The meaning of the word Porto-Novo in the reference book of the cities and capitals of the world. Rest in Porto-Novo, the best prices for tours to Porto New Transfer from Porto Novo Airport

Porto New

Porto-Novo - the capital of Benin and the main port of the country in the Gulf of Guinea. The city is also an administrative and shopping center adjacent to the agricultural region. The population of the capital is about 169,000 inhabitants. The first information about Porto-Novo belongs to the XVII century. It is assumed that the city appeared at the end of the XVI century as the capital of a small African state. In the XVII century, the Portuguese founded their shopping center here, after which the city began to supply black slaves for the North and Latin America. After turning the Dagomey to the French colony in 1894, Porto-Novo became its administrative center. In 1960, the city became the capital of the independent state of Benin. The city developed the food industry and fisheries. Here are presidential palace, building of the National Assembly, Research Institutions (including the Institute of Applied Research), National Library. National Archives, Botanical Garden and Museums, among which the Ethnographic Museum is the most important place.

Cities and capital of the world. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, the meanings of the word and what is Porto-Novo in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • Porto New in the big encyclopedic dictionary:
    (Porto Novo) The actual capital (since 1960) Benin, the port in the Guinean Hall. 220 thousand inhabitants (1985). Food industry. Fishing. Ethnographical museum. ...
  • Porto New
    (Porto Novo), the capital of the Republic of Dagomei. Political (second after Cotonou), economic and cultural Center countries. Located on the shores of the Gulf of Guinea. Climate ...
  • Porto New
    Porto-Novo (Porto-Novo, Adjare) - the main mountains. The provinces of the same eyelantry, in French. Colony Dagomea, on the slave of the Western coast. Palm oil removal ...
  • Porto New in the modern encyclopedic dictionary:
  • Porto New
    capital (since 1960) Benin. 220 thousand inhabitants. Port in the Gulf of Guinea. Food industry. Crafts. Fishing. Ethnographical museum. The first information about ...
  • Porto New in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    NOVO (RORTO NOVO), actual. Capital (since 1960) Benin, port in the Guinean Hall. 178 T.G. (1992). Food. Prom-st. Fish-in. Ethnogr. Museum. ...
  • Porto New in the encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
    (Porto-novo, adjare)? The main city of the province of the same name, in Franz. Colonies Dagomea, at the unfinished bank Zap. Africa. Removal of palm ...
  • Porto New
    city, port, ...
  • Porto New in the modern explanatory dictionary, BSE:
    (Porto Novo), the actual capital (since 1960) Benin, the port in the Guinean Hall. 220 thousand inhabitants (1985). Food industry. Fishing. Ethnographic ...
  • New in the directory Settlements and Russian postal codes:
    152634, Yaroslavl, ...
  • Porto in the dictionary of financial terms:
    communication costs: postal, telegraphic ...
  • New in the historic directory terrorism and terrorists:
    Guilermo, head "Omega-7". The first terrorist attack made 11.12.1964 together with Ignacio Novo and Julio Perez - shelling from the UN Building Bazuki ...
  • Porto in the encyclopedic dictionaries:
    nOT., p., com. In a number of countries: the postal and telegraph expenses are attributed to the account ...
  • New in the encyclopedic dictionary:
    ... The first part of complex words with meanworth.: 1) new (in 1 meaning), first appeared, for example. newly elected, newcomer, neoplasm; 2) ...
  • Porto in the new foreign word dictionary:
    iT. Porto) 1) com. In capitalist countries - postal and telegraph costs attributable to the client's account. 2) Name of the original port from Portugal ...
  • Porto in the dictionary of foreign expressions:
    [IT. porto] com. In capitalist countries - postal and telegraph costs attributable to the account ...
  • New in the Synonyms Dictionary Abramova:
    (A submission corresponding to adverb). Cm. …
  • Porto in the dictionary of the synonyms of the Russian language.
  • New in the dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language:
    in the wondrus, this, unusual, unusual, ...
  • Porto
    cf. NOT. Study. Postal-telegraph expenses paid by the customer ...
  • Novo ... in the new intelligent-word-formative dictionary of the Russian language Efremova:
  • New in the new intelligent-word-formative dictionary of the Russian language Efremova:
    narch. ...
  • Porto in the dictionary of the Russian language of Lopatina:
    p'ORto, NK, ...
  • Porto in the full spelling dictionary of the Russian language:
    porto, NK, ...
  • Porto in the spelling dictionary:
    p'ORto, NK, ...
  • Novo ... in the dictionary of the Russian language Ozhegov:
    The first part of complex words with meanings. The opposite of the ancient N1, next to him Novogreic, Novoeurocyan, Novyladnikov Novo ... The first part of complex words ...
  • Novo in the Dalya dictionary:
    and Novo Narech. Expressing the same concept of new, anti-counterpart. old, ancient, long-time, former, formerly; Therefore, the merge of him, with others ...
  • Porto
    nOT., Wed (IT. Porto) (bargaining). Postal-telegraph expenses paid by the customer ...
  • New in the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Ushakov:
    The first part of the composite words in the meaning: 1) new, unlike (ancient), (old), for example. Novogreic language; 2) for the first time, just ...
  • Porto
    porto cf. NOT. Study. Postal-telegraph expenses paid by the customer ...
  • Novo ... in the explanatory dictionary of Ephremova:
    The initial part of complex words, contributing: 1) a new (new Novogreic, New Testament, etc.); 2) for the first time, just that, recently (newborn, newly built, new invented ...
  • New in the explanatory dictionary of Ephremova:
    novo Narech. ...
  • Porto
  • Novo ... in the new Russian English language dictionary:
    The initial part of the complex words, contributing to 1) a new (new Novogreic, New Testament, etc.) 2) for the first time, just that, recently (newborn, newly built, new invented ...
  • New in the new Russian English language dictionary:
    narch. Qualities. ...
  • Porto
    nOT. cf. Study. Post-telegraph expenses paid by ...
  • Novo ... in a large modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language:
    The initial part of the complex words, contributing to 1) a new (Novogor "Economic, Novozav" Etc., etc.) 2) for the first time, recently (...
  • New in a large modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language:
    I NARCH. Qualities. Unusual. II preference. The estimated characteristics of something like an unfamiliar, unusual, not like it was before. III Predict. Estimated ...
  • Novo-Solovetskaya Marcchugovskaya desert
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "Tree". Krasnocholmskaya Novo-Solovetskaya Marcchovskaya desert, Compound Solovetsky Monastery In the village of Faustovo (since 1995). Address: 140240, ...
  • Novo-Jerusalem Monastery in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "Tree". Resurrection Novo-Jerusalem Stavropigial Male Monastery Address: 143500, Moscow Oblast, Istra, Sovetskaya St., D.2 Tel / ...
  • Magopak New Native Desert in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "Tree". New-native deserts in the village of Magopak, New York (Stavropiga of the Russian Orthodox Church, abroad). Address: RUSSIAN ...
  • DAHOMEY in big soviet encyclopedia, BSE:
    (Dahomey), Republic of Dagomey (Republique du Dahomey), a state in West Africa. On Yu was washed by the Guinean Bay. Borders on S. with Niger, ...
  • Porto-Franco in the encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (PORTO FRANCO, PORT FRANC, FREIHAFEN) - Primorsk harbor, using the right of duty-free import of foreign and export of native goods. When establishing this ...
  • BENIN in the Color Dictionary:
    Republic of Benin, a state in West Africa. The territory of the country is extended in the meridional direction from the coast of the Guinean Bay deep into the mainland on ...
  • BENIN in the Directory of the countries of the World:
    Republic of Benin Republic in West Africa, not far from the Gulf of Guinea. In the north, the country is bordered by Burkina Faso and Niger, in the East ...
  • Boston Diocese of PCA in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "Tree". Boston, New-English and Albanian Diocese of the Orthodox Church in America. Diocesan control: Po Box 149, Southbridge ...
  • PORT WINE in the dictionary of alcoholic beverages:
    - (It. Portwein, from the name of the city of Porto (Porto) in Portugal and it. Wein - Wine), strong grape wine produced from ...
  • PORT WINE in the Big Soviet Encyclopedia, BSE:
    [Him. Portwein, from the name of the city of Porto (Porto) in Portugal and him. Wein - Wine], a strong wine grape, produced from ...
  • Elba, Island in the encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (ELBA, in antiquity Aethalia, or ILVA) - Island in the Mediterranean Sea, between Own Corsica (50 km from it) and ...
  • Trieste in the encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (Suskinsk. Terst, ITAL. TRIESTE, it. Triest, dates. Tergestum) - Imperial (Reichsunmittelbare) city in the Austrian-Illiro Primorye, the most important Austrian trading port ...

The state of Benin, which is, can be said, the main center of Vudium on the planet Earth, has a mystical escape capital: there is a capital, and there are no governments in it. The capital of Benin is called Porto New, and this is not the most big city Benin, and not the most important (Cotonew, where all government and main financial institutions are just being concentrated cultural life Countries, in this regard, has a much more significant role), but this is such a turn.

Porto-Novo is located near the coast of the Gulf of Guinea, he stretched along the picturesque lagoon. This is the second largest city of Benin, and, in addition to possessing the capital status, also the center of the Cam Department. It is called that because the Portuguese navigator Eusarotus di Campo in 1730 deployed the similarity between this settlement and the Portuguese city of Porto; That you mean, Porto-Novo is a new porto. Once this city, called quite otherwise, was the capital of a little african country (Kingdom of Adjaci, if more precisely), but in the XVIII century, Portuguese colonizers brought a sad note in urban historyBy making Porto-Novo (at that time Acron, then Ogbon) the center of the slave trade and the point of sending slaves to America ("Slutvniki Coast" is not official name This place). At the end of the XIX century, Dagomei was already done by the French colony, the center of which was the city of Porto-Novo, and after receiving Independence Dagomey, he became the capital of a separate state, after 1975, began to be called Benin. The city is famous for which cotton and palm oil are made here in abundance, as well as the fact that it is a large port and an important transport node. Actually some government agencies Not moved to Cotonu, but remained in Porto-Novo: this is a parliament, the National Assembly and part of the ministries.

Equatorial climate reigns here. The average monthly temperature - About 25-27 degrees of heat.

The city is divided into 5 districts and 86 quarters. Its building is quite quaint: Streets snatch and shook, and look like cunning labyrinths. On these streets, there are mainly colonial homes of the Portuguese. However, many modern streets and houses have recently here: wide avenues are decorated with buildings shopping centers, office buildings, banks.

One of the main city attractions is the market Grand Marche d'Adjara. Here you can buy all kinds of local masters, which are so famous for Porto-Novo: from ceramics to wooden and metal dishes, furniture, decorations. Also here you can buy food. The most beautiful building of the city is considered to be the Palace of Gbekon King Toffa. Building 1880, called in honor of the district in which this palace was erected, which became an architectural monument, strikes with dimensions (there is a giant throne room, prison, courtrooms and the most royal residence) and beauty (the design of Halls in Afro-Brazilian style leaves the impression for life), but you need to see it to see him, because, despite the intention of the king to do everything in best of sightFor the construction of the palace, not the highest quality materials were used, and it is in the process of destruction, from which it does not save even continuous repairs.

Other source sights Porto New Novo is an ethnographic museum with a large collection of items of everyday life and ritual items of the people of Joruba, as well as the most beautiful botanical garden.

The city of Porto-Novo is the official capital of Benin. Official, but not actual. The government, most of the banking institutions of the representatives of the elite prefer to it. It is two of these cities that are essential in Benin economic, political, financial and cultural centers.

Location features, historical information about Porto-Novo

The capital of Benin Porto-Novo is a major port located in the south-east of the country, along the coast of the Guinean Bay. Currently, its population, according to approximate estimates, is one hundred eighty thousand people. In the seventeenth century, he wore the name Adjaci and was the center of the state of the same name. It is here that the Portuguese colonialists organized and put on a wide stream trading slaves.

The new name is the city from them. At the end of the nineteenth century, the French came to the change of Portuguese colonizers, and the city became the administrative center of the French colony. Today, the National Assembly, the country's parliament, some ministries are located in Porto-Novo from state bodies. The rest moved to Coton. On the geographic map. Countries can be seen that the city stretched along the lagoon.

Architecture, culture, location of Porto-Novo.

Where is the capital of Benin? Tourists who have decided to visit Benin, historians, ethnographers studying Benin, historians, ethnographers who study the colonial history and life of local peoples, as well as all those who are associated with local crafts can be accomplished on this issue. On the map of the city it is clear that the feature of his architecture is the narrow street curves that form bizarre labyrinths. They are built up, mainly houses in Portuguese colonial style. Over the past twenty years, Porto Novo appeared wide avenues and multi-storey buildings of banks, administrative and shopping centers, residential buildings. Many of them use traditional African forms and ornaments.

One of the attractions of the capital is the market of Grand Marche, which sells products of local artisans:

  • wooden traditional sculptures,
  • tamatany drums,
  • baskets
  • mats
  • masks and more.

Also from attractions deserve attention Botanical Garden With samples of the richest flora of the country, the Museum of Ethnography with the meeting of the objects of life and cult of the people of Joruba, the village of Fishermen on the piles.

Porto-Novo (Fr. Porto-Novo; Also known as Hogbonu, Ogbon, Fr. Hogbonou, Adjas, Fr. Adjac) - The official capital of the state of Benin; Not, however, the place of permanent residence of the government of the country.


The city is one of the ports of the Gulf of Guinea, and is located in the southeastern part of the country. Porto-Novo - the second largest city of Benin, but the city of Cotonou in its status is more important for the country - both in cultural and political terms. IN this region Palm oil, cotton and droplets are produced. Petroleum fields were opened in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Benin coast in the 1990s, and became an important part of the export economy of the country.


The first information about the city belongs to the XVII century. The exact date of the foundation is unknown, but it is assumed that this happened in the XVIII century. The city was allegedly founded as the capital of a small African country. In the XVIII century, settled here

The first information about Porto-Novo belongs to the XVII century, when this city was called Adjaci and was the capital of the kingdom with the same name. The name of Porto-Novo is associated with the appearance of Portuguese colonialists in Adjache, organized on the coast of the Guinean Bay to the slave trade. Portuguese conquerors, revealing the similarity between Adjache and the Portuguese City of Porto, gave the city name Porto Novo (New Porto).

Since 1893, the country becomes a French colony, and Porto-Novo - its administrative center. After the proclamation of independence in 1960, Porto-Novo became the capital of the Republic of Dagomei, renamed in 1975 to the Republic of Benin. Porto-Novo has a parliament of the country, the National Assembly, a number of ministries. The residence of the president, the government and foreign missions are located in the city of Coton.

What to see

Porto-Novo stretched along the lagoon. In his center - a labyrinth of narrow curves of streets, built-up one-two-storey buildings with carved wooden balconies in the style of Portuguese architecture. In recent decades, new landscaped broad prospectuses with modern high-rise buildings have been laid in the capital. These are public and administrative institutions, shops, banks, residential buildings, mansions, in the architecture of which are used elements of traditional art (stylized forms, ornaments, wooden sculpture). The stadium was built in the capital, the Botanical Garden is located, which presents the flora of the country. The city is the Institute of Applied Research, where geographers, historians, sociologists, specialists in traditional medicine work. At the Institute there is a library.

Benin has long been famous for distinctive artistic craft. The ethnographic museum contains a rich collection of wooden items - these are figures of people and animals, decorated furniture, including tables, stools, altari, royal thrones, which are complex sculpture compositions. Traditional motifs are reflected in the statuette and vessels from the hosted and glazed ceramics. Unusual and original small plastic, cast from bronze by the "Lost Wax" method (according to wax models). It prevails dynamic scenes of genre nature, sometimes with numerous characters. Figurines are well transmitted movement, external features of people and animals, they are inherent in specific proportions - elongated figures with subtle limbs.

See also: