The ocean traveled to Tour Heyerdal. Who is Tour Heyerdal? (3 photos)

Heyerdal Tour (10/06/1914 - 04/18/2002) - Norwegian traveler, archaeologist, author of his own travel and research. It is known for its adventurous marine expeditions on ancient boats and raft.

Beginning of a traveler's career

Tour was born in the small Norwegian city of Lavrik. Father kept brewery, mother was an employee of the Anthropological Museum. FROM early years The boy was interested in the life of animals, the theory of evolution. Even created a mini-museum at home and the best exhibit was considered to be violent. As a child, the tour almost drowned twice, so he had a strong fear of water, and it would hardly have happened that he would have learned how long he had to spend in maritime travel. Only aged 22, when he accidentally found himself in the river and was able to drink, the fear of the water left him.

In 1933, Heyerdal became a student of the Geographical Department of the Metropolitan University. In Oslo, he met with B. Farther, a famous traveler who had collected a unique collection of books during his stay in Polynesia. This acquaintance turned out to be a fateful for Heyerdal, affecting his professional choice. He spent a lot of time for studying the books of fastening, was interested in the historical and cultural features of the development of Polynesia.

At the end of 1936, the tour married Liv Kusheron-Torp, she studied at the Economic Faculty of the same university. After marriage, the young went to Marseille, from where they sailed in Tahiti. The purpose of the journey was to study the possibility of survival in conditions wildlife. The first month they lived at the local leader, then moved to a separate island of Fatu-Hiva, belonging to the Marquis Islands. During the year, Tour and Liv lived in vivo, without using the benefits of civilization, until they were forced to appeal for medical assistance due to the appearance of ulcers on the legs. Referring, they returned to the island, but were met openly dislike locals. The couple decided to return home.

T. Heyerdal with the first spouse Liv

About the life of Fata-Hiva tour wrote his first book in 1938 - "In Search of Paradise". After the publication, the work was not given due attention due to the war started, but later, becoming a famous traveler, the tour prepared a renewed version for the publication, called Fatu Hiva.

By the beginning of World War II, Heyerdal was in Canada, where he studied the life of the Indians, was looking for traces of Asian sailors of the Stone Age. Having learned about the war, he threw studies and joined the army ranks. He studied in the English radio collapse, after which she was preparing to get into the occupied Norway. On the way, his detachment was attacked by the fascist submarines, but fought with the help of ships of the Soviet fleet. Upon arrival of Heyerdal to Norway, the war ended.

Kon-tick expedition

The idea of \u200b\u200btraveling on a raft across the ocean came to him during the study of the history of Polynesia. Then there were only assumptions about the existence of contacts between the Polynesian and South American lands. This was evidenced by the legends, chronicles and ancient images of Indian rafts. Heyerdal was intended to prove this fact on his own example.

In 1947, he collected an expedition, which includes: Radio Engineer K. Khagland, Ethnographer B. Danielsson, Artist E. Hesselberg, Radist T. Rob, Engineer Vatcinger. The team went to Peru, where the raft was built from the logs, called the name of the hero of Polynesian legends - Con-Tika. The idea was perceived by the majority of skeptical, the expedition members considered suicides. But travelers believed in the success of the operation.

Swimming lasted 101 day. Overcoming eight thousand kilometers, the raft approached the Tuamot Islands. Heyerdal with like-minded people proved that a simple raft can cross the Pacific Ocean by the help of the flow and passing wind. The story of Kon-Tika had a great success, some tried to repeat his experience. The book of the same name was published in more than 60 languages \u200b\u200bof the world, and in 1952, an Oscar received a documentary film about the journey.

Unusual and sensational journey "Kon-Tika", 1947

Outstanding research

The next major study was the island of Easter, where Heyerdal went on excavations in 1955. With a group of archaeologists he stayed there for several months. The group compiled a lot of reports on the expedition, which became the basis for further scientific research on the island. The tour wrote about this place the next newly popular book "Aku-Aku". Later, in 1989, he published a book with a more detailed description of his theory called "Easter Island: Amazing Mystery."

In 1969-1970, the object of the study of Heyerdal was the possibility of intersection by the ancient navigators of the Atlantic Ocean. According to the ancient Egyptian layout, a boat "RA" was built from papyrus, which went to the ocean from the Moroccan shore of Africa. However, due to the imperfect design, the vessel had serious problems, and the team had to return. The second attempt by the boat "RA-II" was successful, the ship moored to the shore of Barbados. And again the journey was reflected in the book "Expedition on" RA ", as well as in documentary film.

T. Heyerdal (Right) with the team "RA", 1969

In 1977, the traveler decided to prove the existence of trade and migration ties between the ancient Mesopotamia and the locality relating to modern Pakistan. For this, a cane boat was built, called "Tigris". In general, swimming was succeeded, and the mission was performed, but before the Red Sea, the ship had to stop. After 4.5 months of travel, the team burned him, thereby protest against the starting hostilities in the area.

In the 1980s, the tour worked in an archaeological expedition to Maldivesduring which many valuable finds were discovered. He told about them in the book "Maldives Mystery". He studied the pyramids of the island of Tenerife in 1991. In 2000 - conducted research in Russia not far from Azov Sea. The goal was to search for residuals of Asgard's civilization. These excavations were sharp criticized by the scientific community. Heyerdal assured that the Scandinavian peoples have their roots in Azerbaijani land. Azerbaijan visited several times. In the village of Kish, the church is his memorable bust.

Last years

Heyerdal until the last day was busy with numerous studies. In 1991 he married for the third time. Earlier, after 12 years of the first marriage, in which two sons were born, in 1949 a tour was divorced with his wife and married to the Ivon Dedekam-Simonsen. Three daughters were born in this family. The third wife of the traveler - Actress Jacqueline Bir was henger than 18 years. Spouses lived in Tenerife. Heyerdal died in 2002 due to the brain tumor.

Despite the constant criticism in his address, Heyerdal was a famous and respected traveler, he was awarded numerous awards in recognition. In 1999, Heyerdala declared the most famous Norwegian. In Norway, he has been established a monument, a museum is open. In 2011, the new frigate of the Norwegian Fleet was named in his honor.

Heyerdal managed to awaken interest in the culture and history of the peoples of the world, he was a doctor of sciences of several universities in the world. The followers were collected by repeated expeditions, and his books became bestsellers.

Recognition of work

Reward Year
Retzius Medal (Sweden) 1950
Mogest Park Medal (Scotland) 1951
Bonape-Wiz Medal (France) 1951
Order of St. Olaf (Norway) 1951, 1970
Keent Kane's medal (USA) 1952
Order "For Outstanding Merit" (Peru) 1953
VEGA Medal (Sweden) 1962
Lomonosov Medal (USSR) 1964
Royal Geographical Society Medal (United Kingdom) 1964
Award "For Outstanding Merit" (USA) 1966
Order "For Merit" (Egypt) 1971
Cyril and Methodius Prize (Bulgaria) 1972
Pekhlevie Prize (UN) 1978
Order of the Gold Ark (Netherlands) 1980

Famous Norwegian scientist and traveler, author of many books, Tour Heyerdal was engaged not only by research underwater depths Pacific Ocean and archeology South AmericaBut also made a number of bold conclusions about the origin of life on Earth. On the birthday of the famous anthropologist, consider the 10 of his expeditions.


This most southern island from the group of Marquis Islands was a paradise corner of the virgin nature, where the tour of Heyerdal went shortly after marriage. The newlyweds spent away from civilization for a whole year.

They may have lived as Adam and Eve and on here, but they began to appear on their skin, and spouses were forced to see the doctor. Fortunately, Eskulap lived at the next island. Hayerdal's adventures and finds found in detail in the book "In Search of Paradise" (1938). The meaning of the first expedition is that the traveler revealed the world of Easter Island, spoke about the customs of the aborigines, made anthropological studies of the population.


The further path was lying in Canada, from where, according to the scientist, the first enthusiasts should occur, drunk to sailing to the shores of Polynesia. Indeed, the descendants of the Indians lived in this country.

There he heard about the beginning of the Second World War. Norway was occupied by the fascists, and he as a true patriot passionately dreamed of her release. Renting into the States, he was recruited into the army, and after the end of the sabotage school of radio workers on the American liner reached the shores of Soviet Murmansk. Here, their convoy attacked German submarines, but the Soviet ships beat the Allies. Upon arrival in the Norwegian Kirkenes, the tour restored radio communication, the news of the victory found him there.


This is the most famous traveler expedition. Studying the vintage manuscripts and drawings of Spanish colonists, conducting an analysis of the texts of the ancient Indian legends, Heyerdal concluded that possible contacts between the two continents: South America and Polynesia.

In 1947, Heyerdal with five enthusiasts arrived in Peru, where they built a raft from the Balsa tree, which was called "Con-Tika". Taking with me a supply of food and drink, they went to their big sailingHaving spent 101 day on the water. On August 7, 1947, their rafts nailed to the reefs of the Rarohy Coral Island.

Thus, Heyerdal proved that even at the most primitive floating agent, subject to good weather and passing wind, you can easily reach Polynesia. Also, the tour concluded that, as a thoughts, the ancient navigaters could use fish, which periodically stuck between the balsal logs. All his research scientists described in the book of the same name and, thus, stimulated interest in repetition of such travels. Having learned the flora of two mainland, Heyerdal determined the origin of the South American Bathata, which has grown in Polynesia everywhere. Coconuts and coconuts fell in South America. The famous scientist fixed his journey through the Pacific Ocean and Adventures in Polynesia. After the expedition, the documentary "Kon-Tika" received the Oscar premium (1951). In it, the immediate participants in the events showed contemporaries, how to survive on the ocean's expanses within 101 days, how to eat and how best to rest, which experiments can be carried out and how not to please into the mouth of sharks.
And in 2012, the artistic, on the project of which, until his death in 2002, worked Heyerdal in 2002.

Easter Island

In the mid-50s. T. Heyerdal Equipped the Norwegian archaeological expedition to Easter Island, where he spent several months with professional archaeologists, studying not only the nature of this mainland, but also a culture.

This expedition laid the beginning of the research that continues today. Heyerdal described his scientific searches in the book "Aku-Aku", which was translated from almost all the languages \u200b\u200bof the world. In the book "Easter Island: Amazing Mystery" (1989) Heyerdal offered a more detailed theory of its origin.

Traveling on the boat "RA" through the Atlantic

In 1970, a boat "RA" was built, which was designed using the ancient Egyptian drawings. Thus, the sailing ship was as easy, but improved. Hayerdal put the goal to prove that the ancient navigators could storm the ocean on such boats using the Canary Current.

The first such vessel was built by experts from Chad and designed to the Atlantic from the shores of Morocco. The first pancake comormed - due to the constructive flaws, the boat did not withstand the tests with water and broke into parts.

Expedition to "RA-II"

The following year, the same boat built by Bolivians started from there. The crew "RA-II" was international.

The USSR represented the famous scientist Yuri Senkevich. Now everyone could make sure that the ancients not only made safe seaflings using the direction of wind and the flow, but also, perhaps, could reach the countries of the new world long before they were opened by legendary travelers. In this event, Tour Heyerdal told the world in his book "Expedition to" RA "" and also left a documentary film.

Journey to "Tigris"

In 1977, Heyerdal decided to prove the hypothesis of contacts between the countries of Mesopotamia territory of modern Pakistan. Cane Cane "Tigris", built specifically for this navigation in Iraq, crossed through the Persian Bay to the Red Sea. The goal was achieved. However, in 1978, this boat was burned in protest against the wars on the plot.

Expedition to Maldiva

In the early 80s. The last century Heyerdal took another journey - to the Maldives.

Here he discovered confirmation with his first guessing, which was still on Easter Island. In the mounds found in the Maldives, foundations of buildings focused on the east and sculpture of bearded navigaters with oblong ear dots were found. The scientist concluded a conclusion about the setting of the island with Sri Lanka. The discoveries made by Heyerdal are set forth in the Book "Maldives Mystery".


In the early 90s. Heyerdal explored the 6-step pyramids of the GUIMAR on the Canary Island of Tenerife.

As opposed to the generally accepted opinion, which previously extended among scientists, about the fact that they were formed as a result of stones with local farmers, the tour proved that this is really a pyramid, and having an astronomical orientation.

The last project of the scientist was searched ancient civilization Asgard. His path led to Azov. Assa, the ancient residents of Scandinavia, took place from the territories Taman Peninsula. Heyerdal participated in the excavations of the ancient Greek city of Tanais.

However, the "project one" was named anti-scientific and did not find support in scientists.

Throughout the journey already stacked legends and even removed a full-length feature film. Traveling to Kon-Tika has become the most famous travel to Heyerdal tour. And many years and many years will remember about it, continue to admire the courage and fearlessness of these romantics, who was headed by Tour Heyerdal.

A trip to the raft of Kon-Tika inspired many people on bold actions and became the visiting card of the Heyerdal tour. It was this transition to the Pacific Ocean that brought him world fame, and even then all the rest of his unfortunate adventures.

Con-ticks are a raft made of 9 balsions. The length of them from 10 to 14 meters. These trees were fired in the jungle of Ecuador and brought on his coast. Kon-Tiki had a sharp nose that improved its quality and increased speed.

Construction of the fleet

Initially, Tour Heyerdal and his team planned to find and cut down the balsa trees on the coast of Ecuador, as the Inki did, but they did not find anything. I had to fly deep into the country and there to cut these trees there. They cut down the 9 biggest trees that could only find and removed Cora from them as the Indians do. Brevna they splamen as well as the Lima, the capital of Peru, from where they started their goal.

Right there they began to build their fleet. The authorities of Peru allocated them to the Doc in the port and the workers of this dock, which they did the main job. Large balsal birings were the basis of the flesh, on top of them put another 9 balsa logs, but smaller diameter. These brices became the basis of the deck, which they were covered with bamboo mats. Also from bamboo was built a small hut in the center of the deck. The roof of the hut is made of banana leaves.

The vessel was assembled without a single nail and all parts of it were bound by ropes. Similarly, they built their rafts ancient residents of these places - Inci. The mast and the steering wheel of the vessel were made of mangrove wood that sinks in water.

The authorities did not believe that the raft would be able to walk to Polynesia Islands, and even put in batteries. But people who gathered before sailing, tried to take autographs from the team, in the hope that the raft would still be able to reach the target.

The raft was called Con-Tika, in honor of the Sun of the Ancient Incas. In those days, people worshiped this god and cut off his head in different statues. An image of one of these statues appeared on the sail of this vessel. The legend says that the tortured people eventually defeated Con-Tika to the West, and he sailed with his people for the Pacific Ocean. Among the Polynesians also went the legends about Great Tika, who sailed with her people from the east. In the footsteps of this ancient God and decided to swim the tour Heyerdal with his team.

On April 28, 1947, Kon-Tika raft sailed from the Peruvian port of Callao. In order for this ship to prevent the port movement, the naval tug pulled out the raft by 50 miles, until the course of Humboldt. Then the team of the Tour Heyerdal passed on its own.

Tour Heyerdal (1914-2002) - Head of the expedition (in photo 3rd)

Eric Hesselberg (1914-1972) - navigator and artist. He painted the image of the God Kon-Tiki on the sail of the ship (in the photo 4th)

Bengt Danielsson (1921-1997) - performed the responsibilities of Coca. He was interested in the theory of migration. Also helped as a translator, since the only crew spoke in Spanish (in the photo 2nd)

Knut hagland (1917-2009) - radist (on photo1)

TURSTEIN ROOH. (1918-1964) - the second radioist (in the photo 5th)

Hermann Watzinger (1916-1986) - engineer of technical measurements. During the expedition, meteorological and hydrological observations were led (in the photo 6th)

The seventh participant of the expedition was the South American parrot of Lolita.

On my way

Flying fish and other seafood fell on board the vessel. The lack of seafood did not have - overboard open Ocean. Of the dolphin fish often came across. Also collected plankton, pulling the fine grid.

They prepared food on the preims, who took with them and placed in a wooden box. Once COC has been trimmed and the bamboo wall of the hut caught fire, but it was possible to easily put out. Food, as well as various equipment, was stored under deck, between bamboo mats and bilt-based base. Everything you need was packaged in cardboard boxes, filled with asphalt (bitumen) so that there is no moisture in them.

Part of the experiment was that two crew members did not eat fish and other seafood - for them there was a special diet that it was necessary to try. They were fed on American solders, designed for the military, but not yet tried.

If they wanted fresh fish, then for this it was necessary to just throw a hook 20 minutes before meals - and the fish will be guaranteed to dinner!

They also tried to drink a lymphatic fluid obtained from a Gland fish. These most they wanted to see the possibility of drinking water extraction in the open sea. Kon-tick crew participants took with them a little less than a ton of fresh water, which from time to time was replenished with reaching tropical rains. To maintain salt balance, they sometimes mixed fresh water with sea.

The team had to observe and larger representatives of the ichthyofauna of the Pacific Ocean. They saw whales and caught sharks, and once the largest shark shark came to them once - a whale shark. They watched her for so long that one participant had a nerves and he stuck in her, after which the shark disappeared. It happened, they had to keep on the deck of up to 9 sharks.

There were cases when sharks almost bitten the participants of the crew, but fortunately everything went without any injuries.

They took a rubber boat with them, with which some types of flesh were shot, and also, if suddenly someone wanted to be out of the team, alone, he could sit in this boat and sail in it, tied to the raft.

Before they reached half of the way, they survived two large storms, one of which lasted 5 days. During the storms they did not have time even on shooting. A sail was broken in the storm, the steering paddle, and the brica was separated. The deck was destroyed, but they managed to fix it. They also lost their parrot.

Kon-Tiki walked with an average speed of 80 km per day, the record of their speed was one day for which they did 130 km. The crew participants constantly had to check the nodes under water, this pleasure was not pleasant because there was a chance of an attack of sharks. Although sharks did not attack the raft before at least a drop of blood fell into the water.

Once, the Watzinger fell into the water, as a result of which he could not catch up with a raft, despite the fact that he sailed very quickly. After him, Hookland jumped up - fell to him. For a safe immersion under the water, they built a diver basket with which it was possible to hide from sharks. When sharks are suitable close, the diver needed to hide on this basket, after which the team will pull him on board.

Finally, they saw a sign about the approach of the Earth - the frigate flew next to them. They approached the coral archipelago Tuamot. These were islands French Polynesia.. It was necessary to look at both, since the greatness was probably stumbled upon coral reefs. The islands are so low that they made them can be seen only when the surf beat about the reef.

On the 93rd day, the observer from the mast discovered the Earth - it was one of the islands southern Moreley.where they grew. They went past him. Then, after 4 days they saw the boat of local residents, they walked to them and began to help the Kon-Tiki team. After the team went even further and for 101 day they saw the land in the 3rd time.

Somehow, struggling with the waves and ocean, they fell to coral Atoll Raroyia and climbed the shore. Breushed the flesh withstood. They proved that on a homemade raft from balsa logs, it is quite possible to swam from South America to Polynesia Islands. They arrived on the island on August 7, 1947. They traveled a 6980 km long.

They dragged their things to this uninhabited island And they live there a week until they saw a swimming boat with local.

Kon-Tika raft is now stored in the Oslo Museum of the same name. Tour Heyerdal and his team proved the theoretical possibility of intersection of the Pacific South American Indians. They also proved that they could not twist the ocean themselves and then to climb: because of the sea water, the nuts become unsuitable for shoots, and therefore people were brought to the islands.

On the Islands of Polynesia, they planted seeds of various plants, as a sign that the Indians who sailed here for many years ago, sled various plants.

Balz brican withstood the entire route and after that they still kept well in the water due to the fact that they were raw, the liquid inside the trees played the role of impregnation and did not allow sea water to absorb deeper. Similarly, they built their rafts ancient incops.

Tour Heyerdal

Tour Heyerdal. This name is familiar to everyone. Most famous traveler and researcher in the second half of the XX century. great person, tireless seeker and romantic, humanist and scientist. Norwegian by origin, Tour Heyerdal always considered himself a citizen of the world: "A person remains a man, be he is Norwegian, Polynesian, American, Italian or Russian, when and wherever he lives - in a stone or atomic age, under palm trees or at the glacier's edge. Good and evil, courage and fear, mind and stupidity do not know geographic borders. We all, people, should strive for understanding so that humanity can survive on our little planet, correct everything that has been spoiled in the centuries due to lack of knowledge and respect for the neighbor. "

Tour Heyerdal was born on October 6, 1914 in the small town of Larvik in the south of Norway. He was the only child rich and already elderly couples. True, from previous marriages, the parents of the tour had a total of seven children. Love for nature, as a traveler admitted, instilled his mother.

The university in Oslo, in which he entered in 1933, so that at the request of parents to study zoology, caused him boredom, like Alison - an adorable girl, the facility of the tour. One day, she sent a letter to his parents: "Dear Mom and Father, I met a young man named Tour Heyerdal. He asked me to become his wife, I replied - "Yes." It is forced to interrupt his classes, because I am leaving him to the Marquis Islands in the Pacific Ocean ... "

The wedding took place for Christmas in 1936, departure - shortly after her. The Zoological Faculty of Heyerdal never finished. Palshet saves a tour with a young wife (this journey financed Heyerdal-senior - a triggering brewer) to get to the island of Fatu-Hiva in the Pacific Ocean.

Zoological surveys of a 23-year-old student were only an official justification of the trip. The romantic dream of "parting with modernity, with civilization, with a culture, led to the small island of Fatu-Hiva Heyerdal. Make a jump for thousands of years ago. Learn the life of a primitive person. Know the true life in all its simplicity and completeness. "

Returning to his homeland, Heyerdal proceeds to the study of polynesia materials and ancient American cultures. At the first opportunity, the tour with his wife goes to North America. But here it takes the Second World War.

For Heyerdala, there was grievous days. To keep his wife and son, who has no specialty alien, was forced to take for exhaustive and life-threatening work. He endured everything, soon even began to succeed. But the occupation of the Motherland, the fascists could not leave the indifferent Heyerdala. It enters the disposal of the Norwegian Armed Forces. In England, the young lieutenant passed the special preparation of parachutical diversant. With caravan allied ships, the tour came to Murmansk.

After the war, Heyerdal renews the discontinued scientific research, developing his theory of migration of primitive peoples through the expanses of the Pacific Ocean.

The world glory came to Heyerdal in 1947, when he was on the Balsk Rift "Con-Tika", named after the Incan God of the Sun, passed the Pacific Ocean from Peru to Polynesia. The tour proved that the famous statues of Easter Island were created in ancient times by representatives of the disappeared culture of "Mochika", expelled from their native places by militant inches, who collapsed through the Pacific Ocean.

The whole world with a hidden breathing was followed by the swimming of bravery on the bilt-raft on the stormy expanses of the Pacific Ocean. For a hundred one day, Kon-Tika passed a huge path - almost 5,000 miles. The whole world flew about the successful end of the flight: radio, television, newsstands reported a happy completion of the expedition, whose success no one believed and which still remains the most popular, romantic and fascinating.

Heyerdal and his comrades became the most popular heroes on all five continents, especially among young people. The author of the book on famous travels on the rafts of Angey Urbanchik wrote: "The extraordinary success of his expedition is explained to a large extent that Heyerdal himself has a rare set of qualities: he is bravely, boldly coming to risk, believes in good luck, while combining the passion for romance with sober scientific approach and abilities of the organizer. However, this may not be enough for the celebration of the case. Need a little more luck, and it seems to be a constant satellite Heyerdal. "

Glory Heyerdal flew around the world. There was no man who would not hear about him. He became the most popular Norwegian since Amundsen; Cavalier of many orders and laureate of various scientific awards, including the International Prize for the promotion of science, a member of the New York Academy of Sciences, the author of two world-famous bestsellers - "Journey to Kon-Tika" and "Aku-Aku".

The boys flew their reed "ra" to overcome any pond on them. Candy "Kon-Tika", perfume "Aku-Aku" appeared. Grape varieties with such names were bred. Heyerdal received letters from all over the world.

"I did not seek glory," Tea Heyerdal spoke in an interview. - But the time comes - on the street they begin to show your fingers on you, in an airplane - demand autographs. At any time of the day, reporters break up to you and make them answer unimaginable questions that have never supposed in life. No longer belong to yourself. And I want, I really want to climb away somewhere away and quietly finally work. The boat in the Atlantic is the perfect place from this point of view ... In fact, the fact that my name is known to many, is a triple responsibility for each act, for each word, and this, you know whether it helps in the case. "

Tour Heyerdal traveled the Spanish, French and Italian coasts in search of a place where he could live and from where it was more convenient to plan new travels. In 1958, he chose a call-michery, an abandoned Ligurian village with a beautiful view of the sea. On the Italian coast, two of his daughters, Marian and Annette, as well as the son of Björn grew up.

In fifty years, having a complete opportunity to live calmly and in prosperity, Tour Heyerdal has once again proved that it is worthy of surprise and admiration. He risked everyone to take a new expedition to cross Atlantic Ocean on a raft from papyrus cane. Heyerdal decided to prove that the ancient Egyptians could reach the coast of South America. The raft was called "RA" in honor of the Sun God in the ancient Egyptians.

The crew was international: American Norman Baker, Egyptian George Syreal, Italian Carlo Mauri. African from the Republic of Chad Abdullah Gibrin, Mexican Santiago Henoves. The last on the list was Yuri Senkevich, a doctor from the Soviet Union. When Heyerdal appealed to the USSR Academy of Sciences with a request to indicate a candidate to participate in a risky expedition, among its main requirements were - the presence of a diploma of a doctor and ... sense of humor. And Senkevich fully justified the hopes of the legendary traveler. "Once in the ocean, I decided to try Moscow superstars, who at my request took with me on the expedition of Yuri, said Heyerdal. - Only drove the rusk in his mouth, crunch rang out: a plastic half-operator broke. "Here, please, the socialist bread," said Santiago Henoves. "Not a socialist bread, but tooth is capitalist," replied Jura. We all a little bit dead. I do not remember more visual and cheerful political discussion. "

In 1969, the first "RA" associated from the Nile Papyrus actually failed nearby Antille IslandsThe team had to evacuate. Heyerdal for the next year with almost the same team and almost on the same boat (the material was, however, he was taken from Lake Titicaca) triumphantly flooded to Barbados. Cane raft Raising the Atlantic Ocean!

In New York Heyerdal and the crew of the "Ra" adopted the UN Secretary General. He expressed his admiration for the courage of the navigators and thanked Tour Heyerdal for an expedition organized under the sign of friendship and mutual understanding between people of various nationalities.

Heyerdal's authority was indisputable. And that is no less important, he did not sone with this authority. Yury SENKEVICH, twice last with Heyerdal Atlantic on "RA", wrote: "The tour sincerely and deeply loves himself like that, he really doesn't care, Arab you or a Jew, what color is your skin and what kind of God you pray. Sincere kindness and absence of any aggressiveness, honesty and openness are the main sources of amazing charm of the Tour Heyerdal. " Once the Norwegez managed to make friends even with ruthless South American mafiosi. And, which is especially noteworthy, in those places where strangers did not appear in generally - even with an impressive guard.

At the end of the seventies, Heyerdal makes heavy swimming on the Caidal Boat "Tigris", taking India with biblical lands. Representatives of nine countries participated in the expedition. "We have shown that in the creation of early civilizations globe The ancient residents of the two-frequencies, the India Valley and Egypt were likely to help the contacts on the primitive courts, which they had five thousand years ago. "

In 1988-1994, Heyerdal conducted archaeological excavations in the north of Peru, in the town of Tukuma. He found a whole complex of the pyramid there. Excavations showed that the ancient residents of Peru built them on the technology similar to the one that the ancient residents of two-frequenses of the Sumerians were used by building their stepped pyramids. Fantastic, mysterious connection between the points of the earth so distant from each other! ..

The pyramids were not looted, since the local Indians were afraid of this place, they went by side. Archaeologists started a lot of amazing products from gold, silver, semi-precious stones ... There was also a tour of the connection confirmation of Peru and the Easter Island, whose settlement, as he believed, was at first came from South America. This was spoken reliefs with the image of people with bird beaks - bird-birds, and with them - an image of a cane vessel ...

Easter Island is removed from the mainland - to fly to him for five hours - and now is considered to be a National Park. Attend it mostly tourists. Constantly at Easter live about three thousand people. Local residents They consider Heyerdala "Father" of his island. Eastermen always celebrated the tour garland flowers, with orchestra. The whole island knew that Heyerdal is their modern Aku-Aku. Norwegz managed to learn such information from aborigines as not even a local priest!

Heyerdal received a letter from a German tourist, in which he expressed at first glance a completely absurd assumption about the artificial origin of some hills on the island of Tenerife (group of Canary Islands). And the restless tour landed on Canary Islandswhere there are several Tenerife Pyramids. It turned out that they were built by Guangchi - ancient people, exterminated by the Spaniards in the XV century.

In Tenerife, a scientist lived with his second wife Jacqueline. By the way, she, former Miss France, Actress Hollywood, also became an archaeologist. The tour was lectured and advised new generations of researchers, engaged in his museum of connections of ancient civilizations. He created the Pyramid Pyramid Pyramid, which today attracts thousands of tourists. In the same place, he wrote several books in which he set acute questions about the origin of the Vikings.

In 2001, 87-year-old Heyerdal suffered a complex operation on the brain due to a severe oncological disease. But after she did not give up. According to the results of research in the Russian Azov region, he wrote a book "In search of Odin. In the footsteps of our past. " Heyerdal managed to indirectly confirm the information that the Scandinavian God had come from the banks of the Tana River (now the Don River) from the people called the Azami. Already then, he told the press representatives that was going to repeat the expedition to the Azov. I did not have time ... Cancer struck almost the whole brain.

When Heyerdal realized that the end was close, asked to send him home to the call-michery on the shores of the Ligurian Sea. On the evening of April 18, 2002, the tour died surrounded by his family.

"Norway lost a compatriot, who in the last fifty years was the most famous Norwegian in the world," said the Prime Minister of Norway Hiel Magne Bunnevik. All the troubles and expenses for the funeral The Government of the Viking Country took over - the last tribute to the Grand National.

"RA" and "Kon-Tika" - long ago in the memorial museums in Oslo. Together with the "Fram" Nansen and the Amundsen ship. Heyerdal was an anthropologist by profession, that is, he studied human physical data. But the human soul, according to everyone who knew him, he knew no worse. Do not count how much people he did good. And now the names of the three great Norwegians of the 20th century are nearby.

In the small town of Larvik in the south of Norway.

From the children's years, the tour was interested in zoology, the love of whose mother instilled in him, a biologist for education.

In 1933-1936, Heyerdal studied zoology and geography at Oslo University. At the same time, he independently studied the history and culture of Polynesia. During his studies at the University, the tour met with Berlin scientists of Christina Bonnev and Yalmar Brohch, who developed and organized a project, providing for visiting the remote Islands of Polyesia and the study of how the animals inhabiting the islands could get there.

In 1950, at the initiative of Tura Heyerdal in Oslo, the Kon-Tika Museum was opened. Not only the original of the famous fleet, but also of the Floor and Items from other expeditions of Heyerdala is exhibited in the museum: Papiral boat "RA II", on which for two months the traveler overcame a distance of several thousand miles; Model of the cane boat "Tigris", sculptures from Easter Islands and the objects of the ancient peoples of Latin America.

Tour Heyerdal was married three times. In the first marriage with Liv Kusheron-Torp, he had two sons tour and Biern. In the second marriage, three daughters were born with Heyerdala's heyerdala - Anetta, Marian and Helen Elizabeth. In 1996, Heyerdal divorced his second spouse and married Actress Jacqueline Bir.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources information

See also: