers. The cabin of the airliner is 5.5 m wide, due to which the creators have provided wide passages for the convenience of people. Each row of seats consists of 8-9 seats. In the Boeing 787 900, the interior layout can be: 3-3-3 or 2-4-2.

Interior layout

All passenger seats on the Boeing 787 Dreamliner are divided into three classes. These are business, economy class and premium economy. Each of the accommodation options has its pros and cons.

Business class cabin

Features of accommodation in business class

  • This class is assigned to the first 8 rows of the aircraft.
  • Large and wide legroom, which will be comfortable even for very tall passengers.
  • You can turn the seat into a “bed” by turning it 180 degrees.
  • The seats are arranged in accordance with the 2-2-2 plan, so if you want to go to the toilet, the passenger will not disturb anyone and will calmly pass.
  • The total passenger capacity in this class is 48.
  • The best places for have a relaxing holiday there will be rows 2 and 5.
  • Seats in business class are distinguished by the appearance of half-booths with monitors and multimedia systems.
  • Compared to seats in other classes, it offers a wide variety of food and drinks.
  • Passengers are provided with cozy socks, and if the flight is at night, then warm pajamas are provided.

Important! If you want to have a comfortable flight, you need to know about those places that are not the best in business class. These are seats 4L and 4A because they do not have a porthole. It is also not recommended to choose seats in the 1st, 6th and 5th rows. These rows are located near the toilet.

Economy premium class salon

Description of seats in premium economy class

  • Total capacity - 88 people.
  • There is additional legroom for a comfortable position.
  • High and wide seats will provide rest for your back and lower back.
  • The backrest is retractable and has 4 main positions, from which you can choose the most suitable one.
  • The 16th row is considered the best seat, since it is located near the business class wall - there will be additional legroom.
  • Row 16 on a Virgin Atlantic Boeing 787-900 is perfect for people with children, but for those who can’t stand fuss, this row is not suitable.
  • It is from the 16th row that they begin to serve food.
  • You should not purchase tickets for row 24 because there is a toilet.

Economy class cabin

Economy Class Features

  • In total, economy class accommodates 116 people.
  • The seats are slightly narrower and lower than in premium economy.
  • The backrest of the seats reclines and allows the passenger to choose one of 3 seating options.
  • Row 27 is your best bet, but rule out seats a and l as they lack a window (but do have extra legroom).
  • The back model is soft and comfortable.
  • Rows 41 and 40 are near the restrooms, so if you have a choice of seats, exclude these rows.
  • Luggage shelves are not wide enough.
  • Seats 38A and 38L should be avoided, because they are located against the wall of the cabin and are characterized by the absence of a porthole.

Additional Information. Information about the Boeing 787 9 dreamliner, the characteristics of which are presented above, is general, however, each airline makes its own adjustments. For example, the British Airways corporation, in addition to business, also sells first class tickets. And KLM also slightly changed the position of the seats in business class and economy class.


In the Boeing 900, the controls for pilots remained the same compared to the previous model. In this regard, the pilot can easily take the helm of another aircraft and will not require training.

A new feature in the design of the dream cabin is the device of indicators for projecting information onto the windshield. Pilots are provided with an electronic sample route displayed on two screens. Thus, each of the pilots receives from the computer the information necessary to control the aircraft.


Pilots also have real-time vessel diagnostic tools at their disposal. With the help of these sensors, information is sent to the ground.

Passenger comfort

Another distinctive feature of the aircraft, compared to previous models, is the improved climate control system. Air from the external environment is passed through special filters and only then enters the cabin. In the bow of the aircraft there are special sensors, which, when entering a turbulence zone, are responsible for reducing shaking and ensuring comfort for passengers.

Passengers in a Boeing 787-900 Dreamliner

The Boeing 787 9 Dreamliner is an excellent airliner for traveling both short and long distances. The well-designed cabin of each of the three comfort classes creates excellent conditions during the flight. Passengers do not need for anything and can relax peacefully while the plane travels through the heavenly miles. Knowing the parameters of the Boeing, the location of the seats and the most successful rows and seat positions, you can ensure yourself an amazing time.

Boeing Commercial Airplanes is one of the world leaders in the production of aircraft for passenger and freight transport, operates in a highly competitive environment with Airbus. The fruits of healthy competition are the release of new airliner models such as the Boeing 787 Dreamliner. This wide-body aircraft with twin jet engines is designed to carry up to 330 passengers. Used for long-distance flights. Composite materials used in production for the first time passenger airliner, allowed to significantly improve its performance characteristics.

Boeing 787 modifications

In total, the Dreamliner has several modifications.

The Boeing 787-3 was supposed to be manufactured to order from Japan for domestic flights, but then the Japanese refused to sign the contract in favor of modifying the 787-8. Latest version The Boeing 787-10 was delivered to airlines in 2018.

The fuselage of the Boeing 787-9 is extended by 6.5 m, and that of the Boeing 787-10 by 11.5 m compared to the basic version.

Interesting! Boeing Business Jet based on the Dreamliner is produced mainly for private orders. It is produced without exterior painting and interior trim. Interior design and equipment are additionally ordered from specialized companies.

Passenger cabin plan

It depends on the Boeing modification how much seats located inside the cabin. The cabin layout of the basic version of the 787-8 includes:

  • 36 business class seats;
  • 206 economy class seats.

Arrangement of seats in rows:

  • in business class - 2-2-2;
  • in economy class - 3-3-3.

Different airlines may change the cabin layout as desired. For example, make a 1-2-1 layout for business class, 2-4-2 for economy class, or use a single-class cabin.

Business Class

In the privileged compartment there are comfortable chairs with the ability to fold out into a bed. Each seat is a half-cabin, and they are arranged in a herringbone shape.

Seats in rows 1, 3 and 6 may be considered inconvenient, as they are located next to utility rooms and a toilet, and row 6 is in economy class. The noise of the toilet flush is reduced, but frequent movement of passengers and staff, turning on the lights, and the sound when opening and closing doors can interfere with proper rest.

Economy class

Reclining comfortable seats with a standard distance between them provide an acceptable level of comfort.

Many people consider the best seats in economy class to be the 7th row and 26th row, where there is more space in front of the seats. But some people don’t like the fact that the eating tables are located in the armrests. The rows may not match in different versions of the interior. For passengers in the 25th and 37th rows, the noise from the kitchen and toilet may seem unacceptable. The 38th row is also closed by partitions with limited visibility. However, quite uncomfortable places not on the plane, everyone chooses according to their preferences.

General characteristics of the interior

When creating the internal space of the Dreamliner, we used latest developments, reflected in an increase in the level of passenger comfort:

  1. The luggage racks on the new Boeing have been increased in width by a third compared to previous generations. aircraft. They are designed so that they take up minimal space above your head.
  2. The ceiling is made in the form of an arch, which visually increases the space and makes you feel more comfortable.
  3. LED lighting changes color tones at different stages of flight. Blue light gives the ceiling a feeling of transparency, the effect of the sky above.
  4. The size of the portholes has been significantly increased. The classic curtains have been removed and replaced with an electronic dimming system that changes the transparency of the glass. Even in bright sunlight, the style of interior lighting is maintained. Dimming is performed centrally and individually, using a button at the porthole. The transparency of the glass does not completely disappear. In the toilet there is a curtain on the porthole.
  5. The microclimate system maintains air humidity.
  6. Each seat has an individual display for viewing flight information, watching movies, and playing video games. WiFi is available on board. An individual outlet will help you recharge your mobile device in a timely manner.
  7. The toilets have become more spacious. If you unfold the common partition between the two toilet stalls, a wheelchair can be placed there.

Interesting! The food offered on board the Dreamliner is distinguished by the variety and high taste of the dishes.

Operating characteristics and advantages of the airliner

Boeing 787-8

Main technical characteristics of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner (basic version 787-8)

Boeing 787-9

For the Boeing 787-9 model, all dimensions are identical except for length. It is 63 m.

Boeing 787-10

The length of the aircraft is 68.27 m. Other dimensions are similar to the 787-8 model

Advantages of the Boeing 787

The new Boeing has undeniable advantages, which distinguishes it from all previously produced aircraft:

  1. The tips of the swept wings are bent variably, this ensures an increase in lifting force.
  2. With the help of an extended fuselage, passenger capacity has increased.
  3. Specially developed new engines have significantly reduced background noise (by 20%). This is noted by all air passengers who have already flown on the Dreamliner.
  4. The luggage compartment has become half as spacious due to the flat bottom of the fuselage.
  5. Less fuel consumption.
  6. The weight of the aircraft has been reduced through the use of composite materials.
  7. In the cockpit, images from working monitors are projected onto the windshield for easy reading of parameters; sensors are installed that measure turbulence and other additional equipment.

Interesting! An infrared scanning device is undergoing final testing, with the use of which clouds will not interfere with pilots’ good visibility.

The Dreamliner is equipped with the latest electronic system. Information about aircraft operating parameters and other data is displayed on the display. During the flight, data on the operation of structural components and assemblies is collected and automatically transmitted to ground operators. Once the aircraft lands, there is no need to carry out diagnostics; maintenance can begin immediately.

Design features of the Boeing 787


The Dreamliner engine is manufactured by two different companies. If necessary, you can replace one with the other, since the connection is made according to the same scheme. The first-invented design of engine nacelles helps reduce the noise produced. This is achieved by installing toothed chevrons in the rear area of ​​the nacelle, thanks to which the jet stream mixes smoothly with the air.

Composite materials

The widespread use of carbon composite materials has led to a reduction in the weight of the aircraft and, as a result, reduced fuel consumption. Half of the composites are used in the manufacture of the interior; the entire working part of the engine consists of them, with the exception of the main edge made of metal.

Interesting! The pressure inside the cabin made of composites with greater elasticity is in accordance with the altitude of 1.8 km (for an aircraft with an aluminum fuselage - 2.4 km).


The swept wings are longer than other airliners of this class, which provides increased elasticity. Electrical anti-icing equipment and flap mechanisms are designed as a common unit. This reduces the possibility of operational failures and simplifies maintenance.


The operation of the microclimate system is organized in an innovative way. Air is not taken from the engines with subsequent cooling and supplied to the cabin, but is pumped by compressors from the external environment. Natural humidity is provided inside.

Power supply system

Electricity consumption on board has increased significantly. The liner's power supply is provided by 7 generators and 2 lithium-ion batteries. One battery is used when the aircraft is on the ground when the generators are stopped. An additional function is emergency power supply in flight in case of failure of all generators. The other powers auxiliary systems and is used to start engines.

History of the Boeing 787

At the end of the 90s, the popular Boeing 767 began to increasingly no longer meet modern requirements. The innovative developments of the Airbus concern have allowed the aircraft of the European aircraft manufacturer to get ahead of their competitors. What was needed was a new long-haul airliner that would consume less fuel than all existing and previous aircraft and have high speed. Fuel savings were supposed to be achieved by reducing the flight duration.

Having named the new airliner Boeing Sonic Cruiser, aircraft manufacturers began developing the project. After the 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States and the subsequent rise in oil prices, it became clear that saving fuel came to the fore. The technical complexity of Sonic Cruiser and the high cost of the project forced it to be stopped.

In April 2004, the start of a new project, 7E7, was officially announced. The achievements of the aviation engineers of the previous version were preserved, the best of them moved to 7E7. A year later, the project changed its name to Boeing 787 Dreamliner.

The first flight test of the Dreamliner was scheduled for 2007, but suppliers of some components did not fulfill their obligations. As a result, flight tests of the aircraft took place in the winter of 2009.

The airliner made its first flight for testing in real operating conditions between Seattle and Tokyo in the summer of 2011. Then the Japanese week-long tests continued. After 2 months, the Dreamliner passed certification, and in October 2011, it carried passengers for the first time in Japan.

Interesting! In January 2013, Boeing 787 flights were grounded by a joint decision of the European Safety Agency and the US Federal Aviation Administration. Official reason- prove the safety of lithium-ion batteries. Already in April, commercial operation of the aircraft resumed.

Place of production

The main and very first plant of the Boeing aircraft concern is located in Seattle. But the company also has enterprises in other cities. It was decided to produce the Boeing 787 Dreamliner in Everett (Washington) and at a new facility in North Charleston (South Carolina). Components are supplied by partners from many countries around the world.

Interesting! Before production of the new planes began in North Charleston in 2011, Seattle was hit by a wave of union strikes against the decision. Unions believed that production was being delayed as punishment for previous strikes that had caused delivery deadlines to be missed. The conflict was subsequently settled with a promise to locate the assembly of the new Boeing 737MAX in Seattle.

Operating companies

As of autumn 2017, the Dreamliner of various modifications is used by 43 aviation companies and 19 more are awaiting delivery, including Aeroflot. According to latest news The Russian airline refuses the acquisition, and the contract is transferred to Rostec, which will look for a buyer.

Company Quantity, pcs.
AeroMéxico (Mexico) 6
Air Austral (Australia) 2
Air Canada (Canada) 30
Air China (China) 11
Air Europa (Spain) 8
Air France-KLM (France-Holland) 2
Air India (India) 27
Air New Zealand (New Zealand) 10
A.L.C. 5
All Nippon Airways (Japan) 62
American Airlines (USA) 32
Avianca (Colombia) 12
Azerbaijan Airlines (Azerbaijan) 2
British Airway (UK) 25
Business Jet/VIP 7
China Southern Airlines (China) 10
CIT Leasing Corporation 7
Ethiopian Airlines (Ethiopia) 16
Etihad Airways (UAE) 18
Hainan Airlines (China) 20
Japan Airlines (Japan) 35
Kenya Airways (Kenya) 9
Korean Air (South Korea) 5
LATAM Airlines (Chile) 18
LOT (Poland) 8
MG Aviation Limited 4
Norwegian Air Shuttle (Norway) 6
Oman Air (Oman) 2
PrivatAir (Switzerland) 1
Qantas (Australia) 12
Qatar Airways (Qatar) 30
Royal Air Maroc (Morocco) 5
Royal Brunei Airlines (Brunei) 4
Royal Jordanian (Jordan) 3
Saudi Arabian Airlines (Saudi Arabia) 8
Scoot (Singapore) 15
TUI (Thailand) 15
United Airlines (USA) 31
Uzbekistan Airways (Uzbekistan) 2
Vietnam Airlines (Vietnam) 8
Virgin Atlantic (UK) 14
XiamenAir (China) 10
Anonymous customers 5

Cost of various models

Significant funds were spent on the development of the new Boeing. Despite the hefty price, airlines are happy to buy the Dreamliner.

Development prospects

Boeing's Yellowstone program to replace outdated civil aircraft in the long-haul aircraft segment is considered completed. Design work on ultra-long-range models is currently underway.

But Dreamliner continues to improve. In 2016, testing began on a new engine for the Boeing 787, a version of the TRENT 1000 TEN, which has increased thrust. Sensors and systems continue to be improved. The main efforts are concentrated on testing the new modification of the 787-10, the start of deliveries of which was planned for 2018.

The launch of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner opened new horizons for civil aircraft industry using innovative technologies and materials. The technical innovations used in the Boeing 787 will become the basis for the development of new models for many years to come. The commercial success of the project confirms the correctness of the chosen direction.

Boeing 787 Dreamlineris a new generation aircraft that was developed to replace the Boeing 767. Currently, many airlines around the world have already replenished their fleet with the Boeing 787. Unfortunately, Russian airlines do not yet have the opportunity to offer flights on this aircraft to their passengers. However, the list of customers includes such airlines as and. So what is the superiority of the new long-haul airliner you will find out in our article.

Boeing787 (Boeing 787) history

Boeing 787Dreamliner (Boeing 787 Dreamliner)– is a wide-body twin-engine long-haul jet passenger aircraft developed by the American concern Boeing in April 2004, to replace the Boeing 767 aircraft model. Initially a production and development project Boeing 787Dreamliner designated as 7E7. The first display of the Boeing 787 aircraft took place on July 8, 2007 at the plant in Everett, Washington, USA. However, the first test flight took place only on December 15, 2009. Certification Boeing 787 took place on August 26, 2011. Development Boeing 787Dreamliner was carried out jointly with foreign companies, including with the participation of Russian companies.

As of March 2016, total production 393 Boeing 787 units.

Total orders received from airlines by 1,139 units.

Sales planBoeing 787Dreamliner, set to 2030, to produce 3,300 units.

Boeing787 (Boeing 787) advantages and disadvantages

  • Extremely fuel efficient compared to previous Boeing models
  • Sweep wings with variable camber tips increase lift by 2% compared to a Boeing 767
  • The luggage compartment allows for 45% more luggage space compared to the Boeing 767
  • The noise level is reduced by 60% due to the installation of a new generation engine
  • The model is lighter and stronger due to the manufacture of carbon-based fuselage materials
  • The cockpit has been completely updated, projection indicators have been installed, two screens for each pilot, sensors for measuring turbulence and sending a signal to set the aileron deflection angles
  • By increasing the length of the fuselage, passenger capacity has been increased
  • The cabin pressurization system has been changed, making it more comfortable for passengers to be on board when flying.

What does an aircraft structure consist of? Boeing 787Dreamliner

  • 20% aluminum
  • 5% titanium
  • 50% composites (carbon fibers)
  • 10% steel
  • 5% other

On April 23, 2016, a defect was identified in the engine, requiring urgent repair and replacement in 176 aircraft.

What is the price of the plane? Boeing787 (Boeing 787)?

Want to buy Boeing 787, then this information is for you:

  • Boeing 787-8cost from 218.3 million US dollars
  • Boeing 787-9, cost from 257.1 million US dollars
  • Boeing 787-10cost from 297.5 million US dollars

Russian airlines that operate Boeing787 (Boeing 787) as of 09/25/2014

As of September 25, 2014, there are no Russian airline operators. However, supply agreements have been concluded Boeing 787Dreamliner next Russian airlines:

  • in the amount of 22 units of the model Boeing 787-8
  • in the amount of 4 units of the model Boeing 787-8

Also among our customers are airlines from CIS countries, such as:

  • Azerbaijan Airlines (AZAL) in the amount of 2 units of the model Boeing 787-8
  • AirAstana in the amount of 3 units of the model Boeing 787-8
  • UzbekistanAirways in the amount of 2 units of the model Boeing 787-8

Main airline operators Boeing787 (Boeing 787)

  • Air India
  • All Nippon Airways
  • Airlines
  • JapanAirlines
  • Ethiopian Airways
  • United Air Airlines
  • LOTPolish Airlines
  • Lan Airlines
  • Thomson Airways
  • Airways
  • HainanAirlines

Boeing787 (Boeing 787) modifications (models)

Boeing 787Dreamliner has the following 4 modifications:

  • Boeing 787-3– is the first basic model, which was supposed to be a replacement for the Boeing 767 with a passenger capacity of 296 people and a maximum flight range of 6500 km. However, the option is not produced.
  • Boeing 787-8 – model with a passenger capacity of up to 250 people and a flight range of 15,700 km. It was a replacement for the Boeing 767-300ER.
  • Boeing 787-9 - the model has a fuselage 7.5 meters longer than the previous model with an increased range to 16,299 km and a maximum passenger capacity of up to 290 people.
  • Boeing 787-10- a model with an increased passenger capacity of up to 330 people due to an extended fuselage with a maximum flight range of 13 thousand km. The aircraft was presented in 2013 at the aviation exhibition in Le Bourget and is intended to replace the Boeing 777-200, Boeing 777-200ER and competitor Airbus A350-1000. The start of the first production of the model is scheduled for 2017.

Boeing787 (Boeing 787) diagram and photo of the interior

Boeing787 (Boeing 787) technical specifications


Boeing 787-3

Boeing 787-8

Boeing 787-9

Boeing 787-10

Fuselage length (meter)




Cruising speed (mach number)

engine's type

2 x Rolls-Royce Trent 1000 or 2 x GE Genx

2 x Rolls-Royce Trent 1000 or 2 x GE Genx

2 x RR Trent 1X88-77 or 2 x GE Genx

Cargo capacity (ton)

Maximum take-off weight (ton)





Flight range when fully loaded (km)





Wingspan (meter)



Passenger capacity (person)





Height (meter)





Fuselage diameter (meter)





Cabin width (meter)





Service ceiling (meter)





Fuel capacity (liter)





Accidents and disasters Boeing787 (Boeing 787)

Throughout history since the creation of the first Boeing 767 and to date (09.25.2014) there have been no disasters or accidents.

However, flights of existing Boeing 787s were suspended in 2013 due to the following incidents that did not result in loss of life or damage to aircraft structures.




test flight


malfunction of the landing gear system

emergency landing at Moses Lake Airport, Washington State USA


a sharp decrease in thrust in one of the engines

test flight, emergency landing at Loredo airport, Tijas, USA


smoke in the passenger compartment

landing at the airport, Japan


incorrect operation of the hydraulic system valve sensor

Okayama - Tokyo flight cancellation


white smoke coming from the left engine

emergency landing at London airport, UK


electrical system problem - defect detected

Airport in Boston, USA


Airport in Boston, USA


fuel leak

Tokyo airport, ponya


brake system malfunction

Miyazaki Airport, Japan


oil leak in left engine

Matsuyama Airport, Japan


formation of a crack on the cockpit windshield

Narita Airport, Tokyo, Japan


fuel leak

emergency landing at Takamatsu airport, Japan


battery fire

Kuala Lumpur Airport, Malaysia


emergency landing due to problems with the right engines of Nippon Airways on a Kuala Lumpur-Tokyo flight. There were 203 passengers + 11 crew members on board; no one was injured

Budapest Airport, Hungary


emergency emergency landing due to problems with the airline's right engines Air India (London-Mumbai flight) There were 227 passengers + 10 crew members on board - no one was injured

Otopeni Airport, Bucharest, Romania


emergency emergency landing of an aircraft due to an engine problem airlines Air ways (flight Oslo-Doha). All 254 passengers on board were uninjured.

By the end of 2013, the shortcomings were corrected and flights resumed.

Boeing 787 Dreamliner- a family of wide-body long-haul airliners developed by Boeing in the early 2000s. The first commercial airliner with a radically increased proportion of composite materials in the structure. In addition, the aircraft is equipped with many new systems and elements that have significantly improved its flight and economic characteristics.


In the late 1990s, while Boeing was actively promoting its newest jet, the Model 777, its two other wide-body jets were no longer industry leaders. The Boeing 747 and Boeing 767 quickly became outdated and required either deep modernization or complete replacement. Both of these concepts began implementation in the early 2000s. The flagship of the line had to undergo modernization under the 747X program. The Boeing 767 was supposed to retire, giving way to a completely new and first-of-its-kind transonic airliner, the Sonic Cruiser. With similar capacity figures, the new aircraft was supposed to fly at speeds of about 1100 km/h, without breaking the sound barrier, but still significantly faster than its counterparts. The Boeing 747X project was implemented very slowly, most airlines were satisfied with the old 747-400 model, and Many expected the European A380 as a new airliner. There was great interest in the Sonic Cruiser, which promised great benefits for operators.

However, the events of the early 21st century did not allow the project to flourish. After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the air transportation market contracted, and the price of oil, and therefore aviation fuel, rose sharply. The speed characteristics of the airliners were no longer so important in comparison with the characteristics of their fuel consumption. The Sonic Cruiser flew much faster, but its fairly high fuel consumption killed it. In 2002, the project was officially closed. However, many developments and technologies were not forgotten: literally a month later, in 2003, Boeing announced the 7E7 program. The project involved the creation of a classic modern aircraft, but using Sonic Cruiser technologies. The idea of ​​the new project was to create a long-range and very economical small airliner that would allow flying to small airports without working with hubs. In fact, it was a continuation of the Boeing 767 idea in the 21st century.

Project 7E7 can sometimes be seen with the suffix Y2. It is the first implementation large-scale program Boeing Yellowstone Project, which involves updating the company's entire line of aircraft. At the same time, the letter E in the index is usually explained with the words Efficient or Environmentally friendly, or simply Eight (the letter was replaced by the number 8). In the summer of 2003, following a large-scale competition, the company chose the name Dreamliner (the leaders were also the following variants: eLiner, Global Cruiser and Stratoclimber).

In 2004, the Japanese airline All Nippon Airways (ANA) became the launch customer, signing a contract for 50 aircraft with deliveries to begin in 2008. Initially, the contract provided for the delivery of 30 787-3 airliners, with a capacity of 290-330 passengers in a single-class configuration (for local transportation), and 20 787-8 - long-haul 210-250 local aircraft in a 2-class configuration (for long-haul flights to Denver, New -Delhi and Moscow). The 787-3 and 787-8 were to be the base models, with the 787-9 to appear a few years later.

The Boeing 787 was the first aircraft whose fuselage base section was a monolithic composite part, rather than a composite of aluminum sheets (with other advantages, this eliminated the approximately 50 thousand rivets used in conventional structures). Rolls-Royce Trent 1000 and General Electric GEnx engines were chosen as the power plant. According to the developers' calculations, the aircraft was supposed to be 20% more efficient than the 767 model. At the same time, the long-haul models 787-8 and 787-9 were supposed to have an ETOPS 330 certificate, allowing them to continue flying for 5.5 hours if one engine fails.

By 2005, the Boeing 787 already had a backlog of orders for 237 aircraft. Moreover, Boeing offered the -8 model for only $120 million, which seemed almost like a price dump. However, in 2007, aircraft began to rise in price and added $30-40 million to the original cost.

Industrial cooperation

In 2003, it was decided that final assembly of the aircraft would be carried out at the Boeing plant in Everett. A feature of the new production is the minimization of production volume at the plant itself. Boeing greatly expanded the capabilities of its contractors, who were now able to produce fairly complex and large prefabricated structural elements. This greatly simplified the production line in Everett, reduced production time, and only about 1,200 people were involved in final assembly (about the same number of people work on the production of SSJ 100 airliners in Komsomolsk-on-Omur). Despite many problems at the initial stage of the project, later this scheme began to justify itself.

The Boeing 787 contractor network is considered one of the most extensive and complex in aviation history:

  • Center section and wing consoles - Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (Japan)
  • Horizontal tail - Alenia Aermacchi (Italy) and Korea Aerospace Industries (Republic of Korea)
  • Fuselage sections - Global Aeronautica (Italy), Kawasaki Heavy Industries (Japan), Spirit Aerosystems (USA), Korean Air (Republic of Korea)
  • Passenger doors - Latecoere (France)
  • Cargo doors, interior doors - Saab AB (Sweden)
  • Software - HCL Enterprise (India)
  • Floor Beams - TAL Manufacturing Solutions (India)
  • Cable network - Labinal (France)
  • Wing tips, wing fairings, landing gear doors, spars - Korean Air (Republic of Korea)
  • Chassis - Messier-Bugatti-Dowty (France/UK)
  • Power system control complex, air conditioning system - Hamilton Sundstrand (USA).

To increase the speed of delivery of parts from geographically distant suppliers, Boeing modified 4 747-400 aircraft. These aircraft, known as Boeing 747LCF DreamLifters, transport wings, fuselage sections and other aircraft components to the Everett plant for final assembly.

It is especially worth noting the huge role of Japan in the project. In fact, as of 2017, about 35% of all elements and systems of the Boeing 787 are manufactured in Japan, in particular, almost the entire wing of the airliner is made by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. Japanese specialists participated in the development of the airliner, and Boeing saved a lot on significant tax breaks from Tokyo.

Description: Boeing 787 Dreamliner. History and description of the dream liner

Final assembly of the first prototypes began in Everett in 2007. The company had problems with weight calculations when assembling the first aircraft. The first 6 airliners turned out to be 2.3 tons heavier than expected. This problem was solved by optimizing the design and replacing some of the steel parts with titanium ones (in 2015, Boeing reduced the amount of titanium used to reduce the cost of production).

However, despite all the optimizations, huge demand for the 787 model forced Boeing to increase its production plan. Due to the fact that the Everethey plant has reached its maximum sizes, the company had to find another site for the plant. In 2009, Boeing found a suitable site in Charleston, South Carolina.

Flight tests

In July 2007, the first Boeing 787 prototype underwent a rollout ceremony at the Everett plant. At that time, the airliner had contracts for 677 units, which was a record among wide-body commercial airliners. However, at the time of rollout the airliner was not suitable for flights - many systems had not yet been installed or launched.

The airliner had serious problems preparing for flights. Boeing spent a lot of time resolving difficulties with suppliers, coordinating the characteristics of elements and systems, and preparing for the start of flights. Seeing this, as well as being faced with constant delays in deliveries, some customers began to demand compensation.

The difficulties were also caused by the huge number of innovations in the aircraft, which means a much more complex testing and certification program. Boeing and its partners have paid a lot of attention to research into the performance of aircraft composite elements. At first, it was unknown how these elements would behave under critical loads and long-term use, and a number of scientists also feared that in the event of a fire, the new composite elements would begin to emit toxic gases.

In 2007, the new Rolls-Royce Trent 1000 engine was certified. Six months later, the General Electric GEnx-1B engine received certification. Soon, the engines began to be installed on aircraft to test power systems.

In 2009, the first fully assembled prototype underwent a flight simulation test to test all systems. The characteristics were satisfactory, however, the excess of the weight of the airliner over the planned one (by almost 8%) led to a reduction in the flight range to 12,800 km (the planned figure was about 15,000 km). This led to some airlines beginning to refuse deliveries of the first aircraft, waiting for Boeing to solve the problem of overweight in subsequent series.

Finally, in December 2009 (2 years behind schedule), the Boeing 787 Dreamlier made its first test flight from Paine Field in Everett.

The flight test program included 6 aircraft: 4 with Trent 1000 engines and 2 with GEnx-1B64 engines. Flights were deployed to full plan after completion of the readability tests of the wing: it withstood a load 150% higher than the maximum calculated load and did not collapse (the wing was bent 7.6 meters from the rest position).

The aircraft's first international display was the 2010 Farnborough Airshow. At the time, it was stated that the first aircraft would be delivered to Japan's ANA in 2011. At the same time, to speed up testing, 2 more aircraft were included in the group of test aircraft.

In November 2010, one of the prototypes made forced landing in Texas due to smoke in the cabin and a fire hazard. It turned out that the electrical fire in one of the compartments was caused by foreign objects. After electrical and software modifications, flights were resumed.

During testing, problems with new systems were constantly identified. This led to shifts in terms of supplies. By 2011, Boeing had not yet completed certification of the aircraft. By the summer, Boeing and ANA conducted a joint test tour of one of the aircraft - the aircraft made 1,707 flights and visited 14 countries around the world.

The Boeing 787-8, powered by Rolls-Royce engines, received type certificates from the FAA and EASA in August 2011. Certification lasted 18 months—twice as long as originally planned.

Start of operation

At the time of completion of certification, Boeing had production lines ready at its Everett and Charleston plants. It was assumed that they would be able to produce 10 aircraft per month, however, the company had problems with local trade unions regarding working conditions for staff (increasing production volume from 2 to 10 aircraft per month tightened working conditions), which led to a delay in production. The first Boeing 787 left the South Carolina plant in the spring of 2012.

In December 2011, one of the prototypes made a maximum distance test flight from Everett to Dhaka (Bangladesh). The plane flew 19,830 kilometers. This was a range record for 787 size airliners (it broke the A330 record - 16,903 km). The absolute record for commercial airliners remains with the Boeing 777 - 21,602 km.

The first production 787 was delivered to ANA in September 2011. A few weeks later, the aircraft began operating commercial flights from Tokyo to Hong Kong. Tickets for the first flight were sold at auction and the most expensive of them was sold for $34 thousand. Long-distance flights from Tokiw to Frankfurt began operating in 2012.

Based on the results of the first period of operation, ANA stated that the airliner with Trent 1000 engines burns 21% less fuel than the Boeing 767-300ER. Later, based on the results of operation, United Airlines calculated that per one passenger seat, the airliner is 6% more economical than the A330.

Soon, another problem emerged. The new APS5000 auxiliary power unit was more economical than all its analogues, but, as it turned out, it got quite hot during long periods of operation at the airport. In most cases, this was unnoticeable, but, as it turned out, in the case of short-distance flights, the APU did not have time to cool down and overheated when restarted. However, this problem was quickly resolved by design modifications and changes in ground procedures.

The problems didn't end there. In 2012, many malfunctions in the operation of GEnx engines were revealed, due to which aircraft with this power plant did not fly for some time. In 2014, after changing the manufacturing process for composite elements, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries identified manufacturing errors that could lead to microcracks in the wing structures. Ultimately, 42 undelivered aircraft were put through inspection and defect correction procedures. The problem was resolved, but the aircraft were several weeks behind schedule.

However, the overall reliability of airliners continued to grow and, by 2015, reached 98.5% (at the beginning of operation it was about 96%). In 2013, planes spent 5 hours in the air, and by 2014 it was already 12. In 2017, reliability reached 99.3%.

At the same time, airlines, seeing that the airliner is most effective over long distances, began to put it on maximum-range flights, which were previously served by large aircraft: Lockheed L1011, Boeing 747 and Airbus A340. Although a smaller aircraft, the Boeing 787 was much more flexible and efficient.

By the summer of 2017, Boeing had delivered 565 aircraft: 340 Model-8s and 225 Models-9. 39 airlines operate these aircraft on 983 routes around the world. The aircraft is also used on the record-breaking flight Perth (Australia) - London (UK) by Qantas airline with a length of 14,499 kilometers.

Market and production costs

The cost of the 787 Dreamliner program is estimated at $32 billion. It is assumed that the program will pay for itself after delivery of approximately 1,100-1,200 aircraft.

The production plan assumes a rate of 14 units per month (168 per year) by 2019. By this time, Boeing will be able to reduce costs by increasing production volumes and optimizing business processes, as well as increase the supply cost of aircraft. It is assumed that the profit margin on the sale of each aircraft will be about 30% (20% for the 737 and 25% for the 777). At the same time, a number of experts believe that Boeing will not be able to significantly improve the economics of two factories located in different parts of the United States, and competition with the A350 and A330neo will not significantly increase the cost of the aircraft.


Boeing 787 - widebody long-haul airliner, equipped with two engines. Being, in general design, a classic modern airliner, it includes many the latest solutions, which significantly improved its flight and economic performance.

The main innovation is the widespread use of composite materials. About 50% of the aircraft's dry weight is composites, 20% is aluminum alloys, 15% is titanium alloys, 10% is steel and about 5% is other materials.

Aluminum is used primarily in the leading edges of wings, tails and engines. Titanium is used in pylon fastenings and in engines, while some of the power elements are made of steel. Most of the airframe is made of carbon composites and fiberglass.

Distinctive external features of the new airliner include a lowered nose, improved ridged wingtips and engine nacelles with sawtooth chevrons. The design is designed for flights at speeds of about 900 km/h at standard commercial high-rises of 12-13 km.

Flight systems

The main feature of the Boeing 787 onboard complex is a completely new electrical architecture, primarily climate control. Unlike other passenger aircraft, where the air supplied to the cabin is taken from the engines, in the 787 air is supplied by compressors from the environment. This made it possible to significantly remove additional load from the engines and increase their efficiency. The electrical system, with a total power of 1.45 mW, is actively used in stabilizer drives, engine starting systems and brakes. In addition, the anti-icing system has also been replaced - instead of a stream of hot air, the ice is thawed with special heating elements.

The aircraft is equipped with a new automated system flight stabilization in turbulent conditions. This system is new to civil aviation, although it was created quite a long time ago to stabilize the flight of B-2 Spirit bombers.

The Boeing 787 has a full fly-by-wire system. Having been significantly modernized, it is, in fact, a legacy of a similar complex from the Boeing 777.

The aircraft's cockpit is completely new and significantly different from its previous generation counterparts. The interface consists of five large multifunctional LCD displays, as well as two HUD displays as standard (HUD was previously offered as an option). Interestingly, similar cockpits developed by Rockwell Collins for the Boeing 787 in various modifications are also used on the MC-21, Comac C919 and some other new aircraft, and also displays and HUD from this cockpit are installed on the Orion spacecraft created by Lockheed Martin and NASA. The classic solution in the new cockpit remains the steering wheel - Boeing is not switching to a side stick.

The main suppliers of avionics for the new aircraft are Honeywell, Rockwell Collins and Thales.

To ensure a significantly increased information flow, the Ethernet complex of the ARINC 664 standard is used. Moreover, part of this network is used to connect passengers to the Internet in flight. In 2008, the FAA announced its fears that passengers could interfere with the operation of the airliner's systems in flight, however, Boeing ruled out such risks since the passenger network is physically separated from the aircraft's systems protected by special protocols.

Power system

Despite the refusal to connect the cabin climate control to the aircraft's engines, it is worth dispelling the popular belief that the Boeing 787 is powered exclusively by lithium-ion batteries. Increased energy consumption also increased generation requirements. The airliner's power system has 7 generators at once: 2 in the engines, 2 emergency in the APU and 1 in the emergency turbine.

The lithium-ion batteries for the aircraft's electrical system are supplied by the Japanese corporation GS Yuasa. The battery complex is made up of two batteries weighing 28.5 kg. The first battery is the main one, it is used to provide power to the aircraft on the ground if the engines and APU are turned off, and also, in emergency mode, it can provide energy to the aircraft if all seven generators of the aircraft fail (which is practically impossible). The second battery is used to start the engines if the APU is turned off, and also supports the operation of auxiliary systems.

The use of lithium-ion batteries has simplified maintenance and increased the efficiency of the power system. It is worth noting that what is new is the use of lithium-ion batteries, and not the idea of ​​batteries itself. For example, a similar battery system has long been used on the Boeing 777, but it uses nickel-cadmium batteries, which are heavier, larger and have less power. Lithium-ion batteries are more efficient and have previously been used by the company in its space business. However, despite the advantages, lithium-ion batteries also have disadvantages, most notably the risks of overheating and fire, which has been a problem for the Boeing 787 several times.

Composite materials

The Boeing 787 is the first commercial airliner to feature a composite fuselage, wing and a large number of airframe elements. Each aircraft uses about 35 tons of carbon polymers. The advantage of this material is higher strength with less weight compared to metal alloys. In addition, higher strength made it possible to optimize the design of the airliner and improve its aerodynamic characteristics.

Most of the technologies for creating composite elements were developed during the development of the transonic airliner Sonic Cruiser, as well as during the development of the RAH-66 Comanche helicopter (the share of composites in it reached 60%).

The problem with such a large-scale use of composites is the insufficient experience of its use in a number of structures. For example, unlike metals, carbon composites exhibit very little damage or material fatigue effects, which is assessed as a risk of problems not being detected in a timely manner. When creating the A350 XWB airliner, Airbus also actively used composites, but did not apply them to a number of important structural elements, acting conservatively but reducing risks. Also, a number of experts express concerns that in the event of damage to the fuselage, its harder elements will be more easily destroyed, and in the event of a fire, the composites will release toxic gases.

However, it is worth emphasizing the perhaps excessive dramatization of the problems. Composite materials, although they have never been used on such a scale, are still not an innovation in aviation and the experience of their use does not confirm many concerns. To ensure preventive risk control, Boeing has somewhat expanded its aircraft after-sales service programs (procedures known as 787 GoldCare).


The Boeing 787 is equipped with two thrust engines. Optionally, customers can choose the General Electric GEnx-1B or Rolls-Royce Trent 1000 models. Engine thrusts range from 28.5 to 34.7 tf, depending on the aircraft modification.

Among the main innovations are the absence of an air bleed system, an improved noise control system, and the presence of two generators in each engine.

To reduce noise, Boeing applied the developments of a number of research programs previously conducted with NASA. New, more efficient sound-absorbing materials have been introduced into the engine design, as well as, of course, new sawtooth chevrons, which ensure a softer mixing of the jet stream with the surrounding atmosphere. Thanks to this, the noise level from airliners in the airport area rarely exceeds 80-85 dB, which is, on average, 10 dB less than that of the Boeing 767 and Airbus A330 (despite the fact that the 787 is the heaviest in its class and its engines are more powerful ).

But even with so many innovations, engines continue to evolve. In 2016, Rolls-Royce began flight testing of the Trent 1000 TEN engines. This engine is an improved version of the Trent 7000 engine from the A330neo (which is an improved version of the Trent XWB from the A350, which in turn is an improved version of the base Trent 1000 from the Boeing 787, such is the cycle of engines in nature). The 1000 TEN models will have a thrust of up to 35.7 tf.


The width of the Boeing 787 cabin is 5.5 meters, which is significantly larger than the width of the Boeing 767 cabin (4.72 m) and is already close to the Boeing 777 cabin (5.84 m). Among competitors, the cabin is superior to the A330 (5.28 m), but inferior to the A350 (5.61 m).

Airliner salons have very wide possibilities for customization, so different airlines salons can be quite different from each other. Seating schemes may vary: 1-2-1, 2-2-2, 2-3-2 in business class, and 3-2-3, 2-4-2, 3-3-3 in economy class. Seat pitch varies from 46 to 61 inches (120-150 cm) in first class, from 36 to 39 inches (91-99 cm) in business class, and from 32 to 34 inches (81-86 cm) in economy class. 32 inches is standard in economy class on most airlines.

The most profitable and popular for airlines is the 3+3+3 scheme in economy class. Similar layouts are used on the Boeing 777 and Airbus A350, but due to the narrower cabin, a similar layout on the Boeing 787 is considered cramped. So, if you are a tall and broad-shouldered person, traveling long distances on a Dreamliner in this configuration is unlikely to be your dream flight.

The windows of the Boeing 787 measure 27 by 47 cm and are considered the largest among civil airliners. This was made possible due to the advantages of a more rigid composite fuselage - it became possible to enlarge the windows without additional structural reinforcement. Another advantage of the new windows is the absence of curtains: instead, electrochromatic glazing is used - particles are introduced into the window glass that can change the degree of light absorption when exposed to electricity. In fact, passengers can change the transparency of the windows at the touch of a button. Although the glass still does not become completely opaque, so they still left a curtain at the porthole in the toilet.

Another innovation in the interior is the complete absence of light bulbs. A network of LED lighting is responsible for lighting. In general, such technology in aviation is not new: such elements have long been installed as an option on the Boeing 777 and some Airbus airliners, but now it is used on a larger scale and has already been introduced into the base. Lighting can change colors, which is useful for increasing comfort levels.

Despite the fact that Boeing abandoned the use of the classic air supply system between engines, the new electric compressor atmospheric system creates a pressure in the cabin corresponding to an altitude of approximately 1800 meters (the cabins of most older aircraft have a pressure corresponding to an altitude of about 2-2.5 kilometers) . Humidity levels in the cabin can be adjusted by the crew depending on the number of passengers, but on average are maintained at 15% (previously humidity levels were around 4%). The aircraft again owes many of these advantages to the composite fuselage, which can withstand greater internal pressure and is not subject to corrosion. Also, of course, the quality of the internal atmosphere is maintained by a rather complex system of internal filters and air conditioners, and the absence of a classic air bleed system from the power plant prevents harmful gases from entering the cabin from the engines.


The first and basic version of the airliner is the 787-8 model, which appeared in 2009. Later, in 2013, a stretched version of the 787-9 was created, followed by the largest version, the 787-10, which is currently undergoing testing. In the ICAO certification documents they are listed under the indexes B788, B789 and B78X.

Initially, Boeing intended to create a rather modest in its characteristics, but very economical airliner model 787-3. It was supposed to accommodate 290-330 passengers and fly at a distance of up to 5,650 kilometers. The aircraft was supposed to replace the Boeing 757-300 and Boeing 767-200, and to ensure the ability to work with underdeveloped airfields, it was planned to reduce its wing span by replacing the ridge tips with classic winglets. However, such a short range was not in demand by airlines and the advantages of the aircraft did not change this: by 2010, operators replaced orders for the -3 model with the -8 model and the project was closed in favor of the older aircraft of the family.

Boeing 787-8- basic option. The aircraft can accommodate 242 passengers in a 2-class configuration and 359 in a single-class configuration, with a limit of 381. The flight range in a standard configuration is 13,621 kilometers. The aircraft is the smallest and lightest in the family (if, of course, 227.9 tons can be considered light). The Boeing 787-8 was introduced to the market in 2011 and replaced the Boeing 767 aircraft models 200ER and -300ER. The aircraft is quite popular, approximately a third of all orders are for this version, and at the end of 2017, 346 of them are already flying in airline fleets.

Boeing 787-9- an enlarged version, which now turns out to be average in the family. The fuselage of the airliner was lengthened by 6.1 meters (62.81 versus 56.72 for the -8 model). In addition, the aircraft became heavier by 26 tons (up to 254 tons). The capacity is 290 passengers in a two-class layout and 406 in a single-class layout, with a limit of 420 people. The flight range increased slightly and reached 14,140 kilometers. Interestingly, the increase in range was achieved not by increasing the amount of fuel, but by introducing a new active boundary layer control system and improving the aerodynamics of the airliner. Despite all the similarities between the models -8 and -9, these aircraft have many design differences: the wing, fuselage and many systems have been redesigned and improved.

The Boeing 787-9 is a replacement for the older Boeing 767-400ER and a direct competitor to the European Airbus A330. The aircraft first took off in 2013, and in 2014 it was transferred to the launch customer, Air New Zealand. At the end of 2017, 254 aircraft of this model were delivered.

Boeing 787-10 was the result of active lobbying by Emirates and Qantas. It was not originally planned, but after its creation it finds itself somewhat outside its niche, entering into competition with older models: the Airbus A350-900 and Boeing 777-200ER.

The fuselage of the aircraft was again lengthened by 5.47 meters (68.28 versus 62.81 for the -9 model). The capacity reached 330 passengers in a 2-class layout with a maximum of 440 people. The amount of fuel in the airliner's tanks remained the same, so the additional mass cost it a range reduced to 11,908 km.

Structurally, the -10 model is 95% unified with the -9 model, and the lengthening of the fuselage was achieved by adding two sections in the front and rear sections. The chassis was also strengthened, and the engines were boosted to a thrust of 34.7 tf.

At the end of 2017, Boeing is conducting certification tests, in which 3 aircraft are participating: 2 with Trent 1000 TEN engines and 1 with an uprated GEnx-1B engine. The aircraft will be assembled in Charleston, South Carolina. Deliveries will begin in early 2018.

Other modifications

By the beginning of the 2020s, Boeing plans to create several additional modifications of aircraft, including cargo and special transports. In 2009, the company offered its newest aircraft as aircraft No. 1 and No. 2 to the US Air Force for transporting senior officials, but the military still prefers to use time-tested machines.


At the end of 2017, Boeing had a portfolio of orders for 1,283 model 787 aircraft, of which, by the summer of 2017, 565 had already been delivered: 340 model -8 and 225 model -9. 39 airlines operate these aircraft on 983 routes around the world. The aircraft is also used on the record-breaking flight Perth (Australia) - London (UK) by Qantas airline with a length of 14,499 kilometers.

The largest operators are ANA (59), Japan Airlines (33), United Airlines (32) and Qatar Airways (30).

Operational problems and incidents

At the end of 2017, the Boeing 787 was not involved in serious accidents or disasters that led to the destruction of the aircraft or loss of life. However, being a completely new airliner that incorporated a large number of new technologies, in the initial periods of operation the aircraft was susceptible to “childhood diseases.”

At the beginning of their operation, aircraft from ANA and United Airlies were sent for Boeing inspections several times due to problems with the fuel system (including accounting) and electrical failures. Later, difficulties arose with sensors, on-board locators and aircraft engines. In 2016, while preparing to take off, an Ethiopian Airlines plane jammed and the front landing gear was damaged: the plane received minor damage, and a flight attendant was injured in the cabin.

The most famous problem of the Boeing 787 was accidents caused by new lithium-ion batteries. In 2013, during a flight on board an ANA airliner, signs of fire appeared. The plane made an emergency landing at Takamatsu Airport and was evacuated. An inspection showed that the fire occurred in one of the battery units. After some time, the same thing happened to a JAL airliner. At that time, these airlines operated 24 aircraft - half of all Dreamliners delivered. Soon, the FAA issued a directive removing the entire Boeing 787 fleet from service until the cause of the accidents was determined.

After investigation and testing, it turned out that the battery life on airplanes is about 52,000 flight hours, and not a million, as Boeing stated. The cause of the accidents was a lack of lithium-ion battery design - while more efficient, they are also less stable and, in case of malfunction, can catch fire, and the safety measures provided were ineffective.

The battery circuits, their support systems, as well as their production at Boeing in the battery manufacturer, the Japanese GS Yuasa, were checked and revised. The idea of ​​replacing lithium-ion batteries with nickel-cadmium batteries was discarded, since such battery packs would be larger and would weigh three times as much.

Companies have taken additional safety measures and upgraded battery packs. By the end of 2013, the FAA conducted additional certification tests of the airliners and made changes to operational documentation. However, in Japan, already in 2014, traces of battery overheating were detected twice more during maintenance, but after the introduction of new equipment and maintenance methods, such incidents stopped.

Type long-haul passenger aircraft
Modification 787-8 787-9 787-10
Power point GE0 GEnx-1B
RR Trent 1000
Engine thrust 2 X 28.6 tf 2 X 32.6 tf 2 X 34.7 tf
Maximum number of passengers 242 (2 classes)
381 maximum
290 (2 classes)
420 maximum
330 (2 classes)
440 maximum
Service ceiling 13 100 m
Range of flight 13,621 km 14,140 km 11,908 km
Maximum take-off weight 227.9 t 254 t 254 t
Cruising speed 956 km/h t
Wingspan 60.12 m
Length 56.72 m 62.81 m 68.28 m
Height 17.02 m

is a new generation long-range wide-body aircraft, built to replace the 767 model. It is noteworthy that for the first time in the history of aircraft construction, 50% of the aircraft’s structure consists of lightweight composite materials.


In the late 1990s, sales of long-haul jetliners began to decline, and Boeing began considering a replacement program for these aircraft. The project, accordingly, involved the development of two new models: the 747X - an extended and more fuel-efficient version of the 747-400, as well as the futuristic Sonic Cruiser concept, which could reach a speed of up to 0.98 Mach, while consuming no more fuel than 767 (per due to shortened flight time). As a result, both projects were received coolly by the airlines.

September 11, 2001, the unfortunate terrorist events in the United States, marked the beginning of the aviation crisis and rising oil prices. Demand for air travel had dropped significantly, and airlines needed new, fuel-efficient aircraft. The Sonic Cruiser project did not fit into the new realities, and on February 20, 2002, Boeing officially announced its cancellation.

In January 2003, Boeing unveiled the 7E7 twin-engine aircraft, based on Sonic Cruiser technologies. The company also announced that this aircraft will be the first in the new Yellowstone family.


Yellowstone is a Boeing project to replace the entire range of civil aircraft with high-tech models. New technologies include the use of composite materials in airframe construction, increased use of electrical systems instead of hydraulic ones, and more fuel-efficient turbojet engines.

The Yellowstone program is divided into three types:

  • Boeing Y1 is a project to replace aircraft with a capacity of 100 to 200 passengers. Designed to replace the 737 model
  • Boeing Y2 – replacement project long-haul aircraft 767. Today completed and sold under the name Boeing 787
  • Boeing Y3 - a project to replace ultra-long-range aircraft 777 and 747 with a passenger capacity of 300 to 600 people


In July 2003, Boeing held a competition for best name for 787. About 500,000 people chose the Dreamliner.

On April 26, 2004, All Nippon Airways became the Dreamliner's launch customer, ordering 50 aircraft for delivery in late 2008.

The Boeing 787 is an innovative product because for the first time in history, the aircraft's structure was created from lightweight composite materials rather than aluminum. This solution allows us to significantly reduce the weight of the aircraft, and therefore make it economically profitable. The company promised that the new airliner will consume 20% less fuel than the Boeing 767. Also, in comparison, the 787 will be 40% more efficient, thanks to modern engines and advanced aerodynamic solutions coupled with modern systems.


The aircraft is controlled using a fly-by-wire system. Overall, the cabin architecture is similar to the Boeing 777.

The Boeing 787 cockpit is equipped with multifunction displays. The control system includes the so-called “electronic flight plan” - two screens (one for each pilot), which display taxiing, approach and terrain maps.

Also, by default, the cabin is equipped with transparent indicators in front of the windshield (Huds), which allow you to simultaneously see instrument data and what is happening “outside the window.”

Using a broadband radio communication channel in real time, the automatic diagnostic system sends data to the ground repair service. This system can independently predict the occurrence of certain problems in aircraft mechanisms, which promises to reduce the likelihood of delays and reduce the time spent on diagnosis and repair.

Passenger cabin

The passenger cabin of the Boeing 787-8 can accommodate 296 passengers (in a one-class configuration), 240 passengers (in a two-class configuration), 234 passengers (in a three-class configuration.

The cabin width is 5.5 meters, and is 38 centimeters wider than that of the Airbus A330 and A340. The Boeing 787 has larger windows than any other passenger aircraft (27 x 47 cm). Instead of the usual plastic curtains, the windows are equipped with electrochromic dimming in smart glass.

One of the amazing features of the Boeing 787 is the cabin lighting. Anyone who's ever flown across multiple time zones knows what it's like to sleep mid-flight and be awakened by the flick of a switch and a fluorescent white light filling the cabin. LEDs in the dreamliner's cabin allow the crew to adjust the lighting intensity to suit different phases of flight.

The size of toilets has increased. Now, by deploying the partition between them, you can organize access for people in wheelchairs. The overhead bins have become significantly more spacious, and each of them can accommodate four suitcases with wheels, which is significantly more than the Boeing 767.

The more elastic composite body of the Dreamliner allows maintaining pressure in the cabin at a level corresponding to an altitude of 1800 m, whereas in a conventional aluminum cabin passenger plane pressure corresponds to an altitude of 2400 m.

The Boeing 787 is equipped with an innovative smooth flight system (Smoother Ride Technology), which ensures passenger comfort during turbulence. Boeing says this smooth flight technology will reduce the number of passengers sick by eight times. Throughout the entire area of ​​the aircraft there are special sensors that detect changes in air pressure, and this is one of the signs of turbulence. Based on sensor readings, the computer system adjusts the position of the flaperons to suppress the aircraft's vertical oscillation.

The cabin pressurization system is organized in a new way. Unlike other passenger aircraft, where air supplied to the cabin is taken from engines with a temperature of more than 600 degrees, passes through coolers and enters the cabin, in the Dreamliner the air is supplied to the cabin by electric compressors directly from the external environment. This eliminates the problem of insufficient air humidity. More humid air in the Dreamliner cabin provides the greatest comfort for passengers.


Boeing 787-8 – basic modification. Length 57 meters, wingspan 60 meters, maximum flight range up to 15,200 km. The aircraft is designed to replace the 767-200ER and 767-300ER.

Boeing 787-9 is a modification with an extended fuselage and a capacity of 250 to 290 passengers in a three-class cabin configuration. Flight range from 14,800 to 15,750 km. Boeing expects to replace the 767-400ER with this model. Deliveries to airlines are due to begin in 2014.

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