What is the name of the city in GTA 5. What are the differences between the Android version

To maintain a good atmosphere in Grand Theft Auto, the choice of location is quite critical. It's not enough to just give the player freedom and add any city to the game. The city should be alive with pedestrians and traffic. The city shouldn't be much different from real city, to allow the player to immerse himself in it.

We've already seen over the years with previous versions of GTA, Rockstar have mastered the art of allowing the player to perfectly immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the city. All this was made possible thanks to the story and engaging characters, exciting missions and much more. All additional information about the city of GTA 5, below.

The events of GTA V take place in the city of Los Santos, San Andreas - a city based on Los Angeles, California. With a population of 3.8 million, the city is known for being the home of the film industry. It is also famous for its beaches, unique highways and crime.

Los Santos is not an exact replica of Los Angeles, the city must be adapted to the gameplay. Some less interesting places were not included in the city. However, the similarities between the two cities are striking.

Several parts of the city of Los Angeles have been recreated in GTA V. We can name Hollywood (called Vinewood), Downtown, Venice (called Vespucci), Koreatown (called Little Seoul), Santa Monica (called Del Perro), other areas has its own charm and similarities.

Grand Theft Auto V takes place in modern times and has a theme of money, namely the contrast between rich and poor.

Districts and regions

  • Vinewood - analogue of Hollywood
  • East Los Santos
  • Little Seoul is apparently an Asian neighborhood, similar to Koreatown in Los Angeles
  • Los Santos Golf Club
  • Vespucci Beach - analogue of the real Venice Beach
  • Downtown
  • Los Santos Bay
  • Del Perro Pier
  • Los Puerta Highway
  • Del Perro Highway
  • Vespucci Canals
  • Grapeseed (rural)
  • Zancudo River (mountain river)
  • Vinewood Hills
  • Victorville Prison

Blaine County

The GTA V map also includes countryside, mountains, villages and beaches, in addition to the city. The map is very diverse, unlike GTA 4's Liberty City, where the urban environment dominates.

Rural areas are known as Blaine is far from irritating; side missions and activities are available, in addition to new ones vehicles. Each village has its own characteristics and its own people, meaning there is a lot to explore. You can make a trip to Grapeseed or San Chianski Mountains.


This poor area was seen in the second trailer of GTA 5. It is very similar to Ganton, which is copied from the real-life Compton area.

East Beach (East Beach)

The place in this screenshot resembles the real-life Long Beach or Playa del Seville from GTA San Andreas.

Suburb of Los Santos

There's not a lot of materials here. Still, the developers strive to show more of the main part of the city. However, in the diversity of the surrounding main city There is no doubt about GTA 5 terrain - ROckstar has extensive experience working with wildlife and villages since the days of GTA San Andreas and Red Dead Redemption.


Bright beaches with golden sand - beautiful place for walking the dog!

Perhaps the following beaches will appear in GTA 5:

  • Mission Beach
  • San Clemente
  • Coronado Beach
  • Malibu

Zancudo River

Zancudo is a beautiful mountain river. Zancudo is translated from Spanish as “mosquito”.

In addition, the appearance of the Santa Ana River is possible.

Groves and farms

Perhaps players will be able to purchase farms in GTA 5. Or maybe they won’t be able to - time will tell!

Blaine County

This is a small desert area located far from Los Santos. People live in trailers here, and Trevor is one of them.

grape bone (Grapeseed)

It is known that a small rural town called Grapebone will appear in GTA 5.

Alamo Lake(Alamo Sea)

This lake is created in the likeness of the real-life Lake Salton. It is too salty for that, so fishing here is not possible.

Military base

In one of the May reviews, journalists mentioned what they saw in the game military base.

Wind power plants

Such power plants occupy very large areas, and electricity is produced using wind energy. They may not be of any use, but they perfectly complement the countryside landscape.


Mount Chiliad(Chiliad)

Well, where would we be without the good old Mount Chilliad? We hope that you will first be able to climb it for a very long time, having previously hung yourself with tourist equipment, enjoy the beautiful scenery, and then jump with a parachute into a beautiful valley.

Mount Josiah(Josiah)

There will be more than one mountain in GTA 5! According to journalists who saw the game in late April, the mountain is called Josiah.

Imagine a city where all the inhabitants are coldly and calculatingly pursuing a career, trying to achieve wealth, fame and personal growth at any cost. Where everyone is a celebrity, ex-celebrity or trying to become a celebrity. Where from natural bounties all year round you can enjoy the ideal climate. Where the air is so good that you can savor its taste. And such a city really exists...

Welcome to heaven on earth - the great state of San Andreas and a beautiful city Los Santos.

Los Santos and Blaine County - the game world of GTA 5

There's something for everyone here, from skyscrapers to trailer parks, mansions to ghettos, ocean to desert, golf clubs to strip bars. Start a motorcycle, take a train, hail a taxi or borrow a car from an unsuspecting person local resident. If you're feeling adventurous, grab a buggy, find a speedboat, or head to one of the local airports to take to the skies. In this city you can do anything!

Get a tattoo in Vinewood. play a round of golf in Richman, buy a grenade launcher in Sandy Shores, put a diamond earring in your ear in Rockford Hills, get a haircut in Mirror Park.

This is Los Santos... here everything can be yours. Just reach out.

Some travel from city to city for work, some because of their love for flight attendants, and some for the sake of ordinary, boring tourism. There is a place for everyone in Los Santos, if only they have the desire and the money. If you can handle the second one on your own, then we will be happy to help you with the first one. The most interesting places for cultural and not-so-cultural recreation are at your service.

Have you just arrived in Los Santos, and are you already in a hurry to escape from the sour faces you met at the airport? A sound decision, but along the way, pay attention to the LSIA monument, which either speaks of the professionalism of local pilots, or the negligence of local controllers. Opposite there is a wonderful bar-restaurant “Sighing”, where you can think about returning to your homeland, since the airport is not far away.

Downtown, the heart of Los Santos. The economic history of brave America is being written inside sun-drenched skyscrapers. But despite all the efforts of the economic elite, for some reason the debt to China is only growing.

Not far from the center there is a city hall building, which kindly provides preferential accommodation for foreigners, despite the fears of the migration service.

And just to the right of the city hall there is a Mexican street where you can satisfy your stomach with a couple of tacos as soon as you finish watching the performance of local artists.

If you are drawn to older actresses of the past generation, or want to take a photo with a failed lawyer in a zombie costume, then the “Walk of Stars” in central Vinewood is at your service! Also, there are retro themed restaurants and freaky cafes all over Vinewood.

Kifflom, brother-brother or sister-sister! If you, like us, are easily susceptible to suggestion, then hurry to find a mansion on the edge of western Vinewood, where they will eagerly help you find enlightenment for a measly $500!

Rockford Hills is home to the Richards Majestic Film Studios, the epicenter of all the trash you see in a movie theater. But for the sake of fairness, it is worth noting that their hotel is the best in the whole city.

In the same area there is the Lifeinvader building, where the real geeks of their craft work. It will be quite difficult to get a job with them, because they don’t care about your resume and appearance with manners, they care about your number of subscribers in .

What would an elite area of ​​the city be without a golf course? provides you with 9 holes, clubs, balls and a good mood, because you can’t have anything else, for a hundred dollars!

There is a mansion in Rockford Hills that the neighbors really dislike because at night there is a hellish frenzy of booze, girls and a “cave of love.” If you pretend to be a dude with a lot of money, you can sneak into the party undetected.

Speaking of bobbleheads, the most elite institute in the entire state is located nearby for them. Very expensive, but that’s why it’s prestigious. Indeed, recently, prestige is assessed in the money spent on training, and not in the opportunities that the educational institution provides.

On west coast Los Santos is home to the luxurious Vespucci Beach, at certain angles. In addition to free sunbathing, this place is famous as a nightlife for prostitutes, dealers and homeless people.

On sandy shores there is the Del Perro Pier. It is the central entertainment destination in Los Santos. Among the shops with beach products, you can eat a hot dog, ride a Ferris wheel and ride the least scary roller coaster in the world.

The "Gate of Morning Dawn" is located on the edge of the Korean area and proudly has "서울청" written all over the monument. They symbolize the purity of thoughts, the nobility of good deeds and... and... we couldn’t think of anything else. Nevertheless, the “Gate” attracts a lot of tourists who are eager to unravel the essence of the building.

In the western hills of Los Santos is the Kortz Center, the main Cultural Center cities. Don’t be scared by strange monuments and provocative posters, because this is all modern art. Also, now there are educational programs on Russian literature, Egyptian culture, Liberty City gangs and the zinc dynasty of love, whatever the latter means.

A little further east is the Gilileo Observatory. The largest observatory in the state of San Adreas, it has a lot of rooms, excursion exhibits and even an underground concert hall. There are telescopes all around the perimeter, costing one dollar, from which you will not see anything, since the observatory is too close to the city. Although, no one canceled spying on the local rich.

The "Vinewood" sign on the hills is the most remarkable part of the entire city. It's hard not to notice the dazzling white shine that reminds any homeless person that he is not surviving somewhere out there, but in the City of Angels! Even drunk foreigners are not allowed to climb the sign itself, as they face a fine of $500. But let's be honest, when has that ever stopped anyone?

Vinewood Bowl is the best concert hall under open air. Yes, there are two of them in Los Santos, but why did we choose this one? It’s simple, it’s bigger, more beautiful, more convenient, and obviously not because its administration paid us more.

The Land Act Dam holds back a huge amount of water in its reservoir. Many experts predict flooding of most of the city due to careless operation of the dam. But don't worry as long as you only have rusty doors and some spare pipes... or extra?

In eastern Vinewood there is not an underground, but a truly official casino with its own racetrack, which is about to open! Only this “just about” has been going on for three years.

The artificial lake in the center of Mirror Park is a great place to practice yoga, morning jog and walking dogs. There are small houses around, most of which are for sale. Hurry up to grab a place in an artificial paradise before the drug dealers do.

Hurry up to look into the world famous, according to the sign, Textile City of Los Santos. There you can find a carpet for any color, size and even taste! In addition, discount clothing stores and tailor shops are evenly distributed throughout Simmet Alley, where you can sew up purchased items.

One-story Los Santos, also called the ghetto, is under the rule of large gangs. Throughout the territory you can find tags that serve as a conditional boundary, and you can learn more from one street name than from any local resident. The fact is that they don’t like strangers there, so to avoid getting into trouble, you should read a couple of books about surviving in the ghetto. Well, if such inconveniences don’t bother you, then hurry up and get hold of the cheapest housing in the city.

Maze Bank Area is a huge stadium on the edge of La Puerta, which is famous for its great productivity. For example, the show “Shame and Glory” is being filmed there, and they promise to build a motocross arena soon. This place also serves as a safe zone in which there are practically no clashes between gangs.

The Vanilla Unicorn Gentlemen's Club is the only strip club in Los Santos and Blaine County. Here you can relax after a hard day, sitting at the bar or on an armchair with a beautiful girl. A secret: girls really need affection, so don’t be shy to touch them in any visible places and, perhaps, they will thank you for it.

Tired of your routine holiday in the concrete jungle? Then it's time to head out for adventure in Blaine County. We recommend starting with the so-called “Baytree Canyon View,” a place that offers beautiful views of Sandy Shores, the Grand Senora Desert and Alamo Sea Lake. Right there is one store from the “Big” chain, which is famous for its artificially delicious fruit juices.

Too Hoots Falls (Very loud waterfall) is very a nice place in the Tongva Valley, whose idyll is ruined by a nearby road and several bobbleheads who try to fish out of him.

Marlowe Vineyard is part of the village of Marlowe. Here, Cubans, honest before the law, grow grapes on their plantations, which are canonically crushed by the dirty feet of Mexicans, because they are the ones who can give the very taste to the wine that we all love so fiercely.

Just below you can see Lago Zancudo, the only place where the effects of urbanization are not felt. Wetlands are a great addition to your SUV. Get together with friends, buy beer and organize a real trophy raid, fortunately the place allows it. What? Do you think you see a military base on the left? No, it just seemed to you.

If you're driving through northern Chumash, stop by the diner. This place is famous for the haven of the biker gang The Lost MC and a very tasty seafood lunch.

In the wilds of the Mount Chiliad Nature Reserve, a camp of altruists is comfortably located. If you like to look at natural beauty older men, and you can put up with the lack of city amenities, then this is definitely the place for you! All those whom we sent to collect this material never returned. What does this mean? That's right, about what they met good people with a similar worldview and stayed to live there. By the way, although they say that altruists do not use technology, this is actually not the case. Although, who cares, right?

Lake Alamo Sea is the largest lake in the San Andreas State and also serves as the main dividing line between Sandy Shores and Mount Chiliad. Two rivers emerge from the lake, which stretch all the way to Pacific Ocean. Also held on the lake various events: Scooter races, triathlons and fishing competitions.

There is a very deep mine on the slopes of the Great Chaparral. Access to it is closed, but no one forbids breaking the boards and committing illegal entry. There is nothing to do in the cave, which is why it is closed. Although many say that somewhere in the depths of the mine there is gold buried, left by the founding fathers.

An abandoned construction site in the Grand Senora desert has been converted into the Redwood Lights track, where motocross motorcycle racing takes place, and in the evenings fans gather to ride the same track on BMX.

Have you read a book about rules of behavior in society? Yes, the criminal code. If you haven't read it, you'll soon be making a deliberate trip to Bolingbroke Prison. Until that happens, come on a tour there, maybe it will help you escape.

While the kind residents of Bolingbroke are trying to find bodily freedom, on the contrary, over the hill, the residents of the trailer park, called hippies, are trying to find spiritual freedom. You can help them with their search at any time by becoming part of their community, having first smoked a “peace joint”, of course.

The Ron Alternates wind farm has about 55 wind turbines, half of which are not operational. This place is worth a visit to see one of the key oil companies' attempts to master another level of pumping money.

Rex's Diner is one of the most interesting eateries in all of Blaine County. It is interesting primarily for its statue of a pink dinosaur, cutely holding a hot dog on its paws. Also adding to its attractiveness is the rumor that a real dinosaur was seen at a nearby quarry three years ago!

There are small islands around the island. On some of them you can find shacks, both abandoned and inhabited. A great place to relax from the outside world.

In the north of the map, near Paleto Bay, there is an eatery called Up-N-Atom with the slogan "The Taste of America's Future." This establishment is interesting not only because of its ambiguous slogan, but also because of its statue of a rocket, which looks cool and also beeps coolly with a Geiger counter.

The pinnacle of your journey will be Mount Chiliad. For stunning views, take the Pala Springs Aerial Tramway, or walk to the top for $10. At the very top, real freedom awaits you - skydiving, enduro, camping and much more!

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This poor area was seen in the second trailer of GTA 5. It is very similar to Ganton, which is copied from the real-life Compton area.

East Beach (East Beach)

The place in this screenshot resembles the real-life Long Beach or Playa del Seville from GTA San Andreas.

Suburb of Los Santos

There's not a lot of materials here. Still, the developers strive to show more of the main part of the city. However, there is no doubt about the diversity of the area surrounding the main city of GTA 5 - ROckstar has extensive experience working with wildlife and villages since the days of GTA San Andreas and Red Dead Redemption.


Light beaches with golden sand are a great place to walk your dog!

Perhaps the following beaches will appear in GTA 5:

  • Mission Beach
  • San Clemente
  • Coronado Beach
  • Malibu

Zancudo River

Zancudo is a beautiful mountain river. Zancudo is translated from Spanish as “mosquito”.

In addition, the appearance of the Santa Ana River is possible.

Groves and farms

Perhaps players will be able to purchase farms in GTA 5. Or maybe they won’t be able to - time will tell!

Blaine County

This is a small desert area located far from Los Santos. People live in trailers here, and Trevor is one of them.

grape bone (Grapeseed)

It is known that a small rural town called Grapebone will appear in GTA 5.

Alamo Lake(Alamo Sea)

This lake is created in the likeness of the real-life Lake Salton. It is too salty for that, so fishing here is not possible.

Military base

In one of the May reviews, journalists mentioned that they saw a military base in the game.

Wind power plants

Such power plants occupy very large areas, and electricity is produced using wind energy. They may not be of any use, but they perfectly complement the countryside landscape.


Mount Chiliad(Chiliad)

Well, where would we be without the good old Mount Chilliad? We hope that you will first be able to climb it for a very long time, having previously hung yourself with tourist equipment, enjoy the beautiful scenery, and then jump with a parachute into a beautiful valley.

Mount Josiah(Josiah)

There will be more than one mountain in GTA 5! According to journalists who saw the game in late April, the mountain is called Josiah.

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