How many people died in the collapse of the twin towers. American fairy tale about the plane that crashed into the Pentagon

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This September 11, 2001 in the USA(in the West, simply 9/11) is considered the bloodiest in all of world history. Most illuminated by the media mass media event of all time.

10 years ago, three terrorist-controlled planes crashed into the Pentagon, located near Washington, and into the 110-story skyscrapers of the World shopping center(WTC) in New York, causing their collapse. As a result of terrorist attacks, 2,977 citizens from 92 countries died.

According to the official version, the responsibility for these attacks lies with the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda. Subsequently official version what happened was criticized by a number of journalists, scientists and witnesses of the tragedy.

Independent investigations were carried out, some of which were documented. According to one version, the attack on the twin towers was just a distraction, and customers should be sought not among Afghan terrorists and not in Osama bin Laden's lair, but much closer - surrounded by the US President.

The events of September 11, 2001 unfolded as follows. At about the same time, terrorists hijacked 4 airliners some time after departure.

1. Statue of Liberty. Manhattan is shrouded in smoke from the collapse of the World Trade Center skyscrapers. The photo was taken on September 15, 2001. (Photo by Dan Loh | AP):

At 08:45 am first Boeing 767-200 crashed into the North Tower of the 110-story skyscrapers of the World Trade Center approximately at the level of 94-98 floors. 18 minutes later at 9:03 second plane Boeing 767-200 crashed into the South Tower of the World Trade Center approximately at the level of 77-85 floors.

2. "A second before." The second plane approaches the South Tower of the World Trade Center, New York, 9:02, September 11, 2001. (Photo by Sean Adair | Reuters):

3. Second plane Boeing 767-200 Flight 175 crashes into the South Tower of the World Trade Center at the level of 77-85 floors, 9:03, September 11, 2001. (Photo by Sean Adair | Reuters):

4. There were 56 passengers (including 5 terrorists) and 9 crew members on board the 175th flight. (Photo by Spencer Platt | Getty Images):

5. Nearly 35 tons of aviation fuel explodes on impact. (Photo by Richard Drew | AP):

6. A hole in the North Tower of the World Trade Center in the place where the first one crashed, New York, September 11, 2001. (Photo by Richard Drew | AP):

After the capture, some passengers were able to report on satellite phones about what was happening. According to them, the terrorists used edged weapons (probably knives), as a result of which several flight attendants and crew members were killed.

7. The twin towers of the World Trade Center after 2 airliners crashed into them. Ahead - Empire State Building, New York, Tuesday, September 11, 2001. (Photo by Marty Lederhandler | AP):

8. Satellite view of the burning skyscrapers of the World Trade Center in New York, 9:30, September 11, 2001. (Photo by USGS | AP):

9. People on the top floors of skyscrapers. They are locked in fire on the lower floors where the planes crashed. (Photo by Jose Jimenez | Primera Hora | Getty Images):

10. At least 200 people trapped on the top floors of the towers of the World Trade Center jumped down, preferring such death to death by fire. (Photo by Jose Jimenez | Primera Hora | Getty Images):

11. Their fall was observed by numerous witnesses. (Photo by Richard Drew | AP):

12. Some tried to get out on the roofs of the towers, in the hope of evacuation by helicopters, but the evacuation did not take place: the smoke and heat from the fire made it impossible to use helicopters. (Photo by Richard Drew | AP):

13. Third plane Boeing 757-200 American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon at 9:37 am. This is a picture from a surveillance camera. (AP Photo):

14. Fire in the Pentagon building, after crashing into it. 125 people in the building and 60 passengers aboard the Boeing were killed. (Photo by Will Morris | AP):

16. Part of the Pentagon building collapsed. (Photo by Kevin Lamarque | Reuters):

18. Aim of the 4th aircraft Boeing 757-200 may have been the Capitol. According to Flight 93 voice recorder transcripts, the flight crew and passengers attempted to regain control of the airliner after learning from mobile phones that other hijacked planes had crashed into the World Trade Center towers. It is likely that the terrorists, who were losing the fight, decided to send the plane into the ground, where the crash occurred. The Boeing crashed into a field in southwestern Pennsylvania near Shanksville at 10:03 am. (Photo by Jason Cohn | Reuters):

19. The crash site of the 4th aircraft in the southwestern part of Pennsylvania, near the city of Shanksville. (Photo FBI | AP):

20. But back to the burning skyscrapers of the World Trade Center. The main events unfolded there. (Photo by Mario Tama | Getty Images):

According to the official version, about an hour after the skyscrapers crashed into the skyscrapers, buildings collapsed as a result of fire and melting of the supporting steel structures by burning aviation fuel.

The official version has been criticized by many experts who believe that the use of aviation fuel to melt 200,000 tons of steel (the amount of steel in one Tower) is an amazing discovery.

Other theories call into question that the nature of the collapse of the WTC towers corresponds to that which could be caused by aircraft hits and fires. The destruction of the towers is said to be more like controlled demolition. It has also been suggested that the September 11, 2001 attacks were not planned and carried out by al-Qaeda, but by US intelligence agencies.

International opinion, according to a survey conducted in 17 countries, paints such a picture. Overall, 46% of those polled place the main responsibility on al-Qaeda, 15% on the US government, 7% on Israel, and another 7% name other perpetrators. We will not delve into this topic. Those interested in these events can find materials on the net.

21. 56 minutes after south tower the second plane crashed at 9:59 am it starts to break down, September 11, 2001. (Photo by Gulnara Samoilova | AP):

22. (Photo by Richard Drew | AP):

23. Collapse of the 110-story South Tower World Trade Center. View from the street, September 9, 2001. (Photo by Doug Kanter | AFP | Getty Images):

24. As in from dust and debris. (Photo by Gulnara Samoilova | AP):

25. 102 minutes after north tower the first plane crashed at 10:28 am it starts to break down, September 11, 2001. (Photo by Diane Bondareff | AP):

26. (Photo by Primera Hora | Getty Images):

27. The collapse of the 110-story skyscrapers of the World Trade Center, September 11, 2001. (Photo by Greg Semendinger | AP):

28. A total of 2,606 people died at the World Trade Center. (Photo by Shannon Stapleton | Reuters):

29. 1366 people who were on the upper floors died north tower WTC, many of whom died when the plane collided with the tower, and the rest - due to fire and collapse. V south tower at least 600 people died on the upper floors. At least 200 people trapped on the upper floors of the towers jumped down and crashed. (Photo by Greg Semendinger | AP):

30. On the streets of New York during the destruction of the WTC towers, September 11, 2001. (Photo by Suzanne Plunkett | AP):

31. Clouds of smoke, dust and debris spread throughout Manhattan. (Photo by Ray Stubblebine | Reuters):

32. (Photo by Gulnara Samoilova | AP):

33. (Photo by Gulnara Samoilova | AP):

34. (Photo by Daniel Shanken | AP):

35. 341 firefighters, 60 police officers, and 8 ambulance workers died in the fire. (Photo by Mario Tama | Getty Images):

36. In total, about 18 people were able to leave the hit zone in the South Tower and escape. (Photo by Gulnara Samiolava | AP):

More than 1,600 bodies were identified in New York, but about 1,100 people could not be identified. It was reported that "about 10,000 fragments of bones and tissues were found at the site of the tragedy, which is incomparable with the number of dead."

38. The streets of Manhattan after the collapse of the "twins" of the World Trade Center, September 11, 2001. (Photo by Boudicon One | AP):

39. On the site of the former 110-story World Trade Center, September 15, 2001. (Photo by Reuters):

40. The landing gear of one of the planes that crashed into the WTC buildings, September 11, 2001. (Photo by Shannon Stapleton | Reuters):

41. Search for possible survivors of the collapse of the "twins" of the World Trade Center, September 11, 2001. (Photo by Matt Moyer | AP):

42. The fire is still blazing at the site of the former WTC, September 12, 2001, a day after. (Photo by Baldwin | AP):

45. In addition to the destruction of the two 110-story towers of the World Trade Center, other buildings were seriously damaged or destroyed. As a result of the collapse of skyscrapers, about 1.5 kilometers of New York subway lines were damaged. Photo AP):

46. ​​Rescuers work in the underground facilities of the collapsed World Trade Center, September 14, 2011. (Photo by U.S. Navy | Reuters):

The ongoing events have caused chaos throughout the United States. All commercial flights were canceled, landing of aircraft in the United States was prohibited. Aircraft arriving from other countries were diverted back to their departure airports, or were directed to airports in Canada and Mexico. Above major cities The United States was patrolled by Air Force fighter jets.

47. The ruins of the World Trade Center, September 11, 2001. (Photo by Doug Kanter | AFP | Getty Images):

On September 11, 2001, 2,977 people (not including 19 terrorists) became victims: 246 passengers and crew members of aircraft, 2,606 people - in New York, in the WTC buildings and on the ground, 125 - in the Pentagon building. Citizens of the United States and 91 other countries died, including 96 citizens of Russia and the CIS.

When the skyscrapers of the World Trade Center were destroyed, about 16,000 people were saved, who were in the towers below the impact zone of the aircraft. Most of them survived, being evacuated before the destruction of buildings.

A memorial complex was erected on the site of the collapsed twin towers. Currently, the complex is being reconstructed, which is planned to be completed by 2012.

The September 11, 2001 timeline states that the events at the Pentagon took place between the attacks on the Twin Towers and their collapse, as follows:

8:46 a.m. - attack on the north tower of the WTC,

9:03 - strike on the south tower of the WTC,

9:37 a.m. - attack on the Pentagon,

9:42 - ABC report on the fire in the White House (in the EOP building),

09:59 - the collapse of the south tower of the WTC,

10:10 - collapse of part of the Pentagon buildings,

10:28 - WTC north tower collapse,

10:37 - Flight 93 crashes over Pennsylvania,

17:20 - WTC7 building collapse,

18:00 - CNN and BBC report on explosions and shootings in Kabul,

19:30 - US government denies involvement in Kabul bombings and

20:30 - Appoints Osama bin Laden guilty.

For those who have joined us just now, I remind you that it is night in Kabul; who, why and in what way smashes government buildings there, remained unclear. But the attention of the whole world is riveted on the events in New York and Washington.

The official version of events says that the attack on the Pentagon was carried out by a Boeing-757-200 passenger plane belonging to American Airlines; about here such.

At 8:20 he took off from Dulles Airport on the Washington - Los Angeles route (flight 77), and at 8:50 he was allegedly captured in the air by terrorists who threatened either with paper cutters, or with the presence on board bombs.

Immediately after that, this aircraft allegedly made a U-turn over the state of Ohio to return to Washington to attack the Pentagon. But since by that time the plane's transponder (an answering machine for communicating with radars) was turned off, air traffic controllers lost it, so 36 minutes, unnoticed by anyone, Flight 77 supposedly flying towards Washington.

At 9:32 control dispatchers air traffic Dulles airport notices a large unidentified aircraft, and at 9:34 a.m. the order comes to evacuate the White House. At 9:35, Vice President Dick Cheney, according to him, is picked up by hefty fellows from the secret service and literally taken by force into an underground tunnel.

But this strangely large, incredibly fast and agile aircraft, later identified as Flight 77, changes direction and crashes into the Pentagon building, and in the very wing where repairs are being carried out and there are practically no personnel.

As a result of this event, 64 passengers of Flight 77 and 125 people in the Pentagon building are considered dead.

For further narration, we need to briefly outline some technical data.

The Boeing-757 aircraft has the following characteristics:

Width (diameter) of the fuselage - 3.7 m;

Height (including rear vertical tail) - 13.56 m;

Fuselage length - 47 m;

Wingspan - 38 m;

Gross takeoff weight - up to 123 tons;

The mass of an empty aircraft is 58 tons;

The power plant is two turbofan engines under wings weighing 5 tons each.

In general, this is a large passenger aircraft. If it flies past you at a distance of up to several kilometers, it is impossible to confuse it with anything else, except perhaps with a different make or model of aircraft.

The Pentagon is the main headquarters of the US military department, the largest administrative building in the world. Located in the suburbs of Washington, on the banks of the Potomac River. Pentagon building It is a huge equilateral pentagon, the length of the lateral side of which is 281 m, and the height (of five above-ground floors) is 23.5 m.

A simple geometric calculation shows that the ratio of the horizontal and vertical dimensions of this building is 1:18.4.

Pentagon building represents five separate concentric pentagonal structures with transitions at the corners, which merge into larger structures on some internal faces. But since the attack took place in the "classical" place of this complex, we are interested in what the internal structure of these rings is.

The dates of the construction of the Pentagon, falling on the years of World War II, mark only the first stage in the creation of this superstructure. During the years of the Cold War, this complex of buildings was at least twice seriously modernized and strengthened, which were also designed to counteract the damaging factors of nuclear explosions in the event of a war with the USSR.

In this photos the lateral cut of the first outer ring is clearly visible. This five-story building consists of small rooms separated by very thick brick walls and reinforced concrete ceilings.

If the Los Angeles Times is right, the Pentagon has been reinforced in its modernization process with "a lattice of steel columns and beams to withstand bomb blasts." Apparently they mean something like this columns.

And now, the official version claims that the passenger aircraft Boeing-757,

hitting into the lower part of the outer ring, pierced through three Pentagon rings through, doing in ring C

like this outlet, wherein

virtually no damage to the façade and leaving neither inside the building nor outside a single fragment of an aircraft or human bodies.

I don’t know about you, dear reader, but this version only reminds me of the stories of Baron Munchausen.

Naturally, such an absurd story about the events in the Pentagon immediately provoked a flurry of objections from skeptics and an entire army of independent researchers. All their arguments against the official version can be reduced to three main considerations.

Firstly What will poor America do if it is suddenly attacked by some potential enemy whose missiles and aircraft are not equipped with transponders with answering machines tuned to the FAA radar system? And after all, no one will give 36 minutes of time to build up and search for each such threat ... In other words, the “loss” of a huge aircraft in airspace east coast US during the crisis situation in 2001 seems incredible.

Secondly, impossible from a flight point of view is the method of hitting the Pentagon building with a hypothetical passenger plane. An aircraft of the Boeing-757 type could not have reached the target with such accuracy and speed (about 900 km / h) at almost zero altitude in conditions big city. Shortly speaking, passenger planes they don’t fly like that in principle, and even more so if they are piloted by some inept terrorists.

And finally third, an aircraft made of duralumin alloys and with a carbon-fiber front fuselage fairing does not penetrate through three huge buildings made of reinforced concrete and brick. Moreover, weapons that could do this do not exist in nature. Destroy any building to hell - that's please but to cut through the three most powerful buildings through, at the same time causing the strongest fire- this is not about our modern weapons ...

These three main considerations have given rise to many books, articles, and films from hundreds and thousands of independent researchers and organizations. Their reasoning looks logical, complete and comprehensive.

As in the case assassination of President Kennedy, in the story of the attack on the Pentagon, there are a number of conflicting testimonies that, with all the desire, cannot be entered into a single logical hypothesis, remaining within the framework of the ideas of traditional physics.

So, for example, the first media reports about explosions in the Pentagon were accompanied by such different assumptions that it was time to suspect that different witnesses saw different events.

In contrast to the version that an airplane hit the Pentagon (which was not announced immediately, but later became the main, official one), in the first minutes after the attack there was information that the attack was carried out by either a helicopter, or a cruise missile, or either a truck filled with explosives, or some explosions just happened in the Pentagon (in the form of a “brazen attack” according to US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld).

In any case, none of the witnesses in the first minutes after the explosion spoke about the plane. To top it all off, S.Washington Blvd was in a state of panic when just before the explosion something knocked down several lampposts, flying over the heads of the dumbfounded drivers so low that, according to some witnesses, it even cut off the antenna on the jeep.

I do not accept the irony of some researchers that the lampposts were later pulled out and thrown onto the roadway to create an actual base for the aircraft version, for the simple reason that in this case there would have to be a large army of witnesses to how and when this was done. There are no such facts. After all, while the Pentagon was burning, heads turned in that direction automatically.

In addition, the highway was not blocked for traffic, but only a ban was announced on filming the burning Pentagon, allegedly in order to preserve military secrets. The most resourceful witnesses just captured these fallen pillars, including against the background virtually intact burning facade of the Pentagon building, on the mobile phones and cameras immediately after the disaster.

After these pillars, on the way to the facade of the Pentagon, our object managed to destroy and at the same time set fire to another and transformer box located behind a small mesh fence.

Honest researchers rightly note that after such two additional collisions - with poles and a transformer - any an aircraft, even a special cruise missile for fighting bunkers, must completely or partially destroy its aerodynamic planes, while losing at least part of its speed or altitude, which was already almost zero.

And further, at this zero height, the object managed to pierce through three rings of the Pentagon at an angle of approximately 60 degrees relative to the plane of the facade, having made rings C in the wall like this outlet.

On the way inside the rings E, D and C this object managed to make

here such destruction,

and then - disappear in the courtyard between rings C and B.

A very indicative fact for my hypothesis, I consider the surviving glass on the windows of the inner wall of ring C, a couple of meters from which something broke through a thick brick wall, reinforced with reinforced concrete, the reinforcement from which sticks out in the done hole.

There is another moment in the official chronology of events.

At 10:10, i.e. at the same time with collapse of part of the outer ring The Pentagon, the eastern sector of the US air defense forbids its fighters to open fire.

An interesting fact is the impressions of the Dallas airport controllers, who, after the appearance of a large unidentified mark on their radar screens, first decided that “ this is one of those guys sent to protect our president", referring to a military fighter or interceptor.

But then, by the size of the mark, they identified the object as a large passenger aircraft, which, however, cannot fly at such a high speed at such a low altitude, and also lay such steep turns. They were confused...

These are the basic facts. Now let's give the floor to David McGowan for the right questions:

« So what hit the Pentagon that morning? Did American Airlines Flight 77, missing from the radar screens for half an hour and unnoticed by the most modern American air defense system, suddenly and inexplicably appear in the sky over Washington?

Did he really then perform a high-speed maneuver, normally beyond the capabilities of a Boeing 757 (according to some eyewitnesses), and start approaching the Pentagon at high speed and at such a ridiculously low altitude that he cut off a car antenna?

Had it really neatly twisted five stout steel lampposts and slammed one of its wings into a large generator and still maintained a straight and perfectly steady approach to the Pentagon like an arrow?

And did he really then crash into the Pentagon with such tremendous force that he was able to penetrate through more than 300 feet (91 meters - sucks.NET ) reinforced concrete obstacles at an angle? And he did all this in such a way that no one filmed a single frame on film or videotape?

Or did something else crash into the Pentagon? Can we say with certainty that something actually crashed into the Pentagon? Was everything done with explosives planted inside and possibly outside the building? If so, what twisted those lampposts?

Can we hope to find answers to all the unresolved questions regarding the attack on the Pentagon? Or was this barrier erected in such a way that it was impossible to take it? »

Having received no support in Congress, the head of state in early March 2011 ordered the resumption of military trials against suspected terrorists held in Guantanamo Bay prison.

In early April 2011, US Attorney General Eric Holder confirmed that defendant Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four other defendants in the 9/11 case would not appear before a US civilian court, but before a special military commission at Guantanamo Bay.

On May 31, 2011, the US Military Attorney's Office again charged five suspects, including Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, with involvement in the September 11, 2001 attacks.

On May 5, 2012, a military tribunal formally charged five suspects with involvement in organizing the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack in the United States. They are accused of organizing a conspiracy, attacking civilians, intentionally causing physical harm, murder, violating the laws of war, causing destruction, hijacking and terrorism.

All five defendants refused to answer whether they plead guilty.

New York District Judge George Daniels ruled in absentia that Iran must pay $7.5 billion to the relatives and other members of those who died at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The judge determined that the Iranian authorities must pay another three billion to insurers who covered property damage and other material losses. Earlier, Judge Daniels ruled that Tehran was unable to prove its non-involvement in assisting the organizers of the attack, and therefore the Iranian authorities bear a share of responsibility for the damage caused during it.

On the site of the destroyed Twin Towers in New York on September 11, 2011 was the World Trade Center Memorial. It consists of two square pools-fountains, located right at the bases of the former twin towers, along the inner walls of which water streams cascade down, leaving into square holes located at the bottom of each of the pools.

The names of the 2,983 victims of the attacks (including the six who died in the 1993 World Trade Center attack) are carved on the bronze slabs that line the parapets of both fountains.

The new World Trade Center complex was opened. It is the fourth tallest skyscraper in the world - its height is 541 meters. Construction began in April 2006 on the corner of a 65,000-square-meter site where the twin towers of the demolished mall used to stand.

Celebrated in the United States as Patriot Day, since 2009, after the approval of Act 111-13 of the General Law of the United States, this date is also referred to as the nationwide Day of Service and Remembrance.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

On September 11, 2001, three planes controlled by terrorists crashed into the skyscrapers of the World Trade Center (WTC) in New York and into the Pentagon building. The fourth crashed in Pennsylvania. As a result of the attacks, those who were in the buildings and in the hijacked aircraft were killed. In addition, the disaster claimed the lives of firefighters and police, thanks to the efforts of which about 30,000 people were saved. Over 55,000 people worked at the WTC on weekdays, and the daily number of visitors and tourists reached 150,000. On July 15, 2002, work was officially completed to search for the remains of the victims of the attacks.

On August 20, 2002, the first official list of those who died in New York as a result of the collapse of the World Trade Center was published. It includes 2819 people from 80 countries of the world, including three Russians. The two planes that crashed into the World Trade Center skyscrapers killed a total of 157 people. 343 firefighters died. Identified by relatives or by DNA analysis of 1102 people. According to statistics, out of ten people who died in New York, eight were men, the average age of the dead was forty years. Mostly these were employees engaged in mental work: from software developers to bank employees and employees of insurance companies. Many were at the peak of their careers. About ten people were executives, founders or presidents of companies. At least 59 people have served as vice presidents. Of the identified victims, fifteen were under the age of twenty-one, including three three-year-old children.

As a result of the terrorist attack in Washington, when the plane crashed into the Pentagon building, 184 people were killed: 120 employees and 64 passengers and crew members. 44 people died on a plane that was hijacked by terrorists, but, before reaching Washington, crashed in Pennsylvania. The total number of deaths was more than three thousand people, about six thousand were injured. On September 12, 2001, US President George W. Bush delivered a televised address to the nation in connection with the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington. He stated that he ordered the use of "all intelligence and law enforcement resources" of the United States to find and punish the organizers of the attacks. The head of the White House said that the perpetrators of the attacks carried out "an act of mass murder." According to him, the terrorists sought to create chaos in America, but they failed to do so.

On September 15, the President of the United States, in a weekly radio address to the country, said that the United States plans to launch a "comprehensive offensive" against terrorism. The US is planning a "wide and long campaign to defend our country and destroy the evil of terrorism." George W. Bush warned Americans that they will need patience because the coming "conflict will not be short" and decisiveness because "the conflict will not be easy." Bush called the actions of the terrorists "barbaric." He stated that the US will work with other countries of the world, including Russia, India, Pakistan, to punish the perpetrators and organizers of the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington.

Residents of the United States are prone to theatricality, even to the farce in politics. To be sure, just look at the struggle of candidates in the 2016 elections. Perhaps because in the entire “centuries-old” history there have been not many significant events: Civil War accidentally opened grand canyon, apparently flew to the moon, mistakenly awarded Obama the Peace Prize. The attack on the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001 stands apart. This is a terrible tragedy that has changed a lot. After it, the United States turned from a world gendarme into an aggressor of the same scale. Everything happened and continues under the roar of shameless, shameless propaganda according to the precepts of Goebbels.

What this terrorist attack actually represents, who is behind it, is still represented.

Events and causes

The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center (WTC) is the common colloquial name for the North and South Towers, the main buildings of the World Trade Center in New York. The height of the 110-storey buildings exceeded 400 m. In total, the Trade Center included 7 buildings. The attack on the twin towers of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 destroyed or damaged everything to such a state that it was necessary to carry out a complete dismantling, demolition of all buildings, utilities.

It is officially recognized that the air attack on the WTC buildings was carried out by terrorists who hijacked airliners of American companies that made regular flights. One plane crashed into the North Tower between the 93rd and 99th floors on the morning of September 11, 2001, and 17 minutes later the second collided with the South Tower.

As a result of the applied aircraft damage to the building structures of buildings, fires that arose and quickly spread, the twin towers collapsed less than 2 hours after the start of the terrorist attack, causing serious destruction of the buildings located around, heavy smoke, a dense dust cloud in the surrounding area, the death of some people who were in the buildings, as well as those who carried out emergency rescue work on evacuation, extinguishing fires, restoring order, and providing medical assistance.

As a result, died:

  • 2606 civilians who were in the buildings of the World Trade Center and in the territory adjacent to them.
  • 147 passengers, crew members.
  • 343 New York City Fire Department employees, 60 police officers, 8 emergency medics.

Together with the destroyed WTC complex, more than 20 buildings were damaged as a result of dust, toxic pollution from fires, some of which had to be demolished later, some were restored and repaired. In total, hundreds of thousands of square meters of office and administrative space, a huge amount of financial documents, reports, rare paintings, sculptures that were in destroyed, burned-out buildings were destroyed.

The question immediately arose - who blew up the twin towers on September 11, 2001? The official version of the US government. sounds like this - the cause of the tragedy was the deliberate hit of passenger planes hijacked by terrorists belonging to Al-Qaeda, and the resulting fires led to the collapse of the most tall buildings country.

In parallel, there are several versions, both argued by testimonies, eyewitness footage, excerpts from official documents, expert opinions, and conspiracy theories, in the spirit of a worldwide conspiracy theory. The former are caused by serious facts that are difficult to dismiss, the latter are based on inference and emotions.

In favor of unofficial versions says the following:

  • Superficially, the fall of the Twin Towers looks like the demolition of buildings by a controlled, precisely timed explosion, indistinguishable from the planned destruction of other skyscrapers in the US, which can be seen on numerous videos.
  • The fires that broke out in two separate buildings could hardly deform reliable building structures, including metal ones coated with flame retardants, in less than 2 hours. By the way, the North Tower has already survived a fire in 1975, a terrorist act
    1993 in an underground garage with a truck loaded with 680 kg of explosives, which claimed lives but only slightly damaged the building.
  • By the end of the same day, the 47-storey, 200-meter building of the World Trade Center - 7, located far from the twin towers, collapsed. This was shown live, and information about the explosion sounded before the event. Later, the official version of the collapse turned on - all the same fires inside. Why they arose, why at least some of their traces are not visible (smoke, fire, partial destruction of continuous glazing) - without comment, as the Americans like to say.
  • Journalists clarify, ask for examples of the collapse of buildings made of reinforced concrete structures in the United States before or after the events of September 11
    2001, which occurred as a result of fires. There is none of them.
  • The story of the businessman who had taken building No. 7 of the World Trade Center in long term rental, who insured it, including a separate item from a terrorist attack, and as a result received a considerable profit from the destruction of buildings.
  • The information added doubts to the reflection on the unprofitability of the tallest buildings in America, plans for their demolition, unrealized, including because of the complexity, high cost of such work in the dense, super-expensive development of Manhattan.
  • Appointed by the US administration. for the role of the leader of the attack on September 11, 2001, the leader of al-Qaeda initially refused such dubious fame. Even gave an interview to a Pakistani newspaper about it. Only in November 2001, he agreed with the prepared role. Protege of S.Sh.A. to fight the USSR in Afghanistan, by that time he himself declared America enemy No. 1 - for which he paid.

There are many doubters. Among them is the leader of the Communists of Russia, Gennady Zyuganov, who said in 2012 that the September 11, 2001 attacks in New York were planned by the US authorities.

Consequences and conclusions

The tragedy, which claimed many lives, became a turning point in both domestic and foreign policy of the United States. The answer to the question of who blew up the twin towers on September 11, 2001, will be the resolution of the situation with international terrorism that threatens the foundations of the "free world". Under the banner of fighting against it, previously unknown opportunities opened up before America, covered by a fig-leaf of democracy:

  • Tough to suppress dissent within the country.
  • Intervene in the policies of the governments of other countries, the work of banks, companies, dictating their will to them, backed up by military and financial power.
  • To overthrow objectionable governments, to stage coups d'état by proxy, generously sponsoring any opposition, up to the Nazis, terrorists of all nationalities, the fight against which is so much officially talked about. Sad examples are neo-Nazis in Ukraine, ISIS banned in Russia.

The desire of the United States to use in all corners the globe the theory of "controlled chaos" to achieve only their own interests is now no secret to anyone. The tragedy of September 11, 2001, which so "invigorated" the US economy, especially the Department of Defense with hundreds of bases around the world, the military-industrial complex, numerous and very expensive intelligence services, came, no matter how blasphemous it sounds, so opportunely that it causes serious doubts.

The attack on the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001 and the events that followed it will influence the course of world history for a long time to come. The true reasons that led to it will sooner or later become public.

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