September 11th what happened. American fairy tale cut into a pentagon of the plane

On September 11, 2001, a terrible terrorist attack took place in the United States, which took lives of 2,977 people. Airplanes hijacked by militants crashed into the twin towers of the World shopping center. Today at the site of the disaster is a memorial memorial with the names of the victims of the tragedy.

9/11 - so called the most daring and large-scale terrorist attack in the US on September 11, 2001. The crime happened in the heart of New York. As a result, 2,977 people died. Four stolen passenger airliners were used as an attack gun. The first two aircraft made a collision with the twins of the World TC. One was aimed at the Pentagon building. And the 4th crashed in 80 miles from Pittsburgh.

After 18 years, the society has no unambiguous opinion on the fact of what happened. Conspirologists and skeptics accuse the US authorities in the tragedy, providing weighty arguments. In society, the number of people do not trust the official version of the investigation of the terrorist attack. Let's remember the black day of the calendar for America 9/11, as events took place and what interesting Facts There is in this matter.

How it happened: the chronology of events

The crime committed 19 people. All of them are coming from the Middle East, officially living in the United States. According to the statements of the US authorities, it was the cell of the terrorist group of al-Qaida. Until 2011, he headed the criminal community of Osama Ben-Laden. He took responsibility for the attack on the United States. Early in the morning of September 11, 2001, Al Qaeda cell radicals were divided into groups and took place in commercial passenger aircraft:

  • BOEING-767 Flight AA11 "Boston - Los Angeles": 81 passenger, 11 crew members;
  • Boeing-767 Flight UA175 "Boston - Los Angeles": 56 passengers, 9 crew members;
  • Boeing-757 Flight AA77 "Washington - Los Angeles": 58 passengers, 6 crew members;
  • Boeing-757 Flight UA93 "Newark - San Francisco": 38 passengers, 7 crew members.

Flight AA11

The first airliner took off at 7:59 am. He had to follow the Boston - Los Angeles. But after 46 minutes, "Boeing" made a collision with the North Tower's skyscraper. Taran occurred at 8:45. The speed of the liner was 490 miles (789 km) per hour. The ship captured 5 terrorists. Taran came to the Tower region, between the 93rd and 99th floors. For a moment, passengers killed, crew members and several hundred office workers.

The plane was in the air of 46 minutes, and in its tanks there was a fully unspecified kerosene designed for 6 hours of flight. An explosion occurred. The temperature in the epicenter of the collision reached 825 ° C (Max T Kerosene burning).

The power of the fire was looking for a way out, he lived an inter-storey space, penetrated the elevators mine, where people moved. The fire escaped from mines in the lobby of the building, where the shock wave ruined many more people. Almost 1,000 people turned out to be cut off from the output between the surviving 100th and 107th floors. At 10:29 the northern tower collapsed.

According to the official version, the twin tower collapsed due to the molten carriers of the supports. This version disputes conspiraologists, because the melting point of steel 1 538 ° C. They believe that skyscrapers collapsed because of the directional explosion.

Flight UA175

The second ship rose into the air at 8:14 and fell on the same course of Boston - Los Angeles. On board were 5 terrorists. The plane made Menöwl over New Jersey, replaced the air corridor and headed for Manhattan (New York). After 18 minutes, local time at 9:03, Boeing crashed into the southern tower. The aircraft speed was 590 miles (950 km) per hour. By this time, the World Trade Center launched the reporters of various TV channels. Therefore, the collision was broadcast live. It became obvious that both catastrophes were non-random, and this is a terrorist attack. At 9:59 South Tower collapsed.

Fig.1 second before the collision of the second stolen "Boeing" with the southern tower

Flight AA77

The third airliner flew from Dulles Airport at 8:20, on the route Washington - Los Angeles. The plane contained 5 terrorists. They captured an aircraft after 31 minutes and sent it to southern direction. The hijackers turned off the side respondent, in order to exclude the ability to track the liner from the ground. At 9:24, the Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) notifies the United States Air Force. However, the military commsobali.

14 minutes after the alarm FAA, at 9:38, the Passenger Boeing with 172 passengers (excluding terrorists) and 6 crew members dive to the western part of the Pentagon complex in Washington. In the catastrophe nobody survived. 125 people died in the building.

Fig.2. After the collapse of the Boeing on the Pentagon building

Flight UA93.

The fourth airliner flew at 8:41. Newark - San Francisco flight was detained for 40 minutes due to the high airline workload. On board to capture 4 terrorists were preparing. At 9:28, criminals with difficulty submitted the liner. Pilots already knew about the attack on the twin towers and had resistance. According to the investigation materials, this aircraft should have attacked the Capitol - the US Congress building. But, Pilot Terrorist Jarry took the course on the White House.

The wrestling of the crew with terrorists continued on board. The plane looped and was poorly managed (according to radar cards). As a result, the aircraft collapsed in Pennsylvania at 10:03, at a distance of 130 kilometers from Pittsburgh. The records of "black boxes" testify that the liner was deliberately picked by criminals, as the crew members and passengers dominated in the struggle for the aircraft.

In the last aircraft there were 4 terrorists, since the 5th accomplice of Mohammed al-Kachtani did not register with the flight. Information about the 4-ingenous airliner was more seriously perceived by the US Air Force. F-16 was sent to the search "Boeing 757", which from 8:46 am patrolled the sky. However, technicians did not have time to arm the fighters by ammunition.

In the absence of the lack of arms, the pilot Lieutenant Heather Penny received an order about the Taran of the UA93 flight. But the passenger vessel broke before he managed to find it. And this is despite the fact that the head of the Operational Department of the US Aviation Service Ben Slini at 9:26 gave an order to plant all 4,300 civilian aircraft, furrowing air lines of the country.

The effects of the terrorist attack and the number of victims

After 6 hours, 52 minutes after the collapse of the Northern Tower, exactly at 5:20 days, the 52-storey building of the 7th WTC Corps collapsed. It was next to the twin towers. And at 6:16 pm, a 47-storey building of the Center for International Trade Center, located in close proximity to the WTC, has developed.

Walking skyscrapers destroyed 1,337 vehicle In the epicenter, including 91 car fire service New York. Exemplary damage from the terrorist attack 9/11, voiced by the President of the United States George Bush Ml. In 2006, is $ 500 billion.

On September 11, 2001, 2,977 people were killed from al-Qaeda radicals. Among them: 343 employees of the rescue service and 60 policemen. Most a large number of The victims were in twin towers, 2,152 people. 125 people died in the Pentagon. After the dissembly of the dawn, they found and identified about 1,600 victims of the terrorist attack. Almost 6,000 were injured. I managed to save 30,000 people.

Fig.3 Collapsing of the ruins at the place of collapse of twins

Investigations, accusations, sentences

On November 27, 2002, the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks on the United States was established. He headed her Thomas Kean, then the Governor of New Jersey. On July 22, 2004, the Office submitted a report on the results of the investigation. According to the official version, the invaders were al-Qaeda fighters. They were armed with perico knives. The cause of what happened is a personal hostility to America, the leader of the terrorist cell. Business materials fit on 600 pages. The CIA arrested 7 people participating in the preparation of the terrorist attack:

  • Khalid Sheikh Mohammed - leader and organizer;
  • Ramsi binal - material support of the terrorist cell;
  • Zabarias Mussaui - Assistant in an organization from France;
  • Mohammed Al-Kachtani - 20th terrorist hijacker, not registered with the flight UA93;
  • Ali Abdul Aziz Ali - the nephew of the leader;
  • Mustafa Ahmed Havsavi - Assistant Raster;
  • Valid Bin Attash - Assistant Raster.

During the investigation, the Commission found 4 of the surviving passports of suicide bombers: Satam Al-Suqami (Flight AA11), Saeed Al-Ghamdi and Ziad Jarrah (Flight UA93), Abdulaziz Alomari - Whose Passport found in a lost baggage, although the terrorist himself was on AA11 .

All suspects were found and arrested in the period 2002-2003. In anticipation of the court, criminals were in custody in CIA prisons. In 2006, terrorists were transferred to the Guantanamo special camp on the American military base in Cuba. In winter, 2008, all the defendants were charged with the mass killing of people and war crimes. Prisoners did not recognize guilt. Each of the criminals are already convicted of several lifetimes. Military courts continue to this day.

World Trade Center Memorial

At the site of the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York on the day of the anniversary of September 11, 2011, the "National Memorial of September 11" was opened. The memorable place consists of two giant granite basins, in the center of each of which there is a vague, absorbing the waterfall. Pools are accommodated in dunet towers. The outgoing water in the abyss symbolizes the speed of life of people who can be interrupted in an instant.

Fig.4 "Memorial 9/11" US New York

On the parapets of the pools around the perimeter, memorable bronze boards were installed with the names of the dead workers of the WTC. Surnames are not ordered alphabetically, but are located in the order of "meaningful neighborhood": in which tower a person worked, his professional relationship and workspace. For the development of the project, 2 years left. The winner was announced during the competition. A special foundation was opened by $ 350 million by 2008.

On May 21, 2014, "Museum 9/11" opened, dedicated to the victims of the Terrorist attack on September 11. It is located in the new World Trade Center, built nearby. Here are the miles of twin towers, many items, damaged firefighters and medical machines, clothes, personal belongings of workers and companies. Initially, the input of visitors is strictly controlled. Since May 2014, Memorial 9/11 is open to the public daily and free from 7:30 am to 9:00 pm.

Video taken by eyewitnesses and tourists per second before the collision of aircraft with twin tower and subsequent events:

The tragedy on September 11, 2001 was terrified by the world. Today, conspiraologists are asked: where did more than 1,000 bodies of the victims of the terrorist attack, who were at that moment in the World Trade Center buildings in New York?

The remains that turn into dust

At the time of collapse in both buildings, more than 16 thousand people were in total. These were employees of offices and shops, as well as ordinary visitors. According to the report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks against the United States, published in 2004, more than 3 thousand people died.

Subsequently, the remains of 1634 people were discovered. From another 1116 people remained only small fragments of tel. Together with them "evaporated" also part of office furniture, telephones, computers and other inanimate objects. Rather, they turned into dust and fragments.

As stated one of the search engines at the site of the tragedy, the largest fragment of the office situation found in the epicenter of the tragedy, became a small chip of the telephone keyboard.

With the crash of aircraft or strong fires from the bodies of the dead, only individual fragments often remain. But with the collapse of buildings, this is usually not happening. Bodies can be deformed, but they do not disintegrate into parts and all the more could not disappear without a trace. Nevertheless, it was this that happened to those who did not seem to be inside the twin towers.

According to conspiracles, the fact is that the towers did not hit - they exploded. By the way, on the roof of the neighboring building "Deutsche Bank" in 2006, the smallest fragments of human bones were discovered. All this stacked in the picture of the explosion, not collapse. In the explosion, objects can really decay into small particles.

The most interesting thing is that many family members of the victims also believe in this version. Thus, Robert Makilwein, the father of one of those killed on September 11, convinced that the "terrorist attack" was only a bomb guard organized by government structures. And William Rodriguez, who managed to survive during the tragedy, and at all calls the collapse of the twin towers "managed demolition".

Conspirologists indicate and other suspicious facts. So, a part of the video footage, captured a blow to the Pentagon, was seized by the FBI agents immediately after the terrorist attack. Also, no one saw the personnel on which the airliner crashed into the building, or its debris, or the remains of passengers, or remains of baggage.

Also, the official lists of "Boings" passengers did not indulge, among which Al-Qaida terrorists (prohibited in Russia), video and audio recordings made aboard aircraft were supposed. The notorious black boxes were taken by the same Fabeer. Finally, part of the data was classified as President George Bush-younger.

The version of the "controlled explosion"

Periodically, more and more "evidence" appear, which are questioned by the official version of the tragedy 9/11. For example, the organization "Engineers and architects for the truth", which includes about 2 thousand specialists in the field of engineering and architecture, argue that the seventh 47-storey tower of the World Trade Center, which collapsed after the twin towers because of the fire that began, could not It is easy to collapse as a result of a taran, since this prevented reinforced concrete structures.

"The destruction of the seventh tower looks like a result of a controlled explosion," one of the participants of the organization spoke. - This technology requires preparation for weeks and can only be implemented on a predetermined scenario. "

It is curious that in the seventh tower at the time of the tragedy there were no people at all. During the survey conducted in 2013 in connection with the 12th anniversary of the terrorist attack, the Sociological service of YouGov, it turned out that 46% of Americans did not suspect at all that on September 11, 2001 were destroyed not two, but three New York skyscrapers.

At the same time, according to sociologists, 10% of respondents stated that they did not believe in the results of the official investigation of the tragedy, and 38% doubted that the government had represented the whole truth about those events.

They just burned!

Meanwhile, according to the official government report NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technologies), the collapse of the WTC building has led the destruction of refractory protection of the main bearing structures of the towers. Frames contributed to the presence of "thermal substances" in the premises of the primer for the walls.

Anyway, the bodies of the dead, apparently, did not disappear anywhere, but simply broke up into separate fragments as a result of fires, which, in turn, became the result of damage caused by airplanes with terrorists on board. But conspiracy theories there will always be a place.

September 11, 2001 In the United States, the death bombers of the terrorist organization Al-Qaida captured four passenger aircraft- Towers of the World Trade Center, and two others - to the Pentagon and, presumably, on the White House or Capitol. All aircraft other than the latter have achieved goals. The fourth captured aircraft collapsed in the field near the city of Shanksville in Pennsylvania.

Victims of September 11 terrorist attacks, including 343 firefighters and 60 policemen. Not only US citizens died, but another 92 states. In New York, 2753 people were killed, in the Pentagon - 184 people, 40 people crashed in Pennsylvania.

19 terrorists who died in the terrorist attacks, 15 of them were citizens Saudi Arabia, two - united Arab Emirates, one - Egypt and one - Lebanon.

At 8.46 (hereinafter, the local time) Boeing 767 Airline Airlines airlines, followed from Boston to Los Angeles, crashed into the Northern Tower of the World Trade Center (WTC) on the Isle of Manhattan in New York between 93 and 99 floors. On board the aircraft there was 81 passengers (including five terrorists) and 11 crew members.

At 9.03, the Boeing 767 airline United Airlines, which followed Boston to Los Angeles, crashed into the Southern Tower of WTC between 77 and 85 floors. On board the aircraft there were 56 passengers and nine crew members.

At 9.37, the airline Boeing 757 Airlines American Airlines, which followed from Washington to Los Angeles, crashed into the Pentagon building. On board the aircraft there were 58 passengers and six crew members.

At 10.03, the Boeing 757 airline of United Airlines, which followed from Newark (New Jersey) to San Francisco, fell on the field in the southwestern Pennsylvania, near the city of Shanxville, 200 kilometers from Washington. On board the aircraft there were 37 passengers and seven crew members.

As a result of the strongest fire at 9.59, South collapsed, and at 10.28 - the North Tower of WTC.

At 18.16, an 47-storey building of the Center for the Center for International Trade, which was in the immediate vicinity of the TCTC towers collapsed. The fire began in it.

The exact number of damage caused by the terrorist attacks of September 11 is unknown. In September 2006, US President George Bush Jr. reported that the damage from terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 was for the United States at the lowest assessment.

On November 27, 2002, an independent commission for investigating terrorist attacks on September 11 was established in the United States (Commission 9/11). In 2004, she published a final report on the investigation of the circumstances of the tragedy. One of the main conclusions of the 600-page document was recognized that the terrorist attacks took advantage of the US government and special services.

The only convict in the case of terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 in the United States is a citizen of France Moroccan origin Zabarias Mussaui. He was arrested in August 2001 after graduated flight school In Oklahoma, and passed a training session on the Boeing-747 simulator in Minnesota. In April 2005, Mussaui was found guilty of intention to commit the terrorist attack, which was supposed to become the fifth in a score in the series of tragic events on September 11, 2001. According to the personal instructions of Osama Bin Laden, he had to capture the plane and go to the tranue of the White House in Washington - about this terrorist.

In May 2006, by the decision of the Federal Court of Alexandria (Virginia), where the process was held, Zabarias Mussaui was sentenced.

Six other suspected involvement in terrorist attacks were arrested in 2002 and 2003, they spent several years in CIA prisons, and in 2006 on the American base in Guantanamo in Cuba.

In February 2008, the US Department of Defense in the murder and committing military crimes in the framework of the investigation of the terrorist attacks on September 11.

The charges were nominated against Khalida Sheikh Mohammed, who, in accordance with the report of the Commission 9/11, is a central figure in the preparation of terrorist attacks in the United States; Yemen Rami Binalshiba (Other Writing Ramsi Bin Az-Shiba), which provided organizational support to terrorists and translated money to them; Mohammed Al-Kachtani, who, according to the investigation, was to become another, 20th hijacker of four American aircraft; And Ali Abdul Aziz Ali, Mustafa Ahmed Havsavi (Other Writing Mustafa Ahmad Hawsaui) and Valida Bin Attash.

Hearings in the case of accused of involvement in the organization of the terrorist attack.

In March 2016, the Federal District Judge of New York George Deniels issued a correspondence court decision, according to which Iran should pay $ 7.5 billion to relatives and other representatives of those who died in the World Trade Center and the Pentagon Building. The judge determined that the Iranian authorities should pay three more billion to insurers who covered the property damage and other material losses. Previously, Deniels judge decided that Tehran could not prove his innocence to assist the organizers of the terrorist attack, and therefore the Iranian authorities were damaged during it.

In September 2016, the US Congress adopted the law, allowing the heirs of victims of the Terrorist attacks on September 11 to submit to the court to Saudi Arabia, whose citizens were most of the terrorists who made attacks. Already at the beginning of October 2016, the American, who lost his spouse during the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001, filed the first lawsuit to the court to Saudi Arabia. In March 2017, relatives of victims in the United States. In April, it became known that more than two dozen Insurance organizations of the United States filed a lawsuit against the two banks of Saudi Arabia and companies related to the Osama Ben Laden family, as well as against several charitable organizations totaling at least $ 4.2 billion in connection with attacks

The terrible tragedy that occurred on September 11, 2001, claimed the lives of a huge number of people. 2973 people died, and this, you agree, a significant number.

Preceded the seizure of four aircraft sent to California and the eastern part of the United States. The tanks of aircraft were full, so we can say that they turned into managed rockets.

At 8:45 am in the northern tower, one of the aircraft was crashed - "Boeing 767". 92 on board (11 crew members, 5 terrorists and 76 passengers). The plane crashed into the gap between the 93rd and 99th floors. The fuel that broke out in the tank rushed down the fiery post down by killing even those people who were in the lobby. At 10:29, the burning building collapsed, burying with him a huge number of people. The aircraft number crashed into the twin towers - AA11.

At 9:03, the aircraft was also crashed into the southern tower, it was the second "Boeing 767". The blow came into the gap between the 77th and 81st floors. On board the aircraft there were 65 people (5 terrorists, 9 crew members and 54 passengers). At 9:59 local time the burning building collapsed. Airplane number - UA175.

There were two more aircraft. One of them was hit by the Pentagon, it happened at 9:40. 184 people died. And the latter fell in the forest Pennsylvania, not far from Pittsburgh. I managed to see the records from the so-called "black box." It became clear that the terrorists spicked down when the resisting passengers tried to break into the cockpit of pilots. On board was 44 people.

According to journalists, some passengers were able to call their relatives from captured aircraft. People reported on terrorists: on one board 4 people, on others, 5. It is believed that these data were specially fabricated the FBIs, because there was one call that caused a lot of distrust. Called the son of the mother and, when she took the phone, said: "Mom, this is me, John Smith." Agree, it would be unlikely that he actually started talking from the presentation of his last name.

No one of those who were on board could not survive. 274 people died aboard aircraft (terrorists are not taken into account), 2602 people in New York (and on Earth, and in towers), 125 people in the Pentagon.

Not only twin towers were injured. Another five buildings were either destroyed or badly damaged. A total of 25 buildings were injured, and 7 had to demolish.

What are the consequences of this terrible tragedy? Two skyscrapers and the adjacent pentagon wing were destroyed. Around three thousand people died. The New York Exchange has suspended its work for two days. Neighboring the tragedy area turned out to be completely soaked as ashes. The President announced the terrorist attack served the United States with Afghanistan, and then with Iraq.

The tragedy received the status of national, and the news about it flew through the whole world in seconds. No wonder these buildings were chosen by the terrorists, because the twin towers were proud of the United States.

The towers were built in the 60s, at this time the prestige of America was shaken. It was decided to build something giant, grand, stunning to return to people optimism and faith in themselves and the future. No one imagined that the "project of the century" will turn the main "tragedy of the century".

September 11, 2001, 7:30 on New York time. At Boston's Logan Airport, the city of Boston is landing for flight 11 American Airlines, next route Boston - Los Angeles. 92 people climb on board, among them five terrorists led by the Egyptian Mohammed Atta.

7:59 . Flight 11 (Airplane "Boeing 767) with a 14-minute delay departs from Boston and takes a course on Los Angeles.

8:13 . The flight crew 11 holds the last communication session with ground services, after which it ceases to respond to calls. At this point, the hijackers rush into the crew cockpit and take "Boeing" under their control.

8:14 . From Logan Airport, United Airlines departs "Boeing 767", the following flight 175 Boston - Los Angeles. On board, nine crew members and 56 passengers, among which are five terrorists.

8:19 . A flight attendant of the flight 11 Betty ong managed to contact the airline's office on the onboard phone. She reports that unknowns sprayed tear gas, several people were injured, and the plane appeared to be captured.

8:20 . From the airport, Dulles, the city of Washington, departs "Boeing 757" airlines
American Airlines, the following flight of 77 Washington - Los Angeles. On board, six crew members and 58 passengers, including five terrorists.

8:24 . Flight 11 makes a turn and takes a course on New York. In this case, the terrorist erroneously presses the communication button with the ground services instead of the intra-alone button, and the dispatchers are heard of the words of hijackers addressed to passengers: "We have several aircraft. Come quietly, and everything will be fine. We return to the airport. "

8:37 . Flight seizure 11 Dispatchers are transmitted by American military, more precisely, the command of the Eastern air defense sector.

8:42 . From Newark Airport, Boeing 757 by United Airlines, the following flight of 93 Newark - San Francisco flights. On board the liner, which took place with a 40-minute delay, 37 passengers, among which are four terrorists.

8:43 . Terrorists capture flight 175.

8:44 . From the flight 11 to the office of American Airlines Airlines calls stewardess Emy Porki. She reports that something incomprehensible happens, the plane is rapidly declining. The last phrase of the stewardess: "Oh, God ..." After that, the call is interrupted.

8:46 . At a speed of about 800 kilometers per hour, the flight 11 is crashed into the Northern Tower of the World Trade Center in New York at the level of 93-99 floors of the building. Interceptor aircraft prepared in connection with the information on the seizure of the flight 11 are still on the airfield.

8:48-8:49 . American television companies start direct reports from the disaster. Information about what happened the terrorist attack is not yet.

In the northern tower, the WTC begins a strong fire. People cut off on the upper floors of the building, begin to throw out from the windows. Over the next one and a half hours, at least 100 people will do with them. One of the tempered will be the cause of firefighter death, which will collapse from a huge height.

8:51 . Receipt of flight 77 occurs.

8:52 . The flight attendant of the flight 175 is associated with an on-board telephone with an office of United Airlines, reporting that the aircraft is captured, both pilots are killed, the flight attendant is injured, and the liner drive hijackers.

8:53 . Two interceptor aircraft are raised into the air, but they are only delivered to the task of patrolling the Long Island district.

8:54 . The flight 77 changes the course, heading south.

8:55 . President of the US George Bushwhich is in elementary school them. Emma Booker of the Floridian city of Sarasota, report that the aircraft crashed into the WTC Tower in New York.

8:56 . The terrorists on the flight 77 disable the respondent aboard, and the dispatchers lose the opportunity to watch the aircraft. The liner takes the course to Washington.

8:58 . Flight 175 takes direction to New York.

9:00 . Flight Passenger 175 Peter Henson From the board of the aircraft, calls his father and reports that passengers in panic, flight attendants were wounded, the plane makes sharp movements, declining, and most likely will die into some building. "Do not worry, dad. If this happens, everything will be very fast. My God, my God, "is the last words of Peter Henson.

9:03 . At a speed of about 960 kilometers per hour, the flight 175 is crashed into the South Tower of WTC at the level of 78-85 floors.

9:05 . President George Bush report on the second aircraft, cut into the TCTC Tower, with the words: "America attacked."

9:08 . A ban on departure of all aircraft, whose route runs in New York's airspace.

9:17 . As an organizer, the attack on America is first named - version belongs cBS News Correspondent Jim Stewart.

9:23 . Flight crew 93, the last of those on which terrorists are located, and which is not yet captured, is shown a yellow card: "Beware of the invasion of the cabin - two aircraft crashed into a WTC."

9:28 . The terrorists on board the flight 93 assault take the cockpit of pilots that the ground dispatchers are heard.

9:29 . The first public statement of President Bush relative to the terrorist attack on the TSTC Tower. The situation of the President has no information about two more captured aircraft.

9:35 . In Washington, it was decided to evacuate the US vice-president from the White House.

9:37 . The flight 77 is crashed into the western wing of the Pentagon building in Washington.

9:43 . In Washington, there is a complete evacuation of the White House and Capitol.

9:45 . Air space The United States is completely closed, all the departures are prohibited, airplanes in the air, are ordered to sit in the nearest airports.

9:57 . Flight passengers 93, thanks to calls relatives and familiar knowing about what happened to previously captured by airplanes, rose a riot against terrorists.

9:59 . There is a complete destruction of the Southern Tower of WTC in New York.

10:03 . Flight 93 is divided into 129 km southeast of Pittsburgh in County Sommeret, Pennsylvania. Later, it became known from the recording of speech recorders that the terrorists sent the aircraft to the ground at the time when passengers were broken in the cabin trying to return control over the aircraft.

10:10 . There is a collapse of the damaged wing of the Pentagon building.

10:11 . US Vice President Dick Cheney, not knowing about the fall of the flight 93, gives the order of the military about his destruction.

10:28 . There is a destruction of the North Tower WTC. The hotel "Mariott" was also completely destroyed, which was between two towers.

17:20 . The 47-storey WTC 7 building collapsed, which has gained large-scale damage during the destruction of "twin towers".

As a result of a terrorist attack on the United States on September 11, 2001, 2977 people died, not counting 19 suicide bombers, more than two dozen people are considered missing. Among the dead, in addition to US citizens, there were citizens of 91 states. 96 of them were citizens of countries former USSR or out of them.












See also: