France Paris Description and Attractions. The main attractions of Paris

Paris! City, which attracts its romanticity, gives inspiration to everyone who needs it, fascinates the interweaving of streets and lanes, fascinates the cathedrals and palaces, gives a feeling of rest in street cafes, the tables of which are so close to all that is happening, people and cars! Feel the atmosphere of Paris, join the world cultural heritage, just becoming part of this city - this is why people from all over the world go!

Paris is the capital of France, located in the north of the central part of France, belongs to the Ile de France region, from the east to the West stretches for 18 km, and from north to south 9.5 km. Lives in Paris 2.2 million people.

Paris got its name on behalf of the Celtic tribe - Parisions, whose representatives founded the city in the 3rd century BC on our era on the island of Sita on the Seine River.

Paris is located in a lane of a moderately continental climate, the proximity of the Atlantic makes the climate in Paris quite comfortable, The temperature is very rarely lowered below the zero mark.At a temperature of minus 10º, the Parisians declare an emergency.


Sitie Island (Ile De La Cite)

Site Island, surrounded by the Waters of the Seine, is place of birth of Paris. Experienced guides are starting with the island, as historical and architectural monuments are concentrated there. The atmosphere of antiquity and involvement in significant historical events of France surrounds visitors to Site. The island is connected to the shores of the Seine nine bridges, each of which opens the capital of France from its special side.

You can visit the island at any time, but to inspect the cultural and historical objects located there, it is better to do this in the afternoon or early in the morning. In order to enjoy all the beauties of the island, on the excursion you need to spend all day.

Interesting objects of the island deserve separate attention.

Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady (Notre-Dame de Paris)

The Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady is catholic, Gothic CathedralLocated in the eastern part of the island. The cathedral is built on a place more ancient christian church St. Stephen in 12-14 centuries. The Cathedral is surrounded by a romantic fler who created Victor Hugo around him in his famous novel "Cathedral of the Paris's Mother of God" and secured the same modern musical.

The facade of the cathedral is divided into three parts, vertically and three parts horizontally. Low part of the cathedral It has three portals: In the middle of the portal dedicated to the paintings of a terrible court, the right portal of St. Anne, the left portal of the Virgin Mary. The portals are located the gallery of kings, consisting of twenty-eight statues of the Jewish rulers. The cathedral can be examined for a long time outside, it is no less interesting and inside. Being inside the cathedral necessarily need draw attention to stained glass windowswho are beautiful themselves and create a unique shimmering light inside the cathedral.

Cathedral address: Rue du Cloitre Notre-Dame, Paris 4e.

Cathedral works from 10 am to 17.30 in the winter months, from 10 to 18.30 in the summer months. For the time of July and August, when the biggest influx of tourists, on Friday and Saturday works up to 23.

The entrance to the cathedral is free.

Cathedral Square (Parvis Notre Dame, Place Jean-Paul-II)

Square in front of the Cathedral on the island of Sita allows you to enjoy the types of old Parisian buildings on the shores of the Seine: the walls of the oldest city hospital and prefecture.

Same Square attracts tourists the opportunity to be on zero point of reference, from where is the bill of kilometers of all roads of FranceTo admire the sculpture of Karl the Great, the founder of the caroling dynasty. It is impossible to leave the cript of Paroti Notre Dame - the Archaeological Museum, where the history of Paris is presented, starting with ancient times.

Crypt Potti Notre Dame (Crypte Archeologique Du Parvis Notre-Dame)

The museum is open at the site of excavations made by chance in the second half of the twentieth century during the construction of an underground parking. it Ancient city survived underground. Exposure The length of 120 meters allows to plunge into an ancient history, and see the streets of the street, walls, engineering structures of an ancient city.

Address: Place Jean-Paul-II, 6.

Museum works every day, except Monday from 10 to 17.45.

Entrance to the Ticket Museum is 3.5 euros, children under 14 for free.

9 counties of Paris (Arrondissement de l'Opera)

Paris is divided into 20 districts, they all are in varying degrees are interesting to tourists, there are historical, there are simply residential neighborhoods. But the 9th district of Paris is interesting for tourists and locals. This is the territory of the city, located around the famous Parisian opera Garnier. Streets, squares and boulevards of this district create a romantic atmosphere of Paris. Saint-Georges Square with a fountain, preserved a gutter with water for horses. In the vicinity of the square there were writers, artists, musicians. Among them were Alexander Dumas, Georges Sand, Chopin. Laffith street will lead to the famous Cathedral Notre Dame de Lorret. Walking along Saint-Lazar Street was discovered by the amazing Church of the Holy Trinity.

Streets of the 9th County are attractive for shopping lovers, known for the whole world of lafayette galleries.

Lafayette Gallery (Galeries Lafayette)

The Lafayette Gallery includes 7 floors of the female and 5 floors of men's clothing, where the clothes of the promoted and not very well-known brands are sold, restaurants and cafes are located.

But the gallery is interesting not only by stores, it represents historical and architectural value. The glass dome and gallery under the dome are allowed to enjoy the beautiful views of Paris.

Address: Boulevard Haussmann 40.

It works from 9.30 to 20.30, on Sunday until 19.30.

Opera Garnier (Opera Garnier, Opera De Paris, Grand Opera)

Opera Garnier The world's most famous opera and ballet theater, founded in 1862. Opera attracts tourists not only by its ideas, but also as a museum. Grand ladder from multicolored marble Amazes with its magnificence of each incoming. The base of the stairs are the figures of women with a bouquet of chandeliers in their hands.

Theatrical foyer is decorated with no less luxury, the combination of windows and mirrors make it more sparkling and spacious. The auditorium for 1900 seats are decorated in red-gold and made in the form of horseshoe. Separately attention deserves the ceiling of the auditorium, whose plastic was painted by Mark Chagall And discovered for the audience in 1964.

Address: Rue Scribe 8.

Cashier works from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 18.00, on Saturdays from 9.00 to 13.00.

The cost of the excursion ticket is 11 euros, the cost of presentation up to 250 euros.

Latin Quarter (Quartier Latin)

The Latin Quarter is a student quarter located in 5 and 6 districts of Paris around the University of Sorbonne and received its name thanks to this. The fact is that teaching, in one of the oldest universities in Europe, was conducted on Latin, and students who lived in this quarter and teachers spoke in Latin.

Now it is the most noisy, crowded quarter of Paris, filled with not only by students, but also crowds of tourists seeking to join the bohemian and student life of Paris. You can walk along the cozy streets with many cafes and restaurants, sit on the square in front of the sorponne, enter the university, the entrance is free. It is interesting for visiting the old chapel of St. Ursula, inside which is the tomb of its founder Richelieu.

Cat Street Street (Rue du Chat Qui PêChe)

One of the most vintage and narrow streets of Paris, Located in the Latin Quarter and not far from the Cathedral of the Paris Name. Its width of only 180 centimeters, length of 26 meters. Walking on this street, you can get the idea of \u200b\u200bwhat was Paris in the 15th century.

Montmartre (Montmarte)

Montmartre is paris district relating to 18 And received its name by the title of the hill and located there an ancient Roman settlement. This is the highest point of Paris, where the Basilica Sacre-Ker is located. You can climb there by the stairs or on the funicular.

Tourists come trial to Feel the bohemian atmosphere of Paris, touch the heritage of creative people living here: Vincent Van Gogh, Emil Zol, Henri Matisse, Amedeo Modigliani, etc. And now the streets of Montmartre are full of artists who are ready to capture anyone who wants in a portrait for 15-20 euros.

Here tourists can see the famous wall of love In the area of \u200b\u200bJean Remetus, on which the words "I love you" are written on more than two hundred and fifty worlds in the world.

Montmartre became famous as a quarter of "Red Lights", it was on Montmartre that the famous cabaret "Moulin Rouge" is located.

Kabare "Moulin Rouge" (Moulin Rouge)

Moulin Rouge is the famous since the 19th century Cabaret, located in the area of \u200b\u200bKlischi Boulevard and Pigal Square, famous for the cancan and the first striptease in the world. The legendary cabaret is decorated with a large red mill, gave the name of the institution and emphasizing his belonging to the quarter of red lamps. Now there is a revision "Ferry", which attracts a large number of tourists. Spectators are located around the scene at the tables, the waiters are served champagne. There are a lot of people wishing to visit the cabaret, so tickets should worry about in advance.

Address: Boulevard de Clichy 82.

Works from 19.00 to 01.00.

Tickets are from 92 to 200 euros, depending on whether the dinner is ordered or not.

Eiffel Tower (Tour Eiffel)

located in the center of Paris on the Marsfield, is his symbol. She received his name by the name of Her Creator Guestava Eifel, who called her very prosaicious "three-hundredth tower". It was originally built as an entry into the World Paris Exhibition in 1889. She was perceived ambiguously and, even planned to demolish her. But unexpectedly, it became popular among the public, and it was decided to leave it.

Since then, she has been the center for attracting tourists, thanks to its unique architecture and the presence of viewing sites with overview of the entire Paris. Parisians love their tower, she serves as a decoration of Paris not only during the day, but also at night, when, sparkling and overflowing with thousands of lights, towers over Paris. The tower has its own color called brown-Eiffel.

Eiffel Tower is the most popular goal for tourists from all over the world, open access to the viewing platforms of the first and second level.

Address: Champ de Mars, Avenue Anatole France, 5.

The tower is open to visits every day from 9.30 to 23.00, on Fridays Saturdays it works until 24.00.

The entrance is paid from 11 to 17 euros, depending on which level will be improved.

Montparnas Tower (Tour Montparnasse)

the only skyscraper built in the historic part of Paris. She was erected on the site of the old station. Attitude towards the tower is contradictory, it does not fit into the atmosphere of Paris, but the view from the observation deck compensates for this disadvantage. From there, there is a view of 40 km, allowing not only Paris, but also a suburb. The advantages of this tower are that the queue on the observation platform is much smaller than on the Eiffel Tower. The high-speed elevator raises tourists for 56 floor, then on looking platform We must climb. There is a glazed area and open on the roof.

Address: Avenue du Maine 33.

It works from 9.30 to 22.30, in the summer, the time of work is extended to 23.30.

Tickets from 7 to 15 euros.


House of persons with disabilities - the construction of the 17th century, intended for the residence of the wounded and embankment soldiers. Today veterans also live there and there is a museum of the army and necropolis. The house of persons with disabilities is known for There is a sarcophagus with Napoleon's bodybrought from the island of Saint Helena.

Address: Rue de Grenelle. 129.

It works: in summer from 10.00 to 18.00, on Tuesdays until 21.00, in winter from 10.00 to 17.00.

Prices from 8 to 12 euros.

Museum of the Louvre (Musee du Louvre)

Museum of the Louvre - famous Artistic I. historical Museum , located in the Palace of the Kings of France, in the first district of Paris. In the collections of the Louvre presented all world history, masterpieces of world art. It is not enough for the inspection of the entire exposure and several days, so it is better to immediately decide what exactly I would like to see and focus on this.

Address: Rue de Rivoli.

It works on Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Thursday from 9.00 to 18.00, on Wednesday and Friday from 9.00 to 22.00, on Tuesdays the museum is closed.

Tickets 15 euros.

City map

We brought far from the full list of sights of Paris, but only briefly described the best places. But the city is rich in interesting things, and you can make your way, including non-standard attractions.

Even more unusual places you will find On the map of Paris in Russian:

Also, you will also be useful for the Paris Metro map with stations:

Paris leaves no one indifferent, no wonder he was the center of attraction for many creative people reflecting the charm of Paris in their works.

Watch a video about Paris.

Every year, at attractions, millions of tourists come to Paris. And there is something to offer to them - more than 200 historical and modern places, from the World Must See, to those known only by the narrow circle of independent travelers.

If the Louvre and Versailles are at all hearing, then, for example, few people know about the Plantée Promenade. Of course, the historical and artistic meaning of the latter does not have any comparison with famous museums, but who said that the sights of Paris are those about what is printed only in famous guidebooks?

We have prepared descriptions with photos of the most interesting, in our opinion, attractions of Paris.
Let's start, of course, from the Eiffel Tower, although, well, we understand that only lazy wrote about it. But she is in Paris and we have to celebrate it.

Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower was designed and built for the World Exhibition of 1889 (World Fair), it was a temporary design, they were offered to demolish it twice.
For the first time, in the early 1900s, the tower was preserved due to its radio transmission capabilities. Gustav Eifel, the chief architect, conducted many scientific experiments, tested them on the tower and hoping that any discoveries would help extend his service life.

One of them included a test wireless radio transmission. During World War I, the possibility of radio transfer of the Eiffel Tower allowed to intercept messages so far as possible.
For the second time, this attraction was actually destroyed during the German occupation of France during World War II. Hitler planned to get rid of her, but never could implement his plan.

Today, Eiffel Tower is, in fact, the main attraction of Paris is still used to transfer radio communication messages, but it is valued for its greatness.
Whether you can believe that many Parisians initially considered this architectural miracle - nothing else like Lelm in the eye.

Regardless of whether the object today is considered one of the most visited tourist attractions in the world. Visitors have the opportunity to rise to the first floor of the Eiffel Tower or climb the elevator to the very top, where they will open with incredibly huge panoramic views of the city.

While some visitors complain about long queues - especially during the summer - you will go without a queue, ordering tickets online. And although some travelers consider the price of a crazy, to get to the top observation deck, most agree that the types of it are worth it.
Some visitors strongly recommend making a hike at night because every hour thousands of flickering bulbs make the construction sparkle, leaving tourists in complete delight.

To get to the most famous sights of Paris from Bir Hackeim, Trocadero or Ecole Militer, serviced by lines 6, 8 and 9.
The Eiffel Tower, located on the west side of the city, is open every day a year, from 9:00 to 00:45 from mid-June to the first of September (the last rise at midnight) and from 9:00 to 23:45 (the last rise in the elevator in 22:30, and on the stairs at 18:00) during the rest of the year.
The input prices vary depending on how high you want to rise and in which: on the elevator or the stairs.

Lunch on the Eiffel TowerWithout a queue for the gameWithout a queue on the top platform

Enjoy the wonderful dinner on the first floor of the Eiffel Tower in the restaurant "58 Tour Eiffel", admiring the impressive panoramic view of the entire Paris.
Menu and tickets on the site operator.

Do not stand in long queues on the 2nd floor of the Eiffel Tower. Admire the panoramic view of the Cathedral of the Paris Mother of God, Louvre and other beauties.
Electronic tickets in Russian

If you are not sufficiently height of 115 meters, climb to the upper platform of the Eiffel Tower to admire Paris from the very top.
The top of the Eiffel Tower is the highest point in Paris, offering truly stunning views.
E-tickets No extra charge.

Tour buses Big Bus Tours (bass tourist)

Museum Orsay

Located on the former railway station along the left bank, the Orsay Museum has one of the richest collections of the work of impressionists. Here are pictures of French artists such as Degas, Monet, Cezanne, Van Gogh and many others.

Inside a lot of sculptures, as well as collections of photos and even furniture items. And if you want to climb the upper balcony, through huge and transparent hours, you can see a breathtaking view of the Basilica of Sacre-Kor.

Despite the fact that the Louvre receives much more universal Paris, it still seems to be Many tourists like Orsay. They say that Orset is much more comfortable and less loaded than the Louvre, so pay attention to the fact that it is much smaller than the crowd of people.

Despite the fact that Orset does not accept as many visitors as Louvre (for the year it is visited by a little more than 2 million tourists, while the Louvre takes more than 9 million tourists), you will not think that he will meet you void.

Doors are open every day from 9:30 to 18:00 except Monday. On Thursdays, it remains open until 21:45 pm and if you arrive after 18:00, you will receive a discount on the ticket.
Paris's attractions from the National Assembe Nationale (Assembe Nationale) of the Line 12 are attracted.

Museum Roden.

The Rodna Museum is the former residence of the august himself, the famous 19th century sculptor. Here, instead of furniture and familiar decorations, emotional sculptures of Rozen, including the "Hand of God", "Kiss" and "Thinker" and many others.

But not only the sculptures, a very large area of \u200b\u200bthe works of the great artist, and these are about 7,000 drawings, are devoted to his Muse and the mistress - artist and sculptor Camille Clojel. Visitors can also see the personal collection of works of the art of Rodna, including the pictures of Van Gogh.

Tourists who have recently visited this place say that Roden sculptures are something stunning, they strongly recommend to visit this place, even if you do not consider yourself an art lover.
Visitors who are not strong in art noted that local gardens are local gardens. According to tourists, magnificent gardens, in combination with a convenient location of the attractions itself, create a spiritual and peaceful atmosphere, which is not so easy to experience in other famous Paris museums.

The building is just a few minutes walk from Varanne and Saint-Francois-Xavier stops, both are on the metro line 13. Open from Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 to 17:45.

Notre Dame

Like the Eiffel Tower, the Notre Dame Cathedral is considered one of the Paris Icons, a landmark, not seeing, considered, was not in Paris.

Notre Dame Cathedral located along picturesque river Seine, is a gothic masterpiece-one of the best Gothic cators of this kind in the world. Construction began at the end of the 10th century, but the last strokes were made only 200 years later. If you look at the cathedral, you will understand why it was built so long.

The architectural details of the Notre Dama are complex and become more numerous, the closer you come to it. The front entrance shows carefully disheveled statues that are easily integrated with a stone facade.

The entrance to the portal of the Main Court, especially, is one of the examples of this impressive architectural style. The reverse side of the cathedral is as effectively detailed, it is decorated with an outdoor retaining arch, which just asks you to take pictures.

Inside, travelers will find the sky-high gold-plated ceilings and stained glass windows. If you want more than just wander, then you have the opportunity to climb 387 stairs to admire the first-class views of the city. Or you can go down to the crypt to see the ancient remains.

The attraction is located in the center of Paris, the nearest Cité metro station (SIT) on the 4th line.

Opera Garnier (Garnier Palace)

The masterpiece of architectural wealth - Opera Garnier, also known as the Palace of Garnier - still radiates the same mysterious atmosphere, which he possessed at the end of the 1800s.
This is a tangible sense of intrigue and secrets that permeates the opera, it is partly explained by her impressive interiors of the old world, as well as Gastron Lero, the author of the "Ghost Opera", for which the Palace of Garnier served as inspiration.

Lero argued that the ghost was really real, and he only successfully included in his artistic work of the event real life (For example: chandelier, falling and killing observer).

Rectual outlined historical facts, as well as writer talents, Lero, puzzled many questions, and whether a resident was really hiding under the opera building.
Opera staff confirmed the other: under the building there really exists an underground lake, so it becomes clear why this story turned out so convincing. But without Napoleon III, which was responsible for commissioning the building, the story of Ler would never end.

The best way to fully experience the beauty of this cultural attraction of Paris is to buy a ticket to Opera or ballet.
If you are not in the city during the presentation or there is no desire to spend a fairly round sum for the idea, you will independently explore the magnificent interiors of the building. Tourists who independently visited the building of the palace, argue that inside the building is so great that it is difficult to believe our eyes.

The Garnier Palace is open daily from 10 to 16:30, but closed until 13:00 in the days of morning speeches.

Opera Garnier is north of the Louvre, you can get from Opéra stations (Lines 3, 7 and 8) and Chaussée d'Antin - La Fayette (Lines 7 and 9).
On the territory there are bookstores, boutiques with gifts and souvenirs, as well as a restaurant.

Cemetery feathers

Cemetery as a landmark? Can any other city be except for Paris?

The per lashine cemetery, which covers almost 110 acres of the 20th district of Paris, is considered one of the most beautiful cemeteries in the world. It is one of the largest green spaces of Paris.

The per lashine cemetery is a labyrinth of a cobweb trail with towering sheet cascade trees along them, they retain the amazing funeral rooms of the 19th century in the shade, which are located throughout its territory.

Aesthetics to the side, Per Lashhesis is one of the most famous burial in the world: here you can see the graves of many celebrities: from Oscar Wilde and Jim Morrison to Edith Piaf and Gertruda Stein. Do not forget to take the card before you go there, there are still 70,000 burials.

Tourists admit that the main goal, on which they decided to visit this attractions, was to see the burial of the famous people, but seeing the beautiful place, they were happy to stay here longer to just wander.

Per Lashhesis is located in the eastern part of the city. The nearest metro stops are Philippe Auguste and Alexander Duma, both of which are located on the line 2.

The cemetery is open daily, but the opening hours depend on the day of the week and the month of the year, but in general you can visit it at opening hours from 8:00 to 18:00.

Basilica Sacre Cor

Towering over Paris, Sacre Cour (which means "Sacred Heart") is more like a white castle than on the basil. It is at the top point of the eclectic quarter Montmartre (once he was the place of permanent meetings for the Bohemian Crowd of Paris), this Roman-Vizantine masterpiece is easily recognized by its richly decorated domes from ivory.

Outside the Basilica seems unrealized, but the interior of the cathedral is something that it is worth seeing: his ceilings sparkle the largest mosaic of France, which depicts Jesus next to the ascending Virgin Maria and Jeanne d'Ark.

You are also impressed with panoramic views from the staircase leading to the Sacr Cor. But for even better photography, climb only 300 steps above to the top of the dome of the cathedral.
The dome is available for visitors every day from 8:30 to 20:00, from May to September and from 9 am to 17 o'clock, from October to April. Mesa is held several times a day every day.

Sightseeing Sacre Cor is really popular tourist place. Many come there to climb the viewing platform during sunset, and if you stay here a little longer, you can see the sparkling lights of the Eiffel Tower, illuminating the horizon. And if you can not enable it in your schedule, try to choose time to explore the charming area of \u200b\u200bMontmartre, especially the terrace area.

You can reach this attractions from the metro station Anvers (Line 2); From there you can ride on the funicular on the grief straight to the basil. But in order to truly experience the magic atmosphere of Montmartre, climb along the winding staircase located along the motion of the funicular.

Sacre-Kore opens the doors for visitors every day from 6:00 to 22:30, the entrance is free.

Towing over the Sarcophag Napoleon Bonaparte in the House of Disabled in Paris, the gold-plated dome is so beautiful that it is considered one of the triumphs of the French Baroque architecture. But not only he, and another 12 stone carved statues of the angels surrounding his tomb, are really breathtaking.

Winged statues are installed on the columns of the crypt. Many believe that the angels serve as the keepers of the grave of Napoleon, while others believe that they help lead him to heaven.

White marble figures in full size actually symbolize the Military Achievements of the General. "Victory" is the final work of the French sculptor Jean Jacques, famous for its neoclassical works that you can meet in landmarks such as Triumphal Arch, Louvre, a house of disabled.

Of course, Napoleon's angels enable your eyes to admire the unusual beauty, but looking around you will understand that the whole building is no less beautiful. The Les Invalides complex was built by the Sun King Louis XIV as a house and hospital for soldiers-veterans. Today it is the French Military Museum of Musée De L'Armée and Dôme Des Invalides, the chapel Sainted by the Sainted Peter in Rome. Several French military heroes are buried here, as well as members of the Napoleon family.

Although Napoleon Bonaparte died in exile in Longwood, on the island of Saint Helena in 1821, but his body was buried in the house of persons with disabilities only in 1861. His remains were delivered to Paris in 1840 and 20 years after the complex redesign of the former church was completed, the emperor was buried in this decent temple.

Address: Place des Invalides, Paris.

Paleontology and comparative anatomy gallery

Throughout the more than a century, the paleontology gallery and comparative anatomy is quite fascinating and at the same time for visitors terrifying with their huge reconstructed animal skeletons.

Founded in 1898, it was created to collect a number of different scientific collections into one, now it is a multi-storey gallery, which contains a huge number of fossils and bones, it is one of the widest and comprehensive ideas about natural artifacts in the world. The museum is divided into two separate galleries, each of which has a stunning collection.

The paleontology gallery is amazingly a lot of fossils, here the most impressive are a number of massive skeletons of dinosaurs located among the richly decorated glass and iron architecture.

However, a real show museum is a comparative anatomy gallery. In this compartment, more than 1000 animal skeletons are all located along the gallery wall. Skeletons of all animals are collected as if they move in one direction, creating an illusion of escape or "skeleton parade", at this time the visitors appear a feeling of hitting an unusual space. Horses, elephants, large cats and other creatures are presented in a gigantic collection of bone tissue.

The gallery of paleontology and comparative anatomy is actually part of the Extensive National Museum of the Natural History of France, which includes about 14 institutions throughout the country.

Located at: 2 Rue Buffon, 75005 Paris.

Le Musée Du Fumeur (Smoking Museum)

No, here you can not use a lighter and smoke, although in this Paris Museum dedicated to smoking there is a lounge lounge.

Despite today's attitude towards tobacco and other chicken plants, since 2001, this 650-foot shop near the cemetery Per Lashez is dedicated to the leisure activities of many of the greatest minds and leaders of France. Old tobacker and ancient packs of cigarettes constitute a permanent collection, as well as thin clay tubes of the 17th century.

Efemera in the form of cards and cartoon strips depicts the smoking culture of the last century. The windows with a drying rack are presented tobacco leaves - dark from the Dominican Republic, brighter from Virginia.

Despite the fact that in Paris there is a street called by Jean Nikota - a diplomat of the 16th century and Nicotinic Testa, who brought tobacco to France and added to the royal yard to a snuff of tobacco, was smoking in the premises of almost decades.

Despite the ban, the founders of this institution of Micha Seeliger-Chatelain and Tigrane Hadengue still devote themselves to distributing smoking history and tobacco information. In 2008, Seeliger-Chatelain told New York Times: "All our great writers were smokers."

Go to the metro station to Voltaire and Congress from East to Ryu de la Rockett. Ryu Paz will be left.

Colon Medici

The Medici Column was built in 1575 and was the first separately standing column in Paris. It was built at the request of Ekaterina Medici in the part of the royal palace, which once stood after her. Although the decorative value of the 92-foot column is clear, the true purpose of its construction for Catherine has never been specifically established.

The outside of this creation was made in the form of a beautiful stone masonry, and its actual emptiness containing a screw staircase, which once combined the Queen's personal apartments with an observatory / workshop at the top of the column.

It is assumed that this workplace was built for a personal astrologer Catherine (some called him sorcerer) Kozimo Rudjierey. Since childhood, an astrologer was friends with the queen, and they say that she consulted with him before taking any important decisions. The space at the top of the column was intended for this so that the astrologer could calmly consult with the stars to predict what he saw.

Currently, the palace for which these columns were built, no longer exist, and the column still stands and hides its screw staircase. The door inside is now closed, but visitors can still look at the cage at the top of the column and present what happened in astrological intrigues.

Rue Crémieux (Street Cream)

Once this charming little cobbled street hidden in the 12th district was a "secret place", about which few people knew. Nowadays, Rue Crémieux is increasingly in demand in fashionable photographers, cinematographers and people who are looking for something unique to instagram in the color saturated.

Give yourself the opportunity and do not refuse to visit this Paris splendor. In many ways, this fancy path between Ryu de Lyon and Ryu de Beri is not at all similar to Paris and even more resembles Portobello Road in Notting Hill in London or Burano in Venice.

Among the colorful facades, clocks and paintings, as well as furnace windows, there are window boxes and terracotta pots, filled with lush plants, which add the feeling that you seemed to have escaped from Paris for a moment. This is a living street, although very small, and at home here is small. In fact, on one side of the building street there is a slightly more than one room in depth.

In 1878, the most famous Boutinal of Paris was opened by Madame Kelly just a few steps from the Louvre, he received his reputation for extravagant, decor and for visiting him from the Supreme Society, who spent their money on the exercise of their libido in the arms of thirty excellent Curtains.

When investing about 1.7 million francs (approximately $ 12.5 million) and shares sold at an exorbitant price rich private investors, Le Chabanais became the most profitable brothel of the European continent. The legend of the golden era of a closed house, it was one of the most popular and mandatory sights of the attractions of rich European tourists, comparable to a prayer in the Cathedral of Notre Lada or a visit to the Eiffel Tower.

Like any good erotic fantasy platform, each room in the house had its design. "Louis XVI" was having sex in a magnificent monarchist room, and the Moorish room was the favorite of the poet Gaya de Maupassant, who made a copy of this room and in his house. The frequent guest of Le Chabanais, the King Edward VII or Dirty Bertie had a copper trouble in the form of a sphinx, made specifically for him so that he could dip his skinny body into champagne. And in the same Toulouse-Lotrek, one more of the guests of the famous brothels of their era, sacrificed to this institution sixteen erotic paintings written by oil, with images of centaurs in the flour of passion.

This zealous sense of delight in all its excess and exotic brilliance was officially noted during the Paris World Exhibition 1900 "Japanese Room" won the prize for the "best design", becoming a symbol of the Paris lifestyle and modernism.

After several decades of sleepless nights and erotic holidays, Le Chabanais closed, on April 13, 1946, the red lamp near it was turned off. The joy's houses were recognized as illegal after World War II, they were puzzled by early feminists. All furniture, from radiators to ashes, was sold at auction in 1951 and fabulous interiors The brothel was divided into private collections.

Currently, 12 Rue Chabanais is a very ordinary office building; The only thing that remains from his vague past is the double elevators who once allowed customers to rise to different floors, not risking to face other visitors.

Museum of Anatomy Delm

The Collection of the Anatomy Museum of Delm-Orfila-Ruventor has a long and difficult story, which begins in 1794 by Professor Anatomy Onebor Fragonar. Then, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and the father of the toxicology Mathieu Orphil, who, after visiting the Hunter Museum in London, decided that Paris should also have an equally great medical collection. By 1881, about 4500 copies were collected in the museum.

During the first civil war, a period of great losses for the museum comes. It was bad that at some point, complex, beautiful and expensive models from wax were used as fuel for lighting (made by the French surgeon by Jean-Batistom Lomonier). In 1947, the museum was saved by Professor Andre Delmas, but at that time only a hundred original items remained at the museum. Delmas unites the Museum of Orphil with the collection of Professor Henri Ruventor and now the Museum of Delmas-Orphila-Ruvier becomes the largest museum - a collection of anatomy in France.

Currently, the collection is located on the eighth floor of the University of Medicine Faculty of Medicine. Rene of Descarte, it has more than 5800 items, including numerous samples and brain models (including the anatoms of the floor of Brock), wasveted in liquid samples of animals, saved by the fragonar themselves, as well as skeletons, skulls and a magnificent collection of anatomical models from wax.

Museum address: Street Saint-Per, 45 (Rue Des Saints-Pères) in the 6th district of Paris.
Metro Station Saint Germain Des Prés M4 Line.
Buses: 39, 48, 63, 95.

Other cities

Paris is a city of love and fabulous architecture. With all its merits and disadvantages, it remains one of the most beautiful cities on Earth. In Paris, there are many places for tourists, after visiting which not only beautiful photos will be visited, but also bright memories that can reveal the most worn and unusual heart.

Creation of Gustava Eifel

Eiffel Tower is the cult attraction of Paris. To view it from the inside, tourists stand multi-kilometer queues. The tower was erected in 1889. She was timed to the famous international exhibition, but after the end of the competition did not make them.

Over 7 million people rises per tower per year. If you want to know what the most popular paying landmark in the world, then the answer will be the Eiffel Tower.

The Architect Tower and the Gustava Eiffel constructor rises over Paris 320 meters in height. On the top platform, the sights operates the observatory.

In the tower there is an elevator, restaurants and shops work, there is an overview site. In the dark, the day of the Eiffel Tower is poured by magnificent and bright lights.

The best views of the Eiffel Tower from the side open from the square near the Palace of Shao. The palace is on the other side, from his balconies the tower is visible as on the palm.

A ticket for an adult to this attractions will cost 13-14 euros. You can get to the tower if you go to the Torokdero Metro Station.

Legendary Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady

A unique attraction has been widely known thanks to the works of the Hugo and the Musiclam of the same name. Notre Dame de Paris - the French famous place is called.

The Gothic Temple began to build in 1163. When booking the first stone of the future Cathedral, the bishop himself was present - his Holiness Alexander Third.

The famous Gargows of the Cathedral and its stained glass windows with roses became a real business card of the Gothic Temple. At the very top in the cathedral there is an observation deck with which amazing views of Paris are opening.

In the Cathedral there are unique religious portals of the Virgin Mary and the Grand Court.

Next to the Cathedral of the Paris, the Mother Metro Station "City" is located. The entrance to the temple is free, but for the approach to the towers will have to pay for a ticket.

Arch in honor of the triumph of the French revolutionaries

The Triumphal Arch in the capital of France is located at the very end of the Elysees. It is created as a monument to all those who fought for freedom and independence of France.

On the walls of a beautiful structure, the names of many who died in the battles of soldiers are written. Under the very triumphal arch, there is a grave of an unknown soldier.

Construction pylons decorate military bas-reliefs. More than 600 names of officers are cut on the arch, and on the bas-reliefs more than 128 famous battles are reflected.

For adults, the entrance to the arch is paid. A ticket will cost approximately 10 euros. Near the Arc de Triomphe is a metro station Charles de Gaulle Etoile.

House of disabled

Once I decided to build a special palace for disabled people and war veterans. So, by order of Louis fourteenth, it was erected in in 1671.

Choosing from a variety of projects, Louis stopped on the plane of the architect Liberal Brant. The sketch entered into a real palace, the temple with it and spacious barracks.

Today in the palace there are several museums. There you can see the following:

  • Military Museum;
  • Museum of Plans;
  • France's liberation museum.

The building is located in the seventh district of the capital south of the River Seine.

The white and elegant church of the holy heart can be seen on the top of the Montmartre hill. The temple has an observation deck. It is not surprising, because the church is located on the highest hill of Paris.

The entrance to the building itself is free, the ticket will be 5 euros on the viewing platform.

The architect of the church was chosen Paul Abadi. The construction began in 1875.

In winter, the snow-white church takes parishioners and visitors to 18 pm, and in the summer until 19.00.

In the XVIII century, Louis fifteenth is very sick. Hoping for the mercy of Saint Genevieve, he swore to build a temple in her honor if he was cured. Soon the king recovered, and ordered Marquis Mariny to rebuild St. Geneviev's church, which was later called a pantheon.

The temple due to problems with finances was built for a very long time. So construction ended only in 1791. At that time, revolutionary unrest began in France. The new government decided to use the church for the burial of famous people.

There is a huge crypt in Pantheon, where legendary figures and famous persons are buried. Hugo, Voltaire, Monet and Zola rest in Pantheon.

Pantheon can only be visited in the watches allotted for this. Such rules save the building from vandalism and contribute to improving the safety level of attractions.

Louvre: Palace and Museum on the Seine

Louvre is considered one of the largest and most famous museums in the world. Venus Milos and Legendary Mona Lisa is only part of the cult objects of art, which are exhibited there for everyone to see.

Oriental, Greek, European, Roman and Egyptian works of art are a collection in Louvre, in which more than 35 thousand exhibits are listed.

The Louvre Museum became in the 18th century. Until that time, he was the royal palace, the design of which was engaged in the architect Pierre Lesko. Today the palace has four wings and a spacious courtyard.

In 1989, a glass pyramid was added to the museum building. So sunlight began to get to the ticket offices of the palace in the building base. The creator of the pyramid was the American architect Bay Yumin.

The Palace Museum is located in the 1st County of Paris. In any season, the queue in it is huge, but you can see all the most expensive, beautiful and well-known works of artists and sculptors there.

In the 14th century, the king of Philip Beautiful chose a wonderful place on the island of Site to build his own palace. In the Middle Ages, the palace was a recognized masterpiece of architecture.

A century later Karl Fifth leveled the meaning of this palace to a simple administrative building. Carl preferred to spend time in the Louvre, so the palace was used by police officers for their needs. According to the name of the chief caretaker for the rule of law in Paris, he was called "Conciergeri".

In 1391, the building of the palace was given for prison affairs. In his rest, there were political and simply rich criminals, and in the basements, the concierge was tomited by the poor violators of the law.

During the bloody French revolution, the palace was used as a place for the tribunal and decapitation of unwanted new people's regime. So concierges acquired dark fame.

Today, only a part of the palace is open for visits. There is a museum of the history of this place, and everything is connected with him.

Montparnasse is the first of the highest skyscrapers of Paris. An extensive observation deck is opened on this tower, from where the capital of France is visible almost in all directions.

Montparnasse is able to prove to anyone that Paris is beautiful in any manifestations, and all because this glorious city was built on the unity plan of Ottoman. For the architecture of Paris, there were practically no influence on the construction and planning of the landscape.

For a long time, residents of Paris were unhappy with this tower, as she literally cut the horizon line.

A ticket to the tower costs about 15 euros. For lifting on the 56th floor there is a high-speed elevator. In a good and sunny day, overview from the observation deck can reach 40 kilometers. Montparnasse shows Eiffel Tower and the Palace of Disabled.

Avenue Elysee fields is the widest and extended in Paris. Street begins on Concord Square and ends with a triumphal arch.

In the West, the Champs Elysees are a variety of restaurants, shops and cinemas. Along the "fields", large and small palaces are built, as well as the famous Champs Elysia Palace.

Modern view of the Elysee fields gave an architect Bernard Bee.

Today, as before, pedestrians are moving along this street, but only half of the avenue is open to cars.

The Church of Saint-Germain was rebuilt in the 6th century. She is the oldest church of the capital. For a long time, Saint-Germain was the place of restoring the kings of Meroving. It kept the most important relics of Christianity, and the Abbey of Benedictine was located.

One day, this temple almost completely destroyed the Vikings, but in the 9th century it was anew.

The famous church gave name to a whole quarter. Now this place on the map of Paris is marked by the sixth district.

In the territory of the temple, today, many new buildings are erected.

The main originated due to the command of Napoleon's third, as well as using the facing architect. The 19th century building fully meets the Baroque style.

Marble, gold, stucco and multi-layer chandeliers from Crystal - this is what characterizes the Paris Opera best.

The opera building accommodates 2,200 people. Previously, this luxurious construction was used for ballet performances..

Find Opera in Paris is not difficult. It is located on Place de L'Opera Street in the 9th Capital County.

The appearance of Versailles Parisians are obliged to Louis Fourteenth. It is Versailles - a model for the entire Palace Europe. The best artists of France wrote from this palace complex, the Grand Palaces of the past centuries were built by its sample.

Palace, Park and Garden are now open to tourist excursions.

Getting to the famous Palace is better by train. Train stop near the complex wears his name.

Near Sorbonne in the 6th district there is the most popular Park of the capital - the Luxembourg garden. As many as 55 acres are given for the rapid growth of a variety of trees and plants.

Initially, the park belonged to the Duke of Luxembourg. In 1612, Maria Medici bought this territory. The garden is made in Italian style.

Today there is a fountain in the park, renting boats at the pond, the cinema and children's attractions are functioning..

Next to the garden is the Luxembourg Palace, which is also open to visits.

The most central garden of Paris - Tuileries. The consent area is also located near it. In the garden of Tuileries there is the same name of the Palace, built by Catherine Medici.

The garden is working for visitors for free, but for the entrance to the Palace, tourists have to pay.

Fountains, museums and pools make this place even more attractive for visiting.

In the Ores Museum, exhibitions of fine and applied directions are held in art. In this museum you can see the following exposures:

  • Impressionists' work;
  • AR-Nouveau style;
  • Photos;
  • Sculptures.

The peculiarity of the museum is not only in its exhibitions and exhibits. Ores himself is located in the building of the railway station. Today the movement of trains is almost completely discontinued, but the museum accepts visitors from all over the world.

The name Pont Neuf is translated as a "new" bridge. When the bridge was built, and it was in the 16th century, this name was relevant. Now this bridge has a very long and interesting story.

The appearance of a new bridge, the citizens are obliged to Hennich the third, but opened the bridge the next monarch - Heinrich Fourth. Therefore, in the middle of the design, a sculpture is installed in his honor.

For the first time, residential buildings were not built on this bridge. Residents of the city chose a new bridge for walking and romantic meetings. Therefore, this building is considered one of the most attractive bridges in Paris.

Cabaret, as a sample to follow

The legendary Moulin Rouge cabaret has been already over 120 years since the discovery is a role model. Other similar institutions are focused on this cabaret, as the gold standard in the world of entertainment.

In 1889, Paris stuck information that a completely new musical hall was opened in its center. Initially, Moulin Rouge was an institution with a submissal reputation. The girls danced there Kankan, and after intimate services provided to visitors.

Allero and ZiDler, organizing performances, quickly realized that the public was outraged by the opening of a new brothel, and decided to bring cabaret to a completely different level.

So dancing in Moulin Rouge became more professional, and the curtains did not offer themselves so open.

Today in Moulin Rouge does not provide intimate services. Cabaret reoriented to professional performances, intermitted by humorous numbers. After all, now children are allowed on the show themselves from 12 years.

When visiting the current "Red Mill" (Moulin Rouge), you must follow the dress code and look elegant. In the hall where the performance passes, food and drinks are served. By purchasing a ticket, it is worth remembering that it is necessary to arrive in the cabaret after half an hour before the beginning of the presentation.

Pale-piano was built by Cardinal Richelieu for personal needs. During construction in 1629, Cardinal performed the minister's responsibilities, and could afford to build luxury palace, which later bequeathed Louis Fourteenth.

Brother King Philip Orleans expanded the building of the palace by attaching a gallery and shops to him. Then the gambling halls were opened in the palace.

In 1871, the Palais Royal Palace was destroyed by fire. Today, a palace garden is opened for tourists inspection, as well as a small part of the main building. The palace is located in the 1st County County. It is an excellent example of classical architecture.

The most visited cemetery

Per Lashhesis is a cemetery, named after the confessor of King Louis Fourteenth. The cemetery was opened in 1804. Many are buried on the cemetery famous people France.

The tombstones and crypts of this place are real works of art. It is for their inspection on the cemetery of per lash and visitors go.

For a long time, this place of the last rest was prerogative of rich and famous.

Chopin, Moliere, Balzac - Here is a small list of names that you can find on the per lash. More than 800 thousand people are buried at the Paris Cemetery, and each of them has an individual gravestone in the form of sculpture or bas-relief, although there are general graves with arches and sculptural complexes..

In the southwest of the cemetery, everyone is given maps with an indication of the legendary burials. The per lash of five inputs. Two entrances are on Menilmontant Street. Nearby works by the same name with the cemetery metro station.

In Paris, you can see not only vintage buildings, but also new space technologies. They are worth going to the Aviation Salon Le Bourget, where the latest developments of the aircraft and the space industry are demonstrated.

The best airmes in the air in Le Bourget, of course, are not held daily, but there is a museum every day, where there are aircraft from the First World War, as well as famous chapels.

The airlock is located in the same airport. Large-scale performances there are held every two years.

If there is a desire to find the Museum of Aviation Le Bourget, then you should go 12 kilometers to the northeast of the capital.

The current Square of Vogzov was once called royal, and all because the mansions of nobody stood around her around her. Construction of significant area began in 1605. After many years, the Square of the Vandom and Square of consent was built on the satellite of the venets.

The Renaissian style fell in the soul to local residents, so many holidays and celebrations took place on this area. On her, despite the ban, duels were held between noble opponents.

Next to the square lives a large Jewish community. There are many excellent restaurants.

Square of Vogzov is located in the old quarter Mare.

George Pompidou and his center

In the elegant quarter Mare there is a real building "inside out." So local residents call the modern complex of George Pompidou. In this center there are exhibitions of a variety of arts. There is a museum where modern directions of painting are presented.

In the center of the famous figure there are works Picasso, Dali and Magritt.

Also, there is an unique collection of sculptures.

In 1789, Bastilly's gloomy prison was completely destroyed during the uprising. At her place today is the area. In the middle of the square, the Juliet column is now minced, which is a French symbol of freedom.

At the top of the column, the height of which is 51 meters, the observation deck is running.

Next to the square is the building of the Bastille Opera.

Best Boulevards and Cafe Paris

On the Montparnasse Boulevard are the most famous and top cafes of the capital of France. Saint-Germain Boulevard is known for his institution de Flore. It was there that in due time such persons were gathered as Picasso and Hemingway.

Classic Parisian cuisine, fragrant coffee and French buns in the best manifestation are located on these two boulevards. Any tourist can visit them between the inspection of a variety of attractions of Paris.

To learn about what to see in Paris will be interesting and informative even for those who do not plan a visit to this hospitable city. Let's try to list the most significant and popular sights of Paris right now.

What to see in Paris first?

1. Eiffel Tower

The most recognizable metal tower in the center of Paris

What to visit in Paris is needed first? The legendary design, over 320 meters high. The "column" of iron is a symbol of the city, and at night is transformed at the expense of many thousands of multi-colored lights. On the tower there is a sightseeing area, allowing to enjoy the incredible species of the megapolis literally at any time of the day.

2. Louvre Museum

Louvre Museum in Paris on a sunny day

Previously, a chic residence for kings, and now the most famous museum in the world will offer you a familiarity with unique artifacts, canvases and engravings, sculptural compositions, historical and artistic relics. Among the main attractions of the Louvre is a beautiful picture of Mon Lisa. Even if your trip is not related to sightseeing plans, visit this museum you must certainly.

3. Triumphal Arc.

Triumphal Arch on the Champs Elysees at sunset

A decree on the creation of a triumphant gate gave B. Napoleon yet. The design is decorated with bas-reliefs and sculptures of generals and ordinary soldiers, winged maiden, tinned in fanfare. Note that Bonaparte himself finally completed the army never saw. As for modern people, to visit the local survey site or the museum. Napoleon, to stand near the eternal flame can now every tourist. Make a journey recommended with a guide - you will learn many interesting information On the creation of an architectural masterpiece.

4. Cathedral of the Paris Our Lady

Southern Side of the Cathedral of the Paris Our Lady

5. Basilica Sacre Cour

The staircase leading to the top of the Montmartre hill to the Basilica Sacre Cor

The building is located on the Montmartre hill, and is designed to redeem the scents committed by residents of the city in bloody days of revolutions and wars. Inside the temple, you can not only ask for forgiveness from the Little Lord, but also enjoy the music of a huge body.

Look at the beautiful views of Paris in this exciting video!

6. Champs Elysees

View of the Champs Elysees or Central Street of Paris from the Triumphal Arch

A luxurious and glamorous place designed for life and leisure the most wealthy people in the world. The main highway contains the boutiques of the most famous brands of the world, the best restaurants and hotels in Paris. The length of the boulevard, width of more than 70 meters, is 1915 meters. There are often solemn celebrations and all sorts of marchs of citizens.

7. Luxembourg Garden and Palace

Flower bed in the palace garden with a statue against the background of the Luxembourg Palace

The garden, the scale of 26 hectares, was created at the direction of Maria Medici, and surrounds her generic Country Palace. Guests and residents of the metropolis can admire sculptures, relax on green lawns or walk along paths. In the warm season, there are concerts and photo exhibitions in the fresh air. For entertainment, chessings and jackets for barrels, tennis courts and squares with rings for basketball, playgrounds for children and the theater miniatur. Opposite the old palace there is a unique fountain. If you do not know what to see in Paris for 1 day, but you want to spend time, admiring both architectural masterpieces and natural beauty, Come here.

8. Versailles Palace

Palace-Park Ensemble Versailles

No analogues on Earth Palace and Park Complex of Louis Fourteenth. The cost of a lush royal residence and arrangement of its territory faced the execution of France in a huge amount. Among other monuments of history, in Versailles, the farm of Maria Antoinetta was preserved in Versailles. Museum status The Palace has gained more than 210 years ago.

9. Montmartre

Panorama of Paris from Montmartre Hill

District S. best zones Recreation and significant attractions, including Basilica Sacre -ker. For first, so talented masters like Matisse, Picasso and Van Gogh lived here. The restaurant "Lucky Rabbit" is still valid, in which he loved to gather the most bohemian public of the spent centuries. Be sure to visit the Local Exhibition Center, as well as the Montmartre Cemetery. No less attention deserves a giant flea bazaar, whose merchants will sell you both modern and antique products at a fairly high price.

10. Site Island

Sieve Island is connected by bridges with the rest of Paris MBZT

Located in the central part of the megapolis, in the middle of the Seine. With other parts of the city, the city is connected by bridges. It is on this island that many best attractions of Paris are the Chapel of St. Chapel, the Castle Conciergeri and the Cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God.

11. Place of Bastille

July Column on Bastille Square

The construction of the square was completed at the end of the 18th century. In the previous years there was the same fortress for the defense of the city. Virtually 400 years she was a prisoner for political criminals. After the memorable events of 1789, the prison was destroyed, and a large-scale area came to replace it.

12. Latin Quarter

Shops and nightclubs of the Latin Quarter in Paris Giang

Old district, located in the central part of the city. Earlier, only students lived here (given the proximity of sorbonna and other institutions), the quarter is a cheerful and noisy sight for tourists. There are many bars and restaurants for people with a variety of sufficient.

13. University Sorbonne

Chapel on the territory of the University of Sorbonne Nickk

The national pride of the country was created in the 18th century, and until now, its teachers and students are highly honored by the traditions of high-quality European education. Today, sorbonna includes thirteen independent educational institutions. In addition, it is a huge center of theology and philosophy.

14. Grand Opera

Grand Opera is located in the Garnier Palace

Where to go to Paris fans of theatrical art? The main opera house of the state, open in the 17th century. Speeches that are given on stage, different - ballet, opera, theatrical and dance productions of our and past days. It is interesting not only to visit any events, but also an inspection of incredible interiors of huge halls.

15. Center of George Pompidou

Part of WiFredo Lam exhibition in the center of George Pompidou Jean-Pierre Dalbéra

The center of art and culture is decorated in the original manner - this is a colorful building "inside out" (many architectural elements, such as elevators and staircases, are located on the facade part of the building). The center opened a museum with an excellent collection of sculptures and Pop Art, expressionism, constructivism and other areas of artistic arts. Among the particularly valuable samples - the creations of E. Warhol, Dali, Picasso.

16. Orsay Museum

Interior of the Ores Museum in Paris Jean-Pierre Dalbéra

The expositions of this museum complex are devoted to postmingness and impressionism. Exhibitions are held in the former building of the railway station, open in 1900. Building is a mixture of several styles - classicism of the 19th century and industrialism. As well as many other interesting places of Paris, it has a truly rich history.

17. Lafayette Gallery

Lafayette Gallery - Shopping Center of the Fashion Industry JORGE ROYAN

Center for Fashion Shopping. In the gallery you will find clothes, shoes and accessories of any famous designer of France. At the end of the 19th century, Lafayets was a modest store in which only lace and ribbons were sold. Now it is a giant shopping center with shining shop windows and colorful signs.

18. Cabaret Moulin Rouge

Famous French show Vary Moulin Rouge at night

A business card of Night Entertainment of Paris, Art Restaurant and Show Varieta, open more than a hundred years ago. From the "golden" club Moulin Rouge turned into a popular scene with dozens of artists of world values. Purchase tickets to speeches should be in advance.

19. House of disabled

Architectural complex, consisting of the temple of St. Louis, a barracks, park and hospital Riggwelter

Before the hospital for wounded soldiers of the era of Louis fourteenth. With the main building there are a museum of the army and a magnificent classic cathedral with the tomb B. Napoleon. Exhibits of the museum complex - cartridges, weapons, clothing, military attributes of past centuries.

20. Castle Conciergeri

Conciergeri Castle - Former royal Palace And prison on the island of Sita in Paris

A fairly non-standard building, which was previously served by the Uznice, and the residence of kings. The atmosphere resembles the spirit of Middle Ages. If you want to plunge into the French past, go exactly here.

Attractions of Paris: What else to visit in Paris?

We told you about the main attractions of Paris briefly. In addition to them, be sure to visit:

21. Pantheon

Grand Pantheon Building on the top of Holy Genevieve Hill

Inside the memorial complex is kept the ashes of those who have had a huge impact on the development of art, culture or state science. In the 18th century, the construction was supposed to become the temple of the name of St. Genevieve, however, later this decision was changed, and now the building is a famous tomb.

22. Montparnas Tower

Panorama of Paris with Montparnas Tower at dusk

More than 200-meter height of 1972, within which restaurants, banks, boutiques and office premises are located. There are several sightseeing sites, to get to which you can on high-speed elevators.

23. Catacombs Paris

Walls of tunnels from bones and skulls in old catacombs of Paris

The territory can be called a separate city, in tunnels and the caves of which more than 6,000,000 people died in various centuries. Omsuarians, an alleged area of \u200b\u200bthree hundred kilometers, has entire streets with pointers. Part open to inspection is quite well equipped. In the catacombs you will not see any order. Among the many other bones here are the remains of Charles Perro and Fuce, Robespierre and Jean Jacques Batista.

25. Cemetery per lashine

Alley and crypts on the Cemetery of Per Lash - where many famous personalities guilhem vellut

Cemetery and museum with tomb sculptures. There are politicians and military, thinkers and philosophers from all over the world. D. Morrison's grave, the soloist of The Doors Group Roads with the last refuge of Duncan and Oscar Wilde, revolutionar from Ukraine Makhno and a dictator from the Dominican Republic Trujillo. Despite the rather oppressive atmosphere, it should not refuse to visit the per lashine cemeteries. You can inspect many unique sculptures with huge architectural value.

25. Alexander III Bridge

Elegant bridge Alexander III across the River Seine Philippe Alès

An exquisite design and a valuable object of the architecture of 1975, made in the style of the BOZ -ar and decorated with lanterns, nymphs and angels. Walking on it, you can get from the house of the disabled to the Champs Elysees.

26. Kapuchin Boulevard

Street, who gained fame during the development of cinema in Paris zoetnet

Glory came to this street at the request of the emergence of cinema. After the presentation here, the first painting of the Lumiere brothers in 1985, the modest cinemas began to open on Kapuchin. Such of them, as a paramount Opera and Olympia, have survived here since the beginning of the 20th century, and, as before, take numerous guests.

27. Garden Tuillry

Tuilery Garden Panorama, seen from Ferris Wheel in Paris Dennis Jarvis

It is not far from the Sena River, the Square of Concord and Louvre. It is impossible to call the Tuileries "ordinary" garden complex. The territory covers not only magnificent paths, flower beds with flower beds and trees of various shapes, but also excellent monuments and whole sculptural groups.

28. Boulogne Forest

Boats on the lake in the Boulog Forest

Spacious parking landscaped area, which previously served by hunting faults for whims. For public visits, the forest was opened with sixteenth under Louis. The walk through the historic city park delivers a lot of pleasure at any time of the year.

29. Sena River

Pleasure vessels on the River Seine run along the banks of Paris

Go on a journey through a megapolis, ordering a tour of the Seine on a boat or boat. The river is really very beautiful, and allows you to look at those attractions to get to which on foot is predicted. Dinners and dinners are offered on Sudkits, there is an opportunity to spend a unique romantic evening.

30. Disneyland

Disneyland - Magic World for Children, created by the American company Walt Disney Joel

The best gift for a person of any age is a visit to Disneyland with his uniquely fabulous atmosphere. You are waiting for incredible adventures on land and on the water. You will be able to see a crazy hat and snowmall, make a photo with Indiana Jones and Mickey-Maus, to visit the day of the sea and in space, look into the future and past. On the entire area there is a huge number of entertainment points and attractions, restaurants and cafes, souvenir shops. The territory is so extensive what to acquire entry tickets Recommended for several days.

We hope that those attractions of Paris, photos with names and the description of which you now saw, will allow you to organize a fascinating excursion route yourself.

It is probably difficult to find a person who would not have dreamed of visiting Paris. Everyone from childhood heard more than once about this wonderful city. About its narrow medieval streets and wide modern prospects, about the Elysee fields and Montmartre, the Eiffel Tower and Louvre. Reading the works of V. Hugo, O. Balzac, E. Zola, A. Dumas and many other outstanding French writers, everyone mentally presented himself in the place of the heroes of works and wandered around the streets in search of adventures. When it is possible to visit this amazing city in reality, everyone seeks to see exactly those places that are known for famous literary works. Today we will answer the question - what to see in Paris yourself? So, our review of the best attractions of the city.

One of the symbols of the city, reflecting significant historical events, is a Triumphal Arch, built at the request of Napoleon in order to leak through her heading troops after the next victories. Having laid the first stone to the foundation of the arch, Napoleon symbolically celebrated his birthday, but he could not be victorious to pass through the finished structure, as it was left for the construction of the highest arch in the world as many as 30 years.

In December 1840, Napoleon was destined to be under the arches of a triumphal arch, when the coffin with his body solemnly carried through it, delivering a great conqueror from the island of Saint Helena to the place of his eternal rest in Paris. From the moment of completion of the construction of this 50-meter monument, Parisians celebrate the most significant events in the life of the city and the country. In the triumphal arch in 1885, the townspeople were forgotten from the great writer V. Hugo.

At the end of World War II, this legendary arch, inspired by the approaching victory, the Parisians arranged to General De Nude a warm solemn meeting. Interestingly, twice a year May 10 and August 1, at sunset, you can observe how the solar disk occupies a central place in the opening of the Arc de Triomphe.

It is not just a landmark, but also by the personification of Paris himself and his difficult story. Therefore, on the optic area is always full of the audience. In one place of the square, then in the other you can hear the simple melodies of street musicians and see the circus tricks of omnipresent juggler entertaining crowd.

It is difficult to believe, but the focus of the Parisian life notre-lads two hundred years ago was in complete launch. The French revolution has escalated everything in its path, which referred to the heritage of the past era. Castles and palaces, monasteries and cathedrals were destroyed. Beautiful statues of the work of great masters, who decorated the facade of the Cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God, were also plunged by the ground. All church utensils, including the famous bells of the cathedral, were sent to the smelting, part of the decoration of the cathedral disappeared without a trace, and the altar was desecrated.

The dilapidated and plundered cathedral gradually came into decline, while due to the famous novel V. Gyu in 1831, the interest in the rich historical heritage of the country and the Gothic direction in architecture was not reborn. Already in those years, the royal decree was published on the restoration of the cathedral. The restoration of the cathedral was engaged in the young French architect Eugene Vioole de Duk, who managed to fully restore his original appearance. Recovery work after a recent fire will continue.

Eiffel Tower

Another symbol of France. Nowadays, it is difficult to imagine Paris without the Eiffel Tower, although the city with a centuries-old story just over 120 years ago did without this symbolic structure. In 1889, in honor of the century of the French revolution and the celebration of scientific progress, the rapidly launched the pace of their development, Gustave Eiffel presented a unique technical construction of Parisians, which was practically collected from individual details in two years.

The erected tower with a height of 300 meters became the highest structure in the world for that period. Undoubtedly, in addition to the height, it had other unique characteristics. The tower kept the wind head and almost did not hesitate. Its original design allows you to withstand the temperature differences. The creator of the Eiffel Tower had to hold the defense for a long time and defend his brainchild, proving her utility to protect her from dismantling.

The famous artists of art, including Mopassan and Duma-son, noting the inconsistency of the Tower with the classical architecture of the old town, were opposed to the familiar symbol of France. However, the elegant design quickly won the hearts of most citizens.


Montmartre is a romantic quarter, which fully conveys a unique atmosphere of this city. Here, among the urban hustle, the windmill "Moulin de la Gall" has been preserved. Its image can be seen on the canvases of famous artists: Renuara, Vincent Van Gogh, as well as Pablo Picasso. Only here on Montmartre there is an unusual monument to the writer Marsel Eme, which in one of his works tells about the persistent lover, stuck in the wall after a date with a married lady. It is believed that by filing the left hand of the bronze sculpture of Emma, \u200b\u200bit is safe to count on the execution of intimate desires.

In this bohemian quarter, there is still a cafe "Promotional Rabbit", the regulators of which were future celebrities poor artists and poets: Paul Verlin, Pissaro, Guillaume, Modigliani. On the white square of Montmartre is the famous musical variety "Moulin-Rouge". It was here that the legendary La Gray was invented by the famous "Can-Kan". Nearby is the Montmartre Cemetery, where among many celebrities rests the creator of "Kan-Cana". Here you can see the graves of E. Zola, Standal, Alexander Duma Son, Berlioz and many other well-known literature and art figures.

Opera Garnier

It is a real center of the theater culture of France. For the first time, the opera doors were opened before visitors from 1669 at the initiative of local celebrities R. Mkumber and P. Reader. They spoke by the authors of the first producer play.

You can buy a ticket on weekdays at the box office (from 9 to 18 hours), as well as on Saturday (it works up to 13 hours). Excursions begin daily from 10 to 17 hours. The cost of visiting the theater as part of the excursion group - 9-10 euros. But for those who want to visit one of the ideas, you will have to upset (the ticket price starts from 120 euros).

House of disabled

We recommend to look at military history to the Seventh District, where the famous disabled house is located. This is a complex of military-topics buildings that are associated with the military history of France. You will be able to visit the museums of the army, plans and reliefs, modern history. There are also places of burial places of famous military managers and general generals, including the famous Napoleon. Initially, this place was only a hospital for victims during battles and elderly soldiers. The initiator of the opening of this institution was Louis XIV. Gradually, the complex was expanded at the expense of new structures and became a shelter for hundreds of officers distinguished in battle and ordinary.

Of course, many tourists come here only for the sake of one tomb - the emperor Napoleon, who was originally buried on the island of St. Lena, where he served the link. Landmark is located at Boulevard Des Invalides, (Varenne Metro Station). It works daily, except Monday from 10 to 17 (up to 18 o'clock in summer). The entrance costs 9 euros, for children up to 18 years old - free.

Champs Elysees

Another famous landmark that is worth visiting for each guest is the Champs Elysees. This is one of the main and most famous streets of the capital, where many parades are spent by tradition. Processions pass from the area of \u200b\u200bconsent to the Arc de Triomphe. Initially, this place was empty and on the initiative of Maria Medici in 1616 began to be addressed. The author of the creation of the strollers of the Grand Chickens is considered to be the architect Lenotr. And modern buildings that intertwined with historical and cultural objects began to appear much later.

Fame of the Elyséesian fields brought the famous residents who became one in one to settle in houses located here. Today, tourists are attracted by numerous boutiques of famous global brands, souvenir shops and picturesque cafes. Address: AV. des champs-ylysayes. You can get on the subway, while sitting at Concorde station. Or use the train, which passes through the lines 1, 8, 12. The input is free.

Latin Quarter

Want to plunge into the world of student life? Then rather go to the Latin Quarter, which is located in the fifth and sixth district of the city. The center of the Quarter is the University of Sorbonne famous for the whole world. Not to students from Latin America, and the Latin language, which many centuries was the main language for learning and scientific activity. In addition, tourists will be able to visit the famous Pantheon Hill, which is famous for its centuries-old history and, which unfolded many of the events historically significant for Parisians.

The quarter of the quarter is and an impressive collection of the Museum of Natural History. The entrance to the free quarter, visit it at any convenient time. If you want to know interesting facts from history, we advise you to hire an experienced guide. There is an attraction in the fifth district of the capital. To get the easiest way to the subway, while sitting at Cluny-La-Sorbonne station (10th line).


Even if you have never had the opportunity to visit the famous Louvre, you hardly heard anything about this world-famous attraction! It is not necessary to be an expert in different directions of art or be able to distinguish the paintings of the authorship of Picasso and Van Gogh! The Louvre is worth every tourist, who at least a little interested in the history of France and the world is not indifferent to sculptures, frescoes, ancient Egyptian sarcophagas or monuments of ancient Rome and Greece.

Just imagine, annually in huge exhibition halls there are over 10 million people, many of whom come here to take another look at the main highlight of the Louvre - the famous Jocona! But without this, the canvas here have something to see. Under the dome of the museum, valuable and unique artifacts and relics of the Ancient East, Asia, Western civilizations are collected. There is a famous museum at Palais Royal, Mustie du Louvre, 75001. Getting the easiest way to bus or subway (Palais Royal Station). Exposure works daily from 9 to 18 (on certain days - until 21.45). The cost of tickets begins with 15 euros.

Luxembourg Sad.

Luxembourg Garden (Jardin Du Luxembourg) is a palace-park ensemble, one of the main attractions of the Latin Quarter. The garden is at the end of the beautiful Boulevard of San Michel, along which it can be reached. You can also get to the Luxembourg Garden on the subway, going to Luxembourg stations. The Garden has a Luxembourg Palace - one of the best architectural monuments of the whole of France. A huge most beautiful fountain is located in front of the palace, on the waters of which you can even run the model of the sailboat. A little apart - atmospheric fountain Medici 17th century, marble, overgrown with moss.

All connoisseurs of the famous French park architecture recommend planning a visit to Luxembourg garden. Despite the fact that the entire area was initially reserved under vegetation, today for visitors here is a real cultural and gaming expathere. For example, right at the entrance to the garden installed a large scene on which concerts and festive events regularly pass. On the territory of the park there are many attractions, playgrounds.

It is here that they love to spend all his free time with Parisians. The genuine interest of the Luxembourg Garden also causes numerous tourists, guests of the capital, who personally want to walk along his huge territory. There is a garden at Rue De Vaugirard (st. Wiremarrr), 15. We recommend that we recommend on the subway (ODEON station) or buses. For the entrance to you will not take no cent. There is a park in the summer period from 7.30 to 21.45, and in winter - from 8.15 to 16.45.

Alexander III Bridge

The bridge connecting the opposite shores of the Seine is often called the most romantic destination. He is decorated with dozens of sculptures of Angels, Nymph and Pegasov, each of which is distinguished by its unique design and indescribable beauty. According to the story, the author of the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a bridge was Russian Emperor Nicholas II, which in such an unusual way decided to perpetuate the memory of his father, calling the bridge in his honor. It was a kind of gift in honor of the conclusion of the world between France and Russia.

The bridge was designed in such a way as not to spoil the exciting panoramas of the Elysee fields. Its length is 160 meters, and the height is 6 meters. You can get to the facility by car or subway (INVALIDES station), as well as passing to the house of disabled. Login is free, you can visit the attraction at any time of the day. According to reference, a kiss on the Alexander III bridge is able to bore two loving hearts with strong uzami.

Museum d'Orse

Are you a passionate fan of impressionists? Then boldly go to the famous exhibition halls of the d'orsh museum. It is this cultural institution that enjoys fame and honorable among tourists and real connoisseurs of this direction of art. There are dozens of pictures of famous artists, among which Mane and Monet, Degas, Renoir, Lesrere, Gaen and many others. But not alone paintings are famous for this famous exhibition complex. There are many copies of other areas of art - architecture, decorative and applied directions.

Located by D'Orse at Rue de Lille, 62. You can get to the subway while driving at Solferino station, and if you get from the suburbs - on the RER train. Exposure doors are open daily from 9.30 to 18 hours. Weekend - Monday. The cost of the ticket is 9 euros, and for tourists who want to visit periodical exhibitions - 12 euros. On the first Sundays of each month, the entrance is free.

Museum Roden.

If you are a passionate admirer of the works of the Sculptor of Auguste Rodin, you must visit his Personal Museum. More precisely, the museum in which his best works are represented. The museum takes the building of the mansion, which was erected in the second half of the 17th century and in his time belonged to the famous master. For the first time, the museum doors were open to visitors in 1919. The pride of the collection is the famous sculptures "Thinker", "Citizens Kale", the works of "Gate hell", "Beethoven" and many others. Total collection covers an area of \u200b\u200b16 rooms.

It is worth noting that the collection includes the canvas of famous artists, among whom Wang Gogh, Mana. These paintings were collected by Roden and donated to the city along with his personal works. You can reach the Museum, which is located at Rue De Varenne, 79, can be found at the metro station (Varenne or Invalides stations). At the checkout, you can buy a comprehensive ticket for inspection of the collection (6 euros) or restrict ourselves to visiting the garden (1 euro). Visitors under 18 may go to the museum for free. The doors of the complex are open daily except Monday from 10 to 17.45.

Island Site

The surviving island, located in the middle of the Seine, is considered a real heart of the city. You can get to it one of the existing nine bridges (you can get from any part of the city). Once the island was intended to accommodate the royal residence, and today there is not a single inhabitant there. It is also recommended to acquaint the island to spend the whole day. Tourists are famous sights: Notre Dame-de Paris Cathedral, a notorious concierger prison, which today has the status of the museum, the Palace of the Justice and a few more interesting historical objects.

In order not to miss anything important, we advise you to agree on paid excursion Under the guidance of an experienced guide. The island is open for visiting the closer day. The entrance is free (except for visiting museums and other attractions). You can take a subway or other public and personal transport.

Palace Palace Royal

The Palace Palae Royal Palace is located in the center. It includes the palace itself, the area and the park area. According to official information, the palace was intended to place the outstanding figure of Cardinal Richelieu with his retinue. Since the cardinal was not indifferent to art, a library, art gallery and theater were created in the palace. His modern name Palace received thanks to the new owner - Anne Avtriya, who took the residence of Cardinal after his death. During its existence, the complex has repeatedly changed its owners, rebuilt and expanded.

At one time, noisy festivities were arranged here, the circus chapito was worked, to another - the palace was closed for outsiders and lived a measured life, full secrets and conspiracy. Nowadays, the building of the Palace for visitors is closed. You can only get on the territory of the park, as well as the courtyard, the entrance is free. Address Sightseeing: Le Palais Royal, Rue De Montpensier. You can get on the subway. You are waiting daily from 7.20 to 20 hours.


This place stores the ashes of the famous Parisians who were able to distinguish between the years of their lives. At the same time, Pantheon is a real monument to human ambitions and passions. According to the legend, the building appeared as a gratitude to St. Nizhevyev, to which the King of Louis appeared on the verge of death. Since, according to the ruler, it was the patroness of Paris that gave him recovery, after 11 years the construction of the temple was launched in her honor.

The author of the architectural masterpiece was Suflo, who was able to combine the best achievements of the architects of several generations. Subsequently, many ideas were used by architects of later eras. For example, in the Dome of the Washington Capitol, the resemblance to the Paris Pantheon is clearly visible. Landmark is located at Place du Panthon, 5e. Pantheon works daily from 10 to 18.30. In the winter period, the door of the temple closes half an hour before. The entrance will cost visitors at 8 euros, and children can pass for free.

Square consent

This is one of the main areas of the French capital, which is created in the form of the right octagon. The angles decorate the statues that symbolize the most significant cities of the country. In the very center there was a place for huge obelisk. The square is also known for the fact that at one time there were a lot of noble French and state rulers here. For example, the King of Louis XVI, famous women - Maria Antoinette, Madame Elizabeth and Charlotte Korde met their death on the consent area.

The guillotine stood on the square until the time until the degree of revolutionary heat declined. You can get to the square on the subway (station Concorde) or by car. You can use one of the bus buses. Locality in the 8th district, at Place de la Concorde. Free admission.


Planning a trip, the obligatory point of the program of almost every tourist should be visiting the famous Disneyland. The magic world of Walt Disney carries the guests a sea of \u200b\u200bpleasures and joys.
The entertainment complex is located 30 kilometers from the center of the capital of France. The extensive territory of the park is divided into five thematic areas, each of which is stylized under a well-known fairy tale, cartoon or cinema. Beautifully decorated buildings and structures, exciting attractions, sculptures of famous characters cause children a sense of holiday.

Disneyland meets its guests the main street, made in the style of Western American towns of the late XIX century. It lined up in a series of cute houses with shops, cafes and souvenir shops. The road leads to the main symbol of Disneyland - the lock of sleeping beauty.

Basilica Sacre Cor

Makushka Montmartre hill, the height of which is 130 meters, is magnificently crowned by the Basilica Sacre-ker. This is one of the main attractions of the French capital.
The idea of \u200b\u200bthe construction of the temple arose in the 70s of the XIX century after the crushing defeat of France in the Franco-Prussian War. The new church was supposed to put an end to all unhappiness sent by the French people. Construction of the Catholic shrine in the Byzantine style was carried out 35 years.

A large ladder leads to the Basilica, on the intermediate sites of which green lawns are broken, always filled with a vacationed public. At the foot of the church, the face of tourists appear elongated five domes. The central dome reaches a height of 83 meters. The facade of the Basilica decorates the massive portico with three arches, at the top of which the horse statues of Louis Saint and Zhanna d'Ark will come.

Versailles Palace

In 1661, the young king of France Louis XIV decided to build a residence in the places of hunting grounds of the suburbs. The best architects of that time brilliantly performed the wishes of the monarch. A masterpiece of classical architecture was built, which became the symbol of the absolute power of the king - the Versailles Palace. A magnificent grand building reflects the luxury reigned at the court of Louis XIV. A garden with intricately decorated alleys, smoothly trimmed by green plantings, pond and numerous sculptures grows around the architectural pearl.

The facade of the palace stretched into a width of 640 meters. The interiors of the palace premises are striking visitors with their pompous beauty. Royal Halls Decorate the majestic columns, arched galleries, gilded stucco, balustrade, bas-reliefs, ceiling frescoes, paintings, mirrors and tapestries.

House of disabled

During the reign of Louis XIV, the architectural complex of buildings was erected, conceived as a shelter for war veterans who received injury on the battlefields. Thus, the authorities fought with the prosperity of soldiers who have lost their health and lost its ability to work. Building ensemble is built in a restrained classic style. Extended hulls form domestic courtyards with arcade galleries.

To date, the Museum of Military Glory is located in the walls of the disabled house. The main architectural structure of the complex is the Monumental Cathedral of St. Louis. His high and majestic dome decorated with gold ornament dominates the entire center. The temple became the tomb of many French military leaders from different eras. The main point of attraction of tourists is the sarcophagus with the ashes of Napoleon I Bonaparte.

Montparnas Tower

Among the particularly remarkable architectural ensembles and monuments, it is striking, a grace of glass and concrete - Montparnas Tower is stronger. The skyscraper of 210 meters high was built in 1972. It contains many offices and restaurants, as well as an observation deck.

Tourists raises the high-speed elevator for the 56th floor, offering a breathtaking panorama on the historic center. The radius of the review reaches up to 40 kilometers. From a bird's eye view, you can see all the iconic sights of the city. On the perimeter of the observation deck, fenced thick glass, placed chairs and telescopes.


In Paris, there is one of the oldest educational institutions in the world. This is the main University of France - Sorbonne. The history of the creation of the Higher School, named after the clergy of Robert de Sorbonne, takes his beginning in the first half of the XIII century. An institution over the years of its existence was famous for the education of many generations of the country's intellectual elite. The main building of the University of Sorbonne is located in the Latin Quarter. The architectural ensemble is a historical value for the culture of the French nation.

The interior of the building corresponds to an educational atmosphere. On the facade you can see the statues symbolizing different sciences. Among the training buildings, the Baroque Chapel of Saint Ursula Sorbonskaya is towers. The facade of the shrine is crowned by a high dome framed by four bell tower. The entrance to the temple decorates a classic portico with columns and installed sculptures in niches.

Pompidou Center

The popular attraction of the Capital of France is the National Center for Contemporary Art of George Pompidou. The unusual museum complex was founded in 1977 in order to maintain the innovative cultural direction - avant-gardium. The original building of the center of Pompidou seems to challenge the architectural classic canons. At first glance, there is a feeling that the construction is reconstructed or is still in the process of construction.

According to the architectural project, all pipes, scaffolding, wires, metal structures and other technical communications are carried out. Museum exposures express ideas of abstract thinking artists. Visitors are free to interpret modern art on their own way. Here are pictures, sculptural compositions, as well as various objects that create bizarre installations.

Cabaret Moulin Ruzh

Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of enchanting show programs with incendiary spectacular dances, music, songs and acrobatic numbers, tourists can be Moulin Rouge in the world famous cabaret. This is a visiting card night and glamorous life of France. The building variges is decorated with a red mill, which is considered a symbol of the Montmartre district, where the entertainment and rather spicy institution is.

Show Moulin Rouge fascinates the grandiosity of performances, which will leave unforgettable vivid impressions in the memory of the audience. The rooms involved a lot of dancers, closed in colorful magnificent costumes, decorated with rhinestones, feathers and sequins. Excessive movements, plastic and grace of artists cause enthusiastic emotions. Preferably, the girls are topless, which is of particular interest in a strong half of humanity.

Cemetery feathers

The legendary cemetery of Per Lashez embodies the romance of Paris architecture, which is not interesting to visiting the sights of tourists. On an extensive area of \u200b\u200b47 hectares, stone crypts and tombstones, decorated with sculptural highly artistic compositions, can be seen. There is about a million burial on the cemetery. The remains of a considerable number of famous personalities are resting here.

Here you can see the tombstones of the composer F. Chopin, singer Yves Montana, dancer A. Duncan, actress A. Zhirado, Singers E. Piaf, Dramaturgorgo O. Wilde, writer O. Balzak and many others. The monument to the Russian soldier established for glory deserves attention. dead warriors During the Second World War in France. A separate large part of Per-Lashez is allocated to the graves of the victims of Nazism.


Paris is famous for its underground catacombs. These are tunnels, caves and narrow corridors with low ceilings. The overall length of the dungeons is about 300 kilometers at a depth of 20 meters. Visiting these attractions of the city, tourists should be ready to see numerous piles of human bones and skulls. The remains of more than two million people are reached here.

The history of the emergence of Catacombs began in the XVIII century, when the city faced the problem of lack of places for the burial of dead people within the city feature. During the mass death of citizens from epidemics, it was decided to use wine cellar as cemeteries. Places brought thoughts about the fraud.

Garden Tuillry

In the immediate vicinity of the Louvre on an extensive area of \u200b\u200b25 hectares, a magnificent garden-park ensemble of Tuileries was spread. This is a favorite place Parisian, where you can make a pleasant walk, enjoying the luxurious natural landscapes. The Park of Tuileries appeared in the XVI century on the site of the career of clay mining. The entrance to the picturesque garden from the Louvre is served by a triumphal arch of the carbonist, marking Military Victories of Napoleon.

The park is striking with its beauty. Along the well-kept straight alleys are planted with even rows of lush flower beds and high trees. Strict symmetric paths and perfectly trimmed green plantings are harmoniously combined with numerous sculptural compositions. Walking in the park, tourists can relax near the pond or under the crowns of deciduous trees. Bench and chairs are placed everywhere.

Gallery Lafayette

Lafayets Gallery is the largest shopping center attracting shopping lovers from around the world. The department store trading area is 30,000 square meters, on which numerous branded boutiques are located with colorful large shop windows. The gallery was founded in 1893. It will not leave anyone indifferent abundance of goods. This is clothing, shoes, technique, perfumery, gastronomy Jewelry and more.

The magnificent multi-storey nevisantine style complex is crowned with stained-glass dome, stitched by 43 meters. A special solemnity of the gallery lafayette gives interior decoration. The halls are decorated with stucco in the form of floral ornaments. It sparkles everything, glitters and shifts with bright colors. On the upper floors there are restaurants and cafes, as well as there is an observation deck with a panoramic view of Paris.

Bastille Square

One of the popular tourist attractions is the Bastille Square. For most French, this cult place symbolizes freedom, equality and justice. The history of the square began in the XIV century, when the fortress was erected on the initiative of King Charles V. The construction surrounded by deep Rips had eight towers. Two centuries, during the reign of Louis XIV instead of the RVov, boulevards appeared, and the fortress was transformed into prison, which was thrown not only criminals, but also many innocent victims of royal power.

In the time of the Great French Revolution, the fortress was taken by the rebel people without a fight. Subsequently, Bastille was destroyed to the ground. To date, the Bastille Square is a lively transport junction where tens of streets are closed. The central composition of the square is a high column with a gold figure on top. About the fortress just resemble the contours of the facilities laid out by a paving.

Take advantage of Kiwitaxi and at the airport, at the specified time, you will be waiting for the driver, will help with a luggage and promptly deliver you to the hotel. Several cars are available - from economy to minibus to 19 seats. The price is fixed and does not depend on the number of passengers and addresses within the city. Taxi from / to the airport is a convenient and comfortable way to get to the right place.

See also: