Young pilots run from the Air Force. Profit from testing new devices

I am interested in data on the monetary cases of the USSR Air Force Military Affairs.
Additionally, I am interested in approximate data on the following solids (for cars):

Head and deputy, pilots, navigator, cadet, communications,
Building parts, medical service, beginning. PDS, Flight Manager,
in TEC, technology, etc. , allowances ...

Deputy Nach Staff, beginning intelligence in the esca and shelf,
assistant NCH headquarters, intelligence, navigator, Pom navigator in the regiment
Benefit in Esk and Regiment, NCH Chemical Service, Nach Food
Services, NCC Financial Service, NCH frames / Troy parts, and honey. service,
Secretary of the VLKSM 110 in ESK, in the 120 shelf?
Secretary of partorganization 115 in ESK, in the regiment 130?,
Propagandist, head of the Pub, NCH PDS, start the rear,
technician, mechanic, tack, jap
In Esk and Shelf:
Head of the Command Point, Communication Officer,
landing system route, an officer of the synoptic 115,
Head of the meteorological service 130.

Eternal gratitude

Is it a lot or is it not enough?
Well, the technician received a maximum of 750 rubles, and I am 1,300, then it is a lot. It was before the monetary reform. Then the senior pilot, then for the position ... if the ordinary pilot had a salary of 1,300 rubles, the senior pilot 1,400 rubles, the link commander of 1,700 rubles, deputy. Komek 1,900 rubles, squadron commander 2 100 rubles, deputy. Shelf commander 2 200 rubles, regiment commander 2,400 rubles. Such salaries were when I arrived in the regiment.
And in our reform in which year? At sixty first ... then they became there differently ...

Interview with A.I.Zuev

Home \u003e\u003e History \u003e\u003e Interview with A.I.Zuev Interview with Oleg Korytova and Konstantin Chirkina with Anatoly Ivanovich Zuev Lit Processing Igor Lyova Text Set Svetlana Spiridonov Lieutenant Colonel Reserve A.I.Zuev, Kavaler Orders Red Banner and Honor Sign I, Zuev, Anatoly Ivanovich, Colonel in retirement. In the past - the fighter pilot, was born on November 17, 1933, in my favorite city of Leningrad. Father from the peasants. Leave from the village and worked at the Red Triangle plant. Reach himself to the master. // Further -

Pilot civil aviation - Very responsible and courageous man. He is responsible for the life and health of all those on board, people. He must be able to accept instant decisions and lead the crew. Strong physical and emotional health - a prerequisite for its work.

Aviator revenues in Russia

The earnings of civil aviation pilots depend on the company in which they work. Professional in a major capital airline earns up to 500 thousand rubles. ($ 8824).

The average for the size of transportation, the company pays pilots to 150 thousand rubles. ($ 2647).

In a small regional airline, pilot payments are up to 100 thousand rubles. ($ 1765).

  • Tyumen region - 215 ($ 3794);
  • Primorsky Krai - 150 ($ 2647);
  • Magadan region - 130 ($ 2294);
  • Moscow region - 55 ($ 971);
  • Khabarovsk region – 51 ($900);
  • Leningrad region. - 40 ($ 706).

According to the cities of Russia, the revenue looks like this (in thousand rubles):

  • Moscow - 305 ($ 5383);
  • Voronezh - 274 ($ 4827);
  • Kazan - 195 ($ 3441).

In small or regional airlines, specialists earn (in thousand rubles):

  • S7 Airlines - 350 ($ 6177);
  • UTair - 150 ($ 2000);
  • "Russia" - 120 ($ 2118).

In order to get such a salary, the pilot must be pulled out a certain number of hours. Sanitary norm of flights - from 75 to 90 hours. After each eight hour flight, the pilot must relax at least 16 hours.

In small regional airlines there is no strong flight loading or it can be seasonal.

For the month, only 20 - 50 flight hours are recruited, which are paid cheaper than in the capital, so the salary can be 50 - 70 thousand ($ 897 - 1235).

Profit at the airport

The administration of this largest in Russia, airline, decided to interest young pilots by the prospects for working on the most modern airliners with income, thinking European standards.

Now invite to work those who collaborate with a company at least three years ago.

At the same time, a disposable premium is paid 650 thousand rubles. ($ 11472) KVSI 350 thousand. - Second pilot.

Mail payment commander - 470 thousand rubles. ($ 8295).

Given that during the month it should fly at least 85 hours, then the flight of the flight costs 3412 rubles. ($ 60).

The second pilot gets a salary of 350 thousand rubles. ($ 6000), and the instructor - 500 thousand ($ 8824).

Revenues abroad

Of all Russian airlines, in one Aeroflot, salaries are approaching European.

Revenues of pilots OT. the largest air carriers World:

  • UNITED AIRLINES - $ 27,000;
  • American Airlines - $ 25,000;
  • Delta Air Lines - $ 24,500;
  • China Southern - $ 27500;
  • CHENGDU AIRLINES - $ 25,000;
  • Lufthansa - $ 24,000;
  • Air France - $ 22000;
  • Hawaiian Airlines - $ 19500;
  • Alaska Airlines - $ 19400;
  • Finnair - $ 4600;
  • Jet Blue - $ 7000.

In American airlines pay $ 250 / hour, flight rate is 65 hours.

In China, in one hour of flights, they pay up to $ 500, while, you need to roll in just 50 hours.

The average remuneration of pilots is $ 170 thousand per year, but Boeing pilots pay $ 250 thousand per year.

Revenue military aviators

War pilots earn more than more infantrymen.

The salary depends on the experience, military rank and position.

The constant income of major aviation is 50,000 rubles. ($ 897).

It is added to the flights for flights about equal to the amount. For service in foreign contingents, pilots receive additional payment of up to 80 thousand ($ 1412), in the end they earn 180 - 200 thousand rubles. ($ 3250-3530).

Military aircraft perform such tasks:

  • reconnaissance of enemy territory;
  • bombing of ground objects;
  • air battles with enemy aviation.

Money allowance depends on the classification of the pilot:

  • III - can fly in the world's light and in good weather;
  • Ii - has tolerance to daylights in difficult weather conditions;
  • I - flies in any weather and time of day.

In addition to the main income, military pilots are beneficial:

  • Providing improved nutrition.
  • The priority receipt of budget housing.
  • Retirement after 20 years of service.
  • Quick career growth.
  • Full satisfaction from the state.

In Syria

The Printing Edition "Fontanka" rejects the charge of publishing the personal data of Major Filippov who died in battle with militants in Syria. It reports that access to this information is poorly classified. Journalists found that knowing the personal number and date of birth of the military, you can find out the size of its income.

After taxes, Roman Philippov, received a monetary content of 100 thousand rubles. ($ 1700).

According to journalists, it deprives the pilots of the opportunity to disguise under the days, so as not to become a victim of torture.

Officers serving fighter pilots in Syria earn 400 thousand rubles. ($ 7059) per month. An ordinary one provides for an extra charge of 43 dollars, and officers - 62 cu. per day.

At the occurrence of the insured event, the pilots pay for disabilities:

  • I groups - 1750000 rubles. ($ 30885);
  • Group II - 1160000 rub. ($ 20472);
  • Group III - 584338 RUB. ($ 10313).

Close relatives of the deceased pilot pay one-time assistance in the amount of 2340000 rubles. ($ 41298). The organization of funerals - at the expense of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Revenues in the US Air Force

The pilots of the American army earn depending on the length of the years and the received rank.

For the year of service, the junior officer and ordinary composition receives:

  • E-1 - ordinary - $ 18803;
  • E-2 - a member of the aircraft crew - $ 21080;
  • E-3 - first-class pilot - $ 24985.

The monetary satisfaction of the lieutenant colonel reaches $ 106520, Colonel - $ 133140, and the Combridge - $ 151285 per year. The fighter pilot gets a salary 35 - 100 thousand dollars, depending on the classroom and time in flight.

Profit from testing new devices

Tester tests to aircraft for KB, aircraft manufacturing plants and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. He earns from 100 to 150 thousand rubles. ($ 1765 - 2647) per month.

Chief factor In the amount of the salary, this is the workload of the pilot work, and other criteria are taken into account:

  • number of hours in flight;
  • airmanship;
  • knowledge of the building of the aircraft.

The test participates in the creation of new modifications of aircraft at all stages, starting with the design and ending with the transmission.

Its experience is very important for designers creating maneuverable and convenient managers, models.

Minimum test pilot salary - 40000 rubles. ($ 706). Maximum - 350000 rubles. ($ 6177).

They work in civil and military aviation, with appropriate technique.

Payment of their labor in the CIS countries and abroad:

  • Ukraine - up to 96 thousand UAH ($ 3586);
  • Belarus - up to 8130 Bel. rub. ($ 4086);
  • Kazakhstan - up to 751 thousand tg ($ 2328);
  • America - $ 201 thousand;
  • England - $ 122 thousand;
  • DPRK - $ 255 thousand.

The test pilot performs:

  1. Complex of flight testing of an aircraft.
  2. Operating emergency situations and ways to exit them.
  3. Test of all types of weapons installed on the plane.
  4. Test complex for state certification.
  5. Quality control of serial modifications.
  6. Flight training management with new technique.

Work requires big courage and self-control.

Sitting behind the steering wheel of the new aircraft, the pilot does not know whether he will return alive after these tests.


In the Soviet Union, the military pilot for the test of the new aircraft was paid 270 rubles, regardless of the number of flights.

If climbed into the sky 100 times, then payment for each flight corresponded to 2 rubles. 70 kopecks

For this money, the test could 2 - 3 times dine in the factory dining room.

In the 70s of the last century, military pilots received monetary content (in rubles):

  • Entropman crew on SU-2 - 170;
  • Navigator link - 180;
  • Squadril's navigator - 190;
  • SU-24 - 180 crew commander;
  • Mi-8 - 135.

The battalion fighter pilot in the rank of Lieutenant, in 1985, received 292 rubles. By the end of 1991, the commander of the Mi-8/24 link earned 680 rubles.


AONPK « Panh» in Krasnodar, she offers a test pilot not lower than the 2nd class with work experience from five years.

Salary - 23940 rubles. ($ 423).

Sports Club "Oberon"in Kurtamysh Kurgan region. Looking for an employee for replacing the vacant position of the FCM Helicopter Mi-2 for the implementation of ground processing of aviation equipment and surveys from the air from air.

Salary - 90000 rubles. ($ 1588).

How much does the Aeroflot pilot earn in Russia and other countries

3.7 (73.33%) voted 3

Due to the imperfection of the monetary content system, the Russian Air Force began to lose young personnel. As the source in the Air Force told Izvestia in the Air Force, out of 80 young pilots who entered the construction parties of the Air Force last year, almost 60 have already begun a dismissal procedure without caring for the army and year. If the situation does not change, by 2015 the army will lose almost 70% of the system pilots.

The pilots themselves explain that they were deceived with money and deprived the opportunity to fly.

Last year, when we were issued, we promised that from January 1, 2012 we will receive 100 thousand rubles. Really received about 60 thousand rubles. And now also changed the rate of the fly: now, if we do not fly 100 hours, we will get 37 thousand in the hands of "Aeroflot," the SU-25 pilot told Izvestia, which now undergoes the air commission before dismissal.

He explained that 70% of the salary of the system pilot is a surcharge "for special conditions Services "and the premium" for good and efficient performance of official duties. " They are charged only to those who have fulfilled the established rate of watches on the year. And from January 1, 2012, this rule amounted to 100 hours a year for front-line aircraft pilots. It is so much to spend in the air to everyone who flies on combat "dryers" and "MiGAs" - Su-27, MiG-29, MiG-31, etc.

At the same time, if the pilots of transport aircraft, conducted in one flight 2-3 hours, is not difficult to meet (for IL-76, Tu-154 and other transport aircraft, the norm is 140-150 hours, it is 50-60 flights), then pilots -Athers that spend in the air only 20-30 minutes for the flight to flush 100 hours you need to make 200 departures.

The commander of one of the squadrons of distant bomber explained to Izvestia, which did not let the young man in the Air Force behaved from the heavy 1990s, when there was not enough fuel and serviceable cars (often there were no more than 2-3 service airplanes in the air gun). Now at the expense of the unpleasant young earn actions.

Due to the released hours, senior pilots get an extra raid, take a "pilot-sniper", "pilot instructor", etc. And accordingly, their monetary content is growing significantly, "the interlocutor of Izvestia explained.

According to him, in February 2012, in the only Russian aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov", flight hours, allocated for young ship pilots, were rewritten on commanders of the 279th separate airlock. Because of this, the young did not receive admission to independent flights and on return to the port were transferred from ship aviation.

And this happens everywhere, "the interlocutor of Izvestia stressed.

Not only was it canceled by free travel to the vele's site (with the exception of remote regions) and reduced medical care for family members, since the end of last year they stopped issuing a flight form - overalls, jackets, boots. I have to buy for your money. With all this you can put up, only if the monetary allowance is high, "the squadron commander explained.

At the same time, 240 thousand rubles per month in civil airlines are waiting in the civil airlines (for the assistant commander of the ship, which only started flights), free medical care, free flights to anywhere, including abroad, preferential mortgage lending and other bonuses.

The only way to resign from the army to young pilots is to become unsuitable for health. In this case, they must be translated into terrestrial jobAnd the pilot has the right to refuse. Now only in the branches of the Third Central Military Clinical Hospital named after the Vishnevsky Air-Flight Commissions (LC) did not pass 28 young lieutenants.

In total, since the beginning of the year, the LA in the country did not pass about 300 military pilots, navigations and other members of the aircraft crews. Of these, about 60 servicemen are pilots 2010-2011. For comparison: Last year, 75 people were not passed, of which young lieutenants were all seven.

In addition, due to age and health status, about 15 experienced pilots are written off every year. In 2015, about 350 pilots will have to leave the steering wheel due to the achievement of the deadline for service in 25 years.

At the same time, flight schools up to 2003 issued only 100 pilots, and since 2003, there are an average of about 270 specialists, of which only 80 sit at the steering wheel. The rest are appointed to the posts of navigations, onboard operators, etc. To teach them yourself to drive a plane, it will take about two years of additional training.

Civil and military pilots (pilots) rise into the sky almost every day, and in some cases their departures can be carried out and several times a day. Obviously, it is worth emphasizing that the profession of the pilot, regardless of whether the pilot is a commander of the civil or military aircraft is dangerous, and, therefore, will certainly be a high pilot salary.

Indeed, today qualified pilots are valued very much, because thanks to the actions of experienced aviators, even a plane, which came out of control can be planted without unnecessary victims. And here, it should be emphasized than a great experience possesses the pilot, the higher the pilot's salary will be.

Specific figures of the pilot wages can vary from a minimum to the maximum on the basis of which airline operates the aircraft commander, as well as what tasks are delivered in front of it. If you take the UK, the minimum pilot salary here is about 32 thousand dollars a year, while the maximum may exceed 120 thousand dollars. As for itself, the high salary of the pilot, it is fixed in China, where the pilot freight aircraft Boeing 747-400 gets over 250 thousand dollars a yearNaturally, makes such a profession very promising.

Very often, the payroll salary depends on what type of aircraft he controls. If it is a small light engineering, then rather, the pilot will have to count on a relatively small wage, but if this is a giant on the similarity of Airbus A380, then the pilot will probably be close to the maximum, since the control of this complex air car requires the maximum Qualifications.

As for the wages of the pilot in Russia, here it is not so high as I would like that often and leads to leakage few. For example, civil aviation pilots operating in Aeroflot airlines receive orders 72 thousand dollars a year. Nevertheless, qualified specialists are really necessary for domestic aviation, and therefore a number of air carriers, specially stimulates the work of experienced pilots, offering them wages in the amount of 100-120 thousand dollars a year.

As for military pilots (pilots), then on average they earn 110 thousand rubles per month. L. eelnant, who served 1 year earns an average 40 thousand rubles per month. Officers who served from 5 years can be content with paid 70-90 thousand rubles per month.But we will not forget that all military pilots have obliged the state ensure housing.

Be that as it may, the main thing for the pilot of any air is far from money, but a unique opportunity to rise again and reappear into the sky, towards the endless horizon.

Aviation Technician - Specialist in the ground service of aircraft - aircraft, helicopters, etc., which has a valid evidence of aviation equipment.

Aviatechnikhniki is a whole structure in aviation, with their educational institutions, a complex system, not very grateful. On average, an hour of flight of the aircraft requires 30-50 people-hours of ground-based work. On passenger aircraft, labor costs are significantly less than in military aviation.


When servicing in Russia, domestic AT, aircraft are divided into Laid and Aireo specialists. When servicing foreign equipment, separation - for admission. In military aviation of the Russian Federation, aircraft technicians are divided into specialists in the aircraft and the engine, for aviation armament, for aviation equipment, on electronic equipment.

To become an aircraft, it is enough to have an average special education obtained in any aviation school. Higher aircraft and technical education allows you to become an engineer in this area.

Until recently, in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, aircraft workers were preparing in the middle and senior military schools, with the assignment of the title "Lieutenant", and in schools technicians, with the assignment of the rank of "ensign". As a rule, all young professionals initially work as aviation technicians, on direct maintenance aircraft. In the future, engineering education makes governing positions in the structure of the engineering and aviation service.

To obtain access to the service of Western production aircraft, it is necessary to know the methods of working in the maintenance of Western techniques, the requirements for personnel, the division of personnel with appropriate authority.

Personnel categories and responsibility

  • Mechanic responsible for certification for operational maintenance.
  • Category B - technician responsible for certification for operational maintenance:
    • B1 - Mechanic,
    • B2 - aviation electronics specialist;
  • Category C - Engineer responsible for basic maintenance certification;
  • Category BS1 - Auxiliary staff B1 and B2 - auxiliary staff for basic maintenance;
  • Category D - technician responsible for certification of non-destructive testing specialists.


For personnel responsible for certification, the following primary rights are established:

  • Category A - mechanic responsible for certification for operational maintenance, has the right:
    • perform daily operational maintenance and sign relevant documents;
    • certify the work performed. Including W-Check or similar actions and simple elimination of deficiencies only when performing on its own
    • solve typical tasks allowed after the relevant target learning are performed by a mechanic responsible for certification for operational maintenance in order to issue a certificate for maintenance of aircraft according to EASA-145.A.50 as part of less significant planned operational maintenance, including weekly checks provided In the maintenance program, approved by operators, as well as a simple elimination of deficiencies, which provides for the following:
      • replace wheel
      • replace brake systems.
      • replace emergency rescue equipment.
      • replacement of ovens, boiler and appliances for cooking.
      • replacement of the internal and external lighting system, gas lamps and fluorescent lamps.
      • replace the windows wind windows brushes.
      • replacement of seats for passengers and service personnel, as well as seat belts.
      • closing fairies and repairing quick access panels.
      • replace the components of the toilet system, except for the valve.
      • easy repair and replacement of the door of internal compartments and lockers, except the door forming part of the pressure structure.
      • uncomplicated repair and replacement of the top compartment door for storing and equipping the cabin.
      • replace static wicks.
      • replacement of basic, emergency batteries and batteries of auxiliary power plants of aircraft.
      • replace the components of the flight radio of the musical system, except for the speakerphone system.
      • casual lubricant and feeding of all systemic liquids and gases.
      • deactivation of only subsystems and aircraft components according to the list of minimum operator equipment, when such deactivation is agreed with EASA as a simple ass.

Allowed specific tasks are provided for by a document that gives the right to certification.

  • Category B - technician responsible for certification for operational maintenance, has the right:
    • to issue a certificate for the operational maintenance of the structures of aircraft, power supplies, mechanical and electrical systems, or aviation electronics and electrical systems;
    • certify the work performed by others;
  • Category BS1, BS2 - Auxiliary Staff - Auxiliary Personnel BS1 and BS2, engaged in basic maintenance, is responsible for performing all relevant tasks and verification, as well as certification according to the established standard before the personnel responsible for Cate Category C will issue a certificate To carry out maintenance.
  • Category C - Engineer responsible for certification for basic maintenance, has the right:
    • issue a certificate for maintenance after performing the basic maintenance of the aircraft.
  • Category D1 - technician responsible for certification for non-destructive testing, is entitled:
    • perform non-destructive testing of aircraft / components
    • certification work performed by technician for non-destructive testing
    • output 1 EASA after maintenance of aircraft / components using non-destructive testing.

In military aviation

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The engineering and technical composition of the aircraft of the Russian Federation is divided into two main categories. The first category is the service personnel of aviation squadrines, performing forms and types of aircraft training to flights and combat use. As a rule, there are: preliminary preparation, suggestion, preparation for re-departure, post-flight training. ITS AE also performs periodic and control inspections, storage work and park days. The second category ITS performs heavy forms of service in the technical and operational part of the AT - the regulatory work, which are manufactured by calendar periods or on the aircraft taxation, as well as the replacement of aircraft engines and operational repair of on-board equipment. TEC specialists have admission to all types of training and work on AT, AE specialists do not have tolerances to the periodic service AT and repair work. Divisions engaged in the maintenance and training of aviation means of lesion are also equipped with aviation specialists.

Mi-8 helicopter tail reducer service

In military aviation, a group staff structure of ITS is adopted, with a narrow specialization. For example, specialists in radelectronic equipment in the far-bombing shelf can be divided into groups of radio engineering equipment, connected and radio navigation equipment, guidance equipment, radio-electron struggle equipment. In TEC, as a rule, team specialists have even more narrow specialization.

All without exception in the aircraft, it is manufactured according to the developed and approved route and technological maps, in accordance with the regulation of the technical operation of this type of aircraft. All technical staff has admission to the list of maintenance points, in accordance with the post. Each executive of work is necessarily controlled by the senior technology team, the elder settlement, the head of the group or engineer in the specialty. The most difficult works are performed personally by the heads of groups and engineers. All the works produced are made by the relevant records in the documentation and signatures of the performer and controlling.

Each aircraft is assigned a technical crew led by the senior technician of the aircraft. This official is actually responsible for the technical condition of the entrusted aircraft, personally performs a large amount of work and controls all the technical staff working on the aircraft leads the operational documentation of this aircraft. Senior aircraft technician produces in flight and meets his flight aircraft. It is likely that this is the most responsible and troublesome position in military aviation. In the process of the reform of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the position of senior equipment of the aircraft renamed the "Engineer of the Aviation Complex", but the essence and volume of work from changing the name did not change.

Work in AE and TEC differs about the volume of the volume. In AE, the peak loads on the tech supply are in the production of flights. ITS AE can leave at the airfield five hours before the departure of the weather reconnaissance, and during the eight-hour shift, the working day of techies usually lasts 16-18 hours without a break, often more. In the absence of flights, the load on ITS AE sharply decreases.

In TEC, as a rule, an eight-hour working day, but the personnel works in accordance with the schedule plan of regulatory work, almost daily on aircraft technology. Also, TEC experts are involved to assist AE tech in the production of flights, while eliminating complex failures on aircraft and in servicing special automotive equipment BATO.

It should be noted that the nature and scope of work, and especially - labor costs, vary greatly in the specialties. The most difficult, dirty, responsible work from the specialists from the aircraft and the engine, and to a lesser extent - at electricians. All other aviation specialists can be considered an aviation inteegencies.

Features of the military aircraft

Unlike civil aviation experts, the military specialists of the IAS have a non-normalized working day and, in addition to everyday work with entrusted aircraft, "serve Motherland", that is, they are built several times a day, pass on Fizovo, OPM, special, technical, commander training ; We carry the load of garrison and guard services, domestic and economic garrons. In particular, the typical and most common outfit of the military aircraft is duty in the parking lot, that is, squadrons. Almost every two-three-day, each "tech" air bases will stand in a daily outfit for the protection and defense of the airfield, facilities of aviation equipment and assets, equipped with a gun and carries a round-the-clock guard by the matching unit and the indicated airfield sector.

Well, according to the current tradition, the entire personnel of the airbase on Saturdays is attracted to the Parco-economic days, cleaning the airfield parking lots, fastened territory, courtyards, streets and lips in the military town.

So, choosing the profession of a military aircraft, a person should be ready to spend 20 years of life at the airfield, almost around the clock, without weekends and holidays, and his family will become a squadron.

Unfortunately, in the USSR Air Force and the Russian Federation, the staffing number of technicians has always been clearly insufficient, and this is in chronic actual nepococcusity of the states of IAS. In the future, several campaigns were conducted to reduce the armed forces, in aviation, this mainly affected the tech-suck. As a result of this Bardaka, according to some data, the maintenance of aircraft in aviation of the Russian Federation today is about 5% of the prescribed, and aircraft fly solely due to the constructive repeated stock of reliability, "on an honest word and on one wing."


Traditionally, the specialists on the aircraft and the engine are jokingly referred to as "elephants" or "oil clocks". Specialists of JSC and REO are called "monkeys". In the Air Force of all specialists in armediation, regardless of specialization, affectionate - "aggressors", "gunsmiths", "bombogol", "trunks". Everyone knows that "the aircraft is attached to a gun with two bolts!", And the "trunks" are disgraced electricians. SID-"ESDEKA", "ESDESHNIKI" or "Maslopus". Specialists in REO - "Radies". Specialists in JSC - "soldering", "electricians", "Aoshniki", "Priborists".

TEC specialists are called "mines", respectively, the TEC is a "mine" or "depot", in particularly launched cases can call "Collective farm labor" or "One hundred years without a crop", due to the planned implementation of P / work on knowingly killed technique not subject to recovery - airplanes fly "on the papers."

Relationships in a techish medium are very peculiar. Suffice it to say that "aviation holds on the ripples and lifting ... kakh." In some shelves, traditional Saturday drunk ends with traditional Saturday Mordobo.

Air traffic controller

See also: