Lake where the sky merges with the ground. Where the earth merges with the sky

It is said that in Solovki, you can serve as a liturgy anywhere, to such a degree all Solovetsky land is impregnated with blood of martyrs. Ancient monastery, from the XVI century, used as a prison, adjacent to the barracks of the Solovetsky camp of special purpose 1923-1929. Human suffering is felt here together with the joy of resurrection and the freedom of the unfeesened faith. The artist Mikhail Nesterov, who worked in Solovki before the revolution, in the 1920s, having a familiar who received Solovetsky time, said: "Do not be afraid of Solovkov, there is Christ close."

Monastery, Fortress, Prison ...

Solovetsky archipelago consisting of six big Islands And many small islands, located in the White Sea, 165 kilometers from the North Parliament Circle. Immediate settlements On the mainland - Arkhangelsk, Kem and Belomorsk.

Even in prehistoric times, Saami sailed here and satisfied ritual dances in front of the stones of idols. On the islands were their pagan caps. Then the Pomor was chosen to the nearest Island of the White Sea for their parking lots on the fishery.

In 1429, the monks of Savvathi and Herman were moored to a small Pomeranian boat-shnyak to the shore of a large Solovetsky Island. They walked three days in the Ice Sea on Villagers, in order to acquire the desired privacy of hermit. Since then, a completely different life has begun on the Solovetsky Islands. Not far from the shore of a pine lip, in a comfortable place for the Lake Savvathi and Herman, the cross was erected and built a celu. So it was the beginning of the inhang life in Solovki. The organizer of the Solovetsky, the monastery became Rev. Zosima, the associate of St. Hermann. The text of life tells about a wonderful vision: Rev. Zosima appeared in the east, the beautiful church in heavenly shine. At the site of the vision was built a wooden temple in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord. A church is also built in honor of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. So the Savior-Preobrazhensky Solovetsky Monastery was founded. This monastery was destined to become the heart of spiritual life, the mission center and the outpost of the Russian state in the north. He became the most severe prison in Russia. The fact that the monastery is a former camp is clearly visible now. Traces of prison life - thick wooden doors with eyes, trough and rusty constipation - have been preserved until now.

Since 1923, one of the first concentration camps for opponents of Soviet power were located in Solovki - Solovetsky special purpose camp (elephant). The entire archipelago is, in fact, a huge cemetery.
While the sun shines

If you go to the Solovki for the first time, you must certainly sail on the ship, and not fly on the plane. In guidebooks, you can read: "The monastery, as a fabulous town of Kitem, grows straight out of the water," but no words will give a lively impression from this spectacle.

After visiting the monastery, the path of pilgrims diverge. In Solovki so much that even for a whole vacation you can not have time to see everything. Especially since somewhere you want to stay longer: pray, look at the sea. Therefore, if you are going for a while, then do not seek to restart everything. It turns out one bustle. It is better to choose the two most interesting or important places in your opinion and make them the main goal. For example, Anzer Island and Sequir Mountain. Optimal time to pray in the monastery, and have time to make two large travels - two weeks.

There is a rule in Solovki - do not plan anything in advance. Surprises will always be touched. Gathered by the sea on Anzer - Storm. We decided to finally go for mushrooms - rain. The weather in Solovki is unpredictable and changes instantly. So the program of staying on the island should be built on the principle of "Travel while the sun shines." But the raincoat is your faithful friend at any journey.

The trip time depends on your mood. If you are configured for communication and leisure, it is better to go to the so-called Solovetsky holidays, that is, until August 12, the day of gaining the relics of Rev. German Solovetsky. At this time at Solovki, the events of the Solovetsky Museum-Reserve are held: the festival of the Bardian song, the sailing regatta, etc. The time of "Solovetsky holidays" is the hottest for the inhabitants, and for guides, and for monks.

If you are looking for privacy and silence, then you need to go after the holidays of Solovetsk, which lasts from August 12 to Assumption (August 28), the prestial holiday of the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the monastery. August 29 despair the ship with the last tourists, and only "their" people remain on the island.
Ride or walk?

Places that can be visited with the benefit of Solovki - everywhere. Approximate average distance between them - 12 kilometers. There are very remote slates, kilometers to eighteen from the village. So what kind of movement to choose?

Bus tours, rental cars (this is also there in Solovki) will suit those who want to have time to visit every three days, who are weak or arrived with children. Bike - for those who want to have a few places in a short time. There are several bicycle rental points on the island. Prices are different everywhere.

If you do not rush anywhere, it is best to walk on foot. On the way, you can admire the forest, collect mushrooms, buy in lakes, lay down a multi-colored boulder, take a picture of the giant anthills, lie on soft moss and lichens, to black palms to eat blueberries! At your disposal will be not only driving roads, but also narrow trails. Of course, in such independent trip Cannot be sent without a map. Best Card Sold in the monastery, it is suitable and pilgrim, and tourist. It is marked and not the most popular roads, but the location of objects is most close to reality.
Where to go to bad weather

If on the island of Khmar and the rain, time has come for sightseeing tour According to Solovetsky monastery. It is better to go on a pilgrimage excursion, then you will not only tell about the temples of the monastery, but also reports the schedule of worship, prompt when you can make it to the relics (cancers with relics are open during the fraternal prayer, which serves every day at 6 am).

In bad weather, you can go to Maritime Museum. Outdoor relatively recent and supported by the efforts of enthusiasts, the museum broke all records in popularity. This is a veffa museum: a real ship is being built on your eyes. Here you will learn that the Pomeranian boats were stitched, in the literal sense of the word, that Pomra is not a nationality and that the Russian fleet began not at Queen Peter, as it should be thought, but much earlier. The museum is located on Salden Cape, in the barn for rowing courts. Works without days off from 10 to 21 hours. Free admission.

Detailed information on all expositions of the Solovetsky Museum-Reserve can be found on the site
Most popular routes:

1. Anzer Island. The first sowers of the Solovetsky Monastery were found here. In the XVIII century, the Rev. Job Anzersky (in Schima - Jesus) organized a Calval-chat skete on the mountain of Calvary. On February 7, 1929, in a hospital insulator, which was made at the Skit, graduated from his terrestrial feat of the Sacred Petr Zverev. In the same place fraternal graves, an unusual birch rose, whose branches spread out the right cross.
You can get here only by sea with a guided tour.

2. Holy Ascension Skit on the sequeary mountain of the Greater Solovetsky Island.In the time of the camp, the Skit was a penalty of an insulator, one of the most terrible places Elephant camp. From the foot of the mountain to the Skece leads a cool staircase - 71 m in height. It was dumped with patients not to spend the cartridges on them.

3. Island Big Zayaksky. The port complex, intended for the reception of trading and commercial vessels, was founded in the XVI century under the Holy Ignume Philip. In the summer of 1702, Peter I went to the harbor on the Holy Island. The sovereign ordered to build a wooden church on the island in honor of the Holy Apostle Andrei First-Called. This church has been preserved to this day. In the camp time there was a female penalty of an insulator.
You can only get to the island on the sea with a tussing.

4. Muksalma Island. The island is connected to a large Solovetsky island of a distance of 1220 meters long. This is a unique technical structure - the result of the labor of the monks in the 60s of the XIX century. On the island there is a skit of Rev. Sergius Radonezhsky. During the XX century persecutions, the Skit was a prison. Now the church life is restored. The island can walk on foot (9 km). Dam - Rare Beauty Place.
Also interesting

The shipping lake-channel Solovkov (large Solovetsky Island) is built by monks in the XIX century. Total length Systems are about 12 kilometers. Channels transported building materials monastic steam boats. Here you can rent boats for rent and sail two boat routes independently - "Small Circle" and "Big Circle". Rental costs about 100 rubles per hour.

Detailed information about routes can be found on the site All routes are indicated on the map, which is sold in the monastery.
How to get?

1. direct flight by direct flight via Arkhangelsk (you get one ticket, but in Arkhangelsk transplanses another aircraft). In Moscow, tickets for this "Spetsrais" can be purchased at Aeroflot-Nord Casse (Tel.: 266-89-09).

2. By train Moscow-Murmansk or St. Petersburg-Murmansk station to Kem. Next by the sea to Solovkov from 2 to 4 hours, depending on the weather and speed of the vessel. As a rule, navigation on the White Sea opens in early June. The boat is moving away from the pier in the neighboring village of Worker Ostrovsk at 8 am. You will be brought to the village or urban bus number 1, or a minibus, or a taxi for 300 rubles. At 6.30 in the morning, it is necessary to be on the pier. You can buy in advance to buy tickets for the boat in the hotel near the pier. Then you can get places in the hold, where it is not so cold and does not pump. Do not forget to take warm things with you: a hat, gloves, warm jacket. If you do not get in the bag, all this will come in handy.

3. By train Moscow-Murmansk or St. Petersburg-Murmansk station to the Belomorsk station. Further on comet or ship to Solovkov.
Detailed information on the movement of transport, ticket costs can be found on the information portal
How and where to live?

On the island there is all: hospital, library, mail, shops. There are phone booths, cellular (except Beeline). Shops in the season are working until two o'clock in the morning. There is an industrial store, where in the case of which you can buy rubber boots, raincoat, etc.

Very detailed information About Solovetsky Hotels is on the portal\u003darchive&id\u003d80.

In addition, the private sector flourishes on the islands. Still on the pier you will be attacked by people with signs "Rent a housing". The cost of bed-space for private traders ranges from 200 to 400 rubles or more depending on the amenities. During the "Solovetsky holidays", there is a blowing pilgrims, so the accommodation is quite difficult to find, if you do not take care of this in advance.

For pilgrims behind the walls of the fortress, in the village, there is a free monastery hotel. On the territory of the monastery there is a hull for men 'service. To make an arter, it is necessary to agree separately with the adolescent abode.

Extra women live, like pilgrims, at a pilgrim hotel in the village. The monastery hotel is a two-storey wooden barrack (before the revolution it was a craft school). All rooms, cloth and stuffy, are completely filled with metal beds, closely moved to each other. Each pilgrimage group is preparing a food separately in the common kitchen, but eaten in the corridors behind long wooden tables. After 23.00, the hotel doors are closed until the morning. Facilities dinner in a separate refectory.

Contacts of the pilgrimage service of the Solovetsky Monastery: 164070 Arkhangelsk region, pos. Solovetsky, Solovetsky monastery. Tel. / Fax: 8 (818-35-90) 2-98, duty, ask pilgrimage service) or mob. Tel.: + 7-911-575-83-10. Read more about the church life of the monastery can be found at Another one useful link:
Solving service in Solovetsky Monastery

6.00 Morning worship. Castle. Bratsky prayer for Rev. Zosima, Savvatia and Herman. At the end of the prayer of the brethren, the monastery, hardships and pilgrims, except employees and pollistic, proceed to obedience. In the temple, worship continues, hours and divine liturgius are committed.

17.00 9th hour. Vespers. Morning. 1st hour.

After the 1st hour, a clock lithium is performed, and on Friday - Panhid. At the end of the divine service - Tropear, Kondak and Prayer Rev. Zosima, Savvatia and Herman.
In the evening, at the end of the meal, prayer for sleeping is coming.

17.00 Evening. Prayer singing with Akathist Rev. Zosima, Savvatia and Herman.

In transception days:

17.00 Vigil Vigil. 1st hour. At the end of the 1st hour - prayers for the dream to the coming, tropar, Kondak and Prayer of Rev. Zosima, Savvatia and Herman.

AT holidays:

8.00 Morning prayers. Castle. Tropear, Kondak and Prayer Rev. Zosima, Savvatia and Herman. Watch and divine liturgium. All breeds are monastery, hardships and pilgrims are present for worship. At the end of the service - Chin about Panagia.

17.00 Evening worship.
What to read before passing:
1. Solovetsky Caterik
2. Boris Shiryaev "Non-2013 Lampada"
3. Alexey Laushkin and Varvara Aksyuchitz-Laushkin "Solovetsky Monastery and its closest neighborhood", guide

It is said that in Solovki, you can serve as a liturgy anywhere, to such a degree all Solovetsky land is impregnated with blood of martyrs. Ancient monastery, from the XVI century, used as a prison, adjacent to the barracks of the Solovetsky camp of special purpose 1923-1929. Human suffering is felt here together with the joy of resurrection and the freedom of the unfeesened faith. The artist Mikhail Nesterov, who worked in Solovki before the revolution, in the 1920s, having a familiar who received Solovetsky time, said: "Do not be afraid of Solovkov, there is Christ close."

Monastery, Fortress, Prison ...

Solovetsky archipelago, consisting of six large islands and many small islands, is located in the White Sea, 165 kilometers from the Northern Polar Circle. Nearest settlements on the mainland - Arkhangelsk, Kem and Belomorsk.

Even in prehistoric times, Saami sailed here and satisfied ritual dances in front of the stones of idols. On the islands were their pagan caps. Then the Pomor was chosen to the nearest Island of the White Sea for their parking lots on the fishery.

In 1429, the monks of Savvathi and Herman were moored to a small Pomeranian boat-shnyak to the shore of a large Solovetsky Island. They walked three days in the Ice Sea on Villagers, in order to acquire the desired privacy of hermit. Since then, a completely different life has begun on the Solovetsky Islands. Not far from the shore of a pine lip, in a comfortable place for the Lake Savvathi and Herman, the cross was erected and built a celu. So it was the beginning of the inhang life in Solovki. The organizer of the Solovetsky, the monastery became Rev. Zosima, the associate of St. Hermann. The text of life tells about a wonderful vision: Rev. Zosima appeared in the east, the beautiful church in heavenly shine. At the site of the vision was built a wooden temple in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord. A church is also built in honor of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. So the Savior-Preobrazhensky Solovetsky Monastery was founded. This monastery was destined to become the heart of spiritual life, the mission center and the outpost of the Russian state in the north. He became the most severe prison in Russia. The fact that the monastery is a former camp is clearly visible now. Traces of prison life - thick wooden doors with eyes, trough and rusty constipation - have been preserved until now.

Since 1923, one of the first concentration camps for opponents of Soviet power were located in Solovki - Solovetsky special purpose camp (elephant). The entire archipelago is, in fact, a huge cemetery.

While the sun shines

If you go to the Solovki for the first time, you must certainly sail on the ship, and not fly on the plane. In guidebooks, you can read: "The monastery, as a fabulous town of Kitem, grows straight out of the water," but no words will give a lively impression from this spectacle.

After visiting the monastery, the path of pilgrims diverge. In Solovki so much that even for a whole vacation you can not have time to see everything. Especially since somewhere you want to stay longer: pray, look at the sea. Therefore, if you are going for a while, then do not seek to restart everything. It turns out one bustle. It is better to choose the two most interesting or important places in your opinion and make them the main goal. For example, Anzer Island and Sequir Mountain. Optimal time to pray in the monastery, and have time to make two large travels - two weeks.

There is a rule in Solovki - do not plan anything in advance. Surprises will always be touched. Gathered by the sea on Anzer - Storm. We decided to finally go for mushrooms - rain. The weather in Solovki is unpredictable and changes instantly. So the program of staying on the island should be built on the principle of "Travel while the sun shines." But the raincoat is your faithful friend at any journey.

The trip time depends on your mood. If you are tuned to communication and outdoor activities, it is better to go to the so-called Solovetsky holidays, that is, until August 12, the day of gaining the reservoirs of St. Herman Solovetsky. At this time at Solovki, the events of the Solovetsky Museum-Reserve are held: the festival of the Bardian song, the sailing regatta, etc. The time of "Solovetsky holidays" is the hottest for the inhabitants, and for guides, and for monks.

If you are looking for privacy and silence, then you need to go after the holidays of Solovetsk, which lasts from August 12 to Assumption (August 28), the prestial holiday of the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the monastery. August 29 despair the ship with the last tourists, and only "their" people remain on the island.

Ride or walk?

Places that can be visited with the benefit of Solovki - everywhere. Approximate average distance between them - 12 kilometers. There are very remote slates, kilometers to eighteen from the village. So what kind of movement to choose?

Bus excursions, rental cars (this is also in Solovki) are suitable for those who want to have time to visit everywhere for three days, who are weak or arrived with children. Bike - for those who want to have a few places in a short time. There are several bicycle rental points on the island. Prices are different everywhere.

If you do not rush anywhere, it is best to walk on foot. On the way, you can admire the forest, collect mushrooms, buy in lakes, lay down a multi-colored boulder, take a picture of the giant anthills, lie on soft moss and lichens, to black palms to eat blueberries! At your disposal will be not only driving roads, but also narrow trails. Of course, it is impossible to go to such an independent journey without a map. The best card is sold in the monastery, it is suitable and pilgrim, and tourist. It is marked and not the most popular roads, but the location of objects is most close to reality.

Where to go to bad weather

If on the island of Khmarar and the rain, time has come for a sightseeing tour of Solovetsky Monastery. It is better to go on a pilgrimage excursion, then you will not only tell about the temples of the monastery, but also reports the schedule of worship, prompt when you can make it to the relics (cancers with relics are open during the fraternal prayer, which serves every day at 6 am).

In bad weather, you can go to the maritime museum. Outdoor relatively recent and supported by the efforts of enthusiasts, the museum broke all records in popularity. This is a veffa museum: a real ship is being built on your eyes. Here you will learn that the Pomeranian boats were stitched, in the literal sense of the word, that Pomra is not a nationality and that the Russian fleet began not at Queen Peter, as it should be thought, but much earlier. The museum is located on Salden Cape, in the barn for rowing courts. Works without days off from 10 to 21 hours. Free admission.

Detailed information on all expositions of the Solovetsky Museum-Reserve can be found on the site

Most popular routes:

1. Anzer Island. The first sowers of the Solovetsky Monastery were found here. In the XVIII century, the Rev. Job Anzersky (in Schima - Jesus) organized a Calval-chat skete on the mountain of Calvary. On February 7, 1929, in a hospital insulator, which was made at the Skit, graduated from his terrestrial feat of the Sacred Petr Zverev. There, on the site of fraternal graves, an unusual birch grown, the branches of which spread out the right cross.
You can get here only by sea with a guided tour.

2. Holy Ascension Skit on the sequeary mountain of the Greater Solovetsky Island.In the time of the camp, there was a penalty insulator, one of the worst elephant camp sites. From the foot of the mountain to the Skece leads a cool staircase - 71 m in height. It was dumped with patients not to spend the cartridges on them.

3. Island Big Zayaksky. The port complex, intended for the reception of trading and commercial vessels, was founded in the XVI century under the Holy Ignume Philip. In the summer of 1702, Peter I went to the harbor on the Holy Island. The sovereign ordered to build a wooden church on the island in honor of the Holy Apostle Andrei First-Called. This church has been preserved to this day. In the camp time there was a female penalty of an insulator.
You can only get to the island on the sea with a tussing.

4. Muksalma Island. The island is connected to a large Solovetsky island of a distance of 1220 meters long. This is a unique technical structure - the result of the labor of the monks in the 60s of the XIX century. On the island there is a skit of Rev. Sergius Radonezhsky. During the XX century persecutions, the Skit was a prison. Now the church life is restored. The island can walk on foot (9 km). Dam - Rare Beauty Place.

Also interesting

The shipping lake-channel Solovkov (large Solovetsky Island) is built by monks in the XIX century. The overall length of the system is about 12 kilometers. Channels transported building materials monastic steam boats. Here you can rent boats for rent and sail two boat routes independently - "Small Circle" and "Big Circle". Rental costs about 100 rubles per hour.

Detailed information about routes can be found on the site All routes are indicated on the map, which is sold in the monastery.

How to get?

1. direct flight by direct flight via Arkhangelsk (you get one ticket, but in Arkhangelsk transplanses another aircraft). In Moscow, tickets for this "Spetsrais" can be purchased at Aeroflot-Nord Casse (Tel.: 266-89-09).

2. By train Moscow-Murmansk or St. Petersburg-Murmansk station to Kem. Next by the sea to Solovkov from 2 to 4 hours, depending on the weather and speed of the vessel. As a rule, navigation on the White Sea opens in early June. The boat is moving away from the pier in the neighboring village of Worker Ostrovsk at 8 am. You will be brought to the village or urban bus number 1, or a minibus, or a taxi for 300 rubles. At 6.30 in the morning, it is necessary to be on the pier. You can buy in advance to buy tickets for the boat in the hotel near the pier. Then you can get places in the hold, where it is not so cold and does not pump. Do not forget to take warm things with you: a hat, gloves, warm jacket. If you do not get in the bag, all this will come in handy.

3. By train Moscow-Murmansk or St. Petersburg-Murmansk station to the Belomorsk station. Further on comet or ship to Solovkov.
Detailed information on the movement of transport, ticket costs can be found on the information portal

How and where to live?

On the island there is all: hospital, library, mail, shops. There are telephone booths, cellular communication (except Beeline). Shops in the season are working until two o'clock in the morning. There is an industrial store, where in the case of which you can buy rubber boots, raincoat, etc.

Very detailed information about Solovetsky hotels is on the portal\u003darchive&id\u003d80.

In addition, the private sector flourishes on the islands. Still on the pier you will be attacked by people with signs "Rent a housing". The cost of bed-space for private traders ranges from 200 to 400 rubles or more depending on the amenities. During the "Solovetsky holidays", there is a blowing pilgrims, so the accommodation is quite difficult to find, if you do not take care of it in advance.

For pilgrims behind the walls of the fortress, in the village, there is a free monastery hotel. On the territory of the monastery there is a hull for men 'service. To make an arter, it is necessary to agree separately with the adolescent abode.

Extra women live, like pilgrims, at a pilgrim hotel in the village. The monastery hotel is a two-storey wooden barrack (before the revolution it was a craft school). All rooms, cloth and stuffy, are completely filled with metal beds, closely moved to each other. Each pilgrimage group is preparing a food separately in the common kitchen, but eaten in the corridors behind long wooden tables. After 23.00, the hotel doors are closed until the morning. Facilities dinner in a separate refectory.

Contacts of the pilgrimage service of the Solovetsky Monastery: 164070 Arkhangelsk region, pos. Solovetsky, Solovetsky monastery. Tel. / Fax: 8 (818-35-90) 2-98, duty, ask pilgrimage service) or mob. Tel.: + 7-911-575-83-10. Read more about the church life of the monastery can be found at Another useful link:

Solving service in Solovetsky Monastery

6.00 Morning worship. Castle. Bratsky prayer for Rev. Zosima, Savvatia and Herman. At the end of the prayer of the brethren, the monastery, hardships and pilgrims, except employees and pollistic, proceed to obedience. In the temple, worship continues, hours and divine liturgius are committed.

17.00 9th hour. Vespers. Morning. 1st hour.

After the 1st hour, a clock lithium is performed, and on Friday - Panhid. At the end of the divine service - Tropear, Kondak and Prayer Rev. Zosima, Savvatia and Herman.
In the evening, at the end of the meal, prayer for sleeping is coming.

17.00 Evening. Prayer singing with Akathist Rev. Zosima, Savvatia and Herman.

In transception days:

17.00 Vigil Vigil. 1st hour. At the end of the 1st hour - prayers for the dream to the coming, tropar, Kondak and Prayer of Rev. Zosima, Savvatia and Herman.

On holidays:

8.00 Morning prayers. Castle. Tropear, Kondak and Prayer Rev. Zosima, Savvatia and Herman. Watch and divine liturgium. All breeds are monastery, hardships and pilgrims are present for worship. At the end of the service - Chin about Panagia.

17.00 Evening worship.

What to read before passing:
1. Solovetsky Caterik
2. Boris Shiryaev "Non-2013 Lampada"
3. Alexey Laushkin and Varvara Aksyuchitz-Laushkin "Solovetsky Monastery and its closest neighborhood", guide

Irina Sechina

One of the most original and amazing places on Earth on the right can be considered Lake Solonchak Uyuni (Salar de Uyuni). This unique "reservoir" is part of the unusual Lake Bolivia.

Once heard about this place, you start tirelessly dream of seeing it natural miracle with my own eyes. So, how do you imagine the usual lake? For many, this outdoor natural reservoir. Believe me, Solonchak Uyuni confidently crosses the above ideas about the lakes.

In essence, Salar can be called desert. At least at the time when the rainy season is behind. A huge lake dries out, only the lands supped with salt remain from it. This salt sparkles in the sun, as if precious stones, dense the earth, so without glasses on the lake could not do. In a clear calm day between the sun shining in the sky, and a spinning face with a sparkling face, a visual face is erased. You really will seem that in this place the heavenly arch merged with the firm of the earth. Believe me, the impressions of the contemplation of this futuristic landscape are simply unforgettable!

But when the rainy season in full swing, the lake turns into ... the largest mirror in the world. Indeed, the water surface of 12 thousand square km looks very impressive.

Most convenient and popular vehicle Here is the rented car. On it you can easily get to Lake Salar, and at the same time visit nearby villages.

It is clear that Bolivia is not Turkey or Tunisia, a ticket here is much higher, but in Bolivia there is something to see!

It will be interesting for people of various professions and hobbies. If you are interested in gardening, then on the fishing island, admire the antique cacti, whose height is equal to the 3-storey house. If you are a homegrown historian and love interesting legendsYou should visit the "locomotive cemetery" and "Forest Stones". Statues in " stone forest"Created exclusively by wind and water. Being among the bizarre stone compositions, you realize that nature is the best decorator artist in the Universe ...

When planning your excursion program on Bolivia, which you for example can buy from the tour operator "Cheerful Wind":, spend a couple of days on Lake Salar. We recommend living in the "Salt" hotel. All furniture and furniture objects are made of ... sodium chloride, or cooking salts - chairs, tables, lamps, railing and everything can be touched here.

If you pull to "salinic" or just want to be in amazingly beautiful and an unusual placeLet's meet at Salar de Uuzya.

It is said that in Solovki, you can serve as a liturgy anywhere, to such a degree all Solovetsky land is impregnated with blood of martyrs. Ancient monastery, from the XVI century, used as a prison, adjacent to the barracks of the Solovetsky camp of special purpose 1923-1929. Human suffering is felt here together with the joy of resurrection and the freedom of the unfeesened faith. The artist Mikhail Nesterov, who worked in Solovki before the revolution, in the 1920s, having a familiar who received Solovetsky time, said: "Do not be afraid of Solovkov, there is Christ close."

Monastery, Fortress, Prison ...

Solovetsky archipelago, consisting of six large islands and many small islands, is located in the White Sea, 165 kilometers from the Northern Polar Circle. Nearest settlements on the mainland - Arkhangelsk, Kem and Belomorsk.

Even in prehistoric times, Saami sailed here and satisfied ritual dances in front of the stones of idols. On the islands were their pagan caps. Then the Pomor was chosen to the nearest Island of the White Sea for their parking lots on the fishery.

In 1429, the monks of Savvathi and Herman were moored to a small Pomeranian boat-shnyak to the shore of a large Solovetsky Island. They walked three days in the Ice Sea on Villagers, in order to acquire the desired privacy of hermit. Since then, a completely different life has begun on the Solovetsky Islands. Not far from the shore of a pine lip, in a comfortable place for the Lake Savvathi and Herman, the cross was erected and built a celu. So it was the beginning of the inhang life in Solovki. The organizer of the Solovetsky, the monastery became Rev. Zosima, the associate of St. Hermann. The text of life tells about a wonderful vision: Rev. Zosima appeared in the east, the beautiful church in heavenly shine. At the site of the vision was built a wooden temple in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord. A church is also built in honor of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. So the Savior-Preobrazhensky Solovetsky Monastery was founded. This monastery was destined to become the heart of spiritual life, the mission center and the outpost of the Russian state in the north. He became the most severe prison in Russia. The fact that the monastery is a former camp is clearly visible now. Traces of prison life - thick wooden doors with eyes, trough and rusty constipation - have been preserved until now.

Since 1923, one of the first concentration camps for opponents of Soviet power were located in Solovki - Solovetsky special purpose camp (elephant). The entire archipelago is, in fact, a huge cemetery.

While the sun shines

If you go to the Solovki for the first time, you must certainly sail on the ship, and not fly on the plane. In guidebooks, you can read: "The monastery, as a fabulous town of Kitem, grows straight out of the water," but no words will give a lively impression from this spectacle.

After visiting the monastery, the path of pilgrims diverge. In Solovki so much that even for a whole vacation you can not have time to see everything. Especially since somewhere you want to stay longer: pray, look at the sea. Therefore, if you are going for a while, then do not seek to restart everything. It turns out one bustle. It is better to choose the two most interesting or important places in your opinion and make them the main goal. For example, Anzer Island and Sequir Mountain. Optimal time to pray in the monastery, and have time to make two large travels - two weeks.

There is a rule in Solovki - do not plan anything in advance. Surprises will always be touched. Gathered by the sea on Anzer - Storm. We decided to finally go for mushrooms - rain. The weather in Solovki is unpredictable and changes instantly. So the program of staying on the island should be built on the principle of "Travel while the sun shines." But the raincoat is your faithful friend at any journey.

The trip time depends on your mood. If you are tuned to communication and outdoor activities, it is better to go to the so-called Solovetsky holidays, that is, until August 12, the day of gaining the reservoirs of St. Herman Solovetsky. At this time at Solovki, the events of the Solovetsky Museum-Reserve are held: the festival of the Bardian song, the sailing regatta, etc. The time of "Solovetsky holidays" is the hottest for the inhabitants, and for guides, and for monks.

If you are looking for privacy and silence, then you need to go after the holidays of Solovetsk, which lasts from August 12 to Assumption (August 28), the prestial holiday of the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the monastery. August 29 despair the ship with the last tourists, and only "their" people remain on the island.

Ride or walk?

Places that can be visited with the benefit of Solovki - everywhere. Approximate average distance between them - 12 kilometers. There are very remote slates, kilometers to eighteen from the village. So what kind of movement to choose?

Bus excursions, rental cars (this is also in Solovki) are suitable for those who want to have time to visit everywhere for three days, who are weak or arrived with children. Bike - for those who want to have a few places in a short time. There are several bicycle rental points on the island. Prices are different everywhere.

If you do not rush anywhere, it is best to walk on foot. On the way, you can admire the forest, collect mushrooms, buy in lakes, lay down a multi-colored boulder, take a picture of the giant anthills, lie on soft moss and lichens, to black palms to eat blueberries! At your disposal will be not only driving roads, but also narrow trails. Of course, it is impossible to go to such an independent journey without a map. The best card is sold in the monastery, it is suitable and pilgrim, and tourist. It is marked and not the most popular roads, but the location of objects is most close to reality.

Where to go to bad weather

If on the island of Khmarar and the rain, time has come for a sightseeing tour of Solovetsky Monastery. It is better to go on a pilgrimage excursion, then you will not only tell about the temples of the monastery, but also reports the schedule of worship, prompt when you can make it to the relics (cancers with relics are open during the fraternal prayer, which serves every day at 6 am).

In bad weather, you can go to the maritime museum. Outdoor relatively recent and supported by the efforts of enthusiasts, the museum broke all records in popularity. This is a veffa museum: a real ship is being built on your eyes. Here you will learn that the Pomeranian boats were stitched, in the literal sense of the word, that Pomra is not a nationality and that the Russian fleet began not at Queen Peter, as it should be thought, but much earlier. The museum is located on Salden Cape, in the barn for rowing courts. Works without days off from 10 to 21 hours. Free admission.

Detailed information on all expositions of the Solovetsky Museum-Reserve can be found on the site

Most popular routes:

1. Anzer Island. The first sowers of the Solovetsky Monastery were found here. In the XVIII century, the Rev. Job Anzersky (in Schima - Jesus) organized a Calval-chat skete on the mountain of Calvary. On February 7, 1929, in a hospital insulator, which was made at the Skit, graduated from his terrestrial feat of the Sacred Petr Zverev. There, on the site of fraternal graves, an unusual birch grown, the branches of which spread out the right cross.
You can get here only by sea with a guided tour.

2. Holy Ascension Skit on the sequeary mountain of the Greater Solovetsky Island. In the time of the camp, there was a penalty insulator, one of the worst elephant camp sites. From the foot of the mountain to the Skece leads a cool staircase - 71 m in height. It was dumped with patients not to spend the cartridges on them.

3. Island Big Zayaksky. The port complex, intended for the reception of trading and commercial vessels, was founded in the XVI century under the Holy Ignume Philip. In the summer of 1702, Peter I went to the harbor on the Holy Island. The sovereign ordered to build a wooden church on the island in honor of the Holy Apostle Andrei First-Called. This church has been preserved to this day. In the camp time there was a female penalty of an insulator.
You can only get to the island on the sea with a tussing.

4. Muksalma Island. The island is connected to a large Solovetsky island of a distance of 1220 meters long. This is a unique technical structure - the result of the labor of the monks in the 60s of the XIX century. On the island there is a skit of Rev. Sergius Radonezhsky. During the XX century persecutions, the Skit was a prison. Now the church life is restored. The island can walk on foot (9 km). Dam - Rare Beauty Place.

Also interesting

The shipping lake-channel Solovkov (large Solovetsky Island) is built by monks in the XIX century. The overall length of the system is about 12 kilometers. Channels transported building materials monastic steam boats. Here you can rent boats for rent and sail two boat routes independently - "Small Circle" and "Big Circle". Rental costs about 100 rubles per hour.

Detailed information about routes can be found on the site All routes are indicated on the map, which is sold in the monastery.

How to get?

1. direct flight by direct flight via Arkhangelsk (you get one ticket, but in Arkhangelsk transplanses another aircraft). In Moscow, tickets for this "Spetsrais" can be purchased at Aeroflot-Nord Casse (Tel.: 266-89-09).

2. By train Moscow-Murmansk or St. Petersburg-Murmansk station to Kem. Next by the sea to Solovkov from 2 to 4 hours, depending on the weather and speed of the vessel. As a rule, navigation on the White Sea opens in early June. The boat is moving away from the pier in the neighboring village of Worker Ostrovsk at 8 am. You will be brought to the village or urban bus number 1, or a minibus, or a taxi for 300 rubles. At 6.30 in the morning, it is necessary to be on the pier. You can buy in advance to buy tickets for the boat in the hotel near the pier. Then you can get places in the hold, where it is not so cold and does not pump. Do not forget to take warm things with you: a hat, gloves, warm jacket. If you do not get in the bag, all this will come in handy.

3. By train Moscow-Murmansk or St. Petersburg-Murmansk station to the Belomorsk station. Further on comet or ship to Solovkov.
Detailed information on the movement of transport, ticket costs can be found on the information portal

How and where to live?

On the island there is all: hospital, library, mail, shops. There are telephone booths, cellular communication (except Beeline). Shops in the season are working until two o'clock in the morning. There is an industrial store, where in the case of which you can buy rubber boots, raincoat, etc.

Very detailed information about Solovetsky hotels is on the portal\u003darchive&id\u003d80.

In addition, the private sector flourishes on the islands. Still on the pier you will be attacked by people with signs "Rent a housing". The cost of bed-space for private traders ranges from 200 to 400 rubles or more depending on the amenities. During the "Solovetsky holidays", there is a blowing pilgrims, so the accommodation is quite difficult to find, if you do not take care of this in advance.

For pilgrims behind the walls of the fortress, in the village, there is a free monastery hotel. On the territory of the monastery there is a hull for men 'service. To make an arter, it is necessary to agree separately with the adolescent abode.

Extra women live, like pilgrims, at a pilgrim hotel in the village. The monastery hotel is a two-storey wooden barrack (before the revolution it was a craft school). All rooms, cloth and stuffy, are completely filled with metal beds, closely moved to each other. Each pilgrimage group is preparing a food separately in the common kitchen, but eaten in the corridors behind long wooden tables. After 23.00, the hotel doors are closed until the morning. Facilities dinner in a separate refectory.

Contacts of the pilgrimage service of the Solovetsky Monastery: 164070 Arkhangelsk region, pos. Solovetsky, Solovetsky monastery. Tel. / Fax: 8 (818-35-90) 2-98, duty, ask pilgrimage service) or mob. Tel.: + 7-911-575-83-10. Read more about the church life of the monastery can be found at Another useful link:

Solving service in Solovetsky Monastery

6.00 Morning worship. Castle. Bratsky prayer for Rev. Zosima, Savvatia and Herman. At the end of the prayer of the brethren, the monastery, hardships and pilgrims, except employees and pollistic, proceed to obedience. In the temple, worship continues, hours and divine liturgius are committed.

17.00 9th hour. Vespers. Morning. 1st hour.

After the 1st hour, a clock lithium is performed, and on Friday - Panhid. At the end of the divine service - Tropear, Kondak and Prayer Rev. Zosima, Savvatia and Herman.
In the evening, at the end of the meal, prayer for sleeping is coming.

17.00 Evening. Prayer singing with Akathist Rev. Zosima, Savvatia and Herman.

In transception days:

17.00 Vigil Vigil. 1st hour. At the end of the 1st hour - prayers for the dream to the coming, tropar, Kondak and Prayer of Rev. Zosima, Savvatia and Herman.

On holidays:

8.00 Morning prayers. Castle. Tropear, Kondak and Prayer Rev. Zosima, Savvatia and Herman. Watch and divine liturgium. All breeds are monastery, hardships and pilgrims are present for worship. At the end of the service - Chin about Panagia.

17.00 Evening worship.

1. Solovetsky Caterik
2. Boris Shiryaev "Non-2013 Lampada"
3. Alexey Laushkin and Varvara Aksyuchitz-Laushkin "Solovetsky Monastery and its closest neighborhood", guide

South of Australia, almost on the edge of the world, is the island of Tasmania, where he reigns pristine Nature. This is the smallest state of Australia, the only one that can be driven in a few days. However, everyone who has been there, I am confident: more beautiful than the place on Earth.

Foreigners, however,, like Australians, feel here transferred to another country. It is said that Tasmania is a bright emerald in the Australian crown, its green state.

Olga Nikolaevna and Boris Pavlovich Schwartz went to Tasmania on the urgent recommendations of their friends who have long been living on a green continent.

We sailed on a huge comfortable ferry, where shops and bars, and other entertainment are provided for passengers, "spouses tell. - We left our cars on the bottom deck, and they themselves are located in comfortable cabins. By the way, if someone wants to save, you can pass the night and in comfortable soft chairs. The vapor, the name of which is translated as "spirit of Tasmania," delivered us from Sydney to the island overnight.


Tasmania (Tasmania) - Island at the southeast coast of Australia, separated from the mainland of the Bass Strait. Together with the adjacent Islands of Australia. The area is 68 thousand km2, the climate is moderate, the population is more than 500 thousand people. The administrative center is the city of Hobart. The inside of Tasmania is plateau (height to 1617 m), coated with eucalyptus and evergreen beecles, highly harvested meadows. Developed dairy animal husbandry, gardening. GES acts. The island was opened by the Dutch navigator Abel Tasman in 1642, and in the middle of the 19th century, there was a place of reference to the specially dangerous criminals. Tasmania is an environmentally friendly island with an unspoiled nature and an unusual animal world. One of the bright representatives is the Tasmansky Devil. This small predatory silent animal is found only here.

So, in the morning we were already in one of the most amazing places on the ground. On the map chose the route, got into the car and went on the road. I must say that we traveled in February - one of the hottest summer Australian months. When you left Sydney, the thermometer column was hit for 40 degrees. And in the morning on the shore of Tasmania, which was washed by the ocean, there were already 16 degrees. Still near Antarctica.

The nature of this island-reserve was struck most of me - still can't come to himself from Olga Nikolaevna. - If the Eucalyptus is mostly growing on the continent - if I'm not mistaken, there are about fifty species there, then on the island we saw a stunning variety of vegetation. And all this is just giant sizes: if it is a fern, then the magnitude with the gazebo! The trees grow so tightly that it is simply impossible to pass through them. By the way, local residents Carefully follow their nature. In some places on the site of the old forest, we saw smoothly planted new trees.

Tasmania is amazing - nature outside the window is changing every few hours. I remember, we drove out the terrain, which was surrounded by beautiful sloping hills covered with gentle grass. And on this grass will graze clean lamb - just like in a children's picture. We saw and walking horses, all of them were covered with backups: local residents care, so as not to give God the animal did not overheat in the sun. Drive a little further - and the road dives into the mountains, around the real canyons. And all this beauty is under a low sky, which seems to be resting right into the horizon ...

You can go on the way for several hours and not to meet a single car, but we saw cyclists on the way. I did not notice that there was at least one taxi or public transport. I remember only one bus with German tourists.

Traveled around the island we are about a week. At night, stayed in small towns (from one to another - four or five hours away). Cleanliness there is simply unusual, and their motels are small cottages - with upholstered furniture, huge TV and other amenities.

Each town has its own story. So, in one we saw a kind of "Alley of Glory." On sidewalks were knocked out the names and short biography Criminals and prostitutes exiled once from Europe.

Numerous campgrounds for tourists are in the deaf forest. We settled on the first night in one of these houses. Inside it there was a living room, kitchen, bedroom, shower, toilet. There was everything - ranging from the TV and ending with the microwave. All these amenities are quite acceptable at the price. I think that to enjoy the beauty, it is more convenient to travel in Tasmania tourist group, and on machines - small companies. By the way, the Australians themselves go to the island on the weekend on fishing - there are many small pure lakes.

I must say that fishing there is simply excellent, - complements the story of his wife Boris Pavlovich. - If you wish, you can rent a boat and other gear. Any tackle is sold in stores. And the friendly locals also prompt you, for which it is in their lake better peeling. For example, I caught three large trout with their help.

Spouses are confident: despite the small sizes of this Australian state, in Tasmania, you can ride infinitely. This is just a striking place. It is for those who want to relax well and get unforgettable impressions.

How much is
Ticket price to Sydney and back - about $ 1300 per person.
Steam - $ 300 (back-trip).
Prices for car rental - below the Middle Eastern.
Rent a comfortable house - $ 250 for three days.
Dinner on six people - less than 100 Australian dollars.
Motels - from 40 Australian dollars per day.
100 US dollars \u003d 75-80 Australian.

See also: