Kope on the beach with sniper. Cop artifacts on the beach (unpleasant case)

Well, something particularly does not write people, try to revive a bit theme!

I will write here a couple of stories that were personally from me.

In my opinion, the cop is a rest (I can't call this process). But still a rest that requires immersion in the process)
I always go to me, if I go to a cop early - in the summer, usually five, the sixth hour I get up - a bottle of water, apparatus, shovel. And that's it. No phones and other things need. The beaches are empty, a pleasant chill from the water, the sun has not yet risen high.
And here is one of these days, I go to the beach. For me someone carefully observes the tent tent. Then I watch a man coming out, go to me - it turned out - the owner of the beach. Even we have, it turns out)

He talked, he became very interested in my actions, began to walk with me, watch which finds. They walked with him - only coins come across, the rubles got rubles already) well, and trash beach. He thought I am now everything will be all, gold immediately. They like him so about 40 minutes, he was behind. I go further go. And just decided under the grid to walk - once, a pleasant device was missing, I laughed neatly the sand - I brightened something - I got it attentive, I look attentively - here it is, the cross is golden!) The owner is already a Rynsty to me - they say what I found? And I myself can not believe! I say on the machine - yes there is nothing ordinary (just in case I say, and then the people are different - and when in the field of digging, and on the beach when). The cross is already in the pocket short. I wandered a little more - but there was nothing more under the grid. On Tom and home was put up. The Pontoon Bridge passed, after Him I watch the car approaches me (and I just with the device and a shovel) - the driver asks what "causing"? I showed him a cross. That as much of the car came out), everything, as many such finds, I find, and a lot of gold from the beach) caught fire, it can be seen! So it may also have already replenished our ranks, and maybe I just gotten at my find)

The second story is about the other beach. He is in the meters of five hundred from the first. Earlier, earlier morning, greeted the fishermen, who were gathered on the morning Klev, moved away from them, decided to immediately decide the platform for the beach volleyball, she a little from the shore away. But big. I go, I go - there is nothing at all. Empty - either before me who is the past, or there was nothing to do anything. Well, I think nothing. A bit of a little - a signal on silver was first - first the carriage crasher was, church. Chud further is a cross, too silver. I decided to examine the boundaries of the volleyball field more closely. And what? In Nakhodka were the USSR, and the COPC coins (how much they lay something!), And our little thing. But there was no precious metals for that day)
Slowly the sun began to rise, it became hot, and the home was put up.

These are stories about a small summer kope on the beach)

Actually, my usual case. As I remember now, there was autumn on the courtyard, the bathing season is already closed, there are no people on the lake, and I decided to get out of one famous beach in order to wave a metal detector. As they say, for the season, this beach is visited by a lot of people, and if there is nothing valuable, it is always possible to get a modern walking, stretch the rumor to signals, well, just enjoy the process.

Cope with metal detectors on the beach

I arrived at the place. I will early, about 8 in the morning. Slowly decomposed, and some more weather, began to dig. As it should be expected, everything rang. I didn't have a sniper with me, so I dug with a regular coil, and even considering the fact that the regular sensor is small, but then the garbage slowly began to take out of itself. But, I knew what was going on, so I dug every interesting signal.

The ratio of useful habar to Schmurdyaka was approximately as follows: 1 normal find (modern walking, buttons and so on) accounted for about a dozen (and even more) digging (and after, and buried) pits, where there was a well-known foil and tongues from cans . Here, as they say, everyone decides himself, dig such a signal or not. I have already sharpened at this moment. Attention: the fuser can be cut off by the discrimination, but it is possible to skip something useful. Therefore, I go to all metals, although on the "trash", if there is an opportunity and confidence in the settings, it is better to sit down from the garbage.

So, I took the usual x / b gloves, and since the sun was closer to 11 o'clock in the afternoon, and the gloves themselves were already twitched, as a result, I took them off and decided to dig without them. The technique is simple: I am looking for a signal, feeding it, and after pin I define the find. Fortunately, in the sand, dig comfortably, and not tired. And there would no, stick to this tactics, so there is no, when fatigue began to affect, I still began to screamed the sand from the pumpeau hand.

It happened like this: the metal detector shows the signal, I am his digging, I sit on my knees, I postpone the shovel aside. And then, I begin with your hands and kick a signal. And if the signal is still in the pit, trying to dig it with his hands. In this way, I successfully shoved 5 rubles, 2 kopecks of the Soviets, well, and the Schmurdyak Ton. At the next signal, when I was going to go home, I repeated my actions.

And with the next squeezing of the sanding of the sand from the pits, I almost shouted on the whole pond ... It turned out that I found a fishing tee that I successfully entered my finger. This is a kapets ... Earlier on fishing I had it, but here and the hands are dirty, everything in the sand and in the ground, and even a tee. Well at least the hook came only one sting in the finger. Immediately stopped the cop, the blood was, but not much much.

Fortunately, in a backpack there is always a multitool with nippers. As a result, squeezing his teeth, advanced the hook further so that he would come out (I do not know, I did it right or not, here I am not a adviser, I simply describe my experience), and after the nippers bored a sting with a beard. I pulled out the second part of the hook, it went easier, although it was hurt. But my "cant" is not even that I crawled sand. The fact is that I did not take care of any peroxide, no other disinfecting fluid, although many cameras write about it.

Quickly all collected and home. The road took about 2 hours, but apparently this time I decided to simply teach me a lesson - neither suppuration, nor inflammation, as they say, carried.

Now, going on , I always have a full-fledged first aid kit. The search, as they say, search, but never forget about your health and safety.

Your Alexander Maximchuk!
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This year, unexpectedly, having brought me to rest in odessa region, Namely to the village of urban type of cradle. Got there at the beginning velvet season. Why during this period I go to the sea that I dug and how many gold seekers saw there, read about all this further.

In 2017, all the Black Sea coast in Odessa, Nikolaev, Kherson, Zaporizhia regions were clogged by resting. The famous "Odessa route" (E95) was filled with cars with BL, MD numbers, less often came across RU. Every time, we went to the cop and our path ran through this transport artery, a large number of cars out neighboring countries Just surprised. So, no rest by the sea in the season (the end of May - August) and the speeches could not be - I do not like the crowd, the same as an order of magnitude higher. Definitely: if you relax in the south, then only in September!

For the future: the first week of September, this is another season! All cafes and attractions work, parking are clogged, the beach is full of people, prices bite. But in the second week, people become noticeably less as entertainment.

Finding a metal detector on the beach in 2017

What metal detector to go to the sea? A little reflecting on this question, stopped on with a regular coil (too large). Why is this MD? He was guided solely by one motive: salty sand. The grain of the sand, the more maritime, it is such an infection that climbs into any gap, and the wet air will cover any metal corrosion. Fisher 44 is designed so that neither moisture, nor sand, no dust is afraid - at least him in his sand, and the device both worked and will work even after several years.

Exclusively because of the laziness, the cop went only twice. It is very difficult for me to get up in the sixth morning, when I lay down (not always sober) deep at night. 🙂

Urechko. Calm sea and almost empty beach - grace. What else do you need to the digger?

My boyfriend went with me on the first day, as I wanted to look at the "cop." So that he did not miss, handed him and the blade.

And here we go on the sand that is saturated with salt, and slowly digging. The garbage is practically no for some reason. It turns out that every day a special car rides and removes the garbage. I wonder how much more interesting is it with sand?

With my good luck, I can find little, but when I'm not alone, then there is a chance. And after about 30 minutes, the gathering of the little things, the pendant appeared from the sand in the form of an elephant and immediately in centimeters 40-ka lay a chain. All Silver - My partner is lucky. 😀

A little loose, we met the local digger with. I pole 20 minutes with him - I learned a few secrets of the beach coop, about them a little lower.

The beginning of the 9th, people are slowly crawling to the sea - it is necessary to leave.

Silverishko is a pleasant find. But even despite this, the boy will not go with me more - the instrument search did not conquer him.

I walked the second time myself. From my finds only coins. Not even surprising ...

Here is the result of my searches, total for hours so 4 - 4.5.

The result is good or not I do not know. The one who walks with the metal detector on the beach, let him write in the comments, which I got a beach cop.

Metal detector on the sea beach.

As you know, the metal detectors of the company Aka do not work on the salted sand. Phantom, glitches, Bebered on the display does not allow these devices to see the coin on top. Why can even work there, but powerful aka well? Therefore, it is reasonable that I was wondering how Fisher F44 and would feel on sea beach and in the coastal zone. Here the blog answered me that there would be no problems, but I would like to make sure that I would like it.

Yes, nor Fisher neither detects in the sand buggy. Even more - their depth of detection did not fall and was the same as at home. Found a pin at a depth equal to the length of XPointer (about 20cm).

cop coin

In the coastal zone there is a phantom on the water. The decline in the chuke treats this problem, but this did not do it, because I did not seek there. After all, to rummage in water, you need a scuba. I didn't have this with me, so I focused on dry sand.

In custody.

I like beach search. If it were not for my laziness, then would have gained more interesting, and so my result for two short exit: a silver chain with a coulomb and 20 hryvnia 44 kopecks are trifle.

Only Asevodov saw on the beach (with a self-assembly not counting). I am confident that with your own I would have grown interests. 😉

On the basis in which they stopped, at the end of our holiday, almost half became less vacationers. But for some reason, they did not diminish on the beach. See, not alone we are "smart": lovers of recreation in the velvet season.

See also: