Scotland. Between Glasgow and Edinburgh What city is older Edinburgh or Glasgow

Glasgow caused me two impressions. On the one hand, a bunch of Arabs / Pakistanis, who were quite tightly settled. Almost all of them dress up on the national way. On the other hand, architecture, museum and other remarks. But in Edinburgh mostly white, the European population. Why is that? I do not know ... but walking on the neutcentral streets of Glasgow Neuly. In Glasgow there is a stunning Museum of Makintosh. Luxury Modern! At the same time, the Museum is the art school Makintosh. The fantastic museum of cars is opened there. It contains incredible machines, motorcycles and even locomotives. Entrance - 4 pounds. The Museums of Contemporary Art in Glasgow and Edinburgh can not speak. Edinburgh-
pearl, beautiful city, Royal Residence. There are many museums, galleries. In Edinburgh, the famous picture of El Salvador Dali was put up. I walked on the spring city. Contrary to the stereotypical opinion that in England all the time fogs, the sun was brightly shone, there was a blue sky, a cherry blossomed, the hill was carried by a drilling fragrance. When I asked how surprisingly smells, accompanying answered: "Beer is boiled! You, Seryozha, not in the museum, it is necessary, and in the pub wrap! ". So we did, drank a stunning beer. Imagine, in the tiny Edinburgh, more than 300 small brewers, which boil luxurious beer.

Distance between Edinburgh and Glasgow about 75 km. All this way to overcome in just an hour, which can be devoted to the contemplation of beauties floating outside the window, the benefit of the comfort of trains only has to relax and just enjoy the road.

For traveling around the country, it is best to choose a train, because you should not forget that nature here deserves separate attention, and the attractions of Scotland are concentrated not only in her capital.

Train Edinburgh - Glasgow

Every 15-20 minutes from the Edinburgh railway station Waverly, the train company FIRST SCOTRAIL depart, the cost of a one-end ticket starts from 8.80 pounds (in advance), common price - from 13.90 pounds. You can purchase a ticket that has been acting all day if you cannot accurately navigate the plans, its price is slightly higher than usual. There are 1 class tickets - 21.20 pounds. Trains arrive on Glasgow Queen Street.

This area also serves Virgin Trains. It is worth noting that the prices for their tickets may differ.

You can buy a train ticket at a Russian-speaking site, which specializes in European railway areas, as well as through the search for transport tickets around the world.

Bus Edinburgh - Glasgow

Do not give way to comfort and speed and bus service. For example, Megabus offers its customers a ticketing tickets from 1 pound (in one direction - a limited number of tickets for shares), regular price - 11.60 pound. The intervals between flights do not exceed 30 minutes. Time on the way about 1.5 hours.

The route has flights and the carrier National Express, the ticket price starts from 9.49 pounds. Scottish CityLink requests from 7-11 pounds one way, sending off its buses at intervals of 20-30 minutes.

Compare all the variants of moving between cities at cost and time in the way can be through.

Taxi, transfer from Edinburgh to Glasgow

The transfer order is primarily convenient for those who need to quickly get from the airport. All taxi options from Edinburgh in Glasgow with prices from Kiwitaxi:

Search for transfers

Show transfer

From Where to Cost
Edinburgh Airport Glasgow from 8003 p. show
Edinburgh Glasgow from 8003 p. show
Edinburgh Airport from 8003 p. show
Edinburgh Airport PRESTWICK AIRPORT. from 10771 p. show
Edinburgh PRESTWICK AIRPORT. from 12192 p. show
From Where to Cost
Glasgow Edinburgh from 8003 p. show
Main Train Station Edinburgh Airport from 8003 p. show
Glasgow Edinburgh Airport from 8003 p. show
PRESTWICK AIRPORT. Edinburgh Airport from 10771 p. show
PRESTWICK AIRPORT. Edinburgh from 12192 p. show

Edinburgh - Glasgow on the car

Distance from Edinburgh to Glasgow by car - 75 km.

Description of the Route Edinburgh - Glasgow

Length of the route between Edinburgh and Glasgow: 75km

Approximate travel time: 1h 3m show description Route

Rent a car in Edinburgh

For traveling through the UK, it will be convenient to immediately take a rental car in Edinburgh. All options with prices:

Regular flights between two cities perform several airlines at once. The fart-cost flights offers Flybe with transfer to Birmingham or Belfast. Airfare - from 119 pounds. You can find flights with transfers and other air carriers.

Schedule Edinburgh - Glasgow

You can choose suitable tickets for the desired dates.

Unified search for OMIO tickets

OMIO service allows you to compare all available options. public transport By cost and time on the way. Here you will find tickets for trains, intercity buses, airplanes at the selected direction. Thanks to the convenient search, it will be possible to choose the best offer.

traveling around Scotland

Kilt, clans, whiskey, cheese, turns, castles - these are the words that come to mind when it comes to Scotland. Few, for most Scotland, it remains mysterious, distant and unknown. And in the meantime, it has a very close acquaintance.

Some are visiting Edinburgh or Glasgow in the case and at the same time inspecting several of the most famous sights. You can still in Moscow to buy a special tour of Scotland castles or Edinburgh with accommodation in beautiful hotels. But if you want to really understand what Scotland is, it is best to ride it yourself. Go on a journey.

Traveling is not in a straight line, but a zigzag and a steep way, scoreing the main points (like, for example, royal Castle Sterling), but allowing yourself to deviate from the main route. Move from one town to another, spending the night in roadside hotels, dining in small pubs. And then it turns out that all the stories about the Scots are hearing in childhood - pure truth, only in fact everything is much more interesting.

Going to the way better after all of the Glasgow. This is the largest city in Scotland, but there is no sense for a long time: it is rather grim and not very interesting. Translated from the Scottish "Glasgow" - "expensive green place." The city is really pretty expensive and green. Interesting houses built by architect Charles Renny Makintoshov, the British Arian Arch and Modern, such as the Art School Building. And inspected the medieval cathedral of St. Mungo and the wonderful art gallery of Glasgow (one of the best in Europe), you can rent a car with a calm conscience and go to seek adventures in rural Scotland.

The first thing that shakes there is a sense of peace and inner harmony: green hills and mountains (higher than in England), huge lakes, small towns and villages. Those who taught English at school know from country studies that lakes here are called Loch, valleys - Glen, and Mountains - Ben. Before famous mountain Ben-Nevis, the highest in England, it is rather difficult, but it can be seen from afar. From the lakes that stand in the frame of local legends and believes, are good literally everything, including famous Loch Lomond (most big Lake Scotland) and more distant Loch Ness (where, as you know, lives the legendary monster) - it is necessary to go through the same grampian mountains. Some lakes are combined with ingenious pipe systems left from Romans. By the way, regardless of the season, it will be much cooler here than in the city.

Living around is full, wild and homely: large birds fly out from under the feet, local shaggy brown cows graze in the meadows, terribly friendly, and wild pony fall on the roads. In the lakes and mountain rivers there are trout and salmon, which in smoked form in local eaters offer to taste together with local whiskey.

About whiskey, however, it is worth talking. Because literally every two or three miles you will come across the so-called distillers, or distilts, - buildings with sharp roofs, where they do and taste whiskey.

Scots, unlike Americans, call their drink whisky, without "e" (Wed Amer. Whiskey), and still "Scotch". The adjective "Scottish" in relation to any other subjects sounds like Scottish. In addition to whiskey, it is necessary to drink a local beer, a completely wonderful, called El, a hundred times better than English and also in every brewery of your own. Food in Scotland without delight, delicious and nutritious. It is worth trying real Haggis - stuffed with a sheep or ram stomach. In fact, this is a New Year's delicacy (the celebration of the Scottish New Year, or HogMonay, is a special topic), but for tourists it is prepared all year round.

The Scots is much closer to the Russians than the British, and it is immediately felt. About the inhabitants of Glasgow, for example, they say this: having met one of them in a pub, you never know whether he will be your open friend or immediately give you to the eye. Mysterious Scottish soul. In general, locals, especially in small towns, friendly, open, friendly and vividly interested in the world outside the British Isles.

Each of the cities and towns of Scotland, in which you decide to drive along the way (or having gotten up from the way), something is so famous: all the same whiskey is boiled in Perth; In Melrow (closer to Edinburgh), the ruins of the most ancient Gothic abbey are the ruins, to the restoration of which the Holter Scott Himself attached hand; In Eyre (closer to Glasgow), "Rassed" the hero of Berns ballads, the wrong husband Tom Oswier (for what the "City of Eir seemed to him much higher than all capitals on the beauty of his girls"). In general, there is an impression in Scotland that where neither spit on the place where Scott was once Scott, Burns, well, or, at worst, a character that Shakespeare wrote, and even in historical placeassociated with the heroic struggle of Scots with the British. In Montraza, the place of the Scottov Roman "Legend of Montronosa", in Perth - naturally, "Perth Beauty", and under the city of Inverness (this is north, very close to Loch Ness) is the castle of Lady Macbeth - Kondor. Castles in Scotland in general a pond of a pride - for every taste. If you are interested in the history of Scotland, it is especially worth visiting the Sterling Castle, the majestic residence of the Stuarts dynasty, proudly standing on the rock. Here you can buy and decipher with the colors and names of the Scottish clans. In Sterling, you should go to the cemetery, look at the gravestone monuments.

From sterling hand to Edinburgh.

It would be nice to visit the port town of Beric-on-tweet, which is in Northumberland. He is mainly the fact that, being on the border of England and Scotland, constantly moved from hand to hand, so his freedom-loving residents did not recognize nor English or Scottish laws. Berick became the city-symbol for the opposing parties, and the title of the English king after the listing of his large possessions ended with the words: "... and the king of Berica-on-Twide." In 1856 - when entering the world between Russia and England at the end of the Crimean War - the English official forgot to mention the city of Berick in the title of king, so that before a recently, he, the only one of the English (Scottish?) Cities, officially remained in a state of war with Russia . But it is so, in the form of curvage.

About Edinburgh you can write a lot and in detail, mentioned castle on a rock, royal mile, 16,000 historical buildings, Edinburgh festivals, bohemian life, etc. The story is not separated here from the present, but smoothly intertwined with him - just look at the feet. I personally remember the "Freedom IS A Noble Thing" on the stone, "Freedom Is A Noble Thing" ("Freedom is a noble word") of some famous Scots of the XIII century.

Victoria Musvik

Scotland manitis with its mysticism, beautiful nature, rich traditions, original and delicious cuisine. Each region of the country has something to surprise and interest the tourist. Of the variety of its cultural and historical heritage itself popular Moz Among visitors and the business card of the region is the Edinburgh Castle. He fascinates with his mystery, monumentality and mystical beauty.

On the right one of the most exquisite alcoholic beverages on the planet is considered whiskey. It is harmoniously combined with the fortress and unsurpassed fragrance, but few people understand it in its varieties and quality. It is difficult to find the best place To deepen your knowledge and tasting of this wonderful drink than the Scottish Heritage Center whiskey. Everyone who gets there receives a lot of positive impressions, begins to appreciate whiskey, even if before that was not his fan.

Sterling city, which occupies one of the first places from the list of the oldest cities of Scotland, is saturated with an incredible atmosphere of long-time. Ancient locks that have seen not one generation of royal families, beautiful streets with their unique flavor and dilapidated buildings that store the millennial history, sit in this place tourists from all over the world.

Any tourist visiting the city of Glasgow is the largest city of Great Britain, just obliged to visit the art gallery and a museum called Kelvingrove.


  • Publication date: 15.05.2014

Scotland: Kilt, Magnia and Independence

Majestic and mysterious Scotland. This British state occupies the entire Northern part of the UK. Many years ago it was just one of the English colonies and the most violent opponent of the British crown. English history often silent all the brutal crimes, which were committed only to break the will of the Scots and subjugate their own. This resistance is brightly described in the famous film "Brave Heart" with the participation of the inimitable Mel Gibson.

Scotland: Historical Help

Scots are an amazing people. Well, who would like to get in the skirts of men and women in the same way? Nevertheless, once these skirts, and more correctly say - kilts, as the Scots themselves are called, were used for military purposes. When the British were in heavy chain chains and covered with the plaiders, the soldiers of the Scottish kingdom had an advantage in speed and mobility, because their foot movement did not prevent anything and this gave the opportunity to spend practically lightning attacks and retreats, and local thickets of forests were covered with massive enemy attacks. . Now, of course, this fashion has been preserved only in theatrical and musical performances and productions. But to this day, on the streets of Scottish cities you can meet a man in Kilt, going to work or to a meeting. It only proves that Kilt has long been credited to the category of National Clothing of Scotland.

What is the music? Traditional Scottish tools are not so much. Basically, they all have English and European roots since the times, when Rome had even reigned. And the real property of Scotland in the field of manufacturing tools is considered a boil. Despite the fact that this tool is in the history of almost every European people, everyone knows the Volyn as an original Scottish musical instrument. This is no wonder. When the British and Europeans went to battle under the sounds of a combat horns, the Scots attacked for the sounds of the bagpipes. This not only raised the fighting spirit of the fighters, but at first completely knocked off the enemy.

Thanks to the courage of their soldiers and wisdom, the Scots stopped the British and walked freedom for themselves. And let them still be considered to be the British kingdom, but now Scotland has the most open autonomy in the world. They have both their parliament and even the arch of their rights, as well as a state church separate from England.

Administrative division of Scotland

Modern Scotland is divided into 8 regions and thirty-two areas. Capital of the country, the time of centuries is the city of Edinburgh. Regions rule municipal councils who are subject to parliament. They also manage all local services such as firefighters, medicine and education and law enforcement. Parliament in turn solves global problems and conducts foreign policy. Parliament members are subject to the Chief Minister who serves as president.

Officially, the state language is missing here. All state documents are conducted in English. It speaks most of the population. You can also often hear Scottish and English-Scottish languages.

Religious beliefs of Scotland

The Scottish Church is absolutely independent of the state. This was reached at the end of the nineteenth century by the union of the two Presbyterian churches in one. It must be said that in Scotland a relatively small percentage of believers who regularly attend the church (only 42%). Very often, here you can meet atheists and adherents of other religions, such as Judaism and Catholicism. However, they are quite a bit - the bulk of such people is observed in the north of the state and on the islands.

Church of Scotland actively takes part in the life of the country and its parishioners. The head of the Church is the bishop, which collects the General Assembly from the elders of the Church, which solve global issues and represent the church in government bodies. The parishioners take priests in the temples, where other religious ceremonies are carried out.

Climate Scotland

Golfustim warm streams give Scotland soft climatic conditions with plenty of precipitation. This generous gift of nature contributes to an incredible variety of animals and plants. The air temperature in winter here is rarely falling below zero degrees even in the northernmost regions of the country, and in the summer, the scale on the thermometer holds at 20-25 degrees. The lack of permanent heat makes this land evergreen and blooming.

It is not surprising that cattle breeding and farming in Scotland is one of the main classes in the provinces. The pride of Scotland is purebred horses that are grown on green fertile meadows. They are valued not only in the country, but also around the world in sports and in the economy.

Just like in the southern part of the peninsula, in Scotland, the weather is very volatile and in one day the solar sky can change the frown rain clouds, and the coast of the northern regions is often subject to storm. If you never want to walk with an umbrella, I don't want to rain, you can always find a bar or pub, where you can wait for it and raise yourself with delicious drinks - the best opportunity to try the famous Scottish whiskey. Especially since the rain can end up as suddenly, as it began.

How to get to the Luga Scotland

To travel to amazing Scotland, you must place a visa in one of the numerous visa centers. First you need to apply in English to the British Embassy and hand over a visa collection of $ 129. If the language barrier is too strong, you can use the services of travel agencies. After filling out the questionnaire and collect all the necessary documents, they should also be translated into english. This procedure can be made on the spot, right in the British Embassy. Also before designing a visa, it is necessary to have a passport, decorated for more than 6 months.

Journey to Scotland is not cheap. Even despite the cost of registration of a visa and related documents, for a trip to one direction. Get ready to spend at least 500 dollars. All because there are no direct flights to this state from Russia. From the capital of Edinburgh, most often get through London or Amsterdam Airlines by British Airways and Lufthansa. From the capital of England to Edinburgh, without problems, you can drive around four and a half hours by train.

Scotland public transport is represented by buses and taxis. Bus routes are very diverse and popular with most citizens of the country. The cost of the city around the city is approximately 1-2 pounds. Taxi cost is somewhat more expensive. Here they are also represented by black cabins, which are popular in England. The cost is calculated depending on the distance that needs to be overcome. If the speed of movement is important, you can safely use this type of transport.

The metro lines are present only in the city of Glasgow. They connect several stations that are considered to be the third time of their creation. And ferry crossings are laid on the northern islands. In all cities, the railway message is perfectly organized. Tickets for trains are sold at the station at the box office of any of the cities. There is an opportunity to purchase ticketthat will significantly save if you want to see all the corners of the state. These are the most popular railway messages in Scotland:

· Edinburgh-Glasgow - Trains are departed every twenty-minute, travel time is about an hour, and the fare price from 13 to 22 pounds, depending on the time of day.

· Edinburgh London - hourly, time on the road - four and a half hours, the price of a ticket varies from fifteen to one hundred and twenty euros.

· Edinburgh-Aberdeen - goes every hour, the road takes a little more than two hours, the cost of the ticket is equal to forty pounds.

· Glasgow-London - four trains leave for the day, so the schedule must be clarified on the spot, each trip takes about five hours, the cost for a ticket from 17-107 pounds.

· Glasgow-Oban - Trains depart every four hours, and for three hours reach their goal, the fare of thirty pounds.

· Glasgow-Stirling - Trains on this route are sent every half hour, time on the way for about an hour, the price of the ticket is eight pounds.

Major administrative centers of Scotland

1. Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland

Since ancient times, the capital of Scotland is the Great and Unique Edinburgh. This city is impregnated by the history and spirit of freedom. Like many english citiesThis Scottish giant is divided into several districts, each of which is different. For example, the area called Town accommodates the old quarters of the city, where most of the attractions and old buildings are concentrated on the famous Royal Mile. Interestingly, the city is so old that the buildings of the eighteenth century here are considered new.

Edinburgh decorates her unsurpassed view of the south eastern coast Scotland at the Bay of Fort-Fort. And the city itself has grown around the ancient castle fortress, which gave the name to this city. Now this castle is located in the city center and is its attraction.

Modern Edinburgh is an economic, cultural and educational center of Scotland. The University of Edinburgh is the best not only in the country, but also recognized among the best educational institutions of Great Britain. The culture of the city is not one museum and several world-class art galleries, and the tourist infrastructure is simply at the height.

2. Unsurpassed Glasgow

The largest population in Scotland is the magnificent city of Glasgow. Its popular for him, probably only Edinburgh and then because the capital. But despite this, Glasgow is little inferior to the Scottish administrative center. The city is located in the central part of the country and practically through the whole Glasgow flows the Klade River.

The founding of the city in different sources is attributed to the Saint MunGo, which built the church off the river coast. In his honor, on the site of the old monastery was erected Saint Mongo Cathedralwho takes parishioners and now. The symbols of four wonders created by the saints can be seen on monuments, bridges and even lampposts.

The biggest influx of the population in the city was at the end of the nineteenth - the beginning of the twentieth century, when workers immigrants from Ireland came here in search of earnings. In the nineties of the last century, Glasgow was recognized as the cultural capital of Europe, and in 2003 he received the title of sports capital of Europe. All this thanks to the successful introduction of political programs by the government, which gave a tremendous result. Now this is a thriving rich city with his long history, which is certainly cost to know.

3. Aberdeen - Port City

If you come to Aberdeen in rainy weather, the city will not cause absolutely no delight. Granite houses Aberdeen become so gray that it is difficult to distinguish between the horizon line and the roof of the houses. Everything merges into one gray mass. But Sunny Aberdeen is very beautiful and born. The brilliance of its granite streets is overflowed by all the colors of the rainbow.

Aberdeen is a developing port city in the north of Scotland. It is the third largest and number of population. The city is on the shore, but it is possible to swim here only in a short period of summer period, when the temperature warms up to comfortable twenty degrees and if bathing in cold water is a standard procedure. But here is the largest Scottish port, which specializes in fishing. Profit from this industry constantly replenishes the city budget.

The city is located between the mouths of two rivers Di and Don and is divided into two districts - old and new. Areas are connected by a canal that runs almost through the entire city. It is believed that the city was built on the site of the former Roman colony Devan. Where the Romans once overtook the decline, the Scots flourish now.

The infrastructure of the city is also at the height. The main street of the city is Union Street - a little more than a kilometer. Here you will find a different kind of snack bars, and pubs with unsurpassed beer, and, of course, huge shopping centersWhere there are all sorts of shops, boutiques and entertainment events. There are many unique buildings and attractions in the city. To whom, for example, does not want to go to the Aberdeen Art Gallery or Satrosphere Science Center Science Center, where scientific facts are collected from around the world and are presented in the form of exhibitions and expositions. Aberdeen is superbly suitable for dating Scottish culture and science.

4. Mysterious Inverness

Inverness is located in the north of Scotland and is hardly the only city in this area. No, there are enough settlements here, but all of them are not developed enough to wear a diploma of the city, which is awarded to the Scottish government. Inverness is the only one localitywho bothered this honor.

Fisheries flourishes in Inverness. Here is equipped for this quite large port. Also, the city is known for its success in the heavy industry, for which he received the fame of the industrial center of Scotland. All areas of the city are located around the port at the mouth of the Nessa River, thanks to which he got his name. This is one of the few cities in Scotland, where there is a covered market, which is located in the old area of \u200b\u200bthe city. You can buy a lot of things here, but the main products are all kinds of fish.

In the vicinity of Inverness, it produces products from cheese, boiled beer and wedge. Therefore, it is necessary to visit the local restaurants or taste the live beer in the paps of the city. Here everything is always fresh and incredibly tasty. From local attractions most highlighted most high building - Cathedral of St. Andrew. You can still visit the ancient castle of Inverness, who once belonged to the king of pict.

But popular city It became not because of the old castles or cathedrals. The main peak of its popularity was during the common information about the allegedly living at the bottom of Lake Loch-Ness monster. Disputes on this issue do not subside and still, because the age of the lake itself is simply incredible. His appearance is attributed to the glacial period.

Even just here is a real adventure in time. The lake is so muddy that it is almost impossible to get to its bottom, even using modern technique. It is hard to say for sure who distributed information about the monster and whether it was drunk passerby or simply a marketing move - is also unknown. But the effect exceeded all expectations. The flow of tourists in these edges increased several times. So forward may be able to find out this mystical mystery.

5. Crumb Sterling

Not always the size means superiority. This perfectly proves the existence of such a beautiful city like Sterling. This is the smallest of the Scottish cities, but the beauty and greatness competes even with Edinburgh. The population of Sterling is a little more than thirty thousand inhabitants. It used to be more, but the youth seek to the capital and nearby major cities - to Glasgow or Edinburgh, just a ride.

The city is so ancient that its origin began in the Stone Age. At the same time, it is not known why and by whom the city was so named. Modern historians and are now discussing on this issue, and local residents tell different bikes, each time adding all new and even sometimes very fantastic details. However, this does not interfere with the prosperity of the city, which was sometime even royal. There is even a medieval castle, named after the city. He was an excellent defensive structure and part-time performed the role of the royal residence. Interestingly, this fortress is located right on the long volcano.

What can be done in Sterling? The answer is simple - anything. There is an opportunity to explore Sterling Castle and see from its walls, how to graze cows on extensive meadows around him. Walking through the historic part of the city, a different shops and cafes are successfully combined. On the outskirts of the city there is a great place for amateur archaeologists - the ancient ruins of the abbey of Camboken. Alternatively, you can safely walk along the magnificent streets of the city and enjoy the Scottish culture and art, while looking at the local restaurants or pubs to get acquainted even closer to the hospitality and the good nature of the Scottish.

6. Dandy - well, almost crocodile

Aubertina neighbor on the east coast of Scotland is an interesting and colorful city of Dundee. The city is washed by the waters of the Bay of Fort-Tay. The city is known for its shipbuilding shipyards. At one of these, the famous Discovery ship was built for Robert Scott, who made the first expedition to Antarctic on it. Now this vessel is on anchor, moored to the embankment, is a monument to the courage of the Scott team.

Probably, the Scots is tradition - to build on extluous volcanoes. After all, Dundee is located just on this. The city has developed due to its tireless kitobov. At that time, no one defended the whales and they were relatively easy prey, for which millions of pounds took place. Following this, factories for the production of cotton and wool appeared, and later the ships began to build in the city. Unfortunately, shipbuilding enterprises in Dundee did not stand the competition of Europe and the West, so now they are closed forever.

Now the city is popular with tourists thanks to a large number of medieval castles, cathedrals and natural parks. It is also a great place to explore the culture and science of Scotland. It will be interesting to go to the Sensaishen Science Center and look at one of the numerous interactive exhibitions or visit one of the many museums and art galleries of the city. In any case, you can go to some restaurant or cafe and try one of the local desserts with a jam from the berries grown in the vicinity of Dundee.

7. Orkney islands - dangerous and distant

Orkney Islands is the most distant part of Scotland. This archipelago is located in the north of the country and includes thirty islands, only seventeen of which are settled.

They are washed North MorceAnd from Scotland they are separated by the Strait of the Pentland Fest. Some of these islands are plains that abruptly break into the sea with cliffs sometimes up to three hundred meters.

More suitable island settled. The largest of them is Mainland, which is an administrative center. At its expanses, the largest (over island standards) of Kerkolel and Stromnes are located. The ancient ruins in many islands prove the existence of people here even during Neolith. Their stone dwellings are well preserved and accessible to Furnishing.

The weather on the islands is cold and windy, but Golf Stream contributes to a soft climate. It does not allow the temperature to fall below 4 degrees above zero, and in a warmer period rises to twelve. The proximity of the North is felt in the time change. In the summer, there is already a light of 3 o'clock in the morning, and it starts to darken only at 10 pm. This time is more than enough to adopt the stunning nature of the islands and phenomenal landscapes that are found only here.

Cuisine Scotland

Scottish cuisine is rich in interesting and delicious dishes. Many delicacies that are accepted in elite restaurants are borrowed from other peoples. Basically, the British and French. Scotland national dishes are designed for a simple worker or farmer. They are available to everyone, and in this of their unspecified charm.

Scottish recipes were transmitted from the family in a family of many centuries, so they retained their uniqueness and originality. And the variety of products is very large here - from all kinds of fish to lamb and vegetables grown on farms. Even berries are specially grown to prepare a very tasty jam.

The meat dish, which he deserved in Scotland the title of "national" is undoubtedly called Haggis. Traditionally, Haggis (Haggis) is preparing on January 25 on the birthday of the Scottish poet Robert Burns, who wrote a whole ODE in honor of this dish. At first glance, Haggis may not seem very attractive. The fact is that these are lamb rubbing, cooked in sheep stomach. Despite the terrible look, Haggis many praise. It is served mainly with a potato mashed potatoes or puree from the turnip. Scottish tradition is considered to pour a little whiskey to him before the meal. Such a seasoning adds an exclusive taste.

Scots adore soups. And they make them from what falls at hand. Such soup mixes are very tasty and always remain unique. Many books and magazines have been published from soup recipes. Second dishes in the cities of Scotland, as a rule, are necessarily served with meat or fish. Scottish goulash is especially valued on open fire with stewed vegetables or croups. Oatmeal prefers from cruks here, but others use. Interestingly, only in Scotland, the meat can put out in beer. This dish can be ordered almost everywhere. And in the pubs there are all varieties of smoked meat and fish.

As in England, they used to drink tea after the meal. But tea drinking is radically different. Instead of a small cup of tea with milk in a cafe, it can be offered almost a half-liter circle, and candy, cookies and different sweet pancakes will bring it to it. At home, we begin to make it almost before bedtime, and not at five o'clock, as the British are used. From desserts, Krannahan is most popular - fried oatmeal with the addition of berries and honey decorated with whipped cream. From alcoholic beverages, the pride of Scotland is whiskey, and the drinks are softer represent the varieties of beer and ale.

Where to stay in Scotland

IN major cities Scotland has many beautiful hotels that are always happy to take guests. Despite the influx of tourists in the summer period, the place for yourself can always be found. But still, by booking the hotel in advance, you can avoid many problems with settlement. Find budget options will not be difficult. Hostels are mostly present in the city, and guest Houses There are outdoors. If you are planning to travel around Scotland, you can always ask for the night from some farmer. For a reasonable fee, he will rent a free room if there is something. But it should be remembered that Scotland is very dear country And it will be necessary to pay in pounds, so the budget is hard to call it hard.

· Interestingly, the symbol of Scotland among animals is the mythical unicorn.

· The shortest flight is between the two islands of the Orkney archipelago. From the moment of take-off from one island to the landing on another, only one and a half minutes passes. However, it is very popular as among local residentsand tourists.

· Around Scotland there are more seven hundreds of the islands, of which only a little more than a hundred are populated.

· Scotland has a huge stock of freshwater, which is concentrated in the lakes. The biggest one is lake Loch Ness.

· The capital of Scotland Edinburgh is the first city in the world where the service of firefighters appeared.

· One of the oldest trees grows in the central part of Scotland. This is an ordinary tees whose age is more than three thousand years and at the same time he continues to grow. He is located in the village of Fretaler. Now the tourists come here to look at such a miracle, and the tree is under the protection and departure of the Scots.

· Scottled were two first Minister of Canada.

· Asphalt and pneumatic tires came up with the Scots.

· National Symbols of Scotland (such as Volyanka, Kilt and Tartar) are actually borrowed from other nations.

· In Scotland the most a large number of Red-haired people - about thirteen percent of the total population.

· Scots argue that the real taste of whiskey cannot be sensible, without having been in the Scottish mountains and no feeling of their unique spirit.

· On the Scottish beliefs, contrary to all the rest it is believed that the black cat has suffered the road to bring good luck, and if this cracker is noticed at the threshold of a house of some family, then their whole life is waiting for prosperity and happiness.

· The ancestor of the poet Mikhail Lermontov was a soldier of Scotland, who entered the service in the royal army of Russia.

· The world's first international football match was held in Glasgow, where teams of England and Scotland played.

Pipes, whiskey and the Loch-Nesky monster - such a knowledge of Scotland around the world. Is it so? Not. Scotland is much cooler!

Great Britain Most people associate only with England, writing off the other parts of the United Kingdom. Scotland is the most colorful and beautiful area in the north of Great Britain. Pipes, men in skirts, drinking El or whiskey; Lakes covered with dense fog, in one of whom the Loch Neskie monster was hidden. We checked all this on the example of the two largest cities of the country - Edinburgh and Glasgow.


Edinburgh falls in love with the first seconds and remains in the heart forever. The first word that comes to mind looking at the capital of Scotland, "coloring". Here, he manifests itself in everything: the sounds of the boils are coming off everywhere, the weather changes every five minutes, and the medieval architecture amazing imagination.

Royal Mile

Edinburgh, like many old towns, gathered almost all attractions in the city center. Therefore, to start the inspection of the capital of Scotland stands with Royal Mile - The main street of the city. It is called so, because the Scottish monarchs passed here exactly mile to the Cathedral to the service. Total mile, but how much beautiful around! Most buildings in the center of Edinburgh have been preserved since the reasons of the city. Therefore, walking along the royal mile, sometimes you forget that in the yard of the XXI century.

That neither the building is here, then the masterpiece of architectural art, and almost with each of them some of them is connected. John Knox House, St. Giles Cathedral, Walter Scott Monument - not to list. But the Edinburgh Castle is allocated among them - the most important attraction of Scotland. It is standing on the castle grief, but it is not just a mountain, but a volcano, which is wounded by many thousands of years ago. The history of the castle is very fascinating: during its existence, he managed to visit the residence of kings, and a military fortress, and even a prison.

The castle is divided into several halls and museums. They can admire cold weapons, find out military history Countries, look at the dungeons for prisoners of war. And be sure to visit the treasury, where the main treasures of Scotland are located: the crown and the stone on which the kings crowned.

Scottish drinks

The drooping wind makes trembling from the cold, but the Scots know that it will warm the fireplace better - whiskey. This is a noble drink that all Scotland is proud of. You can learn his history and technology of manufacture in the museum of whiskey called The Scotch Whisky Experience. Immediately - to taste the drink and buy a bottle of memory for memory.

And in the evening, go to the pub and drink Pintu Ale. And then - in the next pub and drink a pint. And so until the night, while still kept on the legs. That is how the Scots are having fun in the evenings. And this is not just a rest, but a real tradition. Therefore, almost on every corner of Edinburgh you will find a pub with different varieties of beer, ale, whiskey and other drinks.

National Clothing - Kilt

Kilt is the National Military Clothes of Scots, who made them famous worldwide. It turns out, Kilt is all that remained from the plaid. Previously, residents of mountain locations in Scotland wrapped in a woolen plaid, because it is warm, comfortable and quickly dries. True, it was difficult to fight in it - fused in my feet. So I had to throw it off and fight Nagish. Then it was decided to transform the plaid and make it to the knees.

Now the Scots practically do not wear kilt in everyday life. Exception - big holidays. For example, wedding, graduation or national holiday. But to buy such clothes for memory is not difficult - souvenir shops will offer you many options and colors. But not as simple Edinburgh, as it seems.

Edinburgh catacombs

Edinburgh, like many old towns, keeps a lot of secrets. So, for example, only the 1980s were detected by the catacombs - a whole underground city, the arch of basements and halls that were built back in the XVIII century under the arches Southern Bridge. Initially, these basements were planned to be used as warehouses, but the buildings were proceeded, and this idea was quickly discarded.

Instead, the tunnels began to "make up" the beggars. Unfortunately, constant dampness, lack of drinking water and simply robbery did their job - people died. Therefore, these catacombs now covered legends, and a lame guide in a long rainter only thickens the tense atmosphere. The spectacle is truly worthwhile!

Loch Ness monster

Another legend of Scotland is Nesssey, the monster from Loch-Ness. Lake is 270 km from Edinburgh, but from the capital of Scotland go tourist buses Straight to the lake.

The first mentions of Nesssey appeared in 1933, and since then several thousand eyewitness testimony has been collected, who claim that sometimes of the lake emerges a strange monster with a long neck and a small head. Believe it or not - the case is personal. But the nature of the lake Loch Nesse makes him think. The lake is located in a tectonic fault, so under water there are many caves and cracks. And scientists I. newest devices Until now, cannot determine its depth. Therefore, it is not exactly known to anyone that Loche-Ness-Ness Lake is in itself and is the legend about the monster Nesssey really legend.


Most big city Scotland is not the capital, oddly enough, but Glasgow. Previously, it was an inconspicuous industrial city, but over the past 20-30 years everything has changed dramatically. Now Glasgow "This is the student capital of Scotland: a modern, young soul, but preserved the charm of the Victorian era, where ordinary residential houses resemble castles. Start acquaintance we advise you to walk through the ancient Glasgow.

Glasgow is unknown, but one of the most interesting and colorful cities of Scotland. If Edinburgh is historical and cultural capital Scotland, then Glasgow - young, cheerful and creative. Let's get acquainted soon with the city!

University of Glasgow

The ancient city is completely immersed in his atmosphere, and begins to seem that you are in some fairy tale. Oh, here is already Hogwarts. Although posttoye, this is the University of Glasgow - one of the most ancient universities in Great Britain.

Its history has more than 500 years, and the building of this school looks like a real medieval castle. You can easily go to the university, take a walk in the audiences, and then walk to the Kelvingrove Park, which is located next to the campus.

Scottish cuisine

Scottish cuisine is diverse and unusual. Many have heard about Haggis - a national dish of batches of grooves, Luke and seasonings welded in the lamb stomach. Unusually, right?

The capital of Music Mainstream

There are six universities in the Glasgow, so all conditions have been created for youth, all the conditions of cheerful student life have been created. The legend of the city was the King Tut's Wah Wah Hut club, where in 1993 the producers heard the Oasis group. Since then, the club has invariably try to good luck with young teams from all over Britain. Maybe you will be able to hear the future stars of the charts?

In addition, the Celtic Connections ethnic and folk music festival is held in Glasgow, which musicians from all over the world come.

Mile style

They say shopping is a good antidepressant. In Glasgow, the Heart of Shopping is the "mile style", which is located between Bukanan, Argail and Merchant.

It is here that the fashion stores of all types are located: shopping centers, boutiques of famous brands, moles and design shops. Fashionable kilts waiting for you!

Sub Crawl

If Shoping did not help, the Scottish tradition will relax in the evening - a hike in the pub. True, in Glasgow, inventive students modified a typical Friday campaign on the pubs.

They came up with SUB Crawl. According to the rules of this game, it is not necessary to move from the pub to the pub not on your two, but to reach the subway. In the Glasgow there is only one metro ring line, so the game in Sub Crawl allows for the evening to visit all parts of the city, and the permanent movement does not allow drunk strongly quickly.

See also: