Asian resorts on the map. The best resorts in Asia - the top most beautiful countries in Southeast Asia

Travel agency specialists note: every year among Russian tourists The popularity of holidays in Southeast Asia is growing. The natural question is: what is attractive about such travel?

Holidays in Southeast Asia are a great opportunity to see exotic nature and unique attractions, visit sacred places and appreciate the identity of the peoples inhabiting Asian countries. The growing popularity of such countries is also facilitated by the fact that Russians can enter almost all of them without a visa.

Seasonality of holidays in Asian countries

Having decided in favor of a trip to one of the countries in Southeast Asia, decide what time of year to go. Experience shows that it is possible to travel all year round, but it is important to choose the right country.

January is favorable for holidays in India and Vietnam: at this time, the weather is usually wonderful. A trip to Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Thailand will also be successful: in January there is practically no rain in these countries.

February is great for visiting popular beach resorts in India, Vietnam, Sri Lanka and Malaysia, as well as for traveling to the Philippine Islands.

In March, a vacation in Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Indonesia, and the Philippines will make a pleasant impression. You can complement your enjoyment of the beaches, sun and warm water with a visit to ancient temples and other attractions. A holiday in China will also be successful.

April traditionally marks the peak beach season in the Philippines. In addition, in April the popularity of such a destination as Indonesia sharply increases, but in Sri Lanka at this time tourist season ends.

In May, choose a holiday in Malaysia, Indonesia or Vietnam, and you will not regret it. May is also good for a holiday in China or a trip to India.

June is the first month of summer, and it is known to be the rainiest time in almost all countries of Southeast Asia. Tourists can be recommended to visit Hainan Island, Malaysia or Vietnam.

July is the high season in Indonesia: it rains much less often this month than at other times of the year. An excellent solution would be a holiday in Malaysia and China.

In August good weather traditionally stands where two oceans meet - in Indonesia. In addition, travelers will enjoy holidays in China and Vietnam.

The dry season continues in September in Indonesia, and the weather is wonderful in Malaysia.

October is a good time to go to the beach on Hainan Island. Also this last month dry season in Indonesia, the chances of rain are starting to increase here. In November, the bright sun shines over the Hindustan Peninsula, so tourists will enjoy their holiday in India.

Tours to Goa are traditionally very popular in December. This month is ideal for trips to Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar, travel to Thailand and the Philippines.

The most popular countries among tourists in Southeast Asia

Travel agency specialists identify several Asian countries, which are the most popular among travelers. These include Thailand, India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam. Why do they attract tourists from all over the world?

The popularity of this does not decrease from year to year. tourist destination like Thailand. Here, vacationers will find clean beaches, the azure surface of the ocean, beautiful waterfalls, mysterious caves and jungle. Holidays in Thailand will appeal to both lovers of lounging on the beach and devotees active rest.

India attracts tourists from all over the world with ancient cities and temples that have preserved their splendor to this day. You will be able to visit the unique " pink city» Jaipur, see the famous Taj Mahal mausoleum and hear the melodic sounds of Indian music. Got widespread and beach holiday in India: tours to Goa, in particular, are extremely popular. Extreme excursions, Ayurveda and yoga centers, exotic flora and fauna - you will find all this in India.

Would you like to relax in places that are called paradise for tourists? Travel to the island of Sri Lanka! Situated 800 km from the equator, it amazes with its riot of colors and splendor of tropical nature, long sandy beaches and beautiful reefs. Modern ones offer tourists maximum opportunities for a comfortable stay, and numerous excursions around the island do not allow you to get bored. It is impossible not to note the breadth of opportunities for active recreation: in Sri Lanka you can go diving or surfing.

A great way to spend your holiday is to travel to the largest island country in the world - Indonesia. On the island of Java, your imagination will be amazed by the world famous Borobudur temple complex, and on the island of Komodo - national park. On the popular island of Bali, you can relax comfortably on the beach or go surfing in one of the many centers.

Would you like to relax in an exotic corner of nature, where there are several attractions vying for inclusion in new list wonders of the world? Travel to the Philippines! The beaches of this island state are currently considered the best in the world. Walking around the capital of the Philippines, Manila, you can visit the largest shopping center in Asia, and the local prices for goods and services will pleasantly surprise you. Fans of active recreation are attracted from year to year by the island of Boracay, where excellent conditions for surfing and kitesurfing are created.

Having made a trip to, you will certainly appreciate the developed tourism infrastructure. The country has numerous spa centers, massage parlors, restaurants, nightclubs and schools aquatic species sports Hotels in Vietnam these days meet the most modern ideas about a comfortable stay.

If your goal is unforgettable journey, choose Southeast Asia. These countries will give you comfortable stay, which will leave pleasant memories for a long time.

Vacation - what a wonderful word! Every working person looks forward to it with great impatience, planning in advance how to spend it in order to not only have a good rest, but also gain strength until the next one. There are many options for spending your holiday. Whatever you choose, be sure to go travel. This is the only way you will truly have a good rest, gain strength and new impressions. In addition, meeting new interesting people can encourage you to make global changes in your life.

If you want to go abroad and you are faced with the question of choosing a vacation spot, choose a vacation in Asia. This is a large number of places with their own flavor and culture.

Asia - the land of smiles

Located on the continent of Eurasia. The largest part of the world in terms of area and population, four times the area of ​​Europe. It was here that all the most ancient civilizations and all world religions arose. Asia includes 53 states. Natural features And geographical conditions contributed to the fact that the indigenous people are hardworking and patient.

Geographical features are very diverse. In Asia there are mountains: Tien Shan, Himalayas, Caucasus. The endless steppes of Mongolia, the jungles of India and Vietnam, the taiga in Siberia, and there are also volcanic places. Asia, like no other country in the world, is exposed to monsoon winds. Therefore, the humidity level here constantly fluctuates: either a huge amount of precipitation or drought. Asia is washed by three oceans: the Arctic, Pacific and Indian. The border between it and Europe runs along the foot of the Ural Mountains.

But the most amazing thing is that people live here who love to smile and generously give their joy to visiting tourists.

Interesting facts about Asia

  • In Asia there are the remains of ancient civilizations.
  • Its area is larger than the area of ​​the Moon.
  • Asia is divided into 5 parts: Central, Eastern, Northern, Southwestern, Southeast Asia.
  • The climate here is very diverse: from equatorial to arctic.
  • More than half of the world's population lives in Asia.
  • The earliest human remains have been found here.
  • In one of the Asian countries - India, the population is the same as in Central, Northern and South America, taken together.
  • The highest mountains are located here.
  • The largest country in Asia by population is China.

10 reasons to vacation in Asian countries

  1. Getting to know unique monuments architecture.
  2. The most are located right here.
  3. Good opportunity to go scuba diving.
  4. If you decide to spend your holidays in Asia, you will be able to get acquainted with the places where the most famous religions appeared: Buddhism, Christianity, Islam.
  5. Try unusual Asian dishes.
  6. Purchase highly effective cosmetic and medicinal products at relatively inexpensive prices.
  7. Many Asian countries do not require a visa for holidays.
  8. Buy various souvenirs that you will not find in other countries of the world.
  9. Get acquainted with exotic nature.
  10. Visit the largest shopping centers and purchase goods at inexpensive prices.

Asian countries for holidays

Among the huge number of countries in this part of the world, there are some that are definitely worth visiting:

  • China. Ancient civilization, full of mysteries and secrets. Great Chinese Wall, Imperial Palace, Temple of the Jade Buddha, Temple of Confucius and many other ancient attractions. China is one of the top three popular countries, chosen by tourists who are planning tours to Asia. Many people come here not only to meet ancient history and traditions, but also in order to get medical care. Modern medical advances and the knowledge of ancient healers, combined together, provide a powerful effect for the treatment of many diseases.
  • Japan. Going here, you can meet the rich Japanese culture. How were geishas trained and who were the samurai? The history of the country, its traditions, architectural monuments and an eventful holiday will make your stay in Japan unforgettable. If you don't like heat, then come here in the fall. Light coolness and a small amount of precipitation will allow you to comfortably walk around the Country rising sun and admire its sights. In addition, do not forget to try real Japanese cuisine: sushi, yakitori and, of course, the national drink of the Japanese - sake.
  • Vietnam. Here you can eat tasty and inexpensive food. You can purchase products from famous world brands at manufacturer prices, since their factories and factories are built in Vietnam.
  • India. Many of us become acquainted with this country in our early youth, when watching Indian melodramas. Judging by the films, all manifestations of emotions are transmitted here through dance. The prices are a pleasant surprise. Food, souvenirs, equipment rental are much cheaper here than in Russia. One of the most popular places in India for a holiday - this is Goa. This territory, judging by the preserved drawings on the rocks, was inhabited about 30 thousand years ago. A large number of ancient temples, diving centers for scuba diving, the sea in Asia, beautiful architectural monuments will make your vacation unforgettable. Don’t rush to conclusions if you see men holding hands in India; male friendship is just highly developed here and there is nothing reprehensible about it.

Popular resorts in Asia

  1. Bali island in Indonesia. Best vacation in Asia for parents with children and newlyweds. Swimming with dolphins, windsurfing and a variety of slides in water parks are just a few of the attractions here.
  2. India, Goa. Just to find out what the air of freedom is like, you should choose this place to relax.
  3. Sri Lanka. Here you can not only have a good rest, but also buy something popular back in the Soviet Union. ceylon tea. Travelers around the world are impressed by coral clusters and tea plantations.
  4. Maldives. Are you depressed or frustrated with life? Get here immediately. Take a minimum of things with you, you don’t even need shoes here. Walks along the shore, aromatic treatments and much more will bring back your lost peace and enjoyment of life.
  5. This resort is compared to the popular Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro, where life is an eternal carnival.
  • Dead Sea in Israel. One of the saltiest bodies of water in the world. If a fish accidentally falls into this sea, it immediately dies from the high concentration of salt.
  • Fujiyama in Japan. The height of this volcano is 3776 meters. It last erupted in 1707. To date, activity has been weak.
  • The great Wall of China. It passes through the whole of Northern China, its length is about 9,000 thousand meters.
  • Taj Mahal in India. It is protected by UNESCO and is one of the monuments admired all over the world. It is visited daily by tens of thousands of tourists choosing Asian countries for their holidays.
  • Raja Ampat Islands in Indonesia. The most beautiful islands for scuba diving. A large number of different fish and corals.
  • Temple complex in Cambodia. Its area is about 400 square kilometers. The complex includes about 2,000 temples and buildings, which from a height are very similar to the starry sky.
  • Borneo Island. Here are the largest caves in the world and a tree that bears the unusual name “walking”. Its roots grow from the middle of the trunk and are able to move underground in search of water. Thanks to unusual looking algae that grows near the shore, you can see the "red" tide.
  • Wat Pho Temple in Bangkok, Thailand. This is where Thai massage appeared. The library, which houses ancient manuscripts, will attract the interest of tourists.
  • Nha Trang, Vietnam. Here is the longest cable car. Its length is about 4,000 thousand meters.
  • in Malaysia. About 15,000 thousand people can fit here at the same time. When the sun comes through the windows of the mosque, the room is painted in blue light.

The most exotic countries in Asia

  • Malaysia. It's always summer here. You will be able to see the most rare plants and animals that are not found in any country in the world. Ancient temples, places of worship, exotic nature, a huge number of unusual sights. Just look at the names: Snake Temple, Bird Park, Orchid Garden, Butterfly Park and many others.
  • Indonesia. This country includes five large islands, including Bali, beloved by many tourists. One of the islands is shaped like a starfish. Huge coral walls will amaze diving enthusiasts. Buddhist temples and volcanic lakes, mountain rivers and singing caves. On one of the islands, an ancient tribe has survived, which lives according to its own laws and hunts animals with homemade weapons. Here children are buried in a hollow tree, and caves are cut down for adults.
  • Philippines. When choosing tours to Asia, pay attention to this country. If there is heaven on earth, then it is undoubtedly here. The sand of the beaches is white as snow and the vast ocean expanse is turquoise. underground river And active volcanoes. Here you can have a wedding in best traditions Filipino people.

What you need to do before traveling to Asian countries

  • Get acquainted with the traditions and features of the place you are traveling to.
  • When planning a vacation in Asia, do not forget to take with you a first aid kit consisting of the most necessary medications: painkillers, antipyretics, antihistamines, antidiarrheals and antivirals.
  • Get all the necessary vaccinations.
  • Take a certain amount of cash with you.
  • Take a credit card, preferably several, preferably each with the same amount of money.
  • In tropical countries of Asia, the sun sets very early, so it is advisable to take a flashlight with you.
  • Purchase insurance for medical care while on vacation.
  • Take an English-Russian dictionary for a trip to many Asian countries local residents speak in English language, and many tourists too.

Asia is very diverse and colorful in terms of culture, religion, and nature. Lost islands, exotic fruits, spiritual centers and low prices are just a few of the things that attract tourists to this part of the world. How not to get confused in such a variety and choose the best place for relaxation, we will tell you in this article.

Phuket, Thailand

Phuket - the most popular resort. On the island, in addition to amazing beaches and hotels, there are Buddhist temples, observation decks, waterfalls, and gardens. Here you can find small coves to feel privacy or have a romantic evening, and club and bar streets filled with noise, music and dancing. The island is connected to the mainland by a bridge, allowing easy access to other provinces or.


  • Lots of entertainment, architectural and natural attractions. Nice beaches, which rarely have big waves.


  • Attractions and shops are scattered around the island, and you need to get to them by taxi, which is not very cheap, or by rented motorbike, which is not very safe.

Boracay, Philippines

This small Philippine island is famous for having a top ten beach best beaches world, - White Beach. A string of bars, massage parlors, souvenir shops and cafes stretches along it. In addition to people who love nightlife, Boracay attracts divers and kitesurfers, because there are ideal conditions for observing the underwater world, and Bulabog Beach always has a steady wind, so necessary for kiting.


  • You can rent a bungalow right on the seashore. There is virtually no crime.


  • Few attractions. Getting to Boracay is quite tiring.

Hainan, China

On Hainan Island you can not only relax on the beach, but also explore many attractions. For example, dormant volcano Ma-An, whose crater has been turned into observation deck. Those who want to tickle their nerves should go to, where bears, tigers and lions walk in natural conditions, and tourists can watch them from a jeep. In addition, Hainan Province is a major Cultural Center, where many different festivals are held throughout the year.


  • There is a Chinese medicine center on the island where you can improve your health or undergo a range of spa treatments.


  • Hainan Island is popular with the local population, so in high season and in the evenings the beaches are quite crowded.

Langkawi, Malaysia

The Malaysian island of Langkawi is located in the middle of an archipelago consisting of 100 islands. Here everyone can feel like a pioneer without going far from snow-white beaches and comfortable hotels. Mountains, caves, waterfalls and lakes coexist with resort infrastructure and many attractions, including the cable car and sky bridge, so beloved by tourists, running right over the jungle.


  • Langkawi is a duty free zone.


  • Powerful ebbs and flows.

Sri Lanka

Tea plantations, elephants, golden beaches with palm trees reaching down to the water, ancient temples and statues - all this is on a small island that is lost in Indian Ocean near the coast of India. Aromatherapy combined with Buddhist and Hindu teachings promote relaxation and spiritual enrichment. Active recreation enthusiasts can enjoy water skiing, underwater fishing, surfing and kiting.


  • Many excursions, natural and architectural attractions.


  • Annoying people on the beach wanting to sell something. The roads are bad, which affects the travel time from one place to another.

Phu Quoc, Vietnam


The only thing better than the mountains is a beach holiday. Or better yet: there is a time for the mountains, but there must also be a time for the beach. IN last years European winter resorts are losing popularity, giving the palm to the hot beaches of Asia. But Asia is big and the weather in different parts of it is different. Where to go to truly relax, and not sit in an exotic hut, escaping the monsoons and downpours? We have reviewed places where the weather is good in winter, where you can go on your own or by purchasing a tour. Where you can sunbathe and swim together, in a group, with children. We present to you 12 Asian resorts for every taste, color, interest and budget.

You can, of course, just lie on the beach, but it’s better to combine business with pleasure. Ancient temples, cities in the jungle, fantastic shows, new tastes and aromas. And all this, as a rule, is located some 1-1.5 km from the same luxurious beach with white sand. Read on for a quick overview of 12 of Asia's best resorts that offer time for the sea, fun and relaxation for the whole family.


They wrote, talked, shouted, and made films about Bali. This is probably the most desirable island in the world. Not that big, but almost perfect. Weddings take place here, romantic vacations for lovers, the most fabulous dinners on the beach, and parents with children also come here. Bali has everything that lovers of the sea, sun and leisurely lazy holiday might like. It's fabulous a nice place, a tropical paradise and a corner of earthly delights. Also, there are good-natured dolphins and good waves for surfers. If you have not been to Bali yet, then it is worth considering this option.

You can find and book a flight to Bali (Denpaser) Here.

Housing cost: from €25 per night.


First of all: Goa is not an island, as many people believe. This is the western coast, former colony, founded by the Portuguese. Let it not be so here White sand, and the sea is the most ordinary warm sea. But you will combine your vacation with a visit to snow-white Catholic churches, and you will see the old fort in Chapora. The relics of St. Francis are kept here. There is a very colorful Old city. Goa is the spirit of freedom with the scent of the ocean breeze. And most importantly, a well-developed tourism infrastructure. Shops, services and a lot of housing offers. From expensive hotels to simple guesthouses.

You can find and book a flight to GOA (Dabolim) Here.

Housing cost: from € 15 per night.

Sri Lanka

Yes, yes, this is Ceylon. The birthplace of delicious tea. But that’s not the only thing that will surprise you with the island. This is very beautiful nature, , ancient architecture and a very pleasant environment. Here you can take a boat ride, dive on a coral reef, or go windsurfing. Here you will be offered to experience for yourself what real Ayurvedic medicine is. The warm, gentle and very clean sea will appeal to everyone: there is also something for surfers. Don't forget about the abundance of tropical fruits. You won’t gain extra pounds from such lazy rest.

You can find and book a flight to Sri Lanka (Colombo) Here.

Housing cost: from € 15 per night.


The most popular beach town in Thailand. There really is something for every taste and color, as they say. Do you want active nightlife right on the beach? Then head to Patong. If your priority is calm, measured days with your family, then the quiet beach of Nai Harnom will be such an ideal option. For a stormy romantic adventure, Karon with picturesque cape, cafes, places for a couple in love to retire. By the way, we do not recommend swimming far into the sea, it can be dangerous. There is not only active life here, but also predatory fauna.

You can find and book a flight to Phuket Here.

Housing cost: from € 22 per night.


Beaches squeezing in Golden ring tropical hills of all shades of green. This is what it is, the island of Langkawi in Malaysia. Here you must always be on your guard, otherwise small monkeys will easily steal your towel, camera or cap. You will need a camera, especially during the flowering period of the red jasmine. Here you can enjoy fresh papaya, yellow watermelons and rambutans and exotic durian to your heart's content. The best freshly squeezed juices, fruit and even alcoholic cocktails are available to you in bars. The food is delicious, Asian-spicy. Lots of fish, noodles and, of course, where without spicy curry?

You can find and book a flight to Kuala Lumpur Here. From KL to Langkawi you can travel by local airlines, ferry, bus or train.

Housing cost: from € 17 per night.


Here you won’t need shoes, and you can immediately forget about your bad mood. The Maldives is not one island, but 1200. An entire archipelago of small islands covered with amazing white sand. It's not so much sand as shells crushed by the ocean. Some islands are larger and have larger hotels or bungalow complexes. And there are very small ones, with only 1-2 houses on stilts. They don’t really like TVs here, and there’s not enough internet. Yes, all this is not so necessary on vacation, when you can swim, walk, look at incredibly beautiful birds and butterflies, and scuba dive. Spend one or two days doing aromatherapy at a spa. They really know how to give a massage, which brings even the most avid worker back to life.

You can find and book a flight to the Maldives (Male, Hulule Atoll) Here.

Housing cost: from €34 per night.


It was opened relatively recently. Just in the 1970s. Tourists on a boat accidentally swam into these waters. And they couldn’t hold back their cries of admiration. The island looked as if no one had ever been here. Paradise Island with coconut trees and a couple of huts. Very soon, rampant construction began. Everyone wanted to invest money in this new paradise for Europeans. Of course, there is pure white sand, an amazing blue sea, green jungle right up to the shore. Only 50 years have passed and now Samui has become a luxury resort in Thailand. It has not lost its charm; hotel owners take great care of this.

You can find and book a flight to Koh Samui via Bangkok Here.

Housing cost: from €21 per night.

Vung Tau

An excellent solution for those who value a “50/50” vacation. The resort is located quite far from the noisy big cities of Vietnam. But not so far away that you can't visit Ho Chi Minh City or Saigon. It's warm, beautiful, tasty and very interesting here. You have the opportunity to take a break from beach life, plunging into city life. Vietnam is a very beautiful country, worth visiting.

Here. From Ho Chi Minh City you can get to Vung Tau by speedboat or bus.

Housing cost: from €9 per night.


There are beautiful ones in China too tropical islands. Previously, by the way, unwanted nobles were exiled here so that they could live away from the capital and secular pleasures. Now tourists are tearing off tickets to this best resort in China. All 12 months of the year are in season, there is a warm sea and a lot of interesting things to do. Let's not forget that this is the best health resort in the entire Celestial Empire. Here you can improve your health, strengthen your immune system and prepare for life “after the holidays.”

Find and book flights to Hainan (Sanya Airport) you can here.

Housing cost: from € 12 per night.


Now let's move to the Arabian Sea in South India. There is another famous resort here. Kerala or the Kerala coast, Varkala resort in particular, looks as if someone has persistently perfected it in Photoshop. White sand, tall palm trees with coconuts, leisurely days in blue light during the day, pink sunsets, clear air. It is convenient to enter the sea, the descent is gentle. They say this is where Ayurveda was born. So, welcome to spa treatments, massages, all kinds of relaxing treatments. For almost 5,000 years, masters of oriental medicine polished their skills here. Here they treat not only the body, but also the spirit. Don't miss the offer to relieve stress right on the seashore.

You can find and book a flight to Trivandrum, the capital of Kerala Here.

Housing cost: from € 13 per night.


On the shores of the Gulf of Thailand is the only and unique resort in Cambodia. Yes, there is only one, but what a one! 500 km closer to the equator than Thai resorts. But, unlike Pattaya, it is calm and quite secluded. Although, the laurels of the famous neighbor do not allow Sihanoukville to sleep peacefully. Perhaps in another 10 years, we won’t recognize Sihanoukville. It will turn into the “Pattaya of the future”. If you need to visit Cuba before McDonald's arrives, then Sihanoukville is worth a trip before it becomes a second Pattaya.

Find and book flights to Phnom Penh, the closest airport to Sihanoukville, Can Here.

Housing cost: from €18 per night.

Phan Thiet

Just 200 km from Ho Chi Minh City. But the roads here are such that expect a minimum of 4 hours. An increasingly popular resort in Vietnam among Russians in recent years. So, if you wanted to be away from your native speech, you won’t be able to do that here. There are a lot of cheerful young people, there are married couples, adventure seekers on their own, and lovely English elderly couples. In short, there is a very diverse crowd here. All because of what Phan Thiet has to offer great holiday all categories of tourists. Pleasant climate, warm sea all year round. What more could you ask for?

You can find and book a flight to Ho Chi Minh City Here. From Ho Chi Minh City you can get to Phan Thiet by taxi, bus and train.

Housing cost: from €9 per night.

All these resorts are suitable for winter holidays. But we must remember that the islands are in the sea, and where there is sea, there is a monsoon period. On one side of the island it is warm and dry, on the other it is windy and unpleasant. Check the details - they are the key to a relaxing holiday.

If you decide to buy voucher at a travel agency and they made you a “profitable” offer at a very low price, check for yourself whether there are monsoons during this period, in this particular place. The weather on the islands is very different: on one coast there is paradise, on the opposite coast there is boredom.

Relax and enjoy, but choose the place carefully!

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Asia from A to Z: countries, cities and resorts of Asia. Map, photos and videos, Asian peoples. Descriptions and reviews of tourists.

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The largest part of the world, washed by three oceans and containing 53 states, Asia on the world map is like a motley carpet of cultures, languages, and nationalities. Perhaps there is no region on Earth more diverse and rich in all kinds of wonders. From Israel to the Philippines, from Mongolia to India, its mercilessly scorched lands stretch. Although man originated from Africa, it was here that he learned to sow and reap, invented the wheel, writing and philosophy. Over the course of thousands of years, Asia has seen a lot: the rise of great civilizations and bloodthirsty hordes of nomads, magnificent pearls of creativity and primitive cruelty, devastation and fertility, millions of wars and the birth of religions. It is not surprising that today Asia is the subject of the most intense tourist interest. Here are the pillars of the industry such as Turkey, Thailand, Maldives, India, Israel, UAE and a lot of developing countries in the tourism sense - Vietnam, South Korea, Oman, etc.

What is it like, a portrait of an “Asian” tourist? Let's start with the fact that the main thing people go to Asia for is, of course, exoticism, and its own exoticism, authentic and not at all similar to, say, African. Either temple complexes India or fiery tom yum soup in a Pattaya diner, calls to prayer pouring from the minarets of Damascus, or Orthodox Jews marching in the July heat in fur hats along the streets of Jerusalem - everything permeates the Asian flavor: bright, always unexpected, a little disconcerting and remaining in the memory like a frozen frame from a film. Pictures of Asia - a whirlwind of colorful colors, a combination of incongruous things, crazy beauty and an excess of lines, shades, shapes.

By the way, in terms of climate, Asia is more than diverse: on its territory you can find weather for every taste. If you want snow - welcome to north coast Mother Russia, if you like the heat, please proceed to the July Emirates; if you want humid tropics, you have a direct route to the Philippines. In addition, God himself ordered climbers to go to Asia - to Everest and for those who prefer more than calm sea spaces - to the Dead Sea. And for those who want to stay in the very center of Asia, we recommend going to Irkutsk: it is this city that bears the title of the geographical “navel” of the region.

In addition, Asia is visited in order to experience spirituality. The world's largest religions once arose on its territory: Buddhism, Christianity, Islam. So the number of religious monuments here is appropriate: and numerous Buddhist monasteries, pagodas and stupas, and places associated with the earthly life of Christ, and the most significant mosques.

Last but not least, it is worth mentioning the “idle” advantages of Asia, which include the coasts of several oceans and numerous seas, cleanest beaches with fine sand and other amenities near the beach - in the form of hotels, restaurants, discos and other developed infrastructure. And, of course, gourmets will not be deprived of vivid impressions: the world has never seen so many seasonings, aromatic plants and hot peppers as Asian housewives use! Whether it's Rajasthani chicken with curry sauce or Tajik khash - an unforgettable experience is guaranteed!

  • Western Asia: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Bahrain, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Iraq, Yemen, Qatar, Cyprus, Kuwait, Lebanon, UAE, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Türkiye
  • South Asia: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Iran, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka
  • Southeast Asia: Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Brunei, East Timor, Indonesia, Singapore, Philippines, Malaysia
  • East Asia: China, Taiwan, Japan, North Korea, Republic of Korea and Mongolia
  • Central Asia (aka Central or Front): Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan

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