How much baggage per person on a plane. Air carriers will abolish free baggage allowances on planes

- a question that interests passengers of many airlines. People do not always understand what belongs to this category of luggage, what items can be taken into the cabin, and what is better to leave at home or check in with regular cargo.

What is the essence?

First, let's look at what is considered hand luggage on an airplane. This is a special type of baggage that is allowed to be taken into the cabin of an airliner. It has its own rules and regulations for transportation, depending on the rules of the airline. For example, economy class passengers receive one seat, and business class and 1st class passengers receive twice as many.

It is believed that the equivalent of one place is a bag or backpack containing personal belongings. This is wrong. The main criterion is weight hand luggage and its dimensions. It is these parameters that the carrier is based on. Such baggage is subject to a number of restrictions, which may vary.

General prohibitions

Before checking in for a flight, it is important to be clear about what you cannot take on the plane. Generally speaking, the category of prohibited cargo includes weapons, liquefied gases, as well as dangerous substances (radioactive, toxic, caustic). The category of prohibited items also includes explosives, liquefied gases, sharp objects, including household appliances such as wire cutters, a corkscrew, scissors, a folding knife and others.

Below we will consider in detail what you can take in hand luggage on a plane, and what items are prohibited in relation to food, cosmetics, medicines, digital equipment and other cargo.


First, let's look at what you are allowed to carry. from food. As a rule, airlines restrict passengers in this matter by prohibiting the carriage of jelly-like and liquid foods. But you can take with you:

  • Nuts.
  • Fruits.
  • Sandwiches.
  • Cookie.
  • Chips and other products.

If you are flying with a child, you are allowed to take baby food. If jellies, juices or yoghurts are found before departure, they will most likely be prohibited from being carried. This also applies to food that is packaged in cans. Those products that are allowed to be brought on board are recommended to be packed in transparent bags, which speeds up the inspection procedure.

Before departure, pay attention to the carrier's requirements, as they may vary. Pay special attention to goods from DutyFree stores. They are allowed to be taken on the plane, but only if they are packaged in a bag and have a receipt in hand.

Cosmetical tools

Women often ask what they can take with them. from cosmetics. As a rule, carriers allow you to bring into the cabin:

  • Blush.
  • Eyeliner.
  • Shadows.
  • Powder and other means.

As for jelly-like compositions, as well as liquids that are packaged in containers larger than 0.1 liters, it is prohibited to take them with you. The only option is to transfer your items to checked luggage. In addition, it is not permitted to bring pressurized cans into the cabin. In this case, the total volume of liquids carried should not exceed 1000 ml. This nuance should be taken into account before departure.

Medical supplies

An equally important issue is medications. The following medications are allowed as hand luggage:

  • Pills.
  • Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Materials for dressing.
  • Various drops.

All products should be sealed and carried with instructions for use. Otherwise, customs officers may have questions for the passenger, up to and including the need to conduct a detailed inspection. If there is an injury, hand luggage can be supplemented with special means for movement, for example, crutches. Regarding the upper limit of liquids, the same rules apply here as mentioned above.

Digital equipment

According to airline rules, you can take digital equipment on board the plane - a laptop, player, tablet, camera, charger and even a hairdryer. But there is a limitation regarding mobile phones. It can be brought into the cabin, but must be turned off. This is due to safety concerns, as radiation from mobile devices can interfere with the operation of aircraft electronics.

If you plan to carry large equipment with you that exceeds the permissible dimensions, it is better to check it as regular luggage.

What to do with documents and jewelry?

According to airline rules, you are allowed to take valuables, jewelry, wallets and important documents with you in hand luggage. You also need to take your passport with you so as not to accidentally end up in a foreign country without documents. There are situations when luggage does not fit on one plane and then it can be sent on the next flight.

Clothing and personal care items

When it comes to personal hygiene items, you can bring a toothbrush and toothpaste, a comb (without a handle), wet wipes and even nail polish remover on board the plane. At the same time, it is prohibited to take cutting or piercing things into the salon. This rule also applies to nail scissors.

From clothes you can take with you a coat, a jacket (sweater), an umbrella, a blanket and a shawl. Generally speaking, it is allowed to take almost all clothing if it does not contradict the airline’s rules and does not exceed the permissible standards (dimensions, weight).

What are the weight and size restrictions?

Separate question - How much hand luggage can you take on a plane?. Here, each airline has its own rules, which depend on the destination, ticket price, flight class and other factors. There are only two main criteria, namely size and weight:

  • Dimensions. They should not exceed 56 cm in length, 46 cm in height, and 25 cm in width.
  • Weight. Requirements vary here and different airlines may have limits ranging between 3 and 15 kg.


Despite some similarity in the requirements of air carriers regarding hand luggage, some rules are strictly individual. For example, low-cost airlines that provide budget flights are stricter about hand luggage and allow you to take a minimum of things into the cabin. There is a maximum of one seat per person. More established companies will have fewer restrictions. In any case, it is important to clarify these points in advance, even before purchasing a ticket and checking in for the flight.

If you are going on a trip, study in advance the nuances that determine the carriage of baggage on an airplane. They determine the standards on all Russian airlines, except Pobeda. For foreign companies, the rules determined by the legislation of the relevant country continue to apply. What do you need to know so that you can save yourself from unpleasant surprises?

Generally accepted standards and rules: what baggage can be transported as cargo

First, understand the terminology to avoid confusion:

  • Carry-on luggage It is customary to name the things you take on a plane. They can be placed on a special shelf or under the seat in front (if the items do not differ in size). During check-in, carriers have the right to require hand luggage to be weighed. If you go through the procedure online, then marking is not required. In this case, weighing is done before the boarding gate.
  • Personal items- items that are allowed to be taken on the plane without preliminary weighing and marking (folder, cane, book).
  • Baggage- these are bags, suitcases, backpacks and other things checked into the cargo compartment. It is issued for each passenger separately. When checking in, you place your bags on a conveyor where they are weighed. If the norm is not exceeded, the baggage is marked with a barcode sticker and sent to the cargo compartment. You are given a delivery coupon, and if you lose your suitcase or bag, the document will help you defend your rights.

According to the new baggage rules on planes , The weight norm for 1 place is reduced from 32 kg to 30. It can be lower, but not higher. But this does not mean that the indicator is the same for everyone: it is influenced by the tariff at which the ticket was purchased.

New rules: how to transport luggage and hand luggage

If you have not traveled since the introduction of the new rules, you may be surprised: after all, baggage-free tickets It's not the first day they've been on sale. But even the budget Pobeda provided the opportunity to transport up to 10 kg in the cargo compartment. In 2018, the norm specified in the Air Code was canceled. What needs to be taken into account now?

Baggage requirements 10-30 kg

To avoid troubles, check the new rules on the carrier’s website. He has the right to set the weight depending on the ticket fare. If the upper limit is 23 kg, then if you are overweight you will need to pay extra or take out some of your items.

Don't forget to check the baggage rules on the plane.

According to the rules, baggage weight of 30 kg is allowed for business class passengers: it has advantages over economy class. In the latter, the upper limit of normal is 23 kg.

Baggage requirements over 30 kg

If the norm is exceeded 30 kg The cargo falls under the heavy weight criterion. The calculation is made according to the company's tariffs. You have to pay extra for every kilogram.

There are also restrictions on dimensions, and these include:

  • skis and other sports items that take up a lot of space;
  • musical instruments(double bass, cello);
  • Large home appliances.

To transport such cargo, contact airline representatives in advance and find out the new rules. The support service will select an option for transporting oversized luggage, but if there is not enough space in the cargo compartment, they have the right to refuse you. You should arrive at the airport early: check-in will take longer.

In winter, some airlines allow you to carry skis and other equipment without additional charges.

Baggage-free tickets

Important changes to the rules regarding the carriage of baggage on an airplane affected baggage-free tickets. After all, airlines have received the right not to include the cost in the price of the travel document, which will allow the passenger to save money. For example, previously on a Pobeda flight you could check a suitcase weighing up to 10 kg into the cargo hold. But now the airline has the ability to charge for everything except a handbag or briefcase. The advantage for travelers is the low cost: those who want to save money will find great deals by leaving extra things at home.

46% of passengers agree to do without even carry-on luggage in order to save on flights.

Similar rules apply to the category non-refundable tickets. When purchasing them, check whether you have chosen the “luggage-free” option or whether the price includes freight transportation. If the ticket is refundable, the price automatically includes transportation of 10 kg of luggage.

Is it possible to combine luggage on a plane: read the rules

After a protest from the Moscow Interregional Transport Prosecutor's Office, Aeroflot changed the rules for transporting baggage.

If passengers travel together for the same purpose of travel, to the same airport of destination or stopover, then, at the request of the passengers, it is allowed to apply to the baggage of these passengers the sum of the standards (including weight and size standards) for the free carriage of checked baggage for each of the passengers.
One piece of baggage should not exceed 32 kg in weight and/or the sum of three dimensions 203 cm, the total number of pieces of combined baggage should not exceed the sum of the free baggage allowance.

Now, when traveling with family or friends, you will receive possibility to combine cargo, rather than distributing things among several bags or paying extra for overweight. In this case they should take 1st place. Airplane baggage rules require that you place your items in one shared bag. But the total weight should not exceed 30 kg, or you will have to pay extra.

Rules for transporting fragile items

Do you have to take fragile items on a trip? Glass products, electronic devices and equipment, and decorative items should not be delivered as regular cargo. To prevent boxes or bags from being thrown around when loading onto an airplane, check your luggage as “fragile.” He will not be placed on a conveyor, but will be taken to the department. Alas, you will not receive guarantees for the integrity of the items.

If the dimensions of the items do not exceed the permissible dimensions, take them to the salon. In this case, it is important that you do not transport liquids in glass jars: the jam will have to be checked into the cargo area.

Excess weight of luggage and what to do with it

When you buy travel document, then its category determines the permissible limits for the weight of cargo. If the indicator exceeds the established norm, the mass is considered above the norm. For example, an economy class passenger can take luggage up to 23 kg. The amount of the surcharge should be clarified in advance, and some companies allow a slight excess.

Hand luggage and new rules for its transportation

When packing your luggage on the plane, ask how many kilograms per person are allowed. Since the fall of 2017, the following restrictions have come into force for airlines:

The maximum weight of hand luggage that can be carried free of charge must be no more than 5 kg.

In this case, the carrier has the right to change the indicator, increasing the norm to 6, 7 or 10 kg: this will attract the client. There are also restrictions on dimensions, because the height of the item should not exceed 0.56 m, width - 0.45 m, and thickness - 0.25 m. Please check the acceptable parameters on the website of the selected carrier.

What can you not check in as carry-on luggage?

Under the new rules, hand luggage may be weighed and tagged at check-in or before boarding. But you are allowed to take extra things.

Previously, the list was wider, but the Ministry of Transport decided that some things can be put in a bag. These include a laptop, umbrella, books and mobile phone.

Placed your laptop in a bag or backpack? You won't have to pay. Didn't complete the task? Pay extra.

What luggage to take into the cabin: what can you keep in your hand luggage with you

When determining what to take into the cabin, remember: the main cargo may be lost. In time they will find him, but It’s safer to keep the necessary things with you. Bring documents, fragile items, expensive gadgets, medicines, and hygiene products to the salon.

What else can you take? According to the rules, the following is allowed:

What you are not allowed to take into the cabin: transportation rules

  • You cannot take weapons or children's toys or dummies that imitate them.
  • Sharp, piercing, cutting objects are prohibited. The idea of ​​grabbing knitting needles or a corkscrew will have to be abandoned. Even manicure scissors and a nail file are included in the list of items not allowed in the cabin.
  • You will have to do without household chemicals, especially flammable aerosols.
  • When it comes to shaving accessories, choose disposable products with closed cutting surfaces or safety razors.

The question is often asked whether it is possible to bring a thermometer into the salon. The answer depends on the type of device: you put the electronic one in your hand luggage or in a suitcase that you check in the cargo hold. A thermometer with mercury is carried in a protective case in the amount of 1 piece (check the Rules for the carriage of baggage and hand luggage on the carrier’s website). But you will have to check it in as luggage.

Items prohibited in hand luggage

Airline rules: what you need to know about carrying luggage on an airplane

According to the new rules, airlines have the right to weigh luggage before boarding passengers. How are changes implemented in practice?

Aeroflot: unpleasant surprises

Aeroflot passengers have to think not only about what they can carry on the plane in their luggage. Since February 2018, complaints began to appear that the company was measuring baggage dimensions near boarding gates. Representatives of the carrier provided an explanation: according to them, the measure was taken due to the fact that customers are unhappy with the lack of space in the cabins.

Now the “sum of 3 dimensions” rule does not work: if previously the total value of the indicators should not exceed 115, then according to the new regulations the dimensions are limited to 55x40x20 cm. Even if the height of the suitcase is 35 cm, this does not mean that the width can exceed 20 cm. Under Even small bags do not fit the criteria.

New rules for Aeroflot

The new rules are stricter than most low-cost airlines with their strict standards. But Aeroflot has also changed the list of things that can be taken into the cabin without registration. Baby food, a cane, and a camera disappeared from the standard list. The number of duty-free packages is also specified: it must be the only one.

Is a guitar a permitted item? The company announced that musical instruments must have a maximum height of 135 cm in the sum of 3 dimensions. If the guitar does not meet the criteria of the rules, contact the company representatives 36 hours before departure and agree on the issue.

Ural Airlines: what you need to know

The company explains the current regulations:

Free carriage rules

For some flights (“Moscow - Baikonur - Moscow”) additional restrictions are introduced: for economy class the weight of hand luggage is 5 kg, and baggage up to 15 kg can be carried free of charge. If you bought a business class ticket, the figures increase to 10 and 30 kg, respectively.

Utair and S7: consider the changes

Abbreviated lists of things that are allowed to be imported and exported as an addition to hand luggage have also appeared on the websites of Utair airlines.

The list of items allowed to be placed in the cargo hold includes the following:

  • crossbows, knives, swords, etc.;
  • knives or scissors, when the length of the cutting part does not exceed 60 mm;
  • alcoholic drinks or liquids if the alcohol content does not exceed 24%;
  • drinks and liquids with an alcohol content of 24-70%, provided that the quantity per person is no more than 5 liters (the capacity of the container should also not be higher than this value);
  • aerosols in cylinders, the nozzles of which are closed with caps, and the maximum volume is 500 ml (there is a limit for 1 passenger - 2 kg or l).

Official rules apply on all flights; the administration introduced similar conditions “ Ural Airlines"and other companies.

The rules prohibit the carriage of the following items in checked baggage:

  • military, civilian and service weapons;
  • pyrotechnics;
  • explosives and parts of explosive devices;
  • flammable liquids and solids;
  • radioactive and corrosive substances;
  • items containing radioactive elements;
  • products similar to weapons that can be used in the commission of acts of unlawful interference, including all types of brass knuckles and projectile weapons;
  • compressed and liquefied gases.

Some items are allowed to be transported only if the “Dangerous Goods” are registered. These include personal mobility devices powered by lithium batteries. The same rule applies if you want to transport a moped or mobile device powered by a 160 Wh or higher lithium-ion battery.

Exceptions are made when it comes to devices used by passengers with reduced mobility. In this case, you must obtain the company's permission in advance. If the battery power is less, it is removed and transported in hand luggage (with a characteristic of 100-160 Wh you need to obtain permission).

Find out in advance what the cost of your luggage on the plane will be if you are overweight. The conditions can be clarified on the company’s website.


Some restrictions come as a surprise to passengers. To avoid such situations, please read the answers to frequently asked questions.

Is it possible to carry liquids on an airplane?

Since 2006 the company prohibited the transportation of bulk containers with liquids. The restriction is due to the fact that terrorists have repeatedly tried to smuggle parts of explosive devices disguised as harmless bottles on board international planes.

The following are considered liquids:

  • cosmetic and perfumery products (perfumes, gels, etc.);
  • products (jam, drinks, syrups, etc.).

How much liquid can you carry on an airplane?

How much liquid can be carried in airplane luggage?

The maximum volume of the container containing liquid is 100 ml. If you try to take a 200 ml bottle, arguing that there is only 50 ml of water in it, you will not be able to bring it on board.

If the volume does not exceed the permissible limit, the passenger should put all containers in a 20x20 cm bag. It is advisable to buy it in advance, since the cost at the airport will be higher. The total volume of liquids should be no more than 1 liter. There is 1 package per 1 passenger; what doesn't fit will have to be thrown away. There is no need to put baby or diet food in it, but be prepared to open the containers to check the contents.

Liquids purchased at duty-free can be taken into the cabin, provided that they are in a sealed bag.

Is it possible to take groceries on a plane?

It is not prohibited to take food into the cabin, but on international flights additional control is carried out: veterinary and phytosanitary. To avoid unpleasant surprises, take sandwiches in foil, candy or fruit with you. Avoid products that leave crumbs or may disturb the smell of your neighbors. Also note that some treats are classified as liquids (yogurt). The volume of the container in this case should not exceed 100 ml.

If you still have questions about whether you can take groceries on a plane, watch the video:

Hand luggage when flying with a child

When flying with a child, the question arises: Is it possible to take a baby stroller into the salon?. The rules are that you will give the stroller to the airport staff before boarding the plane. It will be classified as checked baggage. Her weight will not be included in the weight norm, but it should not exceed 20 kg.

Some strollers are allowed on planes

Child seats are transported free of charge, and you can take him into the cabin provided that you have purchased a ticket for your child with a separate seat. The product must be marked to indicate that it is suitable for use on aircraft.

Separate luggage can be checked in for a child under 2 years old; weight should not exceed 10 kg. Check with the carrier for the upper limit of hand luggage: many companies do not allow it, since an infant flies without a seat.

What to do if your baggage is lost by an airline

If your luggage is lost or sent on another flight, don’t despair. The main thing is that you have the receipt in your hands. Write a statement by contacting the missing items department and wait for the result. The airline is obliged to find the loss within 3 weeks. Was the bag returned damaged or not found at all? Demand compensation; if they refuse, take documentary evidence and go to court.

The amount paid for lost or damaged luggage varies by company:

  • foreign ones provide $20 per kg;
  • domestic - $10 per kg.

According to the Montreal Convention, the maximum compensation for the loss of a suitcase is $1,500. To increase your chances, add receipts to the description of the missing items and receive a full or partial refund.

It is advisable to insure valuable items in advance by paying additional fees.


New airline rules provide an opportunity to save money. Go on a trip with a minimum of things, and you won’t have to pay extra for luggage transportation. The main thing is that you clarify the tariffs and norms in advance!

How much luggage can you take on a plane? Is it possible to carry alcohol, perfume, aerosols, medicines, cigarettes in luggage? What about food? Let's consider these questions in detail.

There are no international rules for baggage transportation; each air carrier regulates this issue independently. The airline can choose to transport baggage by piece or by weight.

Allowable baggage weight per person on an airplane

The weighing system allows you to transport free of charge:

  • in economy class no more than 20 kilograms of luggage with its total linear size of 203 centimeters;
  • in business class, with the same dimensions, you are allowed to take 30 kilograms with you.

If your baggage does not meet the established standards in at least one parameter, the air carrier has the right to demand additional payment. Under this system, children under ten years of age have the right to transport ten kilograms of things, and from the age of twelve they are already entitled to the adult norm for transporting cargo.

The weight system is convenient because when traveling together, the weight of all things is summed up, and the number of bags is not counted.

The place system is replacing the weigh system, despite its obvious convenience. Aeroflot recently switched to it. Here the transportation rules are as follows:

  • economy class allows you to occupy only one piece of luggage with a bag not heavier than 23 kilograms;
  • in business class the conditions are softer: two pieces of luggage weighing no more than 32 kilograms each.

The main difference between the baggage system is that the weight of the baggage is not cumulative. For example, on a flight for two in economy class, passengers carry two items weighing 15 and 25 kilograms. The extra two kilos will be counted as a third piece of baggage and will be paid in full. When planning your luggage before traveling, keep in mind that such overload is paid at a high rate, comparable to the price of a ticket. Therefore, you should carefully calculate the weight of things.

The requirements for the maximum allowable size of baggage in the local system are even stricter: the total linear size of the item is no more than 158 centimeters.

Rules for transporting food, alcohol and cigarettes on an airplane

Alcohol is not on the list of goods prohibited from being carried on an airplane, but there are still certain rules for it. Thus, each adult passenger has the right to carry one liter of alcoholic beverages in hand luggage, regardless of their strength. The entire quantity is divided into several containers of no more than 100 milliliters each. All bottles are packaged in a plastic bag with a zipper. It is prohibited to use them on board: the packaging must not be broken until the end of the flight. Breaking the rules can cause trouble.

Carrying alcohol in luggage is regulated by the following rules:

  • liquids no stronger than 24% are carried without restrictions, but within the general weight restrictions;
  • alcohol with a strength of 24 to 70%, no more than five liters per passenger;
  • Alcohol over 70% alcohol is prohibited for transportation.

Alcoholic drinks purchased before the flight in duty-free stores are allowed to be transported in hand luggage, but in an intact package with a saved receipt. In low-cost airline companies, you will most likely have to pay for transporting a package of alcohol from a duty-free store.

IN different countries The rules for transporting strong drinks can vary greatly, so before an international flight, inquire about this issue separately.

The same recommendations apply to the question of the rules for transporting cigarettes. However, each country sets its own standards, which you should follow before flying. For example, when flying within the Russian Federation, only one cigarette pack (10 packs of 20 cigarettes), up to 250 grams of tobacco or no more than 50 cigars can be carried in hand luggage. In this case, the passenger must be 18 years old. Other countries have different age restrictions. For example, in Egypt, a 15-year-old passenger can easily carry tobacco products with him, but only those who are already 20 years old can fly to Japan with cigarettes.

As for medicines, it is allowed to carry drugs in solid form (capsules, powders, tablets) in hand luggage. Liquid medications, as well as ointments, creams and gels, must be in original containers of up to 100 ml, and then packaged in a bag (necessarily transparent) measuring 20x20 centimeters.

When transporting prescription drugs or drugs containing psychotropic/narcotic substances, you will need to present a doctor's prescription, and for an international flight you will also need to declare such drugs. An exception is made for passengers with insulin-dependent diabetes: insulin bottles, syringes and glucometers are allowed to be carried in hand luggage.

By the way, for international flights there is a list of drugs prohibited for transportation, and you should familiarize yourself with it before departure. For example, when flying to the USA, you will not be able to take the Corvalol, which is familiar in Russia, on board.

On domestic flights, you can take solid food into the cabin if it fits in your hand luggage and does not exceed the weight. On international lines follow the rules of the countries you are traveling to. They usually prohibit the transportation of eggs, fish, meat and dairy products. The ban is due to the fact that these products are perishable and can cause an infectious disease and even an epidemic.

The transportation of liquid products is regulated separately. These include, in addition to water and juices, canned food, jam, jelly, honey, sour cream, cottage cheese, and sauces.

Most air carriers regulate the carriage of liquids and limit them to one liter per passenger, poured into hermetically sealed bottles with a capacity of no more than one hundred milliliters. All other liquids, including cosmetics, deodorants, colognes, perfumes, mosquito sprays and shampoos, are checked in as baggage under the new rules.

What is prohibited from being carried on a plane in luggage in 2020?

There are dangerous items that are prohibited from being carried both in hand luggage and in the luggage compartment. These include:

  • weapons: cold steel, firearms, gas, stun guns;
  • explosives: dynamite, cartridges, pyrotechnics;
  • gases: liquefied, compressed in cylinders, aerosols;
  • flammable liquids: petroleum products, acetone, solvents;
  • solid flammable substances: matches, metal potassium, calcium, sodium;
  • poisonous and toxic: nicotine, arsenic, mercury;
  • caustic and causing rapid corrosion: salts, acids, lime.

This list also includes magnetized and radioactive substances.

The list of prohibited substances and items under the new rules is extensive. If you are planning to bring an unusual item on the plane, read this list in advance or consult with an airline representative. Compliance with these simple rules guarantees the safety of all passengers and the absence of problems during baggage inspection.

What to do if prohibited items are found in your luggage or baggage

Passengers often carry “prohibited” goods, not doing so intentionally, but simply without thoroughly knowing the flight rules. If airport security staff found prohibited items in your hand luggage or checked baggage, but you don’t want to lose them, the situation should be resolved in the following ways.

  1. If prohibited items are found before check-in: give them to mourners, put them in a storage room, or send them by mail (there is a branch at every airport) to the right place.
  2. If prohibited items are found after the check-in procedure, the airline staff will offer a couple of options to resolve the misunderstanding: complete confiscation of the “prohibited” items or temporary seizure with the opportunity to pick up the items after return. Make sure that a document is drawn up for items that are valuable to you, but are prohibited from being carried, according to which you can get them back.

In any case, try to prove to the security service that this item is dear to you - there is always a chance that the Security Service officers will meet you halfway.

All baggage carried by the passenger, including hand luggage, as well as items carried in excess of the established free baggage allowance and without charging a fee, must be presented at check-in for the flight, which is due to flight safety requirements.

The passenger's baggage, which the airline accepts for transportation under its responsibility for its safety, is marked with a baggage tag and is transported in the baggage compartment of the aircraft, is called checked baggage.

Dear passengers, please note that the free baggage and hand luggage allowances depend on the class of service. If hand luggage exceeds the established standards in terms of number of pieces (for flights numbered SU 6001-6999), weight or the sum of three dimensions, the passenger must check in hand luggage as checked baggage.

If, as a result, the free baggage allowance indicated on the ticket is exceeded, an additional payment must be made in accordance with the excess baggage rates.

At the boarding gate, passengers' carry-on luggage is additionally checked for compliance with size and weight standards using special measuring instruments, as well as for the number of seats (for flights numbered SU 6001-6999).

To make the flight as comfortable as possible for you and other passengers, we recommend taking light and compact hand luggage and carrying only the most necessary items. This is especially true during the winter season when many people travel with winter coats and a lot of luggage.

To place things in the passenger compartment, there is a luggage rack and a special place under the seat in front. On board the aircraft, please follow the instructions of the crew regarding placing large hand luggage (close in size to the maximum baggage allowance) on the overhead bins, and smaller pieces of hand luggage under the seat in front. Please note that the use of underseat space in row seats emergency exits during takeoff and landing of the aircraft is not permitted.

In order to comply with security requirements, hand luggage that does not exceed the baggage allowance established by the carrier, if it is not possible to place it in the passenger cabin, may be transferred by airline personnel to the luggage compartment for transportation as baggage without charging an additional fee.

Baggage allowance

Rossiya Airlines JSC has various rules and regulations for the carriage of baggage and hand luggage, depending on the flight numbering, which you can familiarize yourself with using the attached links:

In addition to the established carry-on baggage allowance and without charging an additional fee, one passenger is allowed to carry the following items:

backpack*/handbag/men's briefcase with items included outerwear
bouquet of flowers suit in a suitcase
baby food for feeding your baby during the flight
baby carrier**
crutches, canes, walkers, rollators, folding wheelchair,
removable prosthetic limbs (arms, legs)***,
by prior agreement,
medical equipment for life support of passengers in flight***
medications, special dietary needs required during the flight

one sealed grocery bag Duty Free with dimensions not exceeding 115 cm in the sum of three dimensions

* The weight of the backpack should not exceed 5 kg, the dimensions of the sum of three dimensions should not exceed 80 cm.

** Devices for carrying children include: a cradle, restraint systems (devices) for children under two years of age, a folding stroller with dimensions of no more than 50x42x20 cm when transporting a child, which can be safely placed in the aircraft cabin on a shelf above the passenger seat, or under the seat of the front passenger seat. As a restraint device and if there is a separate paid seat for a child, a portable child seat certified for use in air transport, equipped with seat belts, can be carried on a passenger seat.

*** The specified items must have dimensions that allow them to be safely placed in the aircraft cabin. A folding wheelchair is carried in the aircraft cabin if there is space for its safe placement, otherwise it is checked in as baggage without charging an additional fee.

The possibility of carrying hand luggage and items carried in excess of the established norm without charging an additional fee is not provided for children under 2 years of age without the provision of a separate seat.

Scooters, skateboards and roller skates are not allowed in the aircraft cabin and are checked in only as checked baggage.

Permitted to be carried on board an aircraft

The following items and substances, subject to the required conditions:

in checked baggage in cargo and baggage compartments of an aircraft, with isolated passenger access to baggage during the flight
in things carried by passengers
  • medical thermometer, not containing mercury - one per passenger;
  • mercury tonometer in a standard case - one per passenger;
  • a mercury barometer or manometer, packed in a sealed container and sealed with the sender's seal;
  • disposable lighters - one per passenger;
  • dry ice for cooling perishable foods - no more than 2 kg per passenger;
  • 3% hydrogen peroxide - no more than 100 ml per passenger;
  • liquids, gels and aerosols classified as non-hazardous: in containers with a capacity of no more than 100 ml (or equivalent capacity in other units of volume measurement), packed in a securely closed transparent plastic bag with a volume of no more than 1 liter - one bag per passenger.

    Liquids in containers with a capacity of more than 100 ml are not accepted for transportation even if the container is only partially filled, with the exception of:

    Medicines, special dietary products, baby food, including breast milk, in the amount necessary for the duration of the flight;

    Medicines containing narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, in the presence of documents provided for by international treaties Russian Federation, including acts constituting the law of the Eurasian Economic Union, and (or) the legislation of the Russian Federation, confirming the prescription of the specified medications to the passenger, indicating their name and quantity, in the amount required for the duration of the flight;

    Biological materials if the passenger has documents provided for by international treaties of the Russian Federation, including acts constituting the law of the Eurasian Economic Union, and (or) the legislation of the Russian Federation establishing the Procedure for the transportation of biological materials.

    Liquids purchased from duty-free shops at the airport or on board an aircraft must be packaged in a securely sealed plastic bag that allows for identification of access to the contents of the bag during the flight on which there is reliable evidence that the purchase was made at the airport. duty free shops or on board the aircraft on the day(s) of travel.

The airline and airport administration have the right to decide to introduce additional measures to ensure aviation security on high-risk flights, and as a result prohibit the transportation of the following items in the aircraft cabin:

  • hypodermic needles (unless medical justification is provided);

    knitting needles;

    scissors with a blade length of less than 60 mm;

    folding (without lock) travel and pocket knives with a blade length of less than 60 mm;

    mercury tonometers;

    barometers or mercury manometers.

Additional restrictions when traveling to/from European Union countries

Items that, for security reasons, are prohibited from being carried in the passenger cabin of an aircraft and are prohibited from being carried into a secured restricted access area:

  • pistols, firearms and other devices that can fire a bullet and are intended to cause serious bodily injury by the bullet, or that can be mistaken for such devices, including:

    All types of firearms, including pistols, revolvers, rifles and shotguns;

    Toy pistols, dummies and imitation small arms that can be mistaken for real weapons;

    Components of small arms, with the exception of telescopic sights;

    Air rifles with compressed air and carbon dioxide cartridges, including pistols, pellet guns, rifles and pellet guns;

    Flare guns and starting pistols;

    Bows, crossbows and arrows;

    Harpoon guns and spearguns;

    Slingshots and slings;

  • shock devices specifically designed to produce shock or paralysis, including:

    Shock weapons, such as pistols and shock batons;

    Animal shock devices and animal killing devices;

    Incapacitating and paralyzing chemicals, gases and sprays such as mace gas, pepper spray, acid sprays, animal repellent sprays, tear gas;

  • objects with a pointed end or sharp edge that can be used to cause serious injury, including:

    Items intended for chopping, such as axes, cutters and cleavers;

    Ice hatchets and ice axes;

    Razor blades and knives for cutting cardboard;

    Knives with a blade length of more than 6 cm;

    Scissors with blades longer than 6 cm, measured from the center of the hinge;

    Accessories for hand-to-hand combat with pointed ends or pointed edges;

    Swords and sabers;

  • work tools that can be used either to cause serious bodily injury or to endanger the safety of an aircraft, including:


    Drills and drill bits, including cordless portable electric drills;

    Tools with blades or rods longer than 6 cm that can be used as weapons, such as screwdrivers and chisels;

    Saws, including cordless portable electric saws;


    “guns” for fastening and driving nails;

  • objects with blunt ends that can strike and cause serious injury, including:

    Baseball and softball bats;

    Various types of police batons such as hard, flexible and weighted batons with a light;

    Means of hand-to-hand combat;

  • Explosives and incendiary substances and devices that can be used to cause serious injury or endanger the safety of an aircraft, including:


    Detonator caps;

    Detonators and fuses;

    Dummy or imitation explosive devices;

    Smoke bombs or cartridges;

Passengers are prohibited from carrying explosives or incendiary substances or devices in checked baggage that could be used to cause serious bodily injury or endanger the safety of the aircraft, including:


    blasting caps;

    detonators and fuses;

    mines, grenades and other explosive devices for military purposes;

    pyrotechnics, including pyrotechnic products for fireworks;

    smoke bombs or cartridges;

    dynamite, gunpowder and plastic explosives.

Rules for transporting lithium batteries

It is allowed to carry batteries built-in/installed in the equipment in hand luggage and luggage:

Lithium-ion batteries with power density up to 100 Wh* (Cell phones, video cameras, watches, portable music players, laptops, portable medical devices). Measures must be taken to prevent their spontaneous activation. A maximum of two spare lithium metal batteries per passenger is permitted. Spare batteries must be separately protected to prevent short circuits. Carrying spare batteries not inserted into the equipment in luggage is prohibited.

It is allowed to carry batteries in hand luggage and luggage that are built-in/installed in equipment with the permission of the airline:

Lithium-ion batteries with a power density of 100-160 Wh*(extended life laptops, professional audio and video equipment, portable medical devices) Measures must be taken to prevent their spontaneous activation. A maximum of two spare lithium metal batteries per passenger is permitted. Spare batteries must be separately protected to prevent short circuits. Carrying spare batteries not inserted into the equipment in luggage is prohibited.

It is prohibited to be transported in hand luggage and baggage and must be presented for transportation as “dangerous cargo”:

Lithium-ion batteries with a power density of more than 160 Wh*(industrial equipment included in some electric and hybrid vehicles, mobile devices and mopeds) in accordance with the Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (DOC 9284 AN\905).

Exception constitute wheelchairs or similar mobility aids powered by lithium-ion batteries for use by passengers with disabilities.

When carried in checked baggage:
The battery terminals must be protected from short circuits,
The battery must be securely fastened in vehicle,
electrical circuits must be isolated.

If it is possible to remove the battery, then:
the battery must be removed,
The battery must be protected from short circuit by insulating the terminal,
removed batteries must be protected from damage (placed in protective packaging),
batteries must be carried in the passenger compartment,
The battery power should not exceed 300Wh*.

You are only allowed to carry one spare battery with a capacity not exceeding 300Wh*, or two spare batteries each not exceeding a capacity of 160Wh*.

Electronic devices powered by lithium batteries should be completely turned off (not in standby or low power mode) and placed in protective packaging to prevent inadvertent activation or damage. Suitable protection may be provided in the form of a hard case and/or cushioning material such as clothing to prevent movement.

Transportation of small personal mobility aids powered by lithium batteries

Such means include:


    Segways (mini Segways)



    electric scooters

Transportation of such equipment is possible only as checked baggage, provided that the small vehicle does not contain a lithium battery. A lithium battery removed from a vehicle is allowed to be carried in hand luggage, provided that the battery power does not exceed the established standard - 160 Wh (Wh, W/h)*.

A small device with a built-in lithium battery can be transported when registered as “dangerous cargo” through the airport cargo terminal.

Rules for the carriage of portable electronic smoking devices on flights of Rossiya Airlines JSC

Devices of this type are carried by passengers in hand luggage or on their person, subject to the following conditions:

1) spare batteries must be individually protected to prevent short circuits (by being placed in the original sales packaging or by another method of insulating the terminals);

2) Each battery must not exceed the following parameters:

a) lithium metal batteries contain 2 g of lithium;

b) specific power of lithium ion batteries 100 Wh*;

3) charging devices and/or batteries on board the aircraft is prohibited

4) the use of devices on board the aircraft is prohibited

*1 Wh = 1 V x 1 Ah
1 Ah (Ah) = 1000 mAh (mAh)

Rules for the transportation of weapons on flights of Rossiya Airlines JSC

When booking and checking-in for flights of JSC Rossiya Airlines, the passenger must inform about the intention to transport weapons as baggage

A passenger carrying a weapon must appear for check-in no later than one and a half hours before departure.
When importing/exporting weapons to/from the territory of the Russian Federation and transporting through/through the territory of the Russian Federation, the passenger must have a permit to import/export/storage/carry weapons, issued by an authorized body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

At the airport of departure, weapons must be transferred for temporary storage for the duration of the flight and issued to the owners at the airport of destination.

At transfer transportation weapons are processed only up to the intermediate landing point.

Weapons are accepted for transportation only in an unloaded state in passenger packaging (cases, holsters, special containers, cases, cases) that meet the requirements for the safety and security of weapons. In this case, weapons and ammunition must be in separate packages.

Pneumatic devices with muzzle energy over 3 J are classified as civilian weapons (Article 3 of the Law “On Weapons”) and are transported in the manner prescribed for other weapons. When transporting pneumatic weapons with a muzzle energy of more than 7.5 J and a caliber of more than 4.5 mm, you must have permission to carry and store them (Article 13 of the Law “On Weapons”).

Electroshock devices and spark gaps of domestic production are classified as civilian weapons (Article 3 of the Law “On Weapons”) and are transported in the manner prescribed for other weapons. When transporting electric shock devices, you must have a document with you technical characteristics for verification by representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the compliance of the device’s output parameters with the established state standards of the Russian Federation. The transportation of electroshock devices manufactured outside the Russian Federation is prohibited.

Simulators of weapons (pistols, revolvers, rifles, carbines, machine guns, electroshock devices, etc.) should be transported in the cabins aircraft prohibited. Transportation of simulator weapons is allowed only in checked baggage.

The weight of transported ammunition must not exceed 5 kg (no more than 1000 pieces of ammunition) per passenger. Cartridges with a gross weight of more than 5 kg per passenger are registered as “dangerous goods” through the cargo terminal.

Ammunition with explosive and incendiary bullets, ammunition for gas weapons and mechanical sprayers, lighting cartridges, gas, aerosol cans and other devices filled with tear or irritating substances are not accepted for transportation.

Rules for the transportation of weapons for foreign citizens

Sports and hunting weapons can be imported by foreign citizens into the Russian Federation if there is an agreement on the provision of services in the field of hunting or an invitation to participate in sporting events on the basis of an appropriate permit issued by the federal executive body authorized in the field of arms trafficking, or its territorial body. The specified weapons must be removed from the Russian Federation within the time limits established by the agreement or invitation.

Foreign citizens are prohibited from importing into the Russian Federation and using on the territory of the Russian Federation all types, types and models of weapons in order to ensure personal safety, protect the life and health of other citizens, their property, escort cargo and for other purposes not specified above, unless it is provided for by separate international treaties of the Russian Federation (Federal Law “On Weapons”).

Standard conditions for determining free baggage allowance on flights Red Wings

Brand group





Weight Limit
each seat - 23 kg

Dimensions in total
3 dimensions – 158 cm

Weight Limit
seats – 23 kg

Dimensions in total
3 dimensions – 158 cm

Hand luggage

place weight 10 kg

Dimensions 55*40*20cm

place weight 5 kg

Dimensions 55*40*20cm

place weight 5 kg

Dimensions 40*30*20cm

These standard free baggage allowances apply to adults, children from 2 to 12 years old and children under 2 years old with a seat provided.

For children under 2 years of age without a separate seat, the free checked baggage allowance is 1 piece weighing no more than 10 kg and the sum of three dimensions no more than 115 cm.

On some routes, Red Wings has the right to change the standard free baggage allowance for the “Standard” and “Basic” fares up or down.

During check-in, the passenger is required to present the items he is carrying for weighing, with the exception of items that he may need during boarding, disembarking and during the flight.


On flights where Red Wings is a marketing partner, the operator's baggage rules apply.

When checking in and/or baggage check-in, the passenger is required to present for weighing all baggage intended for transportation as checked baggage.

When checking in and/or boarding, the passenger, at the request of the carrier, is required to present hand luggage for weighing, as well as a backpack, cradle, or baby stroller when transporting a child.

Procedure for applying baggage tariffs

If the baggage by the number of pieces, dimensions or the sum of three dimensions exceeds the free baggage allowance, payment for excess baggage is required according to baggage tariffs:

Cost, rubles

Exceeding the number of seats

Each additional piece in excess of the established free baggage allowance (up to 23 kg and dimensions up to 158 cm) when paid at agencies

more less than 24 hours before flight departure

Each additional piece in excess of the established free baggage allowance (up to 23 kg and dimensions up to 158 cm) when paying on the company’s website less less than 24 hours before flight departure

Each additional piece in excess of the established free baggage allowance (up to 10 kg and dimensions up to 158 cm) Payment on the website no later than 24 hours before departure

Extra piece of hand luggage

Additional piece of hand luggage weighing up to 5 kg, 55*40*20

Additional piece of baggage subject to payment at the gate at the airport

*maximum dimensions exceeding 203 cm in the sum of three dimensions require prior approval from the airline.

Group luggage

At the request of passengers traveling together for the same purpose of travel, confirmed by documents (numbers of itinerary receipts follow one after another or tickets purchased from the same agency on the same day), to the same airport (point) of destination or airport (point) of stop at the same and on the same flight (family members, people traveling together or going on a business trip), and when such passengers enter into contracts for air carriage of passengers that provide for free baggage allowance, Red Wings applies the combined free baggage allowance to these passengers.

In the event that passengers traveling together for the same purpose to travel to the same airport (point) of destination or airport (point) of stop on the same flight (family members, persons traveling together or going on a business trip), contracts for the air carriage of passengers that do not provide for free baggage allowance, and provided that such passengers pay for baggage according to the baggage tariff established by the carrier, the carrier is obliged, at the request of passengers, to combine the weight of baggage provided for baggage tariff. The weight of one piece of combined baggage must not exceed thirty kilograms and is accepted for transportation without charging an additional fee.

If the weight of one piece of combined baggage exceeds 30 kilograms or the dimensions of 158 cm, payment for such baggage is carried out in accordance with the carrier’s rules.

Transportation of special categories of baggage

Name of special baggage category

Conditions of carriage

Skis in a case, snowboards and poles, boots, helmets, goggles, special clothing per piece of equipment weighing no more than 23 kilograms per passenger (the size norm for three dimensions is ignored).

Transported free of charge and not included in the free baggage allowance

Other sports equipment (bicycles, golf equipment, hockey equipment and other sports equipment).

Counts as one piece and is included in the free baggage allowance.

Fishing rods, spinning rods, etc., calculated as one set weighing no more than 15 kilograms per passenger (the three-dimensional size norm is ignored).

They are carried free of charge and are not included in the free baggage allowance.

Animal in the cabin

Not included in free baggage allowance. Payment will be calculated at the rate of additional space in excess of the established norm free luggage, regardless of the total number of seats

In some cases, as an exception, with the prior consent of Red Wings, items of greater weight and dimensions may be accepted for transportation as baggage. This takes into account the main characteristics of the aircraft: type, commercial load, volume of cargo compartments, dimensions of loading hatches, doors.

The passenger is not recommended to include fragile and perishable items, banknotes, jewelry, precious metals, securities and other valuables, business documents, keys and other similar items in his checked baggage.

In addition to the established free baggage allowance, strollers weighing up to 12 kg are accepted. for one child. At the request of the passenger, a baby stroller can be accepted under the ramp when passengers board the aircraft and handed out under the ramp when passengers disembark from the aircraft.

In accordance with clause 135 of FAP-82, the following are allowed to be carried in the aircraft cabin:

  • a backpack or handbag, or a briefcase with things placed in a backpack, or a bag, or a briefcase, dimensions 40x30x20cm, maximum weight 3kg;
  • bouquet of flowers;
  • outerwear;
  • baby food for the child during the flight;
  • suit in a suitcase;
  • device for carrying a child (baby cradle, restraint systems (devices) for children under two years of age;
  • medications, special dietary needs in the amount required for the duration of the flight;
  • crutches, canes;
  • goods purchased in duty-free shops at the airport, packed in a sealed plastic bag, with dimensions no more than 40x30x20cm, maximum weight 2 kg.

*these items are not presented for weighing, are not subject to registration, are not marked with tags and are transported in the aircraft cabin.

The airline has the right to establish exceptions to the free baggage allowance/baggage/carry-on baggage allowance for certain destinations/flights/fare groups/categories of passengers

Liquids in hand luggage

Currently, at airports located on the territory of the Russian Federation, there are restrictions on the transportation of liquids, gels and aerosols in passenger hand luggage.

This restriction applies to: water and other drinks, soups, syrups; creams, lotions and oils; perfume; sprays; gels, including hair and shower gels; contents of cans, including shaving foam, other foams and deodorants; pastes, including toothpastes; mixtures of liquid and solid substances; mascara; any other similar substances.

Passengers are only allowed to bring small quantities of the substances listed above on board the aircraft, but only if they are packaged in containers that do not exceed 100 ml. In this case, these containers must be placed in a transparent plastic bag with a volume of no more than 1 liter, and each passenger is allowed to carry only one such bag as hand luggage. These bags can be brought with you from home, but they must be equipped with a special “zipper” (see attached poster below).

In larger quantities than indicated, you are allowed to carry in hand luggage only:

  • baby food needed by the child during the flight;
  • medications necessary during the flight (however, when going through security, be prepared to be asked to prove the need for these items and substances during the flight);
  • Items that do not meet these requirements must be left at the airport in a storage room.

Transportation of animals

On charter and regular flights, Red Wings Airlines transports small pets in the passenger cabins of the aircraft, with a total weight of no more than 8 kg with a container whose dimensions should not exceed 115 cm in the sum of three parameters. The animal can only be transported in a carrier bag or container with air access. In this case, the animal must be able to stand up to its full height. During the flight, you must not open the container or bag and take out your pet.

Containers (cages) must meet the following requirements:

  • Rigid frame (soft carrying is not allowed!) with air access;
  • Strong lock;
  • The dimensions of the container must be sufficient for the animal to stand up to its full height and turn around;
  • The bottom of the container (cage) must be waterproof and covered with absorbent material;
  • There should be a border around the perimeter of the bottom to prevent spillage of absorbent material;
  • Bird cages should be covered with thick, light-proof fabric.

The following pets can be carried as baggage and hand luggage on Red Wings aircraft: dogs, cats, birds. Any other animals are not accepted for transportation in checked baggage or hand luggage and can be transported as cargo.

The passenger is obliged to inform the airline or an authorized agent about the transportation of an animal when making a reservation for transportation or purchasing a passenger ticket no later than 48 hours before the start of transportation. Transportation of an animal/bird is possible only by an adult passenger (no more than 1 container/cage per passenger). The airline has the right to refuse transportation to a passenger with an animal if the transportation of the animal has not been booked and confirmed by the airline; this is necessary to ensure flight safety or prevent damage to the property of the airline or passengers.

There is an additional charge for the service.

The air temperature in the luggage and cargo compartments of some aircraft can drop to 0 degrees Celsius, the air content and pressure correspond to normal values; during transportation through the airport, as well as while waiting for loading into the aircraft and when unloading from the aircraft, the animal is in the open air. Transportation of live animals as checked baggage is carried out only with the passenger’s written consent to the transportation of a live animal/bird under the specified conditions.

Red Wings does not carry brachycephalic animals as checked baggage.

Make sure that you can provide all the necessary documents required by the legislation of the Russian Federation, international treaties and the legislation of the country to, from or through the territory of which the transportation is carried out.

The requirements of the Russian Federation regarding the transportation of animals can be found on the websites of the Office of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance, the Office of Rosselkhoznadzor for Moscow, Moscow and Tula regions, as well as by contacting veterinary control points.

Payment for transportation of animals

Transportation of animals/birds is not included in the free baggage allowance and is paid for as non-standard baggage. Payment for animals/birds transported in one container is made for each animal/bird separately.

Only guide dogs accompanying their owners on the flight are carried free of charge.

Portable electronic devices

For safety reasons air transport Portable electronic devices (PEDs) running on lithium batteries, such as laptops, tablets, smartphones, mobile phones, etc., must be completely turned off during the flight (not in standby or low-power mode).
To avoid unintentional activation or damage, PES must be placed during the flight in any protective packaging made of hard material (hard suitcases, briefcases, briefcases, trunks) or shock-absorbing material (for example, wrapped in clothing).
In order to maintain flight safety, the listed rules are mandatory for all passengers.

Prohibited from being carried on an airplane

In order to ensure flight safety, the following are not accepted for transportation as baggage, hand luggage or in items carried by the passenger:

  • Firearms, hunting cartridges, explosives, fireworks, flares.
  • Oxidized materials and organic peroxides, bleaches and fiberglass repair kits.
  • Compressed gases, butane, oxygen, propane and scuba cylinders.
  • Poisons, insect repellents, herbicides, arsenic, cyanides, infectious substances, bacteria, viruses.
  • Caustic substances, mercury, acids, alkalis, battery fluid.
  • Flammable liquids and solid materials, gasoline for lighters and stoves, paint and all types of matches.
  • Radioactive materials.

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