All about Kailas that is inside. Kailas - Sacred Mount Tibet

Publication 2017-12-04 Liked 13 Views 993

Sacred Bark: 13 + 1 around Kailas

Myths about Mount Kailas

Around this mysterious mountain There are many legends and stories. Kailas or Kailash is one of their highest mountains in the Gangdis Ridge, which is mostly in China, in Tibetan Highlands.

Kailas is unusual and at night. To the Milky Way, it seems to be handed

4 main kaylas mysteries

The ancestors, looking at the mountain, was easier - they saw the Divine Will in everything. In the age of scientific and technological progress, Kailas's riddles do not give peace by rational and inquisitive minds. Perhaps the descendants will be able to find all the answers.

  1. Nobody conquered this mountain. Although she is not the highest point of the world, no climbers could not climb to her top. According to Buddhist legends, no living being has the right to rise to the monastery of the gods. Otherwise, he will have to die.
  2. Kailas side facing four sides of the world. As if this is not a mountain, but a man-made pyramid. Is nature really accurate in their dimensions, and why? There is no answer to this question.
  3. On the south side of the pyramidal peak of Kailas, you can see the sign of the swastika - the sacred symbol of many nations of the world. In fact, these are two crossed almost under the right angle of cracks or depressions, in-depth by watercourses. And then the human consciousness decides, to see inexplicable signs or not.
  4. The height of Kailas is 6666 meters. Scientists continue to argue about the accuracy of this data, according to some data, the height of Kailas is somewhat less. You can find the dark start in this figure, but it is worth transferring the measurement measurement from meters to the feet and the whole mystic is dissolved.

Lake Mansarovar - another mystery of Kailas Mountain

Sacred Bark: 13 + 1

Pilgrims come to Mount Kailas to make a ritual bypass around her. During the circumvention, they read the sacred mantra of "Om Mana Padme Hum". In religious texts it is said that the one who will cost Kailas 108 times, forever gains liberation and reaches Nirvana. Nevertheless, even one or more bypass around the mountain is the most powerful worship of the Divine that believes visits.

Scheme of outer bark. 53 kilometers pass normally for 3 days

A hiking tour or bypass around Kailas is called "Bark". The trail is several, but the most popular is the exterior bark and the inner bark. It is believed that only one who made 13 external kaylas around Kailas may make the inner boron.

Tibetan pilgrims make a bark around the sacred mountain

Why Kailas is a universal shrine

Mount Kailas is considered sacred Moz For believers a few. Hindus, Buddhists, Jains and others seek here. Hindus believe that Shiva lives on Kailas with his family. Mountain - Center for the Universe, the most powerful strong point of the Earth, where the acts and blessings of Shiva are diverged.

Google maps on Kailas discovered a smiling face of Shiva

Buddhists believe that Buddha lives on Kailas. He sits here with centuries in a state of samadhi and only one can see him to see it. Followers of the Buddha perform stretches near Kailas as a sign of curbing their own-sacrificed mind and in order to acquire good merit.

Pilomb at the foot of the Kailas Mountain

Spiritual Ascape in the form of a complex and long journey burns karma, cleans the mind and body, connects the person with the highest forces. This is a kind of challenge yourself, its comfort zone and mental restrictions that do not allow self-realization. If you leave Kailas from the Mountain, what is tied to the most, even mentally, after pilgrimage, life can change much.

The priests of different religions spend their rituals from the mountain

The entrance to Shambalu, the invisible country of great teachers and knowledge, is at the foot of Kailas. So the Buddhists and Hindus think, Elena Blavatskaya, Elena and Nikolai Roerich wrote about it.

Get a blessing from Sadhu - for Kailas, including this

Myths about Kailas

Some pseudochepses are convinced that Tibet Mountains are the hands of an ancient civilizations, and all the peaks of Himalayas are built into a single chain. mysterious pyramids. Some "wise men" counted that from Kailas to Stonehenge Rivne 6666 kilometers. This, of course, is not the case. And no living beings could build Himalayas.

Make sure that the myth and where the truth is possible only on the spot, listening to my soul

The myths about the man-made mountain Kailas also send information about the abnormal "Tibetan mirrors", the theory of Nikolai Kozyreva. Allegedly at the Kailas Mountain time can slow down and accelerate, it can flow in the opposite direction and so on. All this is very interesting, but extremely little informative and unconvincing - scientific evidence This theories do not yet exist.

Around Kailas all man-made has a huge meaning

Tours to Tibet, to Mount Kailas and the attractions of this unrecognized officially organize many tour operators. China's authorities opened Lhasa, the capital of Tibet to visit quite recently, in 2008 after the Olympics in Beijing. From this time, the tour to Mount Kailas can be made from Nepal by car or aircraft, or from China by train or aircraft. Visa and entry permits are issued in travel agencies.

It is difficult to imagine more mystical, ancient and revered place than Tibet. The holy land for millions of people living here, which is already worshiped by one millennium. There is still a tradition of tradition, they believe in ancient gods and tourism and careless pastime are not particularly welcomed. Tibet can cure the soul and destroy her, give answers to questions and ask new, bring closer to enlightenment and self-knowledge or driving crazy.

Representatives of many religious denominations live in Tibet: Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism and Religion Bon. These religions are largely different: people worship different gods and make various ritual rites, but only before one object, they unanimously bow heads - this mount Kaylas. The shrine shrouded in the secrets, about which hundreds of legends and legends was folded, about the history of origin of which the best minds of the planet argue and which has not yet been conquered by anyone. Kailas holy is protected by the local population.

Buddhist They believe that in secret dungeons of the mountain meditates an angry incarnation of the Buddha. Hinduers Cylasu as the cosmological center of the Universe, on the top of which Shiva dwells, and the neighboring lake Manasarovar is considered the heritage of God Brahma. Ministers of Jainism They make a crust around the mountain Kailas and count the mantras, being close, because according to their legends it was here for the first time a person managed to achieve the state of full enlightenment - Nirvana. And finally, Aza religion Bon. The first master of Tongpa Schumnrab went to the ground at the top of Kailas.

Along only by the legends and myths of the Mystic Mountain Kailas in Tibet is not limited. Many proven facts and witnessed incidents put in a dead end of scientists with world names. The age of the mountain itself, according to the analyzes of breeds, is only 20,000 years, while the landscapes around the mountain have formed about 5 million years ago.

× The mystery of the mountain adds the fact of its non-coordination. And many attempts were doomed to failure. And there were a lot of reasons for this: from a sudden change in the target setting of a rising man and hallucinations to a multi-day wandering up-down the slope and even death. Not in vain say that Kailas resets people from the top.

An extremely curious theory is the view that Kailas is an artificial structure, not natural education. In favor of this theory, not only the paradox of the difference between the ages of the mountains and the valley, but also a clear orientation of all hills and elevations to the north, similar to the Pyramids of Mexico and Egypt. Scientists also confirmed the presence of massive waste and tunnels in the depths of the mountain, which may be artificial origin.

And finally give some interesting facts About Mount Kailas in Tibet:

  1. The official height of the mountain is 6638 meters, but Tibetan monks talk about the figure of 6666 meters. It is possible a coincidence, but the distance from the foot of the Kailas Mountain to Monument Stonehenge is 6666 km, to the geographical North Pole - 6666 km, and South - 13,332 km (6666 * 2).
  2. Near the Mountain there are two lakes: the previously mentioned Manasarovar (4560 m) and Rakshas Tal (4515 m). One lake was separated from another narrow cage, but the difference between the lakes is huge: water from the first can be drunk and swim in it, which is considered to be a holy procedure and cleanses from sins, and in the water from the second lake it is forbidden to enter monks, because it is considered damned. One lake is fresh, the second is salty. On the first always calm, and the second buffet winds and storms.
  3. The region near the Kailas mountain is an abnormal magnetic zone, whose effect is noticeable on mechanical devices and is reflected in accelerated metabolic processes of the body.

Also offer to your attention a selection photo of Mount Kailas In Tibet - pictures with different angles And at different times of the year.

Mr. Kailas is one of the riddles unsolved humanity. Many secrets and legends surround this incredible beauty and power of a mountain range. In this article we will dive into the world of Tibet, study the facts and learn a lot of interesting things related to the Kailas Mountain and its hidden strength.

Mount Kailas - uncompressed pyramid

Mount Kailas, or Kailash (depending on the pronunciation so called this queen of all mountains), is in Tibet. In order to climb it, a special permission obtained from the authorities of this region is required. And yet, none of the mortals have yet been able to climb to the top of Kailas, and it is not the most high mountain on the ground.

It is known that in 1985, Rainhald Messen, who was submitted by several eighties, also tried to climb the top of Mount Kailas, but someone or something prevented him to make plans. If we consider objective reasons, there are information that the weather conditions have deteriorated sharply during the climb, which is why further advance is impossible. And for this reason, many people are referred to, trying to get to the peak of Mount Kailas. According to another version, it is believed that Reynhard on the day he received some message in the form of vision and refused the venture himself.

In 2000, a group of Spanish climbers received a long-awaited permission to travel to Tibet, and Mount Kailas was also their goal. But at the very beginning of the climbing pilgrims, which can often be seen in these places, blocked the path of Spanish conquisites of the Holy Mountain Kailas. The obstacles on the way were the fact that the Dalai Lama himself, and even the UN protest was expressed. Consequently, the Spaniards had to return the ravis of nonolon bumping.

Thus, not a single mortal appeared, who would have reached the top of this temple complex, this great Mountain-piramids Kailas. But there are legends that Tonpa Shenb, the founder of Religion Bon, descended from heaven to the top of Kailas to convey knowledge to people. And the greatest poet of Milarepa, the greatest poet of Milarepa, managed to rise to the top of Mount Siva and grab the "rays of the sun."

Sacred Mountain in Tibet - Kailas. Roll theory

The Holy Mountain Kailas in Tibet has long been attracted to himself out of only idle travelers, professional climbers, pilgrims, yogis, followers of Bon religion, worshipers of Shivaism (and many other religions), but also esoterics, on which this mountain acts in the literal sense magnetically.

The entry of Ernst Muldashev on this mountain is also talking about us about. Muldashev believes not only that this sacred complex is the Earth's Energy Center, but also that the new race is born inside it, those who will inherit the land after us. There is an opinion that inside the Kailas Mountain there is a cavity, which, in fact, is a temple, a palace, a cradle of the development of new races on Earth.

According to Blavat, the first race was an angelic race, after her the people of water came. Then - the so-called civilization of Lemurians, and after her - well-known many Atlants, whose heirs we are. If you follow this theory, now inside the Kailas Mountain, the new, sixth race is born, but her time will come soon. And, perhaps, by the time, humanity will reveal the riddles of the sacred mountain Tibet, which spawned so many questions, the answers to which are still unknown or carefully hidden. Perhaps it is not by chance even the arrival in this place and the number of pilgrims is strictly regulated by the authorities. Is it really that there is something to hide? And most importantly: is it really about the secrets associated with the mountain, someone knows much more than we can open, and therefore limit the study of these places and raising climbers to the mountain?

Tibet and mountain Kailas: secrets and secrets of the sacred mountain

The secrets and secrets of Mount Kailas tried to find out long ago, but in the 20th century the organization created by order of Hitler may have come to the opening of the Tyne closer than all. Anenbe is an organization that existed in Nazi Germany from 1935 to 1945, - sent several expeditions to Tibet, and including to explore the Kailas Mountain. The Germans tried to establish the origin and history of the race, which now lives on Earth. And the name of this race is Aryans. The Germans tried to prove that only their people, German, has Aryan origin. In fact, those people who now inhabit the earth are just called the Aryans, the heirs of the Atlanta.

There is also belief that Sarcophag Nandi is located near the Kailas mountain range, in which the great teachers of mankind are still in the state of Samadhi: Jesus, Buddha, Krishna and others. They also say that the entrance to this sarcophagus is connected by the tunnel with Kailas. In order not to go deep into the description of the state of Samadhi, which is considered one of the signs of achieving enlightenment in the tradition of yoga, and which species can be samadhi, you can only point out an example of a person of our era in such a state. This is Lama Ityiglov, who came to the physical body in 1852, and it is still incompressible. Many also believe that the mountain complex Kailas is nothing but temple complex, inside which at an altitude of about 6000 meters is the city of the gods created by the highest civilizations. It is not difficult to believe in it, if you look at at least externally to the central grief of this complex - it has the shape of the pyramid.

If you try to explain the form of ordinary weathering, the action of elements to the creation of her faces, although it would seem that it looks like a scientific, in fact deeply unscientific. It is difficult to imagine that only natural phenomena Create a form of almost perfect pyramid, especially if you take into account the fact of the location of the central mountain.

Where is the mountain Kailas

Mount Kailas, where, according to the texts of the Vedas, resides himself, is on one meridian with egyptian pyramids, stone idols of Easter Island and Inca Pyramids in Mexico. Also incredibly interesting is the fact of the geographical remoteness of Kailas from these points. So, from Kailas to Stonehenge - 6666 km; to the North Pole - the same 6666 km; If you consider the distance from Kailas to Easter Island, then it is again the same 6666 km; And if you go even further, then the distance from Kailas to the southern pole is equal to 6666 km multiplied by two. To top it off, you must say that the height of the mountain Kailas itself is 6666 m. What is it? Is there really so technologically more developed civilizations, after which such a legacy remains?

Perhaps the information that we are given in the Vedas that Shiva is on the top of the Holy Mountain Kailas, dancing the eternal Tandavan, forcing the whole world to constantly stay in motion and develop without stopping, and there is a great truth of the world's creation. And only if it stops dancing, the world will be destroyed in order to be created new instead. Could this mean such a fact that the end of the tandava leads to the change of civilizations on Earth: the previous one is destroyed, and the following is starting its existence. And so will continue forever.

How many conversations are underway on the subject of time in this Tibetan region. We know that the mountainous temples of Kailas, as they are often called them, are located on the spirals and on top, in the center of the spiral there is a mountain Kailas. Why the flow of time changes in this place can be explained as follows. The slopes of the mountains are peculiar giant mirrors, some of them are concave, like those who created the Soviet scientist Nikolai Kozyrev. And with the help of them, it was possible to change the course of time that could send a person to the past or the future.

Mountain Cylas Mountain

So in the Tibetan mining complex, the presence of a mirror effect affects the energy component of the place, and therefore on people nearby. Therefore, there are cases when the flow of time is accelerated so much that in one day people grew a beard, nails grow rapidly. There is also evidence of the opposite impact of staying in those places on the body: people, on the contrary, the younnels and charged energy.

There are official data on how a group of foreign climbers managed to get into the Kailas complex, but in the area just above 5,800 meters, in the "Death Valley", descended from the usual path to which you need to go. When these people returned from the expedition, they quickly raised and a year later died, and doctors could not determine the cause of such rapid aging of the body.

Most likely, you can really explain this by the influence of the "mirrors". And what causes a sacred thrill in believers can be understood as the impact of physical laws. After all, if Kozyrev managed to create a time car and even existed a documented evidence that with the help of its design, traveling both in the past and the future, then why there can be no "natural" prototype engineering design? Although who said that the origin of the Kailas complex is natural?

A small continuation of the opening of Nikolai Kozyrev and his time car

For some time, the experiments continued, and the results exceeded all expectations, but later the Soviet authorities suspended the development of research without further renewal plans. However, who knows, perhaps, for a wide audience of information is presented in this way, and in reality things are different. And, perhaps, work on the transition to various measurements, the passage in the "Casmodian" was carried out all these years, and its results are available to a strictly limited circle of people dedicated to research.

Whatever it was, Mount Kailas still continues to attract many tourists. And you should not be afraid and avoid the action of giant mirrors, because if you do not plan to rise too high - in the area of \u200b\u200b5000 meters and above, - then you do not threaten anything. You can stay at the foot to see this majestic creating nature or ancient civilizations, admiring the monumental view of the mountain pyramid of Kailas.

Mount Kailas in Tibet is an unusual natural monument, which is one of the mighties of modernity. Researchers are trying to understand for many years that he is hidden behind monolithic rocks. The most common version according to which the hill is a man-made pyramid designed to accumulate energy from the space.

Mount Kailas on Tibet, what are you hiding from us?

This vertex is part of the mining system in the south of Tibetan Highlands. In the vicinity there is no higher hill. It rises above the plain at 6666 m. This is as if pursued by the sacred mountain. The distance of 6666 km separates it from the mysterious Stonehenge, as well as from the North and South Pole. It is located on the same line with Egyptian pyramids and structures of the Inca.

Mountains hide numerous secrets that dozens are trying to solve scientists. So far, no one understood why other slopes of the planet do not have such an unusual stepped form. Each of the four sides of Kailas is directed to a certain part of the world.

In the photo from the height of the cliff looks like it is located in the center of a huge stone spiral. All this gave researchers a reason to assume that it is the largest energy drive coming from space. In favor of this, argued according to which mountain Ridge It is the "Mirror" system. This is evidenced by the unusual location of Tibetan elevations.

Scientists believe that several mirrors exist in the ridge:

  • western;
  • north;
  • additional.

They are semicircular stone valleys that can redistribute the effect of energy flows. As a result, the mirror distorts the course of time.

Do you know that Soviet scientists conducted a similar experiment. The system of mirrors, invented by Nicholas Kozarev, was able to distort the space and time. She was located in the spiral and reminded Kailas mountain range, only in the reduced version. Experiment participants told that they were able to look into the past, and exchanged thoughts with other experimental.

Mountain or Pyramid?

Researchers believe that the Tibetan mountains hide numerous secrets that are now impossible to solve. One of these mysteries is that actually represents natural object. Some scientists have come to the concern that the rocks are a man-made monument, which is a pyramid.

This conclusion was pushed by an unusual stepped form and the fact that all the edges are directed to different sides of the world. If you carefully examine the photo, the cliff reminds the pyramid. Around Caylas are smaller hills that are considered small pyramids.

Not all researchers agree with this statement. Geologists refute the proof, since the pyramid form is inherent in some other planet elevations. However, the slope itself is stepped and layered, which is more characteristic of man-made structures than for natural objects formed.

Do you know that another mystery that can not be solved is the image of a swastika appearing on the mountain at certain hours. It is formed in river rivers and is better visible at sunset due to the game of shadows.

What is inside?

Scientists are trying for many years to understand what is on top of Kailas, what secrets are hiding inside the mountain ridge. The view is common that a whole network of internal premises created by some developed civilization is hidden behind the monolithic cliffs. One of the rooms is the mythical black stone of Chintamani, tracking space vibrations and energy flow control.

An interesting guessed, but many researchers believe that it is impossible to create a similar structure, possessing even modern technologies. In ancient times, to build a huge object was unthinkable. The followers of the theory are argued, according to which an alien civilization was assisted in the construction of Kailas.

People who believe in the existence of an incomprehensible universal mind, believe that sacred mountain Hides inside someone from religious leaders:

  • Buddha;
  • Jesus Christ;
  • Krishna and so on.

According to this point of view, spiritual mentors are in meditation and one day will appear on the ground to help restore the planet.


Sacred mountain has many titles. Europeans call her also Kailash. For chinese Language Characterized by the sound of Gandysishan or Hanzenbocy. In Tibet, the name Kang Rinpoche is common, which is translated as "precious snow mountain".

History of climb

The sacred mountain is beckons thousands of tourists and believers, but so far no one has conquered her top. Climb higher point And make an unforgettable snapshot dream many. Her inaccessibility strengthens this desire even more.

Do you know that the story of the conquest of mysterious Kailas has not so many years. The permission from the Chinese authorities to climb in 1985 was the Italian climber Reinehard Messner. Shortly before the start of the rise, he himself refused him.

Next time, climbing planned to start a group of Spanish climbers. In 2000, officials approved an expedition, but she also did not take place. Thousands of believing live chains lined up at the foot of the slope and demanded to prohibit the rise. The Spaniards could not climb, and no one conquered the top.

Four years later, a new attempt was taken by two Russians. They prevented the weather. Rose hurricane wind and snowfall, knocking down. Believers believe that the rock itself protects itself from the presence of people, creating an invisible barrier with a mirror that cannot overcome mortals. Here the time flows differently, so in a couple of days a person lives for several weeks.

Thousands of pilgrims are sent annually bypass around the mountain - the so-called ritual bark. There are 2 route options:

  • Exterior bark;
  • Internal.

The easiest way is an external one with a length of 50 km. It can be passed in 2 - 3 days. On the way, a person overcomes the energy channels. Believers believe that stones found on the route are frozen higher beings, which are now endowed with great strength.

Do you know that during the commission of the bark, pilgrims are experiencing a mental lift, many are included in the real religious trance. When a person's route passes, the highest strength is experiencing strength. He will meet obstacles that need to be overcome for spiritual cleansing.

In different parts of Kailas there is rebirth, cleansing karma. All negative events and acts remain in the past. A believer returns with a completely different person. After pilgrimage, an understanding of how insignificant material values \u200b\u200bis, and what spiritual role is played.

Religious significance

Many religious teachings of the East are connected with Kailas. In most faults, there is an image of a great mountain, which is considered the center of the Universe. At her foot, the sacred rivers, giving life take place. Numerous rituals, legends and legends are connected with the vertex. Today, the followers of the following religious exercises believe in its highest purpose:

  • buddhism. Believers believe that Samvara is inhabited on the slope - an angry embodiment of the Buddha. According to their opinion, the spiritual leader meditates to once appear to the world. The slope comes annually thousands of Buddhists to celebrate Saga Dava - the day dedicated to the Buddha;
  • judaism. The followers of this Eastern teaching adhere to the opinions that Kailas is the habitat of the Supreme God Shiva. In their representation, the mountain is the cosmopolitan center of the Universe, and Brahma dwells on the neighboring lake;
  • in the Tibetan tradition of Bon Rock and the lake, located at her slope, are a center ancient country Shangshung, which has become the place of origin of religious flow. According to believers, it was here that the God of Tongpa Shenb stepped on the land for the first time;
  • in Jain, the mountain is perceived as a place where the first saint was able to achieve spiritual enlightenment. Followers of the creeds make a ritual boron with meditation to achieve Nirvana.

Do you know that the inner bark passes through the top of the sarcophagus Nanda. According to legend, the Genofund of mankind is located inside the rock, and she herself is connected underground stroke With Kailas.

Kailas in Parastauka

From the point of view of mystics, it is necessary to regard Kurgan as the habitat of the Higher Forces. In religious texts of numerous faults, it is said that it is not one of the mortals to achieve the vertices. According to legend, anyone who dares to stand on the highest point will immediately die either cover numerous non-healing ulcers.

Followers of different religions are confident that inside the highest mind. Many argue that they have repeatedly seen the outbreak of light, the outlines of which resembled a human being.

The mystical component includes the image of a swastika, arising due to cracks and rock shadows. Not only the mountain, but also reservoirs, which are located in its surroundings are also revered. This is a lake of the life of Manasarovar and the death of Langa-Tso.


Kailas causes many questions from researchers, but practically does not give them answers. Mountain top We attribute unusual properties, believe that it distorts space and time, opens portals to other worlds and controls space energy. Adherents of this theory are confident that the object erected an ancient developed civilization or aliens.

The reality is that there is still no confirmation of any of the guesses. Scientists agree that the mountain cannot be a man-made or hollow inside, but is the usual natural Monument. However, the search for mysterious Shambhala many leads exactly here, and someone claims that only here gained genuine harmony with the world.

Kailas is a sacred mountain and "place of power" in Tibet. A vertex with a snow cap is known and under other names: Kaylash, Kangrinboche, Gangdis. "Snow jewel" is shrouded in thousands of secrets and legends and still nobody is conquered. As a magnet attracts not only believers, but also researchers.


Kailas enters the system Himalayan Mountains And located in the south of Qinghai Tibetan Highlands. The territory is located in the south-west of China, in Tibet.

4 Great Rivers flow in the region: Ind, Ghaghara, Brahmaputra and Sutland. The followers of Hinduism believe that all these sources originate from Kailas. Satellite images show that water from the mountain glaciers fall into the lake, which flows only 1 river - Sutland. So, scientists have proven that beliefs are mistaken.

6666 M.

Mount Kaylas is the highest in its region. However, due to the various measurement methods, the exact length of unknown.

Approximately this parameter equals 6638-6890 m. The view is common that Kailas has a height of 6666 m.

However, the statement is erroneous. After all, the Himalayas are young mountains and "grow", on average, half a hundredthimeter per year.

Mystical properties are attributed to the location of Kailas. After all, the distance from the mountain to and the North Pole is exactly 6666 km, to the southern pole - twice 6666 km.

Mathematical connections

The largest megalithic structures of the planet and Kailas are interconnected mathematically:

Mount Kaylas mathematically accurately unites all the pyramids of the world. Who and for which this system was developed, it remains only to guess.

Mountain or Pyramid?

It is believed that Samagora Kailas is a huge pyramid, not natural education. This thought is pushing a number of factors:

What is inside?

Some scientists are confident that there is a system of premises inside the Kailas Mountain. In one of the rooms, the mythical black chintamani crystal, capable of performing desires. The subject transfers the vibration of space, which add people and contribute to their spiritual and moral development.

Mystics are confident that inside the ancestors are in a state of samadhi. The wise men are kept genompound of humanity since the times. According to another version, Christ, Buddha, Krishna and other great peace stay in the unconscious state. They live in a tomb associated with the mountain tunnel. The prophets will come to themselves in the hardest time for the planet and help people.

108 Pyramids and "City of Gods"

The photo from the space shows that Kailas is located in the heart of the stone spiral. Scientists believe that a complex of 108 is composed around the mountain, according to other data from 110-115, small pyramids and monuments.

Constructions have a different shape and height from 100 to 1800 m. The system in its size exceeds all known complexes, including in Egypt, China, at the island of Yonaguni.

There are several theories of building a pyramidal system of Kailas:

  1. According to the legend, the sacred mountain was located "the city of gods", built by Atlanta and Lemurians. Peoples were forced to move after the change of poles and the death of the Atlands. Subsequently, the population ancient Tibet. They began to call "sons of the gods", and Kailas himself "Mountain of Gods".
  2. The system was built to resume life on the planet after a worldwide flood. Biologists note that the complex circuits are identical to the volume structure of DNA.
  3. Among other assumptions are the interference of the earth or extraterrestrial over civilization. After all, it is extremely difficult to move and raise the height of gigantic slabs without antigravitational technologies. And to perform screw holes in the mountains, you need a device at a rate of 500 times greater than that of modern devices.

"Time Machine" and Energy Cocoon

Pyramids in Tibet are interconnected by means of giant plane-concave structures - "stone mirrors". The largest of these devices has a height of 800 m and is called the "home of a happy stone."

And in the "mirror of the king of death" with a length of 3 km, the "Valley of Death" is located, where yoga practitioners are sent.

"The main mirror of time" is aimed at the huge Lebanese and Syrian facilities of Megalites.

In the west of the "Mirror" of Mount Kailas, tilted at an angle of 108 °, in the north at an angles of 30 ° and 78 °, which in the amount equals 108 °. It is no coincidence, because the number 108 is sacred. Exactly many times need to get around the mountain to heal spiritually and physically. Exactly 108 beads on Buddhist rosary.

A number of researchers believe that the "mirrors" of Kailas create a special energy plan, capable of accelerating or slowing down. So, at the pilgrims, bypassing the mountain, the beard and nails are growing per day. According to the theory, in antiquity "Time Machine" was used:

  • for traveling to the future and past;
  • to switch to parallel worlds;
  • for communication with the "mirrors" of other pyramids of the world;
  • to exchange thoughts at a distance.

Other scientists believe that Kailas is the largest cosmic energy drive on earth. This function contributes to the symmetric shape of the mountain. "Mirrors" collect cosmos energy and transmit it to living organisms, including people.

Mystics are confident that Mount Kailas is one of the entrances to the Mythical Country of Shambala in Tibet. Recent studies have shown that the region mentioned in Mahabharata could well exist.

Religious significance

In modern religions, Kailas consider sacred Mountain And the "heart of the world." Plindation for Parikrama, or bark. It is believed that one bypass around the mountain removes all sins per person. And 108 Cor give healing and nirvana. Divine energy flows from stones affect the tray. According to legends, demigods and higher spirits live in stones.

Mount Kailas in Tibet Sacralna for followers 4 religions:

  1. Hinduism. Hindus are confident that the insanity of Shiva is located on the top. And the Mountain Mountain Reflection of Space over the mountain, which is located in the central point of the Universe. It is rumored that sometimes a multi-flowed creature can be seen.
  2. Buddhism. Buddhists believe that Kailas is the abode of the Buddha in the embodiment of Samvara. Therefore, the mountain celebrates the holiday of Donchod-Huhural dedicated to the Buddha.
  3. Jaimanism. Jainiver, that the first Prophet reached the first prophet - Mahavir on Kailas.
  4. Religion Bon. Bonsev believes that Kailas is a center of vitality, the heart and soul of the ancient empire of Shangshung, where Bon arose.

It was on the sacred mountain from the sky, Tonpa Shenb Mivochu descended - the founder of the tradition.

Representatives of religions are looking at around the mountains of the gods in different ways. Most of them make a bark clockwise as if with the sun. Followers of tradition Bon - counterclockwise, meeting the sun.

Mount Kaylas: Climbing

Traditions and texts say that every risk to conquer Kailas, die. After all, on the mountain gods there is no place for mortals. So, the four climbers, who tried to conquer the top, aged and died in 2 years. Not in vain, Tibetan lamas are not advised to turn with the sacred trail.

Tourists say that when trying to climb the mountain gods, an invisible wall arises, which cannot be overcome. Kailas allows you to make barks, or Parikrama.

To this day, the peak remains not conquered. In 1985, the permission to climb the German climber Rainhald Messen. However, suddenly a man changed his mind. It is rumored that the athlete had a vision.

In 2000, PermT received an expedition from Spain, but thousands of pilgrims blocked the way the way. Dalai Lama and the UN were also against ascent.

In 2004 without permission mount Kailas. Tried to conquer the Russian scientist with his son. According to travelers, the weather has deteriorated with each meter: the wind and the snow intensified and hit the family from the legs.

Among those who conquered the top of the mountain only half-natured characters:

  • caurus-founder of the tradition of Bon Mivoche;
  • yogi and Milarepa teacher, grabbed in the sun.

Swastube and light phenomena

On Mount Kailas in Tibet, fogs and unusual flashes of light periodically observe. Every month in the sky, spheres are formed, the size of the basketball ball. Tibetans since ancient call them crucible and depict pictures. And at night, the sky covers hundreds of bright bands forming a huge mesh from the Swastik.

On the south side of Kailas, the vertical crack intersects horizontal in the form of a swastika. At sunset, when playing shadows, the symbol becomes noticeable and can be seen for kilometers ahead. Therefore, Kailas is called the "Mountain Wastie".

In ancient times, the Sunflow sign indicated a huge spiritual force, movement and life. However, the swasty crack has quite earthly origin. The spill arose after a powerful earthquake.

Live and dead water

W. mountains Kailas There are 2 reservoirs disconnected by a narrow coastal:

From the standpoint of science, such a difference between nearby reservoirs is unexplained.

The greatest minds of the planet are trying to understand that he hides the mountain of the gods. It is indisputable only that Kailas is the place of spiritual strength.

The ritual circumference really cleans the mind and consciousness, brings peace of mind and harmony. Make sure everyone can.

What do you think, dear reader? What is the power and mystery of the mountain? Who lives on top? And what does not give climbs to conquer this mountain? Write your thoughts in the comments to the article. We are very interested in your opinion.

Ahead of you will be waiting for many more exciting mysteries of our unknown planet

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