Sergeevka Odessa region. Health sanatorium Sergeevka how to get

Among the well-known balneobrase resorts of the Odessa region, Sergeevka is increasingly developing. This village is located about 20 km from Belgorod-Dnestrovska, on the shore of Budak Lake (Liman). From the Black Sea village separates narrow sandy braid. Such a location provides the main advantages of the resort: the presence of the sea and the healing mud of the estuary.


In the summer, the air temperature at the resort is often risening above 35 s, and in the winter period here you will almost not see snow. Water warms up in mid-May and until October remains warm. The air is slightly dry compared to other Black Sea resorts, which is due to the steppe, approaching the village from the north. However, in combination with the sea breeze, this factor gives a special wellness effect, and the presence of a forest surplus zone with coniferous trees enhances it even more.


The main therapeutic properties of the Rape of Shabolat Liman were opened by A.A. Verigo in 1887. In 1889, a settlement consisting of 15 yards was formed on the shores of Limana - Shabolat-Sergeevka. In 1921, the Akulich landowner built a mudhouse here than and laid the beginning of the development of the resort. In 1940, the southern part of Bessarabia was attached to Ukraine, but since the Moldovan SSR of his health care black Sea coast did not have, Sergeevka decided to transfer under her leadership. For many years, it came here to be treated and hardening mostly residents of Moldova.

In 1956, mineral water was discovered in Sergeevka (well No. 2), in its composition resembling "Kuyannik №4". After a number of studies, the Chisinau Medical Institute under the leadership of Ass.Med.n. F.P. Ambrosov water began to use for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.

In 1972, a pedestrian-transport bridge was built through Liman, more than 1000 m long, which connected the village with the sea oblique. Thus, the beach zone began to develop, and the resort became even more attractive for vacationers. Today, not only connoisseurs of seawater and the sun come to Sergeevka, but also people suffering from diseases of the respiratory system, the musculoskeletal system, the sexual system and skin diseases. There are dozens of healing sanatoriums, recreation bases and children's camps.

Beach and sea.

As already mentioned, the sea in Sergeevka is very warm. The bottom has a gentle relief, which is a plus, if you eat rest with children. Beach braid has all the conditions for good leisure and entertainment, work water attractions, pleasure boats, bananas. The only drawback is that the sea needs to go a little, taking advantage of the bridge through Liman or the sea "taxi".

Thanks to weather conditions and wind, Shabolat Liman has become a favorite place of training for teams sailing Sport. In addition, kitesurfing fans come here to catch the wave from all over Ukraine.

In August, at night, water on the coast glows jade lights. This is due to the presence in the plankton of the Black Sea of \u200b\u200bunicellular organisms - dinoflagellates, which have the ability to radiate light.

Mineral water

Shabolat Liman has a chloride-sodium-magnesium composition of water, so it is used to prepare mineral baths. For the treatment of internal organs, mineral water from well No. 2 is used. It has chloride-hydrocarbonate-sodium properties. In addition, in Sergeevka there is another well No. 5m, from which the water is obtained by weak mineralization, similar to Mirgorod.


In the development of tourism, the resort focuses first of all, on sanatorium treatment. Therapeutic dirt and rape is the main factor in the development of the resort, in combination with the climature, it gives the best result.

Liman dirt is characterized by black or dark gray, the smell of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide, high heat capacity, stickiness and plasticity, possess alkaline properties (pH \u003d 8.2). The composition of the organic "skeleton" of the mud is a colloid complex, including microparticles of iron, humus, aluminum. The number of these particles is much higher than in the healing muds of the Kuyalnitsky or Hadzhibey Limanov. The salt part is represented by sodium chloride.

Rap and Mud Liman are used in the treatment of joints and spine, rheumatism, nervous system, male and female genital organs (inflammatory processes, infertility, impotence, prostatites), skin diseases, after burns, phlegmon, injuries, in trophic ulcers or poorly healing wounds, Diseases of ENT organs and lungs. It should be borne in mind that in its pure form, the dirt is not recommended, it is used only after regeneration and inspection on the intestinal wand and perfection.

Sanatoriums, recreation centers and private sector in Sergeevka

Sanatorium. S. Lazo.

The health resort has a residential building and a clinic, which employs a lot of specialists who are ready to simultaneously take up to 500 patients. In the medical building, a water and mud, swimming pool, a study of hydrotherapy and underwater massage, a sauna, physiotherapy offices, physiotherapy, exercise, mechanotherapy, and non-traditional medicine (needlerapy, speleotherapy, phyto and aromotherapy, psycho-emotional unloading) are equipped. The guest hull includes 1-seater and 2-bed rooms as well as suite rooms, a dining room that provides 5-time diet and diet on request. Among entertainment: gym, sauna with swimming pool, cinema hall, billiards, children's playroom, game sports grounds.

You can also dwell in the sanatoriums "Golden Niva", "Horizont", "Victoria", Pension "Chaika", "Rest at Bottchman", " sunny Beach"," Solar Valley ", recreation center" Coral Reef ", in cottage complex SENTITAI and other private hotel complexes. The budget option is the private sector. Here at a minimum of funds you can rent a room or a family house.

Restaurants Bars Sergeevka. Prices

In the village there are many places where you can have a snack, dine, dance or hit karaoke. Institutions have a different level of service, comfort, well, and prices, respectively. Among the popular institutions for the "middle class" can be called the restaurant "Moldavian cuisine", Gibraltar, Bar "Skipper", Bar "London". Young people love to relax in "Julia", where, I must say, there are pretty good coffee in the morning, and in the evening "lights" a disco. Well, if you want to surprise the lady and spend a pleasant evening, we recommend visit the restaurant "Fortress" with live music.

What to see

Sergeevka is located next to Belgorod-Dniester, one of the oldest cities in Europe, which has 2500 years. A virtual 3D tour of the city fortress is also offered.
We recommend to visit the Ukrainian Venice - Vilkovo settlement (130 km) and Odessa Catacombs in Nerubaysky (85 km).

How to get to Sergeevka

Sergeyevka is convenient to get from Odessa or Belgorod-Dnestrovsky. Flights depart every half an hour. In Odessa, route taxis to Sergeevka stop at the railway station. Sergeevka takes up to 15 thousand vacationers each season. Healing the body I. good vacation You are guaranteed!

Distance to Odessa : 86 km.

This place will help you get rid of stereotypes about the rest near the mouth of the Dniester in the Odessa region: they say, and water there is dirty, and people are too many. Cleaner sea than here, finding in this part of Ukraine will be difficult. Vacationers plenty, many among them residents of Moldova, but on local beaches Place is enough for everyone. And besides the sea, in Sergeevka there is also Shabolat (Budaksky) Liman with good beachWhat makes the city of the largest climato-balneological resort of the Odessa region.

The climate creates the weather in Sergeevka, helps the city to do a kind of "career" among other resorts of Ukraine. It's not too stern here, there are a lot of greens, and surrounded the settlement of the steppe. Cocktail made of steppe hot and marine wet air is extremely! Inhale local air without fear: This is a free medical procedure. And the water of Shabolat Limana? They have long been used as medicinal products and for the adoption of mineral baths: there is a lot of sodium and chlorine. And an inexhaustible stock of crazy mud without harmful impurities. They smell, of course, not French spirits: very sulfur in composition, but it is perfectly helping patients with diseases of the nervous system, joints and spine, digestive organs, people with gynecological diseases and skin problems.

There are mineral springs: water from a well No. 2 resembles a well-known "bialyan", and from well No. 5 - popular Mirgorod waters.

For those who have to complain about the health of sin, there is a sea: we get there along the long bridge through Liman. If there is no mood for long walks, to sea beach You will be delivered to running boats. Children will definitely want to visit the azure water park open in 2003. Want to deepen your knowledge on the history of the native land? Not far from Sergeevka (21 km.) - Ancient Belgorod-Dnestrovsky with numerous attractions.

Understand the love of our southern neighbors from young people to Sergeevka is very simple: after all, the resort began to develop when this locality was as part of Romania. Sergeevka itself is first mentioned in the documents of 1889 as Posad Shabolate for 15 yards.The first mud agent is being built on the birch of Shabolak Liman in 1895. The beginning of the resort career of Sergeevka put in 1921 the Akulich landowner, who built the first seasonal mudhouse here. From 1926 he earned the resort "Akimbet", destroyed during the Second World War. In 1935, 106 villas were already on the shores of Liman, the only power plant was worked. When in 1940 Besarabia became part of the Ukrainian SSR, due to lack of seaside resorts On the territory of the Republic of Moldova, it was decided to convey the resort Sergeevka MSSR. Now numerous sanatoriums and health resorts of Sergeevka are happy to take rest from all over the corners of Ukraine and Moldova.

On the Black Sea. Nobody was frightened, everyone laughed and wondered how such a sculptor was given a diploma. Now about the same, but seriously. There is such a Black Sea Resort in the Odessa region - Sergeevka. Just there is the same park. Its surrounds unfinished and abandoned sanatoriums, hotels left at home.

Tourists go to Sergeevka so far, because cheap. Sites are taking tourists beautiful species And in words. What I saw is not so beautiful. Let's try to figure out why Black Sea resorts die?

1. The place there is in fact wonderful and beautiful. Between the shore and the sea with a thin thread, the sandy braid is stretched by several kilometers when warm - there is a great bathing, I'm sure. The resort is old, is famous for the healing mud. The first mud ages were built in the 20s of the last century. In 1940, Bessarabia was attached to Ukraine, and Sergeevka almost immediately gave the Moldovan SSR, due to the lack of such resorts. After some year, the Germans bombed and destroyed the resort. In the 44th, the region was released and began to restore. What then? Until the 70s, everything was fine, and in 1976 even better, the village received the prefix "urban type". Multi-storey hotels and holiday homes are built, including the South Hotel, which is now being discussed.

2. About this place, as well as about children's Park, I learned by chance. Sitting B. hotel room In Odessa, I decided to see the surroundings again, and came across a huge abandoned hotel. We decided to go there, slightly retreating from the main route of the trip. We have not yet known that the hotel in his abandonment is not alone.

3. But still, you just imagine: 16 floors of full desert. Although many glasses are intake, and we made two circles around the hotel by car to understand: he is really uninhabited. When I am coming to the Internet in Izmail, I decided to see if there were no other bloggers in these places, and was shocked: the hotel was listed in the current, I will say more: on all sites that glorify holidays in Sergeevka, rooms are offered at the modern 16-storey hotel. (Elevators are working) with single, two and triple rooms with amenities and rooms "Suite" furnished with soft furniture. "

4. And here is furniture. She is "tough", so in the rooms "Lux" she is not a place, let it fall in the hall of the first floor.

5. Chairs were also not soft enough. They are also unworthy.

6. Breakfast in the room do not wait a cook for a long time in pensions.

7. To drink either does not work - they selected a license for alcohol. Long.

8. And only finding this old greeting card on the floor near the bar near the bar. I understood - in the yard not 2011. And 1990.

9. All sixteen floors found only a few things released after the collapse of the USSR. Do you find them?






15. On the very top we had to go on foot. Sites advertising Sergeevka must be brought to justice for unscrupulous advertising - elevators do not work! Although they are.

16. Having risen to the balcony (I did not find the roof) and did not find the surroundings. This is the main street of the village of Sergeevka. Consider the ratio of abandoned and lively large buildings.

17. "Rear" of Sergeevka. Local live here.


19. And here you look, and it seems nothing so the resort. Who will find a children's park in this photo?






25. Here is such a prosperous and pretty resort. No website will tell you that in fact he looks like this. I pleased one thing - in Sergeevka was the warmest and pleasant weather for all two weeks of travel - plus four, bright sun, and the complete absence of snow.

And you say - Tuuujunition.

The well-known climatic and mudhouse resort "Sergeevka" (Odessa region, Belgorod-Dnestrovsky district) is located at the exit from Budaksky Limana to the Black Sea. In its composition - 8 sanatoriums, children's health camps, boarding houses and hotels, occupying almost 650 hectares of the coast.

Shabolat Liman - one of the oldest resorts of the Northern Black Sea region

On the shores of the braids to the north and south of the Tsareghad girla, the Dniester Limana and Shabolat Lady Lake are sanatoriums, campings, boarding houses and holiday homes that geographically belong to the villages of Stalk, Sergeevka and resort. In the season on the sandy spit, separating two estates from the sea, the apple is nowhere to fall. Everywhere on the beaches flashed multicolored clusters bronze from the sun tan of vacationers, and other entertainment devices on

Palegeographers and archaeologists argue that the 25th centuries ago in these places were also crowded. There were large settlements here, and Liman served as a trading corridor and a binder between cultures Ancient Greece And the new round of the popularity of Shabolat Liman was provided by the Odessa resortists who studied the physico-chemical indicators of the local rape, dirt and chemical parameters in recent decades of the XIX century. mineral sources. Therapeutic factors of Limana received a high assessment of scientists. The first mud ages began to build in 1895, the beginning of the Soviet stage of development of the resort Sergeevka is considered to be 1921.

How to get to PGT. Sergeevka (Odessa region, Ukraine)

There is an urban type village south-west from the regional center. From the bus station "Privoz" in railway Station Minibuses are sent to Sergeevka. Along the sandy braid of Carolino-Bugaz-Studdle, you need to drive on the right bank of the Dniester Limana, and the villages of the coastal and white. The distance from Odessa to Sergeevka is 80 km away.

The resort is located opposite the central part of the sandy spit separating Shabolat (Budaksky) Liman. This can be reached here by minibuses from the regional center, the destination of which is the village of Sergeevka (Odessa region), or take the transport that goes to Belgorod-Dniester. In the second case, you need to go to the stop, which is called "fork" and recover route taxi Belgorod-Dnestrovsky-Sergeevka. Odessa-Belgorod-Dnestrovsky's motorway to Sergeevka resort is about 6 km away.

You can get to the village on your personal vehicle (there are signs on the highway). Better looks like a roadbed on a traveling path to Sergeevka past the Slalenniki village. On the rest of the highway, it can be gravily grainbed and cracks. Parking places in the village, in hotels and recreation bases is enough. Cars are the main type of transport on the ground of the resort. In addition to him, there are seasonal passenger transportation between the estuary and the sea on boats and boats.

Resort Sergeevka (Odessa region). Reviews of tourists and vacationers

The resort settlement in Soviet times was considered one of the best children's improving resorts. On the healing forces of climate, the peloids of the estuary and mineral water, parents of sick kids pinned great hopes and were not deceived in their expectations. Children returned from Sergeevka rested, tanned, able to withstand many ailments. According to doctors, therapeutic resort factors are useful for patients of any age suffering from diseases of nerves, joints, spine and vessels.

Wellness complexes of the village of Sergeevka (Odessa region) take all those wishing to undergo a course of sanatorium-resort treatment and just relax on sealand. Vacationers in their comments celebrate a beneficial effect on human health climatic conditions, water and mud of Shabolat Limana. A number of reviews of tourists are devoted to the quality of services and prices. Guests of Sergeevka who come to the resort are not the first year, notice movements in improving the service, low prices For accommodation and meals (compared to Odessa, Koblevo, shock).

According to patients, it is great for recovery and family holiday. Doctors and other medical staff have the necessary qualifications. One of the noted in the comments of the shortcomings is equipped with the furniture of the Soviet Furniture Furniture. Surprised by many guests of Sergeevka charging fees for the passage and travel on the bridge connecting the village and the sea coast. It is not noticeable that funds are directed to repair and improve the infrastructure of this transition.

Climate and Natural Environment

The moderately continental climate of the territory is characterized by a significant number of sunny hours and days a year (290 of 365 days). The warm period begins in April and lasts until October inclusive. The average temperature in the summer - +25 ° C, in July and August, it is often rising in the afternoon to +32 ... + 35 ° C. Precipitation is not enough with such a number of solar radiation - 350 mm / year. South winter - a small, short and soft.

Surprisingly beautiful landscapes of Shabolatic Limana and the village of Sergeevka (Odessa region). Photo of the resort give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe absence of industrial enterprises in the area, purity of sandy braids and beaches on the seashore. Steppe spaces in the vicinity of Sergeevka Population uses for gardening and viticulture. In the village itself there are fruit trees, self-sewing alleys and other evergreen plantings.

Healing resort factors Sergeevka

The air from the Black Sea steppes on the shores of the estuary is mixed with marine bresses, a natural cocktail is obtained - one of the local healing factors. The water of the Shabolat Liman Lake has long been used for the adoption of mineral baths, rinsing, compresses. Local ilic dirt do not contain harmful impurities, they are useful in treating big group Diseases. Open sources in the resort supply mineral water, reminiscent of the chloride-sodium-magnesium composition of "Svalnik" and "Mirgorod".

Natural medical and dining water and other healing factors apply Children's Sanatorium "Sergeevka" (Odessa region) and other health resorts of this resort area. Local grapes grown on Bogar Lands are distinguished by the high content of vitamins, minerals, fructose and glucose. Berry juice is also a healing cocktail, but its use for treatment has a series of contraindications (some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract).

Treatment of profile diseases and general recovery

Medical specialization of basic sanatoriums for children and adults in Sergeevka:

  • treatment and rehabilitation with disorders of the musculoskeletal system;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • ENT organs and nonspecific diseases of the respiratory system;
  • violations of the GTS activities;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • pathology of urological and sexual spheres.

Waste and peloidotherapy are used in Sergeevka sanatoriums in neurological and articular diseases, osteochondroses, in gynecological and skin diseases. Health complexes are carried out by balneological procedures, widely use speleotherapy and a variety of phytto-media.

The main therapeutic factors are water, peloids, air - uses Children's Sanatorium "Sergeevka" (Odessa region). Little and adult patients in health resorts are offered physiotherapy, massage, reflexotherapy, leaf, therapeutic diet. A number of resort and recreational institutions practiced a kinetherapy. Some sanatoriums have a modern technical base for treatment with laser, clinical diagnostic laboratories and cabinets, pharmacies.

Sanatorium "Horizont"

Vacationers stop B. wellness complexes, hotels, private sector of PGT. Sergeevka (Odessa region). Sanatorium "Horizont" is one of the modern resort resort, with a large number of rooms. They are treated in the institution of the disease of the musculoskeletal apparatus, the nervous system, remove inflammatory phenomena with gynecological diseases, chronic prostatitis. In the sanatorium "Horizont" help in chronic inflammatory phenomena in lungs and bronchops (netuberculosis).

The extensive list of medical services complement the climatherapy, ternshur, hydroenezotherapy. Appointed patients internal consumption mineral Water, mud compresses and tampons, balneotherapy in the form of baths with various healing components (pearl, coniferous, turpentine).

How the children's health resort "Sergeevka" works

The treatment and improvement of children in Soviet times was attached great importance. Many guys came to Sergeevka for free trips. Thousands of boys and girls accepted therapeutic procedures on the shore of Shabolat Liman since 1986, when she opened the doors for the first young patients Children's Sanatorium "Sergeevka" (Odessa region). A photo of one of the buildings in the article gives an idea of \u200b\u200balmost home furnishings in healthy. The bulk of the territory is assigned to the park area, game and sports grounds, there is a hall, the library works.

Sanatorium "Sergeevka" (Odessa region) can simultaneously take on vacation and recovery to 400 children (6-14 years). The duration of one shift on average is 18 days. From September to May, training sessions for school children are organized (in the afternoon). Medical specialization of health resorts - diseases of respiratory organs, cardiovascular diseases, ENT violations, pathology of the musculoskeletal system.

Golden beaches Sergeevka

The main thing is that the Odessa region is famous for the seaside position - rest. Sergeevka Po geographical position It differs from the regional center and a number of resorts on the coast. The village, all his sanatoriums and hotels were built on the shores of Shabolat Liman. Warm and shallow reservoir, sandy spit divide Sergeevka and sea expanses. The golden beaches of the resort need to go through or pass through the bridge, or cross the boat, a motor boat.

The magnificent beach with clean small white sand, fresh air, light sea breeze, enveloping your body is an amazing Odessa resort Sergeevka. The unique combination of marine and steppe climate, with a special climate of the forest survey area, will allow you to relax from noisy urban life, and medical water And healing dirt will take care of your body and your health.
For nothing, do not stay your holiday in the room, run on the berth, where the boat is waiting for you, so that you will take you to the other side of the estuary - to the sea braza with the endless black sea. Also, do not forget to stroll through pedestrian bridgeWalking in which will be beneficial to affect your body.
Just imagine yourself and your children swimming in a warm estuary when the summer sun gently envelops your body, and order tickets to Odessa to get enough to it in this picturesque place.

Sergeyevka-village of urban type in Belgorod-Dniester district of the Odessa region of Ukraine. The population is 5.2 thousand people (2009). The resort Sergeevka is located on the flat north shore of Shabolat (Budaksky) Lake, towering above sea level from the east side by 3-4 meters, with Western 10-12 meters.

The climate of the resort Sergeevka is moderately continental and relatively dry. The duration of the warm season from April to October. The number of sunny days per year exceeds 290 or 2030 of the solar clock.
The average annual temperature is about +10 ° C, the average annual precipitation is about 350 mm. Winter short and soft with middle temperatures about 0 ° C, snow and temperatures below -10 ° C are rarely observed; Summer long and roast with an average temperature of about 25 ° C, temperatures are often above 35 ° C.

The climate of the resort is due to Shabolat Liman and the Sea in the south, a forest park area in Sergeevka and steppe spaces north of her.

The landmark of the resort Sergeevka is the unique sulfide mud of the Budak (Shabolat) lake, mineral waters for internal and outdoor use.
Therapeutic mineral waters can be used for external use in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, central and peripheral nerve systems and chronic inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs. Healing Sergeyevskaya Water is an analogue of the famous mineral waters of the Mirgorod type and is used in chronic gastritis with secret insufficiency and chronic colitis.
The main deposits of therapeutic dirt are located along the coast of the Shabolat Limana and stretch to its middle. Ilvoy dirt of the Shabolatic Limana is black, in places a dark gray mass. On physico-chemical properties Ilovaya therapeutic mud The dirt of other resorts is superior in many indicators. Liman's ILOP, the healing dirt is widely used not only in the health resorts of Sergeevka, but also in physiotherapy hospitals, urban and district hospitals of Ukraine.
In the end, while you are resting, the unique medical climate of Sergeevka makes its business. You, imperceptibly for yourself, pass the course of recovery with the help of aerotherapy (therapeutic use of fresh air in open locality), aerofitotherapy (therapeutic use of volatile agents of air plants), heliotherapy (therapeutic use of solar radiation), thalassotherapy (therapeutic use of marine baths).

See also: