Alanya blue wave suite hotel. Blue Wave Suite Hotel – Reviews

My husband and I stayed at the Blue Wave Suite Hotel in May 2017. This was our first trip to Turkey. Tour from Moscow to May holidays cost us 42 thousand rubles. I think it's very budget friendly.

We read tons of reviews before choosing Blue Wave Suite Hotel. And, now, we are already on the bus from the airport in Antalya to the hotel. The road to the hotel takes about 3 - 3.5 hours, depending on the number of hotels that the bus brings tourists along the way.

The hotel is located in the suburbs of Alanya, in a very picturesque area. Near the hotel is a chic promenade, walking along which you can see the sea on one side, and the mountains on the other. Also, right from this embankment you can see the fortress, which is located in the center of Alanya. The city center can be reached on foot, but the path is quite long, so my husband and I used the bus.

We arrived at the hotel at 10 am. The receptionist told us to wait 12 noon to check in, and offered us a bite to eat at the bar, which was very handy from the road.

The hotel has two buildings: old and new. Initially, we were settled in the old building, in a room where the renovation did not match the photos at all. It could be experienced. But we were in for a surprise. A lot of ants. They were everywhere. Perhaps someone would not attach importance to this, but I have something like a phobia in relation to various crawling insects. I did not see it possible for me to stay in this room. I probably would not have mentioned this nuance in the review if, after my request, I was immediately moved to another room. But the administrator at first flatly refused to relocate us. To my reasonable question: "What should we do with the ants?" she said she would call the maid to 'sprinkle it'. I said that I did not intend to live with ants, much less breathe chemicals. The story ended with the fact that they agreed to relocate us only after I asked to call the chief. The sediment was left for the rest of the holiday.

We were moved to a luxurious room in the main building. At some point, I was even grateful to the ants, because if not for them, I would not have insisted that we be relocated, and we would have remained to live in an old room.

The food at the hotel was excellent. There was always plenty of food, enough for everyone. Everything is very tasty and satisfying: meat, fish, fresh vegetables and fruits, pastries, desserts - everything is on highest level. When my friends asked me what I liked most about Turkey, the first thing that came to mind was the food. The waiters worked quickly and very efficiently.

The beach is sandy and clean. It's a five minute walk to get there. For us, it was not tiring, but on the contrary, it was nice to shake the fat after a good breakfast. On the beach: sun loungers, umbrellas, a cooler with free water, at the end of our holiday they put a juice machine. Animators organized beach volleyball. We didn't play ourselves, but it looked great from the outside.

Sea bottom, as well as on the entire coast of Alanya, consists entirely of huge boulders. As we were told, this is due to the breaking of tectonic plates. When the sea is rough, these boulders are very dangerous. There is no way around them, they are everywhere. So you can’t stand in the water too much: you have to go in - and immediately swim. Even at the entrance to the sea there are a lot of small pebbles, I had to buy slippers for entering the water.

Animation - unobtrusive. There were some cool dances by the pool. There was also a magician's show, which we were going to go to, but after a busy day we fell asleep before reaching the evening :) Once a week, a market comes right under the walls of the hotel territory, where you can buy souvenirs cheaper than in local shops.

On the second day after arrival, the husband went to the hammam. He like it very much. Recommends. After the hammam, his skin became incredibly velvety, and a tan began to stick to it much faster than to mine.

My husband and I really liked Türkiye. We would like to return there again, but, most likely, not at the Blue Wave Suite Hotel. In general, my review of the Blue Wave Hotel is positive. I recommend it as budget holiday He is 100% worth the money. But we would like to visit other places, see how it happens in other hotels, so that we have something to compare with.

Get ready! We've arrived! We saw! Writing.
Good day to all! Anyone who plans to relax, get good impressions and a lot of positive from the rest. I hope my review will help you, since everything that was written earlier did not help me much, but having arrived and lived in this hotel with my family for 7 nights and 8 days (although it turns out 7 days), I can unsubscribe everything as it was with us and try to answer all the questions that arose for me and arise for you. Who does not like to read a lot and too much detail, you better not read!
First, how did you choose the hotel? (if not interested, skip the first blog).
Long searched. I'll tell you right away. Chosen due to budget constraints. If there was a larger budget, they would probably consider something else. And so ....... For little money they tried to find something more or less normal.
We contacted a number of travel agencies, but no one could offer anything travel. Or they were out of our budget. In this case, it remains to look for yourself.
I found a number of options in the end, by the method of poke and getting reviews, this hotel stayed. We read reviews. Everything is gorgeous. First question. What's the catch? For such money? We trusted the reviews, paid for the tour and flew. paid in Coral. The price was the best. 08/30/2018 departure (most low price) +/-1 day the cost for the tour varied by 3 tr.
Block 2. How we got there. We took off a direct flight. Kazan-Antalya. Fly 3.5 hours. Traveling with a toddler who is about to be 2 years old. The flight there went well. I recommend taking mashed potatoes, juices, marshmallows, toys (new unopened, which he loves), water and a tablet or smartphone with cartoons on the road. Everything that is eaten on takeoff and on landing is given to the baby (or rather, the chest). What would not lay the ears. Everything else during the flight according to the situation. Flying with Turkish Airlines.
Arrived, got into the van (FORD Transit). We were only 2 families. With a conder, comfortably and not in cramped conditions, we reached our hotel in 2.5 hours. At the end of the journey, they offer to give Baksheesh to the driver (at your discretion), but their wording sounds like a couple you feel obliged to give a penny. The kid spent 2.5 hours of the journey in peace (all the reason for the above advice).
Came to the reception ...... and that's it.
Block 3. Settlement and accommodation. At the reception we were met by a guy (all tortured, frightened). He pretended not to understand. sent us to lunch, like then we will settle. Recorded our information.
(I will make a reservation that earlier, through a travel agency, through this site, I tried to book a good hotel room, as we flew with a small child and he is allergic to us. The travel agency sent a request. On this site I wrote Tulyay Tekgyul (aka Tatyana). She wrote that she would try to do something.)
Came from lunch, they give us the key to room 2112 (photo attached). The guy who carries the luggage took our bags and left. We followed him. Then he went through the bar downstairs to underground crossing. Earlier in the reviews wrote. If you are led through the subway, "write lost." We reached the room (block 2, second floor). We went into the room. The man has brought the luggage and is waiting. We gave him this dollar. He left.
The room seems to be tidy, but so old, untidy and moldy. The TV is old, and to hell with it. The bed and closet are "tired" and to hell with it ..... but mold. They hesitated to go into the bathroom. The faucet is always flowing. It just didn't close. I immediately went to the reception to try to arrange a replacement room. This tired guy redirected me to Tatyana, who will be there only tomorrow at 9.00. For any persuasion, he turned on a fool, like he doesn’t understand. In short, everything became clear to us. came to the room to lay out did not keep everything in bags. We got only the essentials. The next day at 8.30 they approached Tatyana, she said that a place in the main building would be free only on 09/03/2018. Those. after 4 days. We told her that we don't have to do it in the main, as long as the room was clean and in another building. She said come tomorrow at 9.00 (began to play for time). at 9.00 went to chat with the guide. in short, on the second day in the first half of the day we lost a lot of time (it's a shame. This is because you can't predict such things, but time from your tour was spent on all sorts of incomprehensible things). Since we were late to the beach (why we were late, we were there from 9-11.30, then the active sun until 3.30) we went to swim in a quiet pool. It is located just where we lived. The plus is that few people know about him and everyone swims, crowds around the main one, and quiet place sea, there are 2 pools for kids and adults.
We arrived on 09/01/2018 at 9.00 at the reception they give us a room but in the same building 2114 on the 3rd floor. I immediately refused, what's the point? After all, the agreement was about a different building and a room that is cleaner. After I asked for it in Tatyana, she had a nervous breakdown. She began to scream that she was humane to us, but we do not appreciate it. and that we will not change numbers at all. That I had to go and see the number and then refuse ... In short, a lot of nerves, dust and emotions. The woman is truly unbalanced. Man mood. She can smile and yell at someone after 3 minutes. She also said that she does not care what they write in the reviews. This is everyone's opinion. She sent me to the tour operator, so that he, in turn, would explain why he did not give a complete picture of the hotel and rooms. There were a lot of emotions in the end, after I said that I would not leave her office until we resolved the issue, she let me see the number in the first block. I went there with the guy who carries the luggage. Number one in one as 2112, only one room. We returned and agreed that we would endure and wait for September 3rd. To what she said. You thought other buildings were better. No, it's the same. 09/02/2018 we saw a young girl (this is Raisa). We approached her and asked for a fool if there were rooms in the main building, that we were promised to be relocated. She looked at the computer and went to Tatyana's room. There is a cry, op and Raisa came out and says
- With whom did you communicate?", - and we answered her
-With Tatyana, she upset us,
- You were told on 09/03/2018......... There were rooms, but they did not want to relocate us.
As a result, on September 3, 2018, we ourselves moved to room 414. (4th floor, I didn’t post photos, you see them all anyway. Yes, these are the very beautiful numbers). The room is super (you see all these numbers on the main pages of the site and on this site) but the cleaning ...... We even left money. Cleaners don't take. and they don't remove it. The floors are dirty. Every now and then the child was dragged in their arms. But at least there is no mold. the child slept without snot and without red eyes. By the way, in room 2112 they took a small baksheesh, cleaned up a little better and made a swan, that's all)))) Conclusion about the room to come to sleep and swim. (as they do in triplets).
Now they can start writing comments, yes, you are spoiled, you will not please, etc. Yes, we are. In any case, we pay money and expect service, not rudeness. If you called yourself a load, climb into the basket, if you took 4 stars. Hold.
I know that many people were already given rooms in the main building on the first day, purely because the Guide agreed for them, and he went for it, because vacationers bought excursions))) Everything is in the classics of the genre.
By the way, the BORIS hotel is nearby. It is not clear whether it functions or not, but if you walk down the street, the reception is open and the restaurant is very abandoned. Light flickered through the windows. Kinda creepy and dark. I sympathize if there really someone settled.
Here's the first Fact why it's cheap. Well, if we went purely with my wife or with friends. Adults steal everything, but with a child .... (Those who want to come here with a child, keep in mind. Ours is allergic to fungi and the like. The wife quickly tidied up in her own way (although she shouldn’t), but for her peace of mind.
We went to the sea. walk to the sea for 7-10 minutes at a calm walking pace. I met those who didn’t like it (but I rested in fives, where the territory is so large that I had to go to the sea in the same way), and I don’t see anything wrong with going. It is even useful to shake everything in the stomach after a dense meal. The beach is clean. Beautiful. There are always sunbeds (it's all true). The guys are working on the beach and watching everything. Well done. I will be banal and will write everything that was written earlier. There is beer - 3 bucks, hookah - 6, ice cream from 3-4.5 lire. There is free water from the cooler, yupi from the 4 flavor machine, and there are two periods of time per day when a local woman bakes Turkish lavash with egg, minced meat, tomatoes, etc. Or tortillas with potatoes and onions (very tasty). They make cocktails and juices from oranges (it is very profitable to take juice, only 10 lire - about 110 rolls from 5 oranges a glass of 250 ml). This would cost us 300 rubles) everything else is a little expensive, but this is a beach.
Umbrellas are placed and adjusted by a special person. The entrance to the sea is sandy at first, then, somewhere around a meter of small pebbles and a drop of half a meter, and again sand. after the drop you stand in the sea up to your waist (my height is 182). Further sand and large stones lie. The stones lie in a strip. You pass them and again the sand. The waves are very strong and constantly wash ashore. Special shoes (aquasocks) will not interfere. Although many bathe like this. (Here's another small fact that, in my opinion, slightly affects the cost). Before the flight came to the beach in the morning. The sea covered people up to their heads. Umbrellas fell from the wind on the sand. Rescuers forbade people to swim. This is not a minus of the hotel, but the sea itself in Alanya.
The next question is food. We flew with a child and for us one of the two fundamental factors (accommodation and food) was the most important. Adult food is ok. Too weak for a small child. Ours tried to eat morning rice porridge with milk, which was cloyingly sweet. I had to feed with buns, hard-boiled eggs, vegetables. I didn’t eat chicken because it was often in spices (here an adult will not always withstand the specific cuisine of Turkey, a child even more so). There was beef, but again seasoned. The child ate watermelon, melon, drank the milk that they brought with them. Now about food in general. There is fish (pollack breaded, tuna is very tasty), beef meat (usually stewed with vegetables, potatoes, etc.). The couple had the feeling that they were giving stew. Because the meat was very soft. Chicken sea (stewed, boiled in pure form, fried, grilled). There was grilled meat (minced meat). There were also soy meatballs. Sausages have not tried it is clear that soy. Cheese will go. From vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes separately and they are present in almost all salads. Chinese cabbage, ordinary sauerkraut. Pickled sour cucumbers. Olives and olives. Peppers. I am glad that there are no pasta salads)))). Every day there were spaghetti in a tomato and in some kind of white thing, such as cheese (they squeezed out of a cardboard box as a cook and spaghetti were drawn from milk), apparently some kind of special dressing. As a rule, 2 types of soup (powdered). tomato, mushroom and pasta. bread, tortillas, stewed vegetables. Fruits: grapefruit, apples, plums, pears, peaches (one day people started to take 4 pieces each, the cooks burned and started giving 1 piece to their hands, but not everyone had enough). Cakes ...... a lot of sweet some very tasty. Almost everything has been tried in 7 days. In general, the food was repeated almost every other day. Not counting tuna and fried anchovies. As well as Turkish night on Monday when there was shawarma (the queue lasted 2 hours), grill, french fries, a large cake with ice cream cream (very tasty). I have come to the conclusion about the different nutritional reviews. Someone is traveling with children and someone is an adult - this is the time. The second one has no comrade for taste and color. The fact is you won't be hungry. What lies as a cold snack (fish, eggplant, zucchini and puffs) is usually yesterday, morning, in short, not fresh. The dishes are clean, but the cutlery is not. guys waiters.....50/50. Someone is smiling and trying, and someone walks with a stone face. The bartenders are all cool. Administrators too.
Pools. I wrote about them before. if you swim, then in a quiet place. if it's fun, mostly. But we were rarely there. Our position. we came to the sea. As for the cleanliness of the pools .... Yes, ordinary pools. they will never be perfectly clean, as there are people there from morning to evening.
Bar. From alcohol: vodka, Crayfish, Analogue of Belis, Malibu, White wine (did not like it) and red, both dry. EFES beer (it is everywhere, normal beer. I met a divorced woman in Turkish hotels). 2 cups on hand. beer up to 0.25l. cocktails up to 0.15, whites 0.1l. Cola, sprite fact from the machine. Tonic (Schweppes) from bottles.
There are coffee machines (express norms, coffee with milk is so-so, delicious cocoa). There is an automatic machine with ayran. There is a samovar type machine. It has 3 teapots with tea and boiling water from the machine. Nearby are glasses (local dishes "brothel"). Water with scale. They don't seem to clean. The most tasteless water in the cooler near the dining room. The most normal on the beach.
Animation. I don't know about adults. Probably fun. Didn't go to the show. On the last evening, I watched a little bit of an acrobatic show from the balcony. Interesting. But the kids are good. the child danced so that then he slept smartly. And about the main body. our windows overlooked the amphitheater, he fell asleep at 9-10 and calmly heard all the shows and slept. The disco takes place in the basement where there is a SPA and a Turkish bath.
There is a room for drawing and watching cartoons. There is a playground complex on the street: slides, swings, stairs, etc. On the final day, a corner with balls and a slide were installed in the drawing room. For children in this regard, they are trying.
The location of the hotel. It's great here. I went out immediately to the Migros super market (I found out on the last day that a discount club card is being issued for free). If you go straight or a little to the right you go out onto a busy highway through it, the sea. If you go out and immediately to the right, then this is the road through Boris towards the METRO and the Alanium shopping center and the 3-story Defacto store. If you go out and immediately to the left, just a street (there is a visiting bazaar on it), it takes 3-4 streets long. Very long. They were afraid to go during the day in the heat, but atm it turns out they make tents in the form of a pavilion. You can walk quietly in the sultry heat. Prices are average market, but it is necessary to break by 50% or even more. In the evening, everyone is ready to give away much cheaper. Leave at 6-7. The sales people are very rude and pushy. The main thing is not to react to comments and emotions. For example, everyone sells a package of tea from 8 boxes of different tastes for 25. I bought for 10. (ie roughly instead of 250 rubles -100). They sell everything to Turku for 150-130, I took it for 50. I managed to eat Kalyak in the evening. Everyone was already leaving. cost 350 for 200 took. etc.
Alanium super shopping center. (If you are not interested, do not read) Branded things come out a penny for our money. U.S. Polo t-shirts for 590 rubles. shirts for 590-900 rubles. They also bought sweets. Compared with the market prices are the same. Now about what currency to pay. 100% in Lira. I exchanged 120 dollars with the Guide at the rate of 6 lira per dollar. He said that the average market rate in shops is 5 lira. but many consider it for 6. And in banks for 7. But in the shopping center I was surprised that they are debited from a credit card in rubles, the calculation is in lira at the rate of 6.92 per dollar. What would not swim and navigate. in our race, the dollar was 69 rubles or 6-7 lira. Accordingly, 1 lira is 10-11 rubles. But due to the collapse of the lira, their prices for many things have become lower. They say that the President issued a decree on the settlement in lira in the domestic market, but sellers, of course, are more profitable in dollars, and even more so in euros. So they round up a lot. Consider the example of a plate with shells 1 dollar or 1 euro or 5 lira. We convert everything into lira. 6 lire or 7 lire or 5 lire. If in rubles, then the difference from 10-20 rubles is purely on the difference in the course (not to mention bargaining).
Many people bought smartphones, etc. Maybe they win, but it's a double-edged sword. in which case where to apply for a guarantee?))))))
Conclusion: This good trio but not four. All positive reviews... I don't know if this is a contest or not. We haven't heard of any competition. I write because I saw the rest in this hotel. After all, Tatyana said that everyone has their own opinion ..... Ours is. If you travel with children under 3 years old, it is better if there is of course an opportunity to consider a better hotel. Adults can relax here normally ..... Again, the taste and color .... (hence the different reviews) someone thumps around the clock and he doesn’t care, someone came on excursions and only sleeps and bathes in the hotel ..... By the way, we didn’t go and didn’t look for the cons of the hotel. They are visible to the naked eye. There are no perfect hotels. I will not say that the hotel is bad, perhaps for the money it is normal, but not for families with kids. I was in the fives that are considered the best, and there water was leaking from the bathroom into the room in the carpet ....
We do not regret the rest. We still had a good rest. We found ways out of uncomfortable situations. If it weren’t for the showdown with Tatyana and these transfers and waste of time, one could say that the rest was a success. Why don't we get upset. Since people wrote about the cons and knew about them and knew what could be. My review is proof of this. And then everyone decides to rest here or not. Would you come again? No. Would I recommend to friends? If you want to have a cheap rest and do not care about the conditions, then yes ..... And so it’s probably better to save up more and take something else.
Good luck to all! I hope the review will be useful to everyone. And the hotel ... What a hotel ... It is unlikely to become much better in the near future .....

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If you want to relax with family or friends in an atmosphere of carefree and fun, then you should definitely go to the Blue Wave Suite Hotel Resort. Here you will be surrounded by the attention and care of the staff, and you will also be able to take advantage of a host of services and amenities.

Hotel Information

This luxury hotel was built in 1999. Since then, it has gained wide popularity among travelers. Considering that the reconstruction was carried out in 2014, the territory and the number of rooms look completely renovated. It is worth noting that only the main building has undergone a major overhaul.

The Blue Wave Suite Hotel has a small area (about 7000 sqm). It houses the main four-story building, as well as six small detached blocks. Despite the compactness of the territory and a large number of vacationers, the hotel is absolutely not overcrowded, which is ensured by a successful layout.

This hotel provides all the features and amenities that will make your stay comfortable and complete. Swimming pools, beach, restaurants, dry cleaning, laundry, gym - this is not a complete list of the hotel's infrastructure facilities.

Hotel location

guests resort hotel You will certainly appreciate the quality service, convenient location and warm weather. Alanya is only a few kilometers away from the hotel (about 20 minutes drive). The nearest airport is located just over 100 km from the hotel. It is worth noting that the sea harbor of Alanya, located nearby the hotel, provides a direct connection to Cyprus, the distance to which is no more than 5 km. The road to the beach will not take you even 10 minutes.

Resort rooms

Comfortable accommodation provides its guests with the Blue Wave Suite Hotel. You can choose to host the following options:

  • Economy rooms are ideal for those tourists who do not like to spend a lot of time indoors, but spend most of the day on excursions and by the sea. The small room has two separate beds, a desk and bedside tables.
  • Standard rooms are equipped with a large bed or two twin beds. It is also possible to install an additional folding bed. There is a small sitting area with an easy chair and a floor lamp.
  • The suites are spacious and elegantly furnished. The room is decorated in soothing colors, which contributes to a good rest. In addition to the bedroom, there is a living area with upholstered furniture. It is worth noting that the room is decorated with bright paintings.
  • The hotel has special rooms for the disabled. For the comfort of people handicapped the rooms are equipped with wide doorways, as well as comfortable handrails.

Amenities in guest rooms

All numbers resort complex Blue Wave Suite Hotel is decorated in an elegant modern style and equipped with the latest technology. In your apartment you can enjoy a wide range of amenities. It is worth noting the following:

  • satellite TV with many music, news and entertainment channels (Russian-language channels are also provided);
  • mini-bar with refrigerator (alcoholic and carbonated drinks are paid separately);
  • individual air conditioning system that will help you maintain a cool air temperature in the room;
  • reliable code safe that will ensure the safety of your valuables;
  • thanks to the presence of a landline phone, you can, without leaving your room, make an order in a restaurant, as well as apply with a request or remark to the administration;
  • the bathroom has a modern shower cabin, as well as an electric hairdryer and a complete set of bath accessories;
  • rooms have access to a private balcony with plastic chairs and a clothesline.

Close attention is paid to the cleaning of the rooms. In the apartments of the Blue Wave Suite Hotel 4 *, cleaning is carried out daily, and bed linen is changed twice a week.

Services for guests

Each guest of the hotel will be surrounded by care and attention because travelers are provided with a huge number of services. The free service includes the following items:

  • use of comfortable sun loungers and umbrellas for protection from the sun both on the beach and around the pool;
  • rental of special equipment for people with disabilities;
  • use of wireless Internet in public areas;
  • calling a taxi at the appointed time;
  • room service during the day.

Some services are provided to guests for an additional fee. At the Blue Wave Suite Hotel 4 *, these include the following:

  • car, motorcycle or bicycle rental;
  • use of a safe deposit box at the reception;
  • room service at night;
  • currency exchange transactions (in addition to the exchange rate difference, a commission fee is also charged);
  • transfer to the airport or any other designated point;
  • washing and ironing clothes;
  • delivery of food and drinks from the restaurant to the apartments;
  • calling a doctor to the hotel territory or directly to the room.

Despite the fact that the list of services is not the widest, in the hotel you will not feel deprived. A small number of services are more than offset by the attention and kindness of qualified staff.

Infrastructural facilities of the hotel

The Blue Wave Suite Hotel 4 * (Alanya, Obagel) is characterized by a developed resort infrastructure. You will be given the opportunity to use the following facilities:

  • on the territory there is a small garden with a mass of flowers and green spaces;
  • dry cleaning, laundry, where you can take your soiled or crumpled things;
  • restaurants that provide meals buffet, as well as menu service;
  • in the bar you will be available a variety of drinks and snacks;
  • parking area with video surveillance and security;
  • round-the-clock reception, where guests can get comprehensive advice on all issues of interest;
  • the souvenir shop sells a lot of interesting gizmos that will serve as a memory of your vacation;
  • so that guests can comfortably reach the upper floors, there is an elevator;
  • a business center where guests can access modern office equipment, as well as rent a conference room.

Entertainment and active recreation

The warm Turkish weather is conducive to a fun and active pastime. Alanya can offer travelers a lot of opportunities for vibrant entertainment. In particular, in this hotel you will have the following options for organizing leisure activities:

  • evening animation shows, which include dance and vocal numbers, as well as fun contests and a disco;
  • own well-groomed beach with sun loungers, sunshades and other amenities;
  • children can have fun in the mini club;
  • in the nightclub you can enjoy compositions from invited DJs, as well as incendiary dances;
  • a Turkish bath will help to relax and improve well-being;
  • in the garden, as well as in some rooms there are ping-pong tables;
  • in the open air there is a playground with modern attractions and a safe surface;
  • if you want to improve your health, get rid of cellulite or just relax, be sure to visit a massage parlor;
  • to keep your figure in shape, train regularly in the gym;
  • outdoor pools with water slides.

Useful information for tourists

One of the most attractive destinations for lovers sea ​​recreation is Türkiye. Blue Wave Suite Hotel 4 * has some internal rules that tourists should familiarize themselves with:

  • check-in and check-out of guests is carried out, respectively, the field of two in the afternoon and before noon (subject to availability of free rooms, you can use the services of early check-in or late check-out);
  • children stay free of charge unless they require extra beds;
  • the hotel does not allow pets;
  • you can use a plastic card to pay for the services received through the terminal;
  • smoking is prohibited throughout the hotel (with the exception of specially designated areas);
  • if by your arrival at the hotel you decide to commemorate a wedding or an anniversary of marriage, then as a present you will be given fruit, sweets and champagne in your room;
  • birthday cake is provided (can be served in a restaurant or delivered to the room);
  • if you stay in this hotel more than twice, you automatically become a regular guest, which gives you the right to upgrade the room category if there are enough free places.

Positive reviews

Most tourists are satisfied with their stay at the Blue Wave Suite Hotel. Reviews testify to many positive points, among which the following are worth noting:

  • polite, friendly and attentive attitude of staff towards vacationers;
  • the restaurant serves incredibly delicious Turkish pastries;
  • well-equipped beach (in addition to sunbeds and umbrellas, there are also toilets, showers and changing rooms);
  • fairly fresh renovation in the hotel;
  • Very good quality dishes in the restaurant;
  • budget rates for accommodation;
  • remoteness of the hotel from the city center provides a quiet and peaceful environment;
  • well-groomed sand and pebble beach;
  • if the hotel has free cleaned rooms, then you will be settled without waiting for the check-out time;
  • daily high-quality cleaning (with obligatory mopping);
  • very interesting evening shows;
  • the restaurant menu has a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • there are supermarkets and shops nearby where you can buy not only products, but also quality Turkish things at an affordable price;
  • the buffet menu offers a huge selection of confectionery (many pastries, cakes and traditional Turkish sweets);
  • between the main meals in the restaurant there is the possibility of a light snack;
  • it is worth noting the fast and high-quality work of waiters;
  • the pool has a children's water slide;
  • the hotel is located next to a beautiful promenade, which is a great place for evening walks;
  • even if you do not use the safe, nothing will be lost from your room;
  • maids delight guests with flower petals on the bed;
  • there is a Russian-speaking administrator who helps to quickly solve all the problems that arise;
  • you can take drinks from the bar to your room (glasses will be picked up later by the maid);
  • despite the huge number of vacationers, there is enough food in the dining room for everyone;
  • the main contingent of guests are people from the CIS countries, and therefore you will always find yourself a cheerful company;
  • if you arrived at the hotel too early and there are no available rooms, then to brighten up the wait, they will lay a table for you with a snack in the lobby area;
  • if the windows of your room overlook the amphitheater, then you can watch evening shows from the balcony;
  • the restaurant menu offers a huge selection of salads with a variety of dressings;
  • quality alcohol in the restaurant and bar;
  • there is wireless internet on the beach;
  • there is a large mirror in the elevator, and music is constantly playing;
  • despite the fact that, in general, the food is monotonous, every day the chefs prepare some kind of surprise for the guests;
  • there are hammocks on the beach;
  • the bar located near the pool serves delicious and high-quality fast food;
  • clean and well-groomed territory;
  • there is practically no smell of chlorine in the pool;
  • animators arrange group trips to night discos in the center of Alanya;
  • free access to the Turkish bath.

Negative Feedback

Unfortunately, at the Blue Wave Suite 4 * you may encounter a number of negative points. They are reflected in negative feedback the following content:

  • the hotel does not provide free beach towels, so you will have to bring your own or buy new ones in the supermarket;
  • the sea is located far from the hotel, despite the fact that this is the first line;
  • there are no catering establishments on the beach, and therefore, in order to have a bite, you will have to return to the hotel;
  • rather monotonous food, which bothers after a few days;
  • the animation is rather sluggish;
  • it is worth noting that the view from the windows of the rooms overlooking the courtyard, very impartial - garbage cans, fittings, bricks and other waste products of the hotel;
  • for the use of air conditioning, you have to leave an impressive deposit of $ 20;
  • a very small shower, in which it will be inconvenient for people of large build to swim;
  • all entertainment after eleven in the evening is paid;
  • very little food to feed babies;
  • old air conditioners do not cope with their task;
  • plumbing needs to be replaced;
  • a lot of noise from the disco, which is held after dinner;
  • Wi-Fi is very slow in the rooms;
  • tourists are not informed that only one of the 6 buildings of the hotel has been renovated, and therefore, most likely, you will not have to live in the best conditions;
  • when cleaning, maids do not devote enough time to the bathroom (the toilet bowl is not washed and the mirror is not wiped);
  • entry into the sea is covered with soft sand, but after a couple of meters sharp stones begin;
  • for such a large number vacationers (about 700 people) the pool is too small;
  • if you book a two-room suite, please note that air conditioning will be installed in only one of the bedrooms, and the second will be very stuffy;
  • use of the safe is possible only for an additional fee;
  • stained bath towels;
  • the hotel is far enough from the airport, and therefore the transfer can take several tiring hours;
  • the hotel has an incredibly small area, which is almost completely occupied by buildings and pools (there is nowhere to walk);
  • despite the well-established booking system, there are more guests in the hotel than the number of available rooms, and therefore some tourists are settled in neighboring "troikas";
  • the buffet menu contains very specific Turkish soups that may not be to the taste of a European;
  • a limit has been set for the use of wireless Internet (200 Mb per day is provided free of charge);
  • low-quality powdered juices;
  • on the way to the hotel you will have to cross a busy roadway, on which there is no pedestrian crossing;
  • the hotel has very expensive excursions (it is better to buy them from local guides);
  • if you leave the hotel early, you will not be provided with a lunch box;
  • there are always huge queues at the counter where dishes from the chef are served, and therefore not all guests manage to try it;
  • in the first days of your stay, it is quite a difficult task to find a hotel beach.

General impression

For most travelers one of the most favorite tourist destinations is Türkiye. The Blue Wave Hotel is chosen by many because of affordable prices. Be prepared for the fact that the road from the airport to the hotel will take you several hours. Nevertheless, positive impressions from the institution compensate for all inconveniences. You will certainly enjoy the elegant interior of the hall, the cleanliness of the territory and the comfort in the rooms. Speaking about the rooms, it is worth noting that, with the exception of the main building, they are quite outdated. But if you are not going to spend the whole day indoors, then most likely you will not pay attention to it.

The food in this hotel deserves all praise, despite the fact that it is rather monotonous - a wide range allows you to constantly experiment. The hotel is called a real paradise for the sweet tooth. This is due to the huge number of confectionery products served in the restaurant. The only thing that disappoints is not very high quality drinks. If we talk about animation, then it is represented by only two employees. Nevertheless, their energy and enthusiasm is quite enough to amuse all vacationers. Speaking about the beach, it is worth noting that it is clean, well maintained and well equipped. The only thing that spoils the impression is its remoteness from the hotel.

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