The population of xi'an for the year is. Xi'an Attractions

Xi'an (translated from Chinese as "the world in the West") is one of the most ancient cities in China. He is at least 3100 years old. For 13 dynasties, it was the capital. On this moment, this city is one of the most popular tourist destinations.
Consider the 10 best, in our opinion, attractions.

1. Terracotta Army Museum

One of the most important attractions not only in Xi'an, but throughout China. You can read the history of the emergence of the terracotta army (at the end of the article there is a location map), see photos.

Near the museum is the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang. At the moment, it has not been fully studied.

Of the mausoleums, one can also note the Qianling Mausoleum, which houses the graves of the Li married couple (Emperor Gaozong and Empress Wu Zetian) from the Tang Dynasty, located 80 km from the city. Built in 684. Due to the special structure of the building, the tomb was not looted, therefore it is the best preserved of the mausoleums of the Tang Dynasty.

2. Big and Small Wild Goose Pagodas

Buddhist pagodas are located in the southern part of Xi'an. Are ancient monuments architecture that is over 1200 years old. You can study their history, as well as find out how in modern China they managed to almost destroy one of them. Here.

3. Shaanxi Provincial History Museum

One of the largest historical museums in China. Built from 1983 to 2001 V architectural style Tang dynasty. It contains more than 37,000 different relics from all over the region - bronze items from the Western Zhou Dynasty (about 3000 years ago), terracotta figures, paintings, frescoes, silver and gold items discovered in tombs from the Tang Dynasty (618 - 907 AD). .) and much more. All this is located on 70,000 sq. m. in three halls:

General Exhibition Hall

This 6000 sq. m. contains more than 2000 exhibits. Divided into several parts. Each part represents its own dynasty - Zhou, Qin, Han, Wei, Jin, Sui, Tang, Yuan, Ming, Qing. The emphasis is on social development from the Stone Age to the decline of the imperial era in 1840.

local showroom

The hall contains relics that represent the province of Shaanxi. For example, there are a lot of porcelain products here, which were made in one of the kilns of the medieval province of Yaozhou (not to be confused with the area of ​​the same name) from about 618 to 1368.

Temporary exhibition hall

This hall is used mainly for temporary exhibitions. The most impressive exhibits are frescoes from the tomb of the Tang Dynasty. The frescoes are of great importance for the study of the social life and great culture of this dynasty.


4. ancient city wall

Xi'an was originally a walled city. Even now the city is divided into inner and outer parts. The South and North gates are the entrance to the city center, and the city itself is neatly located along the city wall.

The wall was built in the 14th century. during the Ming Dynasty, Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang to consolidate power in the region. It was built from hard-packed materials: earth, quicklime, and glutinous rice. The wall was later enclosed with bricks.

A deep and wide ditch with water was made along the wall. Access to the city across the moat is provided by a drawbridge.

Wall dimensions: height - 12 m, thickness 15 - 18 m, length 13.7 km. Flanking towers were built every 120 meters, which allowed the defending soldiers to see and destroy enemies making their way to the wall.

If you want to visit the ancient wall, we recommend doing it by bike. They are rented there for about 40 yuan for 90 minutes.


5. Drum and Bell towers

They are located in the very center of the city. Xi'an. Both towers were built at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, the Drum Tower in 1380, the Bell Tower in 1384, however, in 1582 it was demolished and rebuilt.

bell tower

View from the Bell Tower


The bell tower has a height of 36 m, stands on a base of green brick, 8 m high, with an area of ​​about 1377 square meters. m. An iron bell, cast during the Ming Dynasty, hangs on the tower. The ringing of a bell (currently a sound recording) will mark the beginning of the day.

drum tower


The two-storied Drum Tower with a three-tiered roof has a height of 34 m and also stands on a brick pedestal. Drums in different eras served to alert at the end of the day, curfew and the beginning of the war. The drums themselves also have tourist value - they are decorated with hieroglyphs that bring good luck. There is also a drum museum in the tower.

In the north of the square, near the Drum Tower, there is a Muslim quarter, which has also become one of the sights of the city district. More than 1000 years ago, Xi'an was one of the starting points at the beginning of the Great Silk Road. People from Muslim countries went to this city to do business. This is how the Muslim quarter was formed, which is famous for its excellent restaurants and ancient architectural structures, including the Great Mosque of Xi'an.

This mosque was built in the 14th century. Its design combines Chinese and Islamic styles. It is the only mosque in China where visitors are allowed (except for the main hall).

6. Mount Huashan

This place is suitable for lovers of nature and extreme tourism. Huashan is one of the five sacred Taoist mountains in China. It translates as "Flower-Mountain" (Hua - flower, shan - mountain).

Many Taoist temples and engraved scriptures can be found on Huashan. Although the rocks of this mountain are picturesque, it is one of the most dangerous mountains in the world. Average Height– 2 km above sea level.

7. Stele Museum

The inscriptions on the slabs (steles) were very popular throughout the history of China. There is a 31,000 sq. m. museum in the Beilin area. m. with the name "Forest of Steles" or " stone forest”, which contains steles from different Chinese eras. There are stone stelae that are more than 2000 years old with different writings, such as the Book of Changes, writings of Confucius, etc., stelae from the Tang Dynasty.


8. Banpo Museum

9.Daxingshan Buddhist Monastery

This ancient monastery was built in 268, during the Western Jin Dynasty. Around the 840s, it was destroyed, and in 1725 it was rebuilt and restored. The last reconstructions were carried out in 1956 and 1983.


10. Daming Palace

The original Daming Palace was built in the early 600s AD by Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty. Unfortunately, the palace has not stood still to this day, because it was destroyed in one of the wars.
The Chinese authorities decided to restore the palace and in 2010 its exact copy was built, which is shopping mall and museum park. In the park you can observe various archaeological finds and copies of buildings of those years.

The uniqueness of Chinese history and cultural traditions gave impetus to the development of civilizational processes. Naturally, today, in the general mass, only beautiful stories and legends are remembered, they appreciate folk craft and creativity, they are surprised by architectural sights. At the same time, behind the wonderful legacy is the confrontation and assertion of the rights and positions of the strongest. All this can be seen in the city of Xi'an

China is famous for its developed service sector, where even the smallest resort provides a wide range of recreation and entertainment services.

Location Xi'an

Xi'an China is considered to be one of the cultural gems of China. This is facilitated by a unique location. The Weihe River vividly illustrates the philosophy of Chinese culture about being and human life, and the Guanzhong Plain is not just a place on the map, but a symbol of fertility and wealth. From a geographical point of view, the city is located in the Northwestern part of China and has a well-developed transport infrastructure.

One can only marvel at the wisdom of the founders of the city, who managed to choose a place with a climate zone where the average annual temperature never drops below 0 degrees. At the same time, even on the hottest days, the temperature rarely rises above 30 degrees. The temperate and mild climate is fully consistent with the usual resort.

Cultural landmarks of Xi'an

Going to tourist trip in Xi'an, China, it should be remembered that the city has a long history and has long been the capital of the northern principalities.

One can only note with surprise that Xi'an is not the most Big city, with a population of just over 7 million. However, on its territory are the most famous cultural and architectural artifacts in the world.

Anyone who intends not just to see and be surprised, but to plunge into the world of legends, enmity, war, betrayal, deeds and love, should have enough time to come to Xi'an. The sights of this city not only captivate, but make you look at world history completely different eyes, the eyes of a person who has learned the truth about one of the centers of world civilization.

Wise is the traveler who prepares for his adventures. Naturally, if you write the desired phrase in the search engine: "China, Xi'an, sights", then a large list of presentations and links will be generated. However, the most famous among them is the Terracotta Army. The study of this monumental monument is shrouded in secrets and beliefs, which have become the basis for documentaries and feature films. There are many explanations in the scientific world for which such an almost ten thousandth army was created, but only those that confirm the legends seem the most incredible and plausible.

At the same time, the sights of Xi'an, China are not limited to this cultural monument. Here are also located famous objects How:

  • Small Wild Goose Pagoda;
  • Big Wild Goose Pagoda;
  • Bell tower;
  • City wall of the Ming Dynasty;
  • Museum "Forest Steles";
  • Hot springs of Huaqingchi.

Each of these memorable places has a unique history not only of its creation, but also of participation in the formation and development of China as a whole. In addition to the beautiful design and decoration, they can be seen as an eternal book of the history of the Chinese people, their traditions and cultural heritage.

It is for this reason that it is considered that the most best resort China - Xi'an. After all, a good location, a wonderful climate, the availability of modern and comfortable service, combined with a large number of cultural monuments, make the rest not only useful, from the point of view of recovery, but also informative, exciting in terms of obtaining absolutely new and previously unexplored information about China.

Xian (Xi "an)- a city in central China, the administrative center of Shaanxi Province. The population of the urban agglomeration is 8,252,000 people (2000).

Xi'an is one of the most significant historical and cultural centers China, was the capital of 13 dynasties: Western Zhou (1046-771 BC), Qin (221-206 BC), Western Han (206 BC - 25 AD), Xin Mang (8-23), Western Jin (265-316), Early Zhao (319-329), Early Qin (352-394), Xia (407-431), Later Qin ( 352-394), Western Wei (535-557), Northern Zhou (557-581), Sui (581-618) and Tang (618-907).

Dynastic capitals were usually located in different places at a small distance from the center of modern Xi'an.

The city of Xi'an was the destination of trade caravans that traveled along the Great Silk Road to China. The old name of the city is Chang'an.

Currently, Xi'an is one of the most attractive tourist destinations in China, mainly due to the discovery of the Terracotta Warrior Army, on one of the eastern outskirts of the city.


The city wall is well preserved from medieval times, during the Ming Dynasty the wall was reconstructed. The upper surface of the wall is a wide, level road, for which it is recommended to rent a bicycle.

Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang- The ruler of the kingdom of Qin (since 246 BC), who put an end to the centuries-old era of the Warring States. By 221 BC. e. he established sole rule over the entire territory of Inner China and went down in history as the ruler of the first centralized Chinese state. The Qin dynasty he founded was overthrown a few years after his death.

Terracotta Army- this is a burial place of more than 8 thousand full-size terracotta statues of Chinese warriors and their horses, discovered in 1974 near the tomb of the Chinese emperor Qin Shi Huang near the city of Xi'an (40 km to the east). Terracotta statues were buried together with the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty - Qin Shi Huang in 210-209. BC e. They were discovered in March 1974 by local farmers while drilling an artesian well east of Mount Lishan. The first stage of excavations took place from 1978 to 1984. The second - from 1985 to 1986. On June 13, 2009, the third stage of excavations began.

Grand Mosque of Xi'an- the first mosque in Inner China, built by visiting Arabs during the reign of Emperor Xuanzong (Tang Dynasty). Currently, the area of ​​the mosque exceeds 12,000 square meters. m. The peculiarity of the mosque is its Chinese architecture with some Islamic elements.

Muslim quarter around the Grand Mosque. On the narrow streets to the north and west of the mosque there are ancient clay houses, sesame oil factories, small mosques - a picture of the real Muslim East. Of interest are Nanyuan Men, Huajue Xiang and Damaishi Jie Streets, heading north from Xi Dajie West Street through a Muslim-style food market.

Big Wild Goose Pagoda(Dàyàn Tǎ) is a brick pagoda in Chang'an during its time as the capital of the Tang Dynasty. It was built under the influence of Indian architecture in 652 and originally consisted of five tiers, on which were placed Buddhist statues and relics collected during his travels by Xuanzan. In 704, Empress Wu ordered five more tiers to be built on the pagoda. The three upper tiers were badly damaged during the medieval wars and had to be demolished. Currently, the pagoda is seven-tiered, rises to a height of 64 meters; from the top tier offers a beautiful view of the ancient city.

around the pagoda Buddhist monastery with a large park, there is a monument to Xuanzang in the park, the park is decorated with monuments of outstanding Chinese poets, thinkers, artists, scientists.

Spread out nearby Temple of Mother's Love(589, rebuilt 647).

Small Wild Goose Pagoda(Xiǎoyàn Tǎ) is the largest monument of Chinese architecture built of brick in Chang'an at the time when it was the capital of the Tang Dynasty. It was built to house Buddhist manuscripts of Indian origin by order of the young emperor Gaozong in 707-709. The pagoda has been struck by lightning several times and has survived several earthquakes. During the Great Earthquake of 1556, the 45-meter structure sunk two meters into the ground; in this form it has come down to our days.

The fact that the pagoda did not collapse during several earthquakes is considered a miracle, and mystical properties are attributed to the pagoda. Modern soil research has shown that the pagoda stands on a round stone block, which is placed in soft rocks. At the time of the earthquake, the block deviates to the side, like a roly-poly, and then returns to its original position.

Around the small pagoda is located big park with several Buddhist temples, as well as the largest singing fountain in China. In the depths of the park is the Xian Museum with numerous exhibits about the history of the city and the dynasties of Chinese history.

Temple of the City God(Cheng Huang Miao) is an ancient style wooden building with a blue tile roof. The temple is not used for its intended purpose - now there is a warehouse, but it has a certain charm. The temple is located a 10-minute walk west of the Drum Tower, at the end of a long covered market that runs north of Xidajie.

stone forest(Bēilín) is the name of a museum in Xi'an that contains a collection of stelae erected in Chang'an (the predecessor of Xi'an) during various periods of Chinese history. The most significant monuments from a historical point of view belong to the era of the Tang Dynasty. Many were affected during the Great China Earthquake. Among the most valuable exhibits are the reliefs that once adorned the walls of the mausoleum of Emperor Taizong, and the Nestorian stele of 781, reporting on the missionary successes of the Assyrian Church of the East in Tang China.

Neolithic Banpo Village- an archaeological site discovered in 1953 in the Yellow River valley east of the city of Xi'an. The remains of several well-organized Neolithic settlements dating back to about 4500 BC have been found here. The excavation area covers about 5 hectares; around it in ancient times a moat (possibly defensive) 5-6 meters wide was built. The houses were round, built of mud and timber, with overhanging steep thatched roofs. The foundations were low. There were communal cemeteries located outside the moat. Many houses were semi-underground, the floor was a meter below ground level. The houses were supported by wooden piles.

Huashan(Huashān) - one of the five Sacred Mountains Taoism in China, is located in Shaanxi Province near county town Huayin (station on railway Xi'an - Luoyang). The mountain is famous for its exquisite picturesque cliffs and a difficult and dangerous climb to the top. The mountain path connects many peaks up to the highest 2100 m, this is a unique mountain route. Along the way, there are numerous Taoist monasteries, pagodas, temples, gates and bridges.

Last changes: 17.11.2009

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Xian, which means " Western world", located in the center of the eastern part of China, on the tributary of the Yellow River - the Wei River, which feeds the fertile soils of the famous Guanzhong Plain - one of the oldest centers of Chinese civilization. It was here that early feudal principalities arose about three millennia ago, united at the end of the 3rd century BC. Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of China. The tyrant emperor created a powerful state, for which he still enjoys respect in the country. Mao Zedong considered him his idol and called him the "First of the Great", "Divine Qin".

Xi'an city (ancient name Chang An is the capital of Shaanxi Province and one of the four ancient capitals of China. The city is located in the central part of the country at an altitude of 424 m above sea level, has an area of ​​1964 sq. km (together with the suburbs - 9983 sq. km), the climate is continental, the average annual temperature is 15ºC. The "greater Xi'an" includes 8 districts, 5 counties, 120 villages, 56 towns, 3154 administrative villages.

In July 1992, by decision of the State Council (Government) of the People's Republic of China, Xian was granted the status open city. Now 4 million people live here (together with the suburbs - 6.95 million people), the population density is 2037 people / sq. km. About 99% of the population is ethnic Chinese (Han), of the representatives of other nationalities, a significant part is Dungans (Hui).

Xi'an occupies a special place in the country. If Beijing is the center of all state life, the bureaucratic capital of the state, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Xianggang (Hong Kong) are the gates open to the outside world, then Xi'an is like an internal look turned to the history of the country, to its roots and origins. The famous "Silk Road" began here. From here, in the middle of the 7th century, Buddhism began to spread in China.

The history of the city has more than 3 thousand years. For 1100 years, this city was the imperial capital of 11 dynasties. During the reign of the Tang Dynasty (6th-10th centuries AD), it was one of the largest and richest cities in the world. In the 1970s, in the burial place of the first Chinese emperor Qin Shi Huang (3rd century BC) near Xian, archaeologists found the now world-famous terracotta warriors - now they have become one of the main attractions not only of the city, but of all of China.

Local bowels are rich in resources. More than 60 mineral deposits (of which 12 are large) are being developed in the Xi'an region. Among them, iron, manganese, chromium, copper, gold, tungsten, jade, marble, quartz, and graphite predominate.

The most developed are the machine-building, instrument-making, electronic, textile, light and aircraft industries. Xi'an is one of China's most important centers for the production of electrical equipment, aircraft, textiles, and electronics. On the territory of "greater Xi'an" there are four "development zones", two of which are at the national level. The city has an extensive transport network: in 2001, more than 66 million people and 42 million tons of cargo were transported. Domestic tourism is well developed: in 2001, the city was visited by 17.5 million people, the number of tourists from abroad is growing; there are 1,200 hotels designed for 200,000 people.

Main agricultural products: cereals, cotton, oils, vegetables, fruits, meat. In 2001, there was a decline in agricultural production, which was largely due to unfavorable weather conditions.

  • You can spend hours wandering through the galleries Historical Museum Shaanxi Province(Shanxi Lishi Bowuguan) , is one of the first museums in China with modern equipment. In halls over 50,000 sq. meters, over 300 exhibits from the Neolithic to the Qing era are presented. There are also 40 frescoes from the tombs of the Tang era.
    Built in classic chinese style, this huge museum complex was opened recently, in 1992, and is now one of the main attractions of Xi'an. The complete collection of the museum vividly reflects the ancient history of China from primitive society to the Tang Dynasty. The museum's collection is displayed in chronological order. The first floor tells about prehistoric China and the early dynasties, starting from the Neolithic sites of Lintong (Lintong) and Banpo (Banpo), 7000 - 5000 years ago, and to the early dynasties - Shang, Zhou, Qin. Particularly impressive are the huge cauldrons and other kitchen utensils from this era. Here are four terracotta warriors from the army of Emperor Qin Shihuang, Qin Dynasty. The second floor is dedicated to the Han, Western Wei, Northern Zhou dynasties. Among the interesting exhibits are bronze lamps in the shape of geese. The third floor houses artifacts from the Sui, Tang, Ming and Qing dynasties. Ceramics of these periods are beautiful: terracotta horses and camels exquisitely decorated with carvings, ceramics with pale green glaze - misi, Buddhist statues of the Tang Dynasty.
  • Museum of Terracotta Warriors of the First Emperor Qin Shi Huang and Horses. The museum is 1.5 km away from the Mausoleum of the First Emperor Qin Shi Huang. The 14,629 square meter pit was dug in 1975. The 6,000 life-size terracotta warriors and horses are hailed as "the eighth wonder of the world." Pit bronze swords, crossbows and other weapons have been found, all well preserved.
    The ancient nobles believed that life continues after death. According to legend, Emperor Qin Shi Huang began to build his own tomb from the moment he came to the throne, when he was 13 years old. Opened today to the general public, the burial of the army of terracotta warriors and Binmayun horses is only part of what is hidden deep underground. The menacingly frozen armada of troops amazes with its color: different faces, with moods and feelings displayed on them, hairstyles, figures.
  • One of the sights of the city is city ​​wall - Ming Wall. A picturesque panorama of the old city opens from the wall with a view of the bell tower and the Drum Tower. Built during the Tang Dynasty when the city was the capital, the wall is the only surviving city wall in existence in China. The rectangular wall is 11.9 kilometers long, 12 meters high, 12-14 meters wide at the top, and 15-18 meters wide at the base. There are 5,894 loopholes along the outer wall alone. There are 4 watchtowers at the corners of the wall. Each of the 4 sides has a gate. At the top of the gate are the main towers and fire towers. A moat protects the perimeter.
  • Exactly in the center of Xi'an, in the center of the Old City inside the old city walls, rises a gigantic Bell Tower (Zhonglou). Four main streets of the city start from it: Bei (Bei Dajie, North), Nan (Nan Dajie, South), Dong (Dong Dajie, East) and Xi (Xi Dajie). The original tower was built in the 14th century but was rebuilt in 1739. Previously, a huge bell on the tower measured time with its strokes. The entrance to the tower is on the north side through underground crossing. Upstairs now exhibits a collection of wax figures of the Chang'an, Qin, Han and Tang dynasties.
  • Drum Tower (Gulou) much smaller in size than its sister, located to the west of it and serves as a kind of indicator of the beginning of the Muslim quarter of the Old City (next to the tower is the Great City Mosque). North of the Drum Tower is Beiyuanmen Street, an interesting old street filled with artisan shops, shops and restaurants.
  • Grand Mosque of Xi'an- one of the 4 largest mosques in China. Built in the 18th century, it features Chinese architectural style and is surrounded by gardens and parks. You can go to the courtyard of the mosque, but to visit the prayer hall, you need to be a Muslim. The mosque is one of the evidence that the great Silk Road passed through the city of Xi'an.
  • Temple of Confucius. Once the museum was the temple of Confucius, today there is a large interesting exposition dedicated mainly to the history of the Great Silk Road. Among the unique exhibits - Les Stell, the heaviest collection of books in the world - 2300 large stone books in the form of inscriptions on steles, the earliest dating back to the Han Dynasty. Among the books there is one Christian - Nestorian Daiqin stele with a small cross at the top. It was erected in 781 AD. to commemorate the opening of the first Nestorian church in Chang'an. The stele describes in Syrian and Chinese inscriptions the arrival at the imperial court of a Nestorian teacher from Syria, Rabanus, in 635. Raban arrived along the Silk Road and presented the emperor with a set of Christian scriptures, which was then translated into Chinese. The emperor, having read the translations, was impressed and ordered the construction of a monastery of this new religion for the empire in Chang'an. All the most important exhibits of Lesa Stell have signs with explanations in English. The entrance to the museum is located near the South Gate of the Old City on a side street originating from Baishulin Lu Street.
  • The Huaqing spring was known 2800 years ago. This is a favorite place of fun for the Tang emperors, who spent their time there with their concubines. The ensemble complements the picturesque garden and park complex with its numerous pavilions and temples.
  • Two Geese Pagodas (Da Yan Ta, Xiao Yan Ta).
    Big Goose Pagoda (Da Yan Ta)
    stands on the former site of the Temple of Motherly Love, in the south of Xi'an, outside the city walls. This universal sign of the city, used on all postcards and guidebooks as a hallmark of Xi'an, was built in 648 AD. by the third emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Gao Zong, in memory of his deceased mother. Initially, the pagoda consisted of five floors, then it was attached many times, rebuilt and grew. In addition to the memory of the mother, the purpose of its construction was to store Buddhist scriptures brought from India by the traveling monk Xuan Zang. He translated and edited manuscripts in 1335 volumes on Chinese. The current building of the pagoda, 64 m high, looks like a fortress. You can climb up to enjoy views of the city and surroundings.
    Little Goose Pagoda (Xiao Yan Ta) located on the grounds of Jianfu Temple. The height of the building is 43 meters, the top of the pagoda fell off during the earthquake of the 16th century. The Jianfu Temple itself was built in 684 AD. in the name of a prosperous afterlife of Emperor Gao Zong. Thus the temple and the pagoda are related to the Big Goose. Small Goose also kept Buddhist manuscripts, brought, however, by another traveler.
  • Maoling's grave. Fifteen kilometers east of Xingping County is the mausoleum of the Wadi Emperor, Liu Che (156-87 BC) of the Han Dynasty. Construction lasted 53 years. It is the largest imperial tomb of the Western Han Dynasty, with plentiful sumptuous funerary objects.
  • banpo- This place is considered the number two attraction in Xi'an, after the Terracotta Army. The oldest known agricultural settlement in China was discovered north of the Qinlingshan Mountains, near the east turn of the Yellow Yellow River. The people who lived here belong to the Yangshao culture: they lived in Banpo from 4500 BC. before 3750 BC A large covered hall was built over part of the Neolithic village, ceramics and other Neolithic artifacts were placed in the adjacent buildings. The hall stands on the site of ancient dwellings, contains the remains of 45 houses. There is also a cemetery with 250 graves. The earliest houses are half built underground, the later ones are on the ground and have a wooden roof. Some of the huts are round, some are square, but all face south. The village is surrounded by an artificial moat 300 meters long, 2 meters wide and 2 meters deep. The moat protected the inhabitants from wild animals and also served as a drain after heavy rains. Ceramic workshops were located to the east of the residential area, and a cemetery was located to the north. The inhabitants of Banpo lived by hunting, fishing and gathering, although there were already the beginnings of agriculture and the first domestic animals.
  • Tour C-002. Beijing - Xi'an - Beijing (8 days / 7 nights).

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