Jaipur Forts. Fabulous Palace Amber Monumental Fort Amber 11 km from

The city was founded during the reign of Maharaja Bhagwan Dasha as the residence of his second son Mado Singha and quite a long time was very prosperous indian city. Gradually, its influence decreased and after the famine of 1783 he became uninhabited.

According to one of the legends, the city was cursed by a magician named Bala Nath. Initially, he blessed the construction of the city, provided that the shadows of the palaces, which are built in it, should not concern the place of his meditations, otherwise the city will be destroyed. But neither Raja nor his son listened to him and eventually the city began to collapse. Since then, with the construction of new houses, they destroyed the roof.

Today it is a deserted destroyed place, located in which you can only during the daytime. This is governed by almost at the level of the law: when entering the city, the Archaeological Administration of India is installed, which indicates that the foundation in the city after sunset is prohibited.

Coordinates: 27.09470100,76.29060400

Fort Amber

Fort Amber, built in 1592, is considered one of the best constructions in India. It is located on the hillside, and its walls are reflected in the waters of Lake Moie. Delivery of tourists to the fort is carried out in different ways - lovers hiking hiking They can independently climb up, comfort lovers can go on one of the tourist roads, and lovers of exotic will be able to go to the fort on the elephant. Inside the fort, on the first yard, there are many souvenir shops. A little further - the temple of Sila Davy dedicated to the militant goddess of Kali. On huge open terraces, you can often see wild monkeys. If you move deep into the temple, you get into the hall of pleasure, not far from which there is a channel used earlier as a water storage. Their Temple of Jai Mandir next to the shakers of Maharaja offers a wonderful view of the whole complex and the lake below.

Another fort - Jaigar is located above the Fort Amber. He was built in the Gay Singh in 1726. Well preserved watching towers This fort, and it is here that the world's largest wheel cannon is located.

Coordinates: 26.98430900,75.85119700

There is a fort at the mountain on the plateau, passing into the terrace. At the top of the top is the fortress of the Jaigarch, the name of which is translated as a forty victory. She guards both Amber and the city of Jaipur. Amber has a very good position, it stands in such a way that the hills are surrounded from all sides and mountain ridges. Almost all the length of the ridge, fortification walls with a frequency stretched.

Construction of the construction began in 1592 under the leadership of Raji Man Singha I. At that time, this man commanded the troops of the Akbar Empire. Construction ended after his death, when all the works were led by the descendant of Raji Jai Singh I. His name Fort received on behalf of the Burning of Amba, which all residents know how to Durgu.

Surprisingly, only local stone and wood was used to base such a magnificent structure. Thus, the builders have achieved that from the distance it is absolutely impossible to understand, the natural structure or still created by the hands of a person. In those days, such an effect was very useful, since the territory of the fort was constantly attacked. In Amber, you can trace clear, even lines, which are a characteristic sign of the Rajasthan style. At first glance, such a simple external design cannot be in itself luxury, but the first impression is deceptive. Inside the fort is richly decorated with stucco and carved balconies, which were skillfully hidden from prying eyes. Under the outer rigor, a particle of paradise with numerous arbors, lattice windows and unusual arches was hidden.

All local forts at times were created in one scheme.

The very center was the main building with several floors, which was surrounded by two-storey pavilions. The palace himself was divided into several parts: a service courtyard, an area and halls for solemn meetings, and personal chambers overlooking the alley. There was also a treasury and a small chapel.

Travel to Fort Amber

The path to the fort starts from Lake Maota, with an island, which is the garden of Dalaram. Hence the palace complex leads a large road, which constantly walk elephants with numerous tourists and travelers. The first stop is Gate Jai Paul. For those who like to travel on horseback, a special road is built, leading there. After you get into the sedge floor or the sun gates. They open the way to the courtyard with military barracks. Next, at the rate of the Moon Gate, leading to the temple of Vishnu.

After the gate of the lion, all tourists fall to the audience hall. This is a beautiful structure, the roof of which relies on 40 columns created from white marble. From others, they differ from the fact that the most tops have the shape of the heads of the elephants whose trunks how - would stick the roof base.

After the audience hall, tourists fall into courtyard with residential rooms of rulers and a small garden. At the right side there is SUKM Nivas. This architectural structure is encrusted with jewels and decorated with carved details. Indoors are always cool. This is achieved by water flows passing directly by the floor and falling into a miniature pool. The channel is decorated with white and black marble, reinforcing the effect of running water.

Passing a little further the palace, you fall on the terrace of Nat Mahal. In those distant years there were meetings or differently Darbara. Near Jay is located in a rank, which is a bedroom, chulans, bathrooms and yards. All tourists, having visited here, celebrate a special atmosphere of the presence of monarchs.


Most often to Fort, tourists get on elephants, according to the same road. Once upon her, amber was delivered amber and weapons. Before traveling, merchants with souvenir products will be suitable for you. Wooden elephant statuettes use in demand. For three such souvenirs, sellers will ask 1000 rupees, but do not open the wallet immediately, merge. Indians are quite easy to persuade, and then the same money you pay for 10 pretty statuettes. All guides are advised at once to purchase something, otherwise the Indians will still follow you along the path to the fort. The best option will still buy souvenirs on the way back. First, they will cost much less, and secondly, it will not be necessary to constantly wear them during an excursion.

Amber is known thanks to his fort, with whom it is connected immediately 2 misunderstandings.

Amber - City, not a fort, although the Fort Amber is often written, but the Fort has its own name - Jaigarch, i.e. Fame.
Amber`s Fort. In English means the Ambar Fort and Amber Fort, the second name is not correct, as they came after a few centuries after the founding of the city and the name does not have anything to do with Yantary.

Amber was the capital of Rajput Clan Kachvakhov (Kachhwaha) from 1037 to 1728, after which she moved to the neighboring Jaipur, when Gai Singh founded a new city there.
Although the amber buildings are less impressive than in Jaipur, the city produces unforgettable - it is located on narrow rocky ridges among the hills, and its high walls as it should continue the natural environment.

Palace Amber

Input ticket to Palace: 200 rupees, there is another ticket for 300 rupees for 2 days, which includes 4 more Jaipur. Palace work time: daily from 8 am to 6 pm.
Entrance to the Palace Complex through Suraj Paul (Solar Gate) on the main Square Jaleb Chow. In the courtyard on the left of Sri Power of Devi - (Form Cali), the statue of the Goddess is in an unusual arch of stylized carved banana leaves. There is a staircase, steep steps lead to Lion gate (Singh floor)Where is the entrance to the palace.

The architectural style of the palace is traditionally Rajputsky, although the mogulic influence in the design is very noticeable. After passing through the first of three yards, you will see on the opposite side of the sofa-I-AM (hall of public audiences), built in 1639, an open pavilion similar to the halls of the Mughal era in Delhi and Agra.
Exquisitely decorated with mosaic panels ganesh POL (Ganesh Pol) lead to the second courtyard on the left Shesh Mahal (Sheesh Mahal), Created by Raja Gay Singh, it has mosaic panels inlaid with glass and mirrors and marble. There are also made of sandalwood (!) Door wood, inlaid by ivory.
Palace Man Singha - old part of the palace, with the interlacing of narrow stairs and transitions, interesting place for studying.

Fort Amber - Jaigarch

Opening hours: Daily from 9 to 5 pm, the entrance 75 rupees, 50 take for, by and large there is nothing to remove there, 100 rupees.
Ascended over the Amber Fort Jaigarch (Jaigarh), built in 1600 or even in the 11th century (according to different estimates), opens up the breathtaking panoramas of neighboring hills and plains.
In Forte are located two ancient temples - Ram Harihar (10th century) and Cala Bhairava (12th century).
Small museum Filled with old maps and photographs, as well as cannons - starting from 1588 - Jaigarch was an important center for the production of weapons. At the top of the fort installed a huge gun Jaivana, the largest in Asia, for 1 shot of which 100 kilograms of gunpowder need, the cannon core flies 35 km, but no one has ever shot it.

You can get to Fort Jaigarch at the jeep (asked 750 rupees), on an elephant - like Rajput rulers (it is not recommended categorically, they are very much suffering from such walks) or you have to walk about 30 minutes over a cool road, which we have done.

How to get to Amber

Regular in Amber go out of Jaipur from the Khava-Mahal Palace, there are often, time on the way 20 minutes, the price of 7 rupees was in the fall of 2010.
Guidebooks advise to come to Amber in the morning, whatever tourist groups And I support this recommendation, I will bring on excursions to Amber large groups Tourists who scream, melted, are removed on the background of attractions and greatly interfere with what you want.

I, of course, still the word "Amber" is associated with the "Chronicles of Amber" Roger Zelaznos, but now probably you will have to adjust my views a little.

Amber Fort is located 11 kilometers from Jaipur. The Palace Fortress, the classic example of a romantic Rajasthan Fort, stands on a terraced plateau from the south-western foot of the mountain. At the top there is a fortress of Jaigarch (Fort Victory), guarding the approaches both to Ambera and to the Jaipur Mountains located on the other side. Amber from all sides is surrounded by hills, on the ridges and vertices of which the endless snake goes on many kilometers a fortress wall with shafts and sentigious towers.

The construction of Fort began in 1592. Raja Man Singh I is the commander of the Rajput parties in the Army of Emperor Akbar. Completed the construction of a grand construction of the descendant of Man Singha - Jai Singh I. Fort was named after the Burning of Amba, better known in Indian mythology under the name of Durga, and built on all canons of Rajputsky architectural stylewho has developed in the state of Rajasthan in the Middle Ages.

For the structure, only local material was used, which made it possible to achieve an unusual effect - the natural and human created almost impossible to distinguish between from afar. With frequently happening in those days of military attacks, it had a special defensive value. For Rajput architectural style, impeccable proportional lines are characterized, strict, clear external forms.

However, massive fortress walls hiding a rich inner decoration of refined treatment and decorations, inaccessible to a random look. Inside the building, the building is supplemented with a variety of balconies poached by stone lattices, thin columns, connected by the arches of the festral circuit, small arbors in the corners of the roofs and canopies, as well as ceremony arched windows made in the walls to enhance the ventilation. In the palace, his true embodiment found a dream of a paradise that gives us a soul and peace of mind.

Rajput forts were erected by a fairly rigid scheme. The central part occupied a multi-tiered residential building - prasada, next to it - one- or two-storey pavilions, isolated or prasada wings. The territory of the palace complex was divided into three parts: the first - a service courtyard with stalls, warehouses, weapons storage facilities, palace Square and the pavilion for official audiences. The second is one or two courtyards with personal apartments, treasury rooms and a small home chapel. In the third part, it was hosted (women's apartments) with terraces and garden for walking.

The path to Amber begins on the shores of the artificial lake Maota with a small island in the center - Dalarama Garden (named as in honor of the Jaipur architect). There is a wide road to the palace, according to which elephants are still a leisurely, delivering visitors to the first entrance gate - Jai Paul. There is a staircase with unusually large steps for riders and their horses, and not for pedestrians. Behind the huge courtyard followed by Suraj Paul (sun gates), opening Japle Chow, a service courtyard with barracks and stables. Chandra Paul (Moon Gate) lead to the temple dedicated to Narasingha (a man-lion, one of the incarnations of God Vishnu), as well as to Jagat Shromani (the treasure of the world) - the temple with a huge hall for prayers.

Passing Singh Paul (Leo Gate), visitors go to the pavilion for official audiences (sofa-I-am). Its vaulted roof is based on 40 columns, the central of which are made of white marble, and the side - from red sandstone. It is noteworthy that the upper parts of the columns are made in the form of elephant heads, their raised trunks serve as a natural support for the roof arch. The sofa-and-A am ends with a framed terrace framed with a decorative lattice, a grand panorama of the surrounding landscape opens with it.

Over the gates of Ganesh floor begins the patio with a cozy little garden and personal chambers of rulers. On the right side, the elegant SUKM Nivas is seen (place of joy), whose carved wooden doors are inlaid with ivory and sandalle. The room is cooled by water flowing through the arranged directly in the floor canal, which ends with a small waterfall flowing into Char Bugh (traditional Islamic domestic garden). The floor of the canal is laid out with alternating strips from white and black marble. Reminding a zigzag wave, such a drawing further enhances the effect of flowing water.

The Palace of Jai Nivas is made of the purest white marble and its elegant outlines resembles the famous Pavilions of Mogoli Emperors Fort in Agra. In Jai Nivas, Shish Mahal (Mirror Palace) and Yash Mandir (Glory Room), sofa-and-khas, whose walls are almost completely covered with various drawings. In this case, the bottom panels of the walls are decorated with floral relief patterns. At the edges of the panel are framed by border with semi-precious stones. The upper sections of the walls are either painted (which is typical for the Hindu tradition), or inlaid by color mosaic, pieces of glass or semi-precious stones (this is an Islamic cultural influence).

Shish Mahal, as well as the above-mentioned Yash Mandir produce the strongest impression. Their walls and vaulted ceilings are covered with inlay using small mirrors, glass and gold-plated tiles, and the pattern is posted in such a way that the light even from one lit match creates a stunning effect of the starry sky.

At the very top of Jai Nivas is the terrace of Nat Mahal. On it with the onset of winter, Darbara was held - courtyard meetings. Located near Jai Nivas Zanana - a real labyrinth of bedrooms, storage rooms, office space, bathrooms, kitchens and closed terraces. Finding into this part of the palace, invisibly feel the former presence of Maharani (Korolev) and Kumari (Princesses). They led the lone lifestyle, discovering themselves only with a gentle ringing of foot bracelets, distributed in the depths of snow.

With numerous open terraces and flat roofs of the palace (they were also used for walks) the breathtaking Panorama of the hills flowing over the horizon, old citades and fortification towers opens. And far below is a calm smooth of Lake Maota, in which, as in a huge mirror, reflects the impregnable harsh walls of the amber.

In Fort, tourists usually get along the so-called "Elephant Road", according to which ammunition was delivered to the fort and provisions. Before boarding the elephants, we surrounded numerous traders offering wooden souvenirs. They can be cheap to buy cute wooden elephants and camels. To bargain local residents Start with 3 figurines for 1000 rupees, but with special perseverance you can reduce the price and up to 10 figurines for 1000 rupees. These figures are made somewhat rude, but as souvenirs, friends and acquaintances they are quite suitable.

They immediately warn if you buy anything before landing on an elephant, the merchants will still have a long time to pursue you, mating under the legs of the elephant and shouting more and more favorable offers. At one of these, we were still bought by several elephants and funny rag dolls Maharaja and Maharasi.

It is better to buy souvenirs on the way back. There they will be cheaper and do not have to carry them with them all the time. Before boarding, you can choose an elephant for every taste and color ... large or small, formidable or good-natured, decorated with painted patterns or richly decorated with bright fabrics and unusual decorations.

Separate attraction Here is a staircase with special wide steps for the convenience of horse riders. Through the Gate of Jai Paul, the Fort visitors fall into a huge courtyard, followed by the following gates - Suraj Paul (sun gates). They, in turn, lead to the service courtyard of Jaleb Chow, where military barracks and stables were located.

After the gate of the sun follows Chandra Paul - the gate of the moon, which leads us to the temple by Narasingha. In Indian religious mythology, this is a lion person, one of the incarnations of God Vishnu. There is also a temple of Jagat Shromani (treasure of the world), with a spacious prayer hall.

Moving the Gate of Leo, guests of the Fort fall to the pavilion (sofa-I-AM), which conducted official audiences. The vaulted roof of the pavilion relies on the forty columns of red sandstone and white marble. The capitals of the columns are made in the form of elephant heads, and the trees are treated up are support for the roof. The pavilion is adjacent to the terrace surrounded by a decorative lattice. From the terrace, a stunning view of the surrounding landscape opens.

Through the gates of Ganesh Paul's excursions pass to the patio, where the residential chambers of the lords are standing and a small cozy garden is located. One of the premises wears the speaking name - the place of joy (Such Niva). Wood carved entrance doors are incrouted by a noble sandalwood and ivory. The room has a water cooling system, with a marble channel and a small waterfall that falls into the inner garden.

Separate attraction of Fort Amber - Elegant Palace of Jai Nivas, built of snow-white marble. It's a mirror palace Shish Mahal and the Slava Room Mandir. Also arranged a sofa-and-khas, a separate room, the walls of which are completely covered with picturesque drawings and patterns.

The lower panels of the walls are framed along the edges of a special border, finished semi-precious stones. Well, the upper parts of the walls are painted and inlaid by mosaic, fragments of semi-precious stones, gold-plated tiles, glass, and mirrors. In the evenings, tourists enjoy, burning lights of candles or lighters and admiring the unexpected starry sky effect created by thousands of reflections.

The mirror mosaic was one of the techniques for decorating walls, columns and ceilings in Rajput Palaces. Rajputsky style (from "Raj" - "Prince", "Put" - "Son") formed in Rajasthan during the reign of Rajputov - Princely families. The windows are covered with carved marble lattices (jali), which increase the ventilation in the rooms, and also create a pleasant twilight and protect the rooms from the direct rays of the sun.

Indoors amber Fort The coolness rear and twilight in contrast with the flooded rays of the sun open yards. Perhaps on European standards, there are several sullen impressions. But only this could be saved from the ruthless, scorching most of the year of the sun. As in the old days, to Jay Paul (chief goal Amber Fort) You can drive up on an elephant. Dalarama's garden is located on the small island of Maota Lake and are named after the first architect of Jaipur. Path in Personal Palace Apartments amber Fort Passes through the amazing finishes of the gate - Ganesh floor. Their facade is richly decorated with arches decorated with jali (carved stone lattices), and the roof of the Bangal-Dar type (such a roof has low dome conclusions with far back cornices, which makes it like a hat). On the upper floor of the gate is Sokhag Mandir - its definitely designed windows allowed the courtyard women to watch public audiences, remaining unnoticed. On the same floor there is Bhoden Slag (a room for feeding) with paintings, transmitting scenes from Hindu mythology and images of the sacred cities of India.

The terrace of Nat Mahal, located at the top of Jai Nivas, served as a place where solemn sessions of the yard were held. And it is in a living area, which is a labyrinth of bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchens, storage rooms and closed terraces. Here, in privacy, the Queens and their daughters lived, the young Indian princesses.

Elegant balconies, thin columns and stone grids, numerous arches and arbors in the corners of the roofs, numerous decorations of Fort Amber produce the impression of a real East paradise created for quiet pleasures by beauty and peace.

Initially, the fortress, known now called "Fort Amber", was only a palace complex, an appendage of the military fortress, known now as "Fort Jaigarch". Jaigarch and Amber were ( yes to this dayIt is connected by protected walls-transitions and underground tunnels ... There is a whole quarter of ancient houses and buildings between Amber and Jaigarch, only a small part of which is inhabitable. The rest are picturesque ruins scattered over the slopes of the hill ...

If you arrived in Jaipur not for one day, you can safely dedicate a couple of days for a pedestrian examination of old walls and turrets of neighboring rocky ridges. The species that you open from there will be 100% unique, which will not be available to a single "organized" tourist. By the way, about the name of the fort, and in general the city - there are at least 2 versions of the origin of the names that you will be baked guides: (1) you will be shown towards the town that somewhere there ( finger guide makes a circle covering the area 2 times bigger than a non-mercy inhabited Amber) Standing the great temple in which there was a statue ( i do not remember who, sorry) from the whole piece of amber ( Amber in English amber, just in case, if anyone knows); (2) You will get a completely stupid guide, which will say that Amber Yellow and the Palace of Yellow Sandstone, so the type was called as amber. Believe in these versions only if you believe in Santa Claus ...

Water palace (Jag Nivas), the Summer Residence of Maharaji Udaipur (Rajasthan, India), is erected on the island of Picol Lake about 250 meters from the shore. Rajput architects were able to build the princely palaces in the middle of lakes and ponds on natural or bulk islands, creating a complete illusion of the structurally growing out of the water.

This technique allowed to achieve two goals:

1. The aqueous space was an additional obstacle and ensured defensive advantages;

2. The water created a special microclimate in buildings.

From afar, the white-class complex looks like a single whole, but in fact it is two palaces - dilam and bari mashal. They are connected with each other gardens and charming courtyards with fountains and arbors. Famous traveler J. Tod, one of the first foreigners who saw this architectural miracle, wrote: "The palace on the lake ... built completely from marble: columns, bathing, waterways and fountains - everything is done from this material, in many places laid out by mosaic, and some monotony is nice It dissipates the rays of the sun, passing through the glass, sprayed with all the colors of the rainbow ... The walls are abundantly decorated with carved stone medallons, which depict the main historical events of the family ... Flower flower beds, orange and lemon groves, interrupting the monotonicities of buildings, are framed by tamarind and evergreen trees. Special dining rooms with columns and extensive bathing for Rajput rulers are arranged on the very shore ... ". Currently, Jag Nivas is one of the most romantic hotels in the world and gives visitors a unique opportunity to admire the lake water stroke directly from the windows.

The original article is on the site Inforos Link to an article with which this copy is made -

Are you ready to go again to India and wagon with us unknown strokes of ancient fort? Honestly, we were not ready with the Mishutka, but it was so it happened that we completely accidentally damped in the closed zone of the Amber Fort, where only Maharaja are trapest. It's all in my search where to shove my nose where it may be more interesting \u003d)) But we didn't just not be driven, but on the contrary, they had a fairly warm welcome, accepted for foreign journalists. Me and a three-year-old child ... well, a strange compashka for journalists)) Well, oh well, we fulfilled my blogger duty - they looked at every corner, everyone got up, they did not pay for anything. What else is it for a good report? ;)

We drove up to the ancient walls of the Amber Fortress for themselves as Maharaja - by taxi, and rented at all day. It was in the first and only time in life when we ride in India even by car)

But on the day before, we honestly tried, as usual, to move on our own on Jaipur and it was wildly expensive (Jaipur Rickshaw Draut money only like this), wildly tediously (everywhere noise and exhaust gases), and wildly long (it turned out that the city is so big What walk at all in any way). In general, when one driver offered 8 hours to carry us on a new car with air conditioning on all popular attractions for just 1000 rupees (then it was ~ 550 rubles), I immediately agreed. In general, feeling at least millionaires, we have arrived at the target of the fort) to enter them absolutely free. Inside the Fort Amber is a large area of \u200b\u200bthe walls.

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