Architecture of Estonia. Frozen in stone: Soviet architecture in Estonia


  • 1 Observation
    • 1.1 Early Gothic: XIII - early XV century
      • 1.1.1 Castles
      • 1.1.2 Church
    • 1.2 Late Gothic: XV - Mid XVI centuries
      • 1.2.1 Tompea Castle
      • 1.2.2 Fortress Walls
      • 1.2.3 Residential buildings
      • 1.2.4 Town Hall
      • 1.2.5 Guild
      • 1.2.6 Tallinn church
    • 1.3 Renaissance: 1550-1630
    • 1.4 Early Baroque: 1630-1730 -
    • 1.5 Later Baroque: 1710-1775-e
    • 1.6 Classicism: 1745-1840
    • 1.7 Historism: 1840-1900
    • 1.8 Modern: 1900-1920


Architecture Estonia Formed at the beginning of the XIII century, when the Teutonic Order and the Kingdom of Denmark won the territory of the current Estonia, divided it and introduced Christianity the Western rite. Estonia has no romance architecture, and the gothic was formed under the influence of the Gothic of the Rhine School, the Tsistercian architecture of Prussia and the Scandinavian architecture (Gotland Island).

1. Operation

1.1. Early Gothic: XIII - early XV century

1.1.1. Locks

Episcopal Convention Castle in Kuressaare

Church in Ambula

Early gothic in Estonia is represented by four types of locks:

  • irregular (polygonal);
  • donjon castle;
  • regular locks of two types: Castel and Convert.

According to such types, ordinar castles were built. The classic example of the second type is the donjon castle in a parade of 1265 years.

Castles in Wiljandi XIII-XIV centuries. And the bishop castle of Kuressaare on the island of Saaremaa, which was built during the period from 1343 to the beginning of the XV century, are classical examples of the convention. From these castles, the Episcopal Castle of Kuressaare was better preserved on the island of Saaremaa, the layout of which includes the square angular tower of Sturvolt and a long gender, as well as the perimeter inland yard Chapel with the refectory, rest of the bishop, the Hall of Chapter and Dormitoria.

The same type includes the castle-monastery of the Order of the Cistercians in Padis, covered with the second half of the XIV century to 1448 and has a less regular structure than other conversion.

Hermann Castle in Narva XIII-XV centuries originally belonged to the type of Castel, and later, at the beginning of the XV century was rebuilt on the convention.

In total from the beginning of the XIII to the beginning of the XVI centuries, 46 stone castles were built on the territory of Estonia, of which 17 were orders, 12 - episcopal and 17 belonged to local feudals.

1.1.2. Churches

Gothic provincial churches in Ambula of the end of the XIII century and in Kuryra (1290) belong to one architectural type. They are three-way, horses, with a rectangular presbyteripressure and a small tower along the axis of the western facade.

The samples of large gothic temples are two brick basilica in Tartu: the city council (XIII-XV century, has been preserved in ruins) and the John Church of the 1930 Year of Construction. The latter has high tower on the main facade; Portal Vimpergi is decorated with a famous sculptural composition "Scary Court".

1.2. Late Gothic: XV - Mid XVI centuries

Tompea Castle

The historical context of the development of architecture is determined by the Grunwald battle of 1410, in which the Teutonic Order was defeated, formed a Livonian Order, as well as the strengthening of the role of the Hanseatic Trade Union on this territory (Tallinn, Pärnu and Tartu were Hanseatic cities).

1.2.1. Tompea Castle

The city of Tallinn belonged to the Livonian Order from 1347. From the 20th century, the main dominant architectural complex of the city was the Order of Tompea in Vyshgorod. It was the rebuilt ancient Danish castle, which was later repeatedly rebuilt. The basis of its structure is the type of convention, and its highest cylindrical tower is called a long german.

1.2.2. Fortress Walls

Part of the fortress wall and gate

The fortress walls and towers of Tallinn are known since 1248, but the oldest of the walls preserved to this day and towers belong to the XIV century. Construction continued in the XV century, the reconstruction of the fortifications was completed in the 1520s. They have been very well preserved: at the end of the XVI century, 26 towers were erected, of which 18 were preserved. The walls had a height of up to 8 meters with a thickness of 2.85 meters. At the bottom of the inside of the wall there was a shallow arcade. During the XV-XVI centuries, as the artillery development, the tower was handing out, they organized cannon-making fools. The highest is the Kuster tower (30 m), the most massive - four-storey thick margarita in the seabelery complex. Similar stone fortifications had the city of Tartu, but they were demolished in the 18th century.

1.2.3. Residential buildings

Medieval building of the Olde Hansa Restaurant

Tallinn residential buildings of the XV - the beginning of the XVI centuries belong to the forceps type, when a narrow facade is coming to the street, crowned with a plug-in double roof ("Three sisters" houses of the first half of the 20th century, a house on Lay Street, 25, other houses of the Tallinn city center) .

1.2.4. Town Hall

Tallinn Town Hall

The sights of civil architecture is the Town Hall in Tallinn 1404 with a fitted arcade of the first tier on the longitudinal facade and the high thin eight-marched tower along the axis of the causes of the facade, topped with a triangular tongs.

1.2.5. Guild

Hyldly houses in Tallinn are known by their exquisite interiors (Gothic Hall of the Great Guild of 1410, Hall of the Olayev Guild 1424).

1.2.6. Torch Tallini

The most unusual on the planned-spatial composition is the church of the Holy Spirit of the XIV century. It is bindflaw, a cold type, with a tower on the causes of the facade and a high plumbing roof. The originally scheduled third nave was not built taking into account the urban planning situation.

The Church of St. Nicholas (Nigulist) was built in 1406-93. This is a three-end basil with a deambulatorium and a tower on the Western facade.

Church of St. Olaf (Olevist) of the same time, 1400-50. This is a three-penette basilica, has an average nave 31 meter high and a tower with a spire, a height of 123.7 meters, which was the highest in Europe (the fire of 1820 he destroyed the real spire below).

Doma Cathedral, Reconstruction 1465 - Short three-penetrated Basilica with Faceted Presbytery and Massive western Tower.

Monastery of Dominicans in Tallinn the beginning of the 20th century - a large gothic complex with a coolest three-pendant temple and a cloud; Constructions have been preserved partially, gothic portals have a special value.

The monastery of Holy Birgitty, 1417-36 - the three-span coaling church, which had a high and massive forcep roof (standing in ruins from 1577).

1.3. Renaissance: 1550-1630

Facade of the house of Chernogolov

Renaissance came to Estonia under the rule of Sweden. Renaissance and manneristic impacts were manifested only in small architectural forms and decoration, adorned quite gothic on the composition and building structures. An example is the Blackhead Brotherhood House in Tallinn (1597, the restructuring of the Gothic building). Another Tallinn Raenesian building is a master's house located on Vana Tour Kael Street.

1.4. Early Baroque: 1630-1730 -

Narva Town Hall

Early Baroque is represented by few monuments, given the then decay of construction activities, due to numerous wars in the region: the town hall in Narva 1671, the Tallinn gate in Pärnu of the late XVII century.

1.5. Later Baroque: 1710-1775-e

As a result of the Northern War, the territory of Estonia fell into the Russian Empire. The most outstanding attraction is the Palace-Park Ensemble Ekaterinenthal (Cadriorg), created in 1723 by order of the Russian emperor Peter I, Architect Nikcolo Micketty. Stylistics close to the then Petersburg architecture, quite restrained in the application of means of expressiveness, including decor.

Baroque architecture was also represented in the formal architecture of Estonia, for example, in 1797, the building of Moz Svyana was built by an unknown Italian architect.

The main building of the Palmes is also an excellent example of the Mood Baroque Architecture of Estonia.

1.6. Classicism: 1745-1840

Neoclassical stylistics is presented mainly at the University city of Tartu and Tallinn. The town hall in Tartu, was built in 1789, it still contains the extraction of the late baroque and the overall composition somewhat resembles the town hall in Narva.

The most large-scale monument of classicism is the University of Tartu, the main case of which was built in strict and monumental orders of 1803 on the project of the German architect I. Krause, which was at this university professor of economics, technology and civil architecture. The classic ensemble complements other university buildings, among which the most significant is an anatomical theater.

In Tallinn, on this day, the belt of bastion fortifications around the old city was eliminated, a park ring was created instead. Characterized phenomenon have become suburban manor houses of order architecture. For example, Saku, Mazz Riisiper, Mazz Kern, Mazz Kirn, Mazz Kolga, Maza Riikkul, Mazz Udrika, Miza Aasper, Hyda Miza, Miza Purg, Mazz, Miza Wow, Mazz Mass, Hearglag, Mise Lihula, Mesa Kasti, Mazz Timigi, Mazz Pucuste, Mazz Kurisoo, Mazz Tori, Miz Orina, Mazzhatta, Music Music.

1.7. Historism: 1840-1900

Church of Kaarley

The dominant direction of historicism in the architecture of Estonia is neojeta, however, in fairly simplified and schematic forms, a model of Karil's Church in Tallinn 1870 (architect A. Hippius).

1.8. Modern: 1900-1920

Modern Estonia refers to the so-called Northern Modern. In Tallinn, formed under the influence of St. Petersburg and Riga. Close to rational modernity, however, with the motives of national-romantic stylization. In this stylization there are profits in Tallinn, Tartu, Pärnu, as well as villas of that time.

The most public buildings include the Tallinn Theater "Estonia" (now National Opera) 1910-1913 (Architect A. Lindgren) and German Theater (now Estonian Drama Theater) 1910 (St. Petersburg architects A.F. Bubyr and N.V. Vasilyev) ; Theater "Endla" in Parnu 1911 (architects of Hellat and E. Wolfeldt); The building of the student society in Tartu 1902.

St. Paul's church in Tartu designed and built in 1915-17 the famous Finnish architect Eliel Saharinen (father of an even more famous American architect of the middle of the twentieth century, Eero Saorinen). Saernin-Sr. designed a lot for Tallinn, in particular in 1913 he won the competition for the creation of the city's master plan.

, Estonian television, Estonian Parliament, Estonian River.

Today - some species of modern buildings of the city of Tartu and on this until the stories about it. Here will be like evening frames, filmed on April 2, and made the next morning, on April 3rd. Since the conditions did not too favored photographing, there will be no special masterpieces under the cut, but it is worth a look at the architecture. ;-)

I will begin the story from the scientific center with the unusual name Ahhaa, which you see in the photo above. Unfortunately, we were not inside the center, as it remained another month with a little before it ... But I will give here with abbreviations the text of one article telling about his wonders (hence):

The Ahhaa Scientific Center began its activities on September 1, 1997 as the University of Tartu. Since 2000, Ahhaa worked in the premises of the Tartu Observatory, and since 2009 - in the Lõunakeskus shopping center in Tartu and on the Freedom Square in Tallinn.
For those who do not know what it is
The task of Ahhaa is to popularize scientific discoveries and achievements, making information about them available for the widest audience: from small children to their great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers. In the lobby, Nino Feeschina, director of marketing, which was our guide, telling about what has already been done, and what else was to be installed, install, adjust the like.


New sensations await visitors already in the lobby: it is enough to try to sit on a bench, covered by massage balls of different sizes. In general, sites for seating - flexible lounge chairs that take the shape of the body, to the top of the wolf, hammock sofas - in the new Ahhaa pays special attention. This is understandable, because after many hours of walking around the halls, your feet need rest.

But if in order, then after the lobby, the visitor gets into cash. During our visit, she, of course, has not worked yet, but we were told that there would be no tickets as such in Ahhaa: it would have to go through the turnstile, putting a finger to a special scanner. Naturally, your imprint will fall into the database when paying the entrance. So done in many interactive museums The world, for example, in American Disney World. In a scientific shop, it will be possible to buy not banal souvenirs, but scientific and entertainment, and therefore useful. In the restaurant, the diner will also be served not hamburgers, but salads and freshly squeezed juices. And finally, the exposition. American, German and Japanese adjustments took part in its installation.

3. From afar looks something cosmic:

Sphere, Tower and Bike

Nino holds us into one of the spacious halls, in the center of which is a huge silver openwork ball. This is the sphere of Hoberman, which can decrease and increase in front of his eyes. The ball will hang under the dome and surprise visitors with their spontaneous changes. In the meantime, engineers from the United States finish its installation: you need to have time to open! Next to the ball - the height tower with a tall of nine meters, for which everyone will easily raise himself, what we tried to do. It is funny to feel like a child, especially when you do not see your own children: you can desperately squeeze from delight mixed with fear. That is how adult aunt and uncle behaved, locked in a frantically spinning centrifuge, which is located on the mezzanines of this round room.

Immediately, on a nine-meter, in the height tower, height is a spectacular and completely safe attraction: a bike from which it is impossible to fall. On this bike, fixed on the cable with a counterweight in the form of a core weighing 200 kilograms, can ride "over the precipice" even the one who does not dare to do it on the asphalt. Immediately, there is a mysterious elevator in the dungeon. Imagine: You enter allegedly an ordinary elevator. The walls of the cabin are immediately transformed into a 3D picture, and a voice begins to sound in the dynamics that tells about the science of geology. Suddenly there is a "short circuit", the elevator starts to move down, to the center of the earth, and you see, as behind the walls, the image of underground urban communications in the cut is replaced by a cut of the earth's crust, and so deeper and deeper, to the center of the Earth ...


Newton apples in the window, chickens in the incubator, stars on the walls

In one of the lobs in a two-story window, a seventere design is installed, in associative form, illustrating the Newtonian law of global gravity. Multicolored balls (than not the apple Newton!) Rises a motor, and from there they themselves go down, leading various intricate designs. "This exhibit came from Germany," says Nino Febia. - When it was installed, a crowd was gathered on the street, the installation process itself was interesting! "

In the new house Ahhaa during our excursion, many premises are still empty: Chemical laboratories, halls where scientific and popular films will demonstrate and play funny performances of special theaters, physical and chemical troupe. A mirror labyrinth was already ready, in which we would gladly get lost, stuck in each other and on the mirrors. In a separate room there is a huge water world, which is also purchased in Germany. The water was affectionately, and we, forget about the dictaphones and cameras, began to press the buttons and levers, launching and forcing the jet on the spot.

In the same hall, an ant house should be installed - a transparent container, looking into which, you can observe the complex and rich events with the life of ants. And here you will satisfy the real ... Incubator. Observing how the chicken embryo develops, until the moment when the chicken hatches on white light, will definitely like the visitors very much.

5. Interesting wall decoration is simple and spectacular:

In the same room, mobile exhibitions will work. So, in late May, the arrival of a unique exhibition called Robot Zoo is expected. Created in the USA with anatomical and even physiological accuracy, moving mechanical flies, lightning-glass, giraffe, locust and many other creatures, up to a dinosaur will come to us from Israel - after a triumpual journey around the world. The unique exhibition will last about six months, Nino has told us.

The most expensive and the next spectacular exhibit of the new Ahhaa is an extraordinary planetarium. Update in a small room with a magnificent acoustics, we could imagine how after the opening of the audience come here will be in the center of the starry sky, where it will be possible to consider the smallest and distant stars, listening to the beautiful music, having ordered her to taste ... Of course , it's just imitation, but what exact! No wonder the author of the projector of the starry sky, an engineer from Japan Ohrah Takayuki, received a diploma of the Guinness Book of Records. He came to the installation of equipment personally and led the work, promising to have time for the discovery. But on the roof of the building will be equipped with a real mini observatory.

6. Visor with a balcony solved original:

May 7 - Day X
Finishing our excursion, Marketing Director Nino Feshchina said: "The team hopes that all the exhibits will have time to prepare. On the day we are waiting for a thousand visitors, and in a year we want the new ahhaa to attend 100,000 people. " In the interactive center, twenty specially trained instructors will work, who are ready to communicate with visitors, except Estonian and Russian, and in Finnish, English, Latvian, German. All vote exhibits also "speak" at least Russian, Estonian and English.
Ahhaa's new house opened on May 7 at 9 pm and the first three days worked in non-stop mode.

After the opening of the center, we contacted Nino Fishchina, and she said that the discovery went fine, the planetarium enjoys great success, time for his visit is book in advance. Everything works, spinning and spinning, as it should be. The round-the-clock mode of operation justified itself, because many people simply did not want to leave. By morning 888 people visited the center of May 8

7. View of the center from Tower-Snail:

8-9. "Snail Tower", Estonian - Tiguturin, in the morning and the next morning:

10-11. Let's see for separate details of the Tower:

12-13. Types of the garage part of the complex:

14. Inputs to the tower:

15. Usually architects will focus the input by the portal or canopy. Here is the main focus - color:

16. But it looked like a night lighting:

17. The tower in the city is visible from afar:

18. An unforgettable spectacle. When I first saw the tower, I was surprised to such zikcurata:

19. Another kind of from afar:

20. Opposite the Tower-Snail flashed with his cover another center - shopping or not, I do not know:

21. Approaching it:

22. And I look out from there to the tower. The shot on the right is made by the bus station:

23. It has long dreamed of making such a frame with a lit ending:

Now leave the tower and move on to other buildings Tartu.

Market Bridge (Turusild)
The pedestrian cable bridge was built in 2003. The bridge is intended only for pedestrians, cyclists and small mopeds. He connects the annelinn district and the city market. The bridge has a length of 251.5 meters and 7 pairs of guys. The approximate height from the surface of the water is 7.5 meters.
Turusild is the best structure of 2003 in Tartu, who received the title of events of the year.

24. Vitches Bridge late in the evening:

25. And in the morning:

26. Arched Bridge (Kaarsild)
Where more and a half century joined the shores of the Emayigi River, the famous stone bridge, in 1959 an arched bridge for pedestrians was built, the reinforced concrete arches of which are based on the foundation of the destroyed stone bridge.

27. And one of the most beautiful new bridges Tartu:

Bridge of Freedom (Vabadussild)
In the course of the work on the opening of the kittlers during the construction of the VABADUSE bridge through the p. Emayigi In Tartu, interesting archaeological finds dated 19th century (ax, glass bottles, nails, preserved from the wooden bridge previously existing on this place) were discovered. Also, several German mines were found here, survived in the ground since the Second World War.

In 2006, Transmost, winning the "ideological" contest for the design of the bridge in Tartu, developed working documentation for it and in 2007, the Estonian branch of the company Tilts began to be constructed. OJSC Transmost carried out the author's supervision.

07/30/2009 The solemn opening of the new automobile and pedestrian bridge across the Emayigi River took place in Tartu. The bridge of freedom, the construction of which lasted for more than two years, shifted across the river and connects the streets of Lai and Vienna. The name of the new bridge was proposed by the City Commission for Culture and was already used in the documents of the mayor's office. The bridge is equipped with a variable backlight. The cost of the bridge of length 90 and width of 18.75 m was 161,045,951 crown.

Memorial board on the bridge says:
"The Bridge of Freedom
Bridge built July 30, 2009
Customer - Urban Gauge Tartu
Designer - Trans-Bridge OJSC
"St. Petersburg"
Builder - SIA TILTS "RIIA" »

Kuressaare on the island of Saaremaa, which was built during the period from to the beginning of the XV century, are classical examples of the convention. From these castles, the Bishopsky Castle of Kuressaare was better preserved on the island of Saaremaa, the layout of which includes the square corner towers of the Sturvolt and a long hand, and also located around the perimeter of the coupper with the refectory, rest of the bishop, the Kapitule hall and Dormitoria.

Fortress Walls

The fortress walls and Town Tallinn are known since 1248, however, the oldest of the walls preserved to this day belong to the XIV century. Construction continued in the XV century, the reconstruction of the fortifications was completed in the 1520s. They have been very well preserved: at the end of the XVI century, 26 towers were erected, of which 18 were preserved. The walls had a height of up to 8 meters with a thickness of 2.85 meters. At the bottom of the inside of the wall there was a shallow arcade. During the --xvi centuries, as the tower artillery was developed, we were waiting for the gunshedral loopholes. The highest is the Kik-In de Kyuk tower (38 m), the most massive - four-storey thick margarita in the complex of the sea gate. Similar stone fortifications had the city of Tartu, but they were demolished in the XVIII century.

Residential buildings

Tallinn residential buildings of the XV - the beginning of the XVI centuries belong to the tongsovoy type, when a narrow facade is coming to the street, topped with a plug-in double roof (Bishop House, Big Guild House, House "Three Sisters" of the first half of the XV century, house on Lay Street, 25 , other houses of the old city).

Town Hall

The attraction of the civil architecture is the Town Hall in Tallinn 1404 of the construction with the stroke arcade of the first tier on the longitudinal facade and the high thin eight-marginal tower along the axis of the cause of the facade, topped with a triangular tongs. This is the only surviving Gothic Town Hall in Northern Europe.


Hyldly houses in Tallinn are known by their exquisite interiors (Gothic Hall of the Great Guild of 1410, Hall of the Olayev Guild 1424). The facades of the three Guilds of Tallinn are made skillful masters and deserve people's attention, especially since they are not far from each other: the buildings of the Great Guild and Olaf are made in the Gothic style, Knuda - in the pseudo-native English style of tyudors.

Torch Tallini

Unusual in the spatial composition Church of the Holy Spirit of the XIV century. It is bindflaw, a cold type, with a tower on the cause of the facade and with a high tongs. The scheduled originally third nave was not built, because then one of the central streets of the city would be blocked.

Renaissance: 1550-1630

Renaissance came to Estonia under the rule of Sweden. Renaissance and manherist influences were manifested only in small architectural forms and decorations that were decorated with quite gothic in composition and building structures. The only preserved building in this style is the Blackhead Brotherhood House in Tallinn (1597, restructuring a gothic building). Other - the most important (weight) - destroyed in 1944

Early Baroque: 1630-1730s.

Early baroque is represented by few monuments, given the then decay of construction activities due to numerous wars in the region: the town hall in Narva 1671, the Tallinn gate in Pärnu of the late XVII century.

Later Baroque: 1710-1775-e.

As a result of the Northern War, the territory of Estonia has become part of the Russian Empire. The most outstanding attraction is the Palace-Park Ensemble Ekaterinenthal (Cadriorg), created in 1723 by order of the Russian emperor Peter I, Architect Nikcolo Micketty. Stylistics close to the then Petersburg architecture, quite restrained in the application of means of expressiveness, including decor. Another significant sample baroque - governor residence Estland Gubernia, built in 1773 on the site of the destroyed eastern wall of the Tompea Castle. The building with side risals, painted in pink, still attracts attention to beauty and nobility. Initially, the palace was built by a two-story, the third floor and the portico was attached in 1935.

Classicism: 1745-1840.

Classic stylistics is presented mainly at the University city of Tartu and in Tallinn. The Town Hall in Tartu, built in 1789, still contains the echoes of the late baroque and the total composition somewhat resembles the Town Hall in Narva.

The large-scale monument of classicism is the University of Tartu, the main building of which was built in strict and monumental orders in 1803 on the project of the German architect I. Krause, who was at this university professor of economics, technology and civil architecture. The classic ensemble complements other university buildings, among which the most significant is an anatomical theater.

Examples of classicism in Tallinn: Pontus House of Stenbock, Palace Caulbars-Benkendorf on Tompea.

In Tallinn, the belt of bastion fortifications around the old city was eliminated, a park ring was created instead. Characterized phenomenon have become suburban manor houses of order architecture. For example, Saku, Mazz Riisiper, Mazz Kern, Mazz Kirn, Mazz Kolga, Maza Riikkul, Mazz Udrika, Miza Aasper, Hyda Miza, Miza Purg, Mazz, Miza Wow, Mazz Mass, Hearglag, Mise Lihula, Mesa Kasti, Mazz Timigi, Mazz Pucuste, Mazz Kurisoo, Mazz Tori, Miz Orina, Mazzhatta, Music Music.

Historism: 1840-1900.

The dominant direction of historicism in the architecture of Estonia is neojeta, a model of Karil's Church in Tallinn (1870, Arch. A. Hippius). Ungern-Sternberg Palace (1865, Arch. Roppiiius), inspired by the Florentine Palazzo Strozzi, also supplemented with neo-neutic trumpet turrets and made of bricks, produces a very lively impression and remains in memory. The facade of the Helf Cant Guild Building is built in the English style of Tudor (English pseudochika). An example of a non-source can serve as the building of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry on Tomololi Street.

Modern: 1900-1920

Modern Estonia refers to the so-called Northern Modern. Tallinn was formed under the influence of St. Petersburg, Finland and Riga. Close to rational modern, however, with the motives of national-romantic stylization. In this stylization, there are profits in Tallinn, Tartu, Pärnu, as well as the villas of that time.

The most public buildings include the Tallinn Theater "Estonia" (now National Opera) 1910-1913 (Architect A. Lindgren) and German Theater (now Estonian Drama Theater) of 1910 (St. Petersburg architects A. F. Bubyr and N. V. Vasilyev) ; Theater "Endla" in Parnu 1911 (architects of Hellat and E. Wolfeldt); The building of the student society in Tartu 1902.

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An excerpt characterizing the architecture of Estonia

Two years ago, in 1808, returning to St. Petersburg from his visit to the estates, Pierre involuntarily became at the head of St. Petersburg Freemasonry. He settled the dining and tombstones, recruited new members, cared for connecting various lies and about the acquisition of genuine acts. He gave his money on the device of Temmore and replenished, as much as he could, the charges of alms, at which most members were stingy and are notachable. He was almost one for his funds supported the house of the poor, arranged by the Order in St. Petersburg. Its life has happened in the same time, with the same hobbies and promiscuity. He loved to have a good dinner and drink, and, although he considered it immoral and humiliating, could not refrain from the fun of the idle societies in which he participated.
In the Chad of his classes and hobbies, Pierre, however, after the year, began to feel like the soil of Masonry, on which he stood, the more leaving from under his feet, the harder he tried to become on her. At the same time, he felt that the deeper the soil was leaving under his feet, on which he stood, the smaller he was associated with her. When he began to Masonry, he felt a sense of man, trusting his leg on a flat surface of the swamp. Putting his leg, he failed. In order to believe in the hardness of the soil on which he stood, he put another leg and fell even more, prominently and already involuntarily walked on his knee in the swamp.
Joseph Alekseevich was not in St. Petersburg. (He recently pulled away from the works of St. Petersburg Long and lived in Moscow.) All the brothers, members of the lodges, were Pierre friends in life people and it was difficult for him to see in them only brothers in the rockyness, and not Prince B., not Ivan Vasilyevich D., whom he knew in life the most part of both weak and insignificant people. From under Masonic aprons and signs, he saw on them uniforms and crosses they sought in life. Often, collecting alms and drop 20-30 rubles recorded on the arrival, and the bigger part of the debt from ten members, of which half were also rich, like he, Pierre recalled the Masonic oath about the fact that every brother promises to give all his property for near; And in his soul, his doubts were raised on which he tried not to stop.
All brothers he knew he divided into four categories. To the first category, he rang brothers who do not take active participation in the affairs of the lodges, nor in the affairs of human, but engaged exclusively the sacraments of the Science of the Order, engaged in issues of the three-way name of God, or about the three beginnings of things, Serne, Mercury and Salt, or the meaning Square and all the figures of the Solomonov temple. Pierre respected this category of the brothers of the Masons, to which the oldest brothers belonged to, and Joseph Alekseevich himself, according to Pierre, but did not share their interests. His heart did not lay to the mystical side of Masonry.
To the second category, Pierre counted himself and herself like such brothers looking for, oscillating, who were still in the Freemasonry of the direct and understandable path, but hoping to find it.
By the third category, he rang brothers (there was a large number of them) who did not see anything visible, except for the external form and ritual and the current routine execution of this external form, without worrying about its content and meaning. Such were the Vilarsky and even the great master of the main lodge.
To the fourth category, finally also ranked a large number of brothers, especially recently entered into the Brotherhood. These were people, according to the observations of Pierre, no believers, who do not want anything, and entering Freemasonry only for rapprochement with young rich and strong on the relationship and knowledge of the brothers that were quite a lot in the bed.
Pierre began to feel unsatisfied with his activities. Freemasonry, at least then the Freemasonry, which he knew here seemed to him sometimes, was founded on one appearance. He did not even think to doubt the Masonry itself, but he suspected that Russian Freemasonry went on a false path and deviated from its source. And because at the end of the year, Pierre went abroad to devote himself to the highest secrets of the Order.

In the summer in 1809, Pierre returned to St. Petersburg. According to the correspondence of our Masons with foreign, it was known that the coupe managed abroad to get the trust of many high-ranking persons, many secrets penetrated, was built to the highest degree and lucky with his lot for the common worst wage in Russia. Petersburg masons all came to him, joining it, and it seemed to everyone that he was hiding and preparing.
The solemn meeting of the 2nd degree lodge was appointed, in which Pierre promised to inform what he has to transfer to the St. Petersburg brothers from the highest leaders of the Order. The meeting was full. After ordinary rites, Pierre got up and began his speech.
- kind brothers, - he began, blushing and stuffing and holding a speech in his hand. - Inadequate our sacraments in the silence of lodges - you need to act ... act. We are in the hands, and we need to act. - Pierre took his notebook and began to read.
"To spread the pure truth and delivering the celebration of virtue, he read, should we cleanse people from prejudice, spread the rules, according to the spirit of time, to accept the upbringing of youth, connecting the inseparable Uzami with the smartest people, boldly and together prudently overcome superstition, disbelief and Stupidity, to form people from their devotees associated between themselves the only purpose and power and power.
"To achieve this goal, you should deliver the virtue of the advantage over the vice, should try to make an honest person even in the world eternal award for his virtues. But in these great intentions, it impedes us very much - the current political institutions. What to do with such a position of things? Do the revolutions favors, all to unsubstate, expel force force? ... no, we are very far from that. Every violent reform is worthy of censure, because it will not correct any evil, while people remain as they are, and because wisdom has no need for violence.
"The entire Order of the Order should be based on to form people of solid, virtuous and connected by the unity of conviction, the beliefs, consistent, everywhere and with all their forces to pursue a virtue and stupidity and patronize talents and virtue: to extract people from dust, attaching them. To our fraternity. Then only our Order will have power - insensitively knit hands to the patrons of disorder and manage it so that they do not notice. In a word, it should be necessary to establish a universal dominion of the board, which would be spread over the whole light, without destroying civilians, and with which all other reigns could continue with their ordinary order and do everything, and only that it prevents the great goal of our Order, There is a delivery of the virtues of the celebration above the vice. This goal assumed Christianity itself. It learned people to be wise and kind, and for their own benefits to follow the example and instructions of the best and wise men.
"Then, when everything was immersed in the darkness, it was enough, of course, one passionate: the news of the truth attached to her special strength, but now we are much stronger tools for us. Now it is necessary that the person, driven by his feelings, found sensual charms in the virtues. It is impossible to eradicate passions; It should only try to direct them to a noble goal, and therefore it is necessary that everyone can satisfy his passions within virtues, and that our order deliver to the fact.
"As soon as we have a number of decent people in each state, each of them forms two others again, and all of them are closely connected to each other - then everything will be possible for the Order, which secretly managed to do a lot to humanity."
This speech produced not only a strong impression, but also excitement in the bed. Most of the brothers who seemed in this speech dangerous ideas of the illuminatism, with surprise Pierre His speech took his speech. The great master began to object to Pierre. Pierre with great and big heat began to develop his thoughts. It has not been such a turbulent meeting for a long time. Party were the party: some accused Pierre, condemning him in the illuminatism; Others supported it. Pierre for the first time struck at this meeting, the infinite variety of human minds, which makes no truth in the same way seem to two people. Even those of members who seemed to be on his side understood him in their own way, with restrictions, changes to which he could not agree, since the main need of Pierre consisted exactly to convey his thought to another exactly as he himself I understood her.
At the end of the meeting, the great master with ill-advocacy and Ironia made a remark about his hotness and that not one love for virtue, but also to pass through the struggle led them in the dispute. Pierre did not answer him and briefly asked whether his proposal would be taken. He was told that no, and Pierre, without waiting for ordinary formalities, left the lodges and left home.

On Pierre, there was again that longing, which he was so afraid. He was three days after pronouncing his speech in the bed lay at home on the sofa, without taking anyone and not going anywhere.
At that time, he received a letter from his wife, who begged him about a date, wrote about his sadness on him and about the desire to devote all his life to him.
At the end of the letter, she notified him that the other day would come to St. Petersburg from abroad.
Following the letter to the privacy of Pierre, one of the less than others respected by the brothers of the Masons broke, and bringing a conversation to the marital relationship of Pierre, in the form of a fraternal council, expressed him the idea that his rigor to his wife was unfair, and that Pierre retreats from the first rules of Mason not forgiving.
At the same time, his mother-in-law, the wife of Prince Vasilla, sent him, begging him at least a few minutes to visit her for negotiations on a very important case. Pierre saw that he was a conspiracy against him that he wanted to connect him with his wife, and it was not even unpleasant to him in that condition in which he was. He was still: Pierre nothing in life considered a great importance, and under the influence of the longing, which now worked on them, he did not value his freedom, nor his persistence in the punishment of his wife.
"No one is right, no one is to blame, it became and she is not to blame," he thought. - If Pierre did not immediately express the consent to the connection with his wife, then only because in a state of longing, in which he was located, he was not able to undertake anything. If the wife would come to him, he would now not drive her. Isn't it all the same in comparison with what Pierre occupied, live or not live with his wife?
Without answering anything to his wife, nor the mother-in-law, Pierre once late in the evening gathered on the road and went to Moscow to see Joseph Alekseevich. This is what Pierre wrote in his diary.
"Moscow, November 17th.
Now only came from benefactor, and I have a hurry to write down everything that I experienced. Joseph Alekseevich lives poorly and suffers the third year to painfully the bubble disease. No one ever heard from him the moan, or the words of Ropot. In the morning and until late at night, with the exception of the clock, in which he eats the simplest food, he works on science. He accepted me graciously and put on the bed on which he lay; I made him the sign of the Knights of the East and Jerusalem, he answered me the same, and with a meek smile asked me that I learned and acquired in Prussian and Scottish lips. I told him everything as I knew how to convey those foundations that I offered in our Petersburg bed and reported a bad reception made by me, and about the gap, which happened between me and brothers. Joseph Alekseevich, pretty pausing and thinking, to all this outlined me, who instantly highlighted me all the past and the whole future path, preparing for me. He surprised me, asking if I remember, I remember what the Trojak goal of the Order is: 1) in the storage and knowledge of the sacrament; 2) in purification and correction of oneself to perception of it and 3) in the correction of human race through the desire for such cleansing. What is the main and first goal of these three? Of course your own correction and cleansing. Only to this goal we can always strive regardless of all the circumstances. But at the same time, this goal also requires us the most difficulties, and therefore, I am mistaken by pride, we, I miss this goal, we do either for the sacrament, which is unworthy to perceive on the impurity of your own, or we do for the correction of the human race, when they are An example of abrasion and debauchery. The illuminatism is not a pure teaching precisely because it was fond of public activities and pride is filled. On this basis, Joseph Alekseevich condemned my speech and all my activities. I agreed with him in the depths of my soul. On the occasion of our family talk about my family matters, he told me: - The main responsibility of a true massion, as I told you, is to improve yourself. But often we think that by removing all the difficulties of our life, we will rather reach this purpose; On the contrary, my sovereign, he told me, only in the medium of secular unrest we can achieve three main goals: 1) self-knowledge, because a person can learn himself only through a comparison, 2) improvement, only it is achieved by the struggle, and 3) to achieve the main virtue - Love to death. Only the vicissitudes of life can show us to vshane and can assist - our innate love for death or revival to a new life. These words are all the more remarkable that Joseph Alekseevich, despite his grievous physical suffering, never burns life, but he loves death to which he, despite all the purity and height of his inner man, does not feel even ready. Then the benefactor explained to me quite the importance of the great square of the universe and indicated that the three-way and seventh number of the essence of the foundation of everything. He advised me not to remove from communicating with St. Petersburg brothers and, taking out only the post of 2nd degrees, try, distracting the brothers from the hobbies of pride, to turn them to the true path of self-knowledge and improvement. In addition, for myself I personally advised me to follow the most likely to follow myself, and with this goal gave me a notebook, the one in which I write and will insert all my actions in the future. "
"Petersburg, November 23rd.
"I live with my wife again. My mother-in-law in tears came to me and said that helen is here and that she begging me to listen to her that she is innocent that she is unhappy with my leaving, and much more. I knew that if I would only let himself see her, then I would no longer refuse her in her desire. In doubt, I did not know, to resort to whose help and advice. If the benefactor would be here, he would tell me. I retired to myself, writing the letters of Joseph Alekseevich, remembered his conversations with him, and out of everything I brought what I should not refuse to ask for a helping to help anyone, especially a person so connected with me, and should carry his cross. But if I for a virtue forgiven her, then let me and there will be my connection with it to have one spiritual goal. So I decided and so wrote Joseph Alekseevich. I told my wife that I ask her to forget everything old, please forgive me what I could be to blame for her, and what I had nothing to forgive. I was happily to tell her it. Let her not know how hard I was to see her again. Settled in a big house in the upper rest and feel a happy feeling of update. "

As always, and then the highest society, connecting together at the court and on large balas, was divided into several circles, having each shade. Among their most extensive was the Circle of the French, Napoleonic Union - Count Rumyantsev and Caulaincourt "a. In this mug, one of the most prominent places was taken by Elene, as soon as she settled in St. Petersburg with her husband. She had the Lord of the French Embassy and a large number of people famous for their intelligence and courtesy belonging to this area.
Helen was in Erfurt during the famous date of the emperors, and from there brought these ties with all Napoleon sights of Europe. In Erfurt, she had a brilliant success. Napoleon himself, noticing her in the theater, said about her: "C" EST UN SUPERBE ANIMAL ". [This is a beautiful animal.] The success of it as a beautiful and elegant woman did not surprise Pierre, because over the years she became even more beautiful than before . But he surprised him that for these two years, his wife managed to acquire a reputation
"D" UNE FEMME CHARMANTE, AUSSI SPIRITUELLE, QUE BELLE ". [Adorable woman, as smart as beautiful.] Famous RRINCE DE LIGNE [Prince de Lin] wrote her letters on eight pages. Bilibin stood his MOTS [Spells], In order to say them for the first time, the Bezuhovaya was taken in the Salon. Became in the Sadness Dummy was considered a diploma of the mind; young people read books in front of Helen, so that there was something to talk about in her salon, and the secretaries of the embassy, \u200b\u200band even envoys, they tried her diplomatic secrets. So Elene was power in some way. Pierre, who knew that she was very stupid, with a strange feeling of a loss and fear sometimes attended her evenings and dinners, where he was talking about politics, poetry and philosophy. At these evenings, he experienced a feeling like this to the one that the magician should experience, expecting whether it will open it. But because it was nonsense to keep such a salon, or because the deceived deceived was pleasant in this deception, deception did not open, and the reputation D "UNE FEMME CHARMANTE ET SPIRITUELLE so unshakably approved for Elena Vasilyevnye Bezuhova, that she could say the biggest vulgarity and nonsense, and all the same, everyone admired her every word and found a deep meaning in it whom she herself did not suspect.

Tallinn is popular among travelers, but often, of them, few people know what it differs from other European capitals. Someone will say that he looks like Helsinki, he resembles Prague to someone. In the XIX century, he was called the Northern Naples, but in fact Tallinn always remains Tallinn.

And it is worth getting out of the old city and across the road - the trendy quarter of the Rothermann, and then - the old suburb of Calamia. It is built up mostly wooden houses in which fishermen lived before. Today it is one of the most famous hipster areas of Europe.

In the area of \u200b\u200bKadriorg, a baroque palace is adjacent to the modern Art Museum of Kumu. And next to the picturesque quarter, in which the atmosphere of the provincial provincial city of the XIX century is still preserved.

In the center of Tallinn, the strict and solid representation architecture of the first republic is adjacent to the Soviet.


At the Tompea Hill, since the XI century, there was a fortified settlement, and there was a settlement and bargaining of the fence around the modern town hall. There were two shopping courtyard nearby: Scandinavian and Russian.

With the arrival of the Crusaders in 1219th, the castle and the Dome Cathedral are built on the Tompea Hill. The first fortress wall around the upper city began to be built in 1229th year. In the lower city, the first wall appears 1265th at the insistence of the queen of Margarita. Up to our time, the fortress wall belongs to the XIV century. At this time there was a city consisting of two independent parts, Tompea (Domberga - Upper City), the capital of Estland Duchy, and the Nizhny City, Hanseatic Revel.

The XIII-XVI century was the most significant period in the development of the architecture of Tallinn. Tallinn Gothic was formed under the influence of the architecture of Gotland Island, the Nizhne Rhine Land, Westphalia, and in the future architecture of the cities of the Hanseatic Union and the Teutonic Order. An uniqueness of this style attached limestone, local building material.

By the XIV century, Tallinn castle turns into one of the most powerful fortresses of the Livonian Order. The layout of the lock, the rigor and simplicity of its architecture served as a sample for other fortress facilities of the region. The restructuring was escaped only by Western and northern outer walls, as well as three towers, including one of the symbols of Estonia - Long German.

In the XV century (late Gothic period) in the city, the town hall, the guild buildings, monastic buildings and residential buildings appeared in the city. This is an elongated facade with high tongs. Among the various in terms of buildings, houses were prevailed with two rooms - Diece and Dorn's. The diopa is spacious, in two floors, the room with a focus at the rear wall served mainly by the trading office, workshop. It was located for Dornse, a residential room with a canorrifer heating. The upper floors, basements and attics were used for warehouses.

Such residential buildings in their original form are preserved on Pikk Street (group "Three sisters", Pikk 71), on Lai Street ("Three Brothers", Lai 38, 40, 42) and in the old market ("Father and Son", Kuninga one).

The Old Town of Tallinn was listed as a UNESCO historical and cultural heritage as a well-preserved medieval city. It is unique not only for the Baltic Sea region, but also for the whole of Europe.

Samples of gothic architecture in Talinn:

1. Town Hall (XV century), Raekoja 1.

2. Doma Cathedral (XV century), toom-kooli 6.

3. Church of St. Nicholas (Nigulist) (1420), Niguliste 3.

4. Church of St. Olaf (Olowy) (XV century), Pikk 65 / LAI 50.

5. Church of the Holy Spirit (XV century), Pühavaimu 2.

6. The building of the Great Guild (1417), Pikk 17.

7. Building of the Hildhie of St. Olaf (1422), Pikk 24.

8. Complex of the buildings of the Dominican Monastery of St. Catherine (XIV-XV century), Vene 12/14.

9. Building of a new alpine (XVI century), Rüütli 7/9.

10. Equestrian mill (XIV-XVIII century), LAI 47.

11. The ruins of the monastery of Holy Brigitta (1417), Merivälja Tee 18.


The buildings of the Renaissance era to this day came a little. For example, the Blackhead Brotherhood House (1597) Pikk 26. The most vivid expression in Tallinn Renaissance found in the decor, especially in carved items and decorative paintings.


By the beginning of the XVII century, a new style - Baroque comes to Tallinn, or the Northern Baroque, which can be called Protestant. This very discreet style is characterized by rationality and simplicity.

In the XVIII century, the baroque is traced mainly in perestroika: since Peter I until the middle of the XVIII century throughout the Russian Empire, except St. Petersburg, stone construction was prohibited.

Pearl Baroque in Tallinn - "Old Palace", or Roosen's home (1670s, Pikk 28). The most monumental construction of this era in Tallinn - Kadriorgsky (Yekaterinenthal) Palace of architect Nikolo Mikktyi in the style of Italian baroque (1718, A. Weizenbergi 37). Another sample is the building of the residence of the Estland Governor and the provincial rule in the transition style Rococo with elements of early classicism (1773, Architect Johan Schulz, Lossi Plats 1). Stenbock house on Lai 17 (1685), which was owned by A. D. Menshikov for some time, is a sample of the Dutch baroque.

In the church of St. Nikolai (Nigulist) In the XVII century, the facade of the Northern River was decorated with sculptures, and at the very end of the same century Civer Tower was rebuilt in the Baroque style (Niguliste 3).


In the era of classicism (the end of the XVIII - the beginning of the XIX centuries) in the upper city was erected, and in the lower city the many buildings were rebuilt. During the restructuring, many medieval facades have found a fashionable look in classicism style. From the outside of the yard, Gothic often persisted.

Bright examples of classicism in Tallinn: Government House (about 1790, Rahukohtu 3), Rosen House (1830, Lai 5), Benkendorf House (1814, Kohtu 8), First Dome Building - Nikolskaya Church (1827, Vene 24).


By the middle of the XIX century, fashion appeared on historical styles and eclectics. The first samples of such architecture in Tallinn were the building of the Hildie of St. Knuta (1864, Pikk 20), built in the style of Tudor Gothic on the street. Pick, and the building of the Knight's Assembly (1848, Kiriku Plats 1). Alexander Nevsky Cathedral (1900, Lossi Plats 10) represents a sample of a pseudorous style. Reichman House (1909, Pikk 21/23) is an interesting sample of neo-mannerism style.

From the second half of the century history Center Tallinn varies dynamically. By the end of the century, the territory is actively built up between the area of \u200b\u200bthe virus and the Tynyismmy region: thus, there is a fire of the old city and a new center.

Due to the originality of the building material, the industrial architecture of the new era echoes the architecture of the Old Town: Warehouses and Factories of Rothermann (Rotermanni 8), a distillery plant Rosen (Mere PST 6).


In the 20th century, new trends contributed to the architecture of Tallinn spread in Europe Modern style. Especially "Northern Modern", formed under the influence of Finnish architecture.

During this period, famous Finnish architects, famous A. Lindgren, G. Hezelius and E. Saarinen worked in Tallinn. The last in 1913 amounted to the first general plan of the city, which provided for the movement shopping center beyond the old city.

Samples of the Architecture of the Northern Modern:

1. National Opera "Estonia" (1913) Estonia PST 4.

2. The building of the Estonian Drama Theater (1910) Pärnu MNT.5.

3. Sainen House (1912) Pärnu MNT 10.

4. Luther's work house (1905) Vana-Lõuna 37.

The second branch of Modern in Tallinn was an eclectic-decorative or so-called "Riga Yighdstil". It is more magnificent, it is distinguished by the broadest use of masks, ornaments. Bright samples of this style can be called the buildings of the architect J. Rosenbaum, for example, a house with dragons (1910, Pikk 18).

Architecture of the First Estonian Republic

At this time, there is a movement of the functions of the city center outside the historical core. A new Tallinn is formed - the capital of the Republic of Estonia.

The Tallinn architecture of the 30s of the XX century is a mixture of traditionalism, functionalism, art deco and northern classicism. It is very recognizable and solid, in particular, thanks to rectangular forms and colors: brown or gray, popular at that time anthracite plaster. At the end of the 30s, the finish of facades by dolomite panels or bridge limestone was distributed.

It was fucationalism in the 20th century that formed the style of the current appearance of the center of Tallinn, which can be called genuinely national.

With the architecture of the first Estonian Republic, you can get acquainted in the areas of Tõnismya and Pärnusy highway, as well as Raua Streets and the Police Park.

Signal style objects functionalism:

1. Art House (1934) Vabaduse Väljak 6.

2. Building of the Tallinn City Assembly (1935) Vabaduse Väljak 7.

3. Tallinn "Chilihaus" (1936) Roosikrantsi 23 / Pärnu MNT 36.

4. Parliament Building (Riigikogu) (1922) Lossi Plats 1a.

5. The building of the fire team (1939) RAUA 2.

6. Chapel of the Metsakalmist Cemetery (1937) Kloostrimetsa Tee 36.

7. Liil Cemetery Chapel (1935) Kalmistu Tee 34a.

This era brought two original styles to the architecture of Tallinn: "Stalin's classicism" of the 40s and 50s of the 20th century and the Soviet modernism of the 50-80s. The distinctive feature of the Soviet architecture of Tallinn in comparison with other union republics is its some "bourgeoisity", which is why Tallinn was a popular film discount, where "Western life" was filmed.

Architecture 1945-1961

After the war, the architects who did not emigrate and remained in Estonia, built in the style similar to the architecture of the pre-war period. In this style you can see the effect of Germany - high tiled roofs, familiar for the 30s gray or brown stucco.
1. Building of the Academy of Sciences (1958). Estonia PST 7 / Teatri Väljak 1.

2. Cinema "Sõprus" (1955). Vana-Posti 8.

But by the beginning of the 50s of the XX century, the international "Stalinist classicism" prevailed.

In the 50s, architects were sent to work, mainly from Leningrad to Tallinn to work or practice. They brought in the appearance of the city "Soviet" samples, idiologically sustained and better expressing Stalinist ideas in architecture, but representing standard copies.

1. "House with the Tower" (1954). Tartu MNT. 24.

2. House of Officers of Fleet (1954). Mere PST. five.

Of particular interest is the private development of the 50s in the 1960s in the areas of Maryamae, Pyrite, Nõma, which is not at all similar to what they were built in other republics of the Soviet Union.

Architecture of the 1960-1980s

In the 60s, at the very beginning of Khrushchev thaw, in the architecture of Tallinn, the period of stylistic experiments is planned. There are iconic objects that become symbols not only the city, but also the entire republic. At this time, despite the "iron curtain", the new fashion trends of the Architecture of Northern Europe and especially Finland penetrate into Estonia. The peculiarity of modernism is precisely in its internationality.

Modern Estonian architecture

Passing the era of block construction, characteristic of the 70s of the 20th century, and the Soviet modernism of the 90s, the Estonian architecture, which was considered the advanced and in the days of the USSR, by the end of the 1990s made a qualitative step forward.

New recent projects have become significant events that determine the appearance of the city. Lovers of modern architecture in Tallinn have something to see. The modern Estonian architecture reflects trends close to the Northern Europe region. Specific traits This style is functionality, rationality, application of modern materials, use in the architecture of energy-saving technologies and natural materials, especially wood.

A vivid example of modern architecture is the Kumu Art Museum (2006, Valge 1). In the desire to fit into the rocky landscape, it literally breaks out of the ground and very delicately shifts the accents of the historic quarter.

Against the background of modern buildings of Tallinn, several sacred structures are distinguished: a new monastery of St. Brigittes (2001, Merivälja Tee 18) is harmoniously entered into the surrounding space and adjoins with the ruins of the old monastery of the XV century, becoming its actual continuation. Tallinn Synagogue (2007, Karu 16) is an interesting solution where amazing interiors decorate a rather modest outwardly building.

Along with new projects, the reconstruction of old buildings is very active. The architecture of many of them is trying to save as much as possible.

In the old industrial quarter Rothermann (Rotermanni 8) today creates a new, conceptual complex: the old factory building is complemented by modern buildings, as a result, the quarter begins to play one of the central roles in the city ensemble.

In the building of the former power station opened the informative center "Energy" and the creative center "Culture boiler" (Põhja Puiestee 27a).

One of the last objects is the maritime museum located in the building of former hydraulic angles (1917). The construction itself is the wonderful and rare sample of the coin-type reinforced concrete facilities in Estonia and in the world (Vesilennuki 6).

And the Kingdom of Denmark won the territory of this Estonia, divided it and introduced Christianity of the Western rite. Estonia has no Romanesque architecture, and Gothic was formed under the influence of the Gothic of the Rhine School, the Tsistercian architecture of Prussia and the Scandinavian architecture (Gotland Island).

  • 1 Periodization
    • 1.1 Early Gothic: XIII - early XV century
      • 1.1.1 Castles
      • 1.1.2 Church
    • 1.2 Late Gothic: XV - Mid XVI centuries
      • 1.2.1 Tompea Castle
      • 1.2.2 Fortress Walls
      • 1.2.3 Residential buildings
      • 1.2.4 Town Hall
      • 1.2.5 Guild
      • 1.2.6 Tallinn church
    • 1.3 Renaissance: 1550-1630.
    • 1.4 Early Baroque: 1630-1730s.
    • 1.5 Later Baroque: 1710-1775-E.
    • 1.6 Classicism: 1745-1840.
    • 1.7 Historism: 1840-1900.
    • 1.8 Modern: 1900-1920.


Early Gothic: XIII - early XV century


Episcopal Convention Castle in Kuressaare Church in Ambl

Early gothic in Estonia is represented by four types of locks:

  • irregular (polygonal);
  • donjon castle;
  • regular locks of two types: Castel and Convert.

According to such types, ordinar castles were built. The classic example of the second type is the donjon castle in a parade of 1265 years.

Castles in Wiljandi XIII-XIV centuries. And the bishop castle of Kuressaare on the island of Saaremaa, which was built during the period from 1343 to the beginning of the XV century, are classical examples of the convention. From these castles, the Bishopsky Castle of Kuressaare was better preserved on the island of Saaremaa, the layout of which includes the square corner towers of the Sturvolt and a long hand, and also located around the perimeter of the coupper with the refectory, rest of the bishop, the Kapitule hall and Dormitoria.

The same type includes a castle-monastery of the Order of the Cistercians in the Padić, which was built from the second half of the XIV century to 1448 and has a less regular structure than other conversion.

Hermann Castle in Narva XIII-XV centuries originally belonged to the type of Castel, and later, at the beginning of the 15th century, was rebuilt into the convention.

In total, from the beginning of the XIII to the beginning of the XVI centuries, 46 stone castles were built on the territory of Estonia, of which 17 were orders, 12 - episcopal and 17 belonged to local feudals.


Gothic provincial churches in Ambula of the end of the XIII century and in Kuryra (1290) belong to one architectural type. They are three-throat, horses, with rectangular presbytery and a small tower along the axis of the western facade.

Samples of large Gothic temples are two brick basilica in Tartu: the city Dome Cathedral (XIII-XV century, has been preserved in ruins) and the John Church of the 1930 Year of Construction. The latter has a high tower on the main facade; Portal Vimpergi is decorated with a famous sculptural composition "Scary Court".

Castle Donta in Pide
Hermann Castle in Narva
Ruins of the Dome Cathedral in Tartu
John Church
Monastery Padic

Late Gothic: XV - Mid XVI centuries

Tompea Castle

The historical context of the development of architecture is determined by the Grunwald battle of 1410, in which the Teutonic Order was defeated, part of which was the Livonian Order, as well as the strengthening of the role of the Hanseatic Trade Union on this territory (Tallinn, Pärnu and Tartu were Hanseatic cities).

Tompea Castle

The city of Tallinn belonged to the Livonian Order from 1347. Since the XV century, the main dominant architectural complex of the city was the Order of Tompea's Tompea in Vyshgorod. It was a rebuilt ancient Danish castle, which was repeatedly repeatedly rebuilt. The basis of its structure is the type of convention, and its highest cylindrical tower is called a long german.

Fortress Walls

Part of the fortress wall and gate

The fortress walls and Town Tallinn are known since 1248, however, the oldest of the walls preserved to this day belong to the XIV century. Construction continued in the XV century, the reconstruction of the fortifications was completed in the 1520s. They have been very well preserved: at the end of the XVI century, 26 towers were erected, of which 18 were preserved. The walls had a height of up to 8 meters with a thickness of 2.85 meters. At the bottom of the inside of the wall there was a shallow arcade. The course of the XV-XVI centuries as the tower's artillery development was developed, we sat down in them on cannon. The highest is the Kik-In de Kyuk tower (38 m), the most massive - four-storey thick margarita in the complex of the sea gate. Similar stone fortifications had the city of Tartu, but they were demolished in the XVIII century.

Residential buildings

Medieval building of the Olde Hansa Restaurant

Tallinn residential buildings of the XV - the beginning of the XVI centuries belong to the tongsovoy type, when a narrow facade is coming to the street, topped with a plug-in double roof (Bishop House, Big Guild House, House "Three Sisters" of the first half of the XV century, house on Lay Street, 25 , other houses of the old city).

Town Hall

Tallinn Town Hall

The attraction of the civil architecture is the Town Hall in Tallinn 1404 of the construction with the stroke arcade of the first tier on the longitudinal facade and the high thin eight-marginal tower along the axis of the cause of the facade, topped with a triangular tongs. This is the only surviving Gothic Town Hall in Northern Europe.


Hyldly houses in Tallinn are known by their exquisite interiors (Gothic Hall of the Great Guild of 1410, Hall of the Olayev Guild 1424). The facades of the three Guilds of Tallinn are made skillful masters and deserve people's attention, especially since they are not far from each other: the buildings of the Great Guild and Olaf are made in the Gothic style, Knuda - in the pseudo-native English style of tyudors.

Torch Tallini

The Nikolskaya Church was built in 1827 in the style of classicism, which is unusual for the Orthodox Church, for a slightly modified project of the Petersburg architect of the Italian origin of Luigi Ruska.

Unusual in the spatial composition Church of the Holy Spirit of the XIV century. It is bindflaw, a cold type, with a tower on the cause of the facade and with a high tongs. The scheduled originally third nave was not built, because then one of the central streets of the city would be blocked.

Cistercian monastery. Initially, there was a chapel of St. Vyacheslav (Vitzlav), which was built in the memory of the battle of 1219 and was first used as the monastery church. After 1310, the monastery was included in the urban defensive system. The main monastery buildings were built no later than 1300 g. From the oldest premises of the Eastern and Northern Flygel, where the crusades are relying on the round poles (the only ones in Tallinn). The decoration of the capitals along with a stylized plant ornament is found naturalistic. Apparently, these captors of Gotland origin. The last third of the XIV century The chapel was expanded and rebuilt into a two-way, four-meter (Church of St. Michael) without independent choir. Outside, along its facade from the side of the courtyard, a crusade passed through counterphorts, partially two-story. Erker has been preserved, which joined the crusade with a balcony for nuns. The interior of the church 12-graded pillars support crusades.

The Church of St. Michael is built in three styles. The beginning of the XIII century it was a small chapel that belonged to the Order of Cistercian Nuns. Over time, the monastery of St. Capella rose around Capella Archangel Mikhail, and Capella was rebuilt into a spacious two-way church. The construction of the temple was completed by the XIV century. XVI in. With the arrival in Estonia, the temple became Lutheran, and during the Northern War (1700-1721) there was a garrison Swedish church. 1710 G. Revel was taken by the troops of Peter I, and in 1716 the temple was reailed to the Orthodox Cathedral of the Russian Garrison in Revel (Transfiguration Church). These historical events are reflected in the appearance of the Church: it is an eclectic style collection: a baroque tower (1776), round windows and a dome with a drum (1828-1832, architect I. D. Batnmann). The interior is of interest baroque iconostasis I. P. Zrudegin. The largest work with the external walls of the church was carried out in 1827-30, when the church received a view in the style of classicism.

The Church of St. Nicholas (Nigulist) was built in 1406-93. This is a threefold basil with a deambulator and a tower on the western facade.

Church of St. Olaf (Olevist) of the same time, 1400-50. This is a three-way basilica, has an average nave of 31 meters high and a tower with a 123.7 meter tower height. The church was the highest in the world from 1549 to 1625 with a mark of 158.4 m, but the fire of 1820 deprived the church of the record.

Dome Cathedral, Reconstruction of 1465 - short three-throat basilica with a polygonal apside and a massive Western Tower, Tompea. Inside the Western Wall, a small spiral staircase leads to a small royal chapel and above on a large royal balcony, exiting the church.

Dominicans Monastery in Tallinn the beginning of the 15th century - a large gothic complex with a coolest three-fruined temple and a clourter on Vienna Street; The structures are partially preserved: the capital, the gothic portals are preserved, the gothic portals are preserved. Refectors are converted into the XVIII century to Church of Peter and Paul.

Peter's Church and Paul on Vienna Street has a form of basilica and built in a classic style with two neo-neutic towers. The internal space is divided into three nefs.

The monastery of Holy Birgitty, 1417-36 - the three-throatful church in Pyrite, destroyed now, which had a high and massive forcepets roof (standing in ruins from 1577).

Alexander Nevsky Cathedral - the Orthodox five-chapted threepress contest on Tompea, designed for 1500 people, was built according to the model of the Moscow churches of the XVII century.

The Swedish Church of St. Michael (Tallinn) - the building on Ryutli Street, occupied by the Church, was built as a new alpine, and does not have a traditional orientation on the sides of the world, as well as the allocated altar part. After the Second World War here was a sportsshkin. 2002, the renovated and reconstructed building was consecrated again.

Church of St. John - Wooden Church of Holy John's Laddle. For the first time located near the city of Leprosoriths of St. John, that is, Yaanovskaya Laddle was mentioned in 1237. The riders in the Middle Ages called the shelter for patients, embankment and old people. The allests were built by churches, monasteries or communities. The Middle Ages in Tallinn was at least four allests: the Holy Spirit, the riddle at the gates on Nunne, Yaanovskaya Laddle and the so-called new alone on Ryutli street.

The Dome Cathedral

Renaissance: 1550-1630

Facade of the house of Chernogolov

Renaissance came to Estonia under the rule of Sweden. Renaissance and manherist influences were manifested only in small architectural forms and decorations that were decorated with quite gothic in composition and building structures. The only preserved building in this style is the Blackhead Brotherhood House in Tallinn (1597, restructuring a gothic building). Other - the most important (weight) - destroyed in 1944

Early Baroque: 1630-1730s.

Narva Town Hall

Early baroque is represented by few monuments, given the then decay of construction activities due to numerous wars in the region: the town hall in Narva 1671, the Tallinn gate in Pärnu of the late XVII century.

Later Baroque: 1710-1775-e.

As a result of the Northern War, the territory of Estonia has become part of the Russian Empire. The most outstanding attraction is the Palace-Park Ensemble Ekaterinenthal (Cadriorg), created in 1723 by order of the Russian emperor Peter I, Architect Nikcolo Micketty. Stylistics close to the then Petersburg architecture, quite restrained in the application of means of expressiveness, including decor. Another significant sample baroque - the residence of the Governor of the Estland province, built in 1773 on the site of the destroyed eastern wall of the Tompea Castle. The building with side risals, painted in pink, still attracts attention to beauty and nobility. Initially, the palace was built by a two-story, the third floor and the portico was attached in 1935.

Baroque architecture was also represented in the formal architecture of Estonia, for example, in 1797, the building of Moz Svyana was built by an unknown Italian architect.

The main building of the Palmes is also an excellent example of the Mood Baroque Architecture of Estonia.

Mazz Svyana

Classicism: 1745-1840.

Classic stylistics is presented mainly at the University city of Tartu and in Tallinn. The Town Hall in Tartu, built in 1789, still contains the echoes of the late baroque and the total composition somewhat resembles the Town Hall in Narva.

The large-scale monument of classicism is the University of Tartu, the main building of which was built in strict and monumental orders in 1803 on the project of the German architect I. Krause, who was at this university professor of economics, technology and civil architecture. The classic ensemble complements other university buildings, among which the most significant is an anatomical theater.

Examples of classicism in Tallinn: Pontus House of Stenbock, Palace Caulbars-Benkendorf on Tompea.

In Tallinn, the belt of bastion fortifications around the old city was eliminated, a park ring was created instead. Characterized phenomenon have become suburban manor houses of order architecture. For example, Saku, Mazz Riisiper, Mazz Kern, Mazz Kirn, Mazz Kolga, Maza Riikkul, Mazz Udrika, Miza Aasper, Hyda Miza, Miza Purg, Mazz, Miza Wow, Mazz Mass, Hearglag, Mise Lihula, Mesa Kasti, Mazz Timigi, Mazz Pucuste, Mazz Kurisoo, Mazz Tori, Miz Orina, Mazzhatta, Music Music.

Tartu University
Maza Aasper
Mazz Kirn.

Historism: 1840-1900.

Church of Kaarily Church of Kaarily

The dominant direction of historicism in the architecture of Estonia is neojeta, a model of Karil's Church in Tallinn (1870, Arch. A. Hippius). Ungern-Sternberg Palace (1865, Arch. Roppiiius), inspired by the Florentine Palazzo Strozzi, also supplemented with neo-neutic trumpet turrets and made of bricks, produces a very lively impression and remains in memory. The facade of the Helf Cant Guild Building is built in the English style of Tudor (English pseudochika). An example of a non-source can serve as the building of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry on Tomololi Street.

Modern: 1900-1920

Modern Estonia refers to the so-called Northern Modern. Tallinn was formed under the influence of St. Petersburg, Finland and Riga. Close to rational modern, however, with the motives of national-romantic stylization. This stylization has solved profits in Tallinn, Tartu, Pärnu, as well as the villas of that time.

The most public buildings include the Tallinn Theater "Estonia" (now National Opera) 1910-1913 (Architect A. Lindgren) and German Theater (now Estonian Drama Theater) of 1910 (St. Petersburg architects A. F. Bubyr and N. V. Vasilyev) ; Theater "Endla" in Parnu 1911 (architects of Hellat and E. Wolfeldt); The building of the student society in Tartu 1902.

St. Paul's church in Tartu designed and built in 1915-17 the famous Finnish architect Eliel Saharinen (father of an even more famous American architect of the middle of the twentieth century, Eero Salarin). Salarin-Sr. Designed a lot for Tallinn, in particular, in 1913 he won the competition for the creation of the general plan of the city.

The Architecture of the Modern Epoch has become the basis for the development of Estonian architecture during the 1920-40s and today in many ways forms the originality major cities Estonia.

architecture Estonia Map.

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