Beautiful numbers - Ponte or necessity.

Capital: the city of Tashkent is one of the most large cities in the east. Geographical position: State in the central and northwestern parts of Central Asia. It borders with Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Turkmenistan, in the north-west is washed by the Aral Sea. Total area of \u200b\u200b447.4 thousand The Republic is located in the center of Central Asia, between the Rivers Amudarya and Syrdarya. In the main part, the North-Western Territory is covered with Turansk lowland. Mount Tien Shan and Altai are located chain from the south-east of the republic to the southwest (on the right side of the Amudarya) and in terms of the desert Kyzyl-Kum. Uzbekistan consists of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and 12 administrative regions - Andijan, Bukhara, Jizzakh, Kashkadarya, Namanganskaya, Samarkan, Surkhandarya, Syrdarya, Tashkent, Fergana, Khorezm region. The form of the Board: According to the Constitution, Uzbekistan is a legal democratic state. Head of State - President. The highest state representative body is the Oliy Majlis, which implements the legislative power. Oliy Majlis consists of two chambers - Legislative Chamber (Lower Chamber) and Senate (Upper Chamber). Diplomatic representation of the republic is in many countries of the world. Embassy of Uzbekistan is in Russia. You can make a visa to Uzbekistan in the embassy in Moscow.


In Uzbekistan, a moderate continental climate prevails, and in the southeast of the country (border with Afghanistan and Turkmenistan areas) - subtropical continental type of climate. The climate is especially encouraged in summer, it allows you to fully relax in this area. After all, on the plains, the air in the hottest months is heated to 35-37 degrees, and at night is cooled to 20-22. Of course, in the desert areas of the northern part of the country, the temperature is much higher - during the day it can reach 39-40 degrees.


The state is characterized by its "golden reserve" - \u200b\u200baccording to gold reserves, it ranks fourth in the world, and in terms of its production seventh (about 80 tons of gold annually). Another important mineral fossil extracted here is uranium. The Republic stands at a twelfth place in the world in the reserves of uranium and in the seventh of its prey.


In contrast to many eastern countries, tourism is not very developed here. But there are its own features. Due to the fact that mountain ecosystems and archevy (juniper) complexes are guarded here, eco-tourism develops. Therefore, everyone can arrange a visa in representation in Moscow and visit the untouched mountain region.


Muslims make up 93% of believers, another 4% fall on Orthodox, and the remaining 3% is Roman Catholics, Korean Christians, Baptists, Lutherans, Seventh-day Adventists, Evangelical Christians and Pentecostals, Jehovah's Witnesses, Buddhists, Bahaisists, Krishnaitis and Atheists.

Currency: Uzbek sum.

Time: Moscow Plus 2 hours.

Visa to Uzbekistan

To obtain a visa, it is necessary to submit a single set of documents to the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Moscow:

  • Passport (original);
  • Visa questionnaire, fully completed and signed;
  • Photos on the passport;
  • Photos: 3x4, 2 pcs. standard sample without angles and oval;

For a commercial visit and receipt of a visa to Uzbekistan, the company receiving you or an organization must contact the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relationships so that the invitation was sent by fax to the Embassy in Moscow; For a tourist trip: Invitation from authorized travel companysent to the consulate in your country in Telex.

Dear friends! Sooner or later, before each of us, after purchasing a car, it is worth a choice, what number to push on your iron horse? Also, how many of you in December once again will hurt the head on this. That is why I would very much like to read your personal objective opinion on our favorite site with you ... After all, it's not for anyone that in some situations such numbers are so cool. What to do? To pay extra and take the room out of turn or still spit on these Pontes and take what they give?

But before this some history. The first numbers were undoubtedly the rooms of the cabrs.

Then the rooms and cyclists appeared, and with the development of automotive industry - and in cars. In the pre-war, the front numbers were even at motorcycle, they were put on the front wing parallel to the movement. They were here:

After the war, in 1946 a new standard was adopted. Rooms began to make yellow. Yellow numbers continued to issue in some regions of the USSR until the mid-60s, but in 1959 a new GOST was adopted to the rooms that everything would probably remember - "black" with three letters. The types of these numbers were significantly larger than in 1946 - from 1965, after changing the GOST, the rooms were provided to produce both tractors, and mosses, and various special vehicles, for example, a special series "Sport" for sports cars was made, the numbers of this type are quite rare :

In 1977, they decided to divide the rooms of private owners and legal entities, so introduced a new standard. Appeared "white" numbers.

For private owners they were such:

But whatever the numbers were, at all times there was a lot of wishing (ready to give any money) for having a beautiful (not like everyone else) number on your car.

From October 01, 2008 the introduction of new car numbers In Uzbekistan, in order to ensure compliance with the national state vehicles with international requirements and standards, combining them with an electronic registration and accounting system, as well as the prevention of their fakes and illegal use.

New numbers are available on a special technology that ensures the use of reflective coatings, stable and anti-corrosion metal, as well as a high level of protection against fakes. In the state numbers of automobiles belonging to departments and organizations, as well as citizens, primarily the flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan is displayed. The background of state leaders issued by the transport of legal entities, white, and its edging, numbers and letters - black. On the left is the territory code, on the right side - the flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the letter Uz. The same will be the general view of the new state registration number of cars belonging to individuals, the difference is only in the location of the letters.

If in the license plates of legal entities three digits and three letters are located one after another, then on the signs of car individuals - one letter, then three numbers, and again two letters. On government registration numbers issued for cars of the highest state bodies, government and ministries, depicted state flag, then three letters and three digits, and there is no territorial code.

Types of state registration numbersissued by automotive vehicles And their trailers.

Distribution of territorial codes of state registration numbers issued by automobiles.

01-09 - Tashkent Over 2,400,000 Tashkent

10-19 - Tashkent region 4 450 000 (with city Tashkent) Tashkent

20-24 - Syrdarya region 642 200 Gulistan

25-29 - Jizzakh region 1 424,000 jizzak

30-39 - Samakand region 2 670 300 Samarkand

40-49 - Fergana Region 2 664 400 Fergana

50-59 - Namangan region 2 004 000 Namangan

60-69 - Andijank region 2 186 200 Andijan

70-74 - Kashkadarya region 2 166 800 Carsha

75-79 - Surkhanarium 1 736 700 Termez

80-84 - Bukhara region 1 419 300 Bukhara

85-89 - Naval region 783 300 Navoi

Today: Today you will be slightly disappointed, unexpectedly finding the fact that long and unsuccessfully searched for others. Contact the found carefully and with love, it is one of the best of your qualities.

Horoscope for Tales

Today: Try to think logical and carefully, otherwise your imagination can make you there, where to get out without any assistance will be very problematic.

Horoscope for twins

Today: Today you should distrast from thoughts of a egocentric nature and think about the relatives, close and other representatives of the human race. It may be that lately you have become too demanding to them, and too soft to yourself.

Horoscope for cancer

Today: Today you are waiting for a big surprise. If we talk about him further, then it will not be so, because it is silent.

Horoscope for Lviv

Today: Do not let others do what you can do. If it turns out not very good, do not be discouraged. They would have happened not better.

Horoscope for virgins

Today: Be careful, taking certain actions. Today you have to make some choice. Do not take time to meditation.

Horoscope for weights

Today: Today you are destined to be one of the two or winner or defeated. A third-party observer will not be possible.

Horoscope for scorpion

Today: Sometimes it is so difficult to stop. Especially if you get a good speed before it. But still it is sometimes to give to speak out and interlocutors.

Horoscope for Streltsov

Today: Today you will be extremely oppressed, and not at all in the case. Try to either avoid communicating with others at all, or refer to their words easier.

Horoscope for Capricorn

Today: It is difficult, of course remain an optimist, standing at the crossroads. But fate for you is not so unfavorable. Today, friends will help you.

Horoscope for water

Today: Whatever happens today, nothing will be able to overstate the rainbowness of your mood. It remains only to hope that the next day you will not have too much to hurt.

Horoscope for fish

Today: Get ready to reap the fruits of what sowed last week. Will it start a new sowing after that - to solve you. Drink a cup of very useful green tea before bedtime.

Automobile codes, valid for new car facilities in Tashkent and Regions of Uzbekistan
For 2018.

Region code




Tashkent region


Syrdarya region.


Jizzakh region.


Samarkand Oblast


Fergana Region.


Namangan region.


Andijan Oblast


Kashkadarya region.


Surkhandarya region.


Bukhara region.


Navoi region.


Khorezm region.


Republic of Karakalpakstan

According to the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 131 of June 27, 2007 From October 1, 2008, the introduction of new autonomyners in Uzbekistan began in order to:

  • ensuring the compliance of the Uzbek national state vehicle numbers by international requirements and standards;
  • combining license plates with an electronic registration and accounting system;
  • prevention of their fakes and illegal use.

New auto RUZ numbers are available on a special technology that ensures the use of reflective coatings, stable and anti-corrosion metal products, as well as a high level of protection against duplicates. In the now existing car indexes, the symbols of the Latin alphabet from A to Z (except i) are used with a distinct font. To distinguish in autonomers zero from the letter "O", zero is written with a slot.

Types of car numbers and their samples

View I.

State registration numbers are issued for car individuals. Background of registration statements white, edging, numbers and letters of black. On the left code of the territory, on the right side of the RUZ flag and the letter Uz (UZBEKISTAN country)

View II.

Government registration numbers are issued for vehicles of legal entities. The background of state registration numbers white, edging, numbers and letters of black. On the left of the territory code, on the right side of the number of the RUZ flag and the letter Uz

Type III

State registration numbers are issued for cars of higher government agencies, management and ministries. The background of state registration numbers white, edging, numbers and letters of black. On the left side of the number of the RUZ flag

View IV

State registration numbers of the CMD series are issued for one official vehicle of the heads of diplomatic missions, on the basis of the letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Background of state registration numbers Green, edging, numbers and letters of white

Type of V.

State registration numbers of the series "D" are issued on the basis of the letter of the Foreign Ministry: a) for personal vehicles of the heads of diplomatic and consular institutions (emergency plenipotentiary, attorney in affairs, Consul General) and their family members; b) for service and personal motor vehicles of diplomatic agents of diplomatic missions and members of their families. Background of state registration numbers Green, edging, numbers and letters of white

View VI

The state registration numbers of the "UN" series are issued on the basis of the MFA letter: a) by the personal vehicles of the UN office chairs (United Nations), specialized UN organizations and their families on the basis of the accreditation of the Foreign Ministry; b) official and personal motor vehicles of UN representative offices and specialized UN organizations and personal vehicles of their families on the basis of the accreditation of the Foreign Ministry. Background of state registration numbers Blue, edging, numbers and white letters

View of VII

The state registration numbers of the "H" series are issued by vehicles belonging to or leased foreign citizens and stateless persons who constantly live or temporarily stay in the Republic of Uzbekistan for personal, service cases, in order to study or tourism. Background of state registration numbers Yellow, edging, figures and letters of black color

For the first time in Uzbekistan, the autonomer was replaced in 1998. According to the system, a certain area of \u200b\u200bUzbekistan and its city (excluding Tashkent) became carriers of the license code, which meant the registration of each vehicle in a particular region (region) of the country. Old car numbers made up the area code, the Latin letter from A to Z (one or two), and the index itself of four digits. Outdated car license plates no longer act from January 1, 2013. Behind last year In Uzbekistan, more than a thousand "beautiful" autonomers were sold on the Internet.

See also: