Golitsyn Palace Crimea. Golitsyn estate on Volkhonka: Prechistensky Palace, Moscow Hermitage, Institute of Philosophy, museum

They say that the famous Prince Felix Yusupov was visited in Paris by Soviet correspondents in his declining years. They interviewed him. The prince also asked questions. In particular, he asked whether his palace on the Moika, where he killed Rasputin, was intact, and what was in it. Yusupov’s answer delighted him. It sounded like this: “House of Culture of the Leningrad Teacher.” Probably, the former owners of the palace in Gaspra would also be happy with its current fate.

Where is the palace located in Crimea?

Gasprinsky Palace (“Romantic Alexandria”, “Palace of Countess Panina in Gaspra”) is located near the center resort village. It is surrounded by a monument of landscape art. The building belongs to the sanatorium, but anyone can see it from the outside and visit the garden.

Panina's estate on the map of Crimea

From the history of the estate: the founding fathers

It would be more correct to say “mother,” since although the estate initially belonged to Prince Alexander Golitsyn, women put more effort into it. A.N. Golitsyn was a major dignitary of the court of Alexander I. A relative of A.S. found a place for him to build the complex. Golitsyn, who owned the New World.

She hired architects Elson and Gurt (both were very famous in Crimea at that time) to implement the project. Work continued from 1830 to 1837. The complex was called “Romantic Alexandria” - in honor of Emperor Alexander and the owner himself. For a long time, the prince-owner could not decide to give up state affairs and go to Crimea for a well-deserved rest. He also always lacked money (not uncommon among princes), therefore, many ideas, in particular for the design of the park, remained unrealized.

In the end, A.N. Golitsyn resigned and settled in, but lived in it for only a year. After his death, the estate changed hands several times and became quite dilapidated until it finally went to V.V. Levashov and his wife, Countess O.V. Panina. This happened in 1865. At the very end of the century, the latter transferred the palace complex to her niece, S.V. Panina.

Olga Viktorovna Panina completed the construction of the park, building a fountain and planting new plants (there are now about 100 species). She also provided repairs and cladding of the structure, thanks to which it acquired a modern look.

Wellness yesterday and today

It must be said that both countesses, aunt and niece, lived little in their exotic home. With its help, they realized the possibilities of a fashionable resort, which Crimea already was by that time. The palace of Countess Panina turned into a guesthouse for vacationing celebrities. F. Chaliapin, V. Nabokov, M. Gorky, A. Chekhov visited here, L. Tolstoy lived for quite a long time, who wrote “Hadji Murad” during these “vacations”. The owners were active philanthropists, involved in organizing schools and hospitals for workers.

And the Soviet government supported their endeavors. After the revolution, the estate was nationalized and a sanatorium was established. One of his guests was the famous Belarusian poet Y. Kupala. During the war, there was a hospital for wounded Soviet soldiers here, and then a sanatorium complex appeared again. In the 50s it was repurposed as a family health resort for mothers and children and named “Yasnaya Polyana” in honor of L. Tolstoy. The sanatorium is still open today. The Countesses of Panina would probably have approved of this use of their palace.

What is interesting about the palace of Countess Panina?

A photo of the ensemble allows you to appreciate its unusual architecture. Elson and Gurt used the Gothic style that was fashionable in their times during construction, so it resembles the castle of a medieval feudal lord. Its cladding during the time of O.V. Panina was made in gray tones, which enhanced the impression. Prince Golitsyn was going to add a moat to the structure, but he did not have enough funds,
and the Countess built fountains instead.

The building has two towers, the upper windows of which are stylized as loopholes. The other windows are given a lancet shape, which is also characteristic of the Gothic style. In the park at the palace, some plants come from. There is a lot of exotic stuff here, brought from all over the world. It was made in the English style; it is not for nothing that the first gardener here was a foreigner - K. Kremer. The picture is completed by alleys where you can walk in the shade and several gazebos. St. Petersburg guests, coming to the palace of Countess Panina, called Crimea, not without reason, an earthly paradise.

Although the building of Gaspra’s unique landmark today belongs to a sanatorium, access to the park is not limited. There is also a museum of L.N. in the palace. Tolstoy, furnished in the rooms where the writer lived. Reviews from both famous guests of the past and modern tourists, note the exotic beauty of Panina’s palace and the harmony of the surrounding landscape.

How to get home?

On public transport It’s not difficult to get to Countess Panina’s palace. There are several minibuses from Yalta in the direction of Gaspra, the most optimal are No. 132 (32) and 115 (26).

The easiest way to get to the described estate is by car; to do this, just follow this route:

Note to tourists

  • Address: Sevastopol highway, 52, Gaspra town, Yalta urban district, Crimea, Russia.
  • Coordinates: 44.435107, 34.098594.
  • Phone: +7-978-000-15-59.
  • Official website: http://www.polyana-crimea.com.ua/
  • Opening hours: from 9:00 to 17:00.

Tourists vacationing on South Coast Crimea, there is something to do. You can lie on the beach and enjoy sea ​​bathing, climb mountains or climb into or walk to the Yasnaya Polyana sanatorium, see the medieval palace of Countess Panina in Gaspra, its luxurious park and feel like a real aristocrat! Finally, watch a short video about the attraction described above.

Gaspra, Panina Palace

Gaspra is one of the places on the southern coast of Crimea, overflowing with beauty and history. The estates of Crimea have quite a few secrets; one of the no less interesting ones is Golitsyn Palace, otherwise called Panina's palace. The construction of the palace and the development of the territory were traditionally carried out by A.S. Golitsyna, a relative of Prince A.N. Golitsyn, who owned the estate. The estate of Anna Sergeevna herself was located next door to Gaspra - in the Koreiz estate " New World" That is why the estates were built in the Gothic architectural style that was fashionable at that time.

Golitsyn Palace decorated with ancient crenellated towers, entangled in ivy, lancet windows, belongs to the beginning of the 19th century. The palace was built according to the designs of the architect Gunt, author Vorontsov Palace, commissioned by Prince Golitsyn. Initially the palace was called "Romantic Alexandria". Special attention was paid to the creation of the park. For a long time, the nobility was looking for a suitable gardener, and soon they chose Ludwig Kremer. There were few funds, but the owner’s needs were enormous. But in the end, Golitsyn’s ambitions were satisfied by the flower beds along the walls of the palace, the main alley on the side of the northern walls and one area in front of the southern facade. On the remaining territory there is an English garden. Exotic plane trees, chestnuts, cypresses, and cedars grew among the local oaks, maples and beeches. Between the ancient oak trees a small lake appeared with a Gothic ruin on the shore, through which a waterfall flowed, and Mount Ai-Petri was reflected on the surface of the water.

The estate passed into short-term ownership to Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich Sr. However, in 1865 the estate had already passed into the possession of V.V. Levashov, whose wife was born Countess Panina.

The countess invested a lot of effort and money into the palace. Over the course of twenty years, the palace was completely renovated: the ceilings of the towers were rebuilt, the roof was decorated with Marseille tiles, and the outer walls were tiled in the form of mosaics. They built houses for the retinue and manager Klasen K.H., a greenhouse with greenhouses, a guardhouse near the gate and an “outbuilding by the fountain” designed for guests. It was thanks to Klasen’s tireless work that the estate acquired a flourishing appearance over the decades. Under him, repairs and construction of new structures were carried out, the park and garden were transformed; the vegetable garden and vineyards began to fully meet the needs of countless permanent and temporary residents.

Since September 1901 to July 1902 Russian writer L.N. Tolstoy lived on the estate. after a serious illness, he worked on the story “Hadji Murad”. The following people came to visit Leo Tolstoy: Chekhov, Gorky, Korolenko, Kuprin and Chaliapin. On one of the walls of the building there is a memorial plaque about Tolstoy’s stay here.

Crimea - unique place, here you can not only have a wonderful holiday on the sea coast, but also visit many interesting places. What to see in Crimea? In Crimea, everyone will find something to their liking. Wine lovers will learn the history of Russian winemaking and taste delicious Crimean wines from Massandra, New World, Koktebel, Solnechnaya Dolina, and Inkerman. Those who like oriental flavor should go to the capital of the Crimean Khanate - Bakhchisarai to try Tatar pilaf and oriental sweets. Diving and surfing enthusiasts can simply relax on the magnificent beaches South Coast Crimea. And history buffs can go on a tour of the palaces of Crimea.

Swallow's Nest (Gaspra)

bird home- the business card of Crimea. An unusual Gothic palace is located on the 40-meter Aurora rock in the village of Gaspra, Yalta region. For a long time, the castle housed one of the most expensive restaurants in Crimea, but since 2011 it has housed an exhibition hall.

Khan's Palace (Bakhchisarai)

One of the most unusual palaces in Crimea. The only example of Crimean Tatar palace architecture in the world. The former residence of the Crimean Khans houses a museum of the history and culture of the Crimean Tatars, an art museum, and a large collection of bladed weapons and firearms.

Massandra Palace (Upper Massandra)

Massandra Palace- palace-residence of the Russian Emperor Alexander III. Since 1992, a museum has been opened within the walls of the palace, which can be visited as part of a tour. Visitors will see unique household items preserved from the times of the Russian imperial family: a brown marble fireplace, handmade chandeliers, and original interior items.

Vorontsov Palace (Alupka)

At the foot of Mount Ai-Petri is the unusually beautiful Vorontsov (Alupka) Palace. Fans of Soviet cinema could see this amazing building in such films as “An Ordinary Miracle”, “D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers”, “ Scarlet Sails"and many, many others. Like many other palaces in Crimea, a museum is located within the walls of the Vorontsov Palace in Alupka. The permanent exhibitions of the museum will tell visitors about the life of its inhabitants, introduce them to the palace interior; the exhibition “Vorontsov Family Gallery” is located in the guest building.

Livadia Palace (Livadia)

Big Livadia Palace- the former residence of Russian emperors, is located 5 km from one of the most resort cities of Crimea - Yalta. Located next to the palace beautiful park, founded more than 160 years ago, Church of the Exaltation of the Cross, palace of the minister of the court, Baron Fredericks. The famous cardiological sanatorium “Livadia” is also located here.

Golitsyn Palace (Gaspra)

The Palace of Countess Panina, Romantic Alexandria, Golitsyn Palace or the Gaspra Palace are all the names of one palace located on the territory of the village of Gaspra. Currently, the Yasnaya Polyana sanatorium is located inside the former palace. But numerous tourists still come here every year to appreciate the beauty of the palace complex.

Dulber Palace (Koreiz)

B is translated from the Crimean Tatar language as “beautiful”, “lovely”. The palace was built in a romantic style with oriental flavor. It is a white building with silver domes, arched windows and battlements. Currently, the Dulber Palace houses a sanatorium of the same name.

Kharaks Palace (Gaspra)

The Charax Palace is more reminiscent of a respectable villa than a palace. Next to the palace is the famous Kharak Park, the main attraction of which is the juniper grove. Now the palace houses the mini-hotel “Villa Haraks”.

Palace of Princess Gagarina (Alushta, Utes village)

The palace of Princess Gagarina was built at the beginning of the 20th century by order of Princess Anastasia Davydovna, the widow of Lieutenant General Prince Alexander Ivanovich Gagarin. Above the entrance to the palace you can still see the Gagarins' family coat of arms with the inscription in Latin: "In ancient times - strength." Gagarina's palace has other names: “Castle on Cape Plaka” or “Haunted House”, as there are many legends around it. Currently, the palace is the administrative complex of the Utes sanatorium.

Kichkine Palace (Koreiz)

Construction began at the beginning of the 20th century on a plot that was acquired by the grandson of Nicholas I, Grand Duke Dmitry Konstantinovich, for the construction of a small residence on the seashore. “Kichkine” is translated from Tatar as “baby”, “small” and indeed, it is not immediately possible to recognize a palace in this small-sized building, so very often you can find another name “Dacha Kichkine”. Currently, the palace has been handed over to a private investor, who has opened the Kichkine Hotel in the palace building.

Yusupov Palace (Koreiz)

The Yusupov Palace in Crimea was for a long time under the jurisdiction of the Security Service of Ukraine; after Crimea became part of Russia, the fate unique monument still in question. This small but very attractive palace in the village of Koreiz has a unique feature - the interior of the castle and the courtyard are much more expressive than its external facade. Many tourists come to the Yusupov Palace to look at the famous Yusupin Lions.

The building was erected according to the design of the famous architect Fyodor Osipovich Shekhtel.

The appearance of the palace of S. L. Golitsyn looks like medieval castle square shape, wide open courtyard and four towers at the corners. The top of the towers and walls of this square structure are decorated with battlements, which gives it a characteristic medieval touch. At the level of the second floor, lancet windows are cut through the walls and towers, and two decorative turrets in oriental style rise on both sides of the entrance.

The building has survived to this day and is currently being successfully operated by the village administration and the housing stock.

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The building was erected according to the design of the famous architect Fyodor Osipovich Shekhtel. The exterior of S. L. Golitsyn's palace has the appearance of a square-shaped medieval castle, with a vast open courtyard and four towers in the corners. The top of the towers and walls of this square structure are decorated with battlements, which gives it a characteristic medieval touch. At the level of the second floor, lancet windows are cut through the walls and towers, and two decorative turrets in oriental style rise on both sides of the entrance. The building has survived to this day and is currently being successfully operated by the village administration and the housing stock. Save changes

Near Sudak, in the village of Novy Svet there is a palace that was built at the beginning of the 19th century. The palace with three-story crenellated towers, built of gray stone, originally belonged to Alexander Nikolaevich Golitsyn. The creators of this architectural art are Elson F. and Gunt V.

Geographic coordinates of the Golitsyn Palace on the map of Crimea GPS N 44.830851, E 34.914188

Golitsyn Palace in the New World located at the address: Novy Svet village, Lev Golitsyn Street, 18. You can only view the palace from the outside; excursions inside are currently not allowed, so you can only enjoy the beauty of the palace from the street. Lev Golitsyn. It is almost impossible to find a separate excursion to the palace, but in sightseeing tour in the New World, the palace is included in the mandatory program.

Golitsyn family had many lands and estates among her possessions, as she occupied a high position in the Russian Empire.
The Golitsyn Palace is interesting not only for its buildings, but also for the garden that surrounds it. His own master was involved in planting the garden. Initially, flower beds were planted along the palace walls, an alley on the north side of the castle and a small terrace. Golitsyn's palace was surrounded by a garden, in which one could find such types of trees as: cedar, oak, cypress, maple, chestnut.

Golitsyn Palace What made the visit of the Emperor of the Russian Empire Nicholas 2 more popular in 1902 was that he visited the castle with his family while traveling around Crimean peninsula. The Emperor left a message under the portrait of Alexander Nikolaevich Golitsyn in pencil, while the owner of the house himself was away.

Golitsyn Palace was damaged during the war. However, the new owners of the palace, Levashov V.V. and his wife Countess Panina, made enormous efforts to restore the palace and improve it. Already in 1895, the palace underwent a major renovation: the roof was decorated with red tiles, the walls were lined with limestone. A greenhouse, a manager's house, a greenhouse, a gardener's house and a guest house appeared near Golitsyn's palace. The park and alleys were decorated with violets, roses and tulips. Winemaking began to actively develop. The table grape variety Alexandria Muscat was especially popular.

How to get to Golitsyn Palace in the New World

The easiest way to get to the Golitsyn Palace in the New World is from the city of Sudak. In Sudak, you take the tourist highway and move along the main road towards the village of Novy Svet. Everywhere in the village, take a left and move along the street. Golitsyn almost to the end of the street, so you have reached your goal.

Golitsyn Palace is famous not only by its unique architecture and beautiful park, but also by the people who lived in it. So the writer Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy lived in the castle for about a year to recover and gain strength after his illness. His guests were no less famous people like Gorky A.M., Chekhov A.P., Shalyapin F.I. and others. The Golitsyn Palace has been preserved in excellent condition to this day. Today it houses the Yasnaya Polyana health resort, which was originally opened for the treatment of USSR scientists. Golitsyn Palace is definitely worth visiting and looking at the beautiful architectural ensemble. Golitsyn Palace, one of the most beautiful

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