Where is the Obukhovsky Bridge. Panorama Big Obukhovsky Bridge

: 59 ° 55'18 "s. sh. 30 ° 19'04 "in. d. /  59.92167 ° C. sh. 30.31778 ° C. d./ 59.92167; 30.31778. (G) (I)

Crossing Location Design Type of construction

solid two-walker reinforced concrete arch

Basic Splot. Bridge width Exploitation Opening

Title Bridge


First wooden bridge Through the Fontanka River in the target of modern Moscow prospectus was built in 1717. The bridge had in the middle of a transverse slot 70 cm wide, intended for the passage of mast vessels; In the afternoon, this gap was laid by the boards. In 1738, the crossing was rebuilt.


  • The names went from the bridge: Obukhovsky Avenue (in the XIX century - part of the current Moscow prospectus from Sennaya Square to Fontanka) and Obukhovskaya Square on the Moscow Prospect at the Fontanka River.
  • In the hotel located at the Obukhovsky bridge, the hotel was united in 1837 arrived to enter the Engineering School F. M. Dostoevsky.

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  • Gorbachevich K. S., Hablo E. P. Why are so named? On the origin of the titles of streets, squares, islands, rivers and bridges of Leningrad. - 3rd ed., Act. and add. - L.: Lenazdat, 1985. - P. 469. - 511 p.
  • Bunin, M. S. Bridges of Leningrad. Essays of the history and architecture of the bridges of St. Petersburg - Petrograd - Leningrad .. - L.: Stroyzdat, Leningr. Deposit, 1986. - 280 s.
  • Gorbachevich K. S., Hablo E. P. Why are so named? On the origin of the titles of streets, squares, islands, rivers and bridges of St. Petersburg. - 4th ed., Pererab. - St. Petersburg. : Norint, 1996. - P. 332. - 359 p. - ISBN 5-7711-0002-1.
  • Antonov B. I. Bridges of St. Petersburg. - St. Petersburg: verb, 2002. - 192 p. - ISBN 5-89662-019-5.


2. Arina Sigacheva " Obukhovsky Most"Poems: www.stihi.ru/cgi-bin/login/page.pl

An excerpt characterizing the Obukhovsky Bridge

- Mama, what you say! ..
- Natasha, it is not, no more! - And, hugging her daughter, the first time the Countess began to cry.

Princess Marya postponed his departure. Sonya, the graph tried to replace Natasha, but could not. They saw that she could hold her mother from insane despair. The three weeks of Natasha veins hopelessly at the mother, he slept on the chair in her room, he fed, fed her and never stopping with her, "said one gentle, caressing her, who caresses her.
Mother's soul wound could not heal. The death of Petit took half of her life. A month after the news of the death of Petit, who made her fresh and cheerful fifty-year-old woman, she came out of her room semi-dimensional and not attending participation in life - old woman. But the same wound, which half killed a countess, this new wound caused Natasha for life.
The spiritual wound, originating from the rupture of the spiritual body, just like the wound physical, oddly enough, it seems, after the deep wound healed and seems to be sown with its edges, the wound of spiritual, as well as physical, heals only from the inside, wringing the power of life.
Also healed the wound Natasha. She thought her life was king. But suddenly, the love of mother showed her that the essence of her life is love - still alive in it. Love woke up, and life awoke.
The last days of Prince Andrei tied Natasha with Prince Marya. New misfortune has come closer to them even more. Princess Marya postponed his departure and the last three weeks, as for a sick child, cared for Natasha. The last weeks, held by Natasha in the mother's room, spent her physical strength.
One day, the princedine of Marya, in the middle of the day, noticing that Natasha trembles in a feverish chill, led her to himself and put on her bed. Natasha lay down, but when Princess Marya, lowering Stork, wanted to go out, Natasha called her to her.
- I do not want to sleep. Marie, sit with me.
- You're tired - try to fall asleep.
- No no. Why did you hurt me? She will ask.
- It is much better for her. She now said so well, "said Princess Marya.
Natasha lay in bed and in the semit of the room examined the face of the Princess Mary.
"She looks like him?" - thought Natasha. - Yes, it looks like and does not look like. But she is special, alien, very new, unknown. And she loves me. What is her soul? All good. But how? How does she think? How does she look at me? Yes, she is beautiful. "
"Masha," she said, shouting her hand to himself. - Masha, you do not think that I am bad. Not? Masha, Golubushka. I love you so much. We will be completely friends.
And Natasha, hugging, began to kiss hands and face Princess Marya. Princess Marya was ashamed and rejoiced by this expression of Natasha's feelings.
From this day, one passionate and tender friendship was established between Prince Marya and Natasha, which only happens between women. They were inconspicuously kissed, the tender words spoke to each other and spent most of the time together. If one went out, then the other was restless and hurried to join her. They two of them felt more consent to each other than apart, each herself with him. There was a feeling of the strongest than friendship between them: it was an exceptional feeling of the possibility of life only in the presence of each other.
Sometimes they were silent whole hours; Sometimes, already lying in beds, they began to talk and spoke until the morning. They spoke most of the long-lasting. Princess Marya told about his childhood, about his mother, about his father, about her dreams; And Natasha, before with a calm misunderstanding dismantled from this life, devotion, humility, from the poetry of Christian dedication, now, feeling loving love with Prince Marya, loved and passed the princessed Marya and understood the incomprehensible her before the side of life. She did not think to attach humility and selflessness to her life, because she was accustomed to look for other joys, but she understood and loved to another virtue of this before. For the Princess Mary, who listened to the stories about childhood and the first youth of Natasha, also opened before the incomprehensible side of life, faith in life, in enjoying life.
They all just never told about him in order not to violate the words, as it seemed to them, that height of the feeling, which was in them, and this default did what he did, not believing this, they forgot him.
Natasha lost weight, turned pale and physically so became the weak that everyone was constantly talking about her health, and she was nice. But sometimes it was unexpectedly found not only the fear of death, but the fear of illness, weakness, the loss of beauty, and involuntarily, she sometimes carefully looked at her naked hand, surprised at her thin, or looked in the mirror in the mirror on her stretched, miserable, as it seemed , face. It seemed to her that it should be so, and at the same time grew scary and sad.
Once she soon went upstairs and shattered heavily. Immediately unwittingly, she came up with the case at thenime and ran away from there again, trying strength and watching her.
Another time she called Dunyash, and her voice snapped. She once again clicked her, despite the fact that she heard her steps, "she clicked into a breast, whom she was hushed and listened to him.
She did not know this, would not believe, but under the faithless layer of Ila, who shook her soul, was already made away thin, gentle young herbs needles, who had to be rooted and so to stipulate their life escapes to her grief that he would soon be seen And not noticeable. The wound was healing from the inside. At the end of January, Princess Marya went to Moscow, and the Count insisted that Natasha rushed with her in order to consult with the doctors.

After the collision under Vyazma, where Kutuzov could not hold his troops from the desire to overturn, cut off, etc., the further movement of the fled French and behind them the convened Russians, to the Red, took place without battles. The flight was so quickly that the Russian army who fledgingly beyond the French could not sleep for them that horses in cavalry and artillery became and that the information about the movement of the French was always incorrect.
People of Russian troops were so exhausted by this continuous movement along forty miles per day, which could not move faster.
To understand the degree of depletion of the Russian army, it is necessary only to clearly understand the meaning of the fact that, having lost the wounded and killed at all the time of movement from Tarutina no more than five thousand people, without losing hundreds of people with prisoners, the Russian army, published from Tarutin, It came to the Red Among the number of fifty thousand.
The rapid movement of Russians for the French operated on the Russian army in the same way destructive as the flight of the French. The difference was only that the Russian army moved arbitrarily, without the threat of dying, which hung over the French army, and the fact that the enemy remained backward patients, the enemy remained, the backward Russians remained at home. The main reason for the reduction of the Napoleon's army was the speed of movement, and the undoubted proof is the appropriate decrease in Russian troops.

In the magazine "Business Territory" No. 5 (20) for July 2008, an article-conversation "VanTow bridges - the flying structures of High Tech" of the correspondent of Irina Kirillova with the Deputy General Director for Designing CJSC Institute of Hyproproymost St. Petersburg Oleg Skorik, in which, Including the construction of the guy bridge in St. Petersburg: Currently, in the world practice of bridge construction, there are two technologies of the VANT device, due to which the life of the guy facilities according to the standards is at least 100 years - these are all-band guy with parallel wires and guys formable on installation Made by monostrend technology. It is the second type of technology that is applied on the guy bridge through the Neva. One of the main carrier elements vote bridges are pylons. 126-meter metal pylons of the Big Obukhovsky Bridge - the highest structures of St. Petersburg, which are above the spire of the cathedral Petropavlovsk Fortress. For domestic bridge buildings with its capacities and equipment, the construction of guy bridges is a significant innovation. And metal pylons even in the practice of world bridge buildings are rarely applied. Especially for their facilities, the general contractor of construction "Mostootard-19" acquired a pack of Potain with a loading capacity of 40 tons and a height of 160 m. Subcontracting company Mostotrest, who worked on the construction of the Right-Bank Pilon, also had to buy special equipment - Libher crane on the tracked move with a loading capacity of 300 tons.

The first time was scheduled to the 300th anniversary of the city - by May 28, 2003, the established deadlines for the construction of the bridge transition dictated a number of its design features, including the choice of metal as a material for the production of pylons, although the reinforced concrete is used, since made from Its structures have a better damping ability and less cost. Metal was also used as a material for the manufacture of the bridge stiffness beam also used. Such a constructive solution is usually applied with a span value over 600 m. The length of the central span of a large Obukhovsky bridge is 382 m, and the stagno-concrete would be a more economical solution. The decision to apply the all-metal stiffness beam was dictated by the desire of contractors to abandon the concreting of the reinforced concrete plate of the roadway in the winter. In all projects of guy facilities, metal structures from low-alloy structural steels are used.

The magnitude of the central span in 382 m was also dictated by the directive deadlines for the construction of a bridge transition, since with an increase in the span to 500 m (the possibility of the device of both pylons on the banks of the Neva) would increase its construction.

The progress of the project is also dictated by the separation of work in line of construction. Due to the fact that the CAD should be done on eight bands (4 bands in each direction), it was decided to build two bridges for four lanes each with a distance between the axes of 36.4 m. From the point of view of aerodynamics, the construction of two bridges In close proximity to each other, the task is quite extraordinary. There are few examples of such solutions in the world.

The technology of the VANT device was also determined by the deadlines for the end of the work on the object. All-blank guys have some operational advantages compared to mounted, but their design requires a detailed design study until the construction is started. Designing the bridge over the Neva coincided with the construction process. Therefore, the type of VANT formed on the installation was used on the Large Obukhovsky Bridge. The guys performed on monostend technology are also metal structures. The basis of the strand is seven high-strength wire with a diameter of 5 mm each.

TO ak says ... We built, built and finally built! :)))
The bridge or rather bridges (2 nearby) turned out to be at the glance - twin handsome.

On December 15, 2004, a new bridge was officially opened in St. Petersburg - a big guy, a 382-meter handsome, which connected the October embankment and Obukhovsky defense avenue. The second was not yet, the "twin" was opened for three years later, October 19, 2007.

A bridge is located on the border of the Nevsky District of St. Petersburg and the Vsevolozhsky district of the Leningrad region, in the middle of the Neva and connects the Avenue of Obukhovsky Defense and the October Embankment.

This bridge is one of the most long bridges Russia and the only faded bridge over the Neva.

In fact, these are two identical bridges with the opposite direction of movement on them. The bridge was built in a sufficiently difficult area of \u200b\u200bthe Neva, not far from the radiation of the knee curve, however, with a 126 m high pilon with a high span with a high span with a high span. It is believed that the bridge is completely invisible to the courts passing along the river, however, the facts are stubborn, the maximum envelope of ships capable of passing through the Neve Ladoga Lake In the Nevsky lip or in the opposite direction, it was reduced at a height of 10 m. (It was 40m, and after entering the bridge it was 30m).

When choosing the name of power for the first time, they turned to residents of the city. Petersburgers did not slow down to respond.

The names were offered many, from funny to scary. Most advised to name the Ladoga Bridge. Then the names were walking - fishing "and" Smolensky ", but there were original ideas. For example, it was proposed to call the new Bridge" Rus "(where the" Troika Bird "rushes ...);" Petrel "(since proudly real over the gray plain); the name of the Kulibin, which created the project of a single-span bridge through the Neva for another 1776; "Ring", (because it is on Ring Road); Sakharov named (because in the rays of the setting sun, the bridge resembles a picture of a nuclear explosion); "Anti-Blockal" or "Alibi" (because with his appearance of the phrase "bridges divorced" lost its relevance) And also "Bridge Olga Bergholts", "Izhorsky", "Nevsky", "Leningrad", etc. There was even a crazy idea to call the Spartak Bridge (by the name of the nearest garden), they were offered, of course, the name "Zenith", because ... you know ...

The Toponimical Commission thought about ... and chose the impeccable version of the St. Petersburg ear - "Big Obukhovsky". And now next to the first bridge, the second and the same twin handsome :)))

Photo (c) ivan_smelov

Road junctions with the October Embankment and Avenue of Obukhovsky Defense are very bunciful and complex, and if the first spread out several hundred square meters on another free right bank of the Neva, the second is built on a small block of land between residential buildings.

Obukhovsky Bridge, one of the oldest bridge buildings of St. Petersburg, shifted through the fountain, and is located in the goal of the Moscow Prospect. If you go from the bridge toward the city center, you can go to the garden street and the Sennaya Square. Following the opposite direction, you get to the metro station "Technological Institute" and a country avenue.

By his name, the Obukhovsky Bridge is obliged by the name "Posad Man" Obukhov, in 1717, built here the first crossing - a wooden beam bridge. In this wooden structure, there was a transverse gap, seventy centimeters wide, intended for the passage of mast vessels. In order to safely move, during the daytime, this hole was layered by boards.

In 1738, the Obukhovsky Bridge was restructuring, and at the same time - renaming, after which he became known as Saarsky, based on the nearby road leading to the Saaric Muse, known in our time as the royal village. However, the title did not fit, and the bridge again began to wear the surname of the contractor of the construction works of Obukhov, keeping the memory of him, and to this day. Moreover, other St. Petersburg names occurred from the Obukhov bridge, such as Obukhovskaya Square, located on the Moscow Avenue by Fontanka, or Obukhovsky Avenue, which in the 19th century held a part of the modern Moscow prospectus, from Sennaya Square to Fontanka.

In 1785-1786, this bridge structure was rebuilt again. Now the construction of the Obukhovsky bridge was carried out according to a typical project, which were built by seven permanent bridges through a fountain, such as Chernyshev Bridge, Old Kalinkin and others. By the way, only by this two mentioned bridges, managed to preserve to this day in the original form, did not undergo any significant changes over the years of operation.

1865 brought the Obukhovsky Bridge another reconstruction made on the project engineer Mikhailov. Then it was replaced by its adjustable span with a permanent brick arch, and the towers are dismantled. In such a relatively scarce architectural form, the bridge existed for more than 70 years, while in 1939 there was no regular replacement for the design of this structure. During this restructuring, the project of which was developed by an engineer V. V. Demchenko and the architect L. A. Soskovov, the Obukhovsky bridge became a three-role reinforced concrete structure having solid elliptic arrow and granite facing of facades. Such an operational and cardinal intervention was caused by the fact that with a wide range of only 16.5 meters, the bridge began to limit the bandwidth of the Moscow Prospect, whose width was twice as much, and reached almost the 31st meters. After reconstruction, the width of the Obukhovsky bridge was equal with the width of the avenue, in the target of which it is located, and has become the same as 31 meters, with a structure of 67 meters. Drips on the bridge were decorated with mounted granite obsessions with lamps and granite parapets, which gave visual heavyness bridge. It is noteworthy that, according to the longitudinal axis of the Obukhovsky bridge, its supports are directed at an angle of 60 degrees, as the fountain, through which it is built, also crosses the Moscow Prospect with an angular slope.

The text has prepared Angelica Likhacheva

Obukhovsky Bridge, view upstream
59 ° 55'18 "s. sh. 30 ° 19'04 "in. d. H.G.IO.L.
Crossing river Fontanka
Location Moscow avenue
Type of construction solid two-walker reinforced concrete arch
Basic Splot. 18 M.
Bridge width 30.88 M.
Opening (stone in a typical project);
Media Files on Wikisklad
Object of cultural heritage of Russia regional importance
reg. № 781711018850005. (EMCC)
object number 7802260000. (Database Vikigid)

Title Bridge


The first wooden bridge over the Fontanka River in the target of modern Moscow prospectus was built in 1717. The bridge had in the middle of a transverse slot 70 cm wide, intended for the passage of mast vessels; In the afternoon, this gap was laid by the boards. In 1738, the crossing was rebuilt.

In 1785, a new stone bridge was built, one of the seven standard stone three-roll bridges through the fountain. Most literary sources are called the author of the project of the French engineer J.-R. Perrone (although it is not actually proven). The bridge was three-rolled, with arched side gentlemen and a wooden divorce span in the middle. Open granite towers completed by domes were erected over river supports. They were prevented by the mechanisms of the adjustable span. In 1865, on the project of the engineer, Mikhailov, a wooden adjustable span was replaced by a permanent brick arch, and the abovemost granite towers disassembled. According to the construction, the bridge has become three-rolled, with stone vaulted span structures, the holes in the light of which were 13.9 by the longitudinal axis; 9.17 and 14 m. Side spills overlapped with granite vaults of the box outline with an arrow of the lift in the light of 2.35 m. The thickness of the archs in the lock was 85 cm, it ranged from 95 to 120 cm. The average span, outlined by the circle arc, was laid out of bricks with granite cladding; His arrow of the lifting was 1.52 m. Coastal foundations and river supports were also stone, lined with granite. The periodile fences were metallic and were the usual straight rods, between which small rings were inserted at the top and bottom. The longitudinal axis of the bridge was the direction of the edges of the support angle 67 ° 15 '.

By the end of the 1930s, it was necessary to restructure the bridge, since its width that did not reach 16.5 m, limited the movement on an international prospect of 30.6 m wide. In addition, seeding with the disclosure of seams up to 25 mm was observed in brick arches of the central span . In 1937, the project sector on the operation of bridges and embankments began developing a new bridge project. The authors were engineer V. V. Demchenko and architect L. A. Soskov. In 1939, the bridge was open to movement.


The bridge is three-rolling, with solid two-coarse vaults of the parabolic outline. Outside, the plenty of construction and supports are lined with granite slabs. The longitudinal axis of the bridge is with the direction of the faces of the support angle of 60 °. Separate bridge formula: 14.4 + 18 + 14.4 m. The width of the bridge between the rays is equal to 30.88 m, the width of the carriage part is 24.6 m, the sidewalks - 3 m. River supports and coastal edges are reinforced concrete, on wooden pile grounds. Under them, 1600 wooden piles are scored, a length of 11 m. The coating of the sidewalks is the granite slabs, the carriageway - asphalt concrete. Initially, a gas pipeline of the Leningrad Gas Network was laid under the upper sidewalk. In 1950, due to gas leakage, an explosion occurred, destroyed part of the granite slabs of the sidewalk. The remaining part of the pipe was drowned and fell asleep with sand. After this incident, it was decided to plug through gas pipelines at other bridges of the city - Novo-Peterhof, Komsomolsk and others. Solid granite parapets are installed as period fences. Granite obelsities with round glass lanterns on the brackets are installed on the stuff.

See also: