Holidays in Kuwait, best prices for tours to Kuwait. Kuwait tourism Capital and major cities of Kuwait

There are such holidays in Kuwait.

Normal New Year- 1st of January.
Independence Day (from the British) - February 25.
Liberation Day (from the damned Iraqis) - February 26th.
Holy month of Ramadan (28-30 days). The duration depends on the position of the moon.
Eid Al-Fitr - holidays at the end of Ramadan (3-4 days). The timing depends on which moon the wise elders see in the sky.
Eid Al-Adha - 3-4 days. Celebrations of the end of the Holy Hajj - Pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina. (In 1998, I received a more detailed explanation about Eid Al-Adha by E-Mail, but I lost it somewhere before I had time to paste it into my pages. As soon as I find it, I’ll paste it right away.)
Mount Arafat (Wafqa) - 0-1 day. May shift and cancel depending on the moon. In 1995, it was celebrated in one calendar in a row along with Eid Al-Adha, but not in another. And they took it - and canceled it!
Islamic New Year
Birthday of the Prophet Mohammed
Ascension Day of the Prophet Mohammed
In general, except for the first three holidays, all others are counted according to lunar calendar- Hijri, and every year they move about 10 days earlier according to our calendar. Accurate calculations of dates are not possible in advance because they depend on which moon appears in the sky. Basically, calendar shifts occur at the end of the lunar month of Ramadan, which can be either 28, then 29, or even 30 days. But calendar shifts in any of the lunar months are also possible.

Also, many companies unofficially allow non-Muslims not to come to work on Christmas and Easter. There are no circulars or mentions about this, but everyone who wants to simply does not come to work, and no one asks them why?

On the days of Liberation and Independence, the whole of Kuwait takes cars out onto the streets, especially on the Arabian Gulf Road, and starts driving back and forth and honking their horns. As the number of cars on Gulf Road increases, the traffic capacity disappears and cars start moving at a speed of 1 meter per 5 minutes. It is impossible to turn or go anywhere, because everything is clogged with cars everywhere. After 2-3 hours of driving at this speed, the engines of some cars overheat and they stop in the middle of the road, completely blocking the passage.

During the month of Ramadan, you should not eat, drink or smoke in the sunshine. But in the evening and at night you can gorge yourself and get high until you are stupefied, which is what all Muslims do. For the convenience of Kuwaitis who eat all night, the start of work this month is moved to 9:00 or 9:30 and the end to 13:30 or 14:30, and the working day is reduced to 4-5 hours. All restaurant establishments open only at sunset. Shops are open during the day, but the police carefully monitor those who smoke or eat on the street during the day - they are immediately put in prison until the end of the month. Newspapers report about those caught with a cigarette. In Ramadan 1995, the Arab Times newspaper wrote:

“A police patrol was driving down the street and saw smoke coming from the doors of a store. The police patrol entered the store and saw that a Filipino saleswoman was smoking a cigarette. The police patrol interviewed the store manager, who reported that the said Filipino saleswoman was indeed smoking cigarettes and drinks soft drinks during daylight hours. The police patrol transported the Filipino saleswoman to the police station, where she was assigned to stay in the zindan until the end of the holy month of Ramadan."

To correctly and absolutely accurately determine the dates for the beginning and end of Ramadan, a special Moon Watching Committee has been created. It was shown on TV. There are from 30 to 50 people there. They sit on sofas and once a year they solemnly announce the beginning of Ramadan, then its end, and the duration of the Eid Al-Fitr holidays at the end of Ramadan. There are similar committees in other Arab countries. They compete with each other to accurately predict the timing of Ramadan. In 1995, the Kuwaiti Committee predicted the deadline accurately, but the Egyptian Committee was wrong by one day.

Actually, the standard is the committee in Saudi Arabia: as they say, that’s how Ramadan begins. But the rest of the committees are doing this out of sporting interest. The television did not report what these committees do during the rest of the year. ABU DHABI, December 23. (Correspondent of ITAR-TASS Viktor Lebedev).

For the first time, Saudi authorities have officially authorized the use of observatories and technical means of observing celestial bodies to detect the emerging crescent of Ramadan in the sky.

According to press reports, the decision was made at yesterday's meeting of the Kingdom's Cabinet of Ministers. It was based on the recommendation of the Shura Council, which in turn was guided by a fatwa (religious law) issued by the Saudi Ulema Corporation.

The onset of the Muslim fast of Ramadan, which begins at the end of this December, will be recorded for the first time in the history of the Kingdom by technical means of sky observation.

Ramadan, called the month of morality and morality, the bright time of which should be devoted to righteous deeds while refusing food, drink and marital affection, does not begin at the same time in all countries. Islamic theologians believe that the beginning of Ramadan, in which the Quran was revealed, cannot be calculated, but is determined visually in each specific country or region.

According to the tradition that has developed in Arabian countries, each of their residents can announce the onset of fasting by testifying in the nearest Sharia court that he saw the birth of the golden sickle of Ramadan.

Some theologians believe that the newborn month appears in the night sky no later than 16 minutes after sunset. Now, using the most modern means of observing the sky, they will be able to see the desired crescent a little earlier.

Kuwait Cleaning Company - Kuwait Cleaning Company. There are visiting Filipinos and Bangladeshis working there. They live in barracks of 100-200 people, they are transported to and from work on a kind of moving vehicles, intermediate between trailers in which passengers are transported to the plane at the airport, and machines for transporting sheep in three tiers. They are usually paid from 20 to 30 dinars per month ($65-100). Kuwaitis receive salaries from 400-600 to 1500-2000, and some even 3000 dinars per month. (I think the average salary in Russia is $100?)

On all other holidays, Kuwaitis sleep during the day, and in the evening, whole families pour out onto the lawns and lawns, taking with them a huge amount of food. They eat continuously until late at night and throw waste behind their backs. When they go home, all the Filipinos from Kuwait Cleaning Company collect their dirt from the lawns.

In addition to official salaries, native Kuwaitis have a huge number of all kinds of benefits, allowances, bonuses, etc., not counting income from “business”. For example, large families (and small families too) receive benefits for children, and single citizens receive benefits for the loss of loved ones. There are special benefits - for the head of the family, for the wife of the head of the family, for a family without a head, for schoolchildren, for preschool children, for students, for the disabled, for elderly citizens, for the loss of a breadwinner in the war with damned Iraq, for material damage, for moral damage, and for everything that only happens in the (Arab) world. It would be easier not to calculate all this, but to immediately distribute money to all Kuwaitis, because anyway they will receive it either under one article or under another.

Here, for example, are the benefits established by the Decree on the right to receive, the amount and termination of general assistance.

In the name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the Merciful!
Article 2
Establish basic assistance for those eligible to receive it in the following amounts:
60 dinars - for the head of a family or an individual without a family.
40 dinars - for the wife.
35 dinars - for a university student.
30 dinars - for an institute student who does not have a university degree.
25 dinars - for a secondary school student.
20 dinars - for a primary school student.
15 dinars - for non-students.
Assistance is provided to a maximum of 15 members of one family.
In the absence of the head of the family, the Commission grants the right to receive his (her) assistance to any family member.<...>

Article 3
Everyone eligible to receive assistance<...>compensation is paid for water and electricity consumption<...>
Article 5
Anyone who studies or improves their qualifications<...>30 dinars are paid monthly<...>(This does not take into account the full payment of all expenses for any Kuwaiti offspring to study at any university in the world, of his personal choice. - S.K.)
Article 6
<...>Those who have lost one of their parents, orphans, and adopted children<...>receive 30 dinars monthly<...>

For those who do not know or have forgotten, I would like to remind you that special government bodies carefully ensure that maids, diggers, and other categories of workers do not receive a salary exceeding 30 dinars ($100) per month. A very good salary for a road worker who spends 8 to 12 hours under scorching sun, is the amount of 50-60 dinars ($170-200) per month. Only the most advanced leaders of capitalist labor in construction can count on 90-100 dinars ($300-330) per month, but there are only a few of them.

Why Kuwait?

This country is rarely chosen for a relaxed beach holiday. Usually the most seasoned tourists come here, who have seen many Arab states and are ready to add to their collection of impressions by getting to know this colorful sheikhdom. An excellent choice for travel if you are tired of endless crowds of tourists and annoying barkers - you won’t find all this here. A trip to Kuwait is especially attractive for wealthy tourists, since prices for vacations and accommodation here depend on the ambitions of the vacationers - if you wish, it is easy to find luxury apartments worthy of the emir himself.

Since tourism here is not very developed, when looking for inexpensive options, be prepared for not the best service and poor infrastructure. However, if you organize your vacation wisely, you can have a very good time and get a lot of vivid impressions from your trip to this country.

Features of culture

The main thing you should know when going to Kuwait is the ban on alcohol. In this state it operates everywhere, but the most persistent ones can find a way out of the situation. But this must be done carefully. The entire culture of the country is built on Islamic traditions, so women, including tourists, dress modestly, covering their shoulders, legs, chest and, if possible, hair. 5 times a day, the call of the muezzin is heard through the city streets and most of the population begins to pray. The country is not poor and local residents live without denying themselves anything. Therefore, there are many different villas, houses, private fenced estates.

Top 3 interesting places

There is a lot to see in Kuwait. These are not only historical and cultural attractions, but also unconventional nature, diverse flora and fauna. If you are going to get a complete picture of this country, be sure to visit the following cities:

  1. - the capital of the state, where countless museums, original architectural objects, and majestic mosques are located. This city alone deserves to live there for a whole month.
  2. El-Ahmadi will be of interest to those who want to learn about the peculiarities of the state’s oil industry.
  3. Al-Jahra is the site of the Kuwaitis' military glory, where they won a historic victory over the Saudis.

Among the natural and cultural attractions, tourists are traditionally recommended to visit the island of Failaga, where you will encounter ancient ancient temples, unique excavations and an archaeological reserve. And if you want to immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable adventures, visit the “City of Entertainment” park - this is a lot of amazing attractions, divided into themed areas. A great way to have an unforgettable time.

When is the best time to relax?

Optimal time for comfortable rest- winter, when on the shore Persian Gulf Warm, dry weather sets in with almost no rain. If you want to see the desert bloom, then come here in October and May - a marvelous and incredibly beautiful sight.

Safety regulations

Criminal situation Kuwait is relatively calm. The police work conscientiously and quickly suppress any violations of order. There are no special restrictions on moving around the country. However, generally accepted standards of behavior should be observed. Before traveling, it is recommended to be vaccinated against typhoid and polio. Is not mandatory requirement, but desirable for execution. Also, carefully pack your luggage when entering the country - it is prohibited to take with you any alcohol, drugs, food, water, foodstuffs, books, products made from pigskin, etc. The list of items prohibited for import is quite wide and must be studied.

Kuwait located in the northeastern part of the Arabian Peninsula and belongs to southwest Asia. The state includes the mainland and nine islands in the Persian Gulf, the largest of which is Failaka. In the north and northwest it borders with Iraq, in the south and southwest - with Saudi Arabia, and in the east it is washed by the waters of the Persian Gulf.
Kuwait considered a land of exotic legends with a rich history and culture. Extensive sandy beaches, stretching along the entire coast of the Persian Gulf, attract tourists with their luxury hotels, modern shopping centers and entertainment complexes. In addition to modern buildings, architectural buildings of various eras, built long before our era, are also interesting.
Combination modern life population with the ancient traditions of the region will make a holiday in Kuwait unforgettable and unlike holidays in other countries.

Capital and major cities of Kuwait

Capital Kuwait is Kuwait City - the administrative and shopping mall countries.
Among others largest cities countries including Jahra, Al-Ahmadi, Salmiya, Safat, Al-Jasra.
The state is divided into 6 provinces (“mohaphase”), which in turn are divided into districts.
Kuwait is part of the UN.

Sights of Kuwait

Main attractions Kuwait include a number of amazing architectural wonders, represented not only by modern, but also by traditional Arabic style of architecture.

When traveling around the country, you should definitely visit the towers Kuwait, Freedom Tower, Tarek Rajab National Museum, Kuwait Mosques, Amusement Parks, Liberation Monuments, Municipal Gardens, Musical Fountain and Zoological Park.

Famous towers Kuwait are three towers, two of which are water towers, and the third illuminates the other two. They are located in the capital of Kuwait, on a cape jutting into the waters of the Persian Gulf.

The Freedom Tower, which received its name after its triumph in the Gulf War with Iraq, reaches a height of 372 m. It is the fifth tallest telecommunications tower in the world and the tallest in the Middle East region. Opens from the tower beautiful view to Kuwait City.

National Museum Kuwait is a must-see for tourists interested in Islamic history and art. Rare Islamic manuscripts and books are kept here. The museum includes four buildings with a beautiful garden.

The Sif Palace, built in the 20th century, is the official residence of the Emirs' Court. A distinctive feature of the palace is the watchtower, covered with blue tiles and decorated with a ceiling panel made of pure gold.

Failaka Island is one of the most beautiful and famous historical islands V Kuwait. It combines the ancient and modern history of the country. The island is rich in cultural and historical attractions from different eras, dating back to the end of the third millennium BC. e. and up to modern times.

Popular among tourists and grand park"City of Entertainment" (20 kilometers from Kuwait City). It represents the city of Ali Baba and Sinbad with many attractions, fun festivals and all kinds of performances. The park has three thematic zones: “Arab World”, “Whole World” and “World of the Future”.

Climate and weather of Kuwait

Climate in Kuwait tropical dry. The year is divided into two seasons: a relatively rainy winter and a dry summer. The average daily air temperature in January is +13 °C (maximum - +18 °C), in July - +36 °C (maximum can reach +50 °C). The water temperature in winter is about +16 °C, and in summer - +26…+37 °C. The rainy season usually occurs from October to April, and every 3–5 years in Kuwait droughts occur.
Best time for visiting Kuwait- autumn and spring (except for the rainy season), when the weather in the country is not too cold hot weather.

Nature of Kuwait

Natural attractions Kuwait include a national park and two nature reserves that contain wetlands. National Park, which covers an area of ​​25,000 hectares, includes the Jal Az-Zor hills and part north coast The Persian Gulf with coastal mudflats and sand dunes.
The Jahra Nature Reserve covers an area of ​​250 hectares and includes artificial wetlands with lagoon wastewater and reed beds on the far west of the bay.

Doha Wildlife Sanctuary, located on a peninsula in the Gulf of Sulaibihat, is home to a wide variety of migratory birds.

Situated on one of the most stunning coastlines in the Middle East, Kuwait may rightfully surprise incredible beauty Persian Gulf. The country's beaches are an excellent place for those who want to relax and unwind, as well as enjoy the picturesque seascapes.

Messila's private beach is one of the best in Kuwait. Occupying one of the largest beach areas, it offers its guests to soak up the purest white sand and swim in luxurious azure water.

The waters of the Persian Gulf also boast a wide variety of marine life, so for lovers active rest, scuba diving will be no less exciting.
Another great way to enjoy the beauty of the coast is by boat. You can sail on a traditional Arabian dhow or rent a yacht.

Culture and national characteristics of Kuwait

All holiday events Kuwait associated with Muslim holidays according to the Islamic lunar calendar. Among them: the holy month of Ramadan, Eid al-Fitr, Ghadir-Khom (Gadir-Hur or Ghadir-Khu - the holiday of the day of the appointment of Imam Ali as the successor of the Prophet) and Rabi-ul-Awwal (the birthday of Imam Sadeq). These holidays are celebrated throughout the country.
Liberation Day (February 25-26) is not considered an official holiday, but is also celebrated throughout the country.

Kuwaiti cuisine

For Kuwait characterized by traditional Muslim cuisine. Therefore, meat dishes usually use beef, veal, goat, poultry, various fish, vegetables and eggs. Rice is widely used as a side dish.
Among national dishes Kuwait We recommend you try fried kebeh meat balls, lamb guzi stuffed with nuts and rice; different types of kebabs: tikka, kebab (made from marinated lamb or beef), tikka-dajaj (from chicken) or shish-kebab (from lamb); traditional shawarma, as well as al-mandi honey chicken.
Since the Koran prohibits drinking alcohol, drinking alcoholic beverages is prohibited in public places, and is allowed only in some establishments. Alcohol can be purchased at your hotel restaurant or bar.

Shopping and souvenirs in Kuwait

As souvenirs from Kuwait They usually bring jewelry, Persian and Afghan carpets, as well as various souvenirs in the form of figurines of camels and elephants, glass bottles of perfume and many others.
Relaxing in Kuwait, you should definitely visit the so-called Friday bazaar - the Arabic equivalent of a flea market, where you will certainly be treated to amazing low prices for goods from all over the Middle East.
It should be noted that in Kuwait Before buying, it is customary to bargain, naming at the very beginning a price that is half as much as the one you are willing to buy for.

Kuwait water and food

Tap water in Kuwait It is chlorinated and relatively safe to drink. However, it is best to buy bottled water for drinking.
Milk and dairy products in Kuwait usually pasteurized. Meat, fish, seafood, poultry, fruits and vegetables can also be consumed without fear.

Kuwait currency exchange

Official currency Kuwait is the Kuwaiti dinar (KWD), which is divided into 1000 fils. In circulation in the country there are banknotes of 250 and 500 fils, 1, 5, 10 and 20 dinars and coins of 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 fils.
You can exchange foreign currency for the Kuwaiti dinar at banks, exchange offices and large stores. It should be remembered that in many banks the exchange rate and commission depend on the amount of money exchanged: the larger the amount, the more favorable the rate. Therefore, the presence of a commission and its percentage must be clarified in each bank separately.
Banks are open from Monday to Friday from 08.00 to 14.00, on Saturdays until 11.00.
Pay in foreign currency in Kuwait not accepted, however, some small traders in the market may accept them. Major bank and credit cards are accepted in all major banks, shops, hotels and inns. You can withdraw cash from almost any ATM located in the bank.

Communications and Internet Kuwait

Communication system in Kuwait developed on high level. Used in the country cellular GSM 900/1800 standard.
International roaming services are provided by Belarusian mobile operators (MTS, Velcom). The cost of connecting to this service must be clarified at the offices of mobile operators.
Using a calling card (Prepaid card), you can make calls from any telephone. The card can be purchased at postal kiosks and some stores, as well as at gas stations.
Internet cafe in Kuwait not very common. The easiest way to get online is to go to a large hotel, where there are always computers with Internet access. Owners of laptops with a modem can buy a special prepaid card and connect to a telephone line.
  • Calls from the country to Belarus from a mobile:+ 375-(area code)-(telephone number)
  • Calls from the country to Belarus from a landline: 8-10-375-(city code)-(telephone number)
  • Calls from Belarus to the country from a mobile:+ 965-(area code)-(telephone number)
  • Calls from Belarus to the country from a landline: 8-10-965-(city code)-(telephone number)

Kuwait emergency phone numbers

Kuwait visa

Visa opening: in an Aeroport

For visiting Kuwait you must have a visa. The visa is issued upon arrival in the country and is placed at the airport or at the border checkpoint. The visa is issued for a period of up to 30 days.

Visa type:

  • tourist visa at the border/on arrival

General list of documents to be submitted to the visa department


  • !must contain at least 2 blank pages intended for visas
  • !validity period must exceed the date of intended departure from the territory of the state by at least 6 months

Color photography:

  • !2 photos needed
  • format 3.0x4.0 cm

Documents confirming the purpose of travel and accommodation:

  • !invitation
  • hotel reservation confirmation


  • valid travel documents or book a round-trip air/railway/bus ticket (original and copy)

Confirmation of financial security and profession:

  • bank account statement


    If the tourist's passport contains any marks from the Israeli customs service, the visa will be denied. Women traveling to Kuwait unaccompanied by a husband, brother or children are usually denied preferential short-term entry visas.

Visa fee payment:

  • The visa fee is paid at the airport upon arrival

For minors:

  • if a minor child travels alone, without parents/or with one of the parents/with a relative/accompanying person, a notarized copy of the consent and its notarized translation must be provided English language

Procedure for crossing the Kuwait border

IN Kuwait The import and export of national and foreign currency is not limited. Duty-free import of cigarettes is allowed - 500 pcs. or tobacco - 500 grams, items and personal items - within the limits of personal needs.
The import of weapons, drugs, alcoholic beverages, non-alcoholic beer, food products containing pork, pork skin products, wild animals, pyrotechnic products, gas and pneumatic guns and pistols, military and police uniforms is prohibited.
The export of narcotic substances, weapons, certain types of food and medicine, non-ferrous metals, antiques and art that do not have the appropriate export permit is prohibited.

Kuwait public transport

To get in Kuwait You can travel by plane or by water. The international airport is located 16 kilometers from the capital, and the largest port is 50 kilometers south of the Persian Gulf.
Public transport in cities Kuwait represented mainly by buses and taxis. Since buses are often overcrowded and sometimes operate chaotically, the best way Getting around the city is a taxi. There are three types of taxis in the country: on-call taxis, which must be ordered by phone, most often this type of taxi serves hotels, the fare is higher than in other taxi services; Taxis located at the airport usually operate at a standard rate; and orange taxis that can be stopped on the street; the fare for them can be negotiated with the driver.

International transport schedule from the Republic of Belarus

  • Schedule of international passenger trains of the Republic of Belarus
  • Bus schedule for international routes of the Republic of Belarus
  • Flight schedule of Minsk-2 international airport

Border crossings, border, customs:

  • Rules for crossing the State Border of the Republic of Belarus

Car rental Kuwait

IN Kuwait Car rental service available. Car rental companies are located both at the airport and in the city (a car at the airport will cost more). To rent you will need an international driver's license, credit card.

Features of Kuwait traffic rules

IN Kuwait Right-hand traffic is accepted.
Speed ​​limits are limited to 60–80 km/h in the city and 120 km/h on the highways. In addition, automatic photo radars are installed on the roads.
Travel on all highways and highways in the country is free. In addition, the city has a sufficient number of free parking spaces.

Medical assistance and insurance in Kuwait

Health insurance
IN Kuwait medical services paid. Even for emergency care you will have to pay. Therefore, before traveling, be sure to take care of purchasing a reliable medical insurance policy .
If you have taken out medical insurance, the insurance company will organize the provision of emergency medical care and will reimburse medical expenses in case of sudden illness and accident, medical evacuation, and the cost of calls to the insurance or service company.
When applying for a health insurance policy, employees Private Unitary Enterprise "Travel Industry" will inform you about what medical services your insurance is obligated to provide you with Kuwait, and how they are paid. Negligence in taking out health insurance can result in large expenses in the event of illness, accident or transportation of the deceased.
Review your health insurance policy. Remember that your medical insurance applies only to injuries and sudden illnesses that are not chronic. If you have an exacerbation of a chronic disease during your trip, health insurance cannot help in this case. You will have to pay the costs of treatment yourself.
Insurance companies guarantee the provision of all medical care abroad within a certain amount of money called insurance amount.
Based on the amount of the insured amount and the number of days of travel, it is determined insurance fee– the amount you pay when purchasing a policy (the fewer days the trip takes, the cheaper the insurance premium).
If there is an additional risk of injury as a result of the activity dangerous species sports, etc. when calculating the insurance premium is applied multiplying factor.
If an insured event occurs
Insurance case– this is an event provided for in the insurance contract, upon the occurrence of which the insurance company has an obligation to pay insurance compensation.
What should be the actions in Kuwait upon arrival insured event?
Suppose you suddenly have a fever and need urgent medical attention. In your insurance policy, you find the phone number you need to call (this is the phone number of the assistance company). The dispatcher asks for your insurance policy number, your last name, clarifies where you are and what happened to you. After this, you give the phone number you are calling from and wait for the doctor.
It happens that it is very difficult to establish a preliminary diagnosis, or you need urgent medical consultation by phone - in this case, the doctor on duty of the assisting company will talk to you. Based on the named symptoms, he will determine which doctor you need to be sent to.
After receiving the required medical service, you sign the invoice, which will then be sent to the insurance company for payment. At the same time, do not pay any money yourself! The only thing you may have to pay for is the phone call. But the insurer will reimburse these expenses if you provide a paid invoice indicating your phone number upon arrival.
There are cases of independently contacting a doctor. In such a situation, it is necessary to collect all documents indicating the diagnosis and the amount paid. Upon returning to Belarus, these documents must be submitted to the insurance company and within 15 days you will be reimbursed for the expenses incurred.
A more serious situation is when a person ends up in the hospital. Then calling the assistance company is a must! Only in this case will the victim be guaranteed placement in a good ward, careful care, and monitoring of the progress of treatment.

Kuwait Security

The current security situation in Kuwait very calm. Law enforcement agencies fully control and create favorable conditions for both local residents, and for foreigners.
While on the territory Kuwait it is necessary to monitor the safety of personal belongings and documents (it is always better to have a photocopy of your passport with you). In crowded areas, it is advisable to be especially vigilant as there is a risk of pickpocketing and robbery. It is best to leave valuables and large sums of money at the hotel.
Before going to Kuwait It is recommended to be vaccinated against polio and typhoid.

Smoking Kuwait

IN Kuwait smoking, of course, is not approved by the Koran, but still there are no strict prohibitions on this matter in the country.

Upon arrival
for 30 days, 20$

Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD)

Modern Kuwait is located on territory that has preserved traces ancient civilizations who lived here over five thousand years BC. Archaeologists believe that now arid and deserted, this area was once rich in vegetation and abundantly populated by people. Now Kuwait is a sparsely populated country, the only major city of which is Kuwait City. However, despite this, Kuwait is a great destination for archeology lovers. Numerous areas of the country are archaeological sites where you can get to know the culture of the ancient civilizations that inhabited this place. Tourists accustomed to city comfort should go to the capital of the country, where shops and cafes, museums and exhibition halls. Big influence Islamic culture influences the city, which can be seen in the architectural appearance of the capital. However, here you can also see modern buildings, characterized by original design and decoration.


The territory of Kuwait covers 17818.00 km².


Kuwait has a population of 3,566,000 people.


The official language is Arabic.

Political system

By state structure Kuwait is a constitutional monarchy. The head of the state is the emir, who has legislative powers. Legislative power also belongs to the National Assembly “Majlis al-Juma”. Kuwait is different in that the emir and the head of the ruling family do not inherit power, but go through an election and confirmation procedure.


The country has a tropical climate. Summers are dry and hot, winters are wetter. average temperature July is +32C, January - +10C. The best time to holiday in Kuwait is the autumn and spring months of the year.


Among the attractions of Kuwait are the "Liberation Tower", the tallest in the Middle East, the Kuwait National Museum, which displays one of the richest collections of Islamic art, the Museum of Science and Natural History, next to which stands the "Whale Skeleton" sculpture, height which reaches 18 meters, as well as the Kuwait Towers. It is also worth visiting the Kuwait Zoo, where you can see over 120 species of animals. The city of Al Jasra is famous for the battle of 1920, when the Emir of Kuwait defeated the Saudi troops. Al-Jasr presents a number of monuments from this battle. Located on the island of Failaka archaeological reserve, which houses ancient ancient temples.

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