Village Monsanto Portugal. In Stone Captivity-town Monsanta - Portugal

Most small towns in Portugal resemble fabulous villages lost in time. Their residents are still preparing Portwine in an old traditional style and traditional food on the recipes of their ancestors, using Oslov as transport. Not many tourists are decided to immerse themselves so deeply into European history, but the winds are rewarded here for authentic architecture, unique culture and calm holidays. I bring to your attention an overview of the most charming small towns of Portugal.


This tiny city with a population of less than 2000 people is located in the central part of the country's eastern border. But do not let the small size of the almeida fool you. This city was once a very important place at the crossroads of trade routes from Spain. Almeida Castle is still preserved to the present day, miraculously avoid destruction during the war in the Pyrenean Peninsula 1810. During the fighting, the enemy core fell right in the warehouse with gunpowder and thundered powerful explosion, killed 500 defenders of the castle and damaged half of the city. The protection of trade routes was so important for residents of the city, which opened here Historical Museum Military historyLocated in the underground labyrinte.


Tourists visiting the sample can freely wander through the historic castle of a small town. You will not meet here queues for tickets, guards, barriers or railing. You can independently climb the top of the castle tower, although this entertainment is not for the faint of heart. But the lifting is worth it because the castle crowns the top of the hill, offering stunning views of the surrounding city. Going down you will witness the numerous scars left on the castle of the wars of the past. Take a free leaflet with which you can arrange yourself an independent pedestrian tour According to the newly restored village. In the medieval situation of the city, festivals with reconstructions are very often held.


Elvash is located at an important crossroads of trade routes between Portugal and Spain. It is inside the strengthening star formed. This kind of fortification allows you to focus the attackers in the area of \u200b\u200bcorners, where you need less defenders to reflect the attack. In addition, this form allows you to better reflect the attacks, since the cores of the guns pass along the walls along the tangential, and the attacking arrows are much more effective. During the excursion you will have the opportunity to make a tour of the southern part of strengthening with hidden passages and premises. The past here will be a reality thanks to specially trained personnel, which recreates the conditions of that time. On the Republic Square in the city center there is a beautiful cathedral, still using ancient aqueducts for the delivery of fresh water. The full treasure of Elvash does not attend the same number of tourists as other small towns in Portugal, so you can inspect the sights with a leisurely step, communicating with the locals.


Powerful ocean waves Manyat Surfer from around the world to the Central Atlantic coast of Portugal. The city plucked on the rock is majestically towers over the blue waters of the ocean, and its picturesque views are attracted here tourists of the day off. Restaurants and cafes Erisaire offer a menu from the freshest seafood, which will surely come to taste to gourmet. The luxury park exudes freshness right in the heart of the city on the Republic Square. The area is surrounded by pubs, shops and restaurants of seaside cuisine. New quarters with modern hotels are built in the southern and western part of this coastal resort.

Castell Rodrigo

This small Northern Eastern Portuguese city is very interesting story. Castle Castell Rodrigo retained the scars of numerous ocean of the past, depicting the coat of arms of Portugal upside down. The city is obliged to do so eternally according to the decree of the former King of Portugal Zhura V. This decree was published in 1385 after Zhuan V defeated Lord Castell Rodrigo in battle with alcohubarot. Castell Rodrigo took the side of King Castile, who had just married the only daughter of the Portuguese king Fernando Beatrice. He supported her throne demand after the death of his father. Today in this peaceful city it is necessary to allocate a beautifully restored center, stretching from the historic castle.


Return back to the story by visiting the lamb. Located in the cradle between the slopes of the mountain North-central Portuguese city has a unique baroque charm. Most tourists come here to rise in the age-old baroque staircase to the exciting spirit of the Sanctuet of Our Lady of Healing. A beautifully preserved granite sanctuary and the luxurious church are a true admiration for tourists. 686 steps lead to observation siteFrom where the panoramic view of the surrounding countryside offers. Visit time you can try one of the best varieties of Portwine in the region.

At dawn

Ask any local and he will tell you that Nazare is the best beaches in Portugal. Huge sand beaches And the Atlantic Waves challenge surfrs there from around the world. Located on the slope of the Rock on Saturdays, you can watch the largest fishing vessels of Portugal returning to the bay with trophies. Local women sell their craft products in the markets, which can be brought with them as souvenirs for friends. Among the attractions, you can make a tour of the clean streets of the city, admire it with white buildings, try delicious seafood and watch out for huge waveswho are considered one of the largest in the world. In 2013, a wave of 24 meters high was registered in Nazare, setting the world record of height. So big waves caused underwater canyon Not far from the coast.

Castel di

Castel di is located right in the midst of the eastern border of Portugal with Spain. Less than 4,000 permanent residents live in this small town. One of his few attractions besides medieval castle - this is the clean refreshing mineral waterwhich is taken from small fountains throughout the city. Life here flows slowly and measured. Waking up early in the morning, you can become a direct witness taking place in the city of events. From day to day, local women knit crocheted on the porch, children kick a soccer ball, and men play cards on narrow alleys near the cafe. You will also be impressed by the views of the city, rising to the top of the hill.


Taviru is located a few kilometers from the ocean coast in the south of the country and leads its history from the Bronze Age. Located in the picturesque area of \u200b\u200bTaviru - Paradise for lovers of pedestrian walks. Potted streets intertwined with shady parks and lead directly to the castle on the elevation. The path to it lies on the romantic Roman bridge along the many Renaissance churches of the Gothic style. Fishermen bring their daily catch to the modern coastal market, and just a few kilometers from Tavira is one of best beaches Portugal with white sand - Ilya de Tavir.


Obidysh attracts thousands of tourists every year due to the high quality of the service and numerous festivals. If you are looking for a quiet Portuguese direction in a small town, then definitely you will not find it here because of the crowd of tourists. Nevertheless, Obidysh can offer plenty of interesting sights, including the surrounding castle of gear walls. Inside the strengthening, you will find a maze of narrow cobbled streets that bind big white buildings, flower beds, restaurants, shops and bars. The castle on the top of the hill was converted into a chic upscale hotel for those who appreciate beautiful views and luxury.


In Central Portugal, you will meet the hill, covered with 200-ton boulders, as if fallen directly from heaven. In the midst of these boulders, the houses of the village of Monsanto are picturesque. As a transport, donkeys are still used here, and the permanent population is about a thousand local residents. Thanks to the ingenuity of residents, boulders serve as fortifications, walls and even roofs of their dwellings. There is even one house built into one of the largest rocks of the city. Monsanto received the status of the Portuguese city itself in Portugal and is now one of the obligatory for visiting places in the central region of the country.


Highly on top of the south of Almeida is located the city of Marvaau. This settlement with less than five thousand inhabitants is not for nervous travelers. The ancient narrow alley of the city is cut straight into the rock, speaking high on the slope. Buildings in Marvao bright and decorated with flowers. From here opens the breathtaking panoramic views of Portuguese landscapes. The castle protects the city, but there was no large number The siege of the warrior, because the old architecture remained intact. Several small hotels are ready to take tourists who want to visit something uncharted. Marvao is included in the list of the most charming cities in Europe according to LiFeglobe.


The Knights of the Order of the Templar were a religious military faction founded by Pope Roman. They were considered the most qualified fighters during crusades, and at the same time were extremely advanced in the field of finance. The Templars managed the Christian world from the 12th to the 14th century, making the Portuguese City of Tomara with their capital. Located in the forests of Set Monte, the historical treasure has retained the former house of the Knights of Convention de Cristo. I advise you to plunge into history, visiting Almurol Castle and old synagogue. Here you can try Fatiash de Thomar - a traditional bread snack that is preparing here for several generations.


Historical monuments of times of Megalith are reminded Stonehenge. They are located on the outskirts of Monsarash - one of the oldest settlements in Southern Portugal. Like most cities on the border with Spain, Monsarash has its own castle built at the highest point of the city to protect. Maur and Christians, as well as the Knights of the Order of the Templars managed this castle in different periods of history. Nowadays, tourists also attract local cuisine and historical sights, along with an amazing atmosphere and friendliness of local residents. It is easy to get lost on the zigzag ancient streets of Monsarash with a different houses. You will not be disappointed by visiting this sleepy authentic Portuguese city.

Monsanto is a small Portuguese village, which is well known far beyond the limits of his native country. She is on low Gore Southeast Serra de Estrare. For many centuries, Monsanto's terrain remained unchanged, which travelers can see it now. The main attractions of this place are unusual buildings, the old fortress, erected by the Templars, as well as huge boulders. All these beauties are located near the border with Spain, in the Portuguese district of Hidale-a-Wiel.

According to the archaeological excavations carried out, the ancient Romans, Arabs and Luisitan lived in Monsanto. The first king of Portugal Afonus Enrikesh managed to win the village of Mavrov, after which it was presented in the XII century the famous Order of the Templars, who erected at the top of the Fort Hill. Despite the change of power, climatic conditions and sieges, Fort stood until the middle of the XIX century, until he was destroyed by an explosion of a powder warehouse. Now the ruins of the old fortress in Monsanto are popular with tourists.

In the 30s of the last century, Monsanto was adjusted by the "most Portuguese village of Portugal". Although many Portuguese disagree with such an opinion, since the village is noticeably different from all settlements of the country.

All buildings in Monsanto are able to hit the imagination of any traveler - huge granite blocks, which are attached by residential buildings, as well as stunning landscapes, opening with a tourist with a high hill. Walking through the narrow paved street streets of Monsanto, there is a feeling that I got into medieval fairy taleAnd because of the rocks now the Giant will come out. Tourists, examining the fortress erected without cars and lifts, will be amazed by human ingenuity and knowledge.

How to get:

You can get to the village of Monsanto from two cities - Lisbon and Porto.
If you go to the car, then when moving from Lisbon, you need to keep tracks A23 and A1 (E80), if from the port of A25.
Also before Monsanto can be reached by public transport. To do this, you first need to get to the city (Castelo Branco). This can be done on the train - from Lisbon from Gare Do Oriente (time on the way about 3 hours) or from Porto (travel time about 5 hours).
Also before Castel Branka can be reached by bus. From Lisbon, there is an express on working days from the Rodoviario de Seite Rios terminal, located next to the zoo. Time on the way is about 2.5 hours. From the port, time in the way will be about 4 hours.
From Castel Brranka in Monsanto buses depart daily, except Sunday and festive days. Time on the way is around one and a half hours.

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The town of Monsanta, Lost in Central Portugal, hid under huge granite boulders. Cobblestones hanging over tiled roofs create amazing landscapes. The architecture of the city, from the XII to XIX centuries. The territorial center of the historic province of Beira Baysha is the continuation of the space created by nature. SAMI high Point Settlements are located at an altitude of 758 meters.

Narrow streets in the monsanta seemed to be cut between boulders, and at home clamped the bar. For those who have passed since the foundation of the settlement, eight centuries of the city relief changed little. Scattered around the city of boulders are still balanced on the hill elephant, in any second as if ready to break into the abyss. In 1938, Monsanta was recognized as the "most Portuguese village in Portugal", where whether the stones are born from houses, or houses from the stones.

Monsanta is visited daily by hundreds of tourists; The greatest influx is in July and August. Here are souvenir shops, cafes, restaurants and guest Houseswhere you can stay for a couple of nights. The cost of double rooms decorated in traditional style with furniture of the XVIII-XIX centuries, starts from 55 euros, including breakfast and wireless Internet access. Located under the huge boulder restaurant Petiscos & Granitos - perhaps the most colorful in Monsant. Here serves dishes local cuisineMainly with the use of products grown in the surrounding area, which meets the concept of a restaurant as a continuation of natural landscapes.

Tourist office in Monsanta is open from 10:00 to 18:00; Lunch time - from 13:00 to 14:00. The information center is located on Rua Marquês Da Graciosa.

How to get

Monsanto is located 277 kilometers to the northeast of and 306 kilometers south. You can get to the medieval town in the A23 and A1 (E80) motorways when traveling from Lisbon and A25 motorway when moving from the port. Free parking Located at the entrance to Monsanto.

From Lisbon, Porto and others large cities Portugal to get to Monsanto public transport. True, with a transfer in the city of Castelo Branco. Railway communication connects Lisbon and port with Castel Branka; Trains depart from 8:00 to 19:30 every hour. The time on the way is about three hours from Lisbon (trains depart from Gare Do Oriente Station) and five hours from the port.

You can also get to Monsanta by bus from Lisbon, Porto and other major cities of Portugal with a change in Castel Branka. From Lisbon to Castele-Branka, Express is sent at 9:50 on working days and Saturdays, with the exception of holidays, as well as at 14:00 on weekdays from the Rodoviario de Seite Rios terminal, located next to the city zoo. Time on the way from Lisbon is about two hours, from the port - four and a half hours.

From Castel Brranka in Monsanto, buses depart daily at 12:25 (except Sunday and festive dates) and at 17:15 (except Saturday, Sundays and festive dates), as well as on Sundays at 11:40 (and on Mondays, if output). Return flights depart daily at 7:15 am (except for Sundays and festive dates), as well as on Sundays at 14:20 (and on Mondays, if it is a day off). Time on the way is around one and a half hours. Distance between cities - 55 kilometers.


Monsanto is located in the municipality of Idanya-A-Nova (IDANHA-A-NOVA), in Castelo Branco, in the Central Region.


Directly before the departure in Portugal, I saw the photos of the village of Monsanto. And since I was driving in Portugal, I had to get into this village. I will say right away - everything was against me to get into this village, throughout the road there, and back unknown crap put me sticks to the wheels. But it was worth it! I decided not to break the post into two parts, so there will be a lot of photos. (68 photos)

Briefly tell about the difficulties that were on my path to the village. Monsanto village is located from the port of 300 kilometers and except on the car there is no way to get there, in any case faster than the day. I decided to take a car for hire. First, I did not give a car in Euro CAR, because I did not have international Rights (Although the police said that according to my Russian rights I can take the car and I can manage it). I had to take the car in another office overpay 25 euros per car. Then I missed the turn on the highway, I decided not to go to the nearest turn of hell knows how many kilometers, but just pass back (there was only 15 meters). The road was empty, nor a single machine. But in a couple of minutes after I passed back and moved to the desired road, I noticed the police in the rearview mirror. In general, they stopped me and on broken English with the active use of gestures reported that I was reversed on the highway. I still can not understand how ... how? They saw it. Then they get a thick folio from the trunk and poke your finger in the figure of 500 euros. But after I said that I do not have such money, they shook my finger a couple of times - it is impossible to ride the highway on the highway, they gave the documents and left. I could not believe my happiness for a long time. The remaining path to the village passed fine, without adventure. But on the way back the navigator led along the paid road. I needed to drive kilometers 40 and paid for it it was about 2-3 euros. But ... it turns out at the entrance to paid road It was necessary to take a ticket, and on the road to present, so that the distance and the tariff were counted there. I learned this already on the road when I was counted at a complete rate of 51 euros. 51 euros for 40 kilometers of the road!

Mount Mons Sanctus on which the village is located.

A little story: the village is located on the slope of the mountain of the same name (if you are accurate - granite rock) 800 meters high, the name is translated as "Holy Mountain" (Mons Sanctus).

The village was founded in the 12th century. Residents adopted a rather reasonable solution to large boulders not to touch, but to build space between them, under them, above them, in a word - everywhere, using stones like walls, roofs, foundation and main building material. As a result of the development, a unique intricate the natural rock formations and the creations of human hands were turned out, as local people say, "you never know in Monsanto, where the stone ends and the house begins."

It turns out that a sonorous slogan about the "Portuguese ..." residents of Monsanto (Monsanto) did not attach themselves. In 1938, the All-Building National Competition of this "the most", or, in a scientific - "authentic" settlement, and the laurel wreath of the winner, more precisely, the silver rooster was in the hands of the Monsantov. The rooster and today bangs on the clocky tower in the midst of the village (by the way it is a copy).

The foundations of the life of a primitive man were found in the district, invited archaeologists, those who had breathed there and told the Monsantov, that people in these parts were inhabited since the times of Paleolithic. Also found presence - Iberians, Romans, Visigoths and Arabs. And Afono Enriches King in 1165 dismantled Monsanto from Mavrov and gave it to the Templars for the castle, which was built.

The castle for the eight hundred of subsequent years was actively used, and the hunters conquered him a lot, but Monsanto showed himself a strong nutrition.

So it lasted until the powder warehouse exploded happened. The castle was slightly collapsed, but in the future his restoration no one was engaged in this form, it was preserved until our time.

By the way, about the war in Monsanto there interesting legendassociated with the largest local holiday.

There was some year there a year (historians still confused), after 7 years the siege in the castle there is no food at all, except for one cow and grain bag. The besieged sadly looked at the Burenka, realizing that this last cattle would briefly deduct their death hour. And then there is some kind of nameless woman in the mind of the most interesting thought - and what if you show the enemy that they had a meal?

The townspeople, having encountered, decided to do so and do, because to let the cow on the meat, and the grain on the cakes a smooth account did not solve anything - all the same Kayuk. So the cow to the dump fed the grain and with a cheerful ullyukanya dropped on the head of the enemy.

The opposite enemy examined the traveled pitfall, especially his bored belly, and decided that it was pointless to continue the blockade, because if after seven years of isolation in Monsanto, even cows eat like a slaughter, then this siege will never end at all. The troops retreated, Monsanto was saved.

It is believed that this happened on May 3. This day is celebrated by the "Day of the Holy Cross". Solemn procession, dressed in festive national costumes, walks to the castle, carrying a white pot decorated with flowers, symbolizing a cow. After any rituals, like how many years ago, a cow, that is, a pot in a modern version, flies from the wall of the castle to the ground.

With the story ended, back to the real. Actually there is nothing to tell - it must be seen.

The road to the castle, which is located just above the village.

Ruins of the castle.

I did not understand what it is? Very similar to the grave, just in the form of a person, only the covers "the coffin lacking". Maybe someone knows what it really is?

That's all! Who mastered my congratulations!

Monsanto is a small village in Portugal. It is located in three hundred kilometers from Lisbon. Probably, each of us at least once stumbled upon unsurpassed pictures of this village with his extraordinary buildings. Surely, they saw the fortress constructed by the Templars or considered the grand sizes of boulders.

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The village is just enough beautiful place On the slope of the mountain with a height of almost eight hundred meters, and the name of this, if you become accurate, the granite rock is translated as "Holy Mountain". The village is based in the distant twelfth century.

Local residents decided that the boulders represent historical value and in construction built up the free space between them, in one word - the people used stones as walls, roofs, foundations and, in fact, as the main building material. And it is impossible to disagree with this, because the stone is nothing but granite.

How to get to Portugal yourself - the best ways.

All this makes it make an excerpt from some film about the ancient people, about the formation of a person, about its development and go into deep philosophical thought. But we are not talking about this. As a result, from under the solid, but the world's creative hand, the world saw unique buildings in which the grace of nature and the exquisite creativity of human hands are intertwined. Even the locals themselves say that it is impossible to disassemble where the stone ends and the hut begins.

Due to the lack of active archaeological excavations, a huge number of questions and remains without answers. But this fact does not confuse archaeologists and they confidently argue that the Romans lived in this village, as well as Luisitan and Arabs. In turn, this is confirmed by the objects of a primitive person found in the district. Archaeologists were invited, who did not spend deep excavations and concluded that people in these parts were inhabited since the time of Paleolithic.

In addition, it was the first king of Portugal that the settlement of Mavrov took away. And here in history, the Templars appear, which the king presented in this village. It was them was built on the top of the hill mentioned above the fortress, they later rebuilt it, erecting around the defensive wall.

You just imagine that this fortress was withstanding not one era, not one manual, a change of generation, bad weather and even climate change. But unfortunately, in the nineteenth century, the destruction was crashed in the explosion of the gap of gunpowder, in Christmas, but unfortunately the reason remained unknown.

All this betrays some mysteriousness, passing through the non-Ukrainous streets. You imagine yourself with one of the children's company, which with wooden sticks imagine themselves by knights of the round table and win, in the seemingly hopeless battle.

The most Portuguese village of Portugal

By the way, Monsanta is also called the "Portuguese Village of Portugal", and this is no reason how the symbol of this title is none other than a silver rooster. He so followed by local controls all the entrances and approaches to the territory that is guarded from the tower, which can be seen on the entrance to the village.

Although some Portuguese argue that Monsanta is completely different to most local villages. Others argue that this is the only one of its kind localitywho beat off the many attacks of French conquerors, and did not break away from long sidia and remained belonging to Portugal.

No matter how drastically did not differ the opinions of local residents, but they all are undoubtedly proud of their village and trying to tell tourists in every possible way.

Bright paints and stunning landscapes

We will not deepen in history and pay attention to the beauty of nature, the brightness of the paints whom she draws its amazing landscapes. Everyone who visited at least once in Monsanga will never forget this beauty. From the very beginning, looking at the locals, you understand that they prefer the measured and calm rhythm of life. They frankly admire landscapes that they open their eyes every day and no matter how much they live there daily in this beauty appear new notes of sophistication and the absence of nature Mother of nature.

Walking in small streets, visits the feeling that you walk on the fabulous path of the city in which the giants live and all the time you fear that the big head of an unknown fabulous kill will seem because of the next cliff. When meeting locals, I want to ask how long they live here, in the hope of hearing a unique, slightly fabulous and mysterious story Their generations started by valiant soldiers.

The legend of the village of Monsant

I would also like to tell one more fascinating legend, which describes the trick and the smelting of the people who lived there long before us. So, it was some year after the seven-year siege of the fortress, the residents ate everything that was from provisions, only one cow was left and a bag with grain.

The precipitated heavily sigh understanding that the end was completely close and the remaining burenka would not strongly delay this moment. But here, surprisingly, a certain woman suddenly suddenly suggested a completely risky plan, namely it was offered to feed the boron to the boron and give it to opponents. Would you seem why? But the woman was unusually wise and the plan worked.

"How?" - you ask. It would seem, very simple, feeding the four animals, they threw off the cow on the heads of the enemies. Opponents of Chumayv from such a act could not not pay attention to the stomach of the animal and decided that, if, after so many years, Monsanta was able to feed the animal to slaughter, then there was no slightest sense to continue this battle and troops retreated, leaving the village not defeated.

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