Jalal Abad. Rest in Jalal-Abad, the best prices for tours to Jalal-Abad

Jalal-Abad. - Economic and administrative center of Jalal-Abad region, third largest city in Kyrgyzstan E With a population of 150 thousand people. It is located in the southwest of the country in Khagart Valley Browse Tien Shan, at the foot of the low mountain Ridge AIPLY. The city lies at an altitude of 763 m above sea level and due to significant removal from large water bodies, a sharply pronounced continental climate, which is characterized by hot and dry summer, warm autumn, not cold and minor winter and early spring, with heavy rains and thunderstorms.

Middle temperatures January: -3C, -5C

Middle temperatures of July: + 25c, + 27c

From reliable sources it is known that the city began its origin from the village arising next to geothermal sources in the II millennium BC. There are legends that many diseases cured in antiquity of this water, they could even be treated with leper.

Name of the city, translated means - " City of Jalala"And by unconfirmed data, related to a real historical character, some Jalal - AT - Dinwhich was unusually righteous and built in these places caravan Sarai. For merchants and pilgrims who come to holy places.

In the Middle Ages, thanks to the proximity of one of the directions Great Silk Road Jalal-Abad, very quickly became known as the transit point and comfortable spot recreation. The settlement has grown, crafts developed, giving impetus to the emergence of small enterprises.

At the beginning of the XIX century, a fortress that defended the boundaries was built here Kokand KhanateWith the fall of which, the city was under the Protectorator of Tsarist Russia. In those days it was the main center of nomadic trade in the region. With the arrival of Russians, a military garrison and medical hospital were organized here.

In 1916, a railway branch stretched here Andijan-Dzhalal-Abad.

After establishing Soviet power in the region, on the basis mineral sources Built a real resort, the food industry and agriculture began to develop a rapid pace, and by 1950 and the city was completely updated.

In 1991, with the adoption of independence, Jalal-Abad. He received the status of the regional center, and in 2007, the city celebrated its 130th anniversary.

Today's jalal-abad, quite a modern industrial city, with a well-developed social infrastructure.

There are banks and other financial facilities, wholesale and retail trade are widely developed. Industry is represented by wood processing plant, food, light, cotton canopy enterprises, flourolous and engineering industries. The main source reaching the city is the Kyrgyz-Canadian oil refinery SP - " Kyrgyz Petroleum Companyยป.

In Jalal-Abad Libraries are located, the parks are broken, there is a city historical museum organized in 1971.

However, the bulk of tourists come to these places at all behind it. In the city and the surrounding area attractions, refuse to meet with which is simply impossible. Especially I want to note resort "Jalal-Abad", Orekhovo - food forests Arslanboba, Sary-Chelek Biosphere Reserve and wonderful beauty monument of history - mausoleum Shah-Fazil.

Resort Jalal-Abad

Located 5 km from the city at an altitude of 971 m above sea level, in the vicinity of the western slope of the Ayub-Too Range, the complex "Jalal-Abad", is the largest balneological resort of the country. According to legends, the legendary source of "Chashma Ayub" is located on the territory of the complex - the spring of the Biblical Prophet Iova, known since the II century BC. "Jalal-Abad" was created on the basis of ...

Recreation area Arslanbob.

The most popular seating area of \u200b\u200bcitizens and guests of the capital - Arslanbob, is located 70 km from the city at the foot of the Babash-Ata Range. The local places are famous, first of all, nut-fruit forests involving a total of 608.5 thousand hectares. However, this is not the only sight of the area. Among the mountain cliffs, at an altitude of 2200 m above sea level, carry their stormy water ...

Sary-Chelek Reserve

Sary-Chelek Biosphere Reserve, one more attraction of Jalal-Abad region. It was created in 1959 with the aim of protecting unique nut-fruit forests. The reserve spread on the territory with a drop of heights from 1200 to 4247 m above sea level. It grows up to 1000 species of plants, the main of which are walnut and apple tree. They are common in the foothills, to the mark ...

Mausoleum Shah-Fazil

The Shah-Fazil ensemble arose in ancient times, by assumptions on the site of the sanctuary of a phallic cult, near sacred Mountain Archa-Mazar. It includes: Mausoleum Alamberdar XIX century. With the Holy Mountain Archa-Mazar and Hermit Cave. Then, the place of execution of 2700 Warriors Islam, the Mosque XVII - XIXVV, the ritual stone in the form of a phallus and 2 Mausoleum - Shah-Fazil XI century. and Safi Buland XIX century. The greatest historical ...

Jalal-Abad is a city that is located in Jalal-Abad region in Kyrgyzstan. Located 750 kilometers from Bishkek. Located near the Mountains of Aizlet at an altitude of 763 meters above sea level. Climate: sharply continental arid. The average annual temperature is +13 degrees. In the summer, the thermometer column rises to +27 degrees, and in the winter it falls below 0 degrees.


To move around the city you can use buses and taxis.


Jalal-Abad is not so much tourist townhow many balneological resort, in the territory of which are healing dirt and mineral sources that you should visit.


You can visit the museums of the city, go to the parks and stroll there. And, of course, you can go to the beauty salons and massage rooms to restore the strength and health.


Most of the hotels belongs to sanatorium pensions. Here you will be offered to pass a number of procedures that will benefit health and at the same time help relax.


In the restaurants of Jalal-Abad, you can try kebabs, pilaf, manta, noodles with meat sauce, puff pastry from omelet, noodles and kelcot, conine sausage. From drinks worth trying kumys.

The shops

Local shops sell carpets, clothing, dishes, decorations, souvenirs.

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Jalal-Abad. It is located on the territory and is the administrative center of the region of the same name. The city lies with the foothills of Tien Shansksky Ridge, in the Kohnta Valley, at a distance of 750 km from. It is located at an altitude of more than 700 meters above sea level, in a arid zone, on a large distance from water spaces. This terrain is well known for tourist map countries, largely due to the local mineral sources and medical mud, as well as long-standing history and craft art.


The main sectoral directions in Jalal-Abad are petroleum, light and food industry. In addition, there are branches of many large banks and financial companies. Most tourists come here, following in the Resort Complex "Jalal-Abad", located 5 km from the city feature. It has excellent conditions for recreation and treatment and today it is very popular. According to legend, the sacred source of Chashma-Ayub is located near him, who many years ago visited the Prophet Ayub. You can get to the resort from the city by bus or walk on foot, while admiring the fabulous natural landscapes of the edge. This area is generally saturated in all interesting places and historical monuments, therefore, lovers of excursions will be bored here. In the city of attractions, it is possible a little and bypassing him in the whole day. As for the national composition, it is represented mainly by Kirgiz, Uzbeks, Russians, Tatars and Uigurs, as well as other peoples.

general information

The territory of Jalal-Abad takes an insignificant area, just over 24 square meters. km, with a population of about 90 thousand people. The local time Fingering Moscow for 3 hours. Time Zone UTC + 6. For summer, Kyrgyzstan does not pass. Phone code (+996) 3722. Official site. www.jalal-abad.kg.

Brief excursion in history

The first settlements in these places have many more centuries ago, and the current city has grown out of a small village formed in the area of \u200b\u200bholy sources, at the beginning of the XIX century around the Kokandy fortress. Over time, the potters and artisans began to settle here, handicraft workshops began to arise, and then small processing enterprises were changed. Local residents They were engaged in those serviced by the pilgrims who came here and led agriculture. The city status of Jalal-Abad received in 1877, already part of the Russian Empire. Over the years, the city has slowly developed, and local sources gained more and more fame. In the past century, a sanatorium zone appeared next to the city, where excellent conditions for balneogry treatment and recreation were created. Since then, the regional capital, which received this status after the collapse of the USSR, invariably enjoys the attention of guests coming to the resort.


In the area of \u200b\u200bthe region prevailing a pronounced mountaineering climate. In the winter months average temperature The air is about -3 degree here, and in the summer, the thermometer column rises to the mark +26 - +30 and higher. The precipitation falls a little, and the most optimal time of the year for a trip to Jalal-Abad is the period from April to October.

How to get

Nearest international Airport Located 90 km from the regional capital, in the city. He takes flights from other regions of Kyrgyzstan, as well as from the rest of the post-Soviet space. Before the place can be reached by train on the railway or on the suburban bus.


Within the city traits, taxis, minibuses and the same buses are used. Due to the fact that the area of \u200b\u200bthe city is small, many distances are easily overcome on foot.

Attractions and entertainment

The main object for most people visiting Jalal-Abad is the same resort complex, located at an altitude of more than 970 meters above sea level, on a slight distance from the city. It is located on the western slope of the elderness of Ayub-Tau, along the coast of the Kugart River. Weak and environmentalized, sulphate-hydrocarbonate sodium-calcium water sources are actively used in the form of thermal baths and drinking treatment, having a beneficial effect on many functions of the body. Also, there are peat-climb mud. Visiting the resort is especially recommended by people suffering from diseases of the digestive, musculoskeletal and nervous system, gynecological, urological and skin diseases.

Approximately 70 km from the city, at the foot of Peak Weber, the recreation area of \u200b\u200bArstabal was spread, and there were such natural sights of the edge as Lake Kara-Suu on the northeastern side of the Isfangialyau Ridge, the Valley of the Chon-Keerey River and Lake Kutman Koyl . The pride of the Jalal-Abad region is a cheese-cheeky biosphere reserve, with his nut-fruit forests. Near the village of Safid-Bulandd is the Mausoleum of Shah-Fazil, which is a unique sample of the architecture of the Karakhanid period, and in close proximity to it rises majestic mountain Archa-Mazar, who is considered the main Muslim shrine of the entire Fergana Valley. In Jalal-Abad, you should visit the city Historical Museum Local recreation parks.


In the restaurants of the regional capital, guests can try kebabs, pilaf, manta, noodles with meat sauce, horseback sausage, kelid and other dishes, as well as taste the delicious wine and learn the taste of local baking.


In these stores and shopping bears, shopping lovers have the opportunity to acquire inexpensive clothes, buy craft products or buy excellent Kyrgyz cargars.

Jalal-Abad is primarily attractive with its natural wealth, which characterize the appearance of this edge. In addition, staying in the city serves an excellent reason to get acquainted with culture and traditions, as well as evaluate the good nature and rare hospitality of its inhabitants towards guests.

website - Jalal-Abad is the third largest city of Kyrgyzstan. "Abad" from the Persian language translates as "the place where people live", and "Jelal" as "Glory, Shrine, greatness." The name of the city may indicate the "Place of Fame" or "Holy Place".

One of the main ways of the Great Silk Road, Gal-Abad for many centuries has been hospitably received travelers and merchants for many centuries. The city arose as a kislak near the healing sources. Slowly, the growth of the population began to increase, workshops began to appear: potters, artisans, handicraft workshops developed, which gave rise to small processing enterprises. Locals were engaged in agriculture and served pilgrims who came to the city to mineral sources. In the nineteenth century, a Kisanda fortress was built at the scene. In 1876, she became part of Russia, two years later, in 1878, the status of the city was pried.

What do scientists talk about Jalal-Abad sources?

In the encyclopedic dictionary, F. A. Brockhaus and I. A. Efron, who came out in 1890, describe the mineral sources of Jalal-Abad: "Mineral sources are greatly fame in Fergana. With the advent of these very ancient sources, a local legend is associated with the healing of the water of their long-suffering ideas. Since 1884, for the improvement of chronically sick people, they are sent to Jalal-Abad. Since 1885, a sanitary station has been established, and at the time of the season there is a 25-person lazareret. "

Traveler, Geographer V.P. Warmer also wrote about Jalal-Abad sources

"Namely, Jelalabad himself rises a small mountain - about 4,000 feet above sea level - on which it is necessary to climb, because on the top of this mountain there are warm and cold sulfur and iron sources in the edge, attracting many natives for using bathing and worship of the tomb The native prophet Iova. According to legend, this prophet was healed by Jalal-Abadskimih sources. It is said that at all soon the railway will be supplied to Jelalabad. Then, it is necessary to think, due attention will be drawn to this native resort, and perhaps he will bloom and become famous. "

Telegram Mikhail Frunze

In 1918, Basmachi Madaminbek captured Osh and Jalal-Abad. In response to this troops under the command of Mikhail Frunze left for the south of Kyrgyzstan. M. Frunze On May 27, 1920, he spoke at the railway station and sent Telegram V.I. Lenin about the situation in Turkestan.

Jalal-Abad railway with a length of 14 km in 1928 was commissioned. In order to provide Jalal-Abad and Uzbekistan coal railway road Extended 15 km. Passenger train far follow Jalal-Abad - Tashkent Bishkek was canceled in 1993.

In 1991, the city of Jalal-Abad was given the status of the regional center.

All-Union health resort "Jalal-Abad"

The Resort Complex "Jalal-Abad", which is located 5 km from the city, was considered the All-Union resistant to the Soviet period. Thousands of tourists from all over the USSR came to the resort with gynecological, skin and gastrointestinal diseases

Therapeutic dirt and mineral springs of the resort "Jalal-Abad" and today attract foreign tourists. There are many mineral springs on the territory of the resort complex medical water.

Guests health complex Give medicinal waters in various containers and take home. Water is always warm and salty. The resort has a sanatorium for 450 seats in summer and 150 seats in winter.

On the territory of the resort there are discos and places for recreation. The healing water pool works yearly, there are also medical diagnostic cabinets and laboratories. Sanatorium is also famous for its mud baths that were very popular in Soviet times.

In 1991, the city of Jalal-Abad was given the status of the regional center. In the fall of 2007, the city celebrated his 130th anniversary. The climate of the city is continental, summer and autumn is hot and arid, winter is a little snowy and not much cold.

Photo from the Internet. View of Jalal-Abad from the Mountains

The Great Silk Road took place through Jalal-Abad, who hospitably accepted travelers for centuries. This is evidenced by archaeological excavations conducted in the Chatkin Valley. And Jalal-Abad is famous for resorts and mineral sources.

How to get

Photo from the Internet. Railway rails entangle the whole city

In 1915, a plot was opened railway Andijan - Karasu - Jalal-Abad. The line was private and was built by the Society of the Fergana Railway. After the revolution, it was nationalized. In 1993, the last passenger far distance train was canceled by Jalal-Abad - Tashkent - Bishkek. Approximately the same movement suburban trains From the station "Jalal-Abad".

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, they wanted to build a transcyrgyz railway line in the direction of Balykchi - Kochkor - Jalal-Abad (presumably using the part of the existing line Jalal-Abad - Kok Yangak). In practice, the implementation of the project was limited to laying a few hundred meters of the route at the station in Balykchi.

In 2000, the movement of suburban trains was resumed along the route Jalal-Abad - Karasu - Osh. Unfortunately, revival passenger traffic It was short.

Now you can get to Jalal-Abad only by car. To avoid exhausting driving on serpents, you can fly from Bishkek to Osh, and from there already go to Jalal-Abad.

What to see

Photo from the Internet. Tourist places Jalal-Abada

Through all Jalal-Abad pass railways, somewhere they sworn grass and trees. The city became the end item first in Kyrgyzstan railway.

In Jalal-Abad, there is a source of Chashma-Ayub (source IIO). Many of the sources are known from the II century BC. And they are considered sacred. Five kilometers from the city is the same resort complex.

By 1920-1930, Jalal-Abad was to become "Turkestan Pyatigorsky", since the study of mineral waters showed that on the mountain Ayub-LLP in its indicators they are not inferior to analogues from the Caucasus.

In Jalal-Abad there is regional libraryThe foundation of which is 126 thousand copies. City Museum founded in 1972. It consists of nine halls and is one of the oldest in the area.

station Square- One of the urban places rich in historical events. Around the area that received its final outline in 1986, there were points for the collection and storage of cotton, slaughterhouse, dozens of workshops of artisans and petrolers shops. It is from here Mikhail Frunze sent to Vladimir Lenin an urgent telegram about the fight against bass quality in the Fergana Valley and poor White Guards in 1920.

Photo from the Internet. Privokzal Square Jalal-Abad, 1918

From here in 1941, they were accompanied to the front, in 1943 - Komsomol members for the restoration of Stalingrad, in the spring of 1954 - to master the virgin and landlord land, in 1955 to build the Karazhal Metallurgical Combine in Kazakhstan.

In 1936, a railway club with a restaurant and a dance floor was built. In 1973, a new station building was erected. It was the third vocational structure.

Photo from the Internet. Station, side view

In seven countries of the world, there are cities with similar name. In Iran, 19 settlements of Jalalabad, in India - four, one - in Bangladesh. Azerbaijan has the city of Jalilabad, in Afghanistan - Jelalabad. In Pakistan there is a village of Jalalabad and four settlements Jalalabad.

Kokand Khan, who managed by these lands during the formation of the city, was actively contacted with Afghanistan. Perhaps so the name of the city is similar to the name of Afghan: until 1917, he wore the name of Jelalabad. The Afghan city got its name in honor of Jelal Ad-Dina Muhammad Akbar, who founded him at the end of the 60s of the XVI century.

The most famous recreation area - ARSTANBAP.. It is located in 70 kilometers from Jalal-Abad at the foot of Peak Weber on the Babash-Ata Ridge. Here you can see small and big waterfalls 35 and 80 meters high. In the recreation area, several lakes, where fishing is common.

Photo from the Internet. Waterfall in the Arslanbob Reserve

According to the legend, the first walnut tree planted ARSTAN-BAP. He was an approximate servant of the Prophet Magomet, which made him a holy man. In the center of the village there is a mausoleum in which the remains of Arstabap-Ata are located. In six o'clock walking from the village there is a rock Namaz Tash - a prayer stone, where he was killed by legend during prayer.

What will bring

The area of \u200b\u200bforests in the Valley of Arstabup reaches more than 600 thousand hectares. Locals are confident that walnut got into Greece from these places. On another legend, Alexander Macedonsky, returning from the hike to the east, took with me fruits and nuts from local forests.

However, scientists have determined that historic homeland Walnut is Malaysia. Perhaps he was brought to Kyrgyzstan during the heyday of the Great Silk Road. Giant trees grow in the valley, whose age reaches a thousand years.

Photo from the Internet. Walnuts

Every year Kyrgyzstan exports to Iran, Turkey, China, South Korea, France and Holland to 4-5 thousand tons of walnuts. In Jalal-Abad, a local delicacy produce - the so-called nut jam, cooked from immature nuts and honey.

Thanks to a rich chemical composition, walnut jam can be used for medicinal purposes. It improves the work of the cardiovascular system and blood circulation in the body, removes radionuclides, is actively used in the treatment of thyroid diseases, it is recommended in dietary nutrition in hypo-and avitaminosis, with a deficiency of iron and cobalt salts, as a liner for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis.

Photo from the Internet. Walnut jam

A half-liter jar of jam can be bought for 200 soms.

Undoubtedly, the medicinal and dining room should be brought from Jalal-Abad mineral water. In the Soviet years it was supplied to the first persons of the Kremlin.

See also: