Where is more beautiful for the New Year. Beautiful cities where you can celebrate the New Year

11 ideas on how to celebrate Christmas and New Year 2020 in Europe. Cities and countries where you can celebrate holidays are interesting!

New Year is a fabulous time, and even if you haven’t believed in Santa Claus since childhood, with the onset of December 31, something freezes inside on the eve of a miracle. If you are a romantic and the pre-holiday bustle inspires you, we recommend celebrating the New Year in Europe - in an atmosphere of antiquity and magic.

It's not easy to choose where exactly to go for Christmas and New Year 2020. We offer 11 countries where you can have a great time New Year holidays.

How to save: If you want to spend the New Year, holidays and Catholic Christmas in Europe, we advise you to fly out on December 22, 23 or 24, and return back in early January. Book everything a few months before your trip.

About prices in the article. Hotels - for a double room on New Year's Eve. Tours are for two people. Flights are for one person in both directions. We are considering flights from Moscow. We indicated prices for air tickets and tours for New Year's dates (departure on December 29-30 and return on January 3-6), since it is on these days that tourists fly on vacation.

Finland - Helsinki and Lapland

Where to celebrate New Year 2020 and Christmas in Europe, if not in the homeland of Santa Claus? At the end of December it is frosty outside, down to –15°C, and there is a lot of snow. People come to Finland for solitude and winter's tale. Rent a cottage and spend your New Year holidays active recreation- skiing and snowmobiling, for example. Admire, explore local cuisine and visit the Joulupukki residence in Lapland.

Tours from Moscow for 4-5 nights cost from 65 thousand rubles.

Flights from Moscow to Helsinki and back cost from 11 thousand rubles. St. Petersburg residents can get there by train or bus.

(Photo: Visit Finland / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0)

Czech Republic, Prague

The Czech Republic is another country in Europe where you can celebrate the New Year 2020 gloriously. In Prague, the main Christmas tree shining with lights is installed on the Old Town Square. There is a fair, tourists and locals walk, eat almonds fried in spices, delicious trdelniki and drink mulled wine and honey. Read: and.

The weather in Prague at the end of December is good: during the day it can be slightly above 0°C, at night - up to −5°C. There is not always snow cover.

Tours to Prague for 7 nights for the New Year you can buy from only 65 thousand rubles.

Flights. A flight for the New Year holidays from Moscow to Prague and back costs from 16 thousand rubles.

Hotels. Rent a hotel room for two in the center - from 90 € per night and above. New Year's dinner in a restaurant will cost 100-170 € per person.

(Photo: elPadawan / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0)

If you want to inexpensively celebrate New Year 2020 in Europe, go to Cyprus. In winter it is warm there, about +15...+20°C. and see the whole island while it’s not hot and there are no tourists.

New Year's holidays on the island last from December 23 to January 6. IN major cities There are performances, dances, and the Christmas tree is decorated. However, for the most part, New Year and Christmas are family holidays, and after two in the morning the streets are already quiet.

Tours to Cyprus during the New Year holidays in 2020 for 7 nights cost from 60 thousand rubles.

Flights Moscow - Larnaca and back cost from 13 thousand rubles and above.

(Photo: unsplash.com / @matt__feeney)

Germany - Berlin and Munich

The best New Year in Europe, in our opinion, is in Germany. Do you want to plunge into a real Christmas fairy tale? We advise you to go to Munich, Cologne, Nuremberg or other cities. Visit fun fairs with all the gastronomic attributes of Christmas and New Year: caramel apples, gingerbread houses and hearts, stollen and aromatic hot mulled wine. The weather at this time of year in Germany is usually pleasant, from 0 to –4°C, and snow does not always fall.

Tours for 4 nights they cost from 60 thousand rubles for two.

Flights. A flight from Moscow to Berlin and back costs from 16 thousand rubles (direct flights), to Munich - about the same.

Hotels in the center of Berlin - from 120 € per night for two. New Year's dinner in a restaurant costs approximately 100-200 € per person. Find out which ones.

(Photo: visitBerlin / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Montenegro, Budva

Where to inexpensively celebrate New Year 2020 and Christmas? Tourists recommend going to Montenegro (namely Budva or Podgorica). The ski resorts Kolasin and Zabljak are also popular.

Locals usually celebrate midnight with family or friends, and then go out into the street. Traditionally, performances, fireworks and concerts take place in city centers. The weather is changeable and there are rains. There is snow and cold in the mountains, and about +10°C on the coast.

Tours vacations to Montenegro cost from 60 thousand rubles (Tivat, 7 nights).

Flights. A flight from Moscow to Tivat and back on New Year’s dates costs from 15 thousand rubles.

(Photo: Casal Partiu Oficial / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0)

Greece, Athens

New Year's traditions in Greece are close to Cyprus, and the New Year and Christmas celebrations in both countries are almost identical. In cities, residents gather in the center for a concert and fireworks, and young people, after the official celebration of the holiday, go to clubs. Tourists prefer to relax in Thessaloniki, Chalkidiki or Athens. As in Montenegro, the weather is changeable, but warm, about +12...+15°C.

Tours for the Christmas and New Year holidays they cost from 50 thousand rubles for two for 7 nights.

Flights from Moscow to Athens and back cost from 15 thousand rubles.

Hotels. A double room in Athens costs from 14 €, in Chalkidiki (for example, Sarti) - from 24 €. Find out which ones.

(Photo: Paul D "Ambra / flickr.com / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Italy Rome

To have a fun New Year 2020, you need to go to Italy. Locals They love New Year and Christmas very much and celebrate them on a grand scale. In addition, you can relax in the country relatively inexpensively.

Cities popular with tourists for celebrating the holiday are, and. How to mark? Choose original ways: in thermal baths and spas, in medieval castles and villas, cruise. A good idea is to go to.

Tours Cheap holidays to Italy for New Year and Christmas. For example, in Rimini for 7-8 nights - only from 56 thousand rubles. And trips to Rome for 4 nights can be purchased from 60 thousand.

Flights Moscow - Rome cost from 18 thousand rubles in both directions, to Milan and Venice - from 16.5 thousand rubles.

Hotels. A night in a double room in a 3* hotel in Rome - from 50 € and above in the city center. Dinner on New Year's Eve will cost 50-250 € per person.

(Photo: Trishhhh / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY 2.0)

France Paris

Where to go for New Year 2020 if not to the most romantic city in Europe? There are illuminations everywhere, Christmas markets (the best are on the Champs Elysees and in the Défense quarter). The aromas of hot wine and roasted chestnuts waft through the streets. Try foie gras, choucroute, maroon glace and fondue. True, the weather is not impressive: it rarely snows, the temperature is up to +5°C, it is quite damp and it can drizzle.

Tours. 5-night trips to Paris and the Cote d'Azur cost from 80 thousand rubles for two.

Flights. A flight from Moscow to Paris and back costs about 16 thousand rubles.

(Photo: colorsoftimeless / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Türkiye, Istanbul

Many people go to Istanbul for the winter holidays: there is good service and various possibilities for relax. New Year is not celebrated as such - it is a holiday for tourists. However, the city is beautifully decorated and hotels, clubs and restaurants offer entertainment.

You can celebrate New Year's Eve on the Galata Bridge, on Istiklal Street, in a hotel, in a club, on a ship, and so on. But dedicate your vacation to the sights - read our big one.

Tours. In addition to Istanbul, you can fly on holiday for the New Year to the resorts: Antalya, Alanya, Side, Kemer and others. Vouchers for 5 nights cost from 58 thousand rubles.

Flights. A flight from Moscow to Istanbul in both directions costs from 10 thousand rubles.

(Photo: Tim Moffatt / flickr.com)

Latvia, Riga

The New Year holidays in Riga are long: both Catholic and Orthodox Christmas is celebrated. A good reason to go to the capital of Latvia! As in other European countries, preparations for Christmas and New Year begin well in advance, around the end of November - beginning of December. The city is gradually “coming to life” with garlands and decorations, main square The Christmas tree is put up and the fair begins. The New Year 2020 itself can be spent in a hotel, restaurant, or just walking around the city - concerts and performances are organized.

The weather in Riga at the end of December is usually pleasant: medieval city covered with a white veil, there may be a slight frost.

Tours. New Year's tour packages to Riga for 4-5 nights cost from 56 thousand rubles.

Flights. To fly to Riga from Moscow and back during the winter holidays, you will have to pay 13 thousand rubles and more.

Hotels. A room in a budget hotel in the city center costs from 30 € per night for two. On average, a New Year's dinner in a restaurant will cost 50-100 € per person, but you can look for cheaper places.

(Photo: Janitors / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY 2.0)

Great Britain, London

Christmas and New Year in London are fabulous: shop windows are beautifully decorated, garlands are hung, fairs with souvenirs and delicacies are open, Christmas carols are sung. Fireworks are set off over the Thames and the chimes of Big Ben strike twelve times at midnight.

In London at the end of December it is relatively warm - an average of +7°C, but due to the humidity the temperature feels different. Freezing at night. It may rain, so take an umbrella. You can visit museums in rainy weather - find out which ones

We don't have long to wait for the New Year to arrive and we are all prepared to celebrate it in different ways - some at home with their family, some with friends somewhere far from home... From this collection you will learn about the most unusual places to celebrate the New Year!

So, we will start from a place where celebrating the New Year is not only unusual, but also completely illogical, although there are people who are interested in celebrating the New Year this way) We are talking about celebrating the New Year in a caravan crossing the Sahara Desert! What is needed for this? Just book a budget desert tour in Morocco (10 days - about $400) and rent a camel, and the desert itself will take care of the rest. Spend some time reflecting on the past year, and then ring in the New Year as loudly as you can, without fear of disturbing anyone, because there is only sand around...

If celebrating the New Year in a noisy company is not for you, you can clean up the house... This is what residents of Edinburgh, Scotland do every Christmas Eve. For what? It turns out that such a “celebration” is dictated by the long-standing Scottish tradition of entering the New Year “fresh”, freed from everything unnecessary that bothered us last year, with the hope that the coming year will be better than the outgoing one

That's why the Scots first thoroughly clean the house, and then send boys into town with sheep skins. They go from house to house, chanting traditional Gaelic tunes and beating the sheepskin with a stick. Fortunately, if all this traditional beating gets boring, there are many parties held on the streets of Scotland, connected, first of all, with the annual lifting of the public ban on drinking alcoholic beverages only for this night) Thus, you can “celebrate” the New Year until 6 o’clock in the morning

Even more strangely, the New Year is celebrated in Venezuela... How do you usually prepare for the New Year? Stock up on food and drinks, buy gifts, maybe take a shower, etc. At this time, Venezuelans wear their best yellow underwear - this is due to the fact that in Venezuela yellow is considered the color of wealth and local residents sincerely believe that such a “tradition” will certainly bring them good luck in the coming year)

Do you want to celebrate the New Year in some magical place? In this case, Goa, the smallest state of India, washed by the waters of the Arabian Sea, may be suitable for you. The climate here is humid, dirty and generally disgusting for six months, but around October everything calms down and the plants very quickly grow to incredible sizes, which makes Goa look like some kind of fairy garden until April, when the next “rainy” period begins. It is not surprising that at this time hippies and just tourists flock here from all over the world in search of a “New Year’s” fairy tale.

The hottest place to celebrate the New Year is, of course, the small island of Guam in Pacific Ocean. January temperatures in this remote corner of our planet reach 80 degrees Celsius, so the main “New Year’s” activities here are diving and swimming, and swimming trunks/shorts or a swimsuit are quite suitable as a holiday costume)

Do you like to celebrate the New Year loudly? Then you have a direct route to Japan! If you immediately imagined crowds of Japanese counting down the last seconds of the passing year with champagne in hand, then you were a little mistaken) In fact, in Japan there is a tradition of welcoming New Year the ringing of bells, and not small bells, but huge temple bells. On New Year's Day, every Japanese temple rings its bells 108 times! Imagine the ringing that arises when, in an instant, thousands of temples scattered across the islands begin to ring their bells...

Don't have enough time to fully celebrate the New Year? Go to China) Although it is worth remembering that New Year's celebrations in China begin only on February 14 (and not on December 31, as we are used to) and last 15 days! During this period of time, all of China is illuminated with red lanterns, and colorful demonstrations roll through the streets in waves. The day before the celebration begins, Chinese families gather for a massive food feast, after which everyone chooses any red item to wear for the entire 15 days of the celebration...

Another Asian country popular with tourists at the end of December is Thailand, in the capital of which, Bangkok, you can celebrate the New Year according to three traditions at once - Western, Chinese and Thai!

The world's largest New Year's party is held in Brazil, on the 4-kilometer Copacabana beach (Rio de Janeiro) and is second in size only to the Brazilian annual Carnival) Last year, the main guest of the New Year's festivities in Brazil was Madonna - this event brought together more than 2 million people dressed in all white and that's not the limit!

Imagine a real living white sea with burning lighters and screens moving to the beat of the music mobile phones, which has no end and edge, add to this a lot of fireworks, continuous dancing and a carnival atmosphere - the result is the most spectacular New Year's party in the world!

One more famous place to celebrate the New Year is New York's Times Square, which has gained worldwide fame for its mass and entertainment festive events

More than a million people come to watch the traditional descent of the crystal ball, accompanied by fireworks, heralding the beginning of the new year!

If you like fireworks (and few people don't), celebrating the New Year in Australia is just for you! After all, Australians are the first on our planet to welcome the coming year, and in order not to lose face, Sydneysiders stage a fireworks show against the backdrop of the Sydney Opera House, which has no equal in scale and beauty anywhere else in the world! More beautiful photos You will find festive fireworks in the photo post New Year's fireworks

It all begins on December 31 at 13.00 with a shot from a cannon installed in the bay, and does not subside until the morning of January 1

Last year, Sydney authorities spent more than $5 million on the New Year's fireworks show, and almost a million local residents and tourists took part in the New Year's celebration - let's see what happens this year)

The best place to celebrate the New Year in the UK is, of course, the Thames embankment in the London Eye, where last year about a million people also gathered for a fascinating fireworks show

Some fireworks are launched directly from Ferris wheel capsules

In fact, there are still many places in the world that gather such huge crowds of people for the New Year, for example Berlin's Brandenburg Gate, or rather the 17th of June street right behind them, where cheerful celebrations with fireworks do not subside all night from December 31st to January 1st, light shows, dancing and beer)

Fireworks against the background of the sculptural group crowning the Brandenburg Gate

The most romantic place to celebrate the New Year is the Parisian Champs Elysees with a view of the Eiffel Tower dressed in a festive “garb” (during the holiday, the lighting of the tower changes dramatically, which is facilitated by the modern luminescence installed on it) and thousands of fireworks flying above it...

Well, the wildest New Year's parties are held, of course, in Las Vegas on the seven-kilometer Strip, where hundreds of thousands of people gather on the evening of December 31 to celebrate Old year and meet the New One as unforgettably as possible!

In addition to the above, there are plenty more interesting places to celebrate the New Year - no one forbids celebrating it, for example, in a secluded house somewhere deep in the mountains, or somewhere else in nature. Where to celebrate the end of 2010 and the beginning of 2011 is up to you, but we want this event to be remembered for something good, unforgettable, and for the next year to make your deepest dreams come true! Happy New Year!

Avid travelers prefer to spend the New Year abroad. Foreign countries They charge you with positive energy and give you a lot of emotions and impressions. Below are the most beautiful cities in which to celebrate the New Year 2020.


In Tbilisi, it is worth celebrating the New Year near the Narikala fortress, from which tourists admire a wonderful view. Then you can visit Freedom Square, where everyone admires the New Year tree. Georgia shines with mouth-watering dishes, so no one will go hungry here. 100 kilometers from Tbilisi is the village of Gudauri, where you can go skiing or snowboarding.


The most beautiful city of Istanbul will give its guests an unforgettable New Year's holiday. You should definitely take a walk along Çakmakçılar Street and then get to the Valide Khan building, which offers a wonderful view of the city. Centers holiday celebrations are Kadikoy district, Pera quarter, Sultanahmet and Taksim squares.


In different areas of Riga on the eve of the New Year, many fairs are open selling amazing gifts, souvenirs, and handicrafts. Tourists are advised to book holiday tables in cafes and restaurants in advance, as Riga's dishes attract many people. The New Year 2020 in the Latvian capital is worth celebrating with a festive fireworks display; joy and fun reign on the city streets until the morning.


A significant part of the festive events takes place on the main square of the most beautiful city of Zagreb (Croatia), on Ban Jelacic Square. On New Year's Eve, popular Croatian singers perform here, and at midnight a stunning fireworks display is displayed over the city. Near the capital of Croatia there are many ski resorts where you can have a great time. The most famous resorts are Slem, Platak and Belolasitsa.


Budapest is the most beautiful city with a rich history and amazing architecture. Experienced tourists advise celebrating the New Year 2020 in the city park, located near Heroes Square. The park has a large hourglass that turns over at 12 o'clock at night. The city has a lot of luxurious bridges from which travelers can observe the grandiose atmosphere of Budapest.


In the capital of Slovakia, from mid-November they begin to organize holiday fairs, where you can enjoy delicious cabbage soup, potato pancakes, and also buy souvenirs. On December 31st, folk music concerts and Christmas choirs perform. Tourists should definitely visit the most famous castle country - Bratislava Castle and find many city sculptures.


The most beautiful city of Prague acquires sophistication and sophistication on New Year's Eve. Vacationers should visit what takes place annually on Old Town Square. Here travelers can buy souvenirs and try Czech delicacies and delicacies. There is a tradition of making a wish on the Charles Bridge, as it always comes true. In Prague, you should try the world's juiciest bagels, sold at the Bohemia Bagel cafe.


Poland is considered one of the most beautiful and inexpensive places to celebrate New Year 2020. You can start a fascinating walk around Warsaw from Krakowskie Przedmieście and Castle Square, where the country's most important Christmas tree is erected.

Original entertainment programs and public festivities take place on Constitution Square and near the Palace of Science and Culture. Tourists can stroll through the Old Town, where there are restaurants, cafes and souvenir shops. The Polish capital is famous for its pedestrian street, the Royal Route, where there are a lot of magnificent cathedrals, palaces and churches.



There is very little time left until the New Year, but you are still not in the festive mood? We have compiled for you a guide to the 20 best venues in the city where you can find that magical feeling of the approaching holiday.

Take part in the carnival, buy gifts, make your own New Year's toy, see the most beautiful Christmas trees, drink hot mulled wine, watch ice ballet or listen to jazz - everyone will find something to their liking.

Gift shop

During the Journey to Christmas festival, Novopushkinsky Square will turn into Royal Square.

It will be decorated with two-meter figures of queens from different eras and cultures, with which guests will be able to take a “royal” selfie. An art object in the form of the famous “Moscow” cake, a dessert symbol of the Russian capital, will be placed here. Here you can also see an upside-down Christmas tree and become the conductor of a cat choir: laser interactive installations of cats perform a concert to classical music and react to movements and touches, changing color and sound. Wooden rocking horses were installed for children.

For those who have not yet found gifts, there will be a fair where they will sell woolen socks, knitted mittens, hats, scarves and snoods, as well as felt Christmas tree decorations.

Where: Novopushkinsky Square

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Royal Square

Novopushkinsky Square, Moscow

Ice Rink, Gift Shop, Theater

On Pushkinskaya Square you can admire the magical forest that will “grow” around the fountain. Street theater actors will perform several performances and perform performances, in which spectators will also be invited to participate. On weekends and holidays there will be a special Christmas program from circus and dance groups.

You can also rent skates here for free. Experienced instructors will help children who are just mastering the skill of skating.

In the fair houses you will be offered to try traditional Russian cuisine and choose New Year's decorations.

Where: Pushkinskaya Square

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Gift shop

Big fair will unfold at Muzeon. Here you can choose a fluffy Christmas tree and gifts: holiday decorations, designer clothes, warm felt boots, mittens, sweaters from Scandinavia and much more. In addition, you can make a unique gift with your own hands at numerous master classes: for example, you can come up with and make your own snowman or Christmas tree toy.

Every day during the fair, everyone will be taught how to play unusual games: gigantoball, broomball, felt shooting range, slingshot with plush toys, box hockey, frisbee golf and ogosport.

Musicians and DJs are responsible for the festive atmosphere. The food court, which will delight you with gingerbread cookies, hot tea, burgers and pancakes, will also help create a festive mood.

Where: Muzeon Park

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Museum, Galleries and Exhibitions

Towards the end of the Year of Literature, an exhibition dedicated to Nikolai Gogol’s story “The Night Before Christmas” will open at the Battle of Borodino Panorama Museum.

Publications will be presented here different years: from the very first, published back in 1832, to modern editions with colorful illustrations. Costumes of that era, combined with household items and views of St. Petersburg at the beginning of the 19th century, will allow visitors to plunge into the time when Nikolai Vasilyevich created his story.

Cinema of the 20th century could not ignore Gogol’s colorful, picturesque and adventure-filled work. Both cartoons and film adaptations appeared. Visitors will get acquainted with preparatory materials for filming in the 1960s, and will also see fragments of the film and the cartoon of the same name on the screen of a reconstructed Soviet cinema.

Where: Panorama Museum “Battle of Borodino”

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Soviet era on diversity Christmas decorations is in no way inferior to the era of imperial Russia. The State Darwin Museum will tell you what themes and images in the design of Christmas tree decorations were popular in Soviet times. The exhibition features more than a hundred Christmas tree decorations from the 1930s to the 1960s, New Year cards and carnival masks.

You will be able to see traditional five-pointed stars and space-themed toys, which became popular after Gagarin’s flight. Also presented here is a collection of toys based on Pushkin’s fairy tales, released in 1955 for the 120th anniversary of Alexander Sergeevich. Remember the song about the five minutes left until the New Year? The clock counting down this time from the movie “Carnival Night” can also be seen in the exhibition. And, of course, a variety of products made from cotton wool, glass and foam.

Where: State Darwin Museum

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Concert hall

V Moscow international festival Christmas Fest will be held at the Moscow International House of Music from December 17 to January 10. One of the most popular festivals every year delights its guests with the best musical groups.

The program opens with the Moscow Russian Philharmonic Orchestra with conductor Dmitry Yurovsky. This evening they will perform two versions of the famous ode “To Joy” by Friedrich Schiller: Symphony No. 9 by Ludwig van Beethoven with a final chorus on the ode and a cantata by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky on the words of the same ode for four soloists, choir and orchestra.

On January 8, you will be able to hear a concert by one of the most famous jazz pianists, Daniil Kramer. He will play with his jazz trio.

And on December 22 they will show the children's ballet “12 months” to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky staged by the State Classical Ballet Ensemble “Russian Seasons”

Where: Moscow International House of Music

Gift shop

Holiday Fair on Manezhnaya Square will be divided into 11 time zones, and each fair house will present products from the best producers of one of the regions of the country.

There will also be an interactive exhibition where you can take a trip into history and compare your New Year's gifts with those that Moscow residents received at the beginning of the 20th century. Or receive New Year greetings, for example, from Catherine the Great or the head of state of the Soviet era.

If you don’t know what to cook for the New Year’s table, come to the fair for recipes for festive dishes from the 19th or early 20th centuries.

Where: Manezhnaya Square

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Ice rink

“Island of the Enchanted Forest” - a large skating rink on Revolution Square - one of the main venues of the “Journey to Christmas” festival. From December 18 to January 10, an ice ballet choreographed by figure skater Pyotr Chernyshev will be shown here twice a day.

The atmosphere of the holiday is perfectly conveyed by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s ballets “The Nutcracker” and “Swan Lake”. The first one can be seen during the day, and the second one in the evening. Russian and foreign figure skating stars take part in the performances, and the stands can accommodate up to 3,000 spectators.

Festival guests will be able to skate on the ice in the morning and between performances. A warm locker room and skate rentals will also be organized there.

In the Enchanted Forest, street theater actors will also stage interactive performances with the participation of everyone. Like many other venues, you will be able to purchase New Year’s decorations and souvenirs at Revolution Square.

Where: Revolution Square

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Enchanted Forest Island

Revolution Square, Moscow

Twelve houses will be erected at the Island of Mastery festival. In each of them you can see the work of a master. A blacksmith will forge a horseshoe for good luck, a potter will fashion a pot or plate in front of you. All these amazing handmade things can be purchased here.

If you have long wanted to try to create something with your own hands, then come to themed “alphabet” master classes. Each letter of the alphabet is a master class in a specific craft. Every day, masters conduct classes whose names begin with a certain letter: A - applique, B - beading, C - knitting, G - pottery, and so on.

For those who believe in omens, the main art object of the fair will be erected - a huge horseshoe, with which you can take a photo.

Where: st. Nikolskaya

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Island of Mastery

Nikolskaya, Moscow

Gift shop

A real Italian courtyard will be set up on the site in front of the Bolshoi Theater, where you can not only watch performances, but also become actors in musical productions of fairy tales. Museum named after M.I. Glinka will also open its branch on the square. This exhibition will show visitors how musical instruments from China, Africa and many other countries work.

The fair on this “island” is also themed. Here you can purchase a variety of sheet music or even choose your own musical instrument taste. If you prefer to enjoy music performed by musicians rather than play it yourself, then be sure to purchase vinyl records. Books on the history of music or unusual music boxes would be an excellent gift.

Where: Theater Square

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Gift Shop, Workshop

The carnival fair and master classes on making masks will be held on Kamergersky Lane. Here you will also be able to buy theatrical and national costumes, masks and other carnival attributes.

At the author's master classes, guests will be taught how to operate puppets, make theatrical puppets and masks, and will also reveal the secrets of creating the most unusual holiday outfits and makeup. Original and spectacular photographs can be taken with tantamaresques from famous theater performances - at photo booths with a hole for the face.

Where: Kamergersky Lane

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Gift Shop, Workshop

This site is dedicated to the main symbol of the New Year and Christmas - the Christmas tree. There are seven of them on the “Island of the Festive Tree,” and on them the capital’s designers compete in the art of decoration.

Embassies will present their vision of the ideal holiday tree different countries and fashion brands. Festival guests will be told how to decorate a homemade holiday tree in an unusual and tasteful way.

Here you will also be able to choose Christmas tree decorations and holiday decor items, original gifts for the whole family, which you can immediately pack: there is a packaging center on site.

In addition, everyone will be able to make a gift for themselves and their loved ones; master classes on making New Year's toys and souvenirs will help them with this.

Where: Kuznetsky Most, 6/3, square in front of TsUM

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Holiday Tree Island

Kuznetsky Most, 6/3, Moscow

Gift shop

On the “Island of Sweet Tooths” you will be able to try sweets from all over the world.

Visitors can expect real Russian chocolate, Italian cannoli, Japanese seaweed sweets, and oriental baklava. The aroma of homemade baking will reign on the site: every day pies and homemade bread will be baked in a real Russian oven, and master classes from bakers and confectioners will be held.

And on the “Island of Oriental Sweets” oriental delicacies, exotic spices, pastries and souvenirs will be sold. There you can watch a fire show and even ride a camel. In addition, there will be a Christmas tree market, a Baklava photo booth and an exhibition of paintings on the island.

Where: “Island of the Sweet Tooth” on Klimentovsky Lane, “Island of Oriental Sweets” on Semenovskaya Square

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Sweet Tooth Island

Island of oriental sweets

Semenovskaya Square, Moscow

Sweet Tooth Island

Klimentovsky Lane, Moscow


During New Year's holidays street actors will present more than 10 unique programs. Theater groups will entertain guests at the Journey to Christmas festival venues. On the opening day they will gather on Pushkin Square.

The main participants of the festival will be the street theaters “Svetlitsa”, Paranorma and Pololo, and the headliner will be “Fire People”. The artists of this group will try on the images of fjoks - the inhabitants of the snowy New Year's islands.

Fjoki swirl among the audience, glow mysteriously and look like huge living brushes. They unexpectedly explode firecrackers and create a hurricane of confetti,” says Gera Spichkin, co-founder of the Fire People theater.

The Paranorma group will perform the play “Snowy Blizzard”. Its participants combine choreography, acrobatics and vocals using designer images in the show. Artists from the Pololo Theater together with the Santa Claus orchestra will march in a parade from Novopushkinsky Square to Pushkinskaya Square.

Where: Pushkinskaya Square, Novopushkinsky Square

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The Christmas nativity scene is a small theater made of three-dimensional figures dedicated to the theme of Christmas. The festival will bring together many of the most unusual incarnations of the same scene.

It will also be possible to watch such performances live; all shows will be free.

Where: Vadkovsky lane, 3

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Nativity scene festival "Old New Year"

Vadkovsky Lane, 3, Moscow

Gift shop

If you celebrated every New Year at the festive table with your family and relatives, then you probably at least once thought about a more interesting and new option for celebrating the New Year holidays.

We invite you to consider a list of cities in the world that will give you such a New Year's Eve that you will remember your whole life and tell your grandchildren about the adventures that these fabulous places will undoubtedly give you.

New York, USA

Many New Year's American films show us the events that take place in New York. And this is not without reason, because this metropolis becomes the village of Santa Claus on holidays. There are a lot of people walking around here dressed up in different fairy tale characters, music plays in the streets, beautiful illumination illuminates the Manhattan building, and all the shops are decorated with hundreds of lights.

Directly on New Year's Eve, you can go to Times Square and watch an amazing snowfall of colorful confetti, show programs of popular celebrities, a laser show, and a crystal ball that descends from a skyscraper and symbolizes the beginning of the New Year. To get to this action you will have to buy a ticket for $350. In addition, you can go to Gotham Hall, where you will pay about 200-300 dollars for admission and experience the role of Disney cartoon characters.

The best nightclubs of this city are represented by New Year's programs for your guests. By the way, we can say that admission to the party will cost only about $130. And, of course, you can always celebrate the New Year in a chic restaurant overlooking central park or Manhattan.

Rome, Italy

Since Rome is the capital of the Catholic world, this status requires preparation in Rome for the New Year holidays several months in advance. St. Paul's Cathedral is a particular attraction for locals and tourists because it hosts the Christmas Mass, which is not easy to get to, but does not take away from the traditional street religious processions. During the New Year holidays, this city is famous for its various Christmas markets, where you can buy wonderful gifts for your family and friends. There are great Christmas promotions and discounts in stores at this time.

As a rule, after the family New Year's feast, city residents continue the celebration in local restaurant or walk the streets of Rome until the morning. Actually, to central squares and we recommend going to celebrate the New Year. A variety of music is played here: jazz, classical, rock and much more. The most popular square among city guests and local residents is called Piazza del Popolo. By the way, don’t worry about being cold outside at night – it’s winter in Rome average temperature is +9 degrees Celsius.

Prague, Czech Republic

According to many tourists, Prague is interesting on any holiday and time of year. But on New Year's holidays this city acquires a special atmosphere and transforms even more. In the Czech Republic, on the eve of the New Year, another significant holiday takes place - St. Sylvester. Therefore, Czechs have several reasons to have fun at the same time. On New Year's Day, you can easily go to a restaurant and join a completely unfamiliar company.

You will spend about 100 euros per person on such fun, but there will be more than enough drinks and food. And the most desired dish on the Czech holiday table is lentils and baked carp with apples. These dishes symbolize attracting happiness in the coming year. And remember, if you serve a bird, it will quickly fly away, taking good luck with it!

There is also another unique place: Old Town Square, which is visited a large number of people to listen to the chimes. This night brings everyone together and makes them friends, so get ready for hugs, singing and dancing. If you want a more relaxed atmosphere, then head to Wenceslas Square. And one more thing: finally, at the end New Year's Eve don’t forget to touch the statue of John of Nepomnutsky and, of course, make a wish. Local residents assure that in this way it will definitely come true. Come here and you will have pleasant and fantastic memories of New Year celebrations.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

For lovers of real summer fun and those who can't get enough sun, we recommend this option. Rio de Janeiro is a city of festivals, constant movement and carnivals. New Year's celebrations are no exception. It’s not without reason that about 700,000 tourists come here during this period, and the city authorities allocate huge amounts of funding to surprise them. Rio also hosts a carnival, which is accompanied by loud music and fireworks. Christmas tree is also in motion: it is launched into the water on a special raft amid stunning fireworks.

One of the most exciting shows in the world is the 20-minute fireworks display on Copacabana (the famous beach South America). Come here with your family, friends and family, or even with friends, fun is guaranteed!

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

This country combines centuries-old traditions well, high level service, modernity and Arab culture. United Arab Emirates Considered a world center for tourism and trade. And the city of Dubai itself is so beautiful that you can have a good time and celebrate holidays all year round. The Velvet season here it starts in December, the heat goes away and weather appears with a pleasant temperature below +30 degrees Celsius. And on New Year and Christmas, stores really surprise you with crazy discounts and great offers.

You can spend New Year's Eve in one of numerous clubs or restaurants, go to a sand quarry and ski, visit the Bedouins, go to an emerald oasis, or just take a walk around festive city. And if you are a snow lover, we recommend heading to the center of Dubai, where a large indoor ski center is located at your service.

Sydney, Australia

In this country, the New Year begins earlier than in other places. globe. This continent seems to be the starting point for everyone else to celebrate. The surprising thing is that such a “winter” holiday takes place here in the midst of summer. The whole of Australia is replete with a large number various events: sports competitions, concerts, chants, outdoor fun.

A huge highlight is undoubtedly the largest fireworks display on the planet. It launches in Sydney Harbour. Tourists claim that such a spectacle has no equal on Earth. Therefore, no one is upset about New Year's traffic jams, noise, high prices, crowds of people who number 1.5 million come to Sydney for such a fireworks display. Each year the fireworks display has a different theme.

Finland, Rovaniemi

Everyone knows that Finland is considered the most New Year's country in the world. Here everything around is covered with snow, you can ride a sleigh pulled by a couple of reindeer all day and night, or visit winter fishing. But the main attraction is the presence of Father Frost’s colleague here – foreign Santa Claus.

We definitely recommend going to his residence. This pleasure will cost you about 60 euros per person. And when you return, take a look at the farm where they breed a lot of huskies. They are located near every tourist town. The price for this is 75 euros and if you want you can even buy yourself a dog.

Georgia, Tbilisi

Tourists fall in love with Georgia literally immediately. Everything here is amazing and unique. And most importantly, you don't need a visa. You can spend a few days unforgettably: ski on snow-capped peaks, pick spring primroses, take shelter from the rain in an ancient castle or monastery, have a picnic on the grass and walk on the hot sand Black Sea coast Colchis.

There, even in December, you can sunbathe and pick ripe tangerines and lemons without any problems. In addition, there are hospitable, wonderful people everywhere here who will tell you about their country, treat you to delicacies in the most cozy and friendly restaurants, let you taste the best homemade wines and make a lot of efforts to make everyone feel like a welcome guest.

Vietnam, Phan Thiet

Vietnam is the complete opposite of the usual idea of ​​New Year holidays. But this option will also appeal to you if you are a lover of variety or exoticism. This is where you will find them. After all, the entire history of this amazing country is built on stories and legends, landscapes incredible beauty, the cuisine is quite unique, as in all Asian countries, and the beauty of the underwater world will take the breath away of even the most avid diver. You can celebrate the New Year at the resort of Phan Thiet on the white beach.

Austria Vienna

Although Vienna is a small city, there is plenty of diversity here. If you come here a little earlier, you can see Christmas markets, buy all kinds of handmade toys, taste gingerbread and drink hot mulled wine. And you can celebrate the New Year itself in some coffee shop or restaurant, which are unique here and have the best chefs.

This city is very cozy and compact; in just a couple of hours you can stroll through snow-covered parks, see the Gothic style of St. Stephen's Cathedral, as well as the Baroque of local churches, and just see all the luxury and grandeur of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. You can also see the palaces and warm up a little in a small restaurant. And if you stay a little, you can get to the Viennese ball, where you can dance your heart out. If you choose to stay in this country to celebrate the New Year holidays, then here you will spend some of the most unforgettable and wonderful days of your life. The atmosphere of fairy tales and magic, happiness and great fun reigns here! You need to visit such a place at least once in your life beautiful country, and on New Year’s Day it is especially warm, cozy and colorful here.

In this article, we have shown you that New Year and Christmas can be celebrated in different parts of the world and on any budget. If you choose a place to celebrate, pay attention to cities such as Nuremberg, Hong Kong, Reykjavik, Salzburg and London. At the same time, almost all cities in the world are transformed for the New Year and Christmas in different ways.

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