The most reliable form of transport. The most dangerous and safest mode of transport in the world: statistics

11/16/2015 at 02:01 pm Johnny · 58 090

Most safe look transport statistics in the world for 2018-2019

Vehicles allow us to quickly and comfortably move around the world, but at what cost? Millions of people die in transport every year. We compiled a rating to identify the safest mode of transport, transport statistics for 2018-2019 helped with this. Some ranking positions may surprise you, but you can’t argue with the statistics.

10. Moped and motorcycle

Mopeds and motorcycles rightfully occupy the tenth position in our ranking of the safest modes of transport. For many years in a row, such transport has been considered the most dangerous and 2018 is no exception. Of the total traffic, motorcycles make up only 1%, while 20% of deaths on the roads occur due to this type of transport.

In order to survive, you should remember that you cannot reach a reckless speed of more than 70 km/h. Desperate bravado is not only inappropriate, it can also cost the driver his life. What if he took a passenger with him...

According to statistics, 125 deaths occur for every 1.5 billion km. motorcycle rental The mortality rate of drivers of conventional cars is 28 times less than the mortality rate of motorcycle drivers. These are the modern facts.


In ninth place in the list of the safest modes of transport for 2018-2019, the “younger brother” of the moped, the bicycle, is considered. From year to year, a bicycle is considered one of the most dangerous types of transport, according to official statistics. This year was no exception, unfortunately.

Most often, accidents involving bicycles occur when they collide with cars. The number of such accidents on the roads is constantly growing. Therefore, cyclists should be as careful as possible. Since teenagers are the most likely to die in such accidents, all parents should consider this moment. At 1.5 billion km. According to statistics, there are 35 deaths.

8. Subway

The metro was in eighth position in the ranking of the safest mode of transport according to statistics for 2018-2019. In case of accidents, this type of transport destroys the lives of many people at once. And emergencies in the metro are especially dangerous for citizens. If we talk about Russia, most often the victims are passengers of the Moscow metro.


Ferries are not as safe as water transport enthusiasts would like. According to current year statistics, by 1.5 billion km. accounts for 20 deaths. In particular, it should be noted that not every death occurs as a result of a crash. There have been cases of passengers falling overboard. Water transport is also unsafe!


The spaceship ranks 6th in our ranking of the safest modes of transport for 2018-2019. Only 18 of the spacecraft that have been sent into limitless space since the very first flight in 1961 have failed to return. And this is despite an impressive number of vehicles of this type sent into space. There were 530 ships in total. It is worth considering that people did not die in space itself. Tragedies happened during takeoff or during landing. According to statistics, by 1.5 billion km. accounts for 7 human deaths.

5. Minibus

4. Car

Cars used to be considered an incredibly dangerous type of transport. So, how did a car turn out to be one of the safest types of transport in 2018-2019 statistics? Everything is very simple. The machine design was significantly modified in last years. Thus, the number of accidents has decreased significantly.

New statistics show that 1.5 billion km. There are four deaths per car. However, this does not mean that you can safely forget about safety measures or become fans of crazy driving.

3. Bus

For 1 billion km. accounts for 0.5 deaths according to official statistics. This applies to ordinary buses. Therefore, in the ranking of the safest modes of transport for 2018-2019, buses took an honorable 3rd place.

In European spaces, this type public transport is among the safest. Things are worse in Egypt, as well as in the Russian Federation. But still, buses are deservedly in third position in the ranking. However, we should not forget about the terrible incidents associated with this type of transport.

It’s worth at least remembering how a bus in the capital was rammed by a truck. And this is not an isolated case!

2. Plane

In second place are airplanes. Although, in previous years, this type of transport occupied the top line of such ratings. But, according to 2019 statistics, the plane cannot be considered one of the safest modes of transport.

However, 0.5 deaths occur per 1.5 billion km, if we also take into account small aircraft with helicopters. Commercial ships will always be more dangerous than conventional light aircraft. However, we should not forget that the worst thing in the case of plane crashes is the fact that almost none of the huge number of passengers manages to escape. And even the crew of an aircraft in plane crashes is often no luckier.

It is known that such incidents can never be an accident. When a plane crash occurs, a combination of certain factors are to blame. However, airplanes are always considered one of the safest types of transport. And statistics confirm this every year. But the most surprising thing is that people are often much more afraid of flying on airplanes than riding motorcycles.


Trains, according to statistics from 2018-2019, are considered the safest transport in the world and are in first place on our list. This is especially true for American and European trains; only 0.2 deaths occur per 1.5 billion km. to the share of trains. If we take only Russian Federation, in railway transport the mortality rate is 0.7 per 1.5 billion km, which is also not very much.

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As a result of which all 71 people on board were killed, it became the first plane crash in the world. civil aviation in 2018. In addition, this disaster completed a kind of “calm” record, which was noted by experts in the field of civil transportation in the past year.

2017 was the safest year in aviation history.

Statistics show that today the probability of dying on an airplane is much lower than when traveling by train or much lower than in a car.

You are much more likely to die while riding a bicycle or being struck by lightning.

Over the past year, 10 aviation accidents were recorded, resulting in the deaths of 44 people on board and 35 on the ground. By comparison, in 2016 there were 16 incidents in which 303 people died.

Moreover, in 2017, five incidents occurred in freight transportation, five - for passengers. Taking into account last year's statistics, experts calculated that the death of one passenger occurs on 7.36 million flights of all possible flights. aircraft, which makes aviation the safest mode of transport today.

But most importantly, a record was set in civil aviation - not a single passenger plane operating on schedule crashed for more than a year.

“On December 31, aviation set a record of 398 days without a single incident among scheduled passenger aircraft,” the ASN report said.

Moreover, a record period of 792 days has passed since the last incident with more than a hundred deaths.” The Tu-154 crash near Sochi in December 2016 was not included in the statistics, since it was not a regular flight operated by the airline.

The decline in aviation accidents is not a surprise, says ASN President Harro Ranter: “Since 1977, the average number of aviation incidents has shown a smooth and continuous decline, largely due to the efforts made by international aviation organizations such as ICAO, IATA, the Flight Safety Foundation and the aviation industry. ".

“2017 was the safest year in aviation history,” agrees To70 expert Adrian Young. However, he said in January of this year, aircraft accident statistics are at an all-time low, despite high level safety of modern aircraft should be perceived as a stroke of luck. Thus, last year there were serious incidents that, fortunately, did not lead to human casualties, For example -

the case of the loss of an engine over Greenland on the world's largest passenger aircraft, the A380.

The airline's plane, flying on the Paris-Los Angeles route, happened on September 30, when the front part of the right engine, along with the fan, was literally torn off over Greenland. There were 496 passengers and 24 crew members on board the plane. As a result, the plane was forced to make an emergency landing on three engines at the Canadian Air Force base "Goose Bay" and the passengers were forced to spend an extra 24 hours there.

According to the expert, currently in the field of flight safety, lithium-ion batteries pose a particular risk due to the possibility of their ignition on board, as well as factors associated with human factors, mental health and fatigue.

“When I started to engage in the profession 30 years ago, my boss gave me parting words: be prepared for the fact that an average of 20 aircraft are lost in the world every year,” recalls a representative of the German insurance company AGCS. “Fortunately, these statistics are now history.”

A decline in accident rates in aviation began to be observed in the 1950s. Experts largely attribute this to the massive transition of “big aviation” to jet and turboprop engines, which were more reliable than piston engines that were outdated by that time. The improvement of aircraft control systems, navigation systems, and improved control over air traffic, implementation of systems to help avoid collisions.

According to statistics, based on an analysis of more than a thousand plane crashes that occurred from 1950 to 2010 (it did not include incidents involving helicopters and military aircraft),

If you are planning a trip and want to find out what is the safest mode of transport, the statistics will speak for themselves. Many people are afraid to fly by plane and try to choose a car when traveling. But still, let's look back at the world statistics:

What is the safest mode of transport in the world?

10th place. Motorcycle (moped scooter)
125 deaths per 1.5 billion km.

9th place. Bike
35 deaths per 1.5 billion km.

8th place. Metro
25 deaths by 1.5 billion km.

7th place. Water passenger transport (ship, yacht, steamship, etc.)
20 deaths per 1.5 billion km.

6th place. Spaceship. (don't ask how he got into this statistic)
At 1.5 billion km. accounts for 7 deaths.

5th place. Minibuses.
5 deaths per 1.5 billion km.

4th place. Automobile
4 deaths per 1.5 billion km.

3rd place. Bus
One human life per 1.5 billion km.

2nd place. Train
0.2 deaths per 1500000000 km. ways.

1 place. Airplane
The probability of dying is 1:8000000.

The safest mode of transport statistics in Russia

In Russia the rating is somewhat different. Rail transport is considered the first place in terms of safety in Russia, and airplanes are in second. Third place goes to passenger cars.

Why is an airplane the safest form of transport?

Every day we read in the newspapers about accidents on the roads. Most often, the drivers themselves are to blame for this. It's sad, but we don't think about the total number of victims. After all, in a plane crash, 200, 300, 400 people die immediately, and in a car accident, 2-3 people die.

But if you find out that about 100 people die on the roads in Russia every day? Daily! How often do plane crashes happen?

It seems to us that passengers have no chance of survival in a plane crash. But this is not entirely true. Not all aircraft failures and pilot errors result in the death of passengers. History is full of miraculous rescues in plane crashes, as well as stupid deaths on the road.

Many people believe that the most dangerous form of transport- This is a minibus. VTsIOM conducted a study according to which Russians consider planes, trains, buses and subways much safer than cars and minibuses. Sea and river transport also enjoys little confidence. Let's try to find out what the most dangerous type of transport threatens people with.

Motor transport

Cars have long been considered very dangerous to human health and life. Unpredictable roads and manual control of vehicles are factors that create great danger for road users. Self-confident car owners have the feeling that they are in control of the situation on the road. But this is just an illusion.

It often happens that accidents occur for reasons beyond the control of drivers. Mistakes are made by other road users. Technical malfunctions of cars and foreign objects on the road are also dangerous factors. While you are reading this article (3 minutes), there has been at least one road accident in the country. In states where aggressive driving is considered the norm, the situation on the road is much worse.

The most dangerous type of transport- automobile, as many experts believe. The danger threatens not only the specific driver, but also all other road users. On Russian roads About 35 thousand people die every year in car accidents.

Motorcycles and bicycles

Even more dire are the situations involving two-wheeled vehicles in the form of motorcycles, unicycles and scooters. Driving in this case requires specific skills. It is no less dangerous to ride a bicycle on the roads. Inexperienced cyclists ride without a helmet, which increases the risk of injury. The dangers of cycling as a mode of transport are often underestimated.

In reality, cycling enthusiasts often become involved in road accidents because they forget about safety requirements on highways. This is especially true for extreme skiing. In the USA, there are statistics reflecting the death of cyclists in the country: 700-900 people per year.


Air transport is considered less dangerous than road transport. However, airliner crashes always attract more attention than road accidents. Mourning is declared for those killed in plane crashes, since this happens simultaneously and immediately goes to the funds mass media. But what society fails to realize is that, statistically, many more people die in car accidents. Therefore, the plane cannot be called the most dangerous looking transport.

Among air transport, private planes pose the main danger to human life. The quality of their management and service is questionable. Such aircraft are not very reliable in technical terms and are more dependent on the weather than airliners of carrier companies. Flights are dangerous in themselves, no one argues with that. However, the media exaggerate the degree of danger of aircraft. It is much safer to fly a significant distance than to cover the same number of kilometers by car.

It happens that planes crash, but this happens extremely rarely. In this case, all passengers die. The mortality rate in air transport is 0.6 people/160 million km. What are the risks for passengers when flying? The chance of crashing is one in a million flights. If we consider the risks, then it is worth noting that walking is also dangerous. A person who chooses his legs as the optimal mode of transport also takes risks: he can get sick, lose his way, trip, break his leg, become a victim of robbery, etc.

Some people are afraid of flying because they cannot control the situation during the flight. While driving a car, this problem does not arise. That's why ground transport It is often mistakenly considered safer, although many people die on the roads.

Public ground transportation

If we consider public transport, buses are the most common. They are convenient, versatile and easy to use. Modern buses handle any asphalt roads well. Disadvantages of this type of transport: frequent stops, low speed, environmental air pollution when driving, etc.

Among public transport, the minibus taxi stands out. This is the most dangerous form of transport today. Minibuses and minibuses move chaotically, blocking stops and ignoring traffic rules. Trying to save time, drivers forget about the safety of passengers. During rush hours people in minibus taxis ride standing. All this leads to the fact that minibuses become the initiators of accidents more often than other cars. The consequences of such accidents are very severe.

How dangerous are trains and ships?

A train moves much slower than an airplane. Therefore, it is considered more dangerous. There are many risk factors here: derailment, stop valve, sudden obstacle at a crossing, etc. The mortality rate on the railway is 0.9 people/160 million km.

The most dangerous mode of transport can be considered aquatic. Accidents, accidental collisions, storms, falls from the deck - these are common occurrences on the water. Mortality per water transport equal to 1.2 people/160 million km. Many people prefer to travel by train because they feel safer there. However, statistics show that accidents occur more often on the railway than in airspace. Therefore, if we compare railway, water and air transport, then the safest will be the latter.

We assessed the degree of danger of the most popular modes of transport. It turns out that the most dangerous type of transport is cars.

Comparative characteristics of modes of transport in terms of safety.

When choosing transport, many passengers are guided by their own preferences. Moreover, every second person is mistaken about the relative safety of a particular type of transport. Many people focus on safety when choosing transport. At the same time, there is an opinion that the safest is the train. In this article we will dispel all myths regarding the safety of movement.

The most unsafe and dangerous mode of transport in the world: statistics

Oddly enough, the most dangerous type of transport can be considered a motorcycle. In total, 42 people die per 100 ml miles. This is a huge number, since there are several thousand people per year.

In second place are cars, minibuses and buses. You yourself often witness car accidents. 1.2 people die in car accidents per year. Just think about these numbers.

Not included in the ranking unusual species transport. That is, there are no dog sleds and spaceships. Otherwise, a spaceship could be considered the safest. But since no one makes intergalactic daily flights yet, statistics speak in favor of the plane.

Many people believe that the plane is the most unsafe look transport and completely in vain. It is customary in the world to calculate the risk of displacement as the number of victims per 100 million miles. As a result, it turns out that the death rate from the plane is only 0.6 people. In 2016, there were 21 plane crashes, with a total death toll of about a thousand people. You will think that this is a lot. But in fact, more cyclists die each year around the world.

Despite the misconception of many, the airplane comes first among safe transport. The mortality rate is very low. Perhaps this is due to the higher speed than the train. Accordingly, it turns out that an airplane flies these 160 kilometers faster than a train. Therefore, the mortality statistics are lower. In principle, mortality directly depends on the speed of transport. On average, per 100 ml of miles, 0.9 people die when traveling by train, and only 0.6 on an airplane. That is, the mortality rate on trains is one and a half times higher than the mortality rate on airplanes.

Nowadays, many people have a lot of phobias about traveling on airplanes. This is due to the fact that colossal accidents occur almost every year, which all the media talk about. But this does not mean that flying on airplanes is very dangerous. In fact, many more people die from car accidents. The most interesting thing is that most people believe that there are no survivors after a plane crash. Actually this is not true. A third of all passengers die. While in a car accident half.

Statistics from insurance companies also speak in favor of the aircraft. In case of a car accident the payments are small, but in case of a plane accident they are simply huge. Therefore, we can agree that no one would pay huge amounts of money if plane crashes happened very often.

According to statistical estimates, which were based on the number of victims in plane crashes, aviation was the safest mode of transport. The second and third places belong to water and railway transport, respectively.

The most interesting thing is that passengers, on the contrary, consider the plane the most dangerous form of transport. This is due to the fact that the media publicize any plane crash. At the same time, few people talk about train accidents. If you resort to statistics, when traveling by plane every day, the probability of death is very low. If you use air transport every day, you could get into a plane crash in the 21st century.

There are certain statistics on the most reliable modes of transport. Insurance companies also confirm this. The most money is given when insuring water and air transport.

Security Statistics:

  1. Airplane
  2. Train
  3. Bus
  4. Automobile
  5. Shuttle taxi
  6. Ship
  7. Metro
  8. Bike
  9. Motorbike

According to statistics, you can safely use air transport, it is truly the most reliable.

As you can see, people's opinions and statistics are completely different. Many people are afraid of an airplane, although in fact this type of transport is the safest.

VIDEO: Safe mode of transport

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