Petra's city gardens. History of Petrovsky times

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The Summer Palace of Peter I is considered one of the oldest buildings in St. Petersburg. The house is in very beautiful place called Summer Garden. This park was broken at the beginning of the 18th century, when the northern capital was just beginning to build up. To work on its summer residence Peter I invited eminent architects and garden masters. The king dreamed of setting here a garden in Versaillass style. Looking ahead, let's say that it turned out it and so far the summer garden remains one of the favorite places of recreation of tourists and residents of the city.

The Summer Palace of Peter I in St. Petersburg does not differ in pomp. This is a very modest baroque building, completely unlike the royal choirs.

The place for the Summer Palace Peter chose between the Neva and Fontanka (in those years - the nameless Erika), just where the estate of the Swedish Major Erich von Conoid was. It was here that a small two-storey stone house on the project of the architect Domenico Trezini was built. True, initially the plan of the house Peter did on his own, and the treatini only adjusted it. It is worth noting that the Summer Palace of Peter I does not differ in pomp. This is a very modest baroque building, completely unlike the royal choirs. The layout of both floors is completely the same. There are only 14 rooms, 2 cooks and 2 inner corridors. On the first floor there were rooms of the king, on the second - his wife Catherine. The hosts used this house only in warmth - from May to October. That is why in the summer palace of Peter I, thin walls and single frames in the windows. The facade of the palace is decorated with 28 bas-reliefs, which depict the events of the Northern War.

On the roof of the summer palace, Peter I is a copper fluger in the form of George Victorious, striking the snake. The fluger leads in motion the mechanism of the wind instrument located inside the house. On a special dispensary scoreboard, the direction and strength of the wind was indicated. This unusual device of Peter I ordered in Dresden at the court mechanic.

Despite the external simplicity in the summer palace of Peter I, everything was required for the needs of the sovereign. In the reception he read the letter, considered complaints and sometimes took visitors. The next door were lathe and the machine behind which Peter worked, a bedroom, a dressing room, a cook, a dining room and a large room - the Assembly. For those who guessed, a CARTER was provided. The inner decoration of the palace in an allegorical form glorified Russia's victory over the Swedes in the Northern War. On the second floor there were Catherine Bedroom, Children's, Freiling Room and a separate dance room.

Interestingly, in the summer palace of Peter I, the sewage system was equipped - the very first in all of St. Petersburg. The building on three sides was washed with water, which entered into the house with the help of pumps. The flow of the Fontanka River served the driving force of the sewage system.

Next to the palace is another building - human quarters. There was a famous amber room, a huge library and numerous collections of various things that Peter collected. For example, the Anatomical Collection of the Dutch Scientist Ruisha was kept in human peace. In fact, a large museum was located in this house: the king brought here various woundings, mechanisms, many circulas, astronomical instruments, stones with inscriptions, household items of various nations and much more.

The Summer Palace was performed by its main function of the country's country residence of the Tsar until the middle of the 18th century. Then they began to use officials. Some time, the palace even stood abandoned. That is what kept him from the rearrangements. In 1934, a historical and art museum is located here. The building suffered during the Great Patriotic War. But large-scale reconstruction in the mid-50s of the 20th century helped completely restore the palace. Today, the King Residence is part of the Russian Museum, anyone can go inside and find out how Peter I lived.

Practical information

The address of the summer garden: St. Petersburg, Kutuzov Embankment, 2. The nearest metro station is a "Seating Yard". Entrance to the garden is free, opening hours - from 10.00 to 20.00. Day off - Tuesday.

The Summer Palace of Peter the Great is among the first stone buildings of the city. Its creation began in 1710 and continued for about four years. The layout and most of the interior decoration, made by Russian masters of the beginning of the 18th century, reached this day.

The absence of any indigenous redevelopments is confirmed by numerous archival documents and research of specialists.


The summer palace is a two-story building in the form of a rectangle made of bricks. The four-tight roof has a waterproof sides, it grinds her vane in the form of George Victorious with the defeated serm.

The main decoration of the facade is 29 bas-reliefs created in a rare technique of manual namazu. They are located at the height between the first and second floor.

Above the entrance is a bas-relief, which depicts Minerva with military trophies. The facade decor is literally saturated with the topics of the triumph of Russian weapons in the Northern War. On the bas-reliefs depicts scenes from the myths, but many experts interrupt them in binding to the fight against the Swedes for entering the sea.

The structure was not calculated for lush techniques. First of all, it was a place where the king lived with his family. Therefore, it is distinguished by such a rigor and modesty of forms.

The story of the construction of a summer palace

Almost immediately after bookmark Petropavlovsk Fortress The creation of a summer garden begins. The idea belonged, of course, Peter himself. By his order, rare species of trees were overlooked from the whole country, the statues were ordered, the first fountains were built. A place for the garden was chosen the territory belonging to the Swedish Lubber. The first time Peter even lived in his wooden house, calling this structure to his summer palace.

With the beginning of the construction of the Summer Garden, there was a need for the construction of the king and the proper residence of the king. It was the erected palace that will then name the whole garden. Up to this point, he wore the proud title "Tsarky Garden".

Peter drove into a new residence in 1712. He was not finished yet, but the king did not stop it. There were no bas-reliefs, plaster works continued, the floors were laid. Together with Peter in the palace, the architect Andreas Singor, who arrived specially from Berlin to complete the construction.

Petrovsky times. Interior

Every year from May to October Peter lived and worked in the summer palace. The house was built in Dutch style. Peter personally made a project, which then only adjusted Domenico Trestini.

It was in the summer palace that the first sewage system appeared. Thanks to the pumps, the water was served in the house and then leaving back to the fountain. The building on three sides was washed with water, which contributed to the qualitative operation of the flow sewage.

In the first half of the XVIII century, the main entrance could be saved on the boat. A small harbor with a pier was built here. In 1705, it was deepened, and the walls are covered with stone slabs. But closer to the end of the XVIII century, the harbor had to fall asleep.

Each of the floors is only seven rooms. The big halls in the palace were simply not provided. All rooms are connected by internal corridors. The service premises also communicate with the corridors, so the servant did not appear in the parade rest without permission.

Downstairs, Peter himself was located, on the second floor there were relatives of his wife and children. On the ground floor there was a reception room in which the king accepted the complaints and requests.

Special attention deserves the interior of the palace. Oak was widely used, which before was used only for the needs of the fleet. The tree from which the important structural parts of the ship was manufactured, served as the basis for creating incredibly beautiful stairs, doors and wall panels. The exception was only two cabinets - green on the second floor and the personal emperor itself on the first. Doors and wall panels are made of walnuts.

By the way, the utility rooms, except for cooking, was not in the summer palace. For their placement, another building was rebuilt - human quarters. Two constructions of a special gallery connected.

In the personal office of Peter, a unique mechanism was located - a navigation device, which makes it possible to determine the direction and strength of the wind. I ordered him personally king, and the manufacturer did the best German masters. Near the office there was a bedroom Peter and dining room. Interestingly, even a toilet with a part of the sewage is preserved.

But one of the most favorite rooms of the emperor was turning. Peter knew more than a dozen crafts and was a rather skilled master. But in this room, he not only worked on various machines, but also accepted Sanovnikov, made decisions of state importance. In the modern museum you can see products, soaked directly by Peter the Great from the bone and tree.

After the death of the emperor. Palace as a museum

Only in 1725 the palace was empty. The first emperor and the Grand Reformer died. After this All-Russian tragedy, the Summer Palace experienced no better times. Under Catherine I, I will not have long renovated after the death of the husband, the Supreme Secret Council, a body, who actually took over all the functions of the highest power.

Then, for some time, the palace turned into a summer residence, in which the court and dignitaries lived. Under Alexandra I, they begin to let the public begin to let. Detailed inventory is compiled in the building of artistic values.

Cultural heritage of the Russian Federation: Imperial palaces. Part 1

Summer Palace Peter I

Until 1703, here, near the Neva and Fontanka, was the estate of the Swedish officer Konau. After the base of St. Petersburg, in 1704, the summer residence of Peter I was located on the site of the estate, which was called the summer garden. At the same time, a wooden house was built here. This house was built at the very corner, in a place where the fountain follows from the Neva. From the Fontanka next to the summer house of Peter I, a small Havanets stopped, thus surrounding it with water from three sides. Water approached the very porch of the building.

The Summer Palace of Peter I is the name of the residence of Peter I, which remained to the present day, is in Summer garden (St. Petersburg) .

On August 18, 1710, the architect Domenico Trezini on the spot of Wooden began to be built a new Stone Summer Palace of Peter I. This house was built on the Dutch manner, as Peter I loved. He became Ontim from the first stone residential buildings of St. Petersburg, on a par with Menshikov Palace, Golovkin's house. The construction of the summer palace of Peter I was four years

Lower cook
In the first floor of the summer palace, Peter's rest were, in the second - his wives of Catherine and children. On the first floor there was a receiving king. Here he accepted written requests and oral complaints. A charter was equipped next to the reception, where Peter personally stuffed the guessed and then released them. From the reception it was possible to get into the large room "Assembly".

Petra's written device I

Staircase in Empress Empress Catherine I.

Top cook

Green Cabinet

Chinese living room


Catherine I. Bedroom


Reception Catherine I.
Peter I lived in this house only from May to October. Therefore, the palace is called summer, it has quite thin walls. Here are 14 rooms, two cooks and two corridors. The height of the ceilings is only 3.3 meters. One of the favorite rooms in the summer palace in Peter I was turning. Her household was headed by the famous mechanic Andrei Narov


The first sewage system in St. Petersburg appeared in the summer palace. The water was served in the house pump, went to the fountain. The operation of the running sewage was facilitated by the fact that the building from three sides was washed with water, driving force was the flow of a fountain. After the flooding of 1777, the Havan was covered, the sewage system has ceased to act.

Dining room
In the lobby of the summer palace, an attempt was made on Peter I in one of the splitters. After that, his units were commanded to wear a flap flap from red-yellow fabric, in order to distinguish them from other people.

Since 1934, a historical and household museum has been working in the summer palace. The decoration of the premises was created by artists A. Zakharov, I. Zavarzin, F. Matseva.

Picture "Summer Palace Peter I". Series "Types of St. Petersburg". Paper, watercolor, mascara. State Hermitage. Dar of the artist Emperor Alexander I (1810) Andrei Efimovich Martynov

The summer palace was built in Baroque style for this one of the oldest buildings of the city. The two-story palace is quite modest and consists of only the fourteen rooms and two kitchens.

The facade of the palace is decorated with 29-bonders, on which the events of the Northern War are depicted in allegorical form. The bas-reliefs are made by the German architect and sculptor Andreas gate.

Peter drove into a partially separated palace in 1712 and lived there in the summer to death (1725). He occupied the lower floor, and the premises of the second floor were intended for Catherine. After Peter's death, until the middle of the XIX century, the palace was used as a summer residence for dignitaries and courtiers.

Navigation instruments of Peter I act and now
In 1934, a historical and household museum was opened in the palace building.

During the Great Patriotic War, the building suffered: the frames were doried, the plaster on the ceilings of the rooms and on the facade, the roof was damaged by the fragments of shells. The restoration of the palace began in 1946. In 1947, the museum was open again for visits. In the 1950s and 1960s, a full-scale restoration was held to restore the initial appearance of the palace, including the floors were replaced, the heating system was changed, the modeling was restored, the drawing of the ceiling, the upholstery of the walls was returned.

Currently, the museum is a branch of the Russian Museum.
Address - Summer Garden, d.3
Photo- S.N. Code
Winter Palace Peter I
I enter the palace, where there is silence,
Light light from candles as at that time
And meets me the spirit of the era of Peter,
And the history of a long burden.
Leonid counter

Unknown Italian (?) Artist, in Figure M.I. Makhaeva. View of the Winter Palace. Fragment of the Winter Palace of Peter I - Personal Residence of the Emperor Peter I, built on the Neva Embankment at the winter groove, the architectural and memorial monument of the architecture of the early XVIII century, partially preserved and in the building of the Hermitage Theater, included in the Museum Complex of the State Hermitage.

Arcade Parade
At the site of the Admiralty Island, adjacent to the court of the ship's Master Feodosia Sklyaeva, between the current million street and the Navel embankment in 1712, the wedding chambers of Peter I were built, located at the time in the middle of the quarter of the Upper Quay.
However, after 4 years, the winter yard of Peter I significantly expanded to the north: broke the piles in the shallow water of the river and staged a new existing and now the embankment: "... when the embankment of a millionth line by stone chambers began to be built, then the building of the structure was sent to the Neva River to several Seda, then a marked tent of the former structure remained in the yard "

Mattarnovi. Facade project. 1716
The new winter house on the newly organized embankment Peter I conceived as a personal residence, fully appropriate to his lifestyle and tastes. In 1716, Architect Georg Mattarovi creates a project and proceeds to construction. The royal family remains to live in the old palace - wedding chambers.
Features location
It would seem the random position of the Palace among the usual ordinary building by the philistine houses was actually surprisingly well chosen by Peter I. It is from here and now the most impressive panoramas of the Neva are revealed before the arrow Vasilyevsky Islands, Dali shores of a big Neva and the space of the Small Neva goes to the sea: "... Palace is located in such a way that it sees from him most of the city, the fortress, the house of Prince Menshikov and especially through the sleeve of the River Open Sea
- Description of the metropolitan city of St. Petersburg // White nights. L., 1975. P. 213.

The main facade overlooking the Neva was far from the frontist representativeness of the palaces of St. Petersburg nobles, resembling a solid burgher dwelling. The central risalitis with four windows on the first floor is rushed, and on the second decorated with pilasters of a doric order.
In Triangular Fronton, two allegorical figures supported the Cartus for the coat of arms, crowned with a crown. Side parts of the facade with wide blades between windows are decorated with fillets with garlands. The roof is a Dutch type (with a fracture), above the rizalitis - in the form of a tent with a decorative vase. The rooms did not exceed 18 square meters. m, and only in the facial emerging at the Neva Corps a large hall had an area of \u200b\u200b75 square meters. m, and an angular to the winter groove - 41 square meters. m. Pay attention to a M-shaped corridor separating the king's rooms.

Page Dvor and Sani Peter I
Returning in March 1718 after the trip in Europe, Peter I makes adjustments to the project of the new palace ordering "to do ... Eight Camor of Verkhnyago housing" in "Small tents
According to the sketches of Mattinnov, the palace was greatly separated using a red marble on the walls of the Big Hall, plaster reliefs, oak doors and window frames. The palace had four oak stairs and floors - "French manner with Ramami." In February 1720, the palace was ready.

In isolated from neighboring buildings (including wedding tents), the Palace Complex also included a service case with a gallery, an ellinge for storing and repairing a sailing boot of Peter I.

Basement in the central part of the palace
Gavanan (7.5x16 m) was placed between the Havanets (7.5x16 m) of the palace and the palace (16x19 m) was arranged for a maritime flower garden with a fountain car on the intersection of diagonal tracks. The courtyard was lined with a dutch yellow brick.

Small tents of the Winter House of Peter I. Architect G. Mattarnovi, 1716
Architect Georg Johann Mattarnov suddenly died on November 2, 1719, when the palace was in the midst of construction. Were among its receivers N. F. Gerbel or B. F. Rastrelli - was not documented.

Petra's garden stroller
In the period from 1719 to 1722, the central and eastern parts of the facial corps of the front halls emerging on the Neva are erected. Matnisov refused to allocate intermediate parts connecting three risals, and made them extremely small - just three windows. However, they seem to be greater thanks to two more windows, compositely related to side protrusions. In the new extended and in general, the solemn facade organically entered the western part of the palace, built earlier and already representing one whole. To achieve unity, this Western "Burgers" facade of the Winter House of Mattarnov repeats as an eastern rizalit.

The view of the Old Winter Palace, in which Peter I. Engravira E. Vinogradova from the picture M. Makhaev. 1753.
The entire effect of the royal residence architect focused in the center with the repetition of the famous effect of the three-proportion triumphant arch of Roman Caesarians. Powerful columns of the Corinthian order at high pedestals are adjacent to the paired pilasters and form a baroque, the aspirated swell of the portico from four supports that carry a strongly liberated antablement.

The main plastic element is an attack with a spectacular completion. High, complicated with numerous protrusions and Westerns, underlined fillets, he also carries three magnificent baroque cartouings on the continuation of the window axes. The central cartouche, decorated with figures and towering on the pedestal of a large crown, has a complicated outlines characteristic of German art. On the axes of the column, four statues with attributes characteristic of the Petrovsky time attributes are placed on the attic.

With the construction of the Winter Palace of Peter I, it is time for modest royal housing - this palace becomes the most solemn in St. Petersburg. At the same time, with all its membership, scale, size of windows and the carnis height, the palace is organically related to the environment of the Neva embankment, which gives reason to talk about the bookmark of the foundations of ensemble architecture characteristic of the St. Petersburg architecture of the subsequent era.

By autumn 1723 new part Palace was ready. November 24 Here, in the new gentle house, there was a big feast, ended with an excellent firework on the Ice of the Neva. And on December 9, in the Grand Palace, in the presence of the entire courtyard and many of the approaches, the Duke of Holstesky was engaged in the older daughter of Peter I Anna. The large hall was very large - 17.95 by 11.56 meters, the height is 6.69 meters. The walls completed frieze and eaves, which walked Paduga. From a rectangular panel on the ceiling hung five large panicadiles. It was this hall that became "sad", or the "burial lard" of Peter the Great.
In 1725, Petr I died in this Palace.

After the death of the king in 1726 - 1727, at the direction of Catherine I, the Palace was expanded by Domenico Tresini towards a large German street. It is also built a kare of office buildings around the perimeter of the site, the Havanets is covered. Instead of numerous, multiple and diverse buildings on the site, there was a two-story building of a considerable length with rhythm-membered modest facades, leaving the channel and a large German street, where it was planned to build an arch for entry into a large parade courtyard. Everything was done with an incredible "hurry."

Some work continued after the death of Catherine I, the interiors for Peter II were created. Recent changes in appearance refer to 1731 in connection with the return of the courtyard to St. Petersburg from Moscow. However, Anna Ioannovna settled in Apraksina's house, standing on the same upper embankment, but closer to Admiralty. Subsequently, the old Winter Palace was used for various needs of the Imperial Court, and when Elizabeth Petrovna Petrovna placed Life Campace Rota, with which the daughter of Peter I took the royal throne. At the end of the XVIII century, an Hermitage Theater was built on this place.

Small tents of the winter house Peter
It seemed that the Winter Palace of Peter was lost and forever buried under the new building of the architect Jacomo Kreparents. The study undertaken by Nicholas, oddly enough, did not give results and our ancestors forgot forgot about the existed once palace.

The first architectural studies were carried out by the chief architect of the Hermitage V. P. Lukin and the researcher of his department E. M. Bazhenova in 1976, 1979 and 1981. A series of probes laid down on the building of the Hermitage Theater made it possible to reveal the boundaries of the old walls of the Pharmal Palace, the so-called "small tents". Subsequent disclosures and field surveys carried out in 1985-1987 made it possible to produce a graphic reconstruction and, attracting extensive documentary material, to determine the stages of the construction of the Winter House of Peter I. The group of researchers included architects G. V. Mikhailov, V. K. Talkn, I. V. Burkovskaya, V. V. Efimov.

Picture of the field of business (Paul Delalooche) "Peter Great"
The studies made by architects showed that during the construction of the Hermitage Theater (1783-1789), the kievings retained individual walls of the base and the first floors of the Petrovsky Palace, as well as entire groups of premises of various purposes. A part of the front yard was found in space under the scene, surrounded on two sides by arcades by coating galleries and the enfilads of the Rooms of the Winter Palace.

The land plot adjacent to the facade, when reconstructed, is laid out with clinker bricks, as it was under Peter I, and in a higher part of the courtyard - a cobblestone (mid-XVIII century). On the surface of the walls, retained elements of the architectural decor - Rust and medallions, particles of paint were detected under the layers of plaster plaster, in accordance with the color of which the walls were painted in our time.

Several rooms of the first floor of the "small tents" of Peter I are preserved. In three of them, historical interiors are recreated, and the decoration of the rooms is restored according to the documents describing the work carried out in them: a wall panel from the Dutch tiles, a set of parquets, oak shutters and windows of windows. In the office of Peter I, a furnace and a fireplace, which is also restored to the Dutch manner, are preserved. The situation is made up of items belonging to Peter I, which are stored in the Hermitage collection.

In addition, on the two floors of the theater along the winter grooves, the twelve residential chambers of the "newly built chambers" of Empress Catherine I created by Domenico Trezini in 1726-1727 were preserved. In the restored premises of the palace in 1992 opened permanent exposure. Entrance to visitors from the Palace Embankment (House number 32). Opening hours: Tuesday - Saturday 10.30 - 17.00; Sunday 10.30 - 16.00; Day off - Monday. Among the disclosed and restored interiors, the following exposures should be noted:

The interior is decorated with the Map of the Baltic Sea and picturesque fabrics: "View of a new bridge in Paris" (H. Mommers) and "Portrait of Peter I" (Peter Van der Verf). The office of Peter I Otel is made in England according to the drawing of the king. You can see the visual tube, solar and mechanical clock, ink mill, sandbox, as well as an amber box, presented by Peter I Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm I.
Dining room

The interior is decorated with Flemish Steel and Pictures of Dutch Artists of the XVII century. On the table - the Chinese porcelain dish, the Dutch work Crystal Cup with engraving, a bucket of the Augsburg with a bottle of wine, found here, during the excavations of the central part of the palace. Between the windows - English work with a miniature portrait.

Main attraction - Turning and copying machine.
Parade courtyard

Here you can see the carnival Sania Garden stroller of Peter I - the rarest sample of the walking crew of the early XVIII century

Peter I Wax
Under the once existed "funeral lady", where Peter the Great fought, the preservation of Palace Cordhegardia (Karaulna) was preserved, in which it was decided to exhibit the "wax person". Peter I died on January 29, 1725 in the "office" - the desktop, which was in the western part of the palace. Immediately after the death of the emperor K. B. Rastrelli removed the gypsum mask from his face and made the casts with the hands and feet feet. On these casts and mask in 1725, they were created "Person"

Studying the history of the appearance of gardens in St. Petersburg, the royal village, unwittingly immerse themselves in the unfamiliar majority of us the activities of Peter I as the organizer and the creator, the zealous owner of the first gardens.

He gently retained forest arrays at the initial construction of the city. The most valuable of the broadcasting breeds - oak - almost never found. And those trees that met, burned hard. In the first description of St. Petersburg 1710-1711. It is mentioned about the disposal of Peter to contain "in a special honor" two ancient oak, which grew on the seaside of the island of retouxari (Kotlin). They were taken by the fence, in the shade staged a gazebo overlooking the sea, in which the king loved to "sit with the ships". But in the description of the city, five years later, there are no mention of these oaks.

The special addiction of Peter I to the oak was explained by the fact that it was the main tree breed, from which the hulls of ships were built. One of the ships of the young fleet built in 1718 were even called the "old oak". They said that Peter the Great Saluing Justice himself in a Peterhof road, wanting the oaks everywhere everywhere. Noticing that someone from the noble nobles smiled at his works, turned around and said in anger: "I understand, you mnich, I do not live to the Mother Oaks. True, but you are a fool. I leave an example, so that, making the same, descendants Over time, ships were built on them. It's not worried about myself, the benefit of the state will continue! "

It was extremely rare in the forests of Peter I, another valuable broadcasting breed - beech. Perhaps the last copies were found in the 50s of the last century on Dudugof's altitudes.

Building the city, Peter I, as possible maintained maternal forests: A small spruce grove was left on the banks of the Neva in front of the current Trinity Bridge; Another spruce grove was maintained on the shore of the sink, opposite the particular shipyard; Yelnik was left on an island at the device of New Holland. The latter was declared by Peter Reserve, which marked the beginning of the history and the focus of urban nature. The laws were strict: for the rust of the protected forests, as well as trees suitable for the construction of ships, "the death penalty will be worked without mercy, whoever was" (Decrees of Peter I on November 19, 1703, of January 19, 1705) . Judging by the fact that the decrees were repeated, the rod continued, the punishment for them was, but before the death penalty, as historians say, it did not come.

But the forests, of course, were doomed to cut, because the city was built, and the main material was first a tree. In addition, the owners of the places on Fontanka were ordered to cut down thick forests to deprive the habitats of "dashing people", which "cleaned the attacks" on the townspeople.

Device of the first gardens

The gardens at the beginning of the 18th century were arranged in a Dutch style, which Peter I loved so. He grew up in such gardens of Moscow, who experienced the strong influence of the Dutch baroque. This love for beautiful gardens, trees, fragrant colors and herbs remained with him for life. The gardeners were supported by considerable knowledge in Botanic and Gardening. Peter I, in fact, was the first and main climbed of St. Petersburg. He solely solved what plants will grow here, and engaged in it enthusiastic, as well as many other urgent affairs. Where does such love and knowledge come from?

According to the historian I. E. Karelina, "None of the ancients of our kings, in his home, was not engaged with such a passion for agriculture, like King Alexey Mikhailovich" (Father Peter). "... in character's living experience, he indulged with special hotness" and, moreover, "loved to bring anything ... to the full degree and dispensation." It's amazing that in history he entered the name of the quiet ... The fruits of his works were extensive gardens in Izmailovo and Kolomensky, in which not only ordinary fruit trees and berries grew, but also rare, even exotic species for Moscow region: walnuts, Siberian cedar, fir. The grape garden was also laid, but the Astrakhan vine grew bad there.

(Interestingly, at the order of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and with his participation, the first Russian ship "Eagle" was built on the Oka River. Historians find the similarity of the ship's profile on the admiralty spire with the first ship. So the passion for the construction of ships, apparently, is also not accidental In the life and writings of Peter I).

Peter, in all likelihood, inherited from his father and taste for gardening. He divorced the same gardens at the Palace in Preobrazhensky, where he lived at the beginning of his reign, before departure to St. Petersburg. Overseas Dicks were grown in Peter's gardens: cypress, wounded under the shelter, many colors from Western Europe. Here, tulips, daffodils, carnations, velvets, marigolds (calendula), yellow lilies and other rarins are blooming here. Honor used the Rosehip, who was then called the "sorebore color" (the real rose was not grown in Russia). Peter's fragrant herbs loved, discharged their seeds and ordered to plant along the tracks: Ruta, Pijm, Issop, "Mint German", Kaluofer (or Kanouofer, Balsamic Romatic - Perennial from the Caucasus, Malaya Asia, Spicy Grass, was added to a snuff tobacco in XVIII century). It was from the Moscow region and Moscow Peter ordered to send plants for planting in St. Petersburg. In the spring of 1704, the first flowers and herbs were sent to the arrangement of the summer garden

It is known that the summer garden was "divorced in 1711 according to the plan drawn by the Soviet Soviet" (S. N. Svubinsky). Peter I took care of the plantation of gardens not only in St. Petersburg, but also in Moscow, Taganrog, Riga, in Ukraine. He entered all the details of garden construction, gave orders, being abroad; I wrote down to gardening books, created projects of new gardens.

Judging by the papers of the king, he himself discharged the seedlings of trees from Holland through Revel, as well as from Moscow, Lviv, Siberian province, Ukraine. He especially loved the limes familiar to the north places, chestnuts. Trees were exported under the supervision of gardeners, with all the precautions to save them. In 1712, 1300 linden trees were ordered from Holland. In addition, Elm, Cedar, Grab, larch, Poplar from Holland imported to Russia. Oaks that were so prevented by Peter, imported from the surrounding Novgorod places.

Back in 1707, foreign garden masters were invited, capable of transplanting large, adult trees without damage, as was done at the French yard. One of these masters was Martin Gender - Gardener from Potsdam. Peter's letters were preserved - apraksin: "... you will buy young tree orange, lemon and others who are in the wonder.

To put in the boxes to transport the future in the spring. "To winter the thermo-loving fig trees (figs), the grapes were built" Warm Anbara "(greenhouses). The more extensive economic ties became with Europe, the more diverse the range of plants, which were planted in St. Petersburg and His surroundings.

A lot of documents confirming this has been preserved. T. K. Goryshin in the book "Green World of Old Petersburg" brings interesting information about it. So, in 1719 in Hamburg Gardener Schultsu was sent an order for "3000 pcs. Sirings of Spain (Lilac), 100 pcs. Roses, 20 pcs. Terry clematis, cherries of low trees" (i.e. bush), a lot of apricot, peach, chestnut trees. Gardener Shteheffel was ordered to send an extensive set of seeds and bulbs of flower plants, spicy and fragrant herbs, and still "2000 ARSHIN BUT". So called the Samshet - evergreen shrub, which in the XVIII century was grown in a short form to create solid linear borders, while measured on the arches (1 Arshin \u003d 711.2 mm). Orders similar to this were sent to Amsterdam, Gdansk, Sweden. Even in the direction of Peter (from January 3, 1717, Konona Zotov) regarding sending noble children to France for training maritime service, at the end there is an unexpected instruction: "We also have laurel trees that put in pots, so that from the ground to crowns are not higher Stems, like 2 feet "(1 foot \u003d 304.8 mm).

For thermal-loving southern plants, it was necessary to build a greenhouse. Trees brought from Moscow, Novgorod county, from the localities of the north of St. Petersburg. From Sweden, the plants were brought to ships specially sent there. For parks of St. Petersburg, hundreds and even thousands of large breed trees were brought: lip, maples, elm. It is known that in the spring of 1723 in the summer garden, about eight thousand linden saplings, ash, elm and maples were imported. Of these breeds, European gardens and parks were mainly created. Thanks to the initiatives of Peter I, these breeds from exotic plantings have now become predominant in the green outfit of the city, its gardens and parks.

Demanding, the speed and onslaught of Peter affected and in the receptions of the gardening of the city. He had no time to wait for small seedlings to grow up, it was necessary to plant large, adult trees. In the letter Major Ushakov dated February 8, 1716, Peter Male in winter to prepare Linden near Moscow, to choke the tops and in the spring to carry in St. Petersburg. Such carriage in horseback riding has occupied at least three weeks. Soon they made sure that it was not the best way Transplantations. They started the summer transfers with a lore land, which turned out to be much more efficient. Even the winter digging was practiced using a special car, pulling trees to spring. In this way, it was possible to transplant even very capricious rocks. But the main thing, of course, was a thorough care of highly professional gardeners for each plant.

It is curious to note that the requirements of imported plants for heat are not too embarrassed by the Customer, "Yuzhan" simply placed in the Orange. Carefully treated soil conditions in which plants grew in their homeland. For example, by ordering in Holland, the horse chestnut, Peter I ordered the trees growing on different soils, while collecting and sending soil samples to "kulets" to pick up the most suitable for landing ground.

In the postpetrovskaya time, the composition of the foreign flora depended in many respects from those who worked as foreigners, which brought their tastes and addiction to the appearance of urban gardens and parks, in addition to tremendous professional experience and knowledge. Naturally, the German gardeners discharged a lot of plants from Germany, the Dutch - from Holland. Under device Tauride Garden In the late XVIII century, the English gardener V. Guld led, and most of the trees, flower plants were brought from England. There were even gardenesses: in the middle of the XVIII century, working in the Tsarsko Selo Park, the gardener Jacob Rehlin insisted on anterior to the most part of the main wood breed - limes already growing in it as "not very decent." It was replaced by a furious teaching and a laurel in the tub. (It should be noted that in the past few years, the front part of the regular park and the area in front of the Catherine Palace were again decorated with permafront laurel trees with ball and pyramidal forms of the crown).

History of Dutch gardens in Russia

Trying to rebuild the Russian life, Peter began with the creation of gardens, sending his people abroad to learn to Dutch garden art abroad. Peter's favorite gardener was the Nerlandian Jan Rosen, who created the Tsarskoye Sad. A sculpture was added to the classic Dutch garden at the request of the sovereign, which decorated alleys and labyrinths of the garden. The ideological intent of this innovation was to introduce the elements of European, secular relations to peace and nature into the worldview of visitors. The consciousness of Russians introduced a new one for them, pan-European emblems. In this regard, in 1705, a book "Symbols and emblems" was published in Amsterdam for the orders of Peter, which later was repeatedly reprinted.

The book featured samples of a symbolic system of gardens, their jewelry, triumphant arches, fireworks, sculptural decorations of buildings and gardens. In fact, it was a new, light "letter" of the sign system in return for the same, church.

In an effort to establish closer cultural connections as soon as possible, Peter I sought to make an antique mythology for Russian educated people. Garden-park art was the most affordable and at the same time strongly acting. Summer garden, as the first city garden, became a kind of "academy", where Russian people passed the beginning of European cultural education. The labyrinths from the cutting live plants were arranged there according to the samples of Versailles, as well as plots from the life of people on the themes of "Ezopov Proverbs". Peter so appreciated the "Proverbs of Ezopov" as an important element of the new European education, that they were translated by Ilya Kopievsky and published in Amsterdam in Russian and Latin, among the first books. The same plots were used in the construction of parks in Peterhof, Tsarskoye Selo.

Historians celebrate the special love of Peter to rare colors (their seeds and seedlings were discharged from abroad), to "porcelain headsets for the decoration of flower beds", and more addiction to garden crackers. A variety of fountains, crackers still attract the attention of numerous guests of beautiful Peterhof Parks.

Dutch garden was filled with fruit trees and shrubs located in regular style, and necessarily a variety of colors. The house of the owner could be on the side of the main axis of the garden, on both sides of which were the terraces and green "cabinets". (Summer Garden is an example.) In Dutch gardening, it was taken densely to plant the house (or the palace) by trees. So in the old garden of the Tsarsky village, the trees were before tightly adjacent to the Garden Facade of the Ekaterininsky Palace.

These vintage lindens mostly survived the Great Patriotic War. In the 60s, the reconstruction of the Old Garden began to revive his regular "Versailles" appearance, in the imitation of which he was created. Each reconstruction of historical objects, whether architectural monuments or parks, which are alive, varying with the time of objects, causes specialists and a discussion society about what period of the existence of this object should restore it historical look. In the case of a Dutch garden in the Catherine Park of the Tsarskoye village, the choice was made in favor of the period of the greatest heyday of the park and the palace in the middle of the XVIII century, during the rule of Elizabeth Petrovna. Most of the old trees that were no longer able to cut according to the rules of the regular garden, was cut down, to the great chagrin of many admirers of Tsarskoyel gardens.

In the future, the concept of "Dutch Garden" began to mean a small garden near the house with a large number of colors. Similar meaning it became in english languagecalled "Dutch Garden". Dutch gardens attributed to romantic gardens. These were the gardens of the Russian estates of the XIX century, being an integral and organic part when moving from the architecture of the house, mansion to the landscape part of the manor park. D. S. Likhachev in his book "Poetry Gardens" is very detailed and fascinatingly describes the history and diverse styles of gardens of different times and countries, including the romantic gardens of the Tsarist village.

History of new plants for St. Petersburg

At the beginning of the XXI century, we are accustomed to the abundance of decorative plants growing in private gardens, in parks, and just on the streets of cities. But it was not always so, and the actual decorative gardens are still very rare.

Most often, our private gardens resemble the composition of cultures. Those old Dutch gardens from which they began to decorate the capital and her suburbs. And they certainly settled fruit trees, berries, garden vegetables and many colors. How did the accumulation and enrichment of the types of decorative and food crops, the ways of care for them? And again you have to return to Petrovsky times.

Thousands of people were busy on the construction of St. Petersburg. The working conditions in the local climate were monstrously heavy. In order to somehow maintain the health of working and armies, according to Peter decree in 1714, a pharmacaric garden was founded on one of the islands in the Delta of the Neva River. There began to grow a variety of medicinal plants. But the idea of \u200b\u200bPeter from the very beginning was much wider than this practical task.

Gardeners were charged with the duty to breed rare "overseas" plants. Subsequently, the pharmaceutical garden is overgrown into the medical and botanical garden. At its base in 1823, the Imperial Botanical Garden was established, which by the beginning of the 20th century becomes one of the largest botanical gardens of the world, the center of botanical science. His collections of live plants, herbarium, the collection of botanical literature becomes famous far beyond Russia.

A collection of herbal plants began, but by 1736 there were both wooded rocks in it were about 45 names. Forces of nerd scientists, the collection was continuously replenished after each expedition. AT for different years The number of only wood species, acclimatized in our conditions, reached 1000 items, not to mention herbaceous garden and greenhouse plants. Further Botanical Garden He became a source of introduction to the culture of St. Petersburg and its environs of new, adapted to the local conditions of many hundreds of types of decorative plants.

Special scientific institutions collected collections of crops, developing new technologies for their cultivation, creating new varieties and hybrids. This institution was the institute of crop production, its experienced stations located throughout the country. Since 1938, a control and seed experimental station in Pushkin was engaged in the study and introduction of decorative cultures in the production and gardening of the city. In the best years of its work in the collection and production, more than 1,300 species and varieties of decorative plants were numbered, including floral cultures of open and protected soil, beautiful shrubs and a large arboretum. The history of many familiar now decorative plants began in past centuries.

It is interesting that such an ordinary now in landscaping the Karagan tree (yellow acacia, as it is called in the surroundings), was "introduced" in the landing of the scholarship by Gardening Ekleben, who in 1758-1778 held the position of chief master of the imperial gardens. He was a hot supporter of the breeding of the "Siberian Pea Tree", as they called this breed, and not only as a decorative, but also a food plant, using its fruits into food as peas and lentils. True, the food advantages of Karagani then did not recognize. I get acquainted with the history of the decorative gardening of St. Petersburg, we will learn about the plants trendy at different times, how to cultivate them and preserve them in the northern places. In the first half of the XVIII century, Roses and Samshat were considered the most fashionable. And the usual shelter of them for the winter with spruce paws, felt, hinders invented the Dutch gardener B. Fock.

Many decorative plants in those days were divorced as spices: left, anemone, golden rose (solidago), Gulch (Genziana) and other species.

In St. Petersburg there were attempts to acclimatize foreign plants for practical use, and not only in decorative purposes. These experiments were engaged in a free economic society established in 1765. In 1801, Alexander I was awarded Western half of the Petrovsky Island. The feed herbs (Esparce, Lucerne, Timofeevka), buckwheat, oilseeds, beautiful and fragrant herbs, and siny and cotton, were sown from the forest from the forest, and the cotton and cotton in the hope that "everything can be born in St. Petersburg."

One of the historians of St. Petersburg was subsequently extremely critical to new undertakings, but rightly noted the undoubted value of these experiments. It enriched the future cultural flora of our places, and also became one of the sources of urban weed plants. In the course of these experiments, it was possible for the first time to grow from larch seeds, which were so decorated the city and his parks. But in general, the audacious experience did not bring the expected result, and in 1836 the land at the free economic society was taken away, and in the Petrovsky Island it was allowed to build cottages.

In general, the number of types of foreign plants in St. Petersburg was rather significant, although not all the attempts of acclimatization were successful. This, together with an ensemble architecture, also made the capital of the rest of the country. Many species got into the orangeneie, and others got from botany the name of "fugitives from culture", because they really leaning through the garden fences and scattered through the streets, wasteland, lawns and other habitats. Already at the end of the XIX century (and now, too, in the city there were victorious garden flowers: American Astra Early, Middle Eastern Daisy, Subtropical Cosmeya, Asian Aquille, now - the omnipresent North American Topinambur. One of the wild medicinal daisies - Pahuchuya - from the pharmaceutical island has spread not only in St. Petersburg, but also went on, deep into Russia and the Far East.

Elena Kuzmina

Address: Summer Garden, Lit.A

Mode of operation: at 12.00, 14.00, 16.00

Cost: 200-400 rub

Among the palace structures of St. Petersburg petrovskaya era The early 18th century, the summer palace of Peter the first occupies decent place. His uniqueness is that he reached the present day in almost the first source, as he was with Peter. And where, as not in this palace, you can touch by time Peter, To his personality, which is expressed in the modesty of the household situation, in the subjects of life and in the interiors.

The palace was preserved in the not conveyed form due to the fact that after Peter and Catherine first did not live in it the following rulers. Each new empress, and after Peter there were several, built an individual accommodation. Especially good in the summer palace preserved Green Cabinet, Dining room and Freintsky chambers. The main exhibits of the museum were the surviving personal belongings of Peter the first and his spouse.

History of the creation of the palace

It must be said that Peter the first began to master the island of the future Petersburg on the opposite of the Petropavlovsk fortress from the construction of the Fortress-shipyard of Admiralty and with the creation of expensive to seek to the Novgorod tract (future Nevsky Prospect). In parallel with these important tasks for the future of the city, Peter develops the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a summer garden at the junction of the Fontanka and Neva, assuming a beautiful garden-park type famous Versailles.

Summer Palace in the Summer Garden of Peter First (Engraving)

The rather modest summer palace of the emperor is also being built here. After all, being nearby from the park being created, Peter was easier to control the garden-park works, and live in the summer period in the garden and park area and at the same time be in the city feature, it was quite practical and comfortable.

The two-story palace for Peter the first built D. Tresini in the formdutch house. Like all the existing structures of that period, the summer palace is built in style petrovsky Barochko. According to a rigorous appearance of the building, it is immediately clear that the palace was not created for solemn techniques, but for private accommodation of the imperial couple. The building has clear proportions, many windows and a four-tight roof. The ground floor over time went to the ground, because the palace seems low.

The facade of the palace is decorated with allegorical images scenes of the Northern Warwhich at that time was still continued. The palace looks at the Neva and a fountain with two sides, and the third was equipped with an artificial reservoir for a small gallery. Thanks to the surrounding with water, the palace reminded the floating ship.

"Havanets "held a small platform before the palace

This palace was immediately intended for summer accommodation The emperor, so he was not so insulated. I lived here Peter and wife Catherine since 1712. Every year from May to October. The fact that Peter did not build a new urban summer residence, says that he was quite comfortable in this small palace.

What to see in the summer palace

Because of the purely family living, the parade halls for balls and solemn techniques in the palace are missing and on each of the two floors is located 7 small residential premises. Peter himself occupied the first floor, the rest of his spouses were on the second, warmer floor. In total, there were 14 rooms in the palace and 2 cuisines (cooks).

All rooms of the palace with restored interior design keep the atmosphere of a family coziness that reigned in the summer palace. For a long time, Peter himself lived here, his wife, and their children were. In these small rooms, Peter first led family conversations, distracted from the imperial affairs and felt just the father of the family.

The entrance to the summer palace is located on the side of the former "Havana", and its inspection begins with the lobby of the first floor.

First floor rooms

Lobby The first floor is decorated with carved oak panels that are dissected by pilasters. Here are portraits of the most prominent associates of Peter - Menshikov, P. Tolstoy and other figures of Petrovsky reforms.

A little further can be seen Reception Peter, where he took visitors with written and oral complaints. Nearby was the secretary and duty officer's duty room. The reception room is a desktop of Peter with written devices, cabinet furniture items.

The greatest interest in all visitors to Peter and today's tourists is the unique Wind instrumentshowing time of day, wind power and its direction. It was a very accurate navigation device and has a hidden connection with a handle mounted on the roof. By the way, this device is in working condition until now! The three of its glass scoreboards are located among a carved wooden figure, very similar to the feed of the stretcher.

Was on the first floor and Carcer. For the entertainment punished, the emperor himself was sled to arrest, and then released them to freedom.

Undoubted interest from the first floor rooms represent Dining room and kitchen (cook). They are located nearby, which is rather unusual for that time. The dining room is a purely married food zone, although Peter usually invited one or two guests for dinners - she loved to talk during the feast. During an excursion, visitors learn that Peter loved porridge very much (buckwheat and pearl) and other uncomplicated dishes.

Kitchen Palace is quite advanced for that time the territory of cooking. Here you can see a huge hoodthat did not allow food smells to crawl through the personal imperial rest. The place of cooking is finished with Dutch tiles and looks very presentable.

In the kitchen today, everything is also, as it was under Peter the first

Interestingly, water supply was held here, which is telling us a large granite black sink In the corner of the kitchen. There is a large chopping table here. The finished dishes were served through the window into the door connecting the kitchen with the dining room.

One of the interesting premises of the first floor is and Bedroom Peter. His bed has been preserved, but at the moment it is located on the restoration, and exhibits are exhibited in his flutter outerwear The king is the parade Camcole, the cloak and the form of the form of the Dutch sailor (in the center).

In all rooms you can see fabric wallpapers, tiles of Dutch production, amazing furnishings of the era of the early 18th century. Once here, as in the Winter Palace of Peter the first, there was a lathe on which the emperor loved to work in his free time. There are here I. Required Cabinet - So called Peter the first toilet room, which was equipped with a sewer system from the fountain duct.

In some palace rooms, miraculously survived the interior details of the time of Peter. These include tiemas Dutch tiles, which are lined with the walls of cookies, picturesque plafones Artist GZELLACarved panel And the molding fireplace of the green cabinet.

Rooms of the second floor

In the rest of the Empress, located on the second floor, leads a rather cool staircase, which resembles a little ships. After all, Peter wanted to see his palace with some kind of frigate!

The second floor, allotted by Catherine with children, was divided into a dressing room, bedroom, a nursery, a room for Freinin, dance and throne halls. Of all these small rooms especially stand out Green Cabinetdecorated with painting inserts and stucco with gilding decorations.

In numerous cabinets of the green cabinet, Peter exhibited various overseas wanders, which he brought from abroad himself, or who came to him in the form of gifts. In some way, the green office was the predecessor of Kunstkamera, created by Peter in the form of the first natural science Russian museum.

Also on the second floor you can see Bedroom Catherine The first, the bed of which is currently also on the restoration. One of the interesting exhibits of the bedroom is mirror, edged with a wooden carved decorative frame. It is believed that this frame is cut off by Peter first! After all, the tsar reformer owned 14 crafts and did not have any job.

There is on the second floor Children's roomIn which the son of Peter and Catherine was grown up, a very frisky and smart boy, due to the times to become the Russian emperor. Unfortunately, he was destined to live only 4 years. there is Dance hall, in which Peter's daughters taught modern dances, for Peter, who loved dance evenings, wanted his daughters to know well. There is on the second floor and another kitchen room.

As already noted, in many palace rooms, miraculously survived the interior details of the time of Peter. These include the tiles of the Dutch tiles, which are lined with the walls of cookies, picturesque plaffers of the artist G. Gzelly, carved panels and a stucco fireplace of the green cabinet.

From the windows of the second floor, you can admire the Alley of the Summer Garden and imagine that the Peter himself watched from these windows to the formative "Russian Versailles".

What did Peter dreamed of, looking into these windows? How did the future of Russia and the city we create?

Summer Palace - branch of the Russian Museum

The Summer Palace of Peter is one of the oldest buildings of St. Petersburg and a unique monument of Russian history and culture. I wonder what already when Alexander First Palace Peter was open to a public inspection. And in 1840 partial restoration and systematization of existing historical values \u200b\u200bwas carried out.

During the period Great Patriotic War The palace building was very damaged, especially the roof and window frames. Immediately after the war, the repair of the palace began, which converted into a large-scale restoration. New restoration was held in 2014-2018. Today, the summer palace is a branch of the Russian Museum and is open to numerous tourists of the Northern Capital all days except tuesday.

There is a summer palace in the summer garden, but you can only visit it in the composition excursion Groups that are organized at 12, at 14 and at 16 o'clock. Over time, evening excursions are planned. Groups are organized small and tickets quickly end, so if you wish to visit the museum, it is better to buy a ticket to first, and then waiting for the excursion, take a walk in the amazing alleys of the summer garden.

See also: