How to spend the winter holidays with benefit. Best ways to spend winter holidays Winter holidays with benefit for children

I did not invent (s) How to spend winter holidays? To visit the residence of Santa, skiing in the Carpathians, check out the surrealistic nature of the Winter Baltic and swim in the warm bathing beds of Budapest in the middle of winter - together with life :) We made a selection of 10 fascinating options. Not all these places are walking on a wide leg, but you will save you available tickets and profitable roaming offers.


In the summer in Finland, it's still cold, so to fully feel the spirit of this country, it is better to go there better in the appropriate season. Go skiing on creaking snow, shoot on skates, freezing, makes mecking in the famous Finnish sauna, and if you're lucky - you can see the Northern Lights. A separate point for visiting should be the residence of Santa Claus in Lapland. True, just at this time at Santa influxing guests - on holidays in the village, almost charters fly. Traditional Scandinavian high costs can be compensated for cheap tickets - pick up the best options at AirBaltic.

Vilnius - Helsinki| Air Baltic, € 136 | To buy tickets

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Germany is, of course, not only Berlin. And if you always feel sorry for your summer holiday to visit this country, use the winter holidays to go on one of the directions, which are invariably flying. - a small, but progressive and trifles thoughtful city in which life is boiling around the clock due to student party, flea markets and cultural centers. In able to plunge into the business atmosphere of this financial capital, and in Cologne - on the contrary, to feel the spirit of old Germany with its gothic architecture, beer and chocolate. And if you do not brake with tickets, you will also find in one of the fabulous German locks.

Vilnius - Bremen | Ryanair, from € 35 to one side, from € 50 round - back | To buy tickets

Vilnius - Frankfurt. | Ryanair, from € 33 to one side, from € 46 Route - back | To buy tickets

Vilnius - Cologne | Ryanair, from € 15 to one side, from € 30 Round back | To buy tickets

Roaming from life :) | from 2.9 rubles per package | To plug


Minsk Vilnius | BZD, € 27 | To buy tickets

Roaming from life :) | from 2.9 rubles per package | To plug


Many are sent to New YearBut wait a little and arrange a romantic trip with your "half" on February 14 to wander around the narrow old streets, drink hot wine or honey devices, climb one of the hills and consider all the details of the city through transparent winter air.

Warsaw -Praga | Flixbus € 27 | To buy tickets

Roaming from life :) | from 2.9 rubles per package | To plug


The former capital of the Roman, Byzantine, Latin and Ottoman Empires - should be visited every at least once in life. The city, which emerged at the intersection of European and Asian civilizations, keeps the memory of these great epochs. To warm up and recover after long walks among mosques and palaces, go to a traditional Turkish bath - Hammam, and a glass of freshly squeezed pomegranate juice will give a charge of cheerfulness and strength.

Kiev-Istanbul | € 137 | To buy tickets

Roaming from life :) | from 2.9 rubles per package | To plug


The combination of imperial rigor and the Balkan Rate offers. Excession hilly, liberated, cottage and sleepless, shopping, pensal, completing the evening, and leave the next day - in the end, where else to swim in winter?

Christmas holidays always carry a lot of new things and interesting things, which is why every child is looking forward to them. Adults must be taken in advance to ensure that the winter holidays do not pass for his child in vain. Relax a schoolboy from watching TV and computer games, change boring Moscow, a variety of leisure children with fascinating excursions.

Winter is not only frost and cold unpleasant weather. Show your child how beautiful nature can be painfully in the winter season, sending it to the fascinating excursion tour beyond the boring capital. Especially for the guys of different ages, we have prepared many topics for excursions, during which each child will spend time fun and benefit for knowledge.

We offer home schoolchildren to go to the plant of the Christmas tree toys, where they will be able to see how toys to their beloved holiday are made. After such a journey they will dress new Year tree More with great desire and joy. Many guys remain delighted with visits to the Farm of Spotted Deer. Such an excursion will enjoy both schoolchildren of primary and middle links. Here they will not only see, but will be able to touch and even feed from their hands of real spotted deer.

Schoolchildren of senior and junior classes will be able to go on a tour of the Bakery, where they will be able to see how their favorite delicacies are preparing. And also they will get acquainted with the profession of cooks closer, which is especially relevant for graduation classes, which it is time to determine the choice of profession.

Every year for thousands of families there is a question how to sobfully hold the New Year holidays and at the same time not to be tired. Many stay at home and all holidays Watch television programs. However, the long-awaited winter holidays once a year, and it is better not to miss the opportunity to spend fun and with benefit for the whole family.

We made a special calendar of New Year's fun. Looking into it, you can choose classes for every day of vacation 2016 😉

January 1st

So, wake up ...

January 1 is a day that begins far in noon. Even if you wake only to dinner, the program still should be planned. Moving the whole family for an evening session in a cinema or an interesting winter performance is the most suitable lesson for the first day of the year.Even on the evening will be a walking road home along the lit festive lights.

New Year's, Christmas trees, street garlands, grandfather frosts - in all atmosphere of the holiday - a great opportunity to warm up after a long feast.

January 2

On the second day you can arrange mobile entertainment. Ride skating or visit the town with ice slides and see the exhibition of ice sculptures. The entrance to such events is not limited, you only need to defeat your laziness and get out of the house. But, as practice shows, even adults will hardly tear away from funny descents on icecalls!

New Year - a great time to remember childhood and stupid, turning to the child for a while, and afford you to have fun! Evening animation and ice in multicolored lights - a great place for a happy family photo shoot.

January 3

Who is where, and we are in the circus! Over ten days you can try to argue immense and visit all the desired entertainment sites. But do not forget to take into account the fact that tickets are better to take care in advance.

For a unhurried walk with kids, it is better to go to the local zoo. We look at the animals, feed and iron them - the lesson is fun and informative. You can also personally see the symbol of 2016 - a monkey - and explore her habits.

4 January

Since the beginning of the year, the most profitable sales will start in stores. It is just a suitable reason to arrange a day of shopping. True, this pastime is more suitable for mothers, so you can send dads with children to frolic on attractions to the nearest entertainment center.

If you buy, then with a scope and mood, so it is best to go to the New Year Fair. It always reigns the atmosphere of the holiday, laughter and fun. Great place to choose christmas gifts and souvenirs: Needler's handicraft items, pleasant souvenirs and useful little things For home for every taste and color.

5 January

After physically active noisy days, we advise you to go to visit friends and not just so, but to organize a party with contests and prizes. You can arrange a fun bar of obstacles, breaking the New Year's pinyata and the exchange of gifts. Lovers stretch the brains We offer inappropriate games in scrappy or popular mafia.

In the interruptions between games, welcome coffee with spices and mulled wine, non-alcoholic or in wine. In a friendly atmosphere, the slab is better to conjure the company, the case will go cheerful, and the resourceful guys will tell the recipes more. In order not to spend a lot of time on cooking, snacks buy in advance: small cookies, nuts, winter fruits.

January 6

Christmas Eve - Time of Sattime Destroy and Christmas Gingerbreads. Therefore, it's time to go to family culinary workshops in a restaurant. Joint cooking Christmas cookies is bread and spectacle in one place. And for those who like to ripped nerves on the eve of the dedication - will go to the quest-room with ghosts to perform tasks and search for treasure.

As we remember from Gogol's "Night before Christmas", in Russia, the Christmas Eve was accepted. Support this custom to have fun with the neighbors. Combine with several families, put the carnival masks, take the bayan (suddenly you smiled at luck, and someone has this musical instrument) And walk under the windows of the nearest homes. You will be good and talking to sing, wait for you good treats!

January 7

Current Christmas - time to visit the cultural institution. Make a trip to the world of traditions, antiquities and life, visiting the museum or the Christmas exhibition. Workers of museums for the time of winter holidays are preparing entire programs with contests and prizes. So the excursion can turn into an exciting game to search for treasures and soloing vintage secrets. By the evening, go to listen to the Christmas bell chime or visit a festive performance.

By good tradition, we collect the whole family behind the covered Christmas table, even if you do not belong to any confession. In the culture of our country, the holiday of the Nativity of Christ has a centuries-old history. Prepare delicious treats, lit candles and say warm wishes to each other.

January 8

Very soon the long-awaited favorite holiday of all the guys will come. All schoolchildren are looking forward to him, because it is also the winter holidays. Of course, the disciples need psychological unloading, after studying everyday life. I want every child to spend the holidays in combination of a pleasant with useful



Winter holidays with benefit.

Very soon the long-awaited favorite holiday of all the guys will come. All schoolchildren are looking forward to him, because it is also the winter holidays. Of course, the disciples need psychological unloading, after studying everyday life. I want every child to spend the holidays combined with pleasant. Vacations are a wonderful opportunity to relax, have enough sleep, spend time with family, meet with relatives, invite friends, see your favorite movies, go to the cinema, ride off the slides and ice skating, play your computer. But, most importantly, it must be remembered that the holidays are an opportunity to restore forces, after tense studies and prepare the body for the next school fourth. From how the child rests during the holidays, its performance depends on and successful in school. Parents dream that the holidays have passed for a child with benefit. First of all, it is necessaryremember about the day. For each child it is individual, but must correspond to the age and needs of a schoolboy.

The best holiday these are walking outdoors. You can enjoy the beauty of ice sculptures. Frosty fresh air good way improve health.

Do not forget about the safety of the child. It is necessary to remind about the rules of the road, about the Hollyedian. Be careful during riding on the ice slings to avoid injuries.

Pay attention to rational nutrition. After all, B. new Year holidays We often poison our children with candies, cakes, cakes and other sweets.

During the winter holidays to provide childrenpossibility for creativity. Let the child of the youngest school age draws more, makes crafts, appliqués or collages on a given topic, collects puzzles, plays board games.

It is necessary to pay time and read. Together with the child you can find a book that will be interested in it. I want the child to spendless time at a computer, tablet, After all, the seat in front of the screen is in itself the danger of loss of vision and the development of bad posture.

It is important that schoolchildren during the winter holidays experience as many positive emotions as possible, rested, enjoyed fun, restored the forces that are needed in further study.

Happy New Year 2017 and Happy Vacation!

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Have not yet decided how to spend the winter holidays? Where to go with a child in warm countries, what ski resort or country pension is better to choose and what to do in the hometown with the whole family, if the trips are not planned? We have prepared 5 best ideas for the winter family holidaywho will definitely use you.

Overseas countries - warm in winter under the summer sun

What could be better than the cold winter fly to summer? For lovers of hot sun and warm sea best view winter holidays - warm countries.

Choosing a country for recreation with children in such countries, pay attention to the flight time, as it is often a little fidget very hard to access more than 10 hours on the plane. Basically, winter family holidays are carried out in the following countries: Egypt, UAE, Thailand, Turkey, Dominican Republic.

The significant disadvantage of such recreation is acclimatization, because the difference in climatic conditions, water, food products may not adversely affect children's health. Winter holidays last about 10 days, and in the opinion of doctors, so that the child successfully passes the acclimatization and has healthy, it takes more than 14 days.

Therefore, such holidays will not bring much health benefits, and the resulting stress for the body can be huge. It should also be noted that such a winter holidays are not a budget option of rest, and only families can allow it with sufficient above average.

Snow, frost and fresh air - we go to the ski resort

Of course, from a slushful winter to go to the beautiful snow-covered mountains would be fabulous. Ski resorts of Austria, Finland, Poland, Bulgaria and Carpathians are in demand from our tourists. In Austria, to spend the winter holidays with the family will be very expensive, with an insufficiently high level of service.

Bulgaria is ideal for family ski rest: The slopes of her mountains are wide and smooth, food prices and accommodation are real for medium and high intact, there is no explicit language barrier, a good level of service.

Also, almost at all ski resorts There are children's rooms with animators who will be able to sit with young children for a small fee until you conquer mountain peaks.

Winter holidays spent in the mountains will definitely have a positive effect on the health of the child. Fresh air, moving sports, good food, favorite family nearby - the main components of a great winter holiday.

The minuses of such a rest should be attributed to the financial component, since the rental ski equipment, payment of instructor services, housing rental, food and tickets empty your wallet significantly.

Country pension or sanatorium. Why not?

If there is no time and financial opportunity for a trip to distant countries, and you really want to take from the city of the child, then why not go to a sanatorium or pension? Good nutrition, the mass of available entertainment, fresh air and a sea of \u200b\u200binteresting acquaintances are all inherent in the winter holidays in the city boarding house.

Pluses in such a leisure a lot: starting from accessibility, ending with health benefits. Just imagine how you with your family walk along the fabulous and beautiful winter forest, as frost is decorated with a rumbling cheeks of your babies.

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