Who is looking for a holiday home. Travel services: accommodation

Of course, there is no point in trying to spend the night in the lobby of five-star hotels. VIP guests clearly will not appreciate would-be tourists sleeping on the sofas. But hostel or hotel workers from the budget price segment can accommodate. There is a real example of this - Alexandra spent the night like this in Amsterdam last year.

My friend and I arrived in Amsterdam early in the morning in October. We had a hotel booked, but we decided to go for a walk around the city straight from the plane. The backpacks on our backs were light, the weather was sunny, we didn’t want to waste a minute. Towards nightfall, tired and hungry, we went to what we thought was our hotel. The cheerful Italian at the reception desk was dumbfounded: there was probably a glitch on the website, and we booked a non-existent room.

It was already dark outside, almost midnight, we didn’t know where to go. The Italian decided to help us and found a hotel with the lowest cost per night - 170 euros. The administrator called a taxi at his own expense and put us in the car. But while we were driving, we bought the last issue there.

For some reason we decided to return to the Italian again. There we were able to contact the owners of the apartment on Airbnb - a young married couple who agreed to pick us up at the hotel and take us to their apartment. But two very strange-looking Turks came for us. My friend and I just looked at each other and immediately asked to stop the car to get out. The young people did not react to our request, and only when the car stopped at a traffic light did we practically jump out.

And at three o’clock in the morning we are running through Amsterdam, so beautiful and so scary at this time. In about an hour, we reached our home hotel with the Italian, ran in and with tears in our eyes asked not to kick us out. The kind administrator poured us tea and allowed us to spend the night on the sofa in the hotel lobby. We slept there until the morning, and no one disturbed us. And in the morning the administrator prepared breakfast for us, and at dawn we moved on.


If you are at a resort, then there is nothing easier than lying down on the beach. True, a cold breeze will probably wake you up in the morning.

In August 2014, Yulia and her friend went to spanish park Port Aventura, which is an hour and a half drive from Barcelona.

Initially, everything went wrong: we were late for the train and arrived not at the opening of the park, but in the afternoon. We spent the whole day in Port Aventura and, feeling neither tired nor timeless, left the park after midnight. Already at the station it turned out that trains run until 20:30, and the next one only at seven in the morning.

There was no one on the street, and there was practically no money left. Terribly tired, we decided to sleep on benches in the city. But from time to time the Catalans came up to us and tried to talk to us. Then we went to the beach. By the way, Spanish nights in August are not so warm, the wind from the sea blows icy. But even this did not stop us from lying down on the sand and, covering ourselves with a towel, falling asleep. In the morning we took the first train.

Night city buses

Remember that in almost any European city Buses run on special routes all night. They usually cost more, but the inspectors are asleep at this time of day, at least that’s what tourists say who have tested this place for the night.

Alexandra and her friend came to Rome from another Italian city- Pescara. It was a spontaneous trip, so the girls didn’t even think about the fact that they would need to spend the night somewhere.

We couldn’t while away the night in a cafe; to do this we had to at least order tea, and when you don’t have a cent in your pocket, this is an unprecedented luxury. In such cases, there remains an excellent budget option - night buses. There are few people in them, controllers appear infrequently, which, in principle, allows you to ride for free. The light is dim, and measured shaking only helps you fall asleep. True, if you come across it short route, you will have to get up and get off the bus at the final station every forty minutes. And if you come across a Russian emigrant who is incredibly happy to meet his compatriots, you will have to talk to him.

During our journey, we just encountered a Russian speaker. And while my friend was safely sleeping “from tip to tip,” I had to listen to his story of moving to Italy, about visa difficulties and the fact that he “never set foot in his homeland.” He was a nice-looking Ukrainian man about 40 years old who moved to Naples ten years ago and stayed there.

Despite his chatter, we still managed to sleep, and we perceived his speech as background chirping.

Railway station

Bus stations and railway stations - wonderful places for sleep. IN major cities, most likely, there will even be free Wi-Fi. But there may be problems with a free toilet.

Traveler Natalia talks about her night at the train station in Berlin.

When I arrived in Berlin in 2012, there was some kind of intercity conference of cardiologists, and all the hotels were packed to capacity, and the prices for available hotels were prohibitively high. I decided that on the last day I would take a longer walk around the city, and in the evening I would sit at the station before my train departed for Frankfurt at 5 am.

But the weather let us down, I was very cold and already at 20:00 I was sitting at the station. I’ll say right away that in Germany the option of spending the night at a train station is only suitable for those who have a ticket, otherwise the German police will quickly kick you out of there. This, of course, has its own advantage: there are few homeless people and other unpleasant people there. But the most arrogant ones still return after the police leave.

It’s interesting that a lot of European youth spend the night at train stations without any hesitation. They come in large groups with hiking backpacks and sleeping bags, lay them out on the floor and go to bed.

Rescue tower and other unexpected places

Those who are accustomed to spending the night for free while traveling already have a trained eye: the place must first and foremost be safe. For example, Mikhail looked at a rescue tower in New York.

It was back in 1998, I came to America on an exchange program. All summer he worked as a dishwasher at a children's camp in New York. But then I still had three weeks to find another job and get more money. At that time in New York there were no cheap lodgings for $10 a night, as there are now, and the question of where to live, I simply decided - on the street.

I brought two large bags and a plane ticket to Russia to an American friend with whom I worked at the camp. I took with me a backpack with a blanket and the most necessary things. The first night I decided to spend the night at the lifeguard tower on Brighton Beach. I found it while walking along the beach. It was a metal structure about two meters high, on which rescuers sit during the day and watch the swimmers.

After the first night, I realized that it was safe there: no one walked on the beach and no one would specifically climb the tower. So I slept there all this time.

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Every traveler wonders where to stay in an unfamiliar country. After all, you want to live inexpensively, or better yet, for free. Do not rush to answer that you know all the secrets. This article also contains some very unexpected ways that will probably surprise you.

website publishes comprehensive information on finding housing. You are left with the most interesting and most difficult thing - to choose.

Finding accommodation locally can be beneficial

You can also look for housing locally. Walk along the streets you like and look for rental signs on private houses. Or go to small cozy hotels. For example, in Asia you can find accommodation locally for several times cheaper than online. Not all hosts list their rooms on booking sites. Plus you can bargain. And look, choose from several options.

Just don’t trust the local “helpers,” who in a friendly manner will offer to take you to an inexpensive hotel completely free of charge: in this case, this hotel will cost you more than if you found it yourself, because the “helper” receives a percentage of the referred “friends” .

Disadvantages of searching locally: Finding the perfect option can take a lot of time. Besides, in popular places in high season best places may be busy.

Sometimes a tour without a flight allows you to stay in a good hotel quite inexpensively

On popular resorts They also sell tours without flights. The price of this tour includes only the hotel. And usually the hotel costs much less than if you pay for it on booking sites. This rule applies to luxury hotels in the Maldives, China, Thailand and many other popular destinations. It is also profitable to take a tour without a flight to Sochi, Crimea, and Georgia.

Such offers can be found on the websites of travel companies by selecting “tour without flights” in the search. Or, for example, on these sites: Onlinetours, Sunmar-agent, TUI.

Don't forget about promotions and discounts. There is always room for a pleasant surprise in life

You can live in the house absolutely free - just for watering the flowers

Many people, when leaving a house or apartment, allow guests to stay in exchange for taking care of the housing. You need to water the flowers, maintain order, take care of the fish or walk the dog. And live absolutely free. Sometimes the owners even allow you to use their car. Such offers can be found on social networks or on special websites.

Here are the sites with such offers:
Some resources require paid registration.

The world is full of open and interesting people. Take advantage of their hospitality

When you stay with strangers from different countries, you feel more fully local life, you'll find out interesting stories and understand the kindness of the world. People allow travelers into their homes for free in exchange for communication and the opportunity to learn interesting things about the guest’s country. Delight your kind hosts with gifts and souvenirs from your country.

In addition to general hospitality sites, there are also thematic resources, for example for bikers, musicians, etc.

A whole house at once will cost less than several separate rooms. And it's more convenient

You can also rent an apartment or house from local residents. For example, on the website you can find many offers from owners. If you link your account to your Facebook account, you will be able to see which of your friends stayed where.

Before arriving, be sure to communicate with the owner to avoid misunderstandings. For example, some may ask you to pay utility costs in addition to the agreed price.

More resources with rental offers from owners:
iBilik (Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines)

A large group can have fun, inexpensively and quite comfortably live in a picturesque place

Camping is a fenced area with places for tents and trailers with electricity. With shared washbasins and showers, a separate kitchenette, and tent and sleeping bag rentals. There are also small simple houses for living on the territory.

You can travel with a tent for free

You can spend the night in your own tent absolutely free. But it is better to find out in advance the rules for such a holiday in the country where you are going to go. For example, in some countries this is the order: if there is no prohibiting sign, then it is possible. Look on online maps for secluded corners and parks where you can stay overnight. On Pitchplace, travelers have tagged camping spots around the world.

In the mountains there are houses for shepherds and travelers, in which anyone can
stay completely free. It is considered good practice to leave behind firewood, some cereals and canned food for future guests. The location of such houses can be found on thematic forums and in traveler reports. For example, you can search here: Forum.AWD.

Ask for shelter in the temple. This could be an interesting experience for you.

You can request to spend the night in a monastery or temple. In Buddhist temples it is not customary to refuse a traveler. They are usually also allowed into Orthodox monasteries, as well as mosques. Some temples have special rooms for pilgrims, where they can be allowed to stay just like that, for help or for a small fee. Young monks are curious, so be prepared for questions and conversations. Also in many countries there are inexpensive religious shelters along the pilgrimage routes.

Get a roof over your head in exchange for obedience

You can try yourself in spiritual practices and meditation. Often such programs provide free accommodation to students. True, you'll have to
strictly follow the routine and participate in practices. But it might even be interesting. For example, Vipassana offers a free course of Buddhist meditation. You will be provided with housing and food for 10 days, but the conditions are strict. Wake up at 4 am, vegetarian food, no computers or phones, and you can’t talk to anyone except your mentors.

What if you live a little at sea?

The yacht needs a crew. And anyone, if they wish, can sail around the world for simple assistance on board. Cooks, cleaners, and sometimes even photographers are always needed. There are no age restrictions. The main thing is adequacy, absence of laziness and seasickness. And desire. You will need to get to the departure port on your own. Sometimes you will have to pay for your own food. It happens that you need to look after a yacht, and you can live on it for free while it is at anchor.

Here are the sites where you can find such offers.

Couch surfing or exchange holidays are an original alternative to the traditional way of traveling to other countries and a great way to save on housing. In this case, a person has the opportunity to feel like a resident of a particular state for some time, find himself in a natural everyday environment and experience all the delights of this status from the inside. In addition, couchsurfing - great way acquiring new acquaintances and establishing long-term relationships.

A nice bonus only for our readers - a discount coupon when paying for tours on the website until August 31:

  • AF500guruturizma - promotional code for 500 rubles for tours from 40,000 rubles
  • AFTA2000Guru - promotional code for 2,000 rubles. for tours to Thailand from 100,000 rubles.

And many more advantageous offers from all tour operators you will find on the website. Compare, choose and book tours at the best prices!

Why waste money purchasing expensive tours, following the lead of travel agencies, if you can find like-minded people in another country and take advantage of their hospitality? Actually, this is why the largest guest network has been organized - couchsurfing, whose members provide any assistance to each other completely free of charge (from overnight accommodation to organizing joint trips).

In order to become a couchsurfer, you need to register on the couchsurfing.org network website. Registration is free and available to people over 18 years of age. The project participant must fill out a special questionnaire (the so-called participant profile), which indicates information about himself, his travel experience, his main hobbies, and also clarifies the possibility or impossibility of receiving guests, posting personal photographs and much more. After a traveler has visited, those who provided him with shelter, as a rule, leave reviews about him in his profile, thus trying to protect project participants from unscrupulous and dangerous people.

Thanks to this method of traveling different countries, you can not only make traveling your hobby, but also make new friends without focusing on regional characteristics.

Possibilities of couchsurfing and rules of communication with strangers

1. An adult is capable of making responsible decisions himself, which in one way or another can change his life. This also applies to couchsurfing. Not everyone can host a stranger and therefore you should not overestimate your own capabilities. The choice of guests from near or far abroad must be approached with the utmost seriousness, and if something confuses or strains you in a person, it is better to look for a more worthy companion. Fortunately, this is not prohibited to anyone.

2. When planning to go to visit someone, you need to familiarize yourself in advance with the conditions provided, the basic requirements of the owner in relation to the guest, clarify the question of the availability of a free sleeping place, and if there is none, take a sleeping bag with you on the trip. All these details can be found in the individual profile.

3. When choosing the owner of a home where you will have to live for some time, you should focus your attention on his rhythm of life, interests, and it is better that they coincide with your own concepts about such. Otherwise, discomfort cannot be avoided.

4. Residents of Russia can also become participants in this program, and for this they do not have to go somewhere abroad. Russia is a huge state and a trip even to another region will bring many amazing sensations.

5. Before becoming a couchsurfer and deciding to provide your own housing to people from another city or state, you should get to know the applicants, find out some details of their lives, and then decide on an invitation.

6. Language of communication is an important link in successful acquaintance and coexistence. The presence of a language barrier can cause discomfort, because in everyday life it is difficult to have a translator nearby. Therefore, you should take into account all the difficulties that may accompany this and your readiness to overcome them.

7. For some people, political views, religious beliefs, national characteristics, orientation and some other aspects play a huge role, which it is better to find out about in advance. All these nuances can be indicated in advance in your application form.

8. If the owner of the home has insoluble problems with the guest, the project participant has the right to refuse him further stay at home.

We also recommend that you read the Home Exchange article. Free accommodation abroad and Housesitting - free accommodation for tourists.

A destroyed house can be used for free, but for those that do not need serious reconstruction, you will have to pay $100.

However, in Italy you can become the happy owner of not only a house, but also an entire castle for further commercial use. One of the points of the strategic tourism plan is to redistribute tourists from Venice and other popular destinations in less Famous places. Those interested can choose from 103 ancient castles, monasteries or villas.

In particular, the authorities intend to give away to private owners the 11th-century castle Castello di Blaira in Lazio and the 13th-century castle Castello di Montefiore in Eastern Italy.

There is one condition. Buildings will only be made available to people who can demonstrate concrete plans to renovate and rejuvenate the sites to promote tourism in the surrounding area. The new property will need to be converted into a hotel, restaurant, spa or any other establishment that will attract tourists.

Read more

The government of the country hopes that such a program will contribute to the development of tourism in the regions. The new owner will have ownership of the property for nine years, after which he can renew it again. Those who come up with particularly interesting ideas for using the facilities will be given a 50-year lease.


The “House for 1€” campaign takes place in the French commune of Roubaix. This is a small town located on the border with Belgium, 11 km from Lille. Only 95 thousand people live here. It’s hard to call Roubaix the same beautiful city, like Paris, Bordeaux or Toulouse (this is partly due to the fact that it suffered greatly from bombing during the war, partly due to the decline of industry, which has been observed for many years).

However, perhaps this is temporary: to transform appearance city, local authorities decided to sell vacant houses for a symbolic price.

Changed the culture of renting apartments. Now this is a convenient and affordable alternative to hotels for tourists around the world, for which several services are responsible. We invite you to think about this in anticipation of the holidays and the World Cup in Russia in 2018.

We evaluate the possibilities

Depending on the capabilities and conditions of the site, you can rent out one room, an apartment or an entire house. Renting a room is suitable for those who don’t mind a changing company nearby. Renting an apartment for a couple of days or weeks will appeal to those who often stay with a partner, parents, friends, or simply travel a lot. At the same time, you decide for yourself on which days to receive guests.

The condition in which you rent out vacant housing is also your choice. But remember that fresh renovations and necessary amenities (equipped kitchen, good bed and bathroom, hair dryer, iron) increase the chance that travelers will pay attention to your offer. There is no need to talk about cleanliness and hospitality.

Creating an ad

Creating an ad is quite simple. You need to describe the accommodation, indicate how many guests can be accommodated there, and add photographs. A detailed description will help guests understand what to expect. Subsequently this will lead to good reviews that will encourage more travelers to stay with you.

Some tips for filling out an ad

  • Describe the accommodation: do attractive name and text, everything should be very detailed and informative. Clearly state everything that makes your accommodation unique, include any amenities offered or rules set, and be sure to mention whether the guest will be sharing the premises with someone else.
  • Keep your description up to date: Airbnb, for example, regularly adds new options so you can describe your listing in more detail. Please check the dashboard and sections of your ad from time to time to ensure that all possible fields are filled out.
  • Set your expectations: talk about everything you expect from guests, create house rules and a guest handbook. This will make communication easier if, for example, you don't want the guest to listen to loud music in the evening, or you expect him to sort the garbage.

Photo is the head of everything

Great photos of your home are the basics. They're what guests look at when viewing your listing, they're what make your listing stand out from others, and they're the key to getting a booking request as quickly as possible. Therefore, it is important to invest time and effort into this stage.

Keep in mind that if the reality of your property is nothing like the photo, Airbnb guests have the right to cancel the booking and request a refund within 24 hours of check-in. Hence one more important rule: In addition to quality and visual appeal, photographs must convey the real state of affairs. Housing should not be worse than in the photographs.

Some tips for taking photos

  • Remember cleanliness: remove everything unnecessary. Visual noise in photographs is distracting, and clean and tidy spaces appear more spacious and inviting.
  • Fill the space with light: Photos with good lighting look more professional. Open the curtains and turn on the lights to brighten the room. Try to shoot with your back to windows and light sources.
  • Highlight unique amenities: Do you have a great view from your windows? Do you have a spacious balcony? Are there many beautiful toys in the children's room? Or maybe there is a fireplace in your house? Let your guests see it all in photographs.
  • Pay attention to the little things: Many users pay attention to photo captions. Don't forget about them: they are a great way to communicate the benefits of your apartment.
  • Resolution matters: Take photos with a resolution of at least 1024x683. Big pictures better than small ones.
  • There are never too many photos: To help guests understand what it’s like to live in your home, take photos of the inside, the outside, and the surrounding area. Try not to shoot the same thing over and over again, but take more pictures of different things and scenes. Shoot up close and from afar - let your guests clearly imagine your home and themselves in it.

Money issue

Competitors on the site you have chosen will tell you the price range. At the same time, you decide what price to set. Approach this issue thoroughly and with a cool head. During major sporting events, demand for accommodation will definitely be high, but travelers are unlikely to opt for a listing with a greatly inflated price.

Beginners can find out the average cost of housing in their area and set the price a little lower for the first time. In their case, it is extremely important to start welcoming guests as early as possible so that they have time to leave ratings and reviews. This also has a positive effect on the frequency of bookings.

Choose secure online payment systems. They completely replace cash payments. The best option is when payment is debited from guests before arrival, and the hosts automatically receive the money 24 hours after the guest checks in, minus a service fee (about 3%).


Airbnb has developed several solutions to keep you and your home safe. First, there is the community safety team (250 employees worldwide). Secondly, a home insurance program (worth $1 million). Although internal statistics show that Airbnb property damage (complaints resulting in compensation of $1,000 or more under the host insurance program) occurs in less than 0.002% of cases. You can also set a deposit on your home. It is not removed from the guest, but in the event of a controversial situation, it will be possible to demand compensation against him.

It is important to know

To protect yourself, all communications and transactions must be carried out only on the platform through which the transaction is carried out. In addition, this way the support service will have more information if a controversial situation arises. If the guest behaves suspiciously, for example, offers to transfer payment indirectly, do not agree. In such cases, you need to stop communicating and immediately report the incident to the support service.​

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